初中写可爱的小狗英语作文通用十篇 作文【合集20篇】







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Such a movie called “Growing Pains” seems full of knowledge and experience.

So it does because all of us have growing pains and also growing gains in our


Growing up is not a very enjoyable time. It means I have to work hard in

studying and in family. There’s always so much homework given by teachers and so

many arguments between the parents and me. The time is fair, but it seems it

gives pains three quarters and only one quarter to gains.

But gains give me power and confidence. Successes and friendship make me

happy and enjoyable. We played with snow in the winter that seldom snows, we

flew kites in the night that usually belongs to homework, we ate several ice

creams that almost made us cold. We picked up leaven that no longer high up!

Although pains are always more than gains, I believe both of them make my

life more colorful.



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Summer holidday is coming.I have a good plan for it.My best friend Tony who

is from Britain will spend the holiday with mw.Tom is 17 years old ,he like

China very much.One week ago,I wrote him a letter,inviting him to come to Dalian

for the holidays.Tony has accepted my invitation and will fly to Dalian next

week.I will go to the airport to pick him up.Then well show him around the

city.Well go to the beach to watch the sea first.Then well visit some

insteresing places.Tony will live in my house during the holiday.I hope well

have a good time.



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The new year is coming, it means that I am older, I am not the little girl any more, I must make something different from the old me. Before, I was so lazy to do the housework, when my mother asked me to do it, I would make some excuses and then ran away. Now I need to learn to take some responsibility, I should share the housework and relieve my mother’s burden. The new year gives me the new task, I must learn to broaden my vision and gain the knowledge, so that I can make some progress. I am so happy that I am older and grow up, I want to become mature and let my parents be proud of me.





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"Qingming Festival is one of the most important traditional festival China.

It is not only the people pay homage to their ancestors, cherish the memory of

their ancestors Festival, is also the Chinese nations link to find ones

origin, is a hiking outing, close to nature, protecting the new spring


As an important content of the festival Ching Ming Festival sacrifice,

outing custom comes from the cold food festival, Shangsi festival. The cold food

festival and the understanding of the nature of the. In China, cold food after

the rebirth of the new fire is a kind of new transition ceremony, said the

seasonal alternation information, a symbol of starting the new season, new hope,

new life, new cycle. Then there is the "thanksgiving" means, more emphasis on

the "past" Remembrance and gratitude. Cold food observance ban fire cold food

festival tomb sweeping outing travel, take new fire. Before the Tang Dynasty,

cold and clarity is the two successive but the theme of different festivals, the

former Qiu Xin Memorial nostalgia, the nursing students; Yin and Yang, a breath

of life, the two have close relationship with the. Fire ban is for fire,

sacrifice to the Archilife dead, it is cold and clear the inherent cultural

association. Tang Xuanzong, the court had to order in the form of folk customs

in the Ching Ming Festival fixed sweep the tombs of the cold food festival,

Hanshi and Qingming is closely connected with in time, cold food festival and

Qingming associated with early, sweep the tombs from the extended to the

Qingming cold food.



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January 21

It was cooler than yesterday. One of my father’s friends invited me to eat red bayberries. You must know it is unusual. Because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries. There is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don’t live in Beijing. On the hill, you can breathe the fresh air, you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries. It was enjoyable. It is said there are wild pigs in the hill. What a beautiful natural.

January 22

Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won’t stay to wait for somebody. You can’t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won’t leave them more. Today I found I hadn’t enough time. Although I have 50-day holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I had something necessary to do.

January 23

I have rested for 10 days. In these days, I felt very bored. I didn’t know to do what. Although I had a lot of things to do, I felt uncomfortable. I was ill because of the cold weather. I was tired, sleepy and had no strength. My parents are worried about my health. in fact, it didn’t matter. I was always in the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature. So when I went out, the high temperature disagreed to me. Finally, I was ill.



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外面的风呼呼的刮着,如同恶魔在咆哮一般,大雪好似鹅毛般落下,如同要把这大地吞噬了一般,我紧裹着衣服不想从教室中出去,但眼看天已经渐渐黑下来 了,只得硬着头皮冲了出去,一股冷风吹过,寒气直侵入骨头,然后慢慢地在身体内扩散,好象马上整个人都成了冰块,好似那寒冷已经侵如心脾,血液也凝固住 了。

街上已是空无一人,各家各户的门窗都紧紧的闭锁着,我抱紧身子也赶忙往家中跑去,约莫走了有五六分钟吧,忽然看见前面的地上有几个黑色的点在移 动,好奇的忙奔上前去,才发现原来是一只斑点,身上的毛色多与雪较相近从远处看去便如同白色的宣纸上滴上了几滴浓重的黑墨一般。浑身哆哆嗦嗦蜷在一起。

我从小便甚是喜欢小狗,看它可怜,便把口袋中仅剩的半根火腿肠伸到了它的面前,它微微的抬了抬头看了看,又伸过鼻子来嗅了嗅,然后又抬起头来看 了看我。我忽然发觉这只狗可真有灵性啊!便点头示意一下又将手向它跟前近了近,它一口咬下便吃了起来,看着它狼吞虎咽的吃着我笑了笑转身便也走了。


冷风嗖嗖地刮着,如同刀子一般打在脸上生疼生疼,这可恶的天气怎会如此的寒冷,我的四肢已被冻得没有知觉了,剁了跺脚抖了抖手继续向前奔去。当 然,我也会时不时的转身看看那只小斑点狗,它仍旧跟在我的身后,只是原本便很瘦小的它此时却已经如同一个年迈的老人一般慢慢悠悠、哆哆嗦嗦,身体上已经被 雪盖满了,好似一只纯白的“小博美犬”。我不忍心看它受冻,便想用手轻轻将它身上的雪拍落,当碰触到它的身体时才发现他白色的长毛已经变成了一根根坚硬的 “绣花针”。我赶忙抱起了它,这才惊奇地发现它不是一般的瘦小,对比来看,它约莫只有我两个手掌大小,身体轻得可怕,我真不知道它是如何存活下来的?如果 遇不到我它能熬过这个冬天吗?我取下了自己的围巾,一阵冷风吹入脖颈我不由自主地打了个冷颤,却也顾不上许多,用围巾紧紧地包裹住它将它抱在怀里向家跑 去,发觉到它在我怀里瑟瑟发抖,我的手也不由地紧了紧。





我看着以前拍的你和我的照片,你总是那么的活泼可爱,我一张又一张的翻遍了我们所有的照片,忽然内心轻轻的荡漾了一下紧接着又泛起汹涌的波涛。 双眼望着照片,内心一阵疼痛,“人,狗,世间万事万物真是我们看到的这样的吗?哎······”我嘴角扯出一丝莫名的笑,静静伫立了一会儿,转身离去了······



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Live with thankfulness

Do you know Thanksgiving Day? Do you know why human thankGod?

Thanksgivingfalls on the fourth Thursday of November, a different date everyyear. The President must proclaim that date as the officialcelebration.

Thanksgivingis a time for tradition and sharing. Even if they live far away,family members gather for a reunion at the house of an olderrelative. All give thanks together for the good things that theyhave.

In thisspirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offera traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. Onmost tables throughout the United States, foods eaten at the firstthanksgiving have become traditional.

What shouldwe thank?



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One day, I met a puppy on the road, and I thought the puppy was so cute that I took it.

At home, I treat my puppy as a friend, and it doesnt feel a little strange to me. We get along well. It is covered with black and white hair, watery eyes are very spiritual, the nose is black, as long as the smell a bit of flavor, it will follow the aroma to find, until they find out things far away. The puppy also had a very fond little mouth. As long as it saw my mom bought it from the farm, she just followed my mothers side. She was afraid that my mother would hide the meat that she had bought, but she didnt leave the meat for a moment. The tail of a puppy is very interesting. Long, like a whip with a pile, it will swing with its head swing and sometimes it will feel rhythmic. The dogs stomach is also very different, unlike the usual small oval puppy, but pure round, like a big watermelon like hanging.

The dog has been in my house for a long time, and we have established a deep feeling. We are like a friend like a friend.



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Promise is very important, I hate people who break their promise, the one

who can’t keep his promise is not reliable. Once, my friend asked me to his

company him, because he was alone at home, his parents were busy with their

work. At first, I said yes to him, but at that day, I had a lot of things to do,

when I finished all the things, I found it was dark. I started to hesitated, I

wanted to give up to company my friend, thinking about his disappointed face,

finally, I decided to keep my words. When my friend saw me, he was very happy.

He said she believed me would come, I never let him down.



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Do you agree that your parents have a second child? Different students have

different opinions about it.

Some students agree with the idea. They think, if so, they wont feel

lonely and there will always be someone to play with. Besides, if their parents

get older or ill, they can take turn to look after them. However, some students

disagree. They worry that they will get less love from their parents if another

child comes to the family. Whats worse, they may not get along well, or even

fight against each other.

As for me, Id love to have a brother or sister as company, so that we can

share our happiness and sorrow anytime.



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Since the first day of my winter vacation, I’ve decided to make it a

valuable and enjoyable one. I made a plan to finish my homework within the first

week, and after days of hard working, I actually got all my assignments done a

day earlier. I am pretty proud of myself for not —as usual —hang out with my

friends until the last few days of my vacation and rush through my homework.

In the rest of my winter vacation, I made up my mind to improve my reading

skills. I’ve had tons of books that I simply bought and put them on my shelf,

wishing some day they would be finished themselves. But this time, I realized I

was not trying my best last term and decided to make some change. I finished a

couple of novels and watched some classic movies, I also went to a library to

borrow some new books for next term. The more I read the more enthusiastic I

became, and now I’ve developed my reading skills a lot.

Another event in my winter vacation is that I went to hiking with my

parents. It was a warm, sunny day, which is pretty precious during winter time.

I can still remember the scene when we drove



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There are various kinds of jobs in the world, but different people are

attracted by different jobs because everyone has his own interest and

destination. Many people consider an ideal job as a means of making more money

and living more comfortably. It may sound reasonable because money is the

foundation of life.

As far as my ideal job is concerned, I think I want to be a psychologist, I

have made up my mind to do what I really want to so that I can realize my ideal,

I believe interest is of the utmost importance in choosing a job, I have been

interested in psychology for a long time, so I want to be a psychologist in the

future, I think being a psychologist can help lots of people lead a happier


However, it isnt easy for me to become a qualified psychologist and many

people around me think that its unrealistic to me. NevertheLess, Ill make

every effort to gain much more knowLedge, patience, methods, etc. to live up to

the name of a qualified psychologist. I believe my dream will come true




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My Bedroom

I have a beautiful and sweet bedroom. My mother decorates it for me. She always says that a girl deserves a bedroom like a princess. The main colors of my room are pink and white. The wall, the bed and the chest are pink. And the desk is white. The curtains are beautiful with lovely followers on them. Every day when I open my eyes, I feel happy and beloved. I clean my room often and tidy my things up. I don’t want it become dirty or in a mess. I am thankful to my parents.





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The year of 2015 is coming now,and now I have made my new year plan as follows:

In this year,I want to improve my English and Chinese,because I am not good at them,and I am not good at writing too.I want to spend a lot of time on them to practise .I will try my best .

I want to learn how to swim better this summer,because swimming is a good way to keep healthy.There is a swimming pool near our school .

I will go there with my best friend after school.He will help me .We‘ll have a good time.
