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Today, when I read the newspaper, I saw a piece of interesting news, it said that a foreign boy who was in high school, he earned a lot of money by selling snacks in the school, because the school did not allow students to bring snacks for the purpose of their health, so the boy started to bring some snacks to the school and sell them to other students in a secret way. But the principle found his business recently and took away his snacks. I admire the little boy, he is so clever, he started to make money so early, I believe he will be a successful guy one day.





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My familys name is white. The white snow is as clean and white as snow. Eyes like ruby dazzling, in vain and a pair of agile ears, four chubby little claws. Very cute!

I love it very much. I am responsible for all my meals. Every time I go to the meal time is the most happy when the white, every time I will give the best meal to eat in vain, I put it to the end of it, it will be happy to jump up, like a few days did not eat like , Greedy saliva have flowed out from the mouth, and see the white with relish to eat food, my heart Le opened the flowers! In vain has been raised my white fat!

Every time I came home from school, I ran back and forth in vain, as if to say: "little master, hug me." I quickly put down the bag to hold it, it is warm, so I felt the slightest Warm and infinite happiness. Every time I am upset, in vain to immediately ran over, amused me laugh! I saw my smile in vain, he was happy with it! I became a pair of the most friendly friend! In vain has become my home "blessed with the same Enjoy, there is a difficult when "a member of the!

Once, because the family of cabbage is not much, I want to eat slowly to eat, put the cabbage to the white mouth, may be too hungry, it accidentally to my hand to bite. Grandfather angry to kill in vain, rabbit meat has become a delicious food on the table, I was too sorry to eat, until now I still miss the lovely white.

In vain, may you live happier in paradise!



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My family has a black and white kitten, it has a pair of big eyes and pointed ears. I gave it a name, called flowers. It is the most favorite fish.

Once again, I came back from school, saw it sleeping at the table, eating, I threw a fish bones to go, flowers came over, eating fish bones, they issued a creak sound, as if to say; "really delicious."

My cat is very cute, I see this cat is very lovable.



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1. 你将拥有的家庭比你出身的那个家庭重要。

2. 当全世界的人都在笑你时,家不会;当全世界的人都看不起你时,家不会。家就是家,它只会收留你,只会包容你,这是它的本能,家的本能。

3. 金窝,银窝,不如自家的草窝。

4. 家,是归来时爱人递过来的一双拖鞋;家,是孩子蹦跳着贴进怀中的笑脸;家,是餐桌上冒着热气的一羹一饭;家,是床头灯辉映下透着甜蜜的双人床……

5. 呆长了,就腻了;离久了,便想了,这,就是家世上的一切东西,都在悄没生息地变化着,有的甚至已面目全非,只有家依旧。

6. 家庭的温馨每个人都想拥有的,因为每个人都拥有美好的家庭、幸福的家庭、快乐的家庭!

7. 互相信任才算好伙伴,互相关心才算幸福的家庭。

8. 这样美好、幸福、快乐的家庭温馨,您全能感受的到吗?这全都是我深深感受到的。家庭的温馨的回忆都是永远的记忆在我的脑海里,而且我有时候每时每刻都想起了家庭的温馨是永远使这个家庭永远都是幸福的家庭!

9. 一个中心:一切以健康为中心。两个基本点:遇事潇洒一点,看世糊涂一点。三个忘记:忘记年龄,忘记过去,忘记恩怨。四个拥有:拥有真正爱你的人,拥有知心的朋友,拥有向上的事业,拥有温暖的家庭。

10. 幸福的家庭生活给我带来了温馨。在我家里,每到吃晚饭的时候,就有筷子声在动来动去,这不是馋嘴,而是我们把菜夹给对方,让他吃多点好东西,这就是我家的幸福带来温馨的家庭。这个家庭生活给我感受到了家庭原来是那么的温馨。您又能感受到吗?

11. 昏暗的路灯掩盖着老家的疲惫,黑夜的幕布遮饰了老家的孤独,老家是孤独的,它的孤独犹如一眼泉水,虽然看似只有这么一小块,但却永远也捞不尽,流不干。老家的孤独来自于其内心,也牵动着老家的人。

12. 即使你多有钱,多有才华,一天工作、学习后回家,家里没有人,一种莫名的寂寞涌上心头。家人总在我们最困难的时候挺身而出,帮助我们,让我们心中充满温暖,再大的困难也迎刃而解。我会珍惜和家人在一起的每一分每一秒,因为这是最快乐的时光,将会成为我最美好的回忆。

13. 无论是国王还是农夫,家庭和睦是最幸福的。

14. 家是什么?冷不丁的,常常会这么问。能避风、能遮雨、有灯光、有温暖的地方就是家。

15. 让孩子感到家庭是世界上最幸福的地方,这是以往有涵养的大人明智的做法。这种美妙的家庭情感,在我看来,和大人赠给孩子们的那些最精致的礼物一样珍贵。

16. 家就是家,无论贫富,它都是你唯一的家。虽然它一直都是默默无语,但它的位置,却什么都不能代替。

17. 家是那么的温暖!无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形,可以调素琴、阅金经,斯是陋室,惟吾德馨!家——充满了幸福!

18. 家,是每个人的避风港;家,是每个人的心灵寄托处;家,让每个人找到温暖的感觉,我也不例外。在我们家中,到处充满了爱:爱怜、爱抚、爱护、爱戴。我就生活在这充满爱的小屋中。天冷了,妈妈给我添衣;天热了,爸爸为我摇扇;夜晚,妈妈、爸爸给我盖被子……这一个个细节,都温暖着我!

19. 家,是受委屈后的避风港。如果工作不顺心,世事不如意,在外受了委屈,回到家里,便如船回到避风港里,外界风浪再大,港内终是波轻浪微。你平安地调节好情绪,第二天,再继续奋进、继续努力。

20. 家是姑娘的监狱,女人的教养院。

21. 家,是浓浓的爱语;家,是絮絮的唠叨;家,是一页一页翻过去的琐碎的日子;家,是一串串穿起挂在房檐下的红辣椒……

22. 家是温馨的港湾,容纳漂泊的灵魂;家是如伞的大树,遮挡酷夏的骄阳;家是清凉的雨丝,拂去疲惫的征尘;家是永远的牵挂,珍藏幸福的存根。

23. 你能深深感受到家庭的温馨吗?我就能深深感受到了家庭的温馨,在我家里,每个人都是快快乐乐的,非常的可爱。



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Stationery, we are very familiar with, some people like bags, some people like pencil cases, some people like pencils, and some people like rubber, but I like my "pet" - small rabbit.

It was that time I went to my mother unit, my mother gave me, so far, it is intact. Its color is red, far from a look, like wearing a red coat, sort of a small. It looks very gentle, lying on the ground like a red blanket. Its head with a pair of big ears, a pair of bright eyes below the red nose, there are long beard, limbs are golden, chest still holding a golden ingot, which says a " Blessing "word.

It is not only peculiar shape, or my little partner in my life. Whenever I am sad, it seems to be comforting, "Do not be sad, every day to be happy, okay?" Whenever this time I will be very happy. Remember that once, I test the test of 100 points, after returning home, I am happy to the rabbit said: "I test 100 points", as if the little rabbit and said to me: "I am happy for you, but not proud ah! "Look at the little rabbit and lovely and calm expression, I suddenly converged my excitement, I thought Bunny said, if I am proud, then I next test bad, I am very grateful to the rabbit can be timely remind me!

This is my little rabbit, do you like it?



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One day, the fawn to another forest to take a walk. The fawn surprised to think: "hey, how do the trees here only the stumps, become bare?" Suddenly, the deer heard a cry, and it went down crying, the original small animals in the forest near the stump cry, cry very sad!

The deer walks to the small animals and ask: "why are you crying?" Little monkey and said: "the trees here grow CongCongLongLong, the branch is very tall and straight, we can free to play, play in the branches, now trees are being cut off, we didnt play place, let us how sport?" The words sound just fell, the small white rabbit said: "before we have the green grass, now has been cut off, havent got the fresh mushrooms on the grass, we have no food, how life ah!" At this moment, the bird to fly, said: "before the branches is our home, but now the branches have no, were homeless, told us how to live!"

Fawn looked up at the sky and prayed silently: "human! You dont hurt them, to help them quickly! Give them a happy peaceful home!"






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In everyone’s life, most people have some experience and career which are affected by someone. It is difficult for you to forget them and what they affected you because they have taught you something of importance in your life, also it changed your life. It is difficult for me to forget that my older sister who is 4-year older than me has taught me something which were important in my life.

It is fortunate thing for me that I have two sisters, and they are all my loved ones. When I was child, I was jealous of another children who have older brother. When they got some trouble with other another children who has no older brother, they let their older brother to help them and they always got win even though they were wrong. This thought was ridiculous when I recognized that having an older sister is wonderful thing for me especially when I was youth.

In my memory, my older sister was a pretty and not tall girl when she was in high school, and she had two long braids. She got a job when she just graduated for senior high school because my mother’s health was not in good situation and she though that she should earn some money to reduce my parents afford. I was in junior high school when she got her job. I was clever and excellent student when I was in elementary school. But when I was in junior high school, everything was totally changed, I was also clever but I could not get good grade, I was confused and disappointment. My sister advised me to change my study method. She told me that you should not think that finishing your homework is only one thing you need to do after school. You are in high school now, you need to study your textbook more and think about some question more. In order to help me to do it effectively, she studied with me and explained some question for me after her work.




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As the saying goes: snow is a symbol of winter. This is good, you see, yesterday the weather is cloudy, maybe it will snow today.

Sure enough snow to fall today, first off and on, stars, soon the vast floating, like goose feather, such as catkin. In the afternoon, on the earth, branches, roof, remained on the earth all things to be clothed with a layer of white coat, whiteness and all things in this world, there are the guardian of the snow elves. Guardian is snow in the winter, snow is pure, nothing can defile it.

Under the snow in slowly and quietly, so happy children, busy snowball fights, a snowman, only heard a joyous laughter is full of between heaven and earth.

Winter is beautiful, is full of spiritual, I like winter, more like snow in winter.







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I have gone through things like the stars in the sky, and some I sigh about, I have shame, I have great anger, I feel some of the majesty, I feel some fun, let me some experience The taste of success! On that occasion, I have a class students have bought a sachet, I put together into the nose to smell, thiophene wow, the aroma is pressing, I remained fresh in his memory. I would very much like to buy one, my mother will not let me buy it, had no choice but to own it.

I take out a lot of overflowing delicate fragrance of the petals in a variety of colors. Home to some of the first jet is very strong aroma of perfume. So that each petal is a damp, and then dry on the balcony.

In two days, the petals completely done, I order for another strong aroma, I have all the flower pot and pour it into the water, until completely soaked, I picked up and dried on the balcony.

Done, I have a lot of sprayed Perfume, a Huatai Xiang! Shannon was a sharp! Spent since resolved, it should address the package what the petals!

I would like to start using cloth bags to use later. After careful consideration, I decided to use plastic bags.

I am in a plastic bag inside and outside sprayed with perfume, and some of the color-and infected with green, and then the petals into a plastic bag, tied with lines, but also with a number of needle holes, so that the aroma to overflow! I Im told that thiophene wow! And buy it from top to bottom, regardless of the sachet! Seems to smell slightly better than to buy the sachet! Ha ha!

I am in the moment of completion of the sachet, I think the days are so blue, clouds are so white, the grass is so green. Now I learn to produce sachet is the most proud of a bright star! I really wanted to announce to the world: I succeed you!



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My family has a puppy. Its my mothers birthday present to me on my birthday. I like it very much. My mother gave it a lovely name.


Every day I come back from school, the first thing is to take things to feed Wangwang, my mother said, to be friends with the puppy, it must be good to it.


So I usually shower it and take it out to play. Want to be naughty, and at the beginning of each time to help it wash, it is always reluctant to, every time I wet my clothes, but I did not angry, mother said, and more help it wash a few times, it will get used to it.


Every night after dinner, I will be holding the dog and her mother went to the outside for a walk, take it to the park and other puppies playing together, but I was too naughty, bullying next O king, mother said, dont take it out. Wangwang although a little naughty, but I still like it, I will always be friends with it.



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My family bought a new goldfish. This goldfish can be beautiful! They are bulging on their heads, like wearing a big hat; eyes round bulging, but surprisingly small; lovely mouth a together, spit out a string of pearl-like blisters; body dressed in scales, in the sun Under the whole body glittering, swimming when a shake, like a wearing a gold armor, arrogant generals; lovely tail in the water like a blossoming transparent flowers, but also like a butterfly in the water dancing.

I watched them kept swimming in the water.Happy look, I am curious: these goldfish seems to never sleep like, not tired? How do not rest? In order to solve the doubts, I began a careful observation, and access to the relevant information: the original goldfish will sleep. Because they have no eyelids, so can only sleep with eyes open. If you see the goldfish in the rock crest in motionless, eyes do not turn, only the fish gill cover kept in a together, gently flip, in fact, is the goldfish in bed. But it is a shallow sleep state, so a movement, will wake up.

I finally know that the goldfish will sleep, and how to sleep, but also understand the truth: pay attention to all the knowledge!



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In Chinawhen some festivals comewe use the firework to celebrate .But Firework may lead to fire and endanger society.According to surveysixty percent

people surport the use of fireworkbecaus-

eit can add the atmosphere of festival

.Setting off fireworks is also the tradition of Chinese people.Forty percent

people disagree to use fireworkbecause firework may endanger society and harm people.Whats moreIt will cause air pollution .In my opinionWe can build up a special place far from city.There we can set off firework during festival.I know Beijing is using the method and it works.




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Finally arrived, and finally to the Lantern Festival. From over the years, I have been waiting for this day.

Lantern Festival, the festival has to be taken seriously since the western han dynasty period, jun, and become a folk customs, people carry on for hundreds of years of tradition, -- to admire the lanterns, guess riddles, dragon dance, lion dance, twist DaYangGe, very lively, with the development of science and technology now and create a new folk - to watch the fireworks.

Today, the whole family gather together, waiting for the yuan get to midnight snack, it just dark down, you can hear "bang hua" of firecrackers.

At night, I walk in the street, with the family is full of "boom" sound, the sky is the fireworks, although not as good as the day, but it is also illuminated. Walking up and down the street, looking at people, listening to the deafening firecrackers; Feel the lively gas; My heart also could not help being alert and cheerful. Along the way, all the stores a Lantern Festival color, roadside lights flash new moon, full moon in the sky upon the earth, is "with no lights light there is not a beauty, Japan is not spring".

Condensed out of the accident, my eyes and in the fireworks in the sky above, like will soon open the flower of the hail, suddenly open, scattered pieces of the blossom. Everywhere is the flowers open, as if spring mei fang and hail in full bloom.

Today busy angry, also let me feel though years have passed, but the yuan snack than eve also. Lively.









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描述人物外形Describing a person

发型Hair Style

直发:straight hair 波浪式卷发:wavy hair 卷发、自然卷:curly hair

浓密的头发:tihck hair 短发:short hair 长发:long hair

齐肩发、披肩发:shoulder-length hair一个马尾辫:ponytail 辫子(小麻花辫子):braids

长发辫子(雷鬼辫、脏辫):dreadlocks 头髻:bun 两个马尾辫:bunches

中分:center parting 变秃:balding 秃头:bald

头发颜色 Hair color

金发:blond hair 棕发:brown hair黑发:black hair

红发:red hair 灰发(老年人的银发):grey hair

姜黄色发:ginger hair(受歧视的发色)

眉毛 Eyebrow

浓眉:thick eyebrows 秀眉:thin eyebrows

眼睛 Eyes

大眼睛:big eyes小眼睛:small eyes

鼻子 Nose

高鼻子:high nose 塌鼻子:falt nose/button nose

宽鼻子:wide nose 窄鼻子:narrow nose

嘴巴Mouth /Lip

大嘴:big mouth小嘴:small mouth 厚嘴唇:thick lips

薄嘴唇:thin lips/slim lips樱桃小口:cherry lips/rosebud lips

脸型 Face

鸭蛋脸/瓜子脸:oval face 圆脸:round face

方脸:square face长脸:long face

体型、身材 Stature

肥胖的:fat 瘦的:thin苗条的:slim

丰满的:plump 不胖不瘦的:medium-built 不高不低:medium-height


优雅的(女性):graceful/elegant 结实的、矮胖的:stout 苗条的、瘦长的:slender





1. 她有一头金色长卷发

2. Mark is 21 years old. He is about 5 feet ,9 inches tall . His face is long and narrow . His eyes are green. His hair is light brown. He doesnt look very Italian. He smiles a little and usually has a friendly look on his face . He isnt fat and he isnt thin. His build is average. 迈克21岁了,他身高大约5.9英尺,脸瘦瘦长长的,绿眼睛。浅棕色的头发,看起来不大像意大利人。他总是面带微笑,非常友好。他不胖也不瘦,中等身材。




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Two years ago, my father asked me if I wanted to be a doctor when I grew up. I said No at once because I didn’t like this job at all. But now, I change my mind. A month ago I went to see the doctor.

I found that many doctors weren’t careful enough to look over the patients. They liked to give the patients the most expensive medicine. I was very angry. So I make up my mind to be a doctor in the future. Doing this is very rewarding because it can help save people’s lives and make people healthy. My grandma died of cancer.

I want to heal people who have cancer. Now we have no ideas and no good medicine to heal those people. Cancer makes many people lose their lives, makes their relatives cry hard and spends much money. So I will work hard from now on. I wish I could work out this difficult problem with other friends.




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Should men and women be equal? Different people have different ideas on this issue. Some people think that men are superior to women, because men are physically strong. They are better at heavy labor work. And they can also carry on the family lines and hold the important positions. However, other people don’t agree on this idea. They believe that women are as capable as men. Sometimes, women can even do a lot of things better than men, for they are more careful, patient, and responsible. Now there have been so many women leaders and women scientists in the world. Accordingly, we shouldn’t look down upon women. Instead, men and women should be given the equal right and chance to study and work, so that they can do some even greater contributions to our nation. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the latter.




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Dogs belong to the canine。

When a dog follows its nose, its actually being led by thee key senses。 Sight:a glimpse of the enemy saves them barking up the wrong tree。 Sound: a bark can be a fierce threat, but its also how canines make their long distance calls。 Smell: this tells a dog more than all the other senses put together。

Inside its nose are around two hundred million smell sensitive cells, forty times more than in humans。 Through them the dogs brain can pick up signals from one molecule of scent in a million。 It gives the dog: a completely different picture of the world, based on what it smells, rather than what it sees。

Flowers are irrelevant to a dog。 So their scent is meaningless。 But food is a serious matter。 What to us is an empty plate, is covered with the smell of chicken to a hungry dog。



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欢迎大家来到长城,我们参观的是秦朝修建的。从东头的山海关,到西头的嘉峪关,大约有一万三千多里。 从北京出发,不过一百多里就来到长城脚下,这一段长城修筑在八达岭上,大家看,长城是用巨大的条石和城砖筑成的,城墙外还有瞭望口和射口,是屯宾的堡垒,打仗的时候,城台之间可以互相呼应。

Welcome to the Great Wall, we visited the Qin Dynasty built. From the east to the west of Shanhaiguan, Jiayuguan, about ten thousand more than 3000. Starting from Beijing, but a hundred Li came to the foot of the Great Wall, this section of the Great Wall built in Badaling, you see, the the Great Wall is built with huge stone and bricks, walls and lookout and nozzle, Bing is Tun fort during the war, the city of Taiwan can correspond with each other.


In fact, the most worthy of our thinking is that the Great Wall was built in the Qin dynasty. The technology is so backward, then no plane, no boats, no crane......

有的只是劳动人民的双手和双肩。 他们就是这样一步一步地,把一块块几千斤重的石条抬在山上,再用双手一块一块地建成了这样前不见头,后不见尾的万里长城。

Only working peoples hands and shoulders. They are one step at a time, to a thousand pound stone lift on the mountain, and then hands a piece of land and built a does not see the head, not the tail after the great wall.


Without them, none of this would be a great miracle in the history of the world. We need to treasure it!



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The autumn girl walked around and painted a pair of beautiful paintings.

Field, rice rice seems to be a white, wrapped in leather, as if the mother, tightly holding the child. We see the cotton, a round of cotton, colorful, some are red, some are white, there is a blue ... ... also saw a few strings of sorghum, they hold the torch, seems to say: "fall to the farmer uncle Come pick me! "

Orchard, apple tree like a soldier, standing on the grass. Pear tree carrying a "little lantern", lit white light, really nice ah!

Garden, morning glory blowing small speaker "toot, beep!" Really nice. We are looking forward to a flash in the pan, the night to the epiphyllum open, we exclaimed: "Epiphyllum is really nice!" I saw, really deserved reputation. Epiphyllum seems to be a beautiful angel, wearing a white dress.

In the fall, how can we not take a kite?

We go to the kite, a person holding the kite by hand, another person in the distance, say "let go", kite flew up immediately, jumping in the clouds dance. White clouds drifted, sprinkle a burst of warm exhort: "kite, I hope you can fly to the vast boundless universe." We see the kite flying in the air, very happy!

Fall, I want to praise you, you give us a beautiful harvest season for mankind!



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The vastness of the blue sky floating in the blossoming white flawless clouds. Autumn, sorghum lifted the torch, boundless soybeans shake the bells. Autumn with a golden, walked the pace of light, quietly came to earth.

Autumn, gently blowing, sorghum wheat yellow. Buds of red cherries are dry, and the remaining red one. Dense leaves of soybeans, looking ahead, burnt yellow. In the countryside, the house in front of the red hot pepper, corn stick, very beautiful. Autumn, this fall artist, will be dotted with colorful autumn.

The sun slowly rising, glow to the surrounding radiation, slowly expanding, to the sky on the start, the whole sky dyed. In the sun, the white clouds dyed red, green mountains dyed red, river dyed purple, the sky as if the fire. The sun, the fall of the artist, will fall into a huge colorful painting.

You see that blue sky, clear sky a Bi, Lang Lang heaven and earth, like pondering smooth sapphire, and like the delicate texture of the blue silk. The sun converges from the glare of light, into a golden CD. Blossoming clouds, the more drift slowly, a touch of clouds, and gradually transparent. Ups and downs of the mountains, like Hongbo filled. I am surprised that the river is green, like an emerald, Oh! "Emerald" in the flow!

Every autumn wind comes, colorful, mix and match. Sun, blue sky, white clouds, river water, seemingly ordinary, they dotted the fall, how can the autumn colorful? Autumn by them, they are the fall of the artist!



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Autumn wind, like a fairy stealth down, secretly came to earth, enjoy the scenery of the world!

Autumn wind, this beautiful fairy sister, she has a magical magic stick, she swept the field, the field turned into an endless golden sea; she swept the corn, corn turned yellow; she swept Over the apple tree, the apple turns red; she passes through the pear, and the pear becomes sweet; she passes through the persimmon tree and the persimmon becomes soft!

The wind, she hurried through the brook, the creek danced to dance, as if to welcome her to the same world! This "sister" would like to visit our school, she saw our primary school students in serious school , We are proud of it! She let the tree to our warm applause!

The wind of the autumn brings joy to the children, ten minutes in class, she floats the leaves of a tree, like a golden snow, and the students are happy to sing in the playground!

The wind of the fall, she is sometimes very naughty, whenever bully her, she put the wind a little bigger, so that the person was cold and shivering; she sometimes temper very irritable, every night to whirring blowing, like Who made her lose my mind!

Autumn wind, you like her, she gently embrace you, bring you joy! You hate her, she ruthlessly beat you, bring you cold, and the cold winter to bring you!
