描写一个人的外貌的英语作文汇总5篇 作文怎么写(汇集20篇)







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竹园小学五(3)班 肖XX









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This morning, I woke up to find a grey day? As if the night, the mother said, "get up yuan! Its snowing". I jumped with a carp DaTing, cheerful I like feet standing on a cloud of happiness.

So I couldnt help but enjoyed snow, the snowflakes flying sky as hundreds of thousands of children are playing chase being naughty. As numerous small angel is upon the earth. And like white small white flowers are dancing in the graceful dance, some light snow flower to fall to the ground, on the roof as cover with a layer of blanket, some snow as is an exciting race, they all are scrambling to, not to be outdone, with one, like a horse horses out of the starting line, pleasing, and admiration. Some snow like sweet green, then fell on the leaves, the leaves also put on the winter clothing, some snow like brown, fell on the house, make a person, as it were, all kinds of wowing wwe.

I cant wait to go on my way to school, cold light snow flower as fly into my eyes, listen to cool, make the person feels a deep chill, I use both hands to live light snow flower, but to my hands into the water as the eyes of glittering and translucent get rid of, and as a priceless treasure. Unknowingly came to the school, the students are staring at the window of the snow, is really fascinating. Is our involuntary think window, so spectacular. I like snow.







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浓眉大眼 慈眉善目 气宇轩昂 高大魁梧 英姿飒爽

衣着得体 一表人才 风度翩翩 衣冠楚楚 青面獠牙

貌比潘安 秀色可餐 膀大腰园 披头散发 相貌堂堂

闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 大腹便便 虎背熊腰 尖嘴猴腮

贼眉鼠眼 眉清目秀 容光焕发 美如冠玉 出水芙蓉

冰肌玉骨 冰清玉洁 明眸皓齿 道貌岸然 国色天香

粉白黛黑 靡颜腻理 傅粉施朱 婀娜多姿 亭亭玉立

雾鬓风鬟 鹤发童颜 鹤发鸡皮 短小精悍 面黄肌瘦

面如土色 面红耳赤 面有菜色 蓬头垢面 囚首垢面

蓬头历齿 鸠形鹄面 铜筋铁骨 肠肥脑满 骨瘦如柴

药店飞龙 披头散发



披肩长发 柔软的头发 齐眉的刘海 秃头(没有头发)

白发苍苍 头发乌润 头发稀疏


大眼睛忽闪忽闪 乌溜溜的眼珠 眼睛布满血丝 会说话的眼睛 慈祥的目光 明亮的眼睛 凶狠的目光 眼睛眯成一条缝

眉青目秀 炯炯有神   华语网(原大汉民族)


高鼻梁 鹰钩鼻 酒糟鼻 蒜头鼻 朝天鼻 塌鼻梁

又遍又平的鼻子  又高又直的鼻子 尖尖的鼻子


樱桃小嘴 抿着小嘴 血盆大口 尖嘴猴腮 厚嘴唇 薄嘴唇

嘴唇苍白  唇如胭脂 唇无血色 齿白唇红

参差不齐的牙齿 白而发亮的牙齿

咬紧牙关 满口银牙 青面獠牙

苹果脸 瓜子脸 鹅蛋脸 长方脸 四方脸

俊美的脸 丑陋的脸 清瘦的脸 满脸憔悴 一脸稚气 古铜色的脸 黑里透红的脸 红扑扑的脸 布满皱纹的脸

脸色苍白 愁眉苦脸 嬉皮笑脸 面黄肌瘦 满脸雀斑  面如桃花 面如土色 天庭饱满 脸颊绯红 面目可憎 油头粉面 面不改色心不跳

脸刷地一下白了 脸腾地一下红了

十指尖尖 纤纤素手 粗壮的大手


身材矮小 身材苗条 身材丰腴 体态轻盈 身材臃肿 身强力壮 膀阔腰圆

肌腱发达 腰板挺直 彪形大汉 大腹便便 脑满肠肥 短小精悍 虎背熊腰

身材高挑 亭亭玉立 袅袅婷婷 弱不禁风 瘦骨嶙峋 瘦骨如柴


朴素 大方 整洁 时髦 摩登 讲究 笔挺 邋遢 俗气

穿戴整齐  衣冠楚楚 穿红戴绿 衣着入时 珠光宝气 花枝招展 衣衫不整

不修边幅  破破烂烂 袒臂露肩 衣不蔽体 赤身裸体 一丝不挂



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At noon Saturday, Dad took a puppy, his eyes were small, his mouth was small, the puppys body and the head were white, the feet were black, the tail was yellow, the puppy was early To the night always love to call, so I gave the dog played a loud name called "bark".

Barking three months old, its sense of smell is very sensitive, and once, I was eating snacks at home, often from there ran around me, I gave him to share my snacks, it brought me A lot of fun.

Once again, my family stewed pork ribs, I was eating with relish, barking, it called me twice, I knew it was hungry, so gave it a large bones, barking chung Have relish, Mom and Dad read, smile from ear to ear.

Sunday, I am barking to go out to play, I took a disc, I put the disc thrown out, often ran immediately to find the disc, you say the boring reaction is not very sensitive.

Time is so fast, eyes, bark has been six months old, his running faster, but the father gave it to the people.

A year later, I still did not forget this partner.



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I’m a dog lover, because dogs are tame, friendly and easy to communicate with。 I have kept one in my house, whose name is Chocolate。 She is covered with brown curly hair and looks like a Teddy Bear。 Now we have been living together for two years, so I’m very familiar with her characteristics。 When she is hungry, she often barks loudly。 At that time, I begin to realize that it’s time to feed her。 She is keen on beef and fish。 Sometimes, she also eats some rice。


Every day when I come home, she always jumps up to me happily, with her tail moving。 She seems to be my best friend。 As time goes by, the relationship between us becomes closer and closer。 Therefore, I think her as an important member in my family。 I really have the pleasure of her company。




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It is a greedy dog. Whenever I have not eaten a sausage, it runs at a speed of 100 meters, I know that bad things are not good. It is to pay attention to the principle of eating people, not reckless, it will first look up and know, I sure I take the sausage, will resort to "eat Dafa": the first move: directed at me kept shaking Tail, from time to time with a tongue licking his mouth, so well-behaved look. If I ignore it, then resorted to the second trick: loud barking, a ferocious posture. If I still ignore it, it will be determined to resort to its housekeeping skills: six pro do not recognize. It no matter who you are, will take advantage of you do not pay attention, open the "Xuepentaikou" bite down. But it is still "mouth mercy", will not bite you wow wow barking, but enough to make your legs numb. Usually, in order to avoid the tragic poison, I will throw the whole sausage it, if for a small sausage and obsessed, then the end will really be disastrous.



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My mother

My mother’s name is nancy. She has long hair, two big eyes My mother likes sports and shopping. Her favourite sports are football and yoga. And her favourite food is ice cream. She also likes dogs and cats.

My mother is a high school techer, she works very hard and does very well in the school.

My mother also concerns my study. She always helps me study and play the piano. She is very glad when I make progress.

My mother loves me very much. And I love my mother too!



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chritmas is the day that jesus christ was born. people in the world celebrate and worship this day in his honor. the santa claus will come out and send presents for children. christmas cards and decorated trees are all over the place. the carolling of christmas songs echo through the air. i am not a chirstian, but i also enjoy the atmosphere of chrismas. i wish everybody have a merry chirismas.




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妈妈那一向慈详、和蔼的双眼,似乎有些湿润,淡淡的眉毛也在激动地颤动: “哎呀!都老喽!”那位阿姨看着妈妈说: “你还是那样,只是胖些,脸色多好。”我偷偷望了望爸爸,男子汉的感情总是不外露的,爸爸满面春风,浓浓的剑眉下的眼睛往常是闪烁着智慧的光芒,现在却更多地流露出兴奋。棱角分明的嘴唇笑得都合不拢了。

“小歆,过来,叫阿姨。”妈妈一边说一边把我推到了阿姨面前。现在站在阿姨面前的是一位梳着短运动头、浓眉毛, 有着不大不小的眼睛、 不大不小的鼻子和不大不小的嘴的半大姑娘,圆圆的脸上充满了稚气, “哟! 多好的小孩。”阿姨说着,看了看妈妈,又瞧了瞧我,望了望爸爸,又瞅瞅我说: “这孩子,鼻子以上象爸爸,鼻子以下象妈妈。”是吗?我扭头看了看父母,自己叉照照镜子,嘿!真是!

正说着话,下了夜班的哥哥回来了。 “这么大了,跟他爸爸一个模样!”阿姨笑着说。我望了望哥哥: 浓浓的剑眉,不大不小的眼睛,棱角分明的嘴唇,连鬓胡子……偷偷地笑了。爸爸妈妈望着我和哥哥,幸福地笑着。





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the four seasons of chongqing!

for a small growth in chongqing, the four seasons of chongqing, i am no longer familiar, now let me introduce to you! the spring of chongqing. to tell the truth, the spring in chongqing is very fast, almost a month has passed, although over very quickly, but there is so littlebeauty. look! spring girl came, she was wearing colorfulclothes, dancing in the air, to the southeast northwest various shed a few drops of green pigment, the earth willchange from white to green, then sprinkle with flowers and grass, so the earth grow flowers and grass. springis so beautiful ah!

spring passed fast, ushered in a hot, long summer.summer, the sun to the earth are roasted, people in theshade under the cold, fan, say, next to the tree trunkcicada also know endlessly crying, it is really an idealrealm!

winter in chongqing is not what the mood in the snow,winter in chongqing is cold. so only from eat aspects to introduce. the cold winter, one family gathered together to eat hot pot, melt it, is what a wonderful thing!

this is the four seasons of chongqing!



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My family has a drowsy puppy it is a yellow with white fur, plus a pair of poor face, and two will light a small light bulb.

The dog is a loyal friend, but my dog is the opposite. Some people come when he is always timid to hide in the nest frightened to look at the "invaders", although full of hostility, but dare not roar.

It always looked around carefully when eating, for fear of big dogs to take away its food. That big dog once the invasion of his site it will be raging, snapped to scold the big dog. Do not underestimate it, it is not the person who lost the curse Oh.

It is funny when eating funny. The puppy is very picky eaters, it first eat a meal if the taste is fresh and delicious it will not hesitate to eat the meal breath. If it is rough tea it will not go back to the head, on the depressed lying on the ground.

It sees strangers when "barking" called it if it is their own people when it will be intimate to rub your legs, as if you hug it.

Its sense of smell is very sensitive to the cats vision. If it is not far from the food it will be rushed to go up and will eat the rice gnawing. It has a hobby: like the toilet, but I still like it.



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MaoxinqiIn Nan Tong, spring is very beautiful. Trees are all green, flowers are all lovely. It’s warm most of the time, and sometimes it’s rainy. People like the season best, but I don’t. People usually go rowing and fishing, go for a walk in a park and have a Sports Day. Students are reading in the morning. Farmers are engage in farming. Spring is a busy season !

Summer is very hot, but people feel very happy. Sometimes in Nan Tong it’s rainy and cool. It’s hotter in Nan Tong than in Qingdao, so people usually eat ice-creams and go swimming. I like summer best, because my birthday is in summer. I can catch insects, play water with my friends, and I have a summer holiday. Summer always makes people feel happy!

Autumn is the best season in Nan Tong. It is cool and usually sunny. Sometimes it’s windy. I like flying kites and going camping.

People can go to farms in the countryside and pick apples, bananas, oranges… I like autumn too, because it is a season of results!

Winter is very cold and windy. Sometimes I can make snowmen. I usually run and jump in the winter, Nan Tong’s winter is as cold as in Shanghai, but it is colder in Beijing than in Nan Tong. People always wear a lot of clothes. And go shopping before New Year’s Day!Nan Tong’s four seasons are quiet fine! (Teacher: Songyuebo)



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My grandmother is a kind—heart granny who is popular among my neighbors。

She takes a walk outside every day, so she is familiar with many people。 She is so experienced in looking after babies, so some young mothers who have problems would like to ask her for help。 My grandmother is always ready to help them。 My grandmother loves me very much。

She takes care of me since I was a little baby。 I have always been taking care of by her, so that I don’t have to worry my life at all。 I am so happy to have such a great granny。

Now, she is getting old and I want to be the one who can look after her。




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Turnip greens, all have love. Some people like to bounce the little rabbit, some people like well-behaved little cat, and I like my home that shaking his head and wagging the little black dog.

My dog has a pair of water Lingling, shiny, talking big eyes. In addition to the dog on the legs and belly hair is white, the other places are black. Every time we eat, it is lying on the door, waiting for the owner to feed it. I remember once, the dog did not eat a day, and at night when the grandfather to go, it was like a child holding the grandfather holding, until the grandfather said to give it to eat, it was down.

My puppy usually likes to sleep, like shaking the tail on the ground. You can not underestimate it all day lying on the ground, it has a pair of sensitive ears. Every time I go home from school very far away, it will run out to meet me. It put his legs on my lap, tongue licking my hand, or else licking my clothes, the kind of intimate strength unspeakable, often made me covered with dog hair.

Yesterday at noon school, it also wanted to follow me to school. I went back and said, "Ill go back to school in the afternoon." Do you want to run at home and know that? "It looked at me like a pair of eyes. When I went to the corner of the street, I saw it still standing there motionless ...

I like my dog!



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Waking up on New Year, everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to their parents.

Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red paper. People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for breakfast, as they think "jiaozi" in sound means "bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new". Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China.

So people eat them and wish for money and treasure.

Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) on this occasion, because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher, one year after another." The first five days after the Spring Festival are a good time for relatives, friends, and classmates as well as colleagues to exchange greetings, gifts and chat leisurely.

China has 56 ethnic groups. Minorities celebrate their Spring Festival almost the same day as the Han people, and they have different customs.




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