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选修课(Selective Courses) This term our school laid down a new rule about selective court. For the first two weeks, we may sit in as many classes as we like before we decide on which courses to choose. We jumped for joy. The first week I attended classes for four evenings on end and found out that most of the teachers took it serioualy. They were busy in "winning votes" for fear, that later on no one would attend their lectures.

For example, the teacher of Modern Literature of Taiwan said, "Actually the flrst two hours of my lecture were only a prelude. The real contents have not been involved. In the furore, we shall discuss such famous writers as Qiong Yao, Xi Murong, etc, and such famous aetresses as Lin Fengjiao, Lin Qingxia etc. We have lots of vedio-taped films to watch. These are confined only to those who co-major in this court." See, after all, the last sentence is the core of everything he said.

The teacher of Appreciation and Critics of Modern Opera said, "We have a variety of contents and the teaching method is changable. For instance, l may choose one act from a play and let you perform it in class. If you do a good job, you can put on the play at the school theater festival. Also, we shall arrange for you to watch current plays. The school is in charge of the traffic and tickets, Of course, only those who co-major this course are eligible." You see, the most important thing comes at last through twists and turns.





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Now as the coming of June, which means the summer holiday is drawing near.

I am so excited about the holiday. After studying for four months, finally I can

take a break. I have made up some plans. First, I want to go back to my

hometown. I miss the food and my friends. I also like the clean water and the

blue sky. It is such a great time for me to stay in hometown. Second, I will

travel with my parents. They will take me to the different places and let me

look at the world. I gain a lot of knowledge and broaden my vision. I am so

looking forward to my holiday.



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I went the park near my school with my family on Sunday. This park was  holding a interesting garden party, where was crowded by many people. When  sunday, the park was always very crowded. There was a lot of old men doing  morning exercises, and many children going with their parents. During our around  walking, I saw my classmate XX boating there. I said hello to her, and she asked  me to enjoy boating with her. So I took the boat, and speaked with XX for a  while. Then we pulled the boat over, where planted a few lilies,which was my  faverate flower. I used my digital camera taking several picture. At that time,  my cellphone was ringing. That is my mother, she call me for going back.




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I like to make friends a lot, because I like to share opinions with them.

But I find it is hard to find an ideal friend. Most people just like to hang out

with you. If you want to share profound information, they will stay quiet. I am

so eager to find an ideal friend. Firstly, he can share the same interest with

me. I like to read books and watch movies. I always want someone who can discuss

about the detail, which will be so amazing. Secondly, he must be considerate.

Sometimes I will forget about the time and place because I have something urgent

to do, if he is considerate, our friendship can last forever.



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Is a national territory that aureate autumn scan widely 9,600,000 square kilometers again up, all over the place golden, prosperous brocade, the high building stands erect, coal ocean current gold, ocean Yang wave, the Great Wall dances.

In autumn, always bring people pleased celebrate, bring poetry, bring fancy, bring to imagine, bring a hope more, but this years autumn, not- same sort, more and not and usually.In this fine season, arrive to°from Chiang-Nan water country a northland backland, from the Gan river strand to pull Sa Lin Ka, hot soils of republic each square kilometer soak through exultant and happiness, flow to drip sweet with sing.1,300,000,000 China childrens with heroic the singing arousing more put to fly aureate ideal and imagining of rose and put to fly hard go such as the conviction of huge rock and the poem lauding to the great motherland.

Ha, the motherland, my mother, celebrates the quarter of your birthday 60 anniversaries in the joys, I have a boiling passion, thoughts and feelings surge.We want to speak to you how much considerate words son, have how much laudatory song son sing to you.60 years, at Be just fillip in the mankinds history long river a flick, however, great of the motherland occurrence turns over the variety that sky replies ground.Everywhere is change with each passing day of creation.Everywhere is canvass business to lead a property and promote the big current of economic development.I imitate the red ship that the Buddha sees south lake to bathe the gold Hui of the sun, to drive today.The red flag of well Kang-shan, the cuckoo smiles dimple and reflects the mountain is red of strong the United States is like of the red glow at sunset style style float.The hot breeze of pagoda mountain postpones arousing of river water wave, the story of green yarn debt rides on the Qiong syrup of yellow river and conceived the children of ten million heros.

Ha, the ancient Great Wall starts to stand unyielding chest, Yangtze River dashing about turns over a radiant wave flower, a long distance steppe resounds the Matouqin voice of deep feeling and pull Sa Lin Ka is spreading to herd a people to rush toward the happy song joke of middle-class family.Hence, I see up broad earth in the motherland, China children in in the whole world lead to utter high song.The joys celebrates a mother 60-year-old birthday in motherland, sends best regards to the motherland in the name of republic children and blesses for mother.

Ha, motherland, you are like one Fan of leaf hope and drove from the republic founded a nation the Long Long gun salute voice of big Dian;Drove from Mt. Heaven the foot hot tile just with the three-stringed piano moving musical sound;Drove from the yellow river aroused a more rising big wave voice and ten thousand precinct chief, river, the ship work number son voice of the male Hun;The absolute being state No.5 cosmos airship that embarked from Yang Li Wei of aerospace hero roamed about at pleasure to drive in the good news of space;Blue print and country that developed from reform in the city wealthy civilization fantasy drove in the song.Hence, I see the spring breeze blow into a hundred million happy doors and windows, heardthe story in spring resounding through China the earth.The broad sea Jiang flies fast heroic war boat, western backland again Teng rise hurtle the rocket in sky.It was glorious in the boundless process of half several centuries, there is frustrate.The Chinese of diligence braveness leader in 3 and under the party central leadership, unity of will is a formidable force, overcome all difficulties, with tremendous passionate devotion economic development ofdevelop China, strengthen my national prestige.History tells us and tells future, Deng Xiaopings construction contains the socialism theories of Chinese special feature and is like the rich brocade future prospects that the lighthouse illuminates a motherland, the party is central the Jian being leading people of the whole country effort go three representativess, with accompany into, constuct middle-class family completely society, head for fine future.

In the great military advance constucting socialism modernization big country, the China children created numerous miracles, in the race of world of Lin Rang people of this world in different light.You see, Shenzhen, bead sea, etc. a batch of special areas in Xiamen starts to dig Kingsoft, the river bank east new area sticks out the chest, the pride also expresses to write the refreshing headline of developing the China.Nine Tengs in the steel Ultrasaurus big city fly south north, display the magnificent posture of China.Hong Kong regression, regression in Macau, Peking states Ao success, the China children all receives due acclaim and attention, the Hao feeling is ten thousand Zhangs.

The capital city in Peking, an overseas Chinese of over sixty years of age visited city appearance in Peking with the regiment, after watching review troops the troops dominant performance, the hot tears maneuvered.His regrets ground says:lately Chinese be really getting stronger now, there is motherland doing strong backing, oversea overseas Chinese the waist pole is harder, our body is in the overseas and hope a motherland strong, prosperous and prosperous.Listen the old mans heartfelt words, I imitate a Buddha to touch him that very hot patriotic heart.At the moment, my ear again response my I patriotic of heart, the great wall never pour this male Hun, arouse more of singing.This singing calls China children to make great effort to make country strong and create more a house fine tomorrow.

The friends faces the sun, the autumnal winds sends great, let us stand ancient Great Wall up with deep feeling, with a kind of heroic, with a kind of rites of majesty, start to carry a gold cup, drink to hearts content a joys to celebrate of beautiful wine, lightly soft hand each inch of foot of land, bless our dear people Anne from country Tai in motherland together, have a bright future.

国庆节演讲稿 中文




啊,一分钟,多么令人心颤的一分钟!看到这儿,我的心被震撼了,泪水也止不住掉了下来。我想,别说他们在那里要为我国在世界高技术领域占有一席之地,为实现中华民族千百年来的“飞天”梦想而拼搏,就是呆在那儿,也是奉献。 是的,作为军人,我知道,在雪山,在海岛,在荒原,在戈壁,有无数与小赵小张一样的士兵,为了祖国的强盛和人民的安宁,在默默忍受着艰辛与寂寞。作为军人,我更懂得,是军人这特殊的职业赋予了军人特殊的使命,特殊的使命赋予了军人特殊的追求。军人,也许就意味着奉献与牺牲。 难道不是吗?翻开中国革命的历史画卷,不难发现,其中最引人注目的便是那些为了祖国和人民的利益而驰骋疆场、马革裹尸的军人。从万里长征、八年抗战、南征北战到自卫还击、抗震救灾、抗洪抢险,多少年来,这支人民的军队,在党的绝对领导之下,经受着无数次血与火的洗礼,一次又一次向党和人民交出合格的答卷!就说那300公里航天大动脉,当年修建时就有120名忠骨埋在了沙丘。

小时候,我曾羡慕穿身军装,现在我终于实现了这个梦想,如今,我又跨进全军的高等学府――国防科技大学的校门。在这里,我又读到许许多多的银河人,他们将银河精神在新时代高高奏响,为响应江总书记“科技强军”的号召,在夜以继日的、默默的耕耘与劳作。 周光铭院士在接受记者采访时说过这样一句话:“我一生也就做了六台机器。”朋友,你想想,这六台是什么样的机器啊!难道还不够吗?这,就是我们老一代银河人的骄傲!

在研制银河Ⅲ期间,卢锡城同志带领年轻人向新的技术制高点冲击,有11名同志是在攻关战斗中度过新婚蜜月的,不少人连续三次春节都在机房里度过。就是凭着这种精神,他们创造了新的辉煌。这,就是新一代银河人的自豪! 如今,再看看我这身军装,我应该掂得出她的份量。在新的历史时期,我们军队仍然肩负着重大的历史使命。放心吧,祖国,放心吧,人民,时间流逝,斗转星移,永远抹不去的就是战士对党和人民的一颗赤胆忠心!青山和大地会证明我们的忠诚,蓝天和白云会昭示我们的誓言,“奉献”,我们认了,“牺牲”,我们说值!那是因为,共和国军人的心中只有一个期盼,那就是:为了共和国明天的辉煌!



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Today is fathers day, thinking of what my father had always so hard, I decided to send a gift for dad, but I dont know what is good, all of a sudden, I think of mom and dad so good, there must be some good advice.

So I went to talk to my mother about how to make my father happy. But my mother and I discussed it for a while, and we didnt figure it out. Then I came up with a good idea. I immediately said to mother: "fathers beard, and often grow. And he is busy, so I want to buy a razor to dad. Let him can shave beard. Whenever you have a mom, what do you say?" "Well, what a good thing you think of a child! I didnt hear how happy I was.

So my mother and I went to a store. What a lot of things in that store! But I thought I was here to buy a razor. So I went straight to the counter where the razor was displayed. I picked it for a while and saw a silver-white razor that was both nice and practical and inexpensive. So I took out the money I had accumulated, and gave it to my boss, and took the silver-white razor and went away with my mother. Walking out of the shop, my mother said to me, "its not so good to send your father. "Well, I dont have enough money." "It doesnt matter. I have money here." So I went to blue house with my mother -- a shop that sells CARDS and presents. Entering the shop, I immediately started to pick. Ive chosen a lovely little card. My mother said I had a good eye.

When I got home, I immediately wrote my greeting to my father on the card. Then I put it alongside the razor and waited patiently.

When my father came home from work, I immediately welcomed the gifts and CARDS to my father. The father saw the special gift and looked at it eagerly. By the time he saw the gift, his mouth was open to "O".

Then my father was very happy to pick me up, and my mother was very happy to see us. In the evening, my mother made a big dinner, and my family enjoyed their fathers day very much. It was an unforgettable fathers day.



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When we are chatting with our friends happily, suddenly if we are talking about the awkward topic, we need to do something to change this situation, what are we gonna do?

The answer is using your humor to make things seem easy, and then your friends won’t take your awkward topic seriously. Humor is very important, it can adjust the atmosphere, making things work easily.

Life needs humor, without humor, life would be boring. Foreign people like to make friends with humorous people, they can feel relax when they are chatting, while most Chinese people are always taking things too seriously.

I like to make friends with humorous guys, they make me feel life is easy, and we should positive about life.





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A new term began. Students all returned to school met again. They were talking about what they had done in the holidays. I was happier. I couldnt wait to tell my story. Now its my turn. I told them I got a job in a restaurant. I worked as a waitress.

They didnt believe at first.

Yes, its true. I said, I really had a hard time at the beginning. But several days later, I could do a good job. I earned six hundred yuan this holiday. They all looked at me with their mouths open.





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20XX.X.X 晴

Today is August 5. I have to study at home in the morning. In the afternoon, I first learned two hours after the acquisition, and then I turned on the computer. In the evening, I and my parents together go to the seaside to swim, I still had to drink a few mouth water.



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(在哪自己写吧).First here is our favourite place our beautifui garden many trees and many flowers in it. then you can go into it .Now,you know why we love it right .we can write red and chat in it.(tell you a secret:I like it because it is cool in summer and warm in winter

Now,I will tell you more about my friends &teachers. Over here teachers are friendly to us,so we never say a bad word about them.Because of these,students can get good grades at my school.(Would you like to come?)

I think my school is one of the best schools in the world.Because we have good teachers good students and everything is beautiful. I like it, every at it likes it.




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On October 1, 2017, I finally saw the National Day parade on television, and when President Hu Jintao took the review vehicle slowly toward the inspection force, he greeted his comrades and helplessly to his comrades: "Comrade "Comrades are so hard!"

From my sensible, I also watched such a magnificent military parade for the first time, the rows of neat rows of squads, the Air Force, the Navy, etc., walked by sonorous and vigorous pace from Tiananmen Square; The plane fleet flew over Tiananmen Square and set off a beautiful rainbow; the car carrying a variety of advanced weapons, like a majestic warrior row of neat teams show in front of people The

My motherland has spent 68 birthday, I as a young pioneer, in the motherland so beautiful and great family, I want to cherish every minute, work hard, and strive to become a pillar of the better for the motherland tomorrow Contribute to their own strength.

I would like to say to our great motherland that I have been hiding in my heart: "The motherland we are proud of you, proud!"



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Everyone in our life should face something we hate,or some one we never want to face.

So,how can we face the difficulties.

Difficulties happen all the time,but do not be afraid of difficultys.Just go ahead withe what we are doing with a smile.Do cry and have a smile ,which is the best way we can use to beat difficulties.Never give up and do your best for tomorrows sunthine.Trust yourself ,believe in that tomorrow will be better.

You see,no matter what difficulties we face,we always smile,dont we?So,earthquake we are not afraid because of our smile;H1N1, we are not afraid because of our smile....

Together forever no matter what happens,and, with a smile,trust that everything can be soved!








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hobbies are very important to a person。 without having any hobby, life wont be as colorful as it should be。 i have a variety of hobbies, such as collecting stamps, playing musical instruments, reading, and doing sport activities。

when i am free, i will spend time on my hobbies。 when i am in a blue mood, i will also do my hobbies to cheer myself up。 hobbies can help us improve our moods。 many hobbies requires devotion。 for example, when you play a musical instrument, you have to practice over and over in order to perform good music。 after a period if you still enjoy it, gradually it will become a hobby of yours。 but, remember: a hobby is like gold under the ground; no hobby will come to you unless you dig it out yourself。

if you can treat study as one of you hobbies, learning will be more enjoyable。 i hope all of you can find your own hobbies and also have fun from them。




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,I Like History Lesson,这是我喜欢历史课英语作文范文,大家赶紧来看看吧。

The lesson I like most is history, because the historical stories are interesting. When I was a little child, my grandparents often told me the great events in history. In the middle school, we have history lesson. Some of my classmates think that history is uninteresting. And there are many things to remember, which is hard for them. However, I have different opinions. If you are interested in it, you will find it would be much easier. I like the ancient history of our country most. Our country has a long history, so there are many interesting stories. In addition, my history teacher is funny and knowledgeable. He always makes the lesson vivid and interesting. I like his lesson very much.




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Students, we hope that the motherland can become pure and quiet sunshine, fresh air, such a beautiful and desirable country. How we need such air, how much we love the environment! However, boys and girls, do you know that we live on earth, good environment is destroyed, the forest on the decrease, soil and water erosion, rivers in become turbid, desert in the extension, noise increased, the population growth and the air is polluted, many share the rare animals are endangered because of this, all this will bring us endless disaster.

As a new generation of Chinese people, we should always cultivate environmental awareness and worry about our country. Some students, however, do not cherish the paper, only to tear up several sheets of paper at the beginning of a composition. Trash and see if there is an opportunity to the school, where two-thirds of all kinds of waste paper, in order to make the paper, we paid a heavy price, consumes large forests. Schoolmates, when we light this pile of paper, our hands shake, and through the light of the fire, we see a piece of green wood.

How should we protect the environment?

First, love nature and be the little leader and little propagandist who protects nature. We should love the grass and trees of the campus and the streets, and strive to be the guardians of the garden. We should not only understand the natural balance of nature. We should also promote the environmental protection of natural environment to students, society and families.

Secondly, starting from me, from now on, protect the surrounding sanitation. Do not spit, pick flowers, do not destroy trees, forests, waste paper, etc. Although our strength is limited, if everyone can start from me and start from now, then our environment can be improved.

Thirdly, we should study the knowledge of culture and science carefully, and make a great effort to protect nature from m. We in the primary school to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, grow up, with our wisdom and hands control waste water, waste gas, waste residue, mountains and desert to governance, to improve soil and water quality. I believe that our home will be better in that time.

Students, for the better of our homeland, make a move!



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Whenit comes to online shopping, different people holds different ideas towards it.Some people seem extremely enjoy the way of buying things online because theyfeel online shopping is so convenient. Some just don’t believe that they can buygood quality commodities from Internet. As far as I’m concerned, I think onlineshopping creates lots of benefits to people.

Firstly,buying things online is a way of saving time. Compared with the traditional wayof shopping, we have no need to go out to pick up our favorite goods from storeto store. Just a click, we can have things in our shopping cart and just waitfor the goods to be delivered to us. To this extent, not only we can save thetime of finding things from store to store but we don’t need to spend time ontransportation. Thus, we can save lots of time to enjoy fun.

Secondly,buying things online can save our money. People buy commodities by Internet notonly because it saves us time, but also, we can save lots of money. It is oftenseen that some people just go to the physical store to check out thecommodities they want to buy and then they would search for their favoritecommodities online and take the order. People do this just because they knowthat online goods are usually cheaper than the goods displayed in shop windowbecause online shop have no need to pay the rent. So, people are more inclinedto buying things from online store.

Thirdly,convenience is the last but not least thing of shopping online. Since we canbuy things online, there is no need to go out to look for things we want tobuy. What we need to do is to simply sit before our computer, search for thingswe want to buy, click our favorite thing and then pay our order by our bankcard. And then, you just need to wait for your goods to be delivered to yourhome.

Inconclusion, shopping online is a convenient, time-saving and money saving wayof buying things. Therefore, we can benefit a lot from shopping online. That’sthe reason of why shopping online has developed faster and faster in recentyears.



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My ideal is what? The question in my mind think along while, ah, said everyone will laugh, to be honest I just want to be a security guard.

You dont look at my ideal is a even reach 14 product sand small officer, it is indispensable in peoples life a part, if you dont believe it, please listen to me explain.

Our village is famous for "thief", before I had a very good bike, because no lock, so we have to stop off at the village to garage. Results the second day wake up to the garage, my car did not even had a shadow. I think his mother at the beginning, then find out that it was stolen. At another time, we are not at home, the thief climb to our house and stole 500 multivariate money!

The thiefs madness has made residents cannot pass the day of peace, so I was determined, must defend well our community as they get older. I promise to you, only I, never easily let go of any a community of people, will never let a precious thing was stolen.

Although this post, but did not have the security, we would not be peaceful and harmonious home.








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1. 我认为秋天是一年中最美的季节。

I think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year.

2. 秋天时叶子变黄。

The leaves turn yellow in autumn.

3. 在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。

I feel a little cool in the autumnal night.

4. 秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。

The trees were naked during autumn.

5. 今天的天气已露出了一丝秋天的气息。

There is a breath of autumn in the air today.

6. 九月的天气确实像秋天了。

The weather in September was positively autumnal.

7. 我喜欢收集秋天赤褐色的叶子。

I like to collect russet autumn leaves.

8. 我们欣赏着秋天里新英格兰树林的瑰丽色彩。

We are enjoying the resplendent colors of the New England woods in the autumn.


Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond


Life is so si-mp-le, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.


In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual network is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardleof the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.


That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.



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Yesterday ,I went to a zoo with my parents .

When we got to the zoo, we climbed up a little hill first. We can see many kangaroos on the hill, I played with some kangaroos. Then, we went to a pond. I fished in the pond, and got a big fish and 2 small fishes. I was very happy at that time. After fishing, we walked on grass. There are many parrots on the grass. And we were surprised that one of them can speak English. I spoke to it, and it said ‘hello’ to me. That made a lot of fun for me.

In the afternoon, we went to see monkeys, pandas, snakes and big sharks. And I took many photos from them. I also rode a horse and painted a mask for fun.

When we back home, it almost got drak. But I’m very happy, because I had a good time at the zoo that day
