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我在这里写的是一位普普通通,平凡得不能再平凡的人民教师,50来岁,由于终日为我们不辞辛苦的操劳,脸上布满了皱纹,她的两眼黑得发亮,锋利的目光,仿佛要把什么刺穿似的。我有点害怕。她只教我们还不到四个月,但是,每当我想起她时。她对我们的严就像教练训练运动员那样一丝不苟;她对我们很关心,体贴,就像对待自己的儿女一样。 但是,那一次,我尽对她起了怨恨。那是一节自习课,英语老师让同学们把作业本A订正好交到办公室去批改,作业本B作好的也去批改。我怀着喜悦的心情拿着作好的B去批改,"报告""进来"她的声音很平稳,我走了进去,队伍并不长,我跑到英语老师右边去批改,无意间发现了电脑里有语文竞赛的成绩,我便很期盼得到自己的成绩,不听话的手尽往鼠标地区前行,不经意间,我触摸到了,这下手更不听使唤,一直往下翻动着,"啊"我目瞪口呆,倒数第三,我的喜悦心情沉淀了下来,"谁呀,谁在动我的电脑?"一声果断而又严厉的语言向我发起进攻,我吓了一大跳,我心里想:哎呀,这下怎么办呀,不如来个死不承认,或者,英语老师的教棒在桌上"吃吃"作响,"把手拿过来。"我害怕极了,真想使用一下神仙的仙术,把英语老师的教棒变成长长的棉花棒,只有我能看见,而老师看不见,软软的棉花棒触摸了我一下,"哇!"教棒落下来了,打得好痛呀,我有点生气,心里暗暗想着;你这个老太太,太坏了,我只不过碰了一下鼠标,看了电脑屏幕一眼,也不过如此,您竟打我,只要教育几下就行了嘛,我可是个怕痛的女孩。我心中的怨恨一直不能平静。但刚想完,那教棒的滋味和对老师的怨恨跑掉了,我寻找着,发现它屹立在英语老师身上展现出来的无可抗拒的人格魅力上。




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Unit 1 (P6)

Alice and Alan, Gina, Tony, and Julie are friends. But they have different problems. Alice is tired. She should go to bad early, and she shouldnt go to the party tonight. And Alan may cut his knee, so he should put a bandage on it, and he shouldnt play soccer. Gina has a nosebleed, she should put her head back, and she shouldnt jump up and down. Tony hurt his leg playing basketball so he should go to the hospital and get an X-ray, but he shouldnt walk to the hospital. Julie has a toothache so that she should brush her teeth every day ,and she shouldnt eat candy before sleep. Unit 2 (P13)

你们学校将要与一所贫困地区的学校(a school in the poor area)开展手拉手活动,学校团委提出了以下几种活动方案:1捐款学习用品2假期去做志愿者3邀请他们来学校参观并到家里做客4通过书信的方式交朋友 请从中选择你最喜欢的一种活动方式,并说明你将怎么去做?

Helping others is great

提出)activities hand in hand with a school in the poor area. Our headmaster called on each of us to give the poor a hand, all the teachers and students take part in the big activity, everyone did their best to offer their help to the poor.

Different people use different ways. Some of them gave away their school things, but most of them joined the school volunteer project to help the students in the poor school. Whats more, some students even invited the poor students to their home and showed them around their school, the rest students make friends with the poor by writing letters.

Generally speaking, each of us has given help in our own way. We all hope that we can make the poors lives better, we are happy because we helped them, And at the same time we also got great happiness.

Unit 3 (P19)和好朋友吵架英语作文

We did a survey about doing chores in our class. Here are results.

Frank and Lucy like doing chores. Frank often sweeps the floor and take the dog for a walk at home. And he thinks doing chores can develop children’s independence. It can also helps us to understand the idea of fairness. Lucy usually folds the clothes for herself and make the bed. She thinks we can learn to look after ourselves by doing chores.

But Bob doesn’t like doing chores. Sometimes he helps her mother takeout rubbish. So he thinks there is no need for us to do chores and we should spend time on our study.

I agree with Frank and Lucy. And at home I often do the dishes after meals and clean the living room. I think we should do more chores t our spare time. It can help us to understand our parents and it also give us a good chance for proper communication with our parents. Unit 4 (P26)


E: Hey, Alice. What’s wrong?

A: I had a fight with my best friend. What should I do?

E: Well, you could write him a letter.

A: I don’t think so, although it’s a good idea. I’m not good at writing a letter.

E: Maybe you could call him up.

A: No, I don’t want to talk about it on the phone.

E: But you really should say sorry to him.

A: Yes, I should. But it’s not easy.

E: Oh, there is going to be basketball game tonight. Why don’t you take him to the ball game? A: Yeah, you are right. Thank you!和好朋友吵架英语作文和好朋友吵架英语作文

Unit 5 (P32)


When the light went out at eight o’clock yesterday evening, my family were doing different things. My father was watching a basketball game on TV. And he’s going to watch the news on his mobile phone later. My mother was read a book about animal on the sofa. And she’s going to call her good friends. My sister was playing the piano in her room. But then she had to stop to play with her pet dog. What about me? Oh, at that time I was playing computer games. But I had to stop and have a rest.


My Weekend

Last weekend was busy for me. On Saturday I went to the old people’s home. I helped the old people do chores. And I chat with them happily. Then we went to the Children’s Hospital to visit the sick kids. We told stories to cheer them up. They laughed and laughed and we all felt happy.

Last Sunday I went to play football on the playground at our school with my classmates. But it suddenly rained heavily. I hurt myself playing soccer. Then we went to the hospital. Luckily, it was not bad. The doctor gave me some medicine and they brought me home. And I felt a little sad.







Jack is my friend. He likes playing computer games very much. He often sits in the same way for too long without moving. Now he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back. He doesn’t sleep well at night, so he feels tired every day.

I think he should take breaks away from the computer. He shouldn’t use the computer for a long time. He should do eye exercises to relax his eyes and go to bed early at night.

I think if he has a good rest, he will feel well soon.


假设你是Emma,你的笔友Josh给你写了一封电子邮件,向你倾诉他在家里的一些烦恼。请根据来信和提示,给Josh回一封电子邮件。先说说你的看法,再给出建议,并适当发挥。 提示:1.内容要点:(1)看法:在父母看来,我们仍是孩子;父母这样做是为了保护我们。




Dear Josh,

Thanks for your e-mail. I have ever had the same experience. I even had a fight with my see this. To them, we are still children and they want to protect us.

Sometimes, its hard for you to talk to your parents. Heres an idea: Write your mother and father a letter. In the letter, tell your parents what you are thinking about. Then maybe they will understand you better. After your parents read the letter, try to talk to them. In your free time, youd better do something you can to help your parents. For example, you can help your parents with some housework.

Whats more, you can describe your friends to your parents and tell them more about you and your life.

I hope this helps!



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这类题目主要包括事实识别、有关计算、识图、排列顺序等。一般地,这类题目可以直接从短文中找到可用的信息。这些问题一般都涉及到文章的“5W”,即 who(人物),when(时间),where(地点), what(事件),why(原因),how(方式)等。题目设计大多直截了当。只要通读全文,注意文中所述的重要事实或细节,就可以做出正确解答。以图表材料命制的题目更是如此。例如:


He/She should have an interest in making pizza. More importantly, he/she should have work experience in a restaurant.


The ad (广告) tells us that ____________________.

A. the assistant must be a man. B. the assistant must have once worked in a restaurant.

C. Pucci Pizza has branches all over China. D. Pucci Pizza is not in Taichung.

【分析】本小题选项B的意思是“要招聘的这个人必须曾在饭馆过”。即要具有一定的从事餐饮业的经验。这与原文中叙述的事实“More importantly, he/she should have work experience in restaurant.”相比较,形式上虽不大一样,但其内涵却完全相同。如果考生准确解了短文中的这句话,问题即可迎刃而解。


In the past, there were forests all around Lake Ponkapog 初中英语, so the rainwater was clean.


In the past Lake Ponkapog was surrounded by ________. A. fish B. rain C. birds D. forests

【分析】题目所要问的是“Lake Ponkapog四周过去被什么东西所环绕?” 而阅读材料中已用There be句型表达出了这层意思,句式不同,却有异曲同工之妙。



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In recent years, I find it easier to our resources dried up. All of these, because we have recently a lot of collection resources, leading to our mothers are dwindling.

What is the mother of all resources less and less? Is, of course, we humans excessive spoiling dont cherish, would cause such a serious result. Our earth forest area has reached 600 million hectares, the figure is due to our human previously has important sense to protect the environment, know that if you dont have a good environment, we wont be able to breathe to the light wind gently brushed the grass surface sweet taste. And now? Us that the earths forest area is still not arrived 6 hectares, this kind of situation, it is because we humans cut down trees and destroying forest without restraint, make almost fell by 1% in each of the forest area in the world, now our protection in the nature of the important consciousness is more and more shallow, dont take care of the objects around, as the forest is less, the first bite of the air we breathe is less and less fresh...

Is not destruction of forest resources, and our mineral resources. It is limited, now our production technology constantly improve, the accelerating speed and shortage of some minerals occurred, even dried up. Until then, we will always stay in the desolate landscape.

In the face of these, can see there are so many resources in we lost too much! We rely on resources too much! All around us, little drops of the resources are in decline, if lost it all, we will how to live! So, let us sincerely treat our mother earth, try to cherish, to cherish. If only use a small plastic bag, it should not be too!

Let us act, to defend the earth!








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With the development scientific technology and the improvement of people’s life standard, a growing number of e-books have been available for the readers. Therefore, some people hold the idea that e-books will replace traditional books in the future, because the former is more advantageous than the latter, such as more convenient and less expensive.


However, as far as I am concerned, e-books will not and cannot replace traditional books. First, compared with traditional books, we cannot get the same pleasure from reading e-books in that e-books are easier to make our eyes to be tired and dry when reading. Second, with concern about copyright, there are many books are not available in digital form, especially classics. In other words, the resource of e-books is quite limited and cannot satisfy the readers. Third, there is a function of traditional books that e-books do not have—as a gift and a collection. I suppose that those who love reading would be willing to keep a printed form even though he has read the electronic form of it.


In a word, traditional books will continue to be the most important form in our reading.




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The drawing portrays a classroom scene in which a teacher is telling a student to read a piece of literary works. Undoubtedly, the picture aims at highlighting the magnitude of reading classics for young students, which is worth discussing among general public for the time being. As we all know, the classical literature is the representation of the outstanding art of our nation.

Some familiar characters such as Monkey King express the good wishes of our common people. There is no doubt that young people will benefit a lot from reading classics. For one thing, classics will help broaden their horizons from them.

While observing characters in classic novels going through ups and downs in their life, youngsters also can definitely learn essential life ethics. For another, with condensed beauty of arts, they will enhance readers aesthetic taste.

Therefore, we should start reading the treasuries our ancestors left and absorbing the essence of them. We should also advocate to the public the importance so that more general people can enjoy the pleasure of reading







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It (Example:0) 8 o’clock 41,and the last bus42at the second bus stop.A middleaged woman got out,and the conductor was going to ring the bell for43to start the bus again,just at that moment he saw a small child44at the bus stop.

“What’s wrong with you?” the bus conductor said to the boy.

“Well,my mother gave me ten pence to go home by bus after school,but I45the money after I finished playing football with my classmates,” the child answered, “so I have to walk all the way home.”

“That’s OK.” said the conductor. “Come on.We’ll take you home.”

The child thanked him,46the bus and sat down near the door.The conductor rang the bell,then the bus started. “How47are you living?” asked the conductor.

The child told him the name of the place where he lived.It was about two miles away,and48would have cost him two pence if the child had had the money to pay for it.

The conductor went to give some other people on the bus their tickets,and when he came back a few minutes49,he saw that child crying again.

“And what’s the matter with you now?” he asked. “Aren’t you on your way home?”

“Yes,I am,” answered the child, “but what about my change?You haven’t given it to me,have you?You should give me50.”




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Honestymeans speakingthe truth and being fair and upright in act. He who lies and cheats is dishonest.: Those who gain fortunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest.


Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest all the time,you’ll be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around. Once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth.


However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty. To them, among such things as health, beauty, m6ney, intelligence, honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that can be east away. They don’t understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well. I think these people areto be pitied.


In short, honesty is gold. Honest, your reputation will become great;dishonest, your name will be spoiled and your personality degraded. Therefore, we should never make such an excuse as "A little dishonesty is only a trifle thing. We should eradicate immediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds.




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Dear David,

Glad to receive your e-mail.Our school has made many safety rules for us to follow. Let me tell you something about them. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I think these rules are necessary as safety comes first.

Have a good summer holiday!


Wang Wei



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Dear friends,As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it’svery

important for us to form healthy eating habits. Dear friends,As we all know, we

are what we eat. Therefore, it’svery important for us to form healthy eating

habits.Some of us enjoy snacks instead of breakfast.

Some are particular about

food .They usually overeat what they like to eat.The eating habits metioned

above are bad for our health.Most of the snacks we eat are junk food,which may

make us overweight and even suffer from disease.What are the good eating habits

like? First ,I think, weshould choose healthy diet .Besides, we cant eat too

much to be too full. In addtion,eating a variety of food and eating food

regularly are also important to keep fit.



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dear mr/ms xxx;

today im writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for ive got cold last night with carlessness.

this morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days. so i am very sorry to be absent from

school, especially your interesting lessons. ill be sure to make up for the missed lessons after i recover from the illness.

yours ever,



我今天给您写信是要请5天的假,因为我昨天晚上不小心感冒了。今天早上,我妈妈带我去看了大夫,大夫告诉我要在家里躺几天。所以,我对缺颗,特别是不能上您那有趣的颗,感到难过。我病好后一定把漏掉的课程补上。 此致




because of events or disease no school or to work or participate in activities, to the related personnel leave a note, taking a leave of absence or call to call.

note format by the title, name, text, several components, specific writing methods are as follows:

title:" excuse" three words written in the first line of the middle position.

address: second lines written in the top who to leave. write

receipt addrea person with the general epistles. are generally to the boor the teacher for leave. the specific wording in the surname

followed by position, such as" director chen"," king section chief"," zhang", use a colon after.

abstract: writing clear off this, leave the starting and ending time. in the third line two write. finally, often to" please leave"," best regards"," grateful" wait for diction end.

inscribe: sign and date the same general epistles. in the lower right on leave name. the name below the mark of date of leave. to write a good excuse. must pay attention to the following points : 1 reason for leave to specific clearly, not equivocation, ready to accept either course. if encounter unexpected things too late to leave, please leave a message to the receipt. if it is known in advance what should advance to the relevant staff leave, get approval. general leave people should not have level off. the data must be written clearly, to facilitate the staff planning. the leave on holiday / full should take the initiative, to do not have to recover.

please leave a

teacher wang:



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As we know ,Books can tell us a reason ,Reading in the summer, enthusiasm, no one would deny that summer hot and passion, read you, will you read a passionate summer. Book is not only knowledge of treasure, but our mentor, it can teach us how to composition and how to do it. In the us alone, it like a great friend as comfort you. A difficulty, it will give us the answers, Encounter difficulties, it will help us and give us strength. Reading water, is the source of life, Reading flower, life is the emotions, Reading is a kind of comprehension, reading is soil, is cultivated flowers resources.

书可以告诉我们道理,书不仅是知识的宝库,而且是我们的良师益友,它能教我们怎样作文,怎样做 人。在我们孤单时,它像大朋友一样安慰你。有疑难时,它会给我们解答;遇到困难 时,它会帮助我们,给我们力量。读书,在绚烂的春天。没有人会否认春天的温暖和浪漫。读你,就像读一个五彩的春天。读书如水,是生命的源泉;读书如花,是生命的情怀;读书是一种感悟,读书是土,是栽培花朵的资源。



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We all know that reading has a lot of benefits .First of all,from reading some kinds of extra.

readings,we can horizon our outlook,we can know this world in a better way.Secondly,as for a student we can rich in knowledge from reading a large number of books ,such as history,geography,physical books.Thirdly,reading can cultivate the habit of thinking which makes us smarter.Reading has a great many of other advantages of course ,it is wise for us to develop the habit of reading.



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Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances。 Therefore, we want to Sue around things start to do。 For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise。 If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs。 We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment。



There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years。 One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil。 the polluted air does great harm to people’s health。 The polluted water causes diseases and death。 What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities。

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot。 Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution。 Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today。

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures。 First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education。 Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution。 Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished。 We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves。








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