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The ocean and we are a whole, first of all, the ocean itself has great handling of pollutants, dilution, diffusion, oxidation, reduction and degradation of purification ability. But the capacity is not unlimited, when toxic and harmful substances accepted by the local waters more than its own self-purification ability, it will cause pollution of the waters. In addition the ocean while contains many resources, but the regeneration of marine resources is the need of time, if the development of marine resources we uncontrolled and not pay attention to the protection of these resources, so there is always used in the light of day. So the protection of the marine is extremely important.




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st important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.



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一、 全民动员,奉献爱心,保护和珍爱野生动物。

二、 不非法猎捕、杀害野生动物;

三、 不在集贸市场和其他场所非法销售野生动物及产品;

四、 餐饮行业不将野生动物及产品作为菜肴进行销售、广告,餐馆的名称不以“野味”字样冠名;

五、 客货承运业主自觉拒运野生动物及产品;

六、 广大市民自觉拒吃野生动物及其产品;

七、 广大市民积极举报非法捕杀、贩卖、食用、运输野生动物及产品的行为。



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The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) ("black-and-white cat-foot") is a mammal classified in the bear family, Ursidae, native to central-western and southwestern China. It is easily recognized by its large, distinctive black patches around the eyes, ears and on its rotund body. Though technically a carnivore, the panda has a diet which is 98% bamboo. However, they may eat other foods such as honey, eggs, fish, and yams.

The Giant Panda is an endangered animal; an estimated 3,000 pandas live in the wild and over 180 were reported to live in captivity by August 2006 in mainland China.another source by the end of 2006 put the figure for China at 221, with twenty pandas living outside of China.citation needed] However, reports show that the numbers of wild panda are on the rise.

The giant panda has long been a favorite of the public, at least partly on account of the fact that the species has an appealing baby-like cuteness that makes it seem to resemble a living teddy bear. The fact that it is usually depicted reclining peacefully eating bamboo, as opposed to hunting, also adds to its image of innocence. Though the giant panda is often assumed docile because of their cuteness, they have been known to attack humans, usually assumed to be out of irritation rather than predatory behavior.

The Giant Panda has a very distinctive black-and-white coat. Adults measure around 1.5 m long and around 75 cm tall at the shoulder. Males can weigh up to 115 kg (253 pounds). Females are generally smaller than males, and can occasionally weigh up to 100 kg (220 pounds). Giant Pandas live in mountainous regions, such as Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi, and Tibet. While the Chinese dragon has been historically a national emblem for China, since the latter half of the 20th century the Giant Panda has also become an informal national emblem for China. Its image appears on a large number of modern Chinese commemorative silver, gold, and platinum coins.

The Giant Panda has an unusual paw, with a "thumb" and five fingers; the "thumb" is actually a modified sesamoid bone, which helps the panda to hold the bamboo while eating. Stephen Jay Gould wrote an essay about this, then used the title The Pandas Thumb for a book of essays concerned with evolution and intelligent design. The Giant Panda has a short tail, approximately 15 cm long. Giant Pandas can usually live to be 20-30 years old while living in captivity.

Until recently, scientists thought giant pandas spent most of their lives alone, with males and females meeting only during the breeding season. Recent studies paint a different picture, in which small groups of pandas share a large territory and sometimes meet outside the breeding season.

Like most subtropical mammals, but unlike most bears, the giant panda does not hibernate.

Pandas eating bamboo at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.Despite its taxonomic classification as a carnivore, the panda has a diet that is primarily herbivorous, which consists almost exclusively of bamboo. This is an evolutionarily recent adaptation. Pandas lack the proper enzymes to digest bamboo efficiently, and thus derive little energy and little protein from it.

While primarily herbivorous, the panda still retains decidedly ursine teeth, and will eat meat, fish, and eggs when available. In captivity, zoos typically maintain the pandas bamboo diet, though some will provide specially formulated biscuits or other dietary supplements.




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Animals are our good friends, we should protect them, because a lot of animals is beneficial to human.

For example, I like little bees. It is very industrious, arrive every day, honey for the people.

I like the little green frog. It hid in the fields every day, as long as pests, will be the frog to eat into the belly.

I like the swallow. Its a beautiful singing voice, as long as the spring comes, they fly back from the south.

I like worms. It ran winding in the ground, turned out to be digging in to help the earth mother.

I like small gecko. Its tail special magical, broken can come back for yourself. Also can help mankind to catch mosquitoes.

Little friends, do you like the animals? So lovely small animals, we mustnt hurt it.










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I like dogs, because they are man’s good friends. They can do many helpful thingsto us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and soon. Some trained dogs can even lead the blind people and save people’s lives.So they‘re treated as our family members. I hope someday dogs will be in greatharmony with human-beings.




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Panda is our country’s treasure, we should protect it. nowadays, we see from the TV that panda is less than before, it is not only because of the damage of the environment, but also the weakness of the panda. Everybody loves panda, it is so lovely, a panda has two black eyes, it is very lazy, it likes sleeping all the time. When we see its round body shape, we can’t help loving them. In order to see the lovely animal, we need to protect them. We must protect the environment, like not to throw the rubbish away, not to cut down the trees. We condemn such behavior that killing the animals. Protecting the animals is everybody’s job.

熊猫是我们国家的珍宝,我们应该保护它。现在,我们可以从电视上看到熊猫比以前少,这不仅因为环境的破坏,还因为熊猫自身的脆弱。大家都喜欢熊猫,它很可 爱,熊猫有两只黑色的眼睛,很懒,总是在睡觉。当我们看到熊猫圆圆的身形时,忍不住喜欢它们。为了看到这些可爱的动物,我们需要保护它们。我们必须保护环 境,比如不随处扔垃圾,不砍伐树木。我们谴责杀动物的行为。保护动物,人人有责。



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Please love our animals, we have a lot of animals around us, such as: stray dogs, stray cats, etc. They have also been favored, and now why they wandering out, that is not because we humans? We put them away from the side, one by the owner only abandoned the little mind how to think, humans have not thought about their life and death. Some people are sad because of a dead bird, but no one to control the animals around. I want to say, "Please take care of the animals around us, keep them healthy and happy, let them have a warm home!"




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Excuse me waiter, there’s a shark in my soup

Some 200m years before dinosaurs made their appearance on earth and thus quite some time before Homo sapiens began celebrating nuptials at extravagant wedding banquets, sharks swam the oceans. Sharks are older than trees. They have survived at least four planetary mass extinctions.

在恐龙在地球上出现之前两亿年左右,也就是在现代人(Homo sapiens)开始举办奢华婚宴之前相当久远的时候,鲨鱼们就已经在海洋中游弋。鲨鱼比树还要古老。它们至少经历了四次地球物种灭绝,一直活到了今天。

The link between these ancient predators and contemporary wedding receptions is that, among Chinese people, it is a sign of generosity and prestige to serve guests shark-fin soup. Since there are more than 1.3bn Chinese people, and since they are getting more affluent by the day, that is of no little consequence to the shark population. Some 70m sharks are killed each year for their fins. Much of the time, the fins are sliced off with a blade at sea and the bloody shark torso thrown back in the water to die.


The California state legislature is debating a bill co-sponsored by Paul Fong, a Chinese-American Democrat, to ban the sale, consumption and trade of shark fin. Hawaii, Oregon and Washington state already impose similar bans. California accounts for 85 per cent of shark fin eaten in the US. The bill sailed through the lower house assembly, but is being held up in the state senate because of concerns it discriminates against Chinese Americans.

加利福尼亚州立法机构正在讨论由民主党人、美籍华人方文忠(Paul Fong)联合提议的一项旨在禁止贩卖、消费和交易鱼翅的议案。夏威夷州、俄勒冈州和华盛顿州已经实施了类似的禁令。加州的鱼翅食用量占到美国鱼翅总食用量的85%。州众议院会议已通过了此项议案,但因担心法案有歧视美籍华人的嫌疑,州参议院还未对其投票表决。

What people eat is, indeed, a sensitive topic and one that generates much hypocrisy. Different cultures have formed their own taboos about what is proper, and not proper, to eat. Muslims and Jews don’t eat pigs, Hindus don’t eat cows and most Americans don’t eat snake or whale. Jains, and vegetarians of all cultures, don’t eat any animals at all.


Westerners are particularly prone to turning up their nose at what other people eat. Their position is mostly illogical and sometimes offensive. They tend to mentally divide animals into those you eat (like pigs, sheep and chickens); those you cuddle or stroke (cats, dogs and horses); and those too ugly, unusual or intelligent to eat (say beetles, zebras and dolphins). Many profess to loathe barbarity – think clubbing seals – yet are happy to eat veal or to ignore what goes on in their friendly neighbourhood abattoir.


Michael Moore, the American documentary film-maker, brilliantly – if possibly inadvertently – exposed this self-delusion in Roger & Me. In a scene that was meant to highlight the poverty of Flint, Michigan, a woman selling rabbits is shown asking customers if they want “pets or meat”. If the answer is “pet”, the cuddly bunny is handed over to a delighted child. If “meat”, the hapless creature is clubbed to death with a lead pipe and skinned on the spot.

美国纪录片电影制片人迈克尔?摩尔(Michael Moore)在《罗杰和我》(Roger & me)中绘声绘色地(也可能是不经意地)披露了这种自欺欺人的行径。在展现密歇根州弗林特(Flint)贫困状况的一个场景中,有个女人在卖兔子,她问顾客要买“宠物还是兔肉”。如果答案是“宠物”,她就把小兔子交给一个满心欢喜的孩子。如果答案是“兔肉”,她便当场用一根铅管把这个可怜的动物打死并把皮剥下来。

The richer societies get, the more finicky they tend to become. Many (including myself) waste half the animal they have had killed on their behalf, refusing to consume its organs, intestines, brain and so on. These parts are often eaten, and sometimes prized, in non-western societies, particularly in Asia. In their willingness to consume almost all the animal, both China and Japan score far better than most western countries.


Surely, then, one can’t object to eating shark fin? Yet one can and one should. The reasons are to do with conservation and our broader ecosystem. Some species of shark have been depleted by 70 per cent and a few, such as smooth hammerhead, bull sharks and tiger sharks, by 90 per cent or more. Sharks are the ocean’s top predators. Their absence causes havoc. Off the east coast of America, sharks used to eat bottom-feeding rays. With shark numbers massively depleted, the rays have had a field day devouring scallops, clams and oysters, rapidly reducing stocks.


Once shark fins are dried and in jars, it is all but impossible to tell what kind of shark they came from or whether they were finned. At one store in the Sheung Wan district of Hong Kong, a city where half the world’s shark fin is traded, a salesman admits he has no idea whether the fins come from endangered species. His shop does not sell shark meat, and he says it could be true that the carcase is simply tossed into the sea. As well as the cruelty, there is also the incredible waste. The average shark stretches to about 10 bowls of soup.


Certainly, shark fin is traditional. As one writer points out, to ask people to stop eating it is the equivalent of suggesting Americans give up turkey for Thanksgiving. There is doubtless a case for banning other types of food, such as some types of caviar and some species of whale. But cultures are not immutable. Traditions change, especially when they are unsustainable.


Fortunately, many of the most prominent campaigners against shark fin are Chinese, with Yao Ming, the recently retired basketball sensation, among the most passionate. In Hong Kong, where shark fin used to be de rigueur at Cantonese banquets, many young people refuse to eat it. Besides, sharks have less cachet now they are siphoned from the oceans on an industrial scale.


In Canada, more than a few ethnic Chinese couples have made a show of not serving shark fin at their wedding. Judy Lao recently told the Vancouver Province why she didn’t have it at her reception. “We don’t really care, our friends don’t care, and shark fin has no nutritional value anyway,” she said. “So why should we serve it?” Why indeed.

在加拿大,许多对华裔夫妇已做出表率,在婚宴上不供应鱼翅。Judy Lao最近向《温哥华省报》(Vancouver Province)解释了,为什么她的婚宴没有上鱼翅。“我们并不介意这些,我们的朋友也不介意,再说鱼翅根本也没有什么营养价值,”她表示。“所以,我们为什么要上鱼翅呢?”确实,这有什么必要呢?




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I have always enjoyed the puppy, the puppy to grandmas house is particularly like, remember once I back to grandmas house, the dog seemed to think I am the bad guy, keep the eye, or grandma picked the dog away. The dog is a kind of lovely animals, very likable. Its limbs flexible, agile, cute little face on a pair of cute little eyes, white and brown hair, looks very cute. It furry body, black nose, swaying in the small tail, is charming. The dog is very cute when eating, if meat it down, if you drink milk, just lick milk is all about, I help grandma dog a name, called -- -- -- -- -- lele, grew up because I want it to be happy, not happy things outside the cloud nine. Lele like the sunshine, if the sun special good, it will immediately run to come over, how do you make it, it all ignore you. Lele slept in their own doghouse, like to put the dog kennel in bed. It was quiet and convenient. Lele love clean, every few days will be washing a bath, I like to give it a bath, xian play with it, let me feel a lot of fun. So I like dog.

我一向很喜欢小狗,对姥姥家的那只小狗是格外喜欢,记得有一次我回姥姥家,小狗好像把我当成了坏人,不停的汪汪的叫着,还是姥姥把狗抱开了. 小狗是一种可爱的小动物,很讨人喜欢.它四肢灵活,行动敏捷,可爱的小面孔上长着一对可爱的小眼睛,身上白色和咖啡色的毛,显得格外可爱. 它那毛茸茸的身体,漆黑的鼻子,摇来摇去的小尾巴,很讨人喜欢. 小狗吃东西的时候非常可爱,要是肉它就狼吞虎咽,要是喝牛奶,就把牛奶舔得一干二净,我帮姥姥的小狗起了一个名字,叫-----乐乐,因为我希望它快快乐乐的长大,把不高兴的事抛到九霄云外. 乐乐喜欢晒太阳,要是太阳特别好,它就会立马跑过来,你怎么逗它,它都不理你. 乐乐睡在自已的狗窝里,喜欢把狗窝放在床底下.这样既安静又方便. 乐乐爱干净,每隔几天就要冼一次澡,我喜欢给它冼澡,逗它玩,让我感到了许多的乐趣. 所以我很喜欢小狗.



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Now, "environmental protection" has become a global focus. But to truly protect the environment, we must start from ourselves and start with the small things around us.

One day, I went to play in the small river in the park. A little boy wanted to throw a fresh bottle into the river. I looked at it and said, "no matter what, Im going to play. If I take care of him, I wont be able to play." But at this time, one is old man on a fishing trip saw the little boys behavior quickly held out his hand to stop a small boy, and said to the boy: "child, dont throw rubbish into the river." The little boy listened and put down the bottle and said to the old man, "whats the big deal? Besides, this is a bottle, not a garbage." The old man listened and was not angry. Smiled and said to the boy, "son, you dont understand. You dont see it as a bottle, but it will also be like other garbage pollution water. We cant drink clean water. Moreover, the trash can is over there, a few steps away." The little boy was speechless to the old man. He said "thank you" to the old man and ran to the trash can.

I listened to that thought, "thats right. When we want to throw fruit peel, tend to throw the rubbish casually into the trash can outside, and ignored. In fact, as long as you stretch out his hand, will be thrown into the trash can. Sometimes, you can throw some wrapping paper with a, then a walk it. Later, you said cant find the trash can. In fact, trash can in a few steps away." These little things can reflect a persons moral character and whether he loves the environment around him.

Protect the environment. Its all about us. Everyone has to do their part. This will make our home more colorful!



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The boundless sea gives people the expectation, the beauty, the warm maternal love.

The sea is like a poem.Like a picture, the meaning is rich;Like a symphony, the vast...It is always calm, like a mirror;Now and then the rage, the surge of rage, can overturn the boat that sailed.In my mind, the sea is the blue world and the cradle of life.There are so many free and free lives.The sea is so mysterious, so charming!

Now the sea has changed.The water is no longer clear, its cloudy, its dirty.The water washed up on the sand, leaving no more of a bouncing fish, but a pile of trash, and a lot of shrill little shrimps.Why is that?Its all because of us.While enjoying the beauty of the sea, someone threw the stinky rubbish into the sea.There are also people living on the coast who make toilet discharge pipes to the bottom of the sea.Even worse, the waste water from the factory poured into the sea, and the water became a strange color.Lead to give birth to a lot of lack of brain ` low IQ baby, our next generation - the eyes bright ` voice immature ` gorge through red face the next generation will never see the beautiful blue sea.

Some people have done an experiment, he compared a basin of water to the sea, and drop a drop of ink into the "sea".At once, the ink spread slowly, shallower and disappeared, and the "sea water" was almost as clean as before.If the ink keeps dripping, "the color of the water will get darker and darker, and then it will turn into a basin of black water.The worlds six billion people produce a lot of waste water and industrial pollution every day, just as the ink has been pouring into the pristine waters of the sea, and the sea is now a pool of sewage.

For the sake of our human health, to see the beautiful and charming blue ocean for our children and grandchildren.Let us act immediately, love the sea as we love life, and love the common blue home of mankind.



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My favorite animal is naughty puppy.

It has a pair of intense big eyes, nose, wet powder, du forward a little mouth, a black and white hair, feels comfortable pole, short tails sticking from side to side, as if in like you play the woman.

Puppies are very smart animals, on one occasion, I put the bone in his hand, the results accidentally was seen by the dog, it ran up to me fiercely, frighten I quickly ran to the tree, and secretly buried the bones of the up, but the dog ran to the tree diameter plane out of the bone, demonstrating the same bone ran away with the ball in his mouth. I never thought a dogs nose would be so sensitive.

I like dogs with spiritual.







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There is only one earth. He is the cradle of life, is the homeland of all mankind. However, environmental pollution and ecological destruction of normal life has been on the social and economic development and peoples constitute a real threat. Care for the environment, advocate of civilization, is the humans moral responsibility.


We desire to clean the earth, to earth for environmental health, home, eager to green, health, the health of the community...... Let us love to pay close attention to changes in the environment, with enthusiasm to spread the idea of environmental protection, with action to shoulder the responsibility of environmental protection. Begin from me, start from now, start from the side of the little things, the environmental commitments into actions.


Remember, the protection of the earth, is to protect ourselves.



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Walk in the nature, can see the plants, in the park, in the grass, in the field, on the mountain... Plants everywhere, they accompany us, raising us. Plants and peoples relationship is very close, human beings can not be separated from them, their role can be large! Every day we eat cereal, barley is gone, sorghum shell, processed into corn. Such as we eat rice is rice to the skins, and heart everyday cannot little, vegetables, fruits and other plants into the?!

We drink, tomato juice, coconut juice, etc.. Dont look down upon the plants, you see! We wear clothes, but also depend on it, the clothes are made of cotton woven into cloth, usually cover the quilt, bed sheets, are derived from plants. When the festival, people always buy some flowers and bonsai decorative home. In addition, trees can also carry out photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, bring us fresh air, trees can prevent noise. Plants are widely distributed in the vast sea, in the scorching sun of the desert, but with the environmental pollution, the survival of plants has been a great threat, some plants have been extinct. The relationship between plants and people is very close, we have to protect the environment, to create a better world for plants, so that they can grow.



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A tiger is a kind of catamount animal.It looks like a cat,but much bigger than a cat.A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat.It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful.Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying.

Tigers live in the thick forests and small animals in the forests are tigers food.

During the past years,many forests have been cut down and the living conditions of the tigers are becoming worse and worse.There are fewer tigers left in the world now.Tigers are the animals of the world,and they should have their own living spaces.We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment.



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Taking care of our school and

Taking care of our school and protecting our school environment! A clean and pleasant environment is very important, because it can make us healthy and happy.

It’s our duty to protect our school environment. We should clean the school every day. And we shouldn’t drop trash here and there. We should pick it up when we see trash on the ground.

We shouldn’t draw on the wall. If we all like our school the same as we like our homes, our school will be more beautiful. We will enjoy our study better. Let’s protect our school environment from now on, shall we?



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As we all know,the number of Siberian tiger is becoming smaller and smaller. The appearances of Siberian tiger is terrifyingly.They are with an red-brown colour and brindle on their furs.They are mainly inhabit in forests and mountain area of the north by east in China.Their favourite food is fresh meat,especially the small animals.Their habitual behavior is to hide by day and come out at night. And we should try our best to protect them.



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As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse /more and more seriously today. Water is polluted, we have no clean water to drink. Many trees are cutting down, some animals are getting less and less. Some factories are pouring dirty air into the sky. The population is increasing faster and faster, resources are getting less and less…etc. Not only does it affect our lives and health, it also has a great affection in the future. People’s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution. Many people died of diseases. In order to live a better life, something must be done to stop the pollution. It’s our duty to protect our environment. We shouldn’t throw away rubbish everywhere. Trees are very helpful and important for us. We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.

If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful. In a word, if everyone pays more attention to our environment, there will be less pollution and our life will be better. “There is only one earth”, I hope everyone will protect our environment well.

