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“喵——”一只刚诞生的小猫自电线杆前,摇摇晃晃地用它瘦小的身躯向我走来。在冷冽寒风的无情侵蚀下,它更显得禁不起任何一点风吹雨打,我于是蹲下身,轻抚它凌乱不堪的毛发,我的心顿时蒙上了一层悲情的阴影。人们怎么能对生命有如此轻薄的负责态度?是怎样的残忍,让人们能如此狠心的,把这样虚弱又幼小的生 命就这样弃在冷清凄凉的大街上?


人类总自视甚高地认为,有动物都是为他们人生存在这世上,所以做出许多忍残忍又不尊重、爱保护生态命的举动,像是为了人类在科技中的一大步,将小白鼠做为实验 的对象;为了追随自私的时尚、为了凸显自身的地位,而使用动物的皮毛来作饰品甚至残忍杀害,为了赚取极大的利益,杀害珍贵稀有的动物……

然而,也有一些人致力于保护动物,他们为流浪狗结扎,有的甚至为流浪动物开设收容所,照顾它们,将他们的爱心付诸天下万物,为他们辟出另一生命乐土,而不 是走向安乐死这条不归路。虽然不是任何人都能付出如此,但每个人都能奉献己力,奉最大的力量、献最美的爱心,来保护这些生命。

每个人都需要具有爱保护生命的智慧,几个小小的动作,对动物来说其实会是个大大的壮举。举例来说,“以领养代替购买”,这不仅能省下购买宠物的不必要,还能够使无家可归的生命,有了希望的天地;让饱受艰辛的命运,有了未来的光明。爱它就不要抛弃它。当要养一只宠物时,不如事先酿一滴心思,衡量自己到是否有能 力去为一个小生命付出自已,假使无法负担,就别妄下决定,任何的不负责,都会毁了这个小生命美好的未来。





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People often say: the construction of a modern city, first of all to ensure that the city should have a good ecological environment.

Every day in the morning to go to school, he always can see the ground clean; At noon after school, I always can clearly see garbage on the ground, and trash can next to the clean, dont these people dont know garbage into the trash can? No, they know, even kindergarten children know garbage to throw into the trash, how come they dont know? They litter is completely in order to save trouble, because they are at the moment of litter didnt thought that could damage the environment, there is no thought that could bring inconvenience to the cleaners. I wonder why, these people have no morality heart? If so, I ask them to stop littering, please them to protect the city, to protect our beautiful home.

Day, the once very blue, but because of air pollution from factories, make the blue of the sky becomes cloudy; Water was very clear, but because the effluent from the factory, once the bottom stream become colorful; Forest, once very lush, but due to the deforestation of people, make once lush forest into a desolate desert...

At our side, there are many "environmental small guards", of course, there are a lot of damage to the environment behavior; Environmental protection of people we need to encourage them to adhere to the environmental protection, destroy the people we need to tell them the benefits of protecting the environment and damage the environment.

I hope that people can do it later "protect the environment, everyone duty", and the ability to truly realize the importance of protecting the environment, and make everyone around him to do this, in this way, our earth will be able to more and more beautiful, more and more prosperous!








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In modern society, we tend to become more and more aware of our living environment or physical environment, because we are not clean as before. So many people now choose their house as to its environment but not its location and expenses to afford it. As we all know, the environment pollution is more and more serious during these years, what we could do is to make great efforts in protecting environment gradually. As to government pollution, as to common people. We also try to protect it and make it remain clean. Although we have managed to protect the environment to a certain extent. It is still a very long way to go.

Protect our enviorment The earth is our home,we must take care of it.We shoule make a less pollution as we know everybody in north America makes 1000 kilograms of the garbage everyday. Most of it is packaging Most of garbage turns into soil but not to plastic,plastic keeps for many years it will pollute our environment so we shouldn’t waste thing we should make some things for recycling .


保护我们的环境 地球是我们的家园,我们必须照顾好它我们应该使减少污染,如我们所知大家在北美的垃圾进行1000公斤。大多数都是包装大部分垃圾变成土而不是塑料制品,塑料保持多年来它会污染我们的环境,所以我们不应该浪费我们应当做些事情回收利用。



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“世界动物日” (World Animal Day) 源自13世纪意大利修道士圣·弗朗西斯的倡议。下面是小编整理的保护动物的名言佳句,欢迎阅读。

1、 当我感到惋惜时,天空中又出现了一幅精彩的画面,画上一只可爱的大熊猫 ——人类的一级 保护动物,后面跟着紧追不舍的猎人,正当猎人要开枪时,我激动地喊“快跑”!也许是大熊猫听懂了我的语言,敏捷地爬上竹子,一步登上了天空,就在我想看看结果时,大熊猫和猎人已经无影无踪了。

2、 人与动物和谐相处是一幅多美的图画。动物发出的悠扬婉转,激情昂扬的鸣叫是一首多么动听的歌曲。人与动物共同书写的历史是一段多么动人的文字。世界动物日,保护动物,保护我们的朋友。

3、 一护林木少砍伐,二为动物来安家;三要节约水和电,四要回收利用大;五禁铺张和浪费,六要自然美如画;七要保护动物链,八把汽车放在家;九要遵纪和守法,十全十美幸福花。

4、 濒危动物要保护,人工养殖来培育。留下样品子孙看,珍奇动物不杀戮。人类生活美灿烂,保护动物莫小看。世界动物保护日,生态平衡很重要,保护动物人有责。

5、 没有鱼儿的陪衬,水再清也无活力,没有鸟儿的映衬,天再蓝也无朝气,没有动物的存在,人在多也是寂寞,世界动物日,一起保护动物,让我们共同和睦的生活在地球家园上。

6、 老虎在丛林中哀求,熊猫在竹林里哭泣,猴子在树上呼吁,企鹅在冰上祈祷,不要让世界上仅剩人类自己。世界动物日,短信来呼吁,动物是我们的朋友,保护动物从点滴做起,让动物和我们快乐在一起!

7、 停止杀戮,给动物一个生存的空间;停止迫害,给动物一份心灵的关怀。世界动物日,一起来爱护动物,保护动物,就会让我们的世界更美好!

8、 狮子老虎使深山老林生机勃勃,神出鬼没。雄鹰百鸟使蓝天活力昂然,增色添彩。鱼类水生使大海江河魅力无限,水下舞蹈。保护动物美丽地球,为人类生活添彩。

9、 保护动物,与自然和谐

10、 保护动物,维持生态平衡。

11、 一护林木少砍伐,二为动物来安家;三要节约水和电,四要回收利用大;五禁铺张和浪费,六要自然美如画;七要保护动物链,八把汽车放在家;九要遵纪和守法,十全十美幸福花。

12、 地球上指可数的野生动物资源大国,在想方设法保护他们的同时,也无可奈何地看着他们惨遭扑杀,践踏,掠夺……人类在破坏环境时,也在破坏国家的保护动物,大熊猫。素有"国宝"之称等等命运同样不佳,如果再破坏生态环境,这些世代赖以繁衍的家园也遭到疯狂的扫荡,株连九族的下场并不鲜见,是我们人类残酷无情的破坏他们。

13、 地球如果失去了动物黯然失色,人类如果失去了动物孤单失色。自然界如果没有了动物,没有了为人类做贡献的好朋友。世界动物保护日,保护动物就是保护人类自己。

14、 人类的祖先类人猿濒临灭绝,大猩猩寥寥无几,狒狒猴子在自然活动区的范围有限,大熊猫也仅数千只。世界动物日,朋友一起保护动物,让人类朋友健康繁衍。

15、 不要再破坏自然界中的一草一木,不要再乱杀一禽一兽,不要再杀害我们的朋友,要保护好自然界中的一个个生灵。消灭动物,就是在消灭人类自己。世界动物日,请保护动物!

16、 我就奇怪了,像你这样的稀奇物种,应该列为国家一级保护动物,在去世博会展出。说不定,你还可以为我国的外星物种科研事业做出贡献呢。

17、 森林之绿点缀地球的大地,森林之博构成动物的家园,森林之功提供人类的氧气。森林被誉为地球之肺,保护森林,保护动物的家园,保护人类的氧气。

18、 莫把动物来看扁,自然世界它主宰。生态平衡地球兴,生态破坏地球灭。肆意捕杀是犯罪,后代子孙生存难。世界动物日,保护动物就是保护我们自己,让社会永远和谐!

19、 春天的鸟鸣,夏天的蛙叫,秋天的蝉噪,冬天的鸡啼。可爱的动物为我们奏响一年四季的欢歌。世界动物日,让我们一起保护动物!

20、 放弃贪婪的食欲,不再屠戮;放过弱小的生命,不再滥捕;放下嗜血的屠刀,不再滥杀。世界动物日,一起行动起来,保护动物,人人有责!

21、 同一个蓝天下,和谐相处,保护动物,人人有责。

22、 杀戮使部分动物濒临灭绝,美味使部分珍禽远离人类,享受是多少动物无路可逃,生态失去平衡人类朋友减少。世界动物保护日,保护动物人有责,爱护动物爱自己。

23、 地球因有了飞禽走兽而有了生机,自然因有了鸟语花香而有了朝气,生态因有了珍禽异兽而有了平衡,生活因有了莺歌燕舞而有了欢乐,世界动物日,保护动物从你我做起,赶快行动吧。

24、 自然界中有规律,食物链条不可破。肆意捕杀物种亡,生态平衡遭破坏。链条断开影响大,自然危机难改变。世界动物日,请保护动物,让世界永远精彩!

25、 一护林木少砍伐,二为动物来安家;三要节约水和电,四要回收利用大;五禁铺张和浪费,六要自然美如画;七要保护动物链,八把汽车放在家;九要遵纪和守法,十全十美幸福花。

26、 没有动物,人类是孤单的,没有动物,自然是暗淡的,没有动物,地球是无生机的,世界动物日,保护动物,让人与动物共同创造美丽的地球家园,一起行动!

27、 一护林木少砍伐,二为动物来安家;三要节约水和电,四要回收利用大;五禁铺张和浪费,六要自然美如画;七要保护动物链,八把汽车放在家;九要遵纪和守法,十全十美幸福花。

28、 小猫为人类消灭鼠害,爱犬帮助搜救生命,破案缉毒捕逃犯,白鸽为人们传书送信,世界动物日,愿你保护动物好朋友,向献爱心给人类的动物们致谢!

29、 鸟儿高唱在云霄,野兔奔跑在草地。狮虎呼啸在山林,鱼儿潜游在水底。这个世界多美丽,万物共存有生机。人类不可把恶作,破坏平衡灭生灵。世界动物日到了,保护动物从我做起!

30、 保护动物就是保护我们的同类。

31、 我就奇怪了,像你这样的稀奇物种,应该列为国家一级保护动物,在去世博会展出。

32、 “鱼”在工具书中的解释为“肉可以食用”,“虎”的解释是“毛皮可以制革”,既然是受保护动物,为什么还要这样解释呢?

33、 雄鸡一唱天下亮,爱犬狂叫狐狸逃。鹦鹉学舌来戏弄人,鸳鸯嬉水爱情鸟。美丽天使白天鹅,猴戴帽子扮装人。世界动物日,保护动物好朋友,多为人类做贡献。

34、 一护林木少砍伐,二为动物来安家;三要节约水和电,四要回收利用大;五禁铺张和浪费,六要自然美如画;七要保护动物链,八把汽车放在家;九要遵纪和守法,十全十美幸福花。

35、 我就奇怪了,像你这样的稀奇物种,应该列为国家一级保护动物,在去世博会展出。说不定,你还可以为我国的外星物种科研事业做出贡献呢。

36、 辽阔的草原,属于动物的天堂,广阔的天空,属于鸟儿的梦想,宽阔的河流,属于鱼虾的殿堂,世界动物日,爱护动物,保护动物,地球不只属于人类!

37、 一护林木少砍伐,二为动物来安家;三要节约水和电,四要回收利用大;五禁铺张和浪费,六要自然美如画;七要保护动物链,八把汽车放在家;九要遵纪和守法,十全十美幸福花。

38、 动物是人类的朋友,善待动物,就是在美化世界;关爱动物,就是在造福万物;保护动物,就是在缔造和谐。世界动物日,行动起来,保护动物,责无旁贷!

39、 一护林木少砍伐,二为动物来安家;三要节约水和电,四要回收利用大;五禁铺张和浪费,六要自然美如画;七要保护动物链,八把汽车放在家;九要遵纪和守法,十全十美幸福花。

40、 不要让一切都成为记忆——保护动物,与自然和谐。

41、 狮吼虎啸斑马跑,狼嚎豺叫鸡鸭逃。天鹅大雁火力鸟,深海鲸鱼浅礁豹。人类生活动物伴,精彩世界起舞跳。世界懂我保护日,保护动物好朋友,计划杀戮来繁育。

42、 维护生态平衡,保护动物。



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Animal and human, thoughts, feelings, have their own way of life, more freedom.


We should not go to destroy their peaceful and harmonious life, we have no right to destroy their life, of course, theres no reason to blame them.


When we put on the table a tasty dish, such as: snake, frog, and other animal. We Shi Bushi should think, each of us to eat an animal, is tantamount to let go of the number of farmers to the harmful insects. We Shi Bushi should also think about, they all make concerted efforts to catch insects, human can not only do not appreciate, but put them as their food, as we human beings to make money every day things, how they are hateful!


Now, a lot of life on earth is very rare, and even some on the verge of extinction! If there were no animal, the earth will become what, and humans will become what?


I think, when we reflect on the human, if this goes on, we will be the animal enemies, not to mention what "dances with wolves"


Man, come on come on! The protection of wild animal, now, before it is too late!



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Today there is more and more pollution and the environment is becoming worse and worse. So we have to know how to protect the environment. Here are some ways.


First, we can stop driving our personal cars. We can go to school or work on foot or by bus. Not only can it protect environment, but also it is good for our health.


Second, we are not supposed to drop litter anywhere, we should put them into the trash bin. And it’s best to pick up the litter on the ground when we see them.


Third, we should save the paper, the water, the food and so on.


Fourth, we should protect the trees and we should plant more trees.


I think if everyone does something to protect the environment, our world will be much better.




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In recent years, I find it easier to our resources dried up. All of these, because we have recently a lot of collection resources, leading to our mothers are dwindling.

What is the mother of all resources less and less? Is, of course, we humans excessive spoiling dont cherish, would cause such a serious result. Our earth forest area has reached 600 million hectares, the figure is due to our human previously has important sense to protect the environment, know that if you dont have a good environment, we wont be able to breathe to the light wind gently brushed the grass surface sweet taste. And now? Us that the earths forest area is still not arrived 6 hectares, this kind of situation, it is because we humans cut down trees and destroying forest without restraint, make almost fell by 1% in each of the forest area in the world, now our protection in the nature of the important consciousness is more and more shallow, dont take care of the objects around, as the forest is less, the first bite of the air we breathe is less and less fresh...

Is not destruction of forest resources, and our mineral resources. It is limited, now our production technology constantly improve, the accelerating speed and shortage of some minerals occurred, even dried up. Until then, we will always stay in the desolate landscape.

In the face of these, can see there are so many resources in we lost too much! We rely on resources too much! All around us, little drops of the resources are in decline, if lost it all, we will how to live! So, let us sincerely treat our mother earth, try to cherish, to cherish. If only use a small plastic bag, it should not be too!

Let us act, to defend the earth!








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I wonder if the students have seen a picture of the comic, the title is "the fish also needs protection", "on the surface of the floating many trash, some heavier continues to sink. A little fish in the water with a lotus leaf. This seemingly funny cartoon has deep meaning.

Although only a usual cartoon. Have you ever thought, in a few years, decades, hundreds of years... Will become a reality? According to the survey, 20% of freshwater fish endangered, 50% of the coral reef degradation. About two thirds of the population in 2025 water supply difficulty... All kinds of ugly data show that the earth, homeland of human suffering from the tremendous harm. As human beings we must stand up face, start from every little thing. Such as: protect the environment, and actively promote civilization.

Hugo said: "mother nature is good, is also cruel butcher." If you dont protect the environment, so, the plants and trees might be people watch exhibits. Because trees reduce, originally all over the world every year about 300, one hundred million tons of soil erosion is not even more in the future? At that time, the earth can also give us the wealth?

To their homes, for ourselves, for the benefit of future generations, protect the environment, everyone duty, urgent!







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shark-skin like swimsuit

A new high-performance swimsuit,developed by mimicking the skin of sharks,will be worn by top athletes in Athens from this week.

The revolutionary new fabric,developed by Speedo,is the result of four years of research and development that began with the study of shark skin at the Natural History Museum .

The new swimsuit,called Fastskin FSII,increases a swimmers speed by reducing passive drag through water by up to 4% more than the next best swimsuit.

Research into shark skin texture and movement through water was carried out under the guidance of Natural History Museum fish expert Ollie Crimmen.

Tiny teeth cover the surface of a sharks skin and the shape and positioning of these teeth vary across the body to manage the flow of water.

With these findings Speedo created a full bodyskin with different fabrics on different parts of the body and for the first time,male- and female-specific and stroke-specific swimsuits.



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dog is my favorite animal among all the animals.As we all know,dog is a lovely animal.i love it not only because of its cute shape,but also because of its loyalty.it will never betray its master.another reason why i love dog is that dog can make me happy.when i am sad,it will do everything he can to cheer me up and forget the unhappy things.so i will love dog for ever and ever.



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In our country, the number of wild animals is becoming smaller and smaller. Some of them are even dying outThe dangerous methods we human being has taken are as follows:

We have been cutting the trees to build houses, so the home of animals is intruded and they have to find new places to live. In this process, some of them died in the new environment.

The abuse of pesticide has also been endangering the life of wild animals.

In addition, in order to earn money, people have been killing the rare wild animals.

In that we have realized the threat of our behavior to our best friends, we should take actions to change such a condition by taking the following methods:

We should protect the wild animal by protecting the environment that they live in and protect themselves, not to hurt them. At the same time, we should establish more natural reserves for the wild animals.

I believe as long as work together to protect the wild animals, our life will be more and more comfortable.



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Campus, such as flowers, sending out the intoxicating fragrance, sending out the breath of love; Campus, such as the rain, has nurtured us, training us; Campus such as dreams, so beautiful, so sweet. I love this garden like campus.

"Green campus", to beautify the campus. Our campus change green and beautiful. Appered, picked a flower and grass, a flower bed, added to life, our campus look brand-new.

"The air is fresh, clean and tidy environment, buildings, surrounded by green trees", who dont want to in such a clean, sanitary, healthy growth of the beautiful campus learning? But a variety of reasons, our campus environment is gradually damaged by bad behaviour of some of my classmates. Now in our beautiful campus, there have been some uncivilized phenomenon, some students randomly throw debris-brick, plastic bottles, sunflower seeds, etc. Whenever naughty wind these waste, running here and there, tinkling like a child, helpless, we can only watch them on campus "dance", and even some classmates in the scribble on the white wall and the desk carved, and disorderly spit phlegm, and so on. All this, cannot match with our beautiful campus. See these phenomena, how would you feel? Learning life can make you happy?



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One day, the fawn to another forest to take a walk. The fawn surprised to think: "hey, how do the trees here only the stumps, become bare?" Suddenly, the deer heard a cry, and it went down crying, the original small animals in the forest near the stump cry, cry very sad!

The deer walks to the small animals and ask: "why are you crying?" Little monkey and said: "the trees here grow CongCongLongLong, the branch is very tall and straight, we can free to play, play in the branches, now trees are being cut off, we didnt play place, let us how sport?" The words sound just fell, the small white rabbit said: "before we have the green grass, now has been cut off, havent got the fresh mushrooms on the grass, we have no food, how life ah!" At this moment, the bird to fly, said: "before the branches is our home, but now the branches have no, were homeless, told us how to live!"

Fawn looked up at the sky and prayed silently: "human! You dont hurt them, to help them quickly! Give them a happy peaceful home!"






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Environmental problems are being more and more serious all over the world。

For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and

poisonous gas is given off by factories。 Trees on the hills have been cut down

and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers。Furthermore, wherever

we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed。 Pollution is, in fact,

threatening our existence。

The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves

and for our later generations。 Fortunately, more and more people have realized

these problems。 Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the

government。 Laws have been passed to stop pollution。 I hope the problem will be

solved in the near future and our home will bee better and better。



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It was a fine day today and the sun was bright.I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate, He Song.The animals were so interesting that all the people loved them.When a bear asked for some food by waving its ann, a visitor threw something to it.At once I went up to him and said without thinking,Dont do that.Its bad for it.If you really love them, take good care of them。 His face turned red and answered he wouldnt do that again。



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My favorite little animal is a kitten, our family has raised a kitten, it is sent by neighbors. Because now the kitten is dead, so I will often think of it.

The cat looks very beautiful, he has a white hair, claws under the pad can make him walk without a little bit of sound. The most unique is his eyes: one eye is blue, the other is green. Blue eyes like sapphire, green eyes like emerald.

Kitten is very greedy, and sometimes a pound of heavy fish soon "destroy" the. Once, my mother made a bowl of fish soup. Kitten jumped on the table, relish eating up. When I was eating, it was found by me, so I taught him a bitter meal. The kitten hung his head, as if to say: "I no longer dare." I immediately laughed.

Now that kitten is dead, since then, every time I see the kitten, and it should play some. Kitty, where did you go?



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We human beings live on the earth, the earth has a lot of things we need to protect, but we dont care.

Some people dont cherish the earth gives us everything, such as deforestation, people throw plastic bags, a large number of the use of disposable chopsticks and manufacturing such as white trash has brought many environmental problems to nature, the serious influence our life. And air pollution, acid rain and ozone layer damage are nature disasters to mankind, deforestation, people throw plastic bags and the use of disposable chopsticks, etc., these are the people dont respect for nature, there is no natural, no human. This is a simple truth in the world, people will only blindly rob nature, conquering nature, will only damage ecosystems, deserve it, make human on the brink of trouble. Remember, to protect the environment is to protect our own living environment.

We need to protect the fragile earth in a friendly way, dont let the dense forest, the vast grassland and endless oceans become our memories.

Now on, we should protect the environment, to defend our home together.




