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During the 15 days from New Year’s Eve to Lantern Festival, Beijing was

affected by smog for more than half the time, because of which people suffered a

lot. On the road people drove slowly because they could not see clearly. People

also suffered from many illnesses caused by smog.

The smog in Beijing has been caused by many factors, in which the increase

of cars in the city area plays an important role. The carssend off a lot of

poisonous gases, which in turn adds to the already seriousair pollution.

In my opinion, the number of cars should be limited.We should call on the

people to use more public transport. Only in this way canwe expect to have more

sunny days.




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Since the winter last year,the haze has occurred a lot of times.Haze is air

pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles ,and it

obscure the clarity of the sky and interacts with the natural environment.This

kind of air pollutant come from a variety of natural and manmade sources.

Natural sources can include windblown dust, and soot from wildfires. Manmade

sources can include motor vehicles, and industrial fuel burning, and

manufacturing operations. The one of the main cause that touches off haze is

manufacturing operations. Many factories were over measure produced the smog

that had over the standard and the smog seriously influence the air become air


It has done great harm to our daily life.many traffic accidents happened

just because of the heavy haze weather,more and more people have to go to see

the doctor because the serious disease caused by the haze,quite a lot of flights

have to be put off,a great number of people have to stay at home for fear of the

poisonous air caused by the haze.

People have realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance

of protecting the environment.people all over the country are taking measures to

reduce the smog weather.the government suggests people go to work or school with

the public traffic, such as the bus and the underground.Also we should plant

more trees.One of effective solutions to help eliminate haze is to make some

chemistry changes during the manufacturing process,so it could reduce harmful

emissions which are produced by manufacturing operationsAccording to me, I

will go to school by bike or on foot, and I won’t throw the waste anywhere.in

addition, I will tell the people I meet to protect the environment as possible

as they can.would you like to tell me some good ideas?i’m looking forward to

your reply. We are all in this together! We shall survive and thrive




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Recently, the fog haze weather occurred frequently, more and more serious, and also attracted the attention of the national peoples attention. Many parts of China the haze as a severe weather forecast.

How is the haze formation? Please listen to me to slowly. It is made of pm2.5 grain of dust, smoke, such as sand float evenly to form a haze in the air. However, fog and haze and difference in nature. When the air is humid, appear when fog haze air drying, and harmful to human body, long-term inhalation can lead to death.

Haze is how to produce? Automobile exhaust emissions from industrial production, and firecrackers and so on all is the main cause of haze. Drive a little, little let off firecrackers at a time. Let we Chinese dont neglect environmental protection.

However, relative to protect themselves is to some. In order to avoid inhaling fog, fog weather dont open the window. Go out to travel, or play, please wear the masks. Tung orange stem tea, and a moderate amount of vitamin d supplements. Also drink plenty of water, food is delicate.

Fog will also cause many diseases, such as respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, serious illness of various kinds of endanger human body health.

Protect yourself, struggle and fog is one of the most important, fog although terrorist, but people still come up with many ways and fog haze, such as: artificial rainfall, etc. However, it can only be short time to control the fog haze, a small scale is not a long-term solution. So, we should protect the environment.

To protect the environment! Let these years haze weather gradually reduce!!!! Let people dont have died!










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Task:Some people think governments should focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help people prevent illness and disease. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

There is no doubt that people’s health will be influenced directly or indirectly by the environment and housing condition. Whether governments should focus more on the environment and estate has triggered a controversy. I feel that individuals should take more responsibility for their well-being other than government’s increasing attention.

Indeed, the environmental problems and housing conditions are two main sources for illness and diseases. In many large cities in northern China, haze weather has become a daily killer, especially causing respiratory diseases in winter. Also, populace will easily access to viruses and bacteria if they live in a poor housing condition without any advanced sanitation. Therefore, governments should give more attention and higher investment in these two areas.

Compared to individuals, governments have more power to arrange a wide range of social resources to address severe issues; however, it does not mean that addressing this problem totally depends on governments. The state is an organizer or a coordinator in our society instead of a responsibility taker. Although governments can claim people to enhance the awareness of environment protection, make policy to strengthen the environment management and invest estate where they need, public health condition is still a personal problem to some degree. People have the obligation to form and keep a healthy and positive lifestyle, or they will still face the threat of illness and diseases even environment and housing condition getting better.

In conclusion, people can also need to take responsibility of their well-being as governments only hold a position as organizer and coordinator. The most feasible solution may be that governments provide a fine setting on one hand and public should pursue a healthy lifestyle for themselves on the other hand.




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就“说明对象”而言,英语说明文可分为对“客观具体事物”的说明和对“主观抽象观念”的说明两大类,比如:对“LASER(激光)”、“Computer Problem of Year XX(计算机XX年问题)”等等的说明都是对客观或者具体事物的说明,而“The Successful Interview(谈成功的面试)”、“How to Write Good English Composition(如何才能写好英语作文)” 等是对主观抽象观念的说明。对我们中学生朋友来说,在汉语说明文的教学中似乎比较侧重前者,即解释客观具体事物的说明文。但在英语说明文中,阐述和说明 “主观抽象观念”的说明文占了很大的比重,其中有些类似汉语中的议论文。但是无论是对“客观具体事物”的说明还是对“主观抽象观念”的阐述,英语说明文从结构上看大致可分为三个部分:第一部分一般是文章的第一段,提出文章的主题,也就是说,文章想要阐述、说明的主要内容;第二部分是文章的主体,可由若干个段落组成,对文章的主题进行展开说明;第三部分是结尾段,对文章的主题作归纳总结。从英语说明文的结构可以看出,要写好英语说明文的关键在于第二部分如何对文章主题进行展开说明。在英语中,常见的用来展开文章主题的方法有下列几种:


在文章开始时提出需要说明的东西和观点,然后常用first,second,…and finally加以罗列说明。罗列法广泛地使用于各类指导性的说明文之中,下面这篇学生作文就是用罗列法写成的:

Early Rising

Early rising (早起) is helpful in more than one way. First, it helps to keep us fit (健康)。 We all need fresh air. But air is never so fresh as early in the morning. Besides, we can do good to our health from doing morning exercise (做早操)。

Secondly, early rising helps us in our studies. We learn more quickly in the morning, and find it easier to remember what we learn in the morning.

Thirdly, early rising enables (使能够) us to plan the work of the day. We cannot work well without a good plan. Just as the plan for the year should be made in the spring, so the plan for the day should be made in the morning.

Fourthly, early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work, such as to wash our faces and hands and eat our breakfast properly.

Late risers may find it very difficult to form the habit of early rising. They ought to make special efforts to do so. As the English proverb says,“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”


There are several good reasons why we should learn a foreign language. First of all, …Secondly, …And finally, …

We should try our best to plant more trees for several good reasons First of all, …Secondly, …And finally,

必须指出的是,有时罗列法并不一定有明确的first, second…等词,但文章还是以罗列论据展开的。


举例法是用具体的例子来说明我们要表达的意思,常用for example, for instance, still another example is…等词语引出。下面这篇学生作文就是用举例法写成的:


It is impossible to keep in good health unless we take enough recreation (娱乐)。 The mind, too, needs change to make it fresh and vigorous (有活力的) There is much truth in the old saying, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.“

There are many games which boys and girls can play after their school work is done, for instance, football, tennis, and kite-flying. Other examples of recreation are boating, fishing, gardening, cycling, walking, chess-playing, and reading. Persons who sit much at their business should take a kind of recreation that will supply their muscles (肌肉) with exercise. Those who spend most of their time in the open air and do manual work (体力活) should adopt (采纳) reading or some other quiet form of recreation.

Cycling is said to be an important means of recreation, but many persons foolishly tire out themselves by cycling too much. The same may be said in regard to football. Tennis is a pleasant form of recreation. Many persons take great delight in boating. Fishing requires much patience, and there is much danger of taking cold by sitting still on a cold day too long. A good brisk (轻松) walk is one of the finest forms of exercise. For persons engaged in outdoor labor, chess-playing is another excellent form of recreation.


3.比较法(comparison and contrast)


From Paragraph to Essay

Although they are different in length (长度), the paragraph and the essay are quite similar in structure (结构)。 For example, the paragraph starts with either a topic sentence (主题句) or a topic introducer followed by a topic sentence. In the essay, the first paragraph sets up the topic focus (主题所在) Next, the sentences in the body of a paragraph develop the topic sentence. Similarly, the body of an essay consists of a number of paragraphs that discuss and support the ideas given in the introductory (引导的) paragraph. Finally, a concluding sentence (结束句) ——whether a restatement, conclusion, or observation——ends the paragraph. The essay, too, has a concluding paragraph which ends the essay logically and satisfactorily. Although there are some exceptions (例外), most well written expository (说明文的) paragraphs and essays are similar in structure.

可以看出,在比较相同点的时候,常用到similarly,also,too,in the same case,in spite of the difference等这样的词语。

European Football and American Football

Although European football is the parent of American football, the two games show several major differences. European football, sometimes called association football or soccer, is played in 80 countries, making it the most widely played sport in the world. American football, on the other hand, is popular only in North America (the United States and Canada)。 Soccer is played by eleven players with a round ball. Football, also played by eleven players in somewhat different positions (位置) on the field, is played with an elongated (拉长的) round ball. Soccer has little body contact (接触) between players and therefore needs no special protective equipment. Football, in which players make the greatest use of body contact to stop a running ball-carrier and his teammates, needs special protective equipment. In soccer, the ball is advanced toward the goal by kicking it or by butting (顶) it with the head. In American football, on the other hand, the ball is passed from hand to hand or carried in the hands across the opponents (对手) goal. These are just a few of the features which distinguish (区别) association and American football.

这是一篇用比较不同点的手法写的说明文。从文章中可以看出:however,on the other hand,in contrast,but,nevertheless等表示转折的词语常用来引导对不同点的比较。





A bat is a small mouse-like animal that flies at night and feeds on(以……为食品)fruit and insects but is not a bird.

其实,在英—英词典中,对英语单词的英文解释就是定义法的典型例子。比如,看看Longman词典对student和teacher的定义是很有意思的:A student is a person who is studying at a place of education or training. A teacher is a person who gives knowledge or skill to sb. as a profession (专业)。

5.顺序法(sequence of time, space and process)




Coal underwent (经受) many changes before it became the bright, brittle (脆的), black substance which we now use. During ancient times (在上古时代), when the earth enjoyed a very warm and wet climate, the land was covered with large forests and big plants. As time went on, the ground changed and began to sink (下沉) a little. These very large numbers of trees and vegetables received a deposit (沉淀) of sand and clay. This layer of sand and clay pressed upon the layer beneath and prevented it from contact with air. These trees and plants received the pres sure and changed its appearance.

Generations after generations (几世纪后), as the ground kept gradually sinking, another layer of sand and clay was again deposited (积聚) above the layers already formed. A great pressure was thus exerted (作用) and the peat (泥煤) was changed into the black and brittle substance which is known as coal.

Coal is a kind of mineral which is formed by nature as above stated. It is an important industrial material and is chiefly used as fuel. It is very valuable in the industrial world. The place where coal deposit is called a coal mine (煤矿)。 In China, coal mines are largely found in the north-west part of the country. Shanxi is a famous province for producing coal. It has the most coal of China.


分类法是将写作对象进行分类说明的一种写作手法。比如:著名的英国哲学家弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)在其脍炙人口的《谈读书》(Of Studies)一文中就用到了分类法:

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested, that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others; but that would be only in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of books…







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Todays weather is strange, or cloudy day in the morning. At 6 o clock in the afternoon, the sky grew up a thin layer of fog, hangs over the mountains in the distance. I thought it was the night hazy sky. Every five minutes, when I once again fell on the window overlooking the distance, accidentally found Windows with a few more granular small water droplets, watches, each a small water droplets containing a small black dust particles, I found it strange. To look into the distance, the tall buildings as if tied strips on soft white gauze, neon lights adorn the ribbons grew more viable. Car passing by on the parking lot also opens the fog lamps, shoot the light like a beam of a root, is able to bear or endure look. It was getting dark, the window to set more and more water, slowly, the small water droplets to suck more and more big. Everything is so quiet beautiful outside the window, I cant help but have also been deeply attracted...

Just as I was intoxicated at the time of, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, accompanied by thunder and lightning, heavy rain pouring down. The rain slapping on the glass, the dust is washed clean. Just the fog, has also been blown without a shadow. Hey, is this natural written in fog phenomenon? I dug out a thick "hundred thousand whys" in the home, ha, finally found - yes, this is the fog! It is because of the air suspension with a lot of smoke, dust and other particles in the presence of water vapour forms turbid phenomenon, make the line of sight fuzzy and lead to reduced visibility. Its no wonder that Windows have conspicuous particles, originally you were part of the dust in the air in!

Because now the air pollution is more serious, so the fog haze weather, the more the greater the damage. Sometimes is cant open the car, the plane cant come down. To reduce the fog weather, we have to protect the environment, planting a variety of grass, improve air quality, for the benefit of mankind.






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One morning in the winter, I went to school with my bag and found the fog below.

Oh The fog?! In front of the mountain The grass is green and luxuriant. shy, reluctant to take out the white fog to block. Streets, villages, and pedestrians are shrouded in thick fog, the whole town is the fog of the sea. At first, on the road to see the figure, it was all gray, approached to see the contours of a person. In the street, the car has been raised by the lantern, a flash, and slowly move forward, as if the old man walking night. People walking in the sea of mist, like the fairy The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, seem to be Yu Yunduan. While the fog dispersed, while gather together, while rising, while landing. Everywhere is white, everywhere is white, like a fairy and a white horse in the sky, but also like the myth of "water overflows golden hill". The sun in the sky is so small, the color is very light, very light, only a yellow plate.

In the morning, the fog gradually faded, into a very thin and very thin yarn, in the air floated, sometimes far, sometimes near; sometimes high, sometimes low. This layer of yarn was soon in the hands of the gourd gourd, all gone. Beautiful mountains, tall trees and all the world show their original face. Look, the sun woke up, the sky is smiling to us!

Fog, you have brought us a change, brings the imagination, brings the joy, brings the colorful scenery.








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雾霾究竟是什么呢?雾霾是一定气候条件与人类活动相互作用的结果,高密度人口的经济和社会活动必然会排放大量细颗粒物(PM 2.5),如果排放超过大气循环能力和承载度,细颗粒物浓度将持续积聚起来,此时如果受天气等影响,极易出现大范围的雾霾。因为雾霾,我和爸爸去北京时特意准备了口罩,却也起不到多大的作用,汽车尾气、扬尘、违规厂房等污染,导致北京的天是雾蒙蒙的,大白天的能见度也不是很高,医院也因空气污染患呼吸道疾病的人,也越来越多,此前,爵士歌手佩蒂·奥斯汀就是因北京雾霾哮喘病发,被迫取消演唱会。






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英语议论文同中文议论文一样也是以议论的方式,通过摆事实、讲道理来阐述自己观点的一种文体。高中英语议论文是一种限制性的写作, 其论点、论据、论证都必须十分明确,学生必须结合题目要求来阐述相关观点。

议论文的结构可分为三个部分:1、引言段引出一个令人关注的问题或明白地亮出自己的观点,如提倡什么,支持什么,反对什么。 2、主体段对提出的问题进行分析、推论、并运用归纳法、演绎法和类比法等进行论证,取得以理服人的效果。3、结论段可以用两三句话来结束文章,同时要注意重申论点,与引言段呼应,但不能照搬原话。务必做到论点明确、要点齐全、论证严密、结构严谨、层次分明、首尾呼应。



人们常说:“磨刀不误砍柴功”。审题是写作的开始,是写好作文的前提条件,“好的开始是成功的一半”,议论文写作也不例外。只有明确题目要求,确立观点,确定论证方法及全文段落安排,才可能成功写出一篇好的议论文。如果写偏了题,再精心的构思、再好的语言表达也是枉然。审题主要包括六个方面:一是判断议论文所属类型。英语议论文根据命题特点,从形式上来看可分为如下类型: ①“一分为二”的观点。如:“轿车大量进入家庭后,对家庭、环境、经济可能产生的影响”。②“两者选一”的观点。如:“乘火车还是乘飞机”。③“我认为……”型,如:“你对课外阅读的看法”。④“怎样……(how to)”型,如:“怎样克服学习中碰到的困难”。⑤ 图表作文,通过阅读图表中的数字与项目得出一个结论或形成一种看法(杨家贵,2005)。二是确立该文的论点或作者须持的观点,以及支撑论点的道理和事实。三是确定全文所包括的要点。四是确定段落数及每段适用的连接词、过渡句,使文章连接紧凑、过渡自然、层次分明。五是选择全文主要时态及各段适用的其它时态。六是判断该文的格式,是书信还是短文。审题完毕,随即列出提纲。


主题句又叫中心句(topic sentence),是段落的论点,限制段落中议论的范围,是整个段落的纲领。主题句必须要正确,要明确表明作者赞成什么,反对什么。主题句在一篇百来字的议论文中好比“画龙点睛”,帮助作者分层次阐述自己的观点,让读者快速了解作者的观点。





1)Staying up late is bad for our health.

2)The more cars, the better?

3)There are two reasons why some people are fascinated by Super Girls and two reasons why some dislike them.

4)Beijing is famous for the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Imperial Palace and other places of interest.

5)a. Tom is a middle school student.

b. Tom is a hard-working middle school student.

6)Living in small cities is better than living in big cities.


Everyone lives by selling something. For example, teachers live by selling knowledge, philosophers by selling wisdom and priests by selling spiritual comfort. Though it may be possible to measure the value of material goods in terms of money, it is extremely difficult to calculate the true value of services which people perform for us. The conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop. Everyone has something to sell.



从行文需要出发选用恰当的连接词、过渡句可使整篇文章文句流畅,句意转换自然,同时使表达合乎逻辑,文章结构严谨。倘若一篇议论文的段落里不乏高级词汇和复杂语法结构,但缺少了连接词、过渡句的润色而不能从一个观点自然地过渡到另一个观点,或段落里的各论据(supporting sentence)连接松散,势必削弱论证的效果,就算不上一篇好的议论文。下面分别说明如何有效运用连接词与过渡句。





Wearing school uniform every day spreads an order over many schools. Is it good or bad for students? Different people, however, have different opinions on this matter.

Some people say that it has a bad effect on developing students’ personal character. According to them, students are tired of wearing the same clothes every day, which is hard to tell who’s who. Furthermore, the cost of the school uniform is not low as many people think. With the bad quality, it’s not well worth the money.

However, as a popular saying goes: “Every coin has two sides.” Others argue that it is good for students. In their opinion, wearing school uniform will prevent students from wasting so much money on clothes and the time on catching up with the fashion. In addition, it’s easy for the teachers to recognize the students. There is no doubt that wearing school uniform every day is good for students.

In short, I firmly support the view that we should wear school uniform.(康珍,2005)



Recently we had a heated discussion on…, Opinions are various among different people.

Different people have different opinions on the question of …

They differ greatly in their attitudes towards …

Different people hold different views/opinions on this matter.

Although most people think… I believe…



Some may hold the view that… because… But others have a negative attitude. From their point of view…

Some people think that… While others believe…

Some people are for the idea of… because… But some people are against the idea of… because …



As far as I am concerned, I totally agree with the statement that…

Therefore, it’s easy to draw the conclusion that…

As a consequence/result, I firmly support the view that…

Taking all these factors into consideration, we may reach the conclusion that…

To sum up/in a word/in conclusion/in short/above all/in general/ generally speaking, I still hold the view that…



Should Examination Be Abolished (取消)?

The examination system has come to be the main theme (主题)of modern education. One should take an examination andsucceed in passing it before he could be admitted, promoted or graduated. As it plays so important a role in the realm of education (教育的领域) it is under much criticism (评论) as to its validity (有效性) . People who are in favour of it try to develop this system more; those who are against it believe that such a system should be abolished. Should examination be abolished? In my opinion it should be.

Many people think that an examination is the only means to test knowledge, but, in fact, that is not true. A few questions given in an examination could by no means cover the whole field of the subject. Thus those who are able to answer them may be the poorest of the students and yet happen to know just a few points about that subject.

Id like to say that, because of the existence of the examination system, students pay so much attention to gaining high marks, that they often forget the chief purpose of education. The so-called clever students devote (贡献) themselves to the study of textbooks only. They, of course, know nothing but the skeleton (梗概) of knowledge. The end and aim of education, however, is to enable students to learn how to live. To do this, students must get themselves to do all kinds of training, physicalas well as mental. The present examination system has discouraged students from making such an attempt.

Moreover, since the students try so hard to put their lessons into memory in as short a time as possible, psychologically (心理上来看), they soon forget the whole subject as soon as the examination is over. Surely this is one of the greatest wastes ever made in the history of civilization.

Lastly, in order to get high marks, there is a great temptation (诱惑) for students to cheat (作弊) in an examination. Indeed, such a practice becomes the means to the end. They cheat their teachers, their parents and also themselves. Such a tendency would impair (损害) our moral standards (道德标准) .

Therefore, I am of the opinion, in conclusion, that the examination system should be abolished.



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2015中考将至,目前距2015 中考仅有几个月,因此现在是复习的关键时刻,在此YJBYS为了让考生们了解更多的中考试题,以为今年的中考取得更好的成绩。YJBYS的小编为考生们收集了2015中考英语作文关于【解决方法题型】写作,具体内容请各位考生及时查看如下,尽请关注!

1. 问题现状

2. 怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)

in recent days, we have to face i problem-----a, which is becoming more and more serious. first, ------------(说明a的现状).second, ---------------(举例进一步说明现状)

confronted with a, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. for one thing, ---------------(解决方法一). for another -------------(解决方法二). finally, --------------(解决方法三).

personally, i believe that -------------(我的解决方法). consequently, im confident that a bright future isawaiting us because --------------(带来的好处).



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Recently,haze weather has become a daily one right here in large part of China.People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air.So it is necessary to find out the reason why leads to that and work out the resolution.If we trace the cause for haze weather ,the main points are as follows ,first,china s air quality standards are rather lax and evaluation factors are limited,so you will see that current air appraisal system has defects.Second,some people just go for economic interests instead of turning out products according to relevant law and regulations.They tend to use obsolete equipment in which they are high likely to emit a great deal of wasted air.


Third,across our society ,relevant protection awareness has not built up so that people havent formed a habit of using green product and saving energy as much as possible.Just for the sake of convience to go out,people rely more and more on travelling and working by car while car is the main cause for the haze weatherTo settle this problem,a series of meaures should be taken as follows.First ,we should strengthen air monitor to lower the levels of small particulate pollutants.Second,we should enact more strict laws and regulations and keep perfecting our current law on environmental protection to regulate people s daily action and the industrial production and punish those factories that ignore the protection and keep emitting dangerous material that cause haze. Third,we should develop green and energy-saving energy to lower the emission of haze and improve air quality.As far as i am concerned ,if we work together to be able to do such measures ,our environment will getting better and better and haze weather will vanish completely.




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Dear Bill,

I’m glad to receive your letter, thank you for your caring for the weather and my health. Now I’d like to tell you something about the smog.

Since the winter last year, the smog has occurred a lot of times. it has done great harm to our daily life. many traffic accidents happened just because of the heavy smog weather, more and more people have to go to see the doctor because the serious disease caused by the smog, quite a lot of flights have to be put off, a great number of people have to stay at home for fear of the poisonous air caused by the smog.

People have realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment. people all over the country are taking measures to reduce the smog weather. the government suggests people go to work or school with the public traffic, such as the bus and the underground. Also we should plant more trees.

According to me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I won’t throw the waste anywhere. in addition, I will tell the people I meet to protect the environment as possible as they can. would you like to tell me some good ideas? I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

Pollution Haze

Recently, the topic of air pollution has again aroused more and more attention since pollution haze, a kind of weather, has appeared increasing frequently in our cities. Just as the picture showed, when pollution haze comes, the whole city was covered with suspended particles which can breath into our body causing heavy problem to our health.

Due to the bad effect from pollution haze, a green and clear environment, rather than anything else, turns to be an important role and a urgent issue in our daily lives. Meanwhile we just live in only an earth, if we didn’t try to protect our common hometown, we would have no place to settle.

Thus, we should take effective measures to rebuild our beautiful environment of the cities from now on.

In my opinion, law and regulations should be enforced by the government and authorities to control the emission of polluting gas. To ourselves, we should enhance the awareness of environment protection and choose a green lifestyle to make contribution to our earth day from day.








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