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祈盼已久的晚会终于开始了,整个晚会的节日欢乐气氛真 浓呀!联欢晚会会场分为上下两层,舞台上面挂着四五个红彤 彤的大灯笼,舞台两侧还画上了中华民族的传统画像,五颜六 色的灯光照着会场五光十色,会场的右上方竖着一条柱,上面 站着一只金光闪闪的“雄鸡”,真是美丽极了!

这次春节联欢晚会的节目可真多啊!有小品〈〈男人大丈 夫〉〉,〈〈功夫〉〉他们的精彩表演让观众笑得合不拢嘴; 相声〈〈咨询热线〉〉里笑星那幽默的语言令台下的观众哈哈 大笑;〈〈千手观音〉〉的舞蹈真令人赞叹不绝,难以忘怀; 还有著名歌手唱〈〈平安中国〉〉,那歌声可真是迷人,令人 陶醉……

联欢晚会最有趣的是小品是〈〈艺术人生〉〉,这个小品 是以中央电视台的〈〈艺术人生〉〉专访栏目为内容,由主持 人朱军访问笑星冯巩,他们两人是有着浓厚情谊的老朋友,经 常在一起主持和表演大型节目。你看,他们在表演节目里通过 真情实感的访问,一边互相劝酒,一边相互倾诉着对母爱思 念,激动得真情流露的时候还分别忍不住哭泣起来,那劝酒功 夫也钦称一绝,朱军访问完冯巩,又倒过来冯巩聊起朱军的家 常,主题离不开母爱的伟大。观众都分不清他们是在表演?还 是在访问?你看两位笑星做的每一个动作都令观众捧腹大笑, 每说一句话都让观众笑弯了腰。我笑得一屁股坐在地上,爸爸 妈妈也笑得前俯后仰。全场观众一边笑,一边不约而同地拍起 掌来。

最精彩的还是著名歌手胡雁、廖昌永演唱〈〈平安中 国〉〉,那优美的旋律让观众们深深地陶醉了,舞蹈演员也随 着音乐跳出美妙的舞蹈,歌手的歌声非常优美,舞蹈演员的舞 蹈也十分精彩,可真是迷人啊!人们仿佛看见了祖国在新的一 年里会更加平平安安。

精彩节日一个接着一个,一个比一个精彩,好像在这欢乐 的不眠之夜回放尽人间精彩,带出下一年的人间欢乐……鸡年 就快到了,人们更加活跃起来,许多人在高声欢呼……人们的 心是多么地激动啊!我也感到无比兴奋,心也快跳出来了。




我刚起床,爷爷和妈妈就叫我去写春联,连文房四宝都准备好了,我只好硬着头皮写。我先歪歪扭扭地写了一个“丹”字,哎呀!连我自己都感觉很难看,重写。我心想:一定是我好久没写毛笔了才会这样。话说熟能生巧,我多练几遍就行了。我便开始努力练习,我写了一个、两个……渐渐地,毛笔在我的手中龙飞凤舞,我终于把一副对联写完了。我忍不住大声读起来:“丹凤呈祥龙献瑞 ,红桃贺岁杏迎春。横批:福满人间 .”我赶快跑下楼去给爷爷奶奶看,奶奶称赞道: “孙子写的真不错,都可以去当书法家了。”爷爷也不禁称赞了几句。在一片称赞声中我们要开始挂春联了。





大家都知道马上就有一个盛大的节日要来临了,那就是中国最热闹的传统节日——春节。在春节的前几天,你细心观察周围,你就一定能找到这种“味道”,只不过它在和你捉迷藏罢了。我现在找到它了,你知道我从哪找到它的吗?从超市里,超市里那急着购买年货的人群里,从那堆满年糕。饮料。糖果。汤圆等许多年货的购物车里,从超市中又新开辟了年货一条街里,我找到了它。在小区里,大人们在一起粘红包里,小孩们帮着父母贴春联里, 老人们在一起包粽子。做扣肉里,我闻到了它。从我的家里,爸爸妈妈忙着大扫除里,妈妈急着买红包里,爸爸通知家人来我家吃团圆饭里,舅舅赶忙去给员工发工资。买水果里,我找到了它。从点点滴滴里,从我们立即写寒假作业里,从供电局又举办了游园活动里,从大家愉快的心情里……我又找到了它。其实,这 种“味道”就是那浓浓的年味。它无处不在,只要你留心观察,它就在你身边。



话说到春节习俗,大家一定七嘴八舌大发议论:“吃年糕!”“放烟花!” 在北京,人们习惯把放烟火称作“放炮”.今天我不说别的,就说说我第一次“放炮”的经历。









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Now,I study in the No. I middle school, where there are three grades and thirty-two classes. It is not big but very beautiful.

In the center of the school there is a new teaching building, which is very clean and beautiful. The lab building and the library are to the east of the new building. There all kinds of book in the library. You can enioy them as many as you like.

South of the new building lies a playground and its very big. On the playground, you can have sports such as foo tball. basketball. Youd better play basketball as there are four basketball grounds in our school, You can enjoy yourself very much.

There are many trees in our school.Grass is everywhere. In front of the new building there are two gardens in which, there are flowers of all colours.

We are studying hard in our school, Our life is happy and intcrcsting. I love our school very much.



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Dear Mary, 26th Oct 2009

Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party this Saturday. We have not met for so long, I am very happy to have a chance to catch up with you and celebrate your birthday. Unfortunate, my mother is down with a bad flu. My father has been assigned to work overseas. I am the only family member available to look after her.

Therefore I am not able to attend your party. I have selected a very special birthday present for you.

John will send the present to you on my behalf. I hope you will like it. Please dont be made at me. I will also find another time to have dinner with you.

Happy birthday!

Yours faithfully,




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Dear President,


I am a student in class 5 of grade six.During the six years of study and life, the school and the teacher gave us meticulous care and education, so that we could grow from an unsensible child to a qualified primary school graduate.Now were leaving school and leaving everything there.Im kind of reluctant.

Now, our school is growing fast, computer rooms, language lab, became the facilities of the school, the teacher is also selected to come in, so you learn here is also very relaxed and happy.But, as a school and a teacher, work is not perfect.So here are a few Suggestions for the school:

1.A number of people are in charge of the stairs, especially in raising the flag and doing the upper and lower floors to maintain order and not make the roads crowded and clog.If you can, stagger everyone up and down, so that you can go downstairs and then go downstairs.In this way, the building will be more relaxed and less prone to accidents.

2.Take English class, art class to the phonetic room, the art room, dont let them empty.The computer should be installed in the classroom at an early date, so that teachers can more vividly and vividly display the relevant information in class.

3.To resume life practice week, let students learn to live by themselves and be friendly to others.We can also take you to military training, so that we can understand the difficulties in it, and we can exercise our body and temper our will.

4.Will open the library to borrow books students can handle the "card", in the library can send several administrator, check supervise reading, can also in the students investigate the what kind of books you like, and go to buy some back, both broadened our horizons, and to cultivate our love books, books and law-abiding consciousness, is really kill two birds with one stone!

5.In physical education courses in some more, such as playing football, playing basketball, table tennis, etc., so that you can let us learn some skills, combined with exercise for a long time, our body will be more good.

Dear headmaster, please accept my Suggestions for better growth and life.

At last, I wish you:

Healthy!Work well!
















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Down the night of snow, the next morning the snow stopped, everywhere is white, a thin layer of ice on the ground. In order to make people convenient, my grandfather and I decided to go downstairs to shovel the snow together. Put the mask on the channel of snow shovel out and clear. Grandpa strength, with shovel snow heavily, so my strength is small, with a washboard gently to shovel snow. We first shovel the snow in front of the home, I use a washboard shovel snow shovel very fast, because my door snow has not been frozen. Shovel ready before we garage shoveling, then to shovel to other places. Grandpa labor for about half an hour, and I feel very tired, so grandpa go home and rest first. After I had a short rest, we started to make a snowman ` ` ` ` ` ` until mother down we began to shovel the snow again. Mom shovel to quickly, then on the home front of the light snow to shovel a path, and then we go to another shovel the snow on the road, where the snow is so thick washboard shovel out at all, because that a lot of people walking on the road, snow and very hard, shovel and heavy, so my mother and I two people take turns to shovel. After more than an hours hard work, we finally completed the task set in advance. Although I feel very tired today, also flow a lot of sweat, but feel very happy, because this kind of work is very meaningful, hope next year and that labor opportunities.

下了一夜的,第二天早上雪停了,到处都是白白的一片,地上结了一层薄薄的冰。为了使行人来往方便,我和爷爷决定一起下楼去铲雪。把被掩盖的通道上的雪铲掉、扫清。爷爷力气大,所以用重重地铁铲铲雪,我力气小,用轻轻地洗衣板来铲雪。我们先铲家门前的雪,我用的洗衣板铲雪铲地非常快,因为我家门口的雪还没有结成冰。铲好了我们车库前的雪后,接着又到其它地方去铲。我和爷爷大约劳动了半个小时,都感到非常累,所以爷爷先回家休息了。我休息了一会儿后,就开始堆雪人`````` 一直到妈妈下来我们又开始铲雪了。妈妈铲地速度很快,一下子就把家门前的那一条路上的雪给铲光了,接着我们又去另一条路上铲雪,那里的雪比较厚所以洗衣板一点儿也铲不掉,因为那条路上走过的人很多,雪结的很硬,铁铲又重,所以我和妈妈两个人轮流铲。经过一个多小时的努力,我们终于完成了预先定下的任务。今天我虽然觉得很累,还流了很多汗,但却感到很开心,因为这种劳动还是很有意义的,但愿明年还有这样的劳动机会。



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我的学校小学英语作文一:My School

Now, I am studying in Tiantao Primary School. I am a student of Grade six. The campus is beautiful. There are many tress, flowers and grass in my school. Tiantao Primary School is famous in my city. It is very good. There are two teaching buildings and a office building. There are about 600 hundred students and 40 teachers in my school. I like going to school. I can study and play games in school.

我的学校小学英语作文二:My School

My school is near a small lake. It is very beautiful. I like my school very much.

We have a high teaching building and it is big and clean. Our classroom is on the fifth floor. The computer rooms are on the third floor. We have computer classes there. We have a big library on the second floor. There are many books in it. I like reading books there. We also have music room and art rooms in the building.

There is a big playground behind the teaching building. After class, we often play basketball there.

The teachers in my school are very kind. The students are very polite and smart. I am happy in my school.








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(在哪自己写吧).First here is our favourite place our beautifui garden many trees and many flowers in it. then you can go into it .Now,you know why we love it right .we can write red and chat in it.(tell you a secret:I like it because it is cool in summer and warm in winter

Now,I will tell you more about my friends &teachers. Over here teachers are friendly to us,so we never say a bad word about them.Because of these,students can get good grades at my school.(Would you like to come?)

I think my school is one of the best schools in the world.Because we have good teachers good students and everything is beautiful. I like it, every at it likes it.




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Welcome to our school! Our school is the key middle school in this city. Now we are in the front gate. Entry in this school, you can see there is a big football playground on the left and a big resturant on the right. If you’re hungry, you can have something good in there. The grand teaching building is right behind the football playground. We spend most time in the classrooms. Behind the teaching building, there is a little lake with many fish in it. Oh, there is also a nice library next to the lake. After the class, we can entry the library freely to read the books we like. This is our school. Don’t you think it’s great?

欢迎来到我们学校! 我们中学是这所城市的重点中学。现在我们来到了学校的正大门。进入到这所学校,你可以看到在校园的左边有个很大的足球场,右边有个很大的餐厅。如果你饿了,你可以去餐厅吃些好吃的东西。巨大的教学楼就在足球场后面。我们的大多数时间都待在教室里。在教学楼后面,有个小小的湖泊,很多鱼在水里游。噢,对了,小湖泊的旁边还有个图书馆。下课的时候,我们可以进去读自己喜欢的书籍。这就是我们的学校。你不认为这很棒吗?



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Life is a colorful picture full of different feelings. I’d like to be happy because happiness is important to everyone.生活像是一幅画满了各种心情的图案。我想要快乐,因为快乐对每个人来说都很重要。

I have an unforgettable experience to share with all of you. Last Sunday my grandparents gave me some pocket money and with the money I brought some books and instead of snacks. The next day I took the books to school. After lunch, I showed the books to my classmates and we read together. We learned a lot from the interesting books. Both reading and sharing made me happy.

我有个难以忘怀的记忆要与大家分享。上个星期天我的爷爷奶奶给了我一些零花钱。我用钱买了些课外书而不是零食。第二天,我把这些书带到了学校。午饭过后,我把书拿出来,和我的同学一起阅读。从这些有趣的书中,我们学到了很多知识。阅读和分享让我感到很快乐。I wish everybody is happy all the way.我希望每个人都快快乐乐的。




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clank your perseverance and hard bone is an example i will never, i learned from there to exert your strength, through frustration, to success, dad, you are my role model, i love you!

give you unlimited gratitude and warm wishes, there are many memories and deep feelings that the thoughts. because you are very kind-hearted, it is difficult to form words, i wish you a happy father‘s day!

dad, you are the best!

dad, please embrace me once again!

dad, i hate to preach, to tell me how to become rich!

dad, this is our most precious memories and understanding!

dad, are you the most in my mind the great!

the father of all the world would like to be able to cherish the real mother of all the world to become one of their arms to support each other. dad, thank you for everything i do, i will redouble our efforts to study and work to repay your upbringing, i love you. today is father‘s day, i am deeply bless you a happy holiday!

father‘s teachings, like a lamp, to illuminate the future for me; father‘s care as an umbrella for wind and rain i am obscure. i wish you a happy father‘s day! !

dad, you will always be in my heart the most type, the best father, i wish you a happy father‘s day! !

i wish my father and i accomplished a very happy holiday season, you will always be the idol of my heart - is the star as characters!

dear dad, you have always cherished the memory of childhood to take me to the park to




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Now, I am studying in Tiantao Primary School. I am a student of Grade six.


The campus is beautiful. There are many tress, flowers and grass in my school. Tiantao Primary School is famous in my city.


It is very good. There are two teaching buildings and a office building. There are about 600 hundred students and 40 teachers in my school. I like going to school. I can study and play games in school.




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My school is very big and beautiful.There is a big playground and a big

garden are behind our teaching buildings. the garden is very beautiful.There are

about 2000 students and more than 200 teachers in my school.my teachers are very

kind and friendly.they are very kind to us,they often help us with our study.I

have many good friend.we often play togeter ,I have a great time in my school.we

are happy every day.I like my school very much.



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When I was six years old, I began to go to school. The first school (which) I attended was a primary school. There were many subjects (which were taught in the school, such as Chinese, arithmetic, history, geography, drawing and so forth. Since I was (became) a student, I studied very hard. My parents were quite proud of me.

After I had studied there for three years, I entered a junior high school. When I was twelve years old, I became a student of a senior high school. I still studied very hard. Except on sick leave I was never absent from class. Everybody looked upon me as a model student.






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My school is big and beautiful. There are two classroom buildings in my school. We have classes in the classroom. The classrooms are in the classroom building. There is a playground in my school. We have sports and play on the playground. There is a dining hall in my school. We eat lunch in the dining hall. There are a lot of trees and flowers in my school. I like my school very much.





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The teacher, happy Teachers day!

I am a tree, bathed in the wisdom of the sun, in your knowledge of the soil, grow sturdily. Days affection, and love, engraved in my mind, generation after generation, never forget.

Teacher, do you remember me? The naughty and not sensible child. When you receive this card, I also wanted to come to your side. Your teachings, is Menglanglang sunlight, as in my heart, let me open the flower of their youth.

Teacher, your inspiration, I truly understand the nature of grace, I understood from each flap green leaves, each one Choi, each one spray.

My beloved teacher, the white snow, is the symbol of your; presented for your aura knitting, wishing you a happy year, year after year!

Teachings such as the spring breeze, your kindneas deep as the sea.

We like you, the young teacher; you are as handsome as the spruce, as deep as the blue sky; you have knowledge, and we have an accommodation heart.

Have an insatiable desire to learn, be tirelein teaching others, peaches and plums fragrance, their music is also happy. Bleyou, a happy holiday!

After we parted, long years, your voice, always sounded in my ears; your figure, often in my mind; you do, always in my heart ... ... In this part of your day, safe as you wish!

Im not your best student, but you are the most respectable teacher. In your holiday, your student is willing you to be forever young!

Mentor skim water from the Tianchi, enabling Xinmiao human infertility.

My beloved teacher, your teachings such as the spring breeze, like Rui Yu, in my heart forever. My sincere best wishes to you: Ankang, ruyi!

You gave me the true meaning of life such as gold, after years of washing, long but more bright!

Engraved names on the board may not be immortal, carved in stone on the name may not be eternal; and engraved in the depths of our hearts for your name, will last forever!

Everything will be passed into a kind of nostalgia, the passing of all the parties know the value -- I miyou with us through this minute.

Today, in the distant home, your students to give you yesterday, folded into the memory of a boat, any thoughts of their hearts floating in the lake ... ...

You teach untiringly, love of the city, the river in my mind, forever ... ...

Sunny, the gardener heart strong spring; rain moisture, peach and plum branches bud red. -- I wish you a happy holiday!

In the near future, whether I become a forceful poplar, or low grass, teachers, I will give you a green life!

To cheerful songs, always around you; may the joy, along with you forever. I wish you a happy holiday!

The teacher, our sincere best wishes, like the green tree, thick thick, and years of increased!



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There is classic story about a fishman and his wife. The fishman caught a golden fish and the fish asked the fishman to let it go for giving the fishman wish. The fishman’s wife asked his husband to get more, at last, the golden fish was angry and made the fishman back to the original situation. The story tells us that satisfaction brings happiness. When people are greed, then they will never feel happy, because there is always something they lack of. A happy man will cherish what he has and is grateful to life. The simpler life we live, the happier we will feel. If the fishman’s wife gets satisfied for the first wish, then they will live the good life.





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The environment is the harbor of the mind; The artist said: "the environment is the source of inspiration. The military says that the environment is the key to success. Educationalists say that the environment is the cradle of creation. Students say: the environment is a necessary condition for our study. Each of us is the master of this campus and has the duty and responsibility to safeguard the campus environment.

The quality of campus environment directly affects the work, study and life of teachers and students. Nowadays, on our campus, we still have the food packaging bags, scraps of paper, and beverage bottles scattered by our classmates. Every time the wind blows, the rubbish will dance on our campus, all of which is out of proportion to the green environment on our campus. "Campus is my home, cherish the people", believe no teacher, the classmate hope to learn in the environment that rubbish everywhere, life.

So from now on, we should take good care of the campus environment and conscientiously maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the campus. Develop good hygienic habits, and make the rubbish into bins and bagged garbage. Pick up scraps from the ground at any time, throw them into the trash, make sure the ground is clean, and remind and stop littering. Take good care of the campus public goods, not messy painting and so on.



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School is our second home, where we spend the majority of time living and learning. Therefore, a good school environment is the precondition for our health and growth.

However, I am sorry to have witnessed some improper behaviour among us students: scribbling and littering everywhere. Not only does it destroy our school environment, it is also a spoiler of the image of our school.

This issue is now crying out to be solved and it should be a common concern for the school administration, staff, and all the students. In my humble view, the school should place more dustbins around the set up specific rules against those rude practices. At the same time, students should be encouraged to develop good habits and enough awareness of environment protection.

I hold a firm belief, with the joint effort of all people concerned, that our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near future. I am looking forward to a more tidy school, and a more beautiful world.



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Joy carries midday

The door is ed moxa, sweet full hall, delimit remove dragon boat to enter the Dragon Boat Festival.

This day, I and pa, Mom watchs dragon boat game together to clear in relief river, river side rise is worn a few dragon boat, I see red line and white group are in the match.

White at the beginning group be far ahead, red later line is chased after again. Because in front what the person of feel uncertain hits is much faster, delimit the person of dragon boat delimits from the back much faster. At that time, sound of the sound of gong and drum on field, hubbub, firecracker, ring, lively and extraordinary, I and pa also cry in emphatically: "Red line is cheered, red line is cheered! Red line is cheered!!

Return old home, I see the grandma is ing Ai Xie, later, the grandma takes I and true elder brother to select Zong part of a historical period together to hill again. After coming back, the grandma takes out the polished glutinous rice with good bubble, place red jujube, earthnut, ormosia inside to rise with Zong Xie Bao, after the package is nice, thoroughlied cook it. Ground of my too impatient to wait ate, original, the zhongzi is so sweet, so sweet, do not know Qu Yuan to smell in the river its faint scent.

This dragon boat festival, I am very happy!




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Early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. Now

the dream has come true. But how do we college students like our campus


Certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. Besides

study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various

aspect. Yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit

as much. In their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. The only

difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking

over their shoulder.

As to me, college life is ideal if only I have abundant books to read, some

bosom friends to keep me company, a couple of conscientious professors to

instruct me.
