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Environmental pollution can cause direct damage and impact to ecosystems, such as desertification and forest damage, which can also cause indirect hazards to ecosystems and human societies. Sometimes the harm of this indirect environmental effect is greater than the direct hazard caused by it, It is more difficult to eliminate. For example, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and ozone depletion are the environmental effects derived from atmospheric pollution. This environmental effect derived from environmental pollution is lagging behind, often at the time of the occurrence of pollution is not easy to be perceived or expected, but in the event of environmental pollution has been developed to a very serious point. Of course, the most direct and most environmentally conscious consequence of environmental pollution is the decline in the quality of the human environment, affecting human quality of life, physical health and productive activities. Such as the citys air pollution caused by air pollution, peoples morbidity and so on; water pollution so that the deterioration of water quality, drinking water quality generally decline, threatening human health. Serious pollution incidents not only bring health problems, but also cause social problems. With the increase in pollution and peoples awareness of the environment, due to pollution caused by population disputes and conflicts increased year by year.

Let us all love nature, love the earth, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, heart to cast a green embankment, to defend the resources, to defend the environment, to defend the earth, to defend our beautiful home now!






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Recently, the news reported that one special kind of rhino from Africa just

passed away, which meant the disappearance of this lovely creature. What a great

pity. The tragedy is caused by the damaged environment, while human being must

be blamed for it, because we have done so many bad things to pollute the

environment and make the nature lose its balance. In order to make up our faults

and save our offspring, it is in need of protecting the environment. As the

ordinary people, we can do the small things, such as do not throw away the

rubbish and join some activities to bring the world green, like planting trees.

Every small act can make a difference. Some day, when we live with the

environment friendly, what we do is worth.



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Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment.

However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a clean world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution



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Although the world develops much faster and better,the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer.In order to protect them,something must be done。

Save water. Water is the source of life. No water,no life. So its very important for us to do so.Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it,but also make full use of it。

Save electricity. It is crucial. We cant imagine what the life will be like without it.Everyone should do his best to save electricity. Dont forget to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish working。

Save forests. They are useful .Please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper instead. Make our world a green one to live in。

Recycle useful rubbish. Plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans,paper,bottles,and so on。

We can save resources in this way. I believe we can make the world a better place to live in。









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In China, we can see white trash, common throw the waste battery status, protect the environment, 500 - word composition. Well look at Japan, Japans battery and white trash are through strict processing, no breach of the garbage disposal in China. I once read an article, the article mentioned in humans to Mars, lets not say whether there are suitable for human survival on Marss atmosphere, can the living. Now we have already seen, the earth has been destroyed by us so, we not only not repent, dont have to destroy another planet?

If stubbornly wait until the whole universe are we break up, we dont know to repentance? To see our mother river - the Yellow River! It used to be so spectacular, so great, is our Chinese peoples pride, between the two generations, however, you see, now whats the mother river? And a mighty momentum before? Later we if asked about Yellow River between the two generations, we how to answer, again to see the big forest into a desert, all desire become the real "Yellow River", we must continue to damage the earth? We hate Japanese dont like Japan, but please put down hatred of learning how to learn Japanese environmental protection?

Japan is the largest country in the amount of wood, but never cut down their own trees, are imported timber in foreign countries, Japan is the largest country in the world forest area accounted for the proportion. There will be a high pollution projects on foreign production. Read this, Im afraid you will scold the Japanese are trying, but its not just proves that Japan is one of the most importance to the state environmental protection?

Protect the environment, starts from me!!!!!! How many times we shout the slogan, but we have to implement? The slogan was initially we shout out, but we never have the real action, and this slogan as a basic national policy by Japan, the implementation of the little hole. This not only make the Japanese environment better, or Japan become the least amount of pollution in the air.

So Japan seems really shameless, despicable! But this is our most the place. Take a look at our central news, headlines which which where leadership is always a meeting, what was said at the meeting, but that many are just fallen on deaf ears, which can truly implement good, is all lip service, had forgot. But foreign headlines always where where what happened, for help, for the common people for the real benefits. This is the difference between China and Japan. We sell wood at a low price to foreign countries every year, and then to spend hundreds of thousands of millions of the soil and water conservation management. This is the difference between China and Japan. The frequency of the Yellow River burst its Banks over the years more and more frequent, we do not pay attention to the Yellow River is not protected and the consequences of planted?

I say this is not I...... today, I really love our country. Really hope our country can better. I described above is the living example, we see is true, to everyone. Over the years we in the development of science and technology has obtained the very good fruit, but we on environmental protection and began at least fifty years of distance in the world, do we still shouldnt have a good look at what? I said these are want you to look at our countrys environmental protection problems, lets put the protection of the environment, starts from me "to carry out the point, make our country more beautiful, more beautiful.

I am a middle school student, not how good literary grace, not how beautiful words, it can write this. But I really hope our country better, become the pride of our all Chinese people!!!!!!

It is very urgent to protect the environment,! Lets action, and work together for the motherland tomorrow.





这么看来日本好似真的很无耻,卑鄙!但是这却是我们最该学的地方。看看我们中央新闻,头版头条总是哪个哪个领导在哪开会,会上说了些什么,但是那很多都只是耳旁风,有哪个能正真落实好的,全都是嘴上说说,过了就忘了。但是外国头版头条总是哪里哪里发生了什么,都是求帮助的,真正为老百姓谋的了福利 。这就是中日之间的差别。每年我们将木材低价卖给外国,然后又要花几十万几百万把水土治理好。这就是中日的差别。这些年来黄河决堤的频率越来越频繁,这不都是我们不注意黄河保护而种下的恶果吗?






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Campus security

Rencent years , campus security has become a public concern after a series of safety accidents, such as, the electric door guard has replaced the traditional "door lady" in a dormitory at Shanghai Songjiang University City, within the range of many universities.

There are many reasons for this phenomena, including student, school, social and so on.

No matter what the reason, In order to decrease such campus security accidents,we should takewe have to take it seriously.For the first instance,as a student,we should increased the sense of security so that we can pay attention to it. Moreover, campus ought to streng

then the safety education of students and management.Last but not least,as a citizen, we should build the sense of responsibility to campus.



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This summer vacation, I joined a social practice to be a part-time tourguide. There I found something that impressed me a lot.

People who love traveling are always finding places to take a vacation, which caused a lot of troubles.For example, I found that some people were used to dropping out the trash everywhere. They just regarded the sightseeings as their houses, which cost a lot to clean it up. Besides, some one should write down their names on the trees and walls. People who wanted to leave their names whereever they went are always to punish in future.

Nevertheless, I also found some good examples, such as teaching tourists not to destroy the places of historic interests, helping clean up the environment,etc..I think we all need to teach more people not to hurt our precious nature. What we really need to do is protect them form destroying.



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Many people are active in fighting against unfair treatment to colored people, women , animals and so on. Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our environment. Though the environment doesn’t have a mouth to deprecate what humans have done to her, she retaliates through action. In the early years the Chinese cut down large quantities of trees, at the source of the yellow river, which led to the disappearance of big forests and terrible floods. As a result,the Huangtu plateau which was once covered with grass and forests was turned into barrens that supported fewer plants. Another example was in several developed countries. Because many chemical factories discharged poisonous gas without filtering it, cities were covered with so much poisonous gas that people were killed by the air they breathed in. What horrible scene!

What we are suffering is only a small part of what the nature once suffered. If we don’t take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly awful situation.

Measures should be taken to protect the environment on which we are relying. First governments should forbid destroying vegetation, rivers and lakes, oceans, as and the atmosphere as well. Second voices should be made to announce the public of the importance of protecting the environment. Third enterprises should pay special attention to the effect they have on the environment and work out solutions for the problems.

Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it. Only by saving the environment can we save ourselves.








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1) 走进校门,沿着宽敞的水泥路,往西行,展现在眼前的是一面五彩斑斓的“涂鸦墙”。这涂鸦墙原来只是一面普普通通的白色围墙,自从被一些爱好美术的同学利用课余时间画上了20幅得意杰作后,就成为了校园一道亮丽的风景线。这些杰作共分两排,每排十幅,有的画着天真的孩在吃西瓜,吃得津津有味,竟然把头都塞进了西瓜里;有的画着神奇的海底世界,蔚蓝色的海水中,色的鱼儿正欢畅地嬉戏;有的画着威武的“神舟五号”,宇航员叔叔正和衣着古怪的外星人亲切交谈呢……在这些栩栩如生的佳作中,我最喜欢的还是许新语同学画的《下雪了》。在银色地毯般的雪地上,一群孩子开心地玩耍着,有的在做雪人,有的在打雪仗,个个画得神采飞扬。看着,看着,我似乎也溶入了这幅画中,和画中人一起为从天而降的瑞雪欢呼雀跃……

2) 清晨,快乐的鸟儿唱着歌,伴随着我们一路走过洒满花香的小路,目送着我们走进校园,眼里全是笑意。阳光铺在写有南京师范大学附属扬子一中的铜牌上,又把柔和的晨光反射到我们身上,我们笑吟吟地接受了这份光芒,朝气蓬勃地迈进校园。在去教室的路上,我们每天都能看见漂亮的喷泉与水池,挺拔的槐书与婀娜的垂柳;我们时常碰见自己的同学或是外班的好伙伴,友好地招一招手,亲热地拍一拍背,亲切地问候两句,也许再聊一聊最近做了些什么。

3) 我最喜欢校园西南角的蘑菇亭。站在远处,放眼望去,像绿色的毯子上点缀着三三两两的小花,中间长着一大一小,一高一矮的蘑菇似的,十分逼真。稍近些,就能看见蘑菇亭左边有一棵弯着身子的树,右边则是一座别致的假山。

4) 课堂上,我们尽情地展开我们的才能,大胆地说出自己独到的见解,认真地记好我们要领悟的知识与要点。为了让鸟儿也为我们喝彩,为了让大树也赞许地点头,为了让花儿也为之倾心,让那片片在空中飞舞的花瓣上满载着赞赏与希望的寄语我们努力着!

5) 校园的早晨是恬静的。雾气弥漫在大地,像一层薄纱,把校园围了起来。太阳渐渐地升起来了。刚开始,先是一丝一丝的,像一根根火红的线。接下来又像一位害羞的小姑娘露出了半张笑脸。一瞬间,太阳一下子腾空而起。太阳升起来了!太阳眉毛眼睛了!太阳露出笑脸了!它仿佛代表着新的一天的开始。花草树木们也被唤醒了。你瞧!这朵花的花瓣上,还带着晶莹透亮的露珠呢不一会,露珠又从花瓣上滚落下来。校园里的空气也十分的新鲜。它有点清凉,有点湿润,也会让你感到十分的轻松。

6) 白杨树像一位英俊的少年挺立在院里,而它对面的更像一位亭亭玉立的少女,长长的柳树像少女垂落下来的头发。一阵风吹来,白杨树叶哗哗直响,好像少年开了嗓子在向对面的少女唱歌。少女羞得低下了头,用头发遮住了自己的脸……

7) 时间过得真快,东方已露出了鱼肚白,不一会儿,太阳公公就露出了笑脸。一瞬间,冬姐姐已悄然而退。这时,校园是如此温馨,如此迷人。啊!我真希望永远与这冬天的校园为伴。

8) 顺着老师宿舍前的走道再往前走,就是一个长方形的大鱼池。洁白的栏杆围在鱼池四周。池水清澈,似乎一眼可以望到底。鲤鱼、鲫鱼、武昌鱼等,一群群,在水中游动,时而涌起浪花。蓝蓝的天空,洁白的云朵,水边的芭蕉,岸边的柳树……倒映在水中,构成了一幅美丽的画面。瞧,那边又游来一群大白鹅,“白毛浮绿水,红掌拨清波”,这使得画面更加美丽,更加迷人。

9) 春姑娘悄悄地、轻轻地、默默地走进校园,校园里顿时一片生机勃勃的景象。那“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”的小草也破土而出,给校园铺上了一层绿色的地毯。仔细看,它们嫩嫩的、毛茸茸的,十分喜人!光秃秃的树上也吐出了新枝嫩芽。那嫩芽,就像一个个绿色的珍珠,翠亮翠亮的。柳树垂下那柔软如丝的柳条,在春风中轻轻地摇动,好像在向人们招手。几只春燕自由自在地从校园上空飞过,一群小鸟儿在树丛中唧唧喳喳地叫着,像似在说:“春天来了!春天来了!”花坛里,各种花儿纷纷开放,红的艳,白的娇,黄的嫩,构成了一幅五彩缤纷的图画,散发出阵阵清香。树阴下,蚯蚓日夜不停地疏松土壤,蚂蚁遍地乱爬,寻找新的巢穴。花、草、树木、小鸟、昆虫们沐浴在太阳公公的温暖中,尽情享受这美好的春光。

10) 漫步校园,只见整座校园成了银妆素裹的世界;矗立着大楼披上了洁白的素装;小树苗的枝条变成了臃肿的银条;嫩绿的树叶与红彤彤的花瓣布满了晶莹的霜花。这一切真是难以用语言形容,令我赏心悦目、心旷神怡。

11) 春意盎然的校园给我们创造了优美的学习环境,辛勤的园丁──老师们,在精心地备课,用心血和汗水哺育我们这些花朵。同学们正抓紧这宝贵的时间努力学习。有的同学目不转睛地听老师讲课;有的在聚精会神地写作;有的同学站在窗前,凝视天空,对着那美丽的朝霞在幻想;有的在高声朗读,校园里一片琅琅的读书声。课间休息,同学们尽情欣赏着满园生机勃勃的春色,趁着大好春光进行着各种活动,有的在跳高、有的在跳远,有的在踢足球、有的在打乒乓……春天的气息多么清新,同学们都陶醉在这春色中。

12) 我们的校园里的操场宽阔平坦。那里的体育器具可真不少,单杠、双杠、木马、爬竿等等,同学们可以在那里练臂力,练技巧,尽情地锻炼身体。每逢下午的课外活动课,或者第二课堂的活动时间,操场一片龙腾虎跃,热闹非凡,同学们的欢声笑语使校园充满了快乐。

13) 周围是那么宁静,薄薄的晨雾,如轻纱笼罩着校园,雄伟壮观的教学楼,隐没在淡淡的晨雾中,整个校园的黎明是那么的温馨而幽美。

14) 校门口那几棵杨柳,总是把那双纤纤玉手伸向我的脸,上抚抚下摸摸,似乎也同样喜欢我。那草坪上的牵牛花向我炫耀着那一个个七彩的小喇叭,神气极了。我也友好地摸摸她。她更神气了,小喇叭都朝天上吹了。那棵大榕树的叶子慢慢长出来了,嫩绿嫩绿的,真惹人喜欢。那棵桃花开得正艳,粉色的花瓣可真漂亮。那几棵含羞草还是没变,还是那样害臊。我摸一摸她,她便卷缩成一团,嚷嚷着不肯见人。哎,真拿她没办法。

15) 已经校园大门,便有一阵幽香扑鼻而来,这是藤萝架下盛开着的藤萝花的味道。藤萝架上,翠绿的树叶与妖艳的紫藤萝花交相辉映,十分美丽。走在藤萝架下,我总有心旷神怡的感觉。

16) 我来到校园东北角的花园里。啊,好美!有山茶、月季、一串红、紫荆……五颜六色,竞相开放。瞧,西边的桃花开得多好啊!粉红粉红的。由五片花瓣组成的,鹅黄色的花蕊镶在粉红的花朵上,十分显眼。那粉红的花朵躲在那翠绿的叶子下,好像一个害羞的小姑娘。微风徐徐吹来,北边的桃树轻轻摇摆,小蜜蜂和小蝴蝶在桃树周围飞来飞去,从这朵花上飞到那朵花上。那景色人见人爱。啊,什么香?随着一丝清香,我来到一棵开着紫色花朵的小树前。听别人说,这叫紫荆。紫荆花的花朵小小的,密密麻麻,好不可爱。那花是一串一串的,开在枝干上,像珍珠。最特别的是紫荆先开花,后长叶,你说这奇怪不奇怪?在东边,有一片不知名的花,那花也是一串一串的,不过是红色的。听人说把花蕊拉出来,吸里面的汁,很甜很甜的。那山茶花有的开放了,红红的,像天上的朝霞;有的含苞欲放,花骨朵饱胀得快要裂开了。整个花园仿佛仙女织的一块花锦。

17) 旗杆后便是我们的教学楼。教学楼共5层,每层有5间教室,还有老师办公室、活动室。教学楼的楼梯和走道都非常宽阔,四五个人并排行走也不会觉得拥挤。每间教室都宽敞明亮,红色的外墙,白色的内墙;地面洁净,桌椅整齐,每间教室的墙上都贴着白求恩、华罗庚、居里夫人等名人的画像。在校长室的门上,挂着一个醒目的牌子。上面写着“文明单位”4个鲜明的大字。它是我们全校师生努力工作、学习的结晶。

18) 我不禁一颤:多么可爱的小生灵啊!不分季节,只要有花开,便辛勤地采蜜酿蜜。我不由想到了默默奉献的教师,他们不也是在酿蜜吗为祖国的下一代酿造芬芳香甜的蜜。

19) 秋天的校园仍旧光彩宜人,树依旧是那么绿;花儿好象不知道深秋已经来了,依旧竟香开放,依旧用它那芳香吸引着只只蜜蜂;蝴蝶依旧在校园里翩翩起舞,依旧用它那美丽的身影吸引着同学们的目光。

20) 我们小学校坐落在成渝公路旁边,远远看去,学校的几幢楼房全都掩映在绿叶丛中。

21) 一个春天的早晨,夜色还没有完全退去,整个校园都被笼罩在静寂之中。校园南侧的那排高大的杨树,就像一排忠于职守的战士,守卫着我们的校园。那高大的教学楼像巨人一样耸立在校园的中央。操场边的两棵古老的大槐树,好像两位寿翁,在凝视着东方将要升起的旭日。

22) 校园里的树时而随风摇摆;时而站立不动;时而从树枝上落下几片可怜的树叶。然而,这些并不影响绿树在深秋的魅力。校园里的花都照样开放,蜜蜂照样忙碌得采蜜,有许多蜜蜂在花的周围飞来飞去,在寻找哪一朵比较好。

23) 我们融入在集体之中,每个班级都是一个家,我们在一起朝夕相处,无不希望自己的家能够出类拔萃。因此,我们在运动会上看见了每个运动员那如离弦之箭一般的冲劲,整装待发的气势,战无不胜的决心。我们还看见了一个个拉拉队加油助威的庞大的阵势有挥舞着双臂的,有跳起来大声喊的,个个神气活现。

24) 在学校的中院有一个菱形的金鱼池,里面有许多红色的小金鱼,它们在清清的水里追逐着、嬉戏着。

25) 跨进校园,迎面是一座雷锋塑像,他显得十分庄重、慈祥,他是同学们学习的好榜样。后面是一座美丽的三层花坛,最顶上是一架地球仪,它的周围一年四季摆着各种各样的花卉,杜鹃花、三角梅、五彩兰花、一串红、牡丹花、山茶花、月季花、鸡冠花、兰花……那里真可谓是“一个花的世界”。

26) 万紫千红的春天来了,校园里生机勃勃,一年一度的体育运动会在校园里举行,同学们笑着,欢呼着,校园里气氛沸腾。

27) 春天来到操场上。操场上的小草从泥土里探出头来,呼吸着新鲜的空气,操场边上白杨树也长出了新芽,呈现出勃勃的生机。白杨树旁边的垂柳,抽出新的枝条,微风一吹,摇摇晃晃,像是在做广播操;细细的柳丝上,不知从什么地方送来的嫩黄色,定眼望去,又有些像绿色。她们的腰好软,轻风将下梢托起,整齐又好看;换个角度看,又一齐垂下来,仿佛梳齐的头发。我不禁诗性大发,吟起了贺知章的《咏柳》:碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。

28) 这样的时光里,总会觉得生活真美。想着有一天自己老了,也住在安静美丽的校园里,种很多的花,夏天的傍晚坐在外面,在晚风和花香中和别人聊天,悠闲地摇着蒲扇,呵呵,这样的想法,是不是每个人在某一个瞬间都曾有过?

29) 那碧绿的草坪,像一块巨大的绿色地毯,铺在椭圆形跑道中央;跑道的两旁,用水泥砌成的白的护栏,好像给平坦的跑道镶上了银色的花边;操场的东边,是用水泥铺地的篮球场。下课了,同学们来到操场上。大操场顿时沸腾了,跳高的、跑步的、嬉戏的,一片欢声笑语……

30) 看!这儿又是一处美丽的风景。那火红的枫树,它总是以饱满的精神,似火的热情感染着我,激励着我。你瞧,它身上的霜像玉一样洁,像银一样白,像烟一样轻,像柳絮一样柔,真是美不胜收。

31) 夏天,校园里的树木郁郁葱葱。有枝叶覆盖的梧桐,有亭亭玉立的白杨,有清翠碧绿的榆树。操场中间,还有两颗杨槐树,它们树叶茂密,就像俩把撑开的绿色大伞,可以挡风,遮太阳。同学们愉快的在树下嬉戏,玩耍,讲故事,做游戏,跳皮筋…

32) 每天,当我一个人路过校园的小巷时,春风怕我寂寞,就在我身边陪着。那湿润的春风呀,亲吻着我的脸颊,还牵着我的手,陪我一起上学去。到了校门口,春风还舍不得我,在校园里不断徘徊。

33) 下课的铃声,打破了校园的沉寂,迎来了另一幅崭新的画面:在课堂上严肃的老师,变得和蔼可亲,以朋友的形式与我们谈笑风生;在走廊上,同学们在呼吸校园中清新的空气;在坦荡如砥的操场上,同学们大显身手,正一步一步地向着自己的目标前进。

34) 校园南边是一年级小同学的地方。校园北边是个大操场,每当下课时大家就涌到操场上玩甩沙包、“老鹰抓小鸡”等游戏。

35) 我们迈着轻快的步伐走进鸟语花香的小花园,一阵桂花的芳香扑鼻而来,桂花树的枝头长满了黄灿灿的桂花,像满天璀璨的星星;围栏旁长满了错落有致的松树,好像在欢迎我们呢!葱翠、茂密的竹林里,不时传来鸟鸣声;树林里,蝈蝈们在欢快地叫着。清澈见底的小河里立着几只巧夺天工的“仙鹤”,一只好像在戏水,另一只好像在引吭高歌。

36) 我们喜欢课间,喜欢那可以让我们自由发挥的十分钟。我们一起谈心来增进彼此之间的友谊,增添那宝贵的心灵财富;我们一起讨论问题来提高彼此的成绩,让自己更加的充实与睿智。有的依傍在栏杆上,凭栏远眺;有的聚集在长廊上,谈笑风生;有的坐在形的雕塑下,沐浴阳光,享受这最美好的金色年华。

37) 现在,我们微笑着在校园的林荫小路上散步,撒下最快乐的时光。当我们离开校园的那一刻,再让我们回首看我们走过的路,我相信,我们有的是恋恋不舍的感情;有的是没有虚度年华的自豪;有的是对美好未来的憧憬!我相信,那难忘的校园生活一定会成为我们最美好的回忆




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Today I am very glad here to share my opinionsabout the protection of environment.

With the development ofscience and technology ,different kinds of pollution has been produced andcaused global concern recently.

As we know, people have beenliving on the earth for thousands of years, human activity damaged natural environment, such as excessive abuse of natural resources ,the sewage dischargedfrom factories ,the animal slaughter ,kinds of chemical fertilizers andgreen-house effect. All that is mentioned above has a bad impact on the eco-system .Now, many animals aredying out. We are suffering from unhealthy food and water, we are faced withharmful rays and global warming. It was ourselves who had made a series oftroubles. As you can see, we are the final victim.

Above all, if we human beings cannot recognize theseserious problems and try our best to solve them soon, we would finally lose theenvironment suitable for us to live. So, it is our duty to protect theenvironment ,but what should we do to protect it?

In my opinion, the first and important thing is tounite all forces ,that is to say---gather all hearts together. Next we shouldprotect and plant more trees, which can dispose of the dust in the air. As forfamilies, it is effective to ride bicycles rather than drive cars. Don’t litteranywhere as you like. In addition, sorting and recycling the rubbish also playan essential role in the protection of our earth. We’d better call on everyone aroundus to lead a low-carbon life, as it may make a difference to the environment.

Thus, it’s high time that we did something to improveour surroundings. Everybody should raise the awareness to protect our motherearth. Let’s appeal to more people to join us.

All in all ,there’s no doubt that keeping the balanceof human and nature ,we will benefit a lot.

Thank you for listening!



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安静 热闹 积极 认真 谦虚 询问 授课 苦读 健美 驰骋 表扬 教育

摹写 渊博 举手 回答 争取 佩服 鼓励 训练 拼搏 冲刺 呐喊 讨论

勤奋 思索 活动 掌握 踏实 协作 对答如流 鸦雀无声 茅塞顿开

声情并茂 哄堂大笑 书声琅琅 发奋图强 不骄不躁 心不在焉

聚精会神 运用自如 取长补短 博览群书 全神贯注 出类拔萃

马马虎虎 大显身手 生龙活虎 潜心苦学 不学无术 欢声笑语

三五成群 热闹欢腾 款款清歌 恍然大悟 不耻下问 林荫小道

生机勃勃 生机盎然 生机勃发 春色满园 洒满阳光 人声鼎沸

书声琅琅 热闹非凡 垂柳依依 寻根究底 茁壮成长 奋发向上

你追我赶 欢声笑语 环境幽雅 清香四溢 景色迷人


1、 操场中间有一块绿色的草坪,同学们都愿意三五成群地到草坪上去读书、玩耍,那琅琅的读书声,常常吸引着操场外面的行人。

2、 春天使大地焕然一新,春天给学校满园春色,春天给我们欢乐和希望,催我们奋发向上。

3、 深秋的黄昏,我漫步在静静的校园,只见花儿凋谢了,树叶干枯了,光秃秃的树丫没精打采地垂在树干上,昔日绿茸茸的草地如今只是一片枯黄。

4、 天使大地焕然一新,春天给学校满园春色,春天给我们欢乐和希望,催促我们奋发向上。

5、 昔日四座破烂的校舍不翼而飞,崭新的教室和会议室屹立在屏障似的围墙里面,小巧玲珑的传达室守卫在大门西侧。

6、 校园,是你帮助我踏入知识的殿堂,你将你的博学无私的奉献了出来;校园,是你告诉我迈向友谊的天地,你将你的宽阔展现到我们眼前。

7、 校园,我的书籍城堡。是你,让我懂得了“好”与“坏”!我的生命中不能没有你。你,是我的力量之源。

8、 校园里开始热闹起来,又恢复了往日的欢声笑语。前来报名的学生喜气洋洋,向老师询问着开学事宜;而老师们有的准备新学年的教材及教学用具,有的则在清扫、布置教室,以优雅清新的学习环境迎接新生的到来。

9、 校园里有迷人的四季:桃红柳绿的春天,花繁叶茂的夏天,枫红菊香的秋天,松青雪白的冬天。

10、 学校是教书育人的地方,我们就像是一只只小鸟,在这片天空下飞翔;我们也像是一朵朵小花,在这片花园里开放;我们也像是一只只小鱼,在这片海洋里翱翔。

11、 一夜之间,校园银装素裹,玉树琼枝,好一派美丽的雪景。

12、 仲夏的午后,金色的阳光经过教学楼旁那一排挺拔葱郁的水杉枝叶筛滤过后,照进教室的玻璃窗来,分外的亮丽。

13、 漫步校园,只见整座校园成了银妆素裹的世界;矗立着大楼披上了洁白的素装;小树苗的枝条变成了臃肿的银条;嫩绿的树叶与红彤彤的花瓣布满了晶莹的霜花。这一切真是难以用语言形容,令我赏心悦目、心旷神怡。

14、 已经校园大门,便有一阵幽香扑鼻而来,这是藤萝架下盛开着的藤萝花的味道。藤萝架上,翠绿的树叶与妖艳的紫藤萝花交相辉映,十分美丽。走在藤萝架下,我总有心旷神怡的感觉。

15、 我们走进教室,只见窗口那里不断地滚进浓雾,教室里简直就像一个大蒸笼。

16、 我们的学校就像一个大花园,多么美丽,多么可爱,我们在这里茁壮成长。

17、 昔日破烂不堪的校舍已不翼而飞,崭新的教学大楼屹立在屏障似的围墙里面,小巧玲珑的传达室守卫在大门旁边。

18、 我们的校园,坐落在青岛八大关嘉峪关路上,这里绿树成荫,景色优美,远离热闹的市区,环境非常幽静。

19、 教室有三层的,四层的,还有五层的,窗户全是落地的,外墙红白相间,非常美丽。

20、 昔日四座破烂的校舍不翼而飞,崭新的教室和会议室屹立在屏障似的围墙里面,小巧玲珑的传达室守卫在大门西侧。

21、 春天使大地焕然一新,春天给学校满园春色,春天给我们欢乐和希望,催促我们奋发向上。

22、 春意盎然的校园给我们创造了优美的学习环境,辛勤的园丁——老师们,在精心地备课,用心血和汗水哺育我们这些花朵。同学们正抓紧这宝贵的时间努力学习。有的同学目不转睛地听老师讲课;有的在聚精会神地写作;有的同学站在窗前,凝视天空,对着那美丽的朝霞在幻想;有的在高声朗读,校园里一片琅琅的读书声。课间休息,同学们尽情欣赏着满园生机勃勃的春色,趁着大好春光进行着各种活动,有的在跳高、有的在跳远,有的在踢足球、有的在打乒乓……春天的气息多么清新,同学们都陶醉在这春色中。

23、 我们的校园里的操场宽阔平坦。那里的体育器具可真不少,单杠、双杠、木马、爬竿等等,同学们可以在那里练臂力,练技巧,尽情地锻炼身体。每逢下午的课外活动课,或者第二课堂的活动时间,操场一片龙腾虎跃,热闹非凡,同学们的欢声笑语使校园充满了快乐。

24、 周围是那么宁静,薄薄的晨雾,如轻纱笼罩着校园,雄伟壮观的教学楼,隐没在淡淡的晨雾中,整个校园的黎明是那么的温馨而幽美。

25、 校门口那几棵杨柳,总是把那双纤纤玉手伸向我的脸,上抚抚下摸摸,似乎也同样喜欢我。那草坪上的牵牛花向我炫耀着那一个个七彩的小喇叭,神气极了。我也友好地摸摸她。她更神气了,小喇叭都朝天上吹了。那棵大榕树的叶子慢慢长出来了,嫩绿嫩绿的,真惹人喜欢。那棵桃花开得正艳,粉色的花瓣可真漂亮。那几棵含羞草还是没变,还是那样害臊。我摸一摸她,她便卷缩成一团,嚷嚷着不肯见人。哎,真拿她没办法。



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The sun summoned the planet in the solar system to open an emergency meeting, the theme is to save the planet. The sun to see everyone to the Qi, and clear the clear voice, said: "The stars, our good sister earth has been at stake, the doctor said that her blood is toxins, the body of nutrients is also depleted, in this way "The moon says," In recent years, mankind has mined a lot of oil, minerals, wood and other materials, without protecting the environment, and the earths sister is not sick. "Saturn says" Way, we save the earth together! "" Well! "The stars have promised.

After the stars go back, have heard of human beings looking for a second home, so have made an appointment, never the second home of mankind, have also thrown away the conditions may be human use. For example: the moon threw away the oxygen, Saturn threw away the appropriate temperature, Mercury thrown away ... ... Finally, the human consciousness that the earth is the only human home, carried out to protect the Earth action.

300 years later, the sun also held a meeting, the earth also participated, she looks beautiful, green skin, clean blood, more importantly, she becomes healthy, the moon said: "sister, see you now So happy, I am happy for you. "Mercury said," Sister, see you now so beautiful, I am a little jealous. "Earth said:" Thank you all for my sacrifice so much, I am now healthy, or Thank you all, thank you, "said the sun," the stars, after this action, humans have recognized the importance of the earth, and I declare that the rescue of the earth is a success.

Friends, the mother of the mothers disease though good, but also need to continue convalescence, and now, let us work together to the earth dressed as the most beautiful planet in the universe.


There are many diseases that are harmful to human health and even threaten human life. Human into the 21st century, the world has occurred in the number of amazing changes. In the people for the rapid development of science and technology, but also experienced a better anxiety and even disaster. In addition to the panic of the development of high-tech, especially biotechnology, war and disease seem to bring mankind directly to the door of hell.

Water pollution on the human body harm, the body in the process of metabolism, with drinking water and food, the water of various elements through the digestive tract into the various parts of the body. When the lack of water in some of the human life process necessary elements, will affect human health. For example, in some areas of water iodine deficiency, long-term consumption of this water, it will lead to "big neck disease", is the medicine called "endemic goiter." When the water contains harmful substances, the greater harm to the human body. Carcinogenic substances can be consumed by eating contaminated food (food, vegetables, fish, etc.), into the human body, but also through the water into the human body. According to the survey, drinking contaminated water, suffering from liver cancer and gastric cancer and other cancer incidence, than drinking clean water is about 61,5% higher. When the sewage contains mercury, cadmium and other elements into rivers and lakes, the aquatic plants put mercury, cadmium and other elements to absorb and enrich them, fish eat aquatic plants, and in its body to further enrichment, people eat poisonous Fish, mercury, cadmium and other elements in the human body enrichment, so that the human body and death. In this way, from the aquatic plants → aquatic small animals → small fish → big fish → the body, forming a food chain. The body eventually became mercury, cadmium and other elements of the "foothold."

Water pollution hazards to aquatic organisms Water lives in a variety of aquatic animals and plants. Biological and water, between biological and biological complex material and energy exchange, from the number to maintain a dynamic balance. But under the influence of human activities, this balance has been destroyed. Some of the beneficial aquatic organisms are poisoned when humans release pollutants into the water, and some of the stained aquatic organisms will multiply, consume a lot of oxygen dissolved in the water, so that the beneficial aquatic life is forced to relocate due to hypoxia Or death. In particular, some toxic elements, both difficult to dissolve in water and easy accumulation in the body, causing great harm to humans. Such as mercury in the water content is very low, but the content of aquatic organisms is very high, the content in the fish is also surprisingly high. Assuming that the concentration of mercury in the water body is 1, the concentration of mercury in the aquatic organisms is about 700, and the concentration of mercury in the fish is as high as 860. Thus, when the water is contaminated, on the one hand led to biological and water, biological and biological balance between the damage, on the other hand some of the toxic substances continue to transfer and enrichment, and ultimately endanger human health and life.



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Recently, more and more colleges and universities have realized the importance of creating green campus, it has become a new trend throughout the country.

So, what do you mean when we refer to green campus? On the one hand, the protection of environment is necessary, there is no denying the fact that this is the premise of the concept. On the other hand, it is not enough to meet the overall goals of green campus simply maintain green environment. On the contrary, it also requires all the staff and our common efforts, the students positive culture construction.

Therefore, in order to create green campus, first, it is necessary, everyone thinks of our own host campus, and to realize green enlightenment brings us a house. More importantly, the need for action to achieve goals. Last but not least, we can spread the spirit of a wide area, calling for more people to join the prospect of this project.






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As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse /more and more seriously today. Water is polluted, we have no clean water to drink. Many trees are cutting down, some animals are getting less and less. Some factories are pouring dirty air into the sky. The population is increasing faster and faster, resources are getting less and less…etc. Not only does it affect our lives and health, it also has a great affection in the future. People’s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution. Many people died of diseases. In order to live a better life, something must be done to stop the pollution. It’s our duty to protect our environment. We shouldn’t throw away rubbish everywhere. Trees are very helpful and important for us. We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.

If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful. In a word, if everyone pays more attention to our environment, there will be less pollution and our life will be better. “There is only one earth”, I hope everyone will protect our environment well.




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I went to the gate of the primary school in shangjia city, and I was like walking into my other home, where I studied, lived, grew up, and my school was my home.

Lush trees, clean corridors, white walls. However, there are a few students on our campus who break the beautiful environment at will. The campus stairs and the various food packaging bags in the hallway, the various drink bottles of the flowers, the prunes in the classroom, the melon seed shells... The environment that makes us beautiful is destroyed, and it feels like a blank sheet of white paper. Taking care of the campus environment is the duty and responsibility of each of us.

So what can we do to make our campus environment civilized?

To set up the campus is the idea of home, the campus is my home, everyone loves it. Students should love the campus as much as they love their new clothes.

On the campus, the behavior should be standardized, from the little things, from a little bit, the daily behavior standard is every day, every time, everywhere.

We will comply with the regulations of the elementary school childrens daily behavior and strictly observe the institutions of the school. Be a good boy at home, be a good student at school, and be a civilized citizen in society.

4, do not break the environment of the school carelessly, should not throw waste to the ground; You shouldnt leave a mark or a handprint on a white wall. Consciously pick up every piece of paper or food bag on the floor; Stop unethical behavior.

To correct bad behavior, we cant just rely on our teachers and consciousness. Use concrete actions to protect and protect our campus environment. Start by myself, start by yourself, start every day, protect the campus environment.



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In fact, there are many things that can seriously pollute the environment: litter, spitting, grass and so on. The consequences are severe. But the waste of resources cannot be ignored. The worst is the waste of water.

At present, the reform and development of our country is at a critical juncture, and we should strive to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. But there are still some problems -- our living environment is seriously polluted; And the green resources are falling.

We do a lot of what the environment, such as: on one occasion, in a clean small garden, there have been some rubbish, gradually where there are a lot of people throw garbage, there is a garbage dump. It turned out that the trees were green and the flowers and grass were blooming. The bees and the butterflies were there, and there was a smell of enchantment. But now, there was nothing to do with it, and the smell of it was so bad that no one was willing to stay there any longer. Alas! It is a pity that such a beautiful garden is gone. If people notice that they dont pollute the environment, now, by the way, its a kind of escape. And, what a wonderful thing for people to have a rest and take advantage of the cold. But now its a junkyard, and the consequences of polluting the environment are terrible.

And there are a lot of factory waste is also pollute the environment, but the most serious is the pollution of water, I heard of such a story: there was a village, there was a clear pool. There were lotus flowers in the water and the goldfish, and it was so beautiful that visitors to the village would not forget to take a look at the scene. And people in the village wash and cook and drink water and water, so the water is very precious. One day, a businessman opened a factory near the pond, and the factory shut down a lot of waste water and garbage and went into the pond... The result can be imagined: the goldfish died, the water side became the sewage, the tourists no longer came, the people in the village moved away... Alas! The little pond has disappeared. The factory severely polluted the environment and made the environment in the village very bad and affected peoples lives. Its a story, but there are a lot of these things in everyday life, and the results are very serious, not just simple consequences.

In fact, there are many things that can seriously pollute the environment: litter, spitting, grass and so on. The consequences are severe. But the waste of resources cannot be ignored. The worst is the waste of water.

Now, Beijing is a city of severe water shortages, but there are a lot of people in the waste water, such as: there are a lot of people out of the water to wash the dishes and laundry water and reuse. In fact, although can only save a little water, economy is a lot of!

Also, people who sell fish in the market love to put a faucet on the side of the water, and when they use water, they will let the water flow freely. How much water they would waste if they went on like this!

The drink, the wine, etc., are now made with water. Some factories use a lot of water, so some of the water is wasted. Thats a lot of wasted water. This water can do a lot if you save it! You can also avoid a little water.




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A Beijing mother’s article describing how her 10-year-old son was bullied at school went viral, bringing back memories for Chinese people who were bullied and triggering widespread discussion on parenting.

After having a toilet waste-paper basket thrown on his head and being mocked by other classmates, the fourth-grade boy was diagnosed with acute stress disorder, a mental illness characterized by severe anxiety, according to the article published online Thursday.

It said the school described the case as a “joke that went too far,” and that the parents of the boy who threw the basket believed their son was “just being naughty.”

The mother wrote that her son had been bullied for almost a year by his classmate and that his son is still emotionally unstable and not currently going to school.

The guidelines, jointly released by nine organs including the Ministry of Education and the Supreme People’s Court, ordered schools to be aware of the consequences of bullying and violence, and that officials should take responsibility for serious incidents of bullying or violence in areas in their charge.



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The quality of human life has improved greatly over the past few centuries, but Earth is being harmed more and more by human activity. As we develop our technology, we demand more from our planet. Eventually, this will harm people as well.

Our planet gives us everything we need, but natural resources are not endless. Strip mining devastates whole regions, leaving bare and useless ground. Deforestation removes old growth trees that cant be replaced. Too much fishing may harm fish populations to the point where they cant recover. We are too careless in taking what we want without giving anything back.

There are more people than ever, living longer that ever. So is it any surprise that many areas suffer from too much development? Anyone living in or near a city has experienced "urban sprawl". There is a new shopping area on every corner and new houses, townhouses and apartments everywhere. Traffic gets worse and worse because planners cant keep up with growth. Keeping up with human demand is hard enough. Environmental concerns come in last.

With growth comes pollution. Companies and communities dump waste into water. Landfills are full of trash. Emissions from factories pollute the air. Barrels of industrial waste and worse, radioactive waste, have no safe place to go. If were not careful, we can harm our planet beyond repair.

People need to respect the Earth and try to preserve it. If we dont, what kind of future will we have?
