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The Scandinavian countries are much admired all over the world for their enlightened social policies. Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from high-handed or incompetent public officers. The system has worked so well, that it has been adopted in other countries too.

The Swedes were the first to recognize that public officials like civil servants, police officers, health inspectors or tax-collectors can make mistakes or act over-zealously in the belief that they are serving the public. As long ago as 1809, the Swedish Parliament introduced a scheme to safeguard the interest of the individual. A parliamentary committee representing all political parties appoints a person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances against the State. The official title of the person is Justiteombudsman, but the Swedes commonly refer to him as the J. O. or Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is not subject to political pressure. He investigates complaints large and small that come to him from all levels of society. As complaints must be made in writing, the Ombudsman receives an average of 1, 200 letters a year. He has eight lawyer assistants to help him and he examines every single letter in detail. There is nothing secretive about the Ombudsmans work, for his correspondence is open to public inspection. If a citizens complaint is justified, the Ombudsman will act on his behalf. The action he takes varies according to the nature of the complaint. He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be altered. The following case is a typical example of the Ombudsmans work.

A foreigner living in a Swedish village wrote to the Ombudsman complaining that he had been ill-treated by the police, simply because he was a foreigner. The Ombudsman immediately wrote to the Chief of Police in the district asking him to send a record of the case. There was nothing in tthe record to show that the foreigners complaint was justified and the Chief of Police strongly denied the accusation. It was impossible for the Ombudsman to take action, but when he received a similar complaint from another foreigner in the same village, he immediately sent one of his lawyers to investigate the matter. The lawyer ascertained that a policeman had indeed dealt roughly with foreigners on several occasions. The fact that the policeman was prejudiced against foreigners could not be recorded in the official files. It was only possible for the Ombudsman to find this out by sending one of his representatives to check the facts. The policeman in question was severely reprimanded and was informed that if any further complaints were lodged against him, he would be prosecuted. The Ombudsmans prompt action at once put an end to an unpleasant practice which might have gone unnoticed.




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Nowadays many students like eating junk food.On the way home or to school,they usually buy some junk food in the shops,eating and walking.But junk food isnt nutritious,its harmful to their health.People who often eat junk food can get ill more easily.For our health,we should not eat junk food.We should eat more healthy food ,such as vegetables,fruit and meat.



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Many years ago, I saw a very impressive movie. The protagonist asked

another character about what was the most precious thing in the new era and the

answer was talent. Indeed, today, the talents are favored by the job market,

because technology industry develops very fast and the talents can create new


So we need to have open minded and see more things around the world,

only in this way can we find more ideas, thus comes the creative thoughts. Since

we are young , we need to learn more knowledge and equip ourselves with all

kinds of skills, then we can make more creative idea into practical.



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前不久,中央电视台“焦点访谈”栏目曾就“中国式马路”现象进行了不少采访和评论。请用英语写一篇100-120 词的短文,结合自己的所见所闻或亲身经历描述“行人闯红灯”(pedestrians run the red light)引发的若干问题,并就此提出一些解决措施。 注意;短文的开头已给出(不计词数)。

Not long ago, CCTV “Focus Talk” carried out many interviews and made some relevant comments on the phenomena---“Crossing roads in the Chinese style”.______________________


Not long ago, CCTV “Focus Talk” carried out many interviews and made some relevant comments on the phenomena---“Crossing roads in the Chinese style”.

There is a very common phenomenon around us that people just run the light totally ignoring the running vehicles, which can lead to serious consequences. Last week a traffic accident happened near our school, a rushing car knocked down a student who was running the red light. And because of the car’s sudden stop, several cars behind crashed into each other. Of course this caused a terrible traffic jam.

In my opinion, effective measures should be taken to solve the problem. First, we can make good use of the media, such as TV, newspaper, magazine, to raise people’s awareness of obeying the traffic rules and road safety. Second, government must make severe laws to punish people who dare to break the law and run the red light.


Not long ago, CCTV “Focus Talk” carried out many interviews and made some relevant comments on the phenomena---“Crossing roads in the Chinese style”.

Take one of my experiences for example. It was a Tuesday and it rained cat and dog. There was only a few minutes left for me to go to school on time. I was so hurried that I ignored the red light. It was so dangerous for me that the car hardly hit me seriouly. From then on, I never dare to run the red light. I think it can lead to many problems. There is no doubt that it will not only make the traffic heavier but also lose your own life.

As far as I am concerned, it has profound significance to take actions. For the government, they should make laws and appeal to the importance of safety. For the other people, we should cherish our lives and obey the traffic rules.



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Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules. We cant have breakfast in the classroom. Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom. Then it becomes the class rules in my class. If anyone breaks this rule, he will be punished. So no one in my class dare to have breakfast in the classroom.





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About two weeks from now, college students will begin to enjoy their long summer holidays. Many are looking for odd jobs, of which tutoring is almost the most popular one.

These students say, by doing pan-time jobs, they can not only make some money for next terms tuition, but also enrich their holidays. They prefer to be tutors because this has more to do with what they have learned in class.

As a student, I myself have also been a tutor. But I didnt wait in line until I was chosen. I put up an advertisement with my school scripts attached. So, my suggestion to my fellow students is: be a tutor only when you are good at your courses.



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生活中有许多东西都可以分享。因为分享不仅能给人们带来充实与快乐,还可以使人们和谐相处,人与人之间关系融洽,所以分享得到了大家的尊敬。 There are many things in life that can be shared.Because sharing can not only bring fullness and happiness to people, but also enable people to get along in harmony, and the relationship between people is harmonious, so sharing has been respected by everyone.








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My Hobby

English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I

was ten years old.

But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I

have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes,

watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there

are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing

English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from

English-speaking countries.

I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.



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Body language is used by people for sending messages to one another. It is very useful because it can help you make yourself easily understood. When you are talking with others,you are not just using words, but also using expressions and gestures. For example, waving ones hand is to say "Good-bye." A smile and handshake show welcome, and clapping hands means congratulations. Nodding the head means agreement, but shaking the head means disagreement. The gestures are accepted both by Chinese and foreigners as having the same meanings.

Different countries have different body language. For example, men in Russia, France and Arab countries kiss each other when they meet, but men in China or Australia shake hands instead of kissing. People in Puerto Rio like touching each other, but people from English speaking countries do not touth each other. If you touch an English person, you should say "Sorry. People in Arab countries like standing close to one another when they are talking, but English people must keep a distance away when they are talking. In some Asian countries, you must not touch the head of another person. In Arab countries, you eat using the fingers of your right land;the left hand is not used at all. In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person.

When you use a foreign language, it is very important to know the meanings of gestures and movements in the foreign country. Following the customs will help you communicate with people and make your stay there much more pleasant and comfortable.



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春天,春风刚刚吹过,吹暖了人们的心,吹走寒风刺骨的冬天,吹醒了世间万物。在我的印象中,春天是最美好的,它轻轻的拂过你的脸,就像母亲抚摸着你一般。 Spring, the spring breeze has just blown over, blowing warm peoples hearts, blowing away the cold winds, and waking up all things in the world.In my impression, spring is the best, it gently brushes your face, just like a mother strokes you.








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There are many television programs in taiwan today, from tv aeries, quiz shows, soap operas, movies to cartoons. of all the programs, i like to watch cartoons the best, like cartoon network, disney and many others. i like to watch cartoons because they are funny and very interesting, especially when i am sad, tired or bored.

I also like cartoon characters. they are so cute and vivid. we must use our imagination when we watch cartoons. because they are often exaggerated, so you need to have a sense of humor.



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凡卡怀着甜蜜的希望睡熟了。他在梦里看见一铺暖炕,炕上坐着爷爷,耷拉着两条腿,正在念他的信……可爱的泥鳅在炕边走来走去,还不时摇着尾巴。眼 前的一切是多么的清晰啊!好像是真的一样。凡卡激动极了,他的嘴角微微地颤抖着,双手情不自禁地捂住了嘴巴,他的眼睛里盛满了晶莹的泪珠,好像一不小心就 会决堤似的。“爷,爷爷!”凡卡哽咽了,他不敢相信眼前的一切。凡卡的爷爷似乎察觉到了,他放下信,慢慢地站起身来,眼睛有些红肿,好像哭过了一样。“爷 爷!我终于回来了!您知道吗?在这段时间里,我一直过着生不如死的日子,连狗都不如!还好上帝怜悯我这个无父无母的孤儿,让我回到了您的身边,不然,我真 的就只有死路一条了!爷爷,我再也不离开您了……”凡卡的眼泪像断了线似的珍珠一样,不停地落下来。就这样,凡卡幸福的紧紧地拥抱着爷爷,在也不会离开爷 爷了。仿佛一松手,爷爷就会消失似的。难道幸福真的来得那么快吗?不,那不会是真的,那只是一个梦而已。

“哇,哇……”一阵婴儿的啼哭声把凡卡惊醒了,他不情愿的睁开眼睛,他太希望永远都沉睡在梦里,永远不要苏醒过来,然而,老天不许,眼前的一切 全都没有了。慈祥的爷爷,可爱的泥鳅,还有那铺暖炕……就在一瞬间里消失了。是的,幸福还是与凡卡擦肩而过。凡卡失望了。他揉了揉朦胧的睡眼,刚才的景象 还清晰可见。他一直认为,那不是个梦,而是个现实。至于为什么,凡卡也不知道,但他坚信,他的爷爷一定会来接他的!于是,凡卡深深地呼吸了一口新鲜的空 气,直径走向了对面的婴儿房……唉!又要给那个小崽子摇摇篮了。

夜很静,皎洁的月光在朦胧的云雾中若隐若现,天空中的星星一闪一闪的。这样的夜晚,那么的美好,又那么的凄凉,只怕是有人欢喜有人愁啊!“砰 ——”一声巨响在浩瀚的天际中划过,打破了夜的寂静,好刺耳!凡卡一下子被惊醒了,它无助地盯着眼前的一切,不幸的事情终于还是发生了——老板和老板娘回 来了。凡卡一下子跪倒在地上,他颤抖着说:老板,我,我不是故意的,求求您饶了我吧!谁知那个可恶的老板却不给凡卡丝毫解释的机会,他凶神恶煞地瞪着凡 卡,气急败坏地将他揪到过道里,拿起旁边的皮鞭就是一阵恨抽猛打。从老板那愤怒的眼神里,凡卡清清楚楚地看到了一团火苗正在燃烧。痛,痛极了!这是凡卡当 时唯一的感受。他被打得皮开肉绽,一道道鲜红的伤口显得那么刺眼。然而,面对眼前的种种委屈,种种不平,凡卡却没有留下一滴眼泪,它只是不停的呻吟,不停 的颤抖。“你这个小兔崽子,老子供你吃、供你喝,还供你住,到头来你却反咬我一口,看我今天不打死你!”凡卡的眼神那么空洞,仿佛已没有了焦距。老板依旧 一鞭接着一鞭地抽着可怜的小凡卡,他恶狠狠的说:“你的胆子还真是不小啊,敢偷偷写信向你爷爷告状,你活得不耐烦了吗?哼!要不是我那个邮递员朋友将这件 事情告诉我,我到现在还被蒙在鼓里呢!”老板挥动鞭子的力度越来越大,凡卡身上绽开的伤口也越来越多。“不过也没什么,你爷爷不过是个穷乡巴佬罢了,他连 自己都快养活不起了,哪顾得上你啊!他是不会来接你的,你就死了这条心吧!”老板轻蔑地冷笑道,他的话如同晴天霹雳般深深地刺痛了凡卡的心。“爷爷真的不 会来接我了吗?”凡卡反复地问自己。尽管老板的话让他很伤心,但他却始终倔强的不肯留下一滴眼泪,因为他不相信上帝连他那仅剩的一丝希望也要剥夺。对凡卡 而言,只要能离开这个如人间炼狱般的地方,哪怕只有零点零一的机会,他也要牢牢地抓住。但是,凡卡毕竟是个孩子,他怎能受得了老板如此残忍的虐待呢?终 于,凡卡再也忍受不了那刻骨铭心的痛苦了,他晕倒了,眼角渗出一滴小小的、晶莹而透明的泪珠……

半个小时后,凡卡被老板用一盆脏水泼醒了。“你这个小兔崽子,揍你两下就装晕,有那么虚弱吗?”凡卡太累了,他不想再争辩什么了,不管老板想怎 样对待自己都随他去吧!凡卡艰难地把头扭向了另一边。“你,你敢不理我,你吃了熊心豹子胆了吗?哼,看我怎么收拾你!”老板转身走进了旁边的一间屋子里。 许久,他抱着一大堆脏兮兮的衣服走到凡卡面前,一股脑地将衣服丢给了他。“给我全部洗干净,否则就别想吃饭!”老板气急败坏地说,眼神中的怒火烧得很旺。 凡卡并没有拒绝,他拖着才刚刚被鞭子抽打过的身子,一瘸一拐地到院子里去打水了。凡卡洗呀洗,他那伤痕累累的手侵在冰冷的水中,一种前所未有的痛在他的心 中蔓延开来。旁边的老板懒洋洋地坐在扶手椅上,一边晒太阳,一边监督凡卡干活。凡卡全身都痛极了,他看看旁边怎么洗都不见少的衣服,那上面的灰尘显然是老 板故意染上去的。他稍稍愣了一下神,继而无奈的叹了一口气。“嘿,快点儿!我警告你,你要是敢偷懒,我就狠狠地整你!”老板大声呵斥一旁的凡卡。一个小 时,两个小时,三个小时……不知道多长时间过去了,凡卡一直都在洗衣服,不停地洗……






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假设你是刘伟,你的美国朋友MIKE 想通过你了解中国的传统节日。请你根据提示,给Mike 写一封e-mail,向他介绍我国传统节日春节的情况。



提示词语:Spring Festival, traditional, decorate, on the eve of the festival,

get together, set off fireworks, lucky money



Dear Mike,

How are you? I’m really glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese

festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring

Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and so on. I’d like to introduce the Spring Festival to


Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It

usually lasts for 15 days.Days before the festival, people clean their houses.

They think cleaning sweeps any bad luck. They decorate their houses with paper

cuts. On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have big

meals. Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. At midnight, they set off

fireworks to welcome the New Year. During the festival, kids get lucky money

from old people. People visit their relatives and friends. They wish one another

a happy year and good luck. How happy we are.

Best wishes!


Liu Wei



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Environment is all the attention to the topic, also is a hot spot of all people. Good environment, good for our healthy growth, feel better, both study and life comfortable, everyone wants to live in a good environment. Therefore, to protect the environment, everyone duty.

When you are passing the trash can, you can pick up the cola bottles beside? When you see someone scribble carving in the tree, you will not to stop at the meeting? When you are in the stalls to eat small, can you come up with their own spare chopsticks instead of disposable chopsticks?

Now, a lot of people cut down a tree in the forest, the trees to make chopsticks, chairs, tables, etc., can cause soil erosion, flood will often and bring us unfortunately. We should act to prevent them.

In the supermarket, we can see a lot of people still use money to buy a pocket, although a pocket as long as 2 cents, but to protect the environment is every citizens responsibility and obligation. Even if the pockets dont money, we should also have the mindset of environmental protection, environmental protection bag.

On my way to school, we saw someone throw rubbish on the road, disorderly spit phlegm, we should teach him methods: spitting in the tissue, then throw in the trash. We cant learn the somebody else, be sure to write "environmental protection" moment in their heart, and reflect in action, starts from me, starts from the minor matter.

I believe that through the efforts of everyone, the environment will become better and better, "mother" will become more beautiful earth.









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假设你是刘伟,你的美国朋友MIKE 想通过你了解中国的传统节日。请你根据提示,给Mike 写一封e-mail,向他介绍我国传统节日春节的情况。


★ 范文

Dear Mike,

How are you? I’m really glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese

festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring

Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and so on. I’d like to introduce the Spring Festival to

you. Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It

usually lasts for 15 days.

Days before the festival, people clean their houses. They think cleaning

sweeps any bad luck. They decorate their houses with paper cuts. On the eve of

the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch

the Spring Festival Gala on TV. At midnight, they set off fireworks to welcome

the New Year. During the festival, kids get lucky money from old people. People

visit their relatives and friends. They wish each a happy year and good luck.

How happy we are.

Best wishes!


Liu Wei



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One day in spring(春野)



Morning air(早晨的空气)


