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1. 河道里平静的水,从冬天的素净中苏醒过来,被大自然的色彩打扮得青青翠翠。

2. 微微的春风中轻柔地拂动,柳树舒展开黄绿嫩叶的枝条。就像一群群身着绿装的仙女在翩翩起舞。夹在柳树中间的桃树也开出鲜艳的花朵,绿的柳,红的花,真是美极。

3. 阳春三月,春光明媚,桃花“争开不待叶”盛开于枝头。它芬菲烂漫、抚媚鲜丽,如一片片红霞,与绿树婆婆的垂柳相衬映,形成桃红柳绿、柳暗花明的春日胜景。

4. 是呀!春天随处都在,我们把一切都看在眼睛里,哪怕在叫声中,春天太美真不知道该怎样形容好?天下的人都会说春天的美吧!春天是最欢乐的,最美的,最令人陶醉的,也是我最喜欢的。我爱春天!

5. 春天是一年中最美丽的季节,古往今来人们几乎用尽所有美好的词语诗句来形容赞美春天。春天,带给人生命力,带给人希望。当看到粉桃千枝万枝竞放,柳丝千条万条飘浮的春天时,您会不会想到那硕果累累的金秋?其实那沉甸甸的硕果是早已孕育在春天的花蕾里,那灿烂的金色也早孕育在春天的绿色里。

6. 春姑娘来到山上。春姑娘的到来为山上增添许多生机与活力。那郁郁葱葱的树木显得格外得绿,嫩,还有那万紫千红,遍满山野的野花。最惹人注意的是桃花,白里透红,红里透白,一枝枝,一簇簇,美丽极!

7. 花园里百花盛开。紫红紫红的杜鹃花上一块紫红的花帘子!月季等花儿都开,它们争芳斗艳,芬芳吐香,亭亭玉立,婀娜多姿,使花园花香袭人,十里飘香,让人流连忘返,感到心旷神怡。

8. 春天来,小树发出新芽。树叶经过冬天的孕育,现在终于发出新芽。柳树也长出嫩芽,芽嫩绿嫩绿的,长满枝条。风一吹,仿佛一位婀娜多姿的姑娘正翩翩起舞。

9. 早上,太阳从天边升起来,太阳像一个红红的大火球。天空中飘着朵朵白云,有的像兔子,有的像变成乌龟。地上的小草绿绿的,好像给大地铺上一条绿色的毯子。柳树的枝条长长的,像一条条长长的辫子。柳树下是一条小河,河里的水蓝蓝的,许多鱼儿在水里游来游去,有的像在做迷藏,有的小鱼在吹泡泡。

10. 校园的春景是多么迷人、美丽啊!暖风习习、花香缕缕,醉人的春意使我陶醉,暖风佛面,轻轻地卷着校园的美丽。那时,大地将万物复苏,校园的花竟相开放,争先恐后,树木也长出新芽,草儿也织出绿色大绒毯,校园生机勃勃一片,我们的校园被五颜六色的花装扮得更加美丽迷人。

11. 春来,我在田野上看到那点点碧绿,我的心中自然而然地响起的声音。我想,那些刚强的种子也无法忍受冰冷的土地及无尽的黑暗,它们都迫不及待地从土地上钻出享受春天的气息,一个冬天把它们压抑的太久太久。

12. 啊,我见到春季。远处的群山联缀升沉,变得苍绿。近处山坡上的小草也暗公开钻出空中,它们嫩生生,绿油油的。瘦削的小叶儿,像一个个刚刚睡醒的胖娃娃。这一片,那一簇,点缀着这高峻陡峭的山坡。山坡上的树木也在不声不响地抽出新的枝条,长出像小草一样的新芽。柳树的枝条向下垂着,就像一条条线挂在树上。那嫩黄色的小叶片,就像在线上系的花瓣儿。

13. 当春间二三月,轻随微微的吹拂着,如毛的细雨无因的由天上洒落着,千条万条的柔柳,齐舒它们的黄绿的眼,红的白的黄的花,绿的小燕子,便也由南方飞来,加人这个隽妙无比的春景的图画中,为春光平添许多的生趣。的草,绿的树叶,皆如赶赴市集者似的奔聚而来,形成烂漫无比的春天时,那些小燕子,那么伶俐可爱。

14. 春来,一切都像刚刚睡醒,欣欣然张开眼,春回大地山青水绿,春树萌芽春花怒放,蝴蝶在花间戏舞,小鸟在轻快的赞颂着迷人的春景,赞颂着春天的大自然像个天真的孩子那样纯洁、烂漫、急切。

15. 碧绿的小草开满树旁,就像是树的毯子似的。

16. 看,那小虫也爬出小屋,迎着晨光,伸伸手,弯弯腰,活动活动筋骨,然后悠哉悠哉地踱进花草丛中,又开始一天新的生活。阳光照耀下的田野。黑黝黝的、似乎被油脂浸泡过的、越冬的泥土,显得酥软而滋润,并散发出阵阵的泥土芳香。泥块上的草茎业已泛出一点点淡黄,宛若向世人昭示她生生不息之力。

17. 春天的水,平平的,静静的。春天的水,没有风的时候就像一面平滑的玻璃镜子一样。有风时,春天的水,在阳光的照耀下,泛起水波,闪闪发光,就像春姑娘佩戴的闪亮亮的头饰一样。春天的水,流过庄稼、田地,悄悄地给足充分的营养。春天的水活,便孕育一批批新的生命--鱼儿欢快地在水中游来游去。

18. 在树林里,许多的小鸟在自由自在欢乐地飞翔着,高兴起来,便唱出清脆悦耳的曲子,和煦的春光吹拂着小河,河水忽然被一阵悦耳、动听的笛声所牵动,放眼望去,一群顽皮的小孩子正用垂柳的茎做柳笛呢!他们吹出心里的幸福和快乐。

19. 春它不会大摇大摆降临,它总是默默地出现在你身边,使你来不及感受,它又会偷偷的把自己藏起来。这让我想起我的母亲,她总是在我需她的时候,她总会提前出现,我的母亲总是这样默默地爱着她的儿子,母爱无价。难道春不是一个这样的母亲吗?它总是在需要的时候,适时地把生机和温度降临大地,而当一切都生机勃勃,春意盎然的时候,把这一切传递给夏,让夏享受着这一成就。

20. 悄悄地,春姑娘走,但在人们的脑海中,在人们的心中,那段在春季里的美好回忆仍然保留着。

21. 其实人生也如四季:天真浪漫的童年是人生的春天,血气方刚的青年是人生的夏天,沉稳持重的中年是人生的秋天,蹒跚伛偻的老年是人生的冬天。但只要保持心灵的春天,生命将永远年轻。

22. 春天亦是个郊游踏青的好季节,找个阳光明媚的日子,和好朋友一起去游览祖国的大好河山,一起去览览美景,换换心情,可谓一件非常美好的事情。正如那句歌词所言“河山大好,出去走走,碧海蓝天吹吹风,别窝在家当懒虫”。

23. 从灰蒙蒙的天上,从飘动着的云层里,从轻悠悠的北风中,落下来,落下来--雨,春天淡蓝色的雨啊!千万条银线,荡漾在空中,迷迷漫漫的轻纱,披在绿油油的田野上。

24. 蜜蜂为花儿舞蹈,花儿为蜜蜂献上甜美的花。

25. 在这个春意浓浓的花园里,我抬头仰望,突然发现,春天,也是个无私奉献的季节。三月,正是雷锋月。雷锋,不就是一个典型无私奉献的代表吗?怎么多年来,雷锋不再是一个名字,而是一种精神。雷锋精神,对好几代人都产生潜移默化的影响。雷锋精神正在慢慢感化人们的内心世界,将人们从低级趣味带领到高尚的精神领域,这正是一个社会和谐的标志,也是国家富强的标志。

26. 恍忽间明白:明媚的春天之所以如此的美,是因为它让人的心情在此刻绽放。

27. 空气是那么清新,天空是那么明朗。春姑娘愉快地亲吻着万物,那么温柔,那么亲热,就像是一位慈爱的母亲爱抚着她的儿女们,多么地亲切啊!

28. 暮春时节,正是满树的花吐蕊飘香的时候,那四溢的清香,的确令人陶醉。

29. 寒冷的冬天过去,春姑娘迈着轻盈的脚步悄悄地走向人间,她手中提着一篮春天的音乐种子,她要将春天的音乐种子撒向世界的每一个角落。

30. 瞧!那飘动的柳枝不正是春天的秀发吗?那颤动的细草不正是春天的花环吗?那舞动的嫩叶不正是春天的纱裙吗?那流动的河水不正是春天的肌肤吗?那灵动的鸟鸣不正是春天的歌声吗?那闪动的星辉不正是春天的目光吗?春天便宛如一位画家,她自如地挥洒手中的绿色颜料,点缀出一幅幅人间繁景。

31. 你看,一棵棵小草披上绿衣裳;花儿变得五彩缤纷,有红的,有黄的,有紫的,还有……去南方过冬的大雁飞回它自己的故乡北方,它在叽叽喳喳地叫着,好像在说:“美丽的春天,我回来”。柳树长出娇嫩的绿芽;池塘里冬眠的青蛙醒,伸伸懒腰,在池塘边呱呱地叫起来;河里的水解冻,小鱼在水里快活地游来游去,好像在说:“春天,你真好!”

32. 大地苏醒的消息,早让春风传遍了田野。小溪开始“哗啦哗啦”地唱歌,好像是为了春姑娘的来临而欢唱。鸟语花香弥漫在大自然中,春姑娘为大地绣起了朵朵鲜花,那美丽无比的花儿,在风中散发出无限的诱惑。河岸上的小树开始露出淡淡的青色,柔软的树枝在微风中摇摆。在那斜斜的河岸,广阔的田野就像披着一层透明的碧纱,好像残冬的荒凉正在孕育着春天的生机。在泥土中也有点点绿色探头探脑地冒出地面,这是小草,是幼小的生命!它们给这个春季增添了热闹及美妙。

33. 春天来了,田野里万物复苏了,嫩绿的小草慢慢的从土里探出了头,花朵也绽开了笑脸,小燕子也从南方飞回来,唧唧喳喳的叫着,从天空飞的时候有的排成一字形有的排成人字形,我觉的非常有意思,大树慢慢的长出了嫩芽,春天杏花、桃花、梨花都竞相开放,小河里的冰也融化了。

34. 春天的雨是连绵的、柔和的,它滋润着大地,抚摸着大地,小声地呼唤着大地,在人们不知不觉的时候,他们竟悄悄地汇成了小河,积成了深潭。啊,原来是春雨给潭水带来绿色的生命。 春天来的好快,悄无声息、不知不觉中,草儿绿了,枝条发芽了,遍地的野花、油菜花开的灿烂多姿,一切沐浴着春晨的曙光,在春风中摇弋、轻摆,仿佛少女的轻歌曼舞,楚楚动人。

35. 早春时节,冰雪刚开始消融,人们还有春寒料峭的感觉,仲春的天气就转暖了些,仲春是春季的第二个月,即农历二月。那时,南方迷人的春天慷慨地散布着芳香的气息,大自然五彩缤纷:青草如绿波,桃花如人面红,葵花金灿灿,玉兰花洁白无暇。杜鹃在芒果树的枝头,用它那圆润,甜蜜,动人心弦的鸣啭来唤醒人们的希望。成群的画眉像迎亲队似的蹲在枝头。桃树,梨树都仿佛被自身的芬芳熏醉了,芒果花开得像满天繁星一样。真可以说是鸟语花香的世界。

36. 春姑娘来了,她轻舞春风的长袖,温柔地抚摸着大地,唤醒沉睡中的生灵;播撒滋润的细雨,洗去冬日的尘埃,舒活万物困顿的筋骨;小草在春风的吹拂下醒来了,像初生的婴儿吸允着甘露,茁壮地生长;花儿在温暖的阳光中展开了笑脸,摇曳着曼妙的身姿,争奇斗艳;树儿沐浴过春雨,褪去了枯黄的冬衣,为自己换上了嫩绿的新装;湖水也一改冬日的沉静,调皮地泛起层层微波,搅乱了投射在湖边的倒影。

37. 春天来了,花都开了。有淡黄色的迎春花,粉色的桃花,紫色的丁香花,还有白色的玉兰花和梨花呢。很多的树木都绿了。杨树和柳树绿了,冬青和松树看起来更绿了。还有我叫不上名字的那些树都绿了。春天真美呀,春天像花朵在向我们微笑。

38. 柳树舒展开了黄绿嫩叶的枝条,在微微的春风中轻柔地拂动,就像一群群身着绿装的仙女在翩翩起舞。夹在柳树中间的桃树也开出了鲜艳的花朵,绿的柳,红的花,真是美极了!

39. 我们来到小溪边,几条小鱼在水里欢快地游来游去,好像在说“春天来了!春天来了!”几只鸭子在一边唱歌一边跟小鱼游泳比赛,可高兴了,哦,春天在小溪里!

40. 北方的仲春,海棠花也快开齐了,蝴蝶们还很弱,但小蜜蜂一出世就四处飞,觉得世界确实甜蜜可爱。燕儿们飞来飞去,远看过去,好像在给白云钉小黑丁字玩呢。柳枝轻摆着,像是逗弄着四外的绿意。




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I like eating various kinds of fruits, but what I like most is apple. Apple is red, round, and juicy. It looks so nice and tastes so sweet. Almost everyone likes it. And its also very cheap. We can buy it everywhere.


Apple is not only delicious, but also nutritious, because it contains the vitamins we need. Having apples everyday can make us healthy and wise. Just as saying goes," An apple a day keeps the doctors away.


Whats more, apple can be made into many kinds of foods and drinks. For example, apple milk shake is so popular among people. Its so easy to make. Here is the list: First, peel three apples and cut them into pieces. Second, put the apples and ice cream into a blender, and then pour some milk into the blender. Next, turn on the blender, and the milk shake will be ready in two minutes. Finally, drink the milk shake. This is the last but the most delightful step.




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What kind of animals do you like in our common homeland - earth, how many animals do you like? Anyway, my favorite animal is our most loyal friend - dog.

My favorite dog is my neighbors home that is a Beijing dog and rounds and Coli sheep shepherd handsome. They play together every day, is a pair of good friends, I also like them, they saw me and wagged my tail came to me.

Handsome body Biao big, the body about sixty centimeters long. Two legs standing, fully able to my shoulder, his eyes, nose, mouth, ears are more than round, and most like to see him running when the figure - curly flying, like a horse. I often and round, handsome with the running, each time is handsome first, round second, my third It is no exaggeration to say that the speed of handsome hands run no less than the speed of purebred horses. The general dog ran up, will be issued a "blah" sound, handsome handsome hands up very small, not careful is not heard. Handsome handsome look is also handsome: curly flying, the body was arcuate. If you want to use a word to describe handsome, that is: handsome. If you use a word, that is: impeccable.

Relative to the handsome hands, round the size of a lot of small, only about thirty centimeters long, less than half the handsome handsome. The meaning of his name comes from his pair of eyes, it is too round. Like a shiny black gem. And his legs are round, round the name is so come. And his legs are very short, so even if he sprinkled his feet running, but also run fast, but I still like his kind of simple cute.

This is my favorite animal, you like it?



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一年四季的风,数春风最能吹到人的心里。夏天的风,毕竟早就准备了十分的热情迎接。而春风,一旦吹起,先是下意识的抗拒,将过未过之时,顿时觉得它没有一丝的恶意,且带着天地间温柔的精神瞬间钻入了心底。 The winds of the year and four seasons, the spring breeze can best blow peoples hearts.After all, the wind in summer has long been prepared very warmly.Once the spring breeze blows up, first of all, it is subconsciously resisting. When it passes, it suddenly feels that it is not malicious, and the gentle spirit between the heavens and the earth instantly drilled into the heart.









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If you ask me what my favorite little animal is? Well, Ill tell you, my favorite little animal is puppy.


My little dogs fur is white and snowy, like snow falling on the puppy. Its so beautiful! A pair of eyes, watery, as if just under a spring rain, rain fell into his eyes; it has a long tail, if the street dust, you can use the tail sweep the dust clean.


Once I came home from school, I went to see the dog. I brought it to eat with the bone, but it not only did not eat, but also motionless, as if by what bother. It turned out that the puppy is going to have a baby......


I loved the puppy more when I was born. But the good times dont last long unfortunate thing happened. One day, the puppy squatted in the parking place of mother. When mother came back, mother could not see it for a while, and the dog fell asleep again. I didnt know. At this moment, mother parked the car in that position. Just then, the puppy was killed by his mother. I was so sad when I saw the scene that I cried for 2 hours.


At this time, my feelings for the dog is still so deep, I feel unable to part of the dogs death. Puppy, I love you.



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Each people all have own dream, also have a dream in my heart, it deeply

buried a pregnant with my ideal seeds, in my heart to take root, sprout.

Each people all have own dream, some people want to be a writer, someone

wants to be a pilot, someone wants to be an astronaut, I want to be a human

engineer teachers. Someone may ask me: "when the teacher have a good, low wages,

work hard again, still not taken seriously by people", "the home has five grain,

improper king" but has it ever occurred to you, if there is no teacher to teach

knowledge, then we wouldnt it be a fool, because with the teacher teach us

knowledge, we human beings can become more and more intelligent, more and more

developed, it is because the teacher has given us a seam, we can swim in the sea

of knowledge. During the day, the teacher standing on three feet platform for us

to the lecture; Night, the moon has climbed up the tree, but the teacher in the

flickering light of hard exercise books for us on the road the bright red

tick... Maybe when one is surrounded by the joy of success, he would forget

their loved ones, but he will never forget my teacher, because he has a

teachers success is a credit.

I also is same, no matter how I look, how far, I will not forget my

respected teacher, because I am in the teachers care, love grow up under the

influence of bath, wherever I go to the end of the world will not forget their

own teacher, so I aspire to the teacher the profession. Now I was a pupil, I

must be hard, study hard, study hard, grow up to go in the dream three feet




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Spring, the weather gets warmer, all things recovery; Spring, no-till seeding, full of hope. Please walk into the arms of voice!

In spring, the scene of a busy in the fields! Under the hot sun, flocks of hard-working farmer uncle cat around his waist, bow back, skillfully ed under the skeletons of young seedlings, sprinkle with bead life seeds of hope. Look over there, another head of the fat cattle are joyfully to pull the plough, singing, as if in welcome the arrival of spring!

Spring rain came. Spring rain is a "band", "sand, sand......" It flow into the field, the seedlings in the field immediately straighten the waist; Day lily appear more spirit... Farmer uncle standing under the roof, looking at the fields smile, eyes appear as if the scene of bumper crops.

Back to the distance, only in the field of yellow rape flower, green seedlings, monotonous. Suddenly a breeze blowing, the seedlings of stagger out a bit red, a little yellow, a little blue... Approached a look, oh, the original is small roadside wild flowers in the field. The white as snow, red like fire... Probably due to just under the spring rain, the flower girl like washed and had a good bath, a wash away the stain, so bright! But also give out light faint scent, attracted a group of butterflies dancing girl, drew fleets industrious bees, gave a noise in the bazaar. Make the dazzling spring has fuelled the joy of life!

Please walk into spring, use eyes to see, ear to listen, nose to smell, to feel with your heart beautiful spring!








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请以My favorite Newspaper为题用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,介绍21世纪报,短文应包括下面表格中所提供的内容。

My Favorite Newspaper

21st Century is my favorite newspaper. It is an English language newspaper which is published inBeijingeach week. It has sections of different kinds, including News of the week, the World Today, Language Class, Sports and Music and Students Report. There are plenty of beautiful pictures and interesting articles in it. I enjoy reading the paper. I read it to improve my English. I have learnt a lot of new words and useful expressions. Besides, I can get information about different things, from politics to sports and music. 21st Century is very popular with English learners. I do love it.






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“叮咚、叮咚”,小溪唱着欢快的歌曲来迎接春天的到来。鲜花用着自己与生俱来的笑容欢迎春姑娘。大地万物都活了起来。 "Ding Dong, Ding Dong", the stream sings a cheerful song to welcome the coming of spring.Welcome to the spring girl with her innate smile.Everything on the earth lives.








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Bitterly cold winter may once come, but now it has gone.


As my bike has been stolen, I have to run from one teaching building to another every day.


The bell declares the end of the last lesson and the beginning of a new journey. Tired as I am, at the sight of the bench, I go straight to it. As soon as I get seated, a world of fresh green immediately catches my eyes. Grass sprouts burst through the soil right in the place of the withered grass and turn the dull grey into fresh green. As I look up, I find those tall trees have also put on new clothes. Green, here and there, everywhere!Springhas come, I realize suddenly.


A breeze stirs, sending over breaths of fragrance. I trace it,surprised to find several lovely small white flowers dotted on a tree. And there are even some singing birds! I am so delighted with all these tiny lives that my fatigue vanishes all of a sudden.


The sky shows its purest blue. The sun generously gives out its heat and light, shining evenly on the grass, on the trees,on the roofs of houses, on the people passing by, also on me,quietly and tenderly. There come a couple of young people,strolling leisurely. A group of students are sitting in a circle on the grass and discussing something heatedly. Some are reading English but in low voices afraid of breaking the peace of the campus. Others are lying on the lawn, having a nap, or just enjoying the sunshine as I am.


I feel I am free, free of thinking anything. In such a pleasing environment, doing anything is a great pleasure. I am fully indulged in this tranquility. If only time could stop!


I turn on the radio to enjoy some light music. Much to my disappointment, however, almost all the programs are about the war in Iraq. It is hard to believe that under the same blue sky,some people are suffering from bleeding and death of war while others are enjoying a happy life.


The sun is hidden by the clouds. After a few seconds, it shines brightly again.


Peaceful life seems to have gone, but it will come back one day, I am sure.




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Do you know what my favorite animal? Is the dog of course. My grandma keep a dog, it has a beautiful black hair, a pair of intense big eyes, four legs as fast like a rocket.

One day, I found more doghouse puppy, oh! Originally was born a bitch, a total of four. The dog is cute and naughty, every day running around in the yard, for a while to run the house, ran upstairs after a while, a moment to hide it, run it after a while, as if with a group of friends hide under, from time to time, the old dog to the dog barked two cry, as if to say: "children, dont go to far, pay attention to safety." Play with the dogs have been tired of a day, a meal, stretch and a yawn, into the arms of mother, dogs quickly into the sweet dream sweet, return in mouth every now and then a rumbling sound, as if to say talk in a dream.

The next morning, the birds singing in the branches, wake up the sleeping dog, a yawn, they stretch, rub the sleepy sleepy eyes, began to a day of happy life.

Look! How happy puppy, it is a happiness.







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我梦想中的春天,在早晨中,太阳的光芒温暖了大地,给大家光明和温暖,也给了花草温暖的阳光。 The spring in my dream, in the morning, the light of the sun warms the earth, gives everyone light and warm, and also gives flowers and grass warm sunshine.







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Summer comes after spring. It is the hottest season in the year. It often rains, sometimes It rains quite heavily. Everything grows very quickly.

Young people love this time of year because it is good for sports .I often go swimming ,sometimes in the sea near my home, and sometimes in the in the swiiming pool. In summer I can also eat all kinds of fruit and vegetables. I can have a long summer vacation,too.

I enjoy summer very much.






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Bitterly cold winter may once come, but now it has gone.

As my bike has been stolen, I have to run from one teaching building to another every day.

The bell declares the end of the last lesson and the beginning of a new journey. Tired as I am, at the sight of the bench, I go straight to it. As soon as I get seated, a world of fresh green immediately catches my eyes. Grass sprouts burst through the soil right in the place of the withered grass and turn the dull grey into fresh green. As I look up, I find those tall trees have also put on new clothes. Green, here and there, everywhere!Spring has come, I realize suddenly.

A breeze stirs, sending over breaths of fragrance. I trace it,surprised to find several lovely small white flowers dotted on a tree. And there are even some singing birds! I am so delighted with all these tiny lives that my fatigue vanishes all of a sudden.

The sky shows its purest blue. The sun generously gives out its heat and light, shining evenly on the grass, on the trees,on the roofs of houses, on the people passing by, also on me,quietly and tenderly. There come a couple of young people,strolling leisurely. A group of students are sitting in a circle on the grass and discussing something heatedly. Some are reading English but in low voices afraid of breaking the peace of the campus. Others are lying on the lawn, having a nap, or just enjoying the sunshine as I am.

I feel I am free, free of thinking anything. In such a pleasing environment, doing anything is a great pleasure. I am fully indulged in this tranquility. If only time could stop!

I turn on the radio to enjoy some light music. Much to my disappointment, however, almost all the programs are about the war in Iraq. It is hard to believe that under the same blue sky,some people are suffering from bleeding and death of war while others are enjoying a happy life.

The sun is hidden by the clouds. After a few seconds, it shines brightly again.

Peaceful life seems to have gone, but it will come back one day, I am sure.












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In North, when winter comes, the weather is very cold, the cloud covers the sunshine all the time, it is hard for people to see the sunshine. So the sunshine becomes very rare in the winter, when it comes, I will feel very comfortable, my mood turns good even I am not happy. I love sunshine, it just like the hope for me.




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There are four seasons in a year.winter,spring, summer, and autumn.Different people like different seasons, my favourate season is the spring.Beacuse it is warm and beautiful .Spring is the season of hope.Spring is also the season of life.All things started to recover at this time .It is a symbol of the beginning of life.So i like the sping!



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Springis my favorite season. In spring days, everything comes out. While you arewalking outside, your eyes will be filled with green.

Inspring days, our world is a sunny place, which is covered with green trees andcolorful flowers, so it can be described as a paradise. Especially when you arein the countryside, you can see green mountains, vast fields, clean streams,and all the living creatures, coexisting harmoniously. All of them make up themost beautiful picture in the world.

Inspring days, the sun shines brightly, and theres also some pleasant breeze. Sohow charming it is while feeling the spring wind blow us. Its also wonderfulto enjoy the beautiful sunshine. You will also get a lot of refreshments whilehaving a walk outside.

Ihope we can enjoy the life of spring every day.



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I love movies so much that I spend most of my spare time on watching them. Particularly, its useful to improve my English learning with the aid of foreign movies. Among so many films I have seen, the one I like best is High School Musical. It tells the stories about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl. As the hero and heroine, they try out for the leading parts in their high school musical. In this process, a series of affairs happened, but in the end, the musical performance achieves great success and the teenage couple----Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other. It’s totally a happy ending. I like this movie because it shows the colorful and amazing high school life, which fascinates me so much. Besides, everyone loves happy ending of love story.

喜欢电影,平时有时间的时候我一般都是看电影。特别是借助看外国电影有利于促进我的英语学习。在我所看过的电影中,我最喜欢的是《歌舞青春》。这部电影讲述了两个高中生的故事——学校篮球队的队长Troy Bolton和性格害羞、长相甜美、成绩优异的新生Gabriella Montez,这两位男女主人公一起为主演学校的音乐剧而努力不懈。在这个过程中,发生了一系列事件,而最终,音乐剧获得了成功,他们之间也碰撞出了爱的火花,完美落幕。我喜欢这部电影是因为电影中展现的高中生活丰富多彩、奇妙无比,让我十分着迷。再者,有谁不喜欢爱情故事的大圆满结局呢。



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Spring in the air has been fascinating, vigorous spring once again appear in my eyes.

In my eyes, spring will only appear in the textbook, or other people of the book, such as the ba jins "spring". Always thought have yan son sang is spring, it is wrong. Because didnt wake up the grass, bamboo shoot, also didnt grow pointed hat, my heart is not open, why is cold, the wind sister didnt appear like spring all the year round. Why was the spring will become like this? Because all human beings. Human excessive deforestation, unscrupulous discharge sewage, a variety of industrial pollution, make even the head also dont go to the spring. Rising in the distance is not a peasant plumes, but wonderful black smoke. Spring walked, yan son will forgive us, yan son will go? No! If we are about to lose those society to progress, I would rather social marking time. Spring is coming? Also need to it. The river in front of the home also does not escape the bad luck, like other river - contaminated from the bottom to the detective. Constantly playing on TV "called on people to care for the environment", but how many people can do it again, those advertising producers can do it? And I also have a clear conscience to write this article. At this point, the chilly with dust and wind blowing through the window.

I dont want to see all this, I believe you also dont want to. Unity is strength, the strength of the masses is great, is enormous, as long as we unite as one, starts from me, the spring will come back.

In spring, I just want to say to you "you are quick to come back, I cant afford one person; you are quick to come back, life is wonderful because of you, you are quick to come back, bring back my missing". In the spring, you come back, Im waiting for you.




