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My campus life is rich and colorful.

The university life different secondary school life.And it is a problem that how should I adapt to college life.

I go to attend claeveryday morning excluding weekend .In the class I just listening to lectures, and my teachers and classmates discuss the problem.After  class, ofen i go to play basketball or badminton with my friends.

In the evening,i have two hours for study by oneself in scheduled time, and then go back to my dormitory and surf on the internet.At the weekend,i take part in some part-time jobs and go to the Einglish Corner sometimes.

All in all,life in the University is beatiful and substantial for me.And I believe I will achieve my self-value through  the university life .




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The university students opportunity and challenge

If you are university student,I think you have had the more chance to find a better job,but premise you should try to study for yourself when you were stayed in the university.Try to do that.If you are excellent student you will have the more chance to find a better job absolute doubelessly.

When you stayed in your university,you can make more friends,they will help you to do everything in the future,and you can join the make a speech group to practise your spoken English,you also should go to the cooking group to do how to independent.And I think take care of yourself you can do anything.I think a university students will have the more chance and opportunity.They havent got more challenge in their future,if they are hard study students and join more advantageous individual develop group,their future will be better.They are life will brilliant.



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Distinguished leadership, teachers, Dear students:

Good afternoon!

Today is a special day, but also a day worth commemorating. Because today we are about to take the pearl of the primary school, the alma mater of left us to start our brand new secondary school life, and enter a new phase of the study.

We also remember the significance of Pearl primary school badge. It was the cradle of a very large, which loaded with countless as long as the Mirs a grown up and will be flying in the sky far away, but they will not forget the cradle of the ex-rearing. We like it a only with hopes, dreams and Thanksgiving, flying out of small beads. We will make joint efforts in various parts of the world, for our faith, to live up to the expectations of the teachers work hard! Six years of primary school is always so fast time flies, is the small beads Let us both happy and meaningful life. At the same time, we must also thank you for our hard-working gardener ---- selfless teachers every day and work hard for us, let us present here have each student expressed his gratitude to them and respect!

Bid farewell to his primary school, we work together hand in hand! To repay the hard cultivation of small beads and in secondary schools it up!









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01] 快毕业了,真的很留恋大学四年的美好时光。我最感谢的是四年来同甘共苦的好朋友,好姐妹们。虽然还有一个月就要离开了,但是在最后的这段日子里,我相信我们能开心度过,珍惜相处的每一刻。

02] 跨出学校大门,开始新的人生旅程。愿你点亮生命的台灯,照亮通往成功的征程。祝你事业马到功成!生活精彩纷纷!人生一帆风顺!

03] 也曾一起哭过,闹过;也曾一起笑过,玩过;也曾一起唱过,跳过;也曾一起吵过,high过;却从来不曾忘记过,我们之间深深的情意。亲爱的朋友,愿你们都有美好的明天。

04] 毕业晚会唱响着同窗好友四年里的深情厚谊,联谊舞会跳不完激情荡漾的情怀畅想,欢送宴会诉说着一千多个日夜的肺腑之言。兄弟姊妹同学情,含泪相视别离难。祝福同窗好朋友,前程似锦宏业展。

05] 月毕业将分离,心有不舍泪千行;相别之时别亦难,东风无力谊浓浓;此番归去未有期,不知何时能相逢;拍照留念存美好,暂凭杯酒长精神;高声恭祝同窗好,前途远大一帆顺!

06] 你为我的加油助阵呐喊声还在空中回响,你那悠扬动听的歌声仿佛还在荡漾,你的优美舞姿绚丽耀眼引人入目,你的热情潇洒美丽大方感染融化了我的心房。朋友再见,有缘千里来相会。同学再会,功成名就庆功酒。

07] 怀着梦想和激情走进大学的校门,开始一段新的人生旅程。转眼离别的时候就要到了,真希望时间慢些走,让我再多点时间好好享受下大学里的生活,友谊。大学的生活真好,回忆起来诸多辛酸苦辣。

08] 四个希冀的春天,我们播种了四次;四个金黄的秋天,我们收获了四遍;我们曾经受了四个火夏的磨砺和四个严冬的考验,请别忘记这有滋有味有声有色的时光。

09] 四年的大学时光转瞬即逝,回想起四年走过的路程,有欢笑有泪水。曾经年少轻狂,曾经满面风霜。曾经憧憬的多姿多彩的大学生活,即将落幕。回想起这四年的生活,有太多的人太多的事,时常浮现在眼前,挥之不去。忘不了大一时的军训,忘不了和室友的彻夜长眠。忘不了和同伴一起听课去图书馆排队。

10] 四年改变了我们的容颜和那颗曾经年轻的心,而成长的代价就是我们失去纯真的微笑,而多了一份离别的伤感。无论我们有多少不舍,都唤不回逝去的四年。但我们无须失落,我们依然可以一路高歌,让四月的骄阳永远见证我们的无悔青春„„

11] 夏花盛放的季节,我们相聚在一起;秋果飘香的季节,我们形影不离;冬雪纷飞的季节,我们不离不弃;柳叶起舞的季节,我们并肩而战。又是一年夏花盛放,又是一年六月到,我们却要挥手作别。亲爱的挚友们,来年的六月我们再相会。

12] 曾几何时,品尝青春的琼浆,你我共饮;曾几何时,采撷智慧的花瓣,你我同乐;曾几何时,畅游知识的海洋,你我悦读;曾几何时,草场并肩拼搏,你我携手。亲在的朋友,太多的回忆让一起走过的日子格外的明亮,只希望未来的路,你我都好。

13] 六月,总是阳光灿烂。六月,总要曲终人散。六月,我们拒绝伤感。花儿谢了芬芳,迎来硕果飘香。

14] 我们也曾争吵过,但同在一个屋檐下的情怀让我们携手并肩;我们也曾哭闹过,但同在一个屋檐下的的情意让我们笑对春风;六月的夏风吹来离别的气息,同在一个屋檐下的的记忆我们永远不会忘记。亲爱的朋友们,生命中有你们为伴,格外美丽。

15] 相约在美丽的校园,意气相投;相识在最美的季节,情谊无价;相聚在青春的海洋,热情奔放;相别在毕业的时光,难舍难离。月毕业季,祝福同窗前途辉煌,一路精彩!

16] 昨天的相聚还在眼前,今日的分别迫在眉睫。深情的拥抱胜过言语万千,抛洒的泪水将深情厚谊上演。难忘的时光留在脑海,朋友的容颜记在心间。六月是毕业的季节,愿你前程似锦,拥有美好明天!

17] 我在大学体会了除离别以外的一切美好!现在让离别画上美好的句号!道一声“思量”,又怎不“思量”!

18] 大学是你一生中最美好的时光。什么时候你的父母还会一年花几千块供你去一个陌生的地方天天晚上喝醉。

19] 愿你是一棵树:春天,吐一山淡淡的香味;夏天,洒一抹如泉的凉荫;秋天,举一树甜甜的青果;冬天,做一个养精蓄锐的好梦!

20] 四年时间,不知不觉已到尽头,记忆中留下了太多的片段,有太多的不舍太多的留恋。也许到现在我们每个人心中或多或少还有这样那样的茫然,但未来还有很长的路要走,现实社会要求我们要不断的向前,稍微停顿就会落后,所以,我们没有时间。我们所能做的就是带着美好的记忆迎接明天的太阳,相信自己,努力把握,永远追随太阳的脚步,让青春无悔。

21] 多年之后再读会觉得留言的人是最了解自己的人,会有一份长久的感动。所以,不要让别人帮你写留言,一定要根据对象的不同来写,这才是珍贵的留言。同学啊,让往日夕暮中那些甜蜜的低语,都埋在心底,化作美丽的记忆吧!

22] 感谢美丽的校园,给予了我飞翔的翅膀;感谢亲爱的老师和同学,给予了我展翅翱翔的信心和勇气。

23] 光阴似箭,岁月如梭,四年美好而艰辛的大学生活犹如漏斗中的沙石已悄然流进昨日。此时站在漫漫求学道路终点站的我心潮澎湃,思绪万千,昔日的点点滴滴,林林总总,跃然而起,历历在目。此时面对着我可爱的同学,面对着美丽的校园,我心中虽有千言万语,却只字难出。

24] 还记得那一天的摄影留念吗?我的瞬间意识连同闪光灯一起亮了:你的倩影留在底片上,同时也深深地烙在我的心灵里。

25] 我深深地理解,耗费了多少时间,战胜了多少困难,你才取得眼前的成绩。请你相信,在你追求拼搏和苦干的过程中,老师将永远面带微笑地站在你的身旁。

26] 白雪下覆盖着的是青枝绿叶,是万紫千红,是鸟语花香……愿你用优秀的成绩迎接春天!零,只有和实数在一起才有意义;思想,只有和行动在一起才能发出光辉。

27] 大学四年即将成为过往,回想我们一起走过的日子,我想说:思念过去,珍惜现在,展望未来。大家一路走好!

28] 毕业,就像一个大大的句号,从此,我们告别了一段纯真的青春,一段年少轻狂的岁月,一个充满幻想的时代……

29] 毕业了!这些年来朝夕相处,转眼今日终需离别。再次拥抱求安慰,日后相见必有期。路漫漫,希望在,不怕不悔,握紧拳头向前冲,快乐幸福在眼前。说好彼此不相忘,毕业祝福送给你!

30] 那年九月,我们开学相聚。今年六月,我们毕业相离。日日夜夜,我们朝夕相处。此去年年,风雨与谁同路。6月毕业季节,好运送给你,我们常联系!

31] 有聚总有散,谢谢你们一直得陪伴,人生的旅程才刚刚开始,记住我们的约定--继续奋斗,不管前方的旅程有多艰辛,我们无所畏惧,在最艰难的时刻想想彼此,我们互相牵挂,互相支持!

32] 相约在美丽的校园,意气相投;相识在最美的季节,情谊无价;相聚在青春的海洋,热情奔放;相别在毕业的时光,难舍难离。6月毕业季,祝福同窗前途辉煌,一路精彩!

33] 6月毕业季,祝福送给你。求职很顺利,工作无忧虑。贵人肯帮你,人际有关系。找准职场地,跳槽又何必。炼心又炼体,坚持是第一。祝您轻松毕业,快乐职场!

34] 六月的鲜花已然盛开,毕业的脚步匆匆到来。许多的不舍和无奈,只能深藏在我心间。无论我身在何方,无论分别多久,友情之花定会常开不败。祝你宏图大展,幸福美满!

35] 今年六月是不同,陆陆续续各西东。百忙之中请留影,也能寥解相思痛。信誓旦旦转头空,豪言壮语是曾经。火热理想藏心中,马不停蹄奔成功。六月利行,祝您马到成功!



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1、 感谢在大学里所有关心过我的人,让我的大学生活能够如此充实,回首大学四年,我不遗憾也不后悔,因为我一直在坚定的走我自己的路!顺祝亲爱的老师们快乐幸福,可爱的同学们前程似锦!

2、 好想和你纠结在一起,快乐痛苦悲伤哀愁,一切的一切都纠结在一起,我们的缘分也就一生一世了,但是人生难免分离,毕业了,祝你笑意一如往昔!

3、 我坐在你常坐的位子上,唱一首古老的送别曲。你若从窗前走过,就请作短暂的停留,在无言的对望里,你是否听得到我诉说了千百遍的“珍重”。

4、 淡淡的记忆里,落满你淡淡的微笑,在你的微笑里,有一种思绪,如樱花的花瓣,一片一片的,慢慢的飘下,别离的伤感在,刹那间,掬满了盈眶的压抑。

5、 相识是缘分 相知是满足 离别是新的开始 人生路漫漫 每个人都经历着 他们不同的 相识,相知与离别 每个人都演绎着 他们不同的 缘分,满足与新的开始。

6、 但再多的伤感已换不会曾经的岁月 我们的追求注定了今天的别离。 笑一笑吧,让离别的日子带上快乐的影子 相信今天的朋友会有重聚的日子

7、 毕业了,如果不能成为彼此的永远,且让我们放下当初的青涩。我只要一份清简人生,与你静坐品茗半盏时光,只品茶香不问俗情,仅此,不负彼此的曾经。

8、 栀子花开的季节,挥手分别的时刻,再不见白衣飘飘的年代,再不见爱上爱情的日子,谁会为同桌的你穿上嫁衣,谁会和睡在我上铺的兄弟把酒言欢,不知不觉叹息,叹这不知不觉年纪,毕业了,道一声珍重,不管前路多少风雨,我们永远在一起,永远不会彼此忘记。

9、 朝夕相处是缘分,虽然三年;同窗相伴是运气,虽然短暂;莫因离别而伤感,莫因毕业而留恋,分别验证了情感,人生处处有蓝天,毕业后愿珍惜你我的缘,牵挂永远存心田。

10、 感谢在大学里所有关心过我的人,让我的大学生活能够如此充实,回首大学四年,我不遗憾也不后悔,因为我一直在坚定的走我自己的路!顺祝亲爱的老师们快乐幸福,可爱的同学们前程似锦!

11、 告别稚嫩的脸庞,冲击未来的辉煌;告别朗朗的课堂,追逐无限的阳光;让脚步前进,让梦想远航;愿毕业后人生充满希望,迈向理想的殿堂,一路飞翔!

12、 大学毕业了,是幸福的;步入社会了,是辛苦的。送礼物,是庸俗的;送祝福,是给力的。祝你:什么都有,就是不能有病;什么都没,就是不能没钱!

13、 毕业赠言想说爱你,感觉太沉;想说喜欢,感觉太轻;一天天地眷恋,一夜夜的无眠,我只有数着相思的绿莹帘珠,托星月寄到你窗前.祝高考顺意!

14、 有人说,毕业不是一个结束,而是一个新旅途的开始,我们不应该难过;却又有人说,大学四年是我们生命中最美好的回忆和珍藏,无比快乐的时光一去不返,我们怎能不感伤。所以,这个六月,我们注定要度过一个充满欢笑和 泪水的夏天。

15、 人生中有许多感人的缘,有时会随风而去,有时会令你我感伤,无论你随风而去,我独自在这里感伤,都是缘。

16、 四年前,你说要保持自己的个性,四年中你完善着自己的个性,四年后你是否变得无棱无角,这是社会生活的磨练?朋友,坚持!尽管坚持是最简单的动作,但是也是最难完成的动作。

17、 张开你的帆,去乘风破浪,把我的祝福,挂在桅杆上,码头上的汽笛声已结束了昨天的梦,岁月的思潮还会忆起往日的时光,待到满载而归时,再来寻重逢的岸。

18、 再也回不去了,这无暇亦无邪的纯真韶光。即使你愿意,用一千万去换时光倒流的大学校园,重温飞扬奔放的四年青春,然而你换不来,只能伫立在霓虹闪烁,浮华喧嚣的城市街头,追忆菁菁校园里如水的月华。

19、 踏出这一步,管你万般无奈,它还是,变成逝去的回忆,成为一个飘忽的梦境,在时间轻蔑的流动里,逐步尘封,但又时时于夜深人静之际悄然浮上心头。

20、 我们可以丢失许许多多,只要不丢失友爱的心,如果没有你温暖的友情,我不会如此深爱这个世界。

21、 不忘同窗情,难诉离别意。忆相遇,蓬勃朝气,青春活力,纯真岁月共嬉戏;盼相聚,依然年轻,快乐幸福,你我同拥新天地。愿你大鹏展翅冲云霄,此去一路俱顺风!

22、 彩色的梦幻,轻狂的少年,向往广袤的天空与浪漫;经历了坎坷,学会了珍惜,成熟的你我学会有梦想就不言放弃,请你放心将你的执着放在灿烂的未来里,祝毕业后努力一如往昔!

23、 轻轻的我们相聚一起,无限欢声和笑语;轻轻的我们又要分离,情谊栓起彼此;毕业的我们再难相聚,让我的祝福随你一路。

24、 走过的路,爱过的人,品过的味,流过的泪,笑过的美,都在时间的河流中沉淀,在斑驳的记忆中保存了。四年飞逝,毕业分别,愿你前程似锦!

25、 友情在泪水里晶莹透明,美丽了相知的旅程;真诚在汗水里闪光,刻下了携手前进的纪念;梦想在拼搏里开花,笑容在成功里灿烂。我的好友,舍不得分手,更盼望重逢,毕业后祝你一路顺风。

26、 柳阴下别百般惆怅,同窗数载少年情长,望征程千种思绪,愿友情化为奋进的力量!

27、 你的天赋好比一朵火花,假如你用勤勉辛劳去助燃,它一定会变成熊熊烈火,放出无比的光和热来。

28、 在这个阳光热辣的季节里,我们就要离去,为着更好的宴会,更多的热闹。

29、 分离之际,愿我们俩友情万古长青!清静的湛教校园,你我朝夕相处,笔墨相亲,晨昏欢笑,情如手足,义重泰山,怎奈光阴流逝,岁月不返。

30、 我相信这世上的蛋糕都不是用来吃的。

31、 当月光洒满你的心房,请倾听幸福在歌唱;当快乐将梦想唱响,请放飞希望的梦想;成功总在奋斗的路上,收获就在不远的前方,愿毕业后的你勇往直前,不惧汗水的流淌!

32、 永远都别把事情想得太糟,乐观满点,危机警戒,望大家都能成功!

33、 毕业季的天空总是充满了哀声,永远都不要忘了那些陪你一起翘课一起挂科一起欢乐一起哀伤的大学兄弟姐妹,给他们送去大学毕业寄语是表达情感的一种重要方式,范文大全为大家整理了一些关于大学毕业寄语范文的相关材料,希望对各位朋友的工作和生活有帮助。

34、 缘份是一根线,架起我们相遇的桥,划开我们别离的界;情谊是一坛酒,天南地北共饮心不醉,他日相见举杯终有时。毕业了,亲爱的,一路顺风,永远想你!

35、 毕业了,祝你一路走好;找工作,祝你关关顺风;工作了,祝你工作顺心;在今后的日子里没有朋友陪着你,愿你一路晴空,万里无云,步步高升。

36、 读书同窗并椅,毕业各奔东西。工作各有志趣,发展各有天地。如今不管老几,同学永驻记忆。每逢节日假期,总把你们想起。祝老同学笑口常开,青春常在,短信常来。

37、 毕业在即,新的征程也即将开始,愿每一位朋友都能够勇敢地面对未来的每一天!

38、 毕业了,我们就不再是学生,凡事都要学会承担;毕业了,我们不是庆祝结束,而是欢呼开始;毕业了,我们踏上各自的征途,为了自己的梦想向前冲!

39、 轻轻地,我们走了,正如我们轻轻地来。挥一挥手,作别青青的校园。我们在这里留下灿烂的笑容,在这里,祝福你未来的日子更精彩。

40、 希望我们的明天会更好,大家都有一个幸福的未来,也希望我们的专业越办越好!

41、 七月,我将远行,带着对母校的深深眷恋和对未来的无限憧憬,告别我的学生时代。如今掉头一去是风吹黑发,也许回首再来,已是雪满白头了!昨天毕竟短暂,明天才是永远,也许前方的道路依然会有很多荆棘,未来的日子未必就是风和日丽,但我坚信海阔他能凭鱼跃,天高必将任鸟飞,让我们一起期待明天会更好!

42、 四年同窗,共沐一片阳光;一千个白昼,谱写了多少友谊的篇章?愿逝去的岁月,都化作美好的回忆。永留在心房。

43、 亲爱的同学,缘分让你我在大学成为朋友,感谢你四年来对我的帮助和关怀,感谢有你的美好难忘的回忆,毕业了,真诚祝愿你以后工作顺利,事事顺心!

44、 花儿离不开蝶儿的依恋,树儿离不开鸟儿的陪伴,无奈时光总变迁,人生难有总如愿,转眼毕业离校园,唯有祝福留身边,愿你幸福成功总相伴,快乐在天天。

45、 采撷一串串的梦,学校的嬉戏,回想起是那么绚丽;而成长的追逐,竟已一跃而过。世间的尘嚣喧扰,似乎沉寂,但愿我们不忘过往。

46、 毕业寄语:希望大家在一起的四年是人生中美好的回忆,等到年老时想起这四年的时光,脸上露出甜蜜的微笑。愿大家都能拥有一个精彩的人生,在整个人生道路上都能顺顺当当。

47、 采一缕花香送你,让你记住友谊的味道;捕一阵清风送你,让你体会快乐的奇妙;折一枝柳条送你,让你感受祝福的美好;愿毕业后烦恼不知道,成功乐逍遥。

48、 大学四年即将成为过往,回想我们一起走过的日子,我想说:思念过去,珍惜现在,展望未来。大家一路走好!

49、 大学是人生的一个里程碑,毕业意味着我们不得不选择另一条路继续前行。感谢一路上有你们的陪伴,祝福大家能找到自己的幸福!珍重!

50、 希望我们的明天会更好,大家都有一个幸福的未来,也希望我们的专业越办越好!

51、 毕业在即,新的征程也即将开始,愿每一位朋友都能够勇敢地面对未来的每一天!

52、 永远都别把事情想得太糟,乐观满点,危机警戒,望大家都能成功!



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Dear Sir / Madam :

Hello!I was a senior at Hunan Normal University, students going into the  community, I was full of expectation for the future.I believe, Well begun is  half done (good beginning is half the success).I hope your company is the  starting point for my success that I can, together with your company to create a  brilliant tomorrow.

I was born in the border town of scenic rivers -- Riverside.outstanding  performances in 2003, I admitted to the Hunan Normal University School of  Economics and Management, and thus opened a new chapter in my life.School  classes since I have been secretary of the corporation, not only the heavy  workload of my job training and tempering,I have the ability to solve problems  more tempered, I can calmly analyze the problems faced and thoughtful.And all of  this to my professional choice will have a profound impact.

I do our own work, the school also took an active part in the various  activities, and to encourage students to participate,for their advice; In daily  life, I was able to closely unite students, I believe that a collective effort  is a powerful,Only when we engage in, we can all work.The socialist  modernization drive is comprehensive quality management talentsSo I learn  professional knowledge, the main English andcomputers, in English, I cultivation  my hearing, said,Reading, writing ability; in the computer, I start from the  basic knowledge, and further understand the function of the OFFICE,INTERNET also  studied the basic knowledge can be used flexibly.

End professional after the election, in order to broaden their knowledge, I  also participated in the study and computerized accounting.mastered the basic  application and Excel and other accounting software applications.To make their  professional knowledge to mastery learning, I read a textbook case of the  MBA,such as strategic management, corporate governance, financial management and  capital operation, and to use their training to work.With Love width of the sea,  the days of His Career, I hope that your company can give me a chance to display  his talent.I will work hard, study hard expertise to the company to live up to  my expectations.



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I am a sophmore of Nanchang University.Now i want to introduce to you guys about my university.It has a long history back to the fifties of last century.

As it locate far away from the city center ,the most prosperous place,you may think the traffic is totally unconvenient,then you are wrong,instead of unconvenient ,there are a lot of transportation tools that will take you to where you want to go at any time.when it going to say about facilities and faculites,i will say they are excellent and helpful.I cherish friendship and like to make as many friends as i can and i found out that the students there are have a heart of gold ,and are hospital.So,thats my university,it is not the best one but i still love it .I can foresee that i will enjoiy my life on campus from now.



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Ever since colleges started to charge the students for the education they receive, there has always been a problem for some students, especially for those from remote rural regions, to get the money for it. So the government offers them an option of borrowing money from banks. Surveys show that the number of students financing his education in this way is increasing.

However, some students, although not many, failed to pay back the loans as they had promised in the contract. The banks have a very hard time coping with this problem. And the government can do nothing effective to help the banks.

I think there is more than one reason for this. Dishonesty may be one but not the major one. As is known, we are experiencing a particular phase of economic development where the supply of human resources is much bigger than the demand for it. So many students are not able to find a well-paid job. How can they pay the loans back? To solve this problem, I think the government should make efforts to get the whole economy go smoothly, creating more job opportunities.



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Theres a heated discussion that universities should or should not independent recruitment of students test.

Some of my school students think that independent recruitment is right.Firstly,it can relieve the universities because it can save many procedures.Secondly,its the universities own right to do it.Because these universities can choose the students they like.

The rest of my schoolmates dont agree the independent recruitment of students test.First of all,it abandons the cultural advantage of our country and isnt good to spread our culture.Because the traditional recruitment method has its own benefit to the country and students.If we give up this way,we have to find an unknown way,which may sacrifice many students interest.Furthermore,it can mislead the basic education method.Because if most of universities recruit independently,many courses will be ignored.

I dont agree with the independent recruitment of students test.I think we should insist the successful and continuous recruitment methods because it proves to be true.



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Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in much of North America, generally

observed as an expression of gratitude, usually to God. The most common view of

its origin is that it was to give thanks to God for the bounty of the autumn

harvest. In the United States, the holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday

in November. In Canada, where the harvest generally ends earlier in the year,

the holiday is celebrated on the second Monday in October, which is observed as

Columbus Day or protested as Indigenous Peoples Day in the United States.

Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a feast shared among friends

and family. In the United States, it is an important family holiday, and people

often travel across the country to be with family members for the holiday. The

Thanksgiving holiday is generally a "four-day" weekend in the United States, in

which Americans are given the relevant Thursday and Friday off. Thanksgiving is

almost entirely celebrated at home, unlike the Fourth of July or Christmas,

which are associated with a variety of shared public experiences.



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My Views on Environmetal Protection

Nowadays, the world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction. Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles. Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside. Recently,haze weather has become a usual phenomenon here in large part of China. People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air. Some people think it is impossible to solve the problem,however,from my opinion,if we find out the reason and take effective measures the environment can be better.

If we trace the cause for haze weather,the main points are as follows,first,our countrys air quality standards are rather lax and evaluation factors are limited,so you will see that current air appraisal system has defects. Second,some people just go for economic interests instead of turning out products according to relevant law and regulations. They tend to use obsolete equipment in which they are more likely to emit a great deal of wasted air. Third,across our society,the awareness of protecting the environment has not built up so that people havent formed a habit of using green product and saving energy as much as possible. If we dont take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly awful situation.

Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws passed to conserve the environment. In my opinion, to protect the environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, people should be educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the policy of population into practice, because more people mean more pollution. Finally,laws concerning environmental protection should be put into effect and enforce strictly just as our government has been doing. To sum up,if we work together to take out such measures,our environment will get better and better and haze weather will vanish completely.



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Colorful college life Being in the college can be regarded as the best time of the life for the young. The campus life is enjoyable, precious, and alsocolorful. This is a time for a student to his or her ideas about life in general. Attending classes provide him or her precious knowledge, adding to his or her knowledge base.

Library is also a good place for students to study in where you can receive more information. Studying in college is a brand new start of our life. One can continue to study hard for the better scores.

In your spare time, you could play basketball, football and so on. Doing sports is very interesting and good for your health. If you want to show your talents and skills you can join in all kinds of activities.

In fact, you can do anything which you are interested in. Therefore, a student in college should fully use the time in college,making his or her life much more colorful.First of all, owing to the lack of connection with the society,wed better have some activities to get into touch with the different society.

In a word, college life is enjoyable, precious and alsocolorful.



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Monday, August 12, 2013

Last summer, intolerable heat, so mom and Dad brought our family went to see the ice sculpture museum.

As soon as we walked into the ice sculpture museum, we felt the chill of the inside, and I knew it was only minus six degrees Celsius. Were just like going into a big fridge. Ice sculptures in the ice sculpture hall are lifelike. It stood the ancient "Four Beauties": Sha Shi, Mochizuki Pipa Wang Zhaojun, Diao Chan, Yang dancing, all lovingly pathetic. The side see also the twists and turns of the bridge deck and handrails, sparkling, shining. There are all kinds of ice sculptures at the side of the bridge. It was found that the eaves of a unique Pavilion were flying, the pillars were beautiful, and the chairs were exquisite, so that people could not help sitting down and resting for a while. Cool air around the body around, make people feel comfortable.

What impressed me most was the two high ice slide. The ice is as smooth as a mirror, and we "Hula" it slips underneath. My sister and I climbed up and down excitedly, screaming with excitement, even the coat was flying, and the clothes were soaked in.

These vivid ice sculptures left a deep impression on me. The ice sculpture museum in the "barbecue day" is really cool and joyful!



全文共 2018 字

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Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business?

With the competition in the job market becoming increasingly fierce for college graduates, some ambitious students have tried their hands at launching their own businesses. Over the years, there have been many successful cases of student entrepreneurship and such attempts should be encouraged and promoted by both the universities and the society at large.

College students who start businesses are pioneers, among whom will be born China’s future business leaders. Faced with unknown challenges, they are audacious enough to embark on a perilous journey while most of their peers enjoy stable salaries by working as white-collars at high-end office buildings. Nevertheless, they are the masters of their own destiny and, exposed to many more uncertainties and setbacks, they develop perseverance, stamina and the indomitable spirit that are indispensible to all the great entrepreneurs. Even if they fail, they are not down; they keep exploring for new business opportunities and work tirelessly until they succeed. As people of vision, of individual initiative, of leadership, and of creativity and innovation, they represent the future and the hope of a nation.

Not all college graduates are suitable for undertaking entrepreneurial projects. To launch a business, one needs to have a sound business idea, a viable business plan, the charisma to create a cohesive team where members make concerted efforts for a common objective, effective managerial skills, and above all, the courage to compete against powerful rivals and ultimately to prevail. The essential difference between the students who become civic servants in government organizations or employees at leading domestic or multinational companies and those who create their own businesses is that the former are docile followers whereas the latter are aggressive trailblazers. For this reason, business-launching college graduates are more admirable, and thus they command our deep respect.




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the call of the wild in the beginnning, buck lived in a happly life . he was the lovely pet of the miller . he could get sufficient food everyday. however , happy time is always short . unluckily,he was stolen and sold to pay off a gambling debt. buck was taken to alaska and sold to a pair of french canadians who were impressed with his physique. they trained him as a sled dog, and he quickly learned how to survive the cold winter nights and the pack society by observing his teammates. buck was later sold again and passed hands several times, all the while improving his abilities as a sled dog and pack leader. there life was hard ,but he could feel the warmth given to him by thornton . so buck came to love him and grew devoted to him. i was deeply impressed by him .

however , at last, thornton was killed by indians . it was a pity . the world is dominated by those who are much stronger and more powerful than common people, and only the stronger ones could exist. this is the law of club and fang. buck gradually realizes the law and begins to obey the law after he is stolen and taken to the would. the savage environment which is full of tricks, dangers and deaths turns him to be more powerful and cunning. finally, he becomes the leader of his team. similar to the would, our society becomes crueler and crueler, and living in the society becomes

harder and harder. if you want to exist, to have a good life, you should be tough enough to stand the sufferings; you should keep alert, watch and learn; you should make yourself stronger than others. this is the law of living.



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From 20xx to 20xx, I spent my college life in Hunan First Normal College. Reminding my college life, I think it was of great significance.

When I was in college, I studied very hard. As a major of English, I often practiced my oral English. Every time, I could think in English. After thinking and expressed my thoughts to others in English. Although sometimes I couldnt speak English so freely, other people still appreciated me, because of my confidence.

In English class, I was always the first one to open my mouth, so my teachers always praised me for my good pronunciation, and my classmates also admired me for my courage. It seemed as if I were on top of the world.

However, I have few chances to speak English now, because my job has nothing to do with English. What a great pity! How I wish to work with foreigners, so that I can use my great English.



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My name is___________ . There are 4 people in my family. My father is a Chemistry teacher. He teaches chemistry in senior high school. My mother is an English teacher. She teaches English in the university. I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.

I like to read English story books in my free time. Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the E- books to read. Reading E- books is fun. In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations.

I hope to study both English and computer technology because I am interested in both of the subjects. Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future.



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My family and I went to the seaside. My dad went fishing in the sea. My mumstayed under the umbrella. She read a book. My uncle ate an ice cream. My consins ate bread. My brothers made a sandcastle. My sisters bathed on the sunny beach. Mike went swimming in the sea. Kate and I played football. We were very happy.



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Good morning ladies and gentlemen!I am of great hornor to stand here and introduce myself to you .First of all , my chinese name is XX and my english name is XX .I am XX years old. I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of English.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngsters.I like reading books, especially those about XX . Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.It is my long cherished dream to be a member of English . I think Im a good team player and Im a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure.

That’s all. Thank you for giving me this chance.
