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2024父亲节感恩贺卡祝福语 - 开学吧









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爱一生之父母, 爱父母之一生。 爸爸,不管您是穷是富,是贵是贱,我都永远爱您,您都是我心目中的好爸爸。下面是小编为大家整理的父亲节感恩贺卡祝福语,希望对大家有帮助!








爱一生之父母, 爱父母之一生。 爸爸,不管您是穷是富,是贵是贱,我都永远爱您,您都是我心目中的好爸爸。































































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1 On Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving day in the united states, the fourth thursday in november is called thanksgiving day. on that day, Americans give thanks for the blessings they have enjoyed during the year.thanksgiving day is usually a family day. people always celebrate with big dinners and happy reunions. pumpkin pie and indian pudding are traditional thanksgiving desserts. relatives from other cities, students who have been away at school, and many other Americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday at home.

Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. Even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative.It like spring festival in China. All give thanks together for the good things that they have.

What should we thank on that day?

The thankful parents give us the life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life.The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us.

The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with we existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for.



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In the Western countries, there is a Thanksgiving Day, the festival is used to thank their God the Lord to give them shelter and food.

But I do not think we should be thank God. We should be grateful, should be millions of selfless dedication of the working people.

If there is no weaver, we do not have these colorful clothes; if there is no construction workers, how will these buildings stand; if there is no porters, the tool grain will not be able to transport; if no one digs, there will be no wells and cave ;in case……

Every job is important, and although they are not eye-catching, they are not a lack of work.

Like a farmer. But still very tired of the job, but they never complained. Early spring, spring, flowers, it is a good time to play. But they are driving a tiller moment kept "Hang Hang Hang" to land. Neither flowing around the spring, nor idle, but hard seeding transplanting. Summer, the sun, the farmers are the head of the sun, sweat folder for the rice fertilization, de-worming, every day from dawn black. Spring hard work, summer effort, for all the autumn harvest. Looking at the piles of piles on the cart, how can we not be grateful?

With the hard work of the farmers, only the food in our mouth, dish of vegetables. If there is no farmer, these foods will no longer exist.

There is no God in the world, and we should be grateful to the working people of thousands.

Hands to create the results, tens of millions of working people with their own hands to create our now a beautiful world, we created a happy life now.

Thanksgiving, let us thank thousands of working people!

Wish them happy and happy, good luck!



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"Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui". "Behold dishes, each all pain," we when I was a child to recite the poem, is gratitude.

"Dripping of grace, yongquan", "bit loop knot grass, with the" good, the Chinese ancient idiom for many years, also tell us give thanks.

"Grateful heart", that is, all of the world all things to help their grateful, engrave on mind; "Grateful heart", that is, every one of us in the life indispensable sunshine, cant less. No matter how noble you are, or how seemingly humble; No matter where you live in where, or how do you have a special life experience, as long as your bosom with a grateful heart, often followed, will constantly for such as warm, confident, strong, kind, and so on these beautiful character.






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Love is the parents is the worlds largest love, is in their minds share of family support them, let them come in the heart of the disaster sons and daughters.

Kitagawa, May 14, 2008, the parents who struggle with death more than 40 hours after the three-year-old girl Song Xin Yi finally rescued, rescue workers to feed her milk. Her parents live in the time, desperate to protect the fragile body of her, until both passing away, also maintained that posture. Parents touched by the love of God, let the children saved, small Xinyi Zaitianzhiling parents can comfort!




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2. 感恩节送礼物,小物件大情谊,男生可以选择打火机,钥匙链或者一些小挂件;女生可以选择钱包和饰品,天气寒冷选择围巾、手套等也别有深意。

3. 感恩节送礼物,什么最有创意,最能体现感恩之心的礼物,无疑是自己动手,比方自己动手竹雕对方姓名,礼品其实不在意大小,感动、感恩才是关键。

4. 感恩节送礼:一斤花生二斤枣、愿你跟着好运跑;三斤桔子四斤蕉、财源滚进你腰包;五斤葡萄六斤橙、愿你心想事就成;八斤芒果十斤瓜、愿你天天乐开花。

5. 感恩节送茶油,实惠又健康:选择透明度高、色泽稍浅、无沉淀物的油为最好。闻起来有异味的,尝起来口感带酸味的都是劣质的。

6. 感恩节日祝福不停,激动心绪久不能平,忙碌人生四处飘零,朋友情谊好似香茗,曾经路上风雨同行,未来日子携手共迎,愿你人生永远天晴!

7. 感恩节日,莫忘感恩。感谢春季,送来灿烂;感谢夏季,瓜果香甜;感谢秋季,喜迎收获;感谢冬季,雪花弥漫。感谢四季,带来美景幸福,带来健康平安!

8. 感恩节前夕,发个短信提醒你,感恩融入心灵里,学会感恩懂情谊,抱怨消沉是逃避,豁达处事欢乐聚,真诚鸣谢身边人,生活美好又如意。感恩节快乐!

9. 感恩节前,一个吝啬的女人问一个乞丐:你裤子上有掉的扣子吗?我给你缝上。乞丐说:我这有一立扣子,你能在上面缝条裤子吗?

10. 感恩节临近百花放,一条短信带六香,一香送你贵人扶,二香送你摇钱树,三香送你万事好,四香送你没烦恼,五香送你福满筐,六香送你合家欢!

11. 感恩节了,有恩的报恩,没恩的施恩,该谢的都得谢,不该谢的也得谢;欠我钱的还钱,不欠钱的借我钱,有钱的给我点钱,没钱的回我短信!节日快乐!

12. 感恩节了,向所有帮助过我和我爱的朋友们说声感谢,感谢你走进我的生命,让它完整而有意义。我愿以我有生的时光带给你无限快乐!

13. 感恩节了,给您久久的感恩,久久的幸福,久久的甜蜜,久久的运气,久久的健康,久久的快乐,久久的欣慰,久久的顺利。感恩节快乐!

14. 感恩节了,给父母捶捶背,算是尽孝;给老婆捏捏脚,算是尽情;给领导陪陪笑,算是尽忠;给朋友发发短信,算是尽意。我的短信飞来了,快乐吗?

15. 感恩节来临了!虽然我不信基督,但我认同感恩,真的感谢上苍让我们相识,但愿我们成为一生的好朋友!祝福你我,亲爱的朋友,愿一起度过这个快乐的节日。

16. 感恩节来临百花香,一条信息带六香:一香送你摇钱树,二香送你贵人扶,三香送你工作好,四香送你没烦恼,五香送你钱满箱,六香送你永安康。感恩节快乐

17. 感恩节来临,向天下所有和我见过面的、聊过天的、吃过饭的、来过电的、同过班的、闯过滩的、收过我短信和发过我短信的帅哥美女们说声:谢谢了!

18. 感恩节来了,祝你感到快乐、感到幸福、感到甜蜜、感到高兴、感到温馨、感到痛快、感到美满、感到温暖、感到愉快,感到我的祝福情意。感恩节贺卡祝福语

19. 感恩节来了,有恩的报恩,没恩的施恩,该谢的都得谢,不该谢的也得谢;欠我钱的还钱,不欠钱的借我钱,有钱的给我点钱,没钱的回我短信!节日快乐!

20. 感恩节来了,一感亲恩,把我们抚养长大。二感师恩,指导我们成人。三感友恩,一直不离不弃。四感情恩,此生相濡以沫。彼此执手,恩情永存。



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Thanksgiving Day is coming soon, it is on the fourth Thursday in December. Thanksgiving Day is very popular in western country, on that day, people will make a big turkey to eat. The day is to in honor of Indian people’s great kindness. A long time ago, some puritans took the boat May Flower to Americafor freedom, but they suffered from starvation and illness, the Indian people helped them, gave them food and treat them. The puritan planted something, they were eager to have good harvest, at last, they got it and felt very grateful to God and the Indian people, so they decided to make a day to remember this and show gratitude.





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Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. But as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.



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do you know thanksgiving day? do you know why human thank god?

thanksgiving falls on the fourth thursday of november, a different date every year. the president must proclaim that date as the official celebration.

thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. all give thanks together for the good things that they have.

in this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. on most tables throughout the united states, foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional.



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On the fourth Thursday of November, Thanksgiving Day, I made an envelope on

the day of Thanksgiving, which read: the gift that wang xiyuan gave her. Inside

with a small piece of paper, it read: your mother is my ents, I like a small

tree, you help me with the scissors with branches that bad, let me grow up

faster, thank you, mom. My mother put me in my arms and said, jia jia is

sensible! Im so happy.

I gave my dad a paper airplane that said, "the gift from wang xiyuan."

There was also an envelope in the suture of the paper plane, and there was a

note on it that read: daddy happy Thanksgiving, father surprised and a sound,

said: my jia jia grow up! I smiled and walked into the study to play two

childrens songs for mom and dad. It was little red riding hood and the golden

peacock. A sweet piano. The whole familys laughter echoed in the real room.

Students, how do you spend Thanksgiving? Tell me about it!



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Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, honorable judges and distinguished guest! This is Alex time! Ha-ha…My topic today is to show our gratitude to people around you.

Then what is gratitude? At the moment a well-known song comes into my mind. Yes, that is called Heart of feel grateful. My heart is filled up with gratitude because I’m with you/Your make me courageous to be myself from cradle to the grave/So now I wanna thank for destiny/I’ll cherish the flower when it blooms until falls. The poetic lyric tells us that gratitude is actually a state of mind.

Once upon a time, the Pilgrims took the May Flower Ship to North America. They started a new life there although a lot of difficulties and hardships they encountered. After a long-time work, they got a big harvest. The Pilgrims had a feast in 1621 near Plymouth, Massachusetts, which is often referred to as the first Thanksgiving. People show their sincere gratitude towards the God, the nature, the earth, the river, the Indians and themselves. Moreover the 1621 feast has become a model for the Thanksgiving celebration in the United States. So we can see gratitude is an action to take.

How can we express our gratitude? It’s never a simple question to answer. Gratitude is a rare jewel, not a piece of cake, I know. But how can we expect such big events happening now and then? How can we be ready to say thank you ahead of time? How can we always hope to be grateful to everything and everyone for their dignity and generosity? Sometimes I may ask to myself. Is it moral? Is it honest? Is it beneficial? Is it necessary? Or the most interesting one, is it ridiculous? Ha-ha…So in my opinion, we’d better concentrate on our life’s details. Keep your eyes open to your daily life. Yes! A shining smile is supposed to be gratitude. A thank-you note is supposed to be gratitude. A soulful watch is supposed to be gratitude. As far as a baby’s crying on his arrival is supposed to be gratitude. And even fallen leaves in autumn are supposed to be gratitude. So the person, who stands here giving you a speech, is also showing HIS gratitude.

At last, what’s the significance of showing our gratitude? A proverb says that Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. Wow! Until now I am not that kind of giant, but I dare to say that everyone, you and me, has the right and the duty to show our gratitude to the world, no matter rich or poor, happy or sad, young or old. Only by doing so can we achieve our human ultimate concern. Meanwhile it obviously helps to build up a harmonious society. Under the same sky we enjoy the same sunshine and appreciate the same love due to thanking and caring each other. Well, does it Plato’s paradise?

All in all, a world full of gratitude is preciously expected for thousands of years. Why not show our gratitude to people around you?

Thank you very much!




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Thanksgiving is a virtue, to a person, with a sense of self-respect, self-confidence, tolerance are equally important. If there is no gratitude, you will be eliminated by The Times. Let us, therefore, the mentality of with gratitude to the people and things in the face of all!

Thanksgiving parents, return on the family

Parents are our first teachers, from the moment a child born, their life will pour into the parents love and best wishes. Perhaps, parents cant give us life of luxury. However, they gave everything in a persons life irreplaceable - life.

Parents of children love it props up a stretch of the sky. When you get hurt, cry, sad, sad, when you can come back here at any time, enjoy the love of parents. This is their happiness. Thanksgiving parents, even if it is a trivial things, as long as make them feel a trace of pleasure, thats enough. I remember CCTV broadcast a moving advertisement: a little boy with big eyes, struggling to carry a pot of water, naive said to his mother: "mom, wash feet." Is such an AD today, still hit. Moving reasons, not because of the actor, the most popular but it feelings moving heart, lung, infected with more than how many lovers all over the world, many people moved. Not only for lovely boy, and the one to the deep love and heartfelt gratitude. Such a thing, everyone can do it, but dont want to do. Ask: where are your gratitude?







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Now I would like to give you some details about Thanksgiving Day in the

United States. Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national

Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest

history of the country.


In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May

flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a

tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now

Plymouth, Massachusetts.


During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or

epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.


All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing

that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming

harvest.Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And

therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed. Years

later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November

as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been

observed on that date until today.


The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the

years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table,

people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes.There will be

plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash.

The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They

have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout

the years.


Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a

bread dressing to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. But as cooking varies

with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a

consensus on the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.Thanksgiving today

is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths

and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year s bounty and

reverently ask for continued[5] blessings.




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My father is like all his love is poured on my body, from small to large as long as I like the father will try to meet me, for my meticulous care, and strive for me to build a warm nest, so I always Feel the taste of happiness, to appreciate the father of the mountain is so ordinary and great. A small pen is difficult to record all the fatherly love, but can only depict a little memory. Remember that eight years old, because I slippery right arm serious fracture, after the plaster on the doctor asked the arm can only stand, can not move, or bone dislocation will be the second operation is quite painful, in order not to let me suffer twice, father Had to stay all night in front of my bed, leaning on my arm, so day after day, his fathers face lost, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, seven or eight days later, to the hospital review the doctor said very good Did not move, the arm can be flat down his father hanging heart and finally put down half of the. Can be a few days after the emergence of a new situation, gypsum wrapped around the place itching unbearable, his father had to use a bamboo from time to time to give me a scratch, so many months survived, my arm is good, his fathers The body lost a circle, eyes like giant pandas, often think of these, my eyes are always wet. So that I deeply feel the great love of the father, I only put it engraved in the heart, so I will always be a grateful heart.

Parents love is selfless, with heaven and earth in the same, with the sun and the moon with the bride; parents love lofty, than the high mountains and sea Qi, the world children have a grateful heart, so that the world parents to health forever.




The trees are grateful to the soil, because the soil makes it thrive; we want to Thanksgiving teacher, because the teacher will teach us without reservation; but we have to Thanksgiving parents , Because the parents not only give us life, but also gave us meticulous care, gave us a warm home.

From our "quack" landing, to our thrive, parents pay for us hard and sweat countless, which I was most impressed or the fourth grade summer vacation happened one thing. One night, I suddenly flushed, headache badly, could not help but burst into tears, my mother saw, hurriedly came, touched my forehead anxiously said: "Oh! How do ah? Forehead so hot, It is a fever. Dad is not at home, my mother was anxious like ants on the wok round and round. Finally, my mother decided to take me, marching the night, like the arrows from the same rushed out. The hospital, my mother to copy the path to go.Love no lights, dark, I am afraid, can not help but hit a chill, my mother hold me more tightly. Suddenly, only to hear the mother "Oh" sound, followed by a reel I could not help but press on my mothers back and fell to the ground, my mother did not see a stone stumbled because of the darkness, my mother could not attend to myself, and asked me quickly, "daughter, there is no wrestling ah? "I quickly said:" No. Then, my mother ran slower than before, perhaps because it was too tired.I let my mother let me down, my mother said nothing refused. Finally to the hospital, my mother in a hurry. To find a doctor, and then ran up and down, picking medicine injections ... my burning finally retreated.When my mother took me away, I suddenly found her mothers right knee pants were red stained a large, The original mother back I fell even when the fall .In order to daughter, endured the pain, even hum did not hum a few tears slowly flowing through my cheeks.

We have to learn to be grateful, to filial piety parents, to know how to report, at home, even wash the bowl, sweeping, dry some of the things you can do, to let parents worry about, how happy.

"Who is the words of grass heart, reported three Chunhui." Parents love is endless, never finished. Know how grateful, winter is no longer cold, the night is no longer long, happy and happy, always around us


In my memory, I am most grateful to the people is my father and mother, they are not only in my life care for me, but also in the study of my strict requirements.

Remember that once they went out to do things, leaving me alone at home, I felt so scared. After they had gone, I started writing my homework. I wrote for a moment, there is a problem that I was stumped. I want to wait for them to come back to help solve this problem, waiting for a long time they have not come back. Later, I was really tired, lying on the bed whirring sleep. Suddenly, I heard my father in the hazy call me: "fast up, do homework." I do not want to get up from the bed, when my father furious, a slap on me waved me, "wow" crying up The I hate them, but the thought of their busy day during the figure, know that they do so is concerned about me ah. So, I immediately get up to wear clothes, listen to my father to explain to me, with his help, I successfully solved the problem.

There was a morning to go to school, my mother heard the weather forecast that it was going to rain today. I am sure to go out with an umbrella when I go out, I do not want to take, go directly to school. To the noon school, when the down from the downpour. I thought: how can this go home ah Mom and Dad have to work, I must be hungry at noon. After half an hour later, I suddenly saw a familiar figure in the rain, when the figure away from me closer, I found that she is my mother. When we got home, I found my mothers clothes soaked, and there were many small drops of water. And I do, but the body was dripping without sticky. The next day, my mother fell ill, see my mother lying in bed, my heart regret very, if I listen to my mothers advice, my mother may not be sick, I really want to mother said: "Mom, I was wrong "

Mom and Dad for me to pay so much effort, I must study hard, do not live up to their expectations. Strive to be a good child, to be a socially useful person.



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How long has it been since you had the feeling of being moved ? Do you feel grateful when you taste the delicious food your mother prepares for you ? On Teacher’s Day, do you say “Thank you teachers” from the bottom of your heart, or just do it as others do ?

In the West, there is Thanksgiving Day. People invented this festival to be grateful for what they gained, because no one could be happy or successful without the help from others. Though our country don’t have Thanksgiving Day, we should be grateful hourly.

If the grateful full of your heart ,you will be happy everyday. Life’s happiness is to be convinced we are loved. A telephone from parents, a criticism from teacher, a exhortation from friend, a competition from opponent and so on. All this are the foundation of mature for us.

We must learn to be grateful, otherwise , we will be apathetic, can’t notice the love from others. Only have the heart of be grateful, we can understand how to love others and how to repay our society.



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Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is a holiday celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November.

It has officially been an annual tradition since 1863, when, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of thanksgiving to be celebrated on Thursday, November 26.[1] As a federal and popular holiday in the U.S., Thanksgiving is one of the major holidays of the year.

Together with Christmas and the New Year, Thanksgiving is a part of the broader holiday season.






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On Cultivating the Sense of Gratitude

On college campuses across the nation, there is a noticeable phenomenonthat we cannot afford to ignore: far too many young college students lack thesense of gratitude, one of the countless traditional virtues of this ancientland with a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years. These young adultswere not and are not aware of the huge importance of expressing gratitude tothose who once helped them, from teachers to parents and so forth。

Personally, I deem that the root cause of students without a graceful heartis that they receive an education not valuing the moral sphere. I stronglybelieve that joint efforts from folks across society are the final remedy forthis social headache. As young university students of the new era, we shouldmake our own contributions to this cause. Imagine a world without the sense ofgratitude. This kind of world is doomed to failure. Simply put, we should joinour hands to heighten our awareness of fostering a graceful heart. Only in thisway can we build our society into a harmonious one. My fellow students, I begyou to act from now on.



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"Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui", his father harsh rebuke of bearing wear infinite hope, in the mothers gentle care contains the infinite love, is that they use industrious arms supporting a wind through the rains home, that is they used a hot heart love tender young children, dont open of love! Let the children never go out you of is affectionate eyes. Although I cant make a great move, but its not aim at mothers day to send a bouquet of carnations, hang a call in fathers day, deep feeling ground say: mom and dad were laborious!

Both from the source of Thanksgiving, and our life experience, if you really have a grateful heart, just can enjoy life, feel the life really associating and goodness.

With a grateful heart to set foot on the journey of life road, let us be grateful, affliction, or suffering, you will get the perfect life!






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Alma mater, you do not stop working, you are a steady stream of a large number of elite. Without you, without us today, without you, there would be no future for us. It is you that shaped us; we are you, and we are in the light of hope. Today, we have to say goodbye, but you will always be in our hearts, you will always be a light to illuminate our forward. No matter when and where, we will never forget, we are a people, we must for the prosperity of pay, for a vigorous efforts.



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Teachers Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man.

Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too.


