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He comes home, has a shower,

And eats dinner, every day.

Now he’s sitting in his favourite chair

Too tired to laugh or play.

He reads his book or newspaper

To learn what’s new today.

Soon he’ll go to bed.

He’s a boring man, my dad.

Then I see him working,

On the building site.

He’s high up in the clouds

Higher than a kite

He’s walking on a narrow piece of wood

Not worried about the height,

Not afraid, not afraid like me.

He’s a superman, my dad.





















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Today, Wang took us to the library.

In the library door, a gray-haired old teacher told us a lot of library rules. Subsequently, Wang gave each made a library card.

When I get a library card, excited. The library is very quiet, rows shelves, a layer lattice book makes me themselves.

Each book has a different knowledge, every book has exclusively own color, every book give you a different surprise, as long as you go to discover its mysteries and secrets, it must be its real charm The infection! In so many wonderful book, which I have chosen this? Is a fairy tale, or a riddle? is fiction, or dictionary? Just when I hesitate, Wang suggested that I want to read a useful book, I point nodded, she walked to the bookshelf. Precisely, I met HE Jia Luo and 罗玲惠, I asked 罗玲惠 borrowed what book, Luo Linghui confidently say:! "" Riddles "" I think what is good and 罗玲兴 interest Luo congenial, select the same is certainly I hurried to leave.

Finally, I selected a "eloquence." "Eloquence" is about how a super eloquence training methods. Among them, my favorite 199, because 199 tells the American success guru Napoleon Hill with eloquence to overcome all difficulties, so I very much admire.

You find the most suitable for your book?









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Yesterday, I go to the bathroom in the morning up and have a look at when I asked: "mom I got up early," mother said: "not you got up early, but the day was held up by the fog," I think of today will not again see the puzzled.

Then I rush took a box of biscuits to composition class to go to school, I have just the elevator, havent had time to wear the masks I smelled a smell of a pungent, I put on the horse mask, go out on see, the dark days, even the leaves above all grey, turn our community garden, I just know its been pollution, firecrackers, smoke smoke from pollution, dust pollution, car pollution, then I will ride the bicycle, quickly rushed to the school composition, I found that very few pedestrians on the road, along the way are driving, handlebar of smoke into the back of the car in front of the glass, the glass cant wiped directly, we cant write todays composition, but we can meet, we called their parents let them pick me up to go home, only I alone riding a bike to go home.





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Today is lantern Festival. I am very happy. Lantern Festival is Chinese

festival. Every year once.

In this day, people are very happy . In the steet, people is a lot

of.people see a lantern. In the evening,I eat yuanxiao together with my family.

It’s very delicious.

I like Lantern Festival very much.







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In a night, : in the evening, I sit at my window desk alone, double album, sections of the past emerge in the bottom of my heart, in the end, my eyes stay on a photo of a bit too yellow. That is a picture of I and my grandma in the buddhist temple, looking at, the tears will not flow tripped over wet skirt...

My grandma died in our country during his first year in small. Love me very much, when she had any delicious food, also loathe to give up myself to eat, always leave me to enjoy. She also often go out for a walk with me, tell everyone how obedient he praised me, how clever. Thought of here, my heart is a qualm.

My grandma is also a master of story telling. On one occasion, she said a "tortoise and the hare" story to me. Tell me no matter what to do, we always uphold the "to win without pride and lose with grace" spirit, even fools, consult with an open mind. Once upon a time, my grandma also said "Wolf" story, told me: a person must be based on "integrity", on the basis of credit, do not deceive people, do a gentleman in the society. Grandma though not read many books, but she said every one word, one sentence, is rich in meaning expression, let I lifetime.

A plot of land near the house, the planted many vegetables and flowers. Holiday in my spare time, I always like to garden, looking at grandmas back, I cant see sorrow and grief, isnt it? Grandma is always happy to meet in life every one day! I dont have any hesitation, roll up your sleeves and help food to catch insects. Here is my grandma and my heaven! Today, my grandma has gone, how can this dont call me sad?

I always keep my grandma to endless thoughts into words, written in the book of the small paper, hope that my missing small paper boat will bring in the kingdom of heaven is grandma. Grandma, you also to my dream, accompany my chat, talk!








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I internet English that can give me a golden future.Because English is the most pupolar language in the world.These is no country in the world use English. Although English is no our mother language , but I learn hard in many ways.Some subjects are taught in English and some goods wrote in English. Nowdays, English is the more important.So I like it and learn it hard.





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I have a friend. Her name is Candy. She is twelve year old. She has black and short hair. She has a little mouth, two big eyes. She is so cute. Her mom and dad love her. She has a happy family. Her friends like her too, So she’s happy every day.

She is a student of Yi Zong Fu Xiao. She is in Class Four Grade Six. She studies very hard. English is her favourite subject. She likes to speak English. She can speak English very well now. She always says “Learn by doing.” So she thinks speaking is very important in learning English.

We are very busy studying when we are in school. But on the weekend, we are free. We often do homework together on Saturdays. After that, we can watch TV at home. Sometimes, we play games. We have the same hobbies. She likes riding bikes and watching TV and so do I. Her favourite sport is swimming. She’s very good at it. She often teaches me how to swim in summer.

I like her very much. I am lucky to be her friend.








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求学时老师给杨绛的批语是“仙童好静”,在英才济济的东吴大学,她很快就奠定了自己才女的地位:中英文俱佳的杨绛是班上的“笔杆子”,东吴大学1928 年英文级史、1929年中文级史,都由她“操刀”。她还喜欢音乐,能弹月琴,善吹箫,工昆曲。大学期间,自修法文,拜一位比利时的夫人为师,学了一口后来 清华教授梁宗岱称赞不已的法语。

求学清华时,一贯爱好文学的杨绛开始自己创作,备受任课教师朱自清的欣赏,她的第一篇散文《收脚印》和第一篇小说《璐璐,不用愁!》都是被他推荐至《大 公报·文艺副刊》上发表。杨绛在清华没能拿到硕士学位,后陪钱钟书

西方游学,也未攻读任何学位,但她一路旁听,一路自修,坐拥书城,遍读乔叟以降的英国文 学,还不时和丈夫展开读书竞赛。两人回到家中无事,便对坐读书,还常常一同背诗玩儿,发现如果两人同把诗句中的某一个字忘了,怎么凑也不合适,那个字准是 全诗中最欠贴切的字,“妥帖的字,有黏性,忘不了。”钱钟书从昆明回上海后想写 《围 城》,杨绛甘做“灶下婢”,辅佐夫君全力搞创作,闲时在陈麟瑞、李健吾等人的鼓动下,尝试写了部四幕剧《称心如意》。没想这位自称业余的剧坛新手“出手不 凡”,第二年《称心如意》在金都大戏院上演时“引来阵阵喝彩声”,一鸣惊人,她所署的笔名“杨绛”也就此叫开。此后,杨绛又接连创作了喜剧《弄真成假》、 《游戏人间》和悲剧《风絮》,讽刺幽默,流畅俏皮,颇有英式戏剧的风格。杨绛的父亲和姐妹一同去看了《弄真成假》,听到全场哄笑,问杨绛:“全是你编 的?”她点头,父亲笑说:“憨哉!”1945年,夏衍看了杨绛的剧作,顿觉耳目一新,说:“你们都捧钱钟书,我却要捧杨绛!”

新中国建立后,知识分子普遍遭受冷板凳的待遇,翻译无疑更为“安全”。杨绛的翻译生涯最早追溯到清华读研时,一次钱钟书的老师叶公超请她到家里吃饭,饭 后拿出本英文刊物,让杨绛译出其中一篇政论《共产主义是不可避免的吗?》。她当时心想:莫非叶先生是要考考钱钟书的未婚妻?在此之前,她英文虽棒,也从未 学过、做过翻译,但也只得硬着头皮“应考”。交稿时叶公超却连连称赞“很好”,推举发表到《新月》杂志。从此杨绛一发不可收拾,走上了翻译的道路。她翻译 的47万字的法国小说《吉尔·布拉斯》,受到朱光潜的高度称赞:我国散文(小说)翻译“杨绛最好”。

1958年,47岁的杨绛,利用大会小会间隙,开始自学西班牙语,打算从原文翻译《堂吉诃德》。译稿历经“文革”的摧残,“被没收、丢弃在废纸堆里”, 最后“九死一生”,逃过劫难。1978年4月,杨绛翻译的《堂吉诃德》出版。同年6月,西班牙国王和王后访华,她应邀参加国宴。邓小平惊讶道:“《堂吉诃 德》是什么时候翻译的?”此事一言难尽,杨绛忙于和西班牙皇室握手,无暇细谈,只好答非所问:“今年出版的。”1986年10月,西班牙国王专门奖给75 岁的杨绛一枚“智慧国王阿方索十世十字勋章”,以表彰她的杰出贡献。

写于1980年的《洗澡》,是杨绛迄今为止惟一一部长篇小说。“洗澡”是建国初“三反”运动中的专有名词,指的是知识分子需要对自己思想“肮脏”面彻底 “清洗”,一部《洗澡》淋漓尽致地展现了各类知识分子在运动期间的众生相。这部18万字的小说被施蛰存誉为“半部《红楼梦》加上半部《儒林外史》”。


从1994年开始,钱钟书住进医院,缠绵病榻,全靠杨绛一人悉心照料。不久,女儿钱瑗也病中住院,与钱钟书相隔大半个北京城,当时八十多岁的杨绛来回奔波,辛苦异常。钱钟书已病到不能进食,只能靠鼻饲,医院提供的匀浆不适宜吃,杨绛就亲自来做,做各种鸡鱼蔬菜泥,炖各种汤,鸡胸肉要剔得一根筋没有,鱼肉 一根小刺都不能有。“钟书病中,我只求比他多活一年。照顾人,男不如女。我尽力保养自己,争求‘夫在先,妻在后’,错了次序就糟糕了。”1997年,被杨 绛称为“我平生唯一杰作”的爱女钱瑗去世。一年后,钱钟书临终,一眼未合好,杨绛附他耳边说:“你放心,有我呐!”内心之沉稳和强大,令人肃然起敬。“钟 书逃走了,我也想逃走,但是逃到哪里去呢?我压根儿不能逃,得留在人世间,打扫现场,尽我应尽的责任。”当年已近九十高龄的杨绛开始翻译柏拉图的《斐多 篇》。2003年,《我们仨》出版问世,这本书写尽了她对丈夫和女儿最深切绵长的怀念,感动了无数中国人。而时隔四年,96岁高龄的杨绛又意想不到地推出 一本散文集《走到人生边上》,探讨人生的价值和灵魂的去向,被评论家称赞:“九十六岁的文字,竟具有初生婴儿的纯真和美丽。”走到人生的边上,她愈战愈 勇,唯愿“死者如生,生者无愧”——钱钟书留下的几麻袋天书般的手稿与中外文笔记,多达7万余页,也被杨绛接手过来,陆续整理得井井有条:2003年出版 了3卷《容安馆札记》,178册外文笔记,20卷的《钱钟书手稿集·中文笔记》也将于今年面世??这位百岁老人的意志和精力,让所有人惊叹!

这也是她一贯身心修养的成果。据杨绛的亲戚讲述,她严格控制饮食,少吃油腻,喜欢买了大棒骨敲碎煮汤,再将汤煮黑木耳,每天一小碗,以保持骨骼硬朗。她 还习惯每日早上散步、做大雁功,时常徘徊树下,低吟浅咏,呼吸新鲜空气。高龄后,改为每天在家里慢走7000步,直到现在还能弯腰手碰到地面,腿脚也很灵 活。

当然更多的秘诀来自内心的安宁与淡泊。杨绛有篇散文名为《隐身衣》,文中直抒她和钱钟书最想要的“仙家法宝”莫过于“隐身衣”,隐于世事喧哗之外,陶陶 然专心治学。生活中的她的确几近“隐身”,低调至极,几乎婉拒一切媒体的来访。2004年《杨绛文集》出版,出版社准备大张旗鼓筹划其作品研讨会,杨绛打 了个比方风趣回绝:“稿子交出去了,卖书就不是我该管的事了。我只是一滴清水,不是肥皂水,不能吹泡泡。”

钱钟书去世后,杨绛以全家三人的名义,将高达八百多万元的稿费和版税全部捐赠给母校清华大学,设立了“好读书”奖学金。杨绛与钱钟书一样,出了名的不喜 过生日,九十岁寿辰时,她就为逃避打扰,专门躲进清华大学招待所住了几日“避寿”。她早就借翻译英国诗人兰德那首著名的诗,写下自己无声的心语:“我和谁都不争、和谁争我都不屑;我爱大自然,其次就是艺术;我双手烤着生命之火取暖;火萎了,我也准备走了。”



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mourful but not distressing













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I had a fun and special holiday。On Monday,I did my homework and read some interesting story-books。Tuesday morning,I went to a big nice supermarket。I bought a lot of food。Then I ate them。Oh,they were yummy!In the afternoon,I played ping-pong with my father。 I won the match。I was so happy。Wednesday morning,I played chess with my mother。My mother won the game。But I was not sad。Because it was only a game。We played,we had fun。Wednesday evening,I watched TV with my parents。My parents are always busy。They have no time to play with me。But that night we were very close,very happy!

I love this special holiday!






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In march in the wet air spring, I always imagine a picture: garden outside on the grass with small yellow and purple, the middle of the courtyard of the cherry tree tree tree full of flowers to bloom in a warm southerly breeze slowly, in the replacement of the four seasons of green fruit with wide bilge painful expression, from shiny branches grow out of it. Six in the middle of the night of spring, the old cat cant sleep all night, under the tree stamping, swan couples, bark, and the ducks who teams in pairs to fly to the moon.

And I always wake up in the middle of the night, look at the moon rose down-stairs branches long painting on the pebbles, which are covered with buds of green, please.

In the middle of the night I heard the spring is static. Lingering in the ear, there is a special sound short, and want to pour a spoonful of sugar into the tea when the sound, it should be a light rain slapping on to the leaves on the trees. They are reminiscent of the day the road leading to the village.

"Sand sand sand......", in the darkness, forming a slow rhythm.

Slow is composed in B minor. Followed the path of the night and smooth.

On the grass in the spring, filled with fluffy dandelion, with a light yellow colour and lustre, clusters into a cluster to hide.

Like the raindrops in the air.

Dont disturb them. Heavy sleep sleep. Gentle wind rustled gradually forming the flowers. In the gentle spring.

"But you and I as a life hasnt been crying, and gets a long sleep time."

Its just my fantasy. Can you see?

"-- - I can see it."














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The screen of my father’s mobile telephone is broken. When you open the

mobile telephone, the screen is always white with light. You can’t see from the

screen. And my father is a businessman. He needed a new one. So my father and I

went to the electrical appliance shop. There are many new kinds of mobile

telephones. At first, my father chose a Sumsung one. But all the telephones have

sold out. Finally, my father chose a Motorola one.




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Today is the first day of the New Year, the morning of fresh air and sunshine, mother took me to feel the New Years day outside the atmosphere. Street vehicle comings and goings, flowing very lively, mother took me to the supermarket to buy things, supermarket bustling, originally people rush to buy New Year gift! My mother said he wanted to buy a toy, I say: "I is the big kid dont car these toys, it would save some money to buy school things," then I will take some learning supplies and a cake billet to do our own cake to celebrate New Years day. On the way back to my grandmas I saw many shops, supermarkets in glass written on New Years day wishes everybody happy, return to my grandmas I took the cake billet and brother in above the text is made. Less than half an hour a nifty bright homemade cake will appear in the present, this is really a happy New Year!





At the first day of new year, i was so excited that i got up very early in the morning. but mother was earlier than me, and she had gotten the breakfast ready. dumplings, thats my favourite....

The origin of chinese new year chinese new year, pronounced in chinese as xin nian, always falls on the date of marking the beginning of the spring and thus it is also called the spring festival....






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Today is the Mid Autumn Festival, the street has a thick festive atmosphere. There are many varieties of moon cakes in the supermarket! People choose their favorite flavor.

At night, the sky fireworks four. There are a lot of lamp of heaven, like a shining star. The moon hid in the clouds like a shy girl. The whole family was sitting on the balcony looking forward to the moon to come out and have a snack......

Come on the moon! Today is your holiday!






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My name is Yin Zhaoyi. Im nine years old. Im from Hengyang, Hunan. I love writing and reading.

I was a lively and cheerful girl, face, round eyes, long eyebrows, high nose, black hair, big mouth, short stature, long limbs.

Today is Sunday. I asked my mother if I could go to the library to read books. My mother said yes, I went straight to the library happily, and there were very few people in the library. I picked up a book and looked up. An hour passed, and two hours passed. Until 6 oclock in the evening, I found it was 6, and I ran home at full speed.



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The poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open a. I said:

Thanksgiving to the door pushed open a harmony, harmony open the door to the

living. If you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere

harmonious life movement.

Love, the soul like fire ignited the hope of love, the soul like绿茵propped

up the sky. Love is a force, is a wealth. We should be in the hearts of young

sow the seeds of love. Let us be thankful for, the Institute of Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving with a heart to face life, in the face of learning, in the face of

setbacks, thereby Experience parents, teachers, classmates and friends of

selfless relatives and friends, "know drips of TU, when Yongquan of" the real


Thanksgiving is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, build a

socialist harmonious society needs. Guangdong lawyer Tian, in order to return

the mothers kindness in telling your mother dying when she donated his kidney

to restore the mothers life; Xu Yu return to the community of his kindness,

decided to leave after graduating from university in the bustling city , broke

into穷乡僻壤the thatched shed to seeking knowledge, a thirst for knowledge sent the

children …

Appreciate your birth, because they allow you access to life; grateful for

your dependents, because they allow you to continue to grow; grateful for the

concern you, because they give you warmth; grateful to encourage you to the

people, because they give you strength; grateful for your education, because

they Kaihua your ignorance; grateful to harm your people because they temper

your intellect; grateful for your trip, because it strengthens your legs;

grateful for your contempt, because it awakening your self-esteem; grateful

abandoned your people, because he taught you that independence; everything

grateful, Institute of gratitude, gratitude to all the people you grow up!

Students, and a song called "thank you": I thank the moon lit up the night

sky, thanks to the dawn Zhaoxia endorse for the spring snow melt for the land

feeding the people, to thank his mother for giving me life … thank harvest for

peace for all of this all all.

Thanksgiving-Fighting, Thanksgiving unlimited! Students, and Society

Thanksgiving! Let us always to the life caring and full of love and love! Let us

brought up their hands and work together, everyone aspired to build a socialist

harmonious society!











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Looking forward to, looking forward to, and finally close to the steps of the New Year.

The Spring Festival is the traditional festival of the Chinese nation, Chinese people have attention. From New Years day and more than half a month, everyone began to close down of drum and planning.

In the era of speed up the pace of life, relatives, friends gather to seem to be very difficult, and the Chinese New Year is wandering the ends of the earth and the great opportunity of family reunion. Work outside of friends can be together again, although I cant take you in the mood, but when friends gather to play in a New Year, but also fun.

As a child, love to play, of course, usually busy learning, good and pored over the New Years day can finally. You may wish to share with me I have to annual!

Look at the party. Just finished eating dumplings on New Years eve night, the whole family was eager to wait for the party, despite the party every year, but each time the party can be equally, crosstalk laughing, alternately, reveling in a wonderful song and amazed by the magic of air...

Set off firecrackers. This year New Years day, I bought a lot of firecrackers, on New Years eve the twelve o clock, I lit a big bunch of firecrackers, the New Years bell and firecrackers sounded at the same time, the scene is very spectacular. Be free and at leisure, but also can with brother put little match crackers. In the eyes of an adult is no meaning, but these firecrackers left a deep impression in our memory.

New Years day, the elder give money saving up to buy some things they need, feeling really good! This year, I also learned a new skill - making dumplings. Eat their package dumplings, very delicious!

New Years day is busy, but my sister told me: "years behind also with heavy responsibility, we are one year older again, for the life should be a more thinking." In the face of the New Year, how to adjust itself to the new self in the face of the New Year.

I think: this is the meaning of the New Years day!












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To: Andy ~ From: Tricia

Dear Andy,

Now, I know we have not gotten to really know each other all that long and there is a little bit of an age difference between us, but I do really like you. You are a very special guy. There is so much about you I see that I know most girls dont see. They are all looking at you for your body. But Honey, I am telling you, that is not what I am doing. There is so much more to you than that. I have liked you for a very long time now but just never had the guts to say it to you. Well, that has all changed now. I am going all out and I am going to say it all. I really care a lot about you, and I would like to be a lot more then just friends. You mean so much to me. I mean, just seeing your cute little smile when I am having a bad day just makes the day seem not too dim. Or just to have you give me a hug makes me all warm and tingly inside. Just to see your smiling face brightens my darkest day. So, Hon, what do you say, would you like to give it a go?

Love Always,








Every beat of my heart, loudly cries your name, I want so much to be withyou, oh, please, please, feel the same.


I am looking for a word. I am looking for a whole new word. I am looking for aword. I am looking for a word that nobody knows. I am looking for a word. I amlooking for a word that says...that you are the best!


If you are the wind, I am the sand.

If you are the shoe, I am the brush.

If you dont love me, I just wanna die.







I will not beat you, not scold you, but torture you with all my love.


If you want a cute baby, and you are still worried about this, then I willadvice that you marry me!


My family name is “I”, first name is “love you”, and surname is “miss you”; mycognomen is ”understand you”, appellation is ”feel badly about you”, epithet is“think of you” , book name is “dream of you”, nickname is “chase you”. You cancall me I kiss you.






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I will always praise the look of her -- my Chinese teacher miss wang. My Chinese teacher is an ordinary reveal the extraordinary people, especially the heart of her love life more let I admire; .

Remember in a silent night, the whole school hardly see a muddy footprints, the air is permeated with laughter was the cold wind blowing. Only the teacher the busy figure, I and other two classmates, was in terribly classroom "imprisoned", the write quietly noises. When we fall in the abyss of difficult, the teacher always took pains to teach us homework. Know that we know so far. I looked up, a dark outside the window, the earth has been shrouded in the shadows of the night. Carrying a heavy bag, according to the weak beam. "Does the teacher dont want to go home? Dont want to eat delicious food, enjoy the warmth of home?" This a series of problems for a long time in my ear.

The teacher always to care for us, protect us, my teacher is such a teacher, an ordinary reveal the extraordinary teacher.






全文共 225 字

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《印度童话集》 印度安纳德著,1955,中青


《印度民间故事》 印度安纳德著,1955,上海少儿

《泰戈尔选集·诗集》 与石真合译,1958,人文





