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Everyone has his own hometown, everyones hometown scenery is very beautiful all year round, all the year round my hometown scenery is no exception. Now, let me take you to see!

Flowers in full bloom in the spring, my hometown, mild scent into my nose, willow out buds, the river run to edge sing, voice are playing and floret grass, look, they had more time!

Summer, tree-lined, lush foliage, the whole village was very green. The cool under the tree, chat say ground, there are many children play with elder brother in the beautiful summer.

Autumn, cool wind blowing, the orchard fruits, whiteness of cotton in the field... Look! There are many golden ocean. Oh, is the original pieces of paddy fields! The whole village is golden, autumn girl is hiding in a corner to eat the sweet fruit!

Winter, although it does not snow in my hometown, but up in the morning, the fog with frost, leaves and white ice crystals! Little is studied also floating a few piece of ice, and winter brother is comfortable lying asleep on the ice!

The scenery in my hometown all the year round is really beautiful! Do you like? Love can take time to look at! I am very welcome.

Tell you, my hometown is in: the national treasure of fujian quanzhou dehua township, village head.











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My home town is located in from tribute a devious little village. Before a few years, mom, father and I take a car to come home together visit grandmother, . We sit on the way home, all the way of bumpy, the person trembles get be tired out, we should sit almost 5, the car ability of 6 hours returns the home. When bathing in the evening, burn with firewood, because do not have water heater, sleep in the evening, on the bed frosty also, because do not have electric heat blanket. The first when I live in the home night, have to heavy cold, kill so that I was defeated by the fluid of a week. I pledge, after, also do not return old home again. After a few years, mom and father are forcing I take a car to answer native place to visit grandmother. Of my loathing sit on the way home, I write down this paragraph of road is extremely rough calm so, turned cement into the road now, road both sides. Greenery is shady. I want to take the car of a few hours so, be inferior to beautiful now beauty sleep shut-eye. But did not think of, without how long, mom called me to get off, arrived, see watch, still be less than two hours. Really fast! In the evening, when mom calls me to bathe, I am very loath also, but, cannot think of, in me slowly when bathe, I discover grandmother home has water heater. When sleeping in the evening especially, there also is electric heat rug on the bed, worry no longer fall ill caught a cold. Grandmother calls banquet of little one‘s mother‘s sister the dress, I think, this can want a little one‘s mother‘s sister tired bad, so much dress. Think of in accept, little one‘s mother‘s sister loses the dress into washing machine, press finish sth. The change of home town is really big, I also was brought up, I must become home town more beautiful later!




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听大人们说, 解放前,秦皇岛是一座荒凉的小城市,处处是泥泞的道路。现在,曾经肆虐秦皇岛的风沙越来越小了,天空也越来越蓝了,秦皇岛越变越美了。这座现代化的旅游城市有数不清的风景胜地。北戴河碧螺塔,非常别致,引人注目。孟姜女庙记载的孟姜女哭长城的故事可谓家喻户晓。山海关老龙头,是一座名副其实的海陆军事要塞。北戴河鸽子窝公园,万籁俱寂,水天相连,色彩变幻,使人流连忘返。野生动物园营造返朴归真、回归自然的氛围,具有人与自然相融、人与动物相合的旅游特色。南戴河娱乐中心集参与性、刺激性、趣味性、文化性为一体,饱你玩个痛快。北戴河联峰山景区内,山石玲珑,花木繁茂,风光秀丽。在新澳海底世界你可以欣赏到各种美丽的海洋生物。万寿山景区内有雕刻、建筑、书法等多种形式,寿字碑林,大大小小形态各异。燕塞湖不仅富有佳山丽水,更有奇石异景,她像一颗瑰丽的明珠镶嵌在古老的长城边。如果你去秦皇岛黄金海岸,将会有一番惊心动魄的历险,您将以后不会再惧怕人间任何小小的磨难,您将会更加勇敢地去迎接生活的挑战。祖山风景区也是一处以奇险的山景和名秀的水景为主体的旅游胜地,真可谓是画境诗天呀。



奶奶说,改革开放前,秦皇岛的商品极度缺乏,买东西时都要凭票证供应,布票、粮票、肉票、蛋票寄托着全家人的全部希望。如今,秦皇岛的商品丰富起来,一座座巨型的商厦拔地而起,里面各种商品琳琅满目,人流如织。昌黎,青龙两县和山海关区分别被国家林业局授予中国“葡萄之乡”、“中国苹果之乡”和“中国大樱桃之乡” 。丰盛的海产品中螃蟹是秦皇岛主要特产,闻名遐迩的梭子蟹你一定要在秦皇岛当地尝一尝。还有各种蔬菜批发市尝花卉种植基地、粮食批发中心。人们的菜篮子越来越丰富,身上穿的服装也越来越漂亮。

家乡的夏天,火辣辣的太阳向大地释放着无尽的热量。海滩,则成了人们消夏避暑的好地方。脚踏松软的沙滩,享受着徐徐海风的轻抚,让我们搭上一个凉棚,躺在沙滩上,向上方仰望:湛蓝色的天空竟然蒙住了我的眼睛,偶尔,还飘过几朵小白花。 在海里的感觉更好。慢慢走进海水游泳,柔软的波纹在给我抓痒,溅起的水滴还与我嬉戏。再向远处眺望,水和天融为一体,海鸥也有了更加广阔的天地。






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Changes in My Hometown

My hometown used to be a backward place, because it was deep in the mountains, where there were no nice buildings and the roads were so narrow and dirty. People lived a poor life.


While in recent years, with the development of society, my hometown has been greatly changed. Now the roads are getting much wider. There are many different cars and buses running on the roads. Trees and flowers are planted on the two sides of the roads. They can provide us with oxygen and fight against the pollutants. So the sky becomes cleaner and brighter. Whats more, you can see many modern and beautiful buildings everywhere, and the living conditions are improving. People are enjoying a comfortable life now.



Great changes have taken place in my hometown for recent years.big department stores and factories are everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets.with the development of the society,The life of the us is greatly improved.

I used to live in a small house and small houese surround the whole city. the qaulity of our life is very low,people were always worried that they would have no money for using or they can not get what they like. we could seldom see any foreign tourists.

But now, with the support of the government . My hometown has developed quickly and has changed a lot.people are living in a rich and high quality society,almost each person has a car,the transportation is convinient,meanwhile. more and more high buildings are being built which brings our hometown a new look. many wonderful places have been opened up that attracts many tourists.

Also,the people in my hometown are getting busier, everywhere you can see peoples footprints.


In recent years, my hometown has changed greatly, because of new road and railway has been built. Previously, my hometown was closed to the outside world. Several years ago, the government paid much money on changing the basic equipment of my hometown. Building new roads is the biggest project. It took about half a year to build the new road. After finish, people have more methods to make money. And we have more communication with other places, which is a good way to develop ourselves. About two years latter, the railway was built. After that, there have been more and more changes happened in my hometown. Now, my hometown has developed into a big and rich town. People live a happy life.




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我的家乡秦皇岛,它面临渤海,北靠燕山,山清水秀,景色迷人。北戴河海滨是世界闻名的避暑胜地;山海关老龙头是雄伟壮观的万里长城的起点;悬阳洞和孟姜女的传说具有神话色彩;昌黎的黄金海岸人人向往;鸽子窝鹰角亭是观海上日出的好地方;风景秀美的燕塞湖,胜似漓江山水,不亚于长江三峡。家乡的美景和文物古迹吸引了成千上万的中外游客。 夏日炎炎,北戴河海滨却是海风习习,轻风送爽。海滨 到处都开满了五颜六色的鲜花,散发出一阵阵芳香,这里简 直成了花的海洋。引来无数的蜜蜂、蝴蝶翩翩起舞。

这里的 旅游景点很多,东山有秦始皇览胜遗址和具有海滨特色的99 棵松,形态各异,还有金山嘴、鸽子窝、怪楼遗址。南面有 碧蓝的大海和金色的沙滩,风大而无尘。站在海边听着哗哗 的海涛声,看着雪白的浪花互相追逐,偶而溅到礁石上,海 浪花就像朵朵白梅洒落,会使您感到心旷神怡。西面有青翠葱绿的莲蓬山,山顶有凉亭、山上有著名的观音寺、朱家坟、龟托牌、避雨石、响石等古迹引人人胜。 燕塞山水甲天下,果真名不虚传。如果您坐在燕塞湖彩色游艇上,听着导游员的讲述,您就会人迷的。骆驼山,真像一匹大骆驼伸长脖子去喝水;月亮山就像天上那弯弯的月亮;金蟾戏水峰,可真像两只金蟾在那玩水;父子山是两座山峰,一大一小,一模一样,尤如父子;馒头山,像刚出锅还冒着热气的大馒头;华佗采药,啊J可不是,一位身穿长袍的老人,背着药筐,在绿草丛中的山坡上采药呢。

仙女石更有意思,好像刚在湖里洗完澡的仙女,躺在繁花似锦的湖边休息呢。你看,连仙女也想来我的家乡享受一下人间的快乐。剑峰,传说是吕洞宾一剑刺死了坑害百姓的水妖,从此水害变水利,吕洞宾的剑也就留在湖中了。这迷人的景色,这美丽的传说,会使人留连忘返。 当你来到万里长城的起点-一老龙头,登上高大雄伟的澄海楼,回顾历史·浮想联翩。此时,你的民族义愤感和爱国之情就会油然而生。 面对这天连水,水连天,天水一色的壮观景色,我不禁赞叹:我的家乡多么美、多么好!亲爱的朋友们,请到我的家乡来吧!



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Sichuan is located in the Upper Yangtze Valley in the southwestern part of the country. The second largest of the Chinese provinces, it covers an area of 220,100 square miles (570,000 square kilometres). Szechwan is bordered by the provinces of Kansu and Shensi to the north, Hupeh and Hunan to the east, and Kweichow and Yunnan to the south and by the Tibet Autonomous Region to the west and the province of Tsinghai to the northwest. It is the most populous province in China. The name Szechwan means “Four Streams” and refers to the four main tributaries of the Yangtze River, which flows through the province. The capital, Cheng-tu, is located in the centre of the province.

From economic, political, geographical, and historical points of view, the heart and nerve centre of Szechwan is in the eastern basin area, commonly known as the Sichuan, or Red, Basin. Its mild and humid climate, fertile soil, and abundant mineral and forestry resources make it one of the most prosperous and economically self-sufficient regions of China. The area has been seen by some as China in a microcosm and is often viewed as a country within a country. The Chinese call the basin Tien Fu Chih Kuo, which literally means “Heaven on Earth”.



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Today, I want to introduce to you my hometown--particularly coastal. Of course, my hometown because east is sea, is a yellow sea, so just named coastal.

My hometown is in jiangsu province on the north side of yancheng city, although home is poor and backward, and television often see cities are not comparable, also do not have high mountain, not famous scenic spot, but my home have I close-knit family.

My hometown is the vast expanse of the plain, not famous mountains, no treasures and the people are very honest, kind-hearted, and we heard that this area is the sea of alluvial out a relationship, because the land is out of the sand deposition, no earthquakes, floods, not happened are expressed notebook farmers, hard-working simplicity of virtue continue from generation to generation. However, our hometown some local products still amazing, if you heard of zhang guo3 lao3 after eating, the magic of the immortal multiflower knotweed, and legend of the ancient emperor seal was the mosquito qingshui river,

My hometown, people good, well, the future is better, I must be in the introduction of the Internet to see home, home next to the north of China Eurasian continental bridge to head east-edge cloud port, the south is natural wetland scenic spot--MI deer and red-crowned cranes hometown, the distance from the international metropolis Shanghai also but three hours of journey home town, developing the natural harbor-binhai port, a coastal highway after, are building new airport, the train way will give my hometown come again limitless vitality, I have determined to be good friends with good study, with my wisdom and hands build our beautiful home, my hometown coastal must be more beautiful tomorrow.







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The traffic problem is one of themost serious problems in my hometown. Recently, more and more people have privatecar, but the roads are so narrow that we have to fight against the heavytraffic when we go out. Especially during the rush hours, cars and buses areunable to move. To make things worse, many people are killed in the trafficaccidents. How miserable it is!


For the sake of our life andsecurity, some measures must be taken to change the present situation. In thefirst place, as there are a great many cars, we should control the number ofprivate cars and vehicles and use the public transportation more often.Secondly, the government should widen the roads and build more flyovers, so asto ease the traffic pressure and reduce the traffic accidents. In addition, theundergrounds and light rails should be constructed, so that we can have morechoices when going out and do not have to worry about the traffic jams in thefuture.


I believe the traffic problem couldbe solved if we devote our actions to them.




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My hometown is a small town, where beautiful scenery, the green trees and colorful.

Spring, the branches out the pale green branches, grass lazily opened his eyes, the flowers are in full bloom, red, blue, yellow, purple, various and colorful. Flowers are an intoxicating fragrance, attracted a large group of butterflies, butterfly dance in the air, the picture is really beautiful!

Summer arrived, the leaves more green, but also go fishing in the river, that the trees like some of the fighters. Fragrance flowers are also more attractive. Also opened a lotus, lotus leaf is green, is a pale pink lotus, beautiful! Our children like to eat lotus root, lotus pond teeming with fish in the water swimming in droves, were we to catch up, "alive", to see the appearance of begging, it is really poor!!!!

Autumn, geese fly south, while arranged in chevron, then formed a glyph. Under the blue sky, the sky is a piece of golden scene, the wheat is yellow, the leaves are yellow, pieces of the leaves leave the tree mothers arms, "travel" alone. Farmer uncle in this season of coke, also very busy, because of their hard sweat cultivation of wheat mature, they are all busy wheat harvest!

Winter arrived, each snowflakes falling from the sky to the ground, the whole world a piece of white, snow is a flower, white, a knead in hand will melt into water droplets.

My hometown is beautiful, I love my hometown!









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is not only the city where I was born, but also the only place Ive never been able to leave. 5 years ago, I moved from here to another city to begin my college life. The day I left  I felt as a fish out of water.

is the only place where Ive walked past a schoolyard and pictured a future son or daughter of mine playing balls.

I love this city. She’s small and quiet. Every day I live here, I could have the safety feeling which I got when my mother held me in her arms.

I love this city. She is very beautiful and lovely. Everywhere you can see the flowers, grass and trees. The shops are full of all kinds of goods. When you walk in the street, you can feel the gentle wind touching your face and breathe the fresh air.

I love this city. The climate here is very warm which is very suitable for people to do some outdoors activities.

I love this city. She is where I have lived for ____ years with my parents, my good friends, and my teachers who have supported me. She has almost all my memories.

I love the night of . People sit in the gardens of their houses or in the small restaurants, chatting, drinking and enjoying the delicious seafood which is abundant in our city.

I love the suise of . When I was still a little girl, my parents and I used to climb up the hill in the morning to see the suise. When the beautiful sun went up, the gentle breeze brought us the fragrance of the flowers, the golden sunshine made our hair shimmer, and my heart would be filled with hope and happiness!

Maybe someday I will have to leave this city, but no matter where I would go I will never forget this city, its people, its trees and its suise. Yes, everything that it gave me could be given by other places, but my love won’t be changed, because it is my home town.



我爱这座城市。她小而安静。每天我在这里居住, 我都有一种安全感。这种感觉只有当我母亲用双手环抱着我的时候我才能感觉得到。





我爱的日出。当我仍然是一个小女孩的时候, 我的父母和我常常早起爬山去看日出。当美丽的太阳升起的时候,轻柔的微风带给我们花的芬芳,金色的阳光使我们的头发也漾起一层亮色,那一刻,我的心总是充满了希望和快乐!

也许有一天,我将不得不离开这座城市, 但是无论我走到哪里,我都不会忘记、它的人们,它的树和它的日出。是的, 凡是它能给予我的别的城市也可以给与,但实我的爱将永不被改变。因为,这里才是我的家乡.



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My Home Town



(1) 家乡的地理位置;

(2) 解放前的情况;

(3) 解放后的变化;

(4) 对家乡的感情。

My Home Town

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.




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四年级:陈姝含 qyww6688@163.c




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All say that their hometown is good, I am now grand to you to introduce my hometown. My hometown is in the beautiful Yaan Yucheng, she is a pearl of the Sichuan Tibet line, is a beautiful city, an ecological city, the hometown of pandas.

Yaan is located in the throat line of the Sichuan Tibet railway line. It is the main traffic route and the only way for the mainland to contact Tibet. Through the Sichuan Tibet railway line, a steady stream of various materials is sent to Tibet. The geographical position is very important.

Yaan is a very beautiful city. Here rich products, specialty tea, fruit and so on, the mountains here green faint, clear water, vegetation rich, lush trees, like the green ocean.

Yaans unique "Sanya" culture has attracted many foreign friends. "Three" refers to the rain Blair, respectively: female, ya ya, is not very interesting? Want to know, please allow me to say: Ya Yu is one of the characteristics of Yaan, Yaan rain throughout the year are drizzle, the ancient "Ya no three eyes", that is to say Yaan has three consecutive days are sunny, rain as much as can be imagined; elegant womans skin is very moist. Juicy juicy, and this is really about nvwaniangniang. The legend of Nuwa sky when there is a vulnerability, this vulnerability is the place in Yaan, so there are a lot of rain in Yaan, in the sky when the multicolored stone sprinkles water on the elegant woman, so the female skin is very juicy and moist; fish is one of the major specialties of Yaan, Yaan is also unique, it delicious, very rare.

Yaan is the worlds first giant panda discovery, and now in Yaans Bi peak scenic area perennial pandas living for visitors, and if lucky, you can also close contact with the little panda?!

Yaan is also a city with a long history, and the famous upper ancient town is located in Yaan. The houses in the ancient town are very old, and it is really an ancient town! The town also has a "Erxian bridge", all with stone. The legend of the two immortals walk over them, so called "Erxian bridge".

This is my beautiful hometown -- Yaan, a beautiful and ecological city.




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In the past,my hometown was not very big, people lived a poor life. The houses were old and small.Pollution was serious,and there was rubbish everywhere.the traffic was not very convenient that so few people came here.

Now great changes have taken place in my hometown.The environment has become more beautiful.The mountains are all green,the river clearer and the sky bluer.Many people all have thier own cars and have a happy life everyday.And now, every year,thousands of people from all over the world come to visit our hometown.My hometown becomes more and more famous.

Im sure my hometown will become better and better in the future.



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My hometown is very beautiful, people want to stay here forever.

Get up every morning, we can see the smoke-filled lake, the sun shines on the top, the sparkling shine.

In my hometown, the most beautiful autumn.

Every autumn, the maple leaf has become its mainstream. Fruit trees in front of the dolphin family but also to bear the full fruit.

I love home.



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My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.


But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.


In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.


I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.

