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hobbies are very important to a person。 without having any hobby, life wont be as colorful as it should be。 i have a variety of hobbies, such as collecting stamps, playing musical instruments, reading, and doing sport activities。

when i am free, i will spend time on my hobbies。 when i am in a blue mood, i will also do my hobbies to cheer myself up。 hobbies can help us improve our moods。 many hobbies requires devotion。 for example, when you play a musical instrument, you have to practice over and over in order to perform good music。 after a period if you still enjoy it, gradually it will become a hobby of yours。 but, remember: a hobby is like gold under the ground; no hobby will come to you unless you dig it out yourself。

if you can treat study as one of you hobbies, learning will be more enjoyable。 i hope all of you can find your own hobbies and also have fun from them。





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Nowadays, the environment has been polluted seriously. Take my hometown for

example, when I was very small, I could swim in the river and catch fish, but

now, the water is very dirty and there are full of trash. The government has

made many action to return the green and it is everybodys duty to bring the

world some green. March 12th is the tree planting day and students are called to

plant trees. I take part in this activity all the time and the trees I grew last

year have grown much taller. I am so proud of making the world green. Without

it, we could not live for long.



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English is widely used throughout the world.

So many people speak it as a second language. Online, youll find lots of

information in English. If you dont understand English, how can you know more

about the world, how can you get more knowledge. At international conferences,

English is also used as the official language. Without good English, you cannot

express your ideas well at such conferences, neither can you introduce China to

the outside world.



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"Bumper harvest, bumper harvest!"!" Cried one of the fishermen, happily

jumping up like a child. After a while, the full cabin fish alive and kicking,

calm sea filled with coming from all sides of the fishermens


Now, like this "fish and shrimp full cabin" scene has been very rare. In

todays market, is the most common fish pound at least to dozens of yuan, more

serious pollution of the ocean, the ocean resources gradually dried up, seafood

production, prices rise, it illustrates this point?

In the ocean of natural calamities and man-made misfortunes emerge in an

endless stream today, human pollution is often not from the original intention,

but it is caused by the unexpected effect. The British Petroleum oil, because

the drilling platform explosion, caused by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico,

to 9900 square kilometers of sea water is seriously polluted, so that tens of

thousands of seabirds soaked in oil to move, die in hunger and misery, makes

countless fish poisoning death; and the Japanese earthquake and tsunami

triggered a nuclear leak the marine pollution is more serious......

The sea is so vast that it is because the rivers and streams flow into the

Yangtze River and then run into the sea. If we do not solve the pollution

problem from the source, then no matter how people clean up the sea, there will

always be sewage flowing into the sea, and all the efforts will be futile. Now,

streams and streams are often seriously polluted, or they become places where

people dump rubbish or are loaded with pesticide cans. Finding a clear stream in

an inhabited area can be very difficult today!

In any case, the protection of the oceans can not be achieved by individual

forces, and the protection of the oceans depends on the joint efforts of all

mankind. I do not want one day in the future, our descendants can only imagine

the image of the vast and wide sea.

This is not only the wish of a pupil, but also the wish of all mankind,

isnt it?



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A war without gunpowder has started in China, and Wuhan has become the most

serious epidemic area! The number of people infected in Wuhan accounts for

nearly half of the total number of people infected in the country. Wuhan is in a

hurry! At this most critical moment, many medical workers across the country

came forward to support Wuhan at the first time. There is the most dangerous

place, but they go against the trend regardless of their own life safety. They

take the life safety and health of the people as the first priority, and their

greatest commitment and responsibility is to save the dead and help the wounded.

They are soldiers in white, warriors fighting against the virus, the great wall

of steel to protect our health, and the most lovely people in the world!



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The imperial palace, also known as the Forbidden City, is the imperial

palace of the Ming and qing dynasties, which is the largest and most complete

ancient architectural complex in China. I especially want to know the

architecture of ancient palaces and the living environment of ancient


One weekend in the golden autumn, the sun is shining and the autumn wind is

crisp. My mother and I went to visit the Palace Museum in the center of the

city. I was very happy.

Enter the gate of the Forbidden City, "wow! Its so big here!" I couldnt

help it. The mother said, "the most spectacular is still in the back!" We first

visited the architectural model of the imperial palace and its construction. I

know that the imperial palace covers an area of over 720,000 square meters, with

more than 9,000 rooms, all wooden structures, and all the wooden structures have

no nails. The palace is the blue and white stone base, the tall roof, the yellow

glazed tile, the pattern of the dragon everywhere, and decorated with the

brilliant color of the golden wall. I observed all the palaces, and found that

the palaces were lined up along the north-south axis, and spread out to the

sides, to the north and south, and to the right and left. I told mom, I found

mother listen to nod a smile, said: "the central axis not only in the Forbidden

City, and nanda YongDingMen, north to the drum tower, almost throughout the

whole city. Its magnificent, well-planned and spectacular.

We have been visiting the taihe temple from the imperial garden. What a

breathtaking view! In the Forbidden City, the most striking is the "three halls"

: the hall of supreme harmony, the hall of harmony, the hall of protection and

the temple. They are all built on the 8-meter-high base of the white jade, which

looks like the qiong yuyu in the myth. The first hall of supreme harmony was the

most magnificent building. People called it the "throne room". It was the place

where the emperor held the grand ceremony. It is 28 meters high, 63 meters, 35

meters north and south, and a large pillar with a diameter of 1 meter. Among

them, six large pillars, one meter in diameter around the throne, are flat

dragon pillars of leached gold. The throne is located at the base of the two

meters high in the temple, with the graceful crane and the top of the furnace,

followed by a carefully carved screen. The whole hall is decorated with golden

walls, which are both majestic and magnificent. The hall of neutralization was

the place where the emperor went to the hall of supreme harmony to take a rest

and exercise etiquette. Baohe and the temple are the place where the emperor

gives banquet to the king of the foreign land every New Year. This is just the

palace buildings, and house decoration is numerous, the rarities of the mother

said: "these treasures is only part of it, when Chiang kai-shek fled to Taiwan

carried away many treasure palace, there are some loss in a foreign country". I

feel sorry for the loss of these treasures. When will these lost treasures

return to the embrace of the motherland? I am looking forward to the reunion of

Taiwan and mainland as soon as possible.

The visit of the Forbidden City made me linger. The Palace Museum is an

unparalleled masterpiece. It is a miracle. Our five thousand years of Chinese

culture are profound and profound, and we should be proud and proud to have

built such a magnificent palace for the ancients. At the same time, we also have

the responsibility to protect these cultural relics from destruction, so that

the five thousand years of splendid civilization of the motherland will be

handed down.



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Since the first day of my winter vacation, I’ve decided to make it a

valuable and enjoyable one. I made a plan to finish my homework within the first

week, and after days of hard working, I actually got all my assignments done a

day earlier. I am pretty proud of myself for not —as usual —hang out with my

friends until the last few days of my vacation and rush through my homework.

In the rest of my winter vacation, I made up my mind to improve my reading

skills. I’ve had tons of books that I simply bought and put them on my shelf,

wishing some day they would be finished themselves. But this time, I realized I

was not trying my best last term and decided to make some change. I finished a

couple of novels and watched some classic movies, I also went to a library to

borrow some new books for next term. The more I read the more enthusiastic I

became, and now I’ve developed my reading skills a lot.

Another event in my winter vacation is that I went to hiking with my

parents. It was a warm, sunny day, which is pretty precious during winter time.

I can still remember the scene when we drove



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“哒,哒,哒……”一阵急促而又有力的高跟鞋声音伴随着清脆的上课铃声传入我们的耳中。“Good morning my class。”这是我家大大每天必说的一句话,音调从“Good”开始上扬,突出强调“my”,又从“my”开始音调逐渐下缓,这抑扬顿挫的声音,仿佛在很严肃地告诉我们,“来,我的同学们,令人期待的英语课到了,赶快把心收收,认真学习精神粮食吧。”轻快的语气来提醒着我们。这句话对于我来说,则是一整天的“兴奋剂”。虽然我曾多次模仿,但从未超越过。





作业也不甘落后。大大的作业布置真的无话可说,又多又难,但对于我这个英语渣渣来说,我就是很喜欢写英语作业,可能是因为大大订正作业的方式也很独特吧。大大的课堂上,每一道题都是由同学们来解说的,大大就好像是一位leader,慢慢的,小心翼翼地引领着我们去深入那些简单的,有点难的,变态难的那些题目。对于成绩好的同学却没有发挥好,大大会说:“这次做的不好哦,下次要继续努力。”而对于那些有一点点进步的同学,大大则会说:“Terrific”、“Good job”、“Well done”等。但是无论我们做得有多差,只要我们用心,只要我们相比之前有进步,都会受到大大的鼓励。我喜欢写英语作业,应该就是因为这个吧。

大大的课堂氛围也很奇妙。在大大的课堂上,都是吵吵闹闹的,欢声笑语的。在教授新知识时,大大会让同学读课文,然而总有那么几个调皮捣蛋的小朋友读不通顺,这时大大就会说:“好吧,背下来吧。”全班坏笑;听写时,当大大询问我们有没有准备好时,我们都异口同声地说:“没有”,而大大反而笑着说:“一群口是心非的家伙”,全班大笑;布置作业时,大大说:“来,让我们来做几道小题。”结果唰唰唰,原来是几张纸呀,全班苦笑;在订正作业时,“来,某某同学you do。”在发现某同学的单词错误得很离谱时“来,这个单词50遍”全班也是哄堂大笑……但是快乐的时光总是短暂的,英语课堂转瞬即逝。

大大在课下也是十分独特的。就像“Good morning my class”一样“请那些勤奋的小伙伴们到办公室来一趟”也是课后必说的一句话。一听这句话,以我为代表的英语渣渣们就会十分自觉地抱起额外的作业,接成一条小小火车,跟着“火车头”驶向目的地。大大的记忆力尤其好,她可以记得住每个被特别关注的同学最近的学习情况、作业质量。“某某,最近怎么上课没有之前专注啦。”“咦,你今天的作业质量没有之前的好,怎么回事?”对于额外补充作业的小伙伴们:“你做的这几篇有没有什么不懂的呀?”“咦,你错误有点小多唉。”“嗯,不错,有进步,继续下去肯定会有进步的,加油。”……我在心底暗念:这是我见过的所有老师中“小灶”开的最好的一个。俗话说:“笨鸟先飞”,所以我喜欢提前去找大大,因此,我也比别人有更多的“福利”,一颗糖、几粒枣、若干小零食……在我的英语学习过程中,大大如影随形,无处不在。




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Dear Ms. Fu,


I would like you to know that I appreciate the help and support you gave to

me when I was in junior high school. I enjoyed being taught by you immensely.

You are an excellent teacher and inspired me to continue learning with an open

and positive mind.


I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to you for teaching me what

is responsibility. You helped me how to find the best place for myself and look

for the personal values. I remember you gave me a book as a present of the

Spring Festival. You are the first teacher who gave me a present which I was

moved for a long time.


I would further say that you gave me so good memories that I wish I could

go back to that time again. It was you who encouraged me to overcome obstacles.

It was you who cared about my emotions. I appreciate all you have done for me,

which meant so much to me. I hope that this letter brings my best wishes to you

and I once again thank you for giving me those precious memories of my life,

which I shall cherish forever.


Sincerely yours,




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As a student, my main target is to study well and then make progress step

by step. When holiday comes, it is time for me to play, and I should be happy,

while playing all the time makes me feel empty in my heart. I have done nothing

at all. I want to do something meaningful to enrich my life. So a target is

needed for me. I set a small goal, such as, read a book, or help my mother with

her work. Everytime when I finish my target, I will feel so satisfied. The

meaningful life is to do something useful and make you feel happy.



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In haimen there is a park. it’s a big and beautiful park. it has two gates. they are the north gate and the west gate. many people park their bikes in front of the gates.

There is a shop at the north gate. when you go into the park through the north gate, you will find a large square on your right and you will see lots of trees and flowers around you. in the west of the park, there is a playground.

Sometimes some children fly kites on it and some people sit on the grass and chat. in the middle of the park, there is a lake. there are many boats on it. there is a hill in the east of the park.

The park is very beautiful. i love it very much. will you come to visit it some day?



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who gives me birth? who brings me up? who dedicates his/her whole life to me? my parents。

who gives me food? who gives me clothes? who gives me care? my parents。

my parents, they don’t want to get any reward from me。 not only my parents, all the parents in the world don’t charge anything from their children。 they give us everything they can。 they spend their whole life loving me, so i love my parents, too。 since i was given birth, i’ve started to love them even if i didn’t realize it。

it will be the time for my birthday soon。 i want to say to my parents: i love you。




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Today, many people, especially young people, are phone freaks. They are addicted to their mobile phones. They always spend too much time chatting or watching movies on their mobile phones. They have less time to communicate with their friends and family members. They often feel anxious without mobile phones.

Depending on mobile phones too much is a kind of illness. Its bad for health. Looking at the mobile phones too often is bad for our eyes. Playing with mobile phones is a waste of time and gets in the way of study.

Phones can help us communicate more easily and know more about whats happening around the world. If we can use them at proper time and proper situations, they can help us have a better, happier life.



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Traveling is moer and more popular in the modern world.it helps us open our

eyes and learn knowledge differden places.so i thing traveling is helpful for


When we are free during the holiday ,we can go to some beautiful places to

relax ourselves .w hile we are in different pleaces ,we will have a wonderful

feeling in all we see,there we can eat all kinds of delicious food,visit many

places of interest or something else.

On the other hand ,traveling will help us learn lots of local cultures

,people’s lives there ,sometimes you can make some new friends,it also can make

your life colorful.to us students mwe can relax ourselves from the busy studying

life,we can use these experiences in our studying.

So if you have time ,traveling is the best way to relax yourself the more

places you travel,the mare you will learn.



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We take a holiday of 7 days because of the National Day.As we all

know,October 1 is the National Day of China in Gregorian calendar.

In the holiday I went to visit the Yellow River Forest Park togeter with

three of my classmates.It was very boring when staying in the bus for a long

time,which made me doze off all the time,and at some time,I nearly struck my

head on the chair in the front of me.After two hours journery by bus,we finally

got to the park.But to my disappoint,there was nothing interesting here,except

some quiet normal things. Compared with the my school I stayed in,here was very

noisy and messy.

Though the park is beside the Yellow River,the air is still a little smelly

because there are a lot of animals such as horses,cocks and so on here,which

make lots of wastes every day while few people clean them. In a word,the park is

not so good as I had expected,and I felt unsatisfied about it.
