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The bell rang and the class was over. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom. I was just chatting with some of my classmates when Li Hong came to me. She smiled and said to me, "Whats four minus four? Do you know?" "Its zero. That is easy." answered I.

But Li Hong shook her head and said "Its wrong. Its eight." "Why? Thats impossible!" "You will understand if you cut down four corners of a desk." said Li Hong. "Is that a joke?" "Oh, yes." We all laughed. During the class break, we had a good rest. We often have a pleasant break.




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I went to the Forest Park with my old friend this Thursday. Although it was hot, we had a wonderful time there. We played a lot, such as corsair, bumper cars, Arabian Flying Blanket and so on. We felt excited indeed. That day was also my friend’s birthday. I bought a comic strip for her because she likes cartoon very much. She also invited me to her new flat to play. At last she gave me a heart made of crystal. She really moved me. On Sunday afternoon our translating group had finally finished all chapters! I was really excited. Although our translation was not very fluent and nice, even a little abrupt, it was our outcome. It was our effort. When I saw my name on the heroic translator list, I was really proud of myself.



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I have experienced a lot of interesting things in this winter holiday, and the most interesting of them is the Spring Festival.

In the evening of February 17th, aunt and uncle went to our home and spent the Spring Festival with my family. My aunt and aunt came here, and I went up to them to greet them. I smiled and said, "wish aunt and uncle a happy new year." "I wish you a happy new year and good academic progress." Then, the aunt from her bag and took out a big red envelopes for me, I opened one, wow, there are 1000 yuan!

I took the money carefully into the red bag, held the red bag in my hand, and flew into the room and put it in the drawer. Time to eat, everyone excited to come to the dinner table, dinner can be really big ah! There is Eight Delicacies Rice, Double cooked pork slices, fried octopus, ten dishes, all my love, I see slobber to flow out. Everyone sat on the seat and began to eat after each others blessing. The meal was finished, I was full of food and full, and the belly drum was like a big ball.

Its eight oclock. Lets watch the Spring Festival party together. The Spring Festival Gala programs can be really wonderful ah, there are humorous sketches, beautiful dance, songs of various exquisite beyond compare, everybody clap. I love comedy starring Zhao Benshan "plan", it is very interesting, I laugh all stomach pain, their mother is laughing. The Spring Festival evening finished, we went to the outside put firecrackers, firecrackers have all kinds of types of Mantianhong, cupola, the lamp...... The number is not over.

My father got a cigarette, pointing to a string of firecrackers and said to me: "come, you go to that point." I took the cigarette, slowly walked to the string of firecrackers, put the cigarette head to lead to "burn!" I screamed and ran as fast as a rabbit hid behind my mother. Snapping me tight over his ears, eyes closed. Pau finished everyone see me, laugh, I also smiled. I have a very happy Spring Festival this year, and I look forward to the early arrival of the Spring Festival next year. .



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1、 运动的作用可以代替药物,但所有的药物都不能替代运动。——蒂素

2、 以自然之道,养自然之身。——欧阳修

3、 一个埋头脑力劳动的人,如果不经常活动四肢,那是一件极其痛苦的事情。 ——列夫•托尔斯泰

4、 我生平喜欢步行,运动给我带来了无穷的乐趣。 ——爱因斯坦

5、 世界上的一切伟大运动都与某种伟大理想有关。 ——泰戈尔

6、 生命在于运动。 ——伏尔泰

7、 生命在于矛盾,在于运动,一旦矛盾消除,运动停止,生命也就结束了。 ——歌德

8、 生命需要运动。——亚里斯多德

9、 生命就是运动,人的生命就是运动。——列夫、托尔斯泰

10、 生活多美好啊,体育锻炼乐趣无穷。 ——普希金

11、 身体虚弱,它将永远不全培养有活力的灵魂和智慧。——卢梭

12、 身体的健康因静止不动而破坏,因运动练习而长期保持。 ——苏格拉底

13、 散步促进我的思想。我的身体必须不断运动,脑筋才会开动起来。 ——卢梭

14、 日复一日地坚持练下去吧,只有活动适量才能保持训练的热情和提高运动的技能。 ——塞涅卡

15、 人在运动中的时候,总是想替自己设想这个运动的目标。为了要走一千里路,人必定要想走了这一千里便有好东西。为了要有运动的力量,就必须有一个渴望到达的目的地。 ——列夫•托尔斯泰

16、 人生的本质就在于运动,安谧宁静就是死亡。 ——帕斯卡

17、 人们的举止应当象他们的衣服,不可太紧或过于讲究,应当宽舒一点,以便于工作和运动 ——培根

18、 起居之不时,饮食之无节,侈于嗜欲,而吝于运动,此数者,致病之大源也。 ——王国维

19、 跑跑跳跳浑身轻,不走不动皮肉松。——佚名

20、 每日频行,必身轻目明,筋节血脉调畅,饮食易消,无所壅滞。——《养生要录》

21、 没有革命的理论,就不会有革命的运动 ——列宁

22、 流水不腐,户枢不蠹,动也。——吕不韦

23、 历史上,任何一个阶级,如果不推举出自己组织运动和领导运动的政治领袖和先进代表,不就可能取得统治地位 ——列宁

24、 夏游泳,冬长跑,一年四季广播操。

25、 生命在于矛盾,在于运动,一旦矛盾消除,运动停止,生命也就结束了。——歌德

26、 静止便是死亡,只有运动才能敲开永生的大门。——泰戈尔

27、 静而少动,体弱多病;有静有动,无病无痛。

28、 冬天动一动,少闹一场病;冬天懒一懒,多喝药一碗。

29、 每日频行,必身轻目明,筋节血脉调畅,饮食易消,无所壅滞。——《养生要录》

30、 锻炼身体要经常,要坚持,人和机器一样,经常运动才不能生锈。——朱德

31、 饭后百步走,活到九十九;饭后三百步,不用进药铺。

32、 科学的基础是健康的身体。——居里夫人

33、 运动劲出来,歇着病出来。

34、 努力发展体育事业,把我们的国民锻炼成为身体健康精神愉快的人。——朱德

35、 若要身体健,天天来锻炼。

36、 只有运动才可以除去各种各样的疑虑。——歌德

37、 运动好比灵芝草,何必苦把仙方找。

38、 运动的作用可以代替药物,但所有的药物都不能替代运动。(法国医学家——蒂素)

39、 身体虚弱,它将永远不全培养有活力的灵魂和智慧。(德国诗人——卢梭)

40、 在于运动,也在于静养。养生宜动,养心宜静,动静适当,形神共养,培元固本,才能使身心。

41、 运动的好处除了强身之外,更是使一个人精神保持清新的最佳途径。

42、 健康是的主要因素,锻炼是健康的重要保证。

43、 灵感——莫过于运动 生命在于运动! 运动是生命的源泉 一切乐境,都是由运动而来一切苦境,也可由运动解脱

44、 努力发展体育,把我们的国民锻炼成为身体健康精神的人。(朱德)

45、 一个民族,老当益壮的人多,那个民族一定强;一个民族,未老先衰的人多,那个民族一定弱。(皮埃尔•顾拜旦)

46、 生命在于运动(法国启蒙思想家——伏尔泰)

47、 科学的基础是健康的身体(波兰科学家——居里夫人)

48、 运动的作用可以代替药物,但所有的药物都不能替代运动。(法国医学家——蒂素)

49、 身体虚弱,它将永远不全培养有活力的灵魂和智慧。(德国诗人——卢梭)

50、 生命在于运动,也在于静养。养生宜动,养心宜静,动静适当,形神共养,培元固本,才能使身心健康。

51、 运动的好处除了强身之外,更是使一个人精神保持清新的最佳途径。


篇5:初一年级英语作文:My Computer

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My Computer

When I was in grade four in primary school, my father taught me how to use computer. After that, I was very interested in playing computer. I watched movies, played computer games, searched the Internet and listened to the music on computer. Because my father must work in his computer, so he bought another for me. I was very happy that I had my own computer. It was put in the study. I am always very careful to use my computer, because I am worried I would break. I often chat with my net friends. Because of my computer, I make many friends who have many in common. Of course, I use my computer in study. There are resources on the Internet. I can learn more after class. It does great help to me.



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今年是奥运年,是体育运动的象征,我爱满跑,我喜欢体育运动,因为他是我们健康的象征和灵魂的真缔。希望每个人都有一项自己喜爱的体育运动。 体育运动作文(二)


“通知,通知,今天下午举行跳绳比赛,希望 参赛选手做好准备。”听到这熟悉的声音,我的心跳加快了速度,因为我很光荣的被选上了。“参加跳绳比赛的同学 下楼练习,第一节体育课不用去上。”听到老师 那温柔的声音,我们各各神采飞扬的跑下楼去。


时间 过得可真快。我们站在那里看其它年级的同学比赛,他们真是花样百出,我们看着都想笑。终于轮到我们五年级了,先上场的是五·一班,我们这是才想起来练习,我们跟着五·一班一起跳,看谁跳得多。


星期一升旗时,老师宣布获奖名单,这次我的心跳再次加快了速度,我看着他们各各获得优异的成绩,我羡慕 不已,虽然这次比赛我并没有取得好的成绩,但我相信,我只要不断的练习,在下一次跳绳比赛时,我一定会取得优异的成绩。

我非常喜欢 做体育运动,不管是什么运动。

我在体育运动的同时自己也感到非常快乐 ,心情也会变得愉快。 体育运动作文(三)








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When autumn comes, I feel so excited, because the sports meeting comes. I

like sports so much. When I was very small, my father took me to watch the

basketball match, in the long time, sports have become part of my life. When I

started to come to school, I join the basketball team, I had the great time to

practice with my friends. Though high school life is very busy and I have to

learn so many subjects, I still keep taking exercise everyday. Sports meeting

time is my favorite time in the semester. I can take part in many activities,

such as basketball and high jump. I am full of energy, I just want to enjoy the

moment of taking exercise. Sports meeting indeed brings students many energy and

make the students become active. They can also exercise their bodies.



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Chinese people are now face to a serious problem--pollution. And this problem is a little bit different from others--the goverment can not solve it by themselves. We need everyone to protect our environment. But we also know that it is very hard to call everyone to join us to protect the environment. But it seems that they have found the way to let everybody know it. In a report, Anhui Daily called on residents to help protect the river against pollution. I am so glad about it. And i believe that somewhere the pollution must stop.



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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition about an opening speech. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 表明你的身份和事件

2. 对到场领导老师的支持予以感谢并阐述体育运动所带给大家的好处

3. 宣布运动会开幕并预祝此次运动会取得成功.

An Opening Speech

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning! I am Oscar, the spokesman of the Students Union. On behalf of the Students Union, the main organizer of todays sports meeting, I welcome you all to the beautiful stadium. After two months preparation, our annual sports meeting is held on schedule.

Thanks to the support and help from our school leaders and teachers. Though they have many school responsibilities, they have taken time off to take part in our sports activities. Lets give them a big hand. Through sports, we can not only develop our physical prowess, but also promote social and emotional skills, and even intellectual skills, which will matter in our future lives substantially. So hope everybody here cherish this opportunity and enjoy it.

At last, best wishes for the success of the sports meeting and best wishes for the good results of our athletes. It is my pleasure to announce the open of the sports meeting. Thank you and good luck!




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从次以后,我更喜欢跳绳了,因为它使我懂得了世上无难事只怕有心人总这句话,总之一句话:I like skip。




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This week I mostly stayed at home and did some homework. Last Saturday HP6 had just come out. And many Harry Potter fans went to buy it. I did’t buy it because it was too expensive, but I downloaded it on the Internet. It was in English. Many people went on translating as soon as the book came out. I also took part in it and became a part of the translating group. From this group, I first realized that my English was so poor. I needed to look up in the dictionary all the time. It was really troublesome. But I withheld and withheld. I had translated many paragraphs. I was the youngest among the translators, but I didn’t feel there was much pressure. This work was hard but I really felt happy. We had already finished nearly 20 chapters



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The Chinese sport shooter I like best is Wang Yifu who was in terms of Olympic medals one of the most successful sport shooters of all times. He specializes in the 50 m Pistol and 10 m Air Pistol events.

Wang won his first Olympic medal in the Los Angeles games at the age of 23. After this, the Air Pistol event was added to the program, and this is where he has achieved his greatest accomplishments. He won the 1992 gold medal only days after a new medal in the 50 m event. His three attempts to repeat the victory have provided impressive results and very tight duels:

In the 2004 competition, Wang scored 590 once more, but lost the Olympic record to Mikhail Nestruev who achieved 591. However, Wang Yifu chased quickly and eventually won by a margin of 0.2 points to get his second Olympic gold.

I like Wang Yifu, and I also like his great sprite.








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Recently, I was so shocked by the news that a young boy died of violence

after his parents sent him to a private school. The slogan of the private school

was to help parents correct kids bad behaviors. A lot of parents choose to send

their kids here after they giving up educating their kids. The public blamed the

parents for not educating their children in the right way. There is no doubt

that the root of kids problems come from family. Many parents always force the

children to do what they want and ignore the kids feelings, so they will go

against the elders thoughts. Finally, the parents lose temper. The elder should

show respect to the kids. Communication can solve the problem. When the children

receive love and understanding from parents, they will be nice persons.



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smile, how warm the word is! it can make anyone happy. and this happiness is from the bottom of heart.

it’s not like enthusiastic laughter, but just warm, makes your heart warm.

mother’s smile is like a spring wind, so gentle when you are sad, it can make you happy again; when you fail, it can make you stand up and work hard again; when you give up, it can make you try your best again…

smile, so easy, but also so useful.

| so, let’s learn to smile. everyone needs others’ smile. when we give others a smile, we will feel happy, too. and maybe next time, when you need a smile, the person who received your smile will give it to you.

let’s learn to smile often, i believe it can even make the whole warm. living with a smile, every day will be sunshine.



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Last year,I had a good holiday in Dalian,I went to the summer camp with my brother.It was such a wonderf journey.I played the water with my brother.And in the afternoon,we had lunch on the grass.Our food was made in the fast food restaurant.It was so delicious that my brother and I all liked it.And in the evening,I finished my homework,then I helped my brother study the English grammar.Then we went to bed .

What a beautiful day!But we couldnt stay there for a long time.So I decided that I must study hard and then go into the universities in Dalian.



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Someone says: are you a silkworm, spit of the continuous filament and die. Someone says: you are the candle, to the best of the last drop of tears to illuminate the dark night sky; Someone said, you are the morning dew, often before dawn, moistens the land silently all things... You, is my respected teacher, non-existent.

Non-existent with tall, round face, with two arch eyebrows on his forehead, under the arch eyebrows with a pair of bright and sharp eyes, she has a plausible mouth, a smile, mouth petal meniscus as quiet.

Non-existent at ordinary times is very strict with our requirements. Each lesson learned to write the book of copying, will ask us to write the word is very good, to write bad words will never let go, until it is written. Words because some students in our class wrote too fast and some bad, non-existent will let them change to come over, we all have greatly improved.

Non-existent also care about us. Remember once, I was a bit uncomfortable, go to the clinic under temperature, amount of 37.5 degrees, non-existent just said to me: "if uncomfortable, he said to the teacher, the teacher will and parents said." Non-existent for we really care about.

Teacher, I salute you! Is that you get ignorant we into the space of knowledge, sowing love with you that like the sound of a song! Like a candle, burn yourself, you give we lit the fire of hope, with your persistent enthusiasm to guide us to open our science maze! Thank you, teacher!








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Jane liked sports. Her school sports meeting would be held on May 4. She had entered for(报名参加) the high jump and the long jump races, and the other girls in her class were sure she would win both. Then ten days before the sports meeting, when Jane climbed the hill she was wounded(受伤) in her left leg.

Her first thought(考虑) was for the sports meeting. Would her leg be all right by May 4? Some of her friends sent her to the hospital. The doctor said it was not serious. Janes left leg was much better by the end of April, and on May 4 she was able to run and jump at sports.
