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People always say that love from father is as strong as the mountain, which

gives us the great strength to move on. In Chinese traditional role, father is

described to be a quiet man but the way he loves you can be seen all the time,

while love from western father are much obvious. There always hug and kiss

between children and parents. My father is a classic quiet father. He doesnt

talk much, but he will never miss any moment that is important for me. When I

have performance in school, he must be one of the audience, no matter how busy

he is. Before I sleep, he will help me check on my homework. I love my





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Military Training

In our country, when we go to middle school, we must attend to the military training. Most students are afraid of it, because the training often happens in hot summer. In summer days, the weather is too hot to stand. But students have to stay outside all the day. In addition, the training is very hard. Students have to learn to be a solder. They have to obey many rules that they don’t have to in daily life. And the trainer is very strict to students. They do like our teachers who care us patiently. However, military training is a good way to train students’ strong will power. It’s useful to the life of students. Therefore, it’s necessary to student.






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The year of 2015 is coming now,and now I have made my new year plan as follows:

In this year,I want to improve my English and Chinese,because I am not good at them,and I am not good at writing too.I want to spend a lot of time on them to practise .I will try my best .

I want to learn how to swim better this summer,because swimming is a good way to keep healthy.There is a swimming pool near our school .

I will go there with my best friend after school.He will help me .We‘ll have a good time.



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My home in Canton, there are many high-rise buildings, as well as delicious old fire, where large and the United States Park, the grass looks green it would stifle the trees grow tall and straight, flowers opened again bright and beautiful. There is also the countrys largest book center, I often go to the library to buy books, pay the cashier that in the little girl is me!



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今年的春节我是跟随妈妈在天津老家过的。到家后,我看到很多家的窗户上贴满了各式各样的窗花,有人物、有花草、还有许多小动物……一个个形态逼真,好看极了。妈妈说,过年的时候贴这些,是 为了在新的一年里万事如意,幸福平安。还说在老家春节还有一项重要的事情,那就是逛古文化街,并答应第二天就带我去。

古文化街位于海河的西岸,这里街道不宽,入口处有一个很大的牌坊,上面写着“津门故里”四个大字。我不解的问妈妈,“津门”是天津的门吗?妈妈仔细的对我解释说,“天津”这个名字,是过去的 皇帝给起的,“津”是渡口,也就是坐船的码头,古代皇帝又称作“天子”,所以天津的含义就是天子渡河的地方。真是有意思,一个地名都有这么多的说法。

街道两边的各种店铺都是些仿古建筑,大多雕梁画栋、古色古香,中国味十足。有卖食品的、字画的、剪纸的,还有卖泥人和年画的,各色物品琳琅满目。妈妈看我对泥人张彩塑和年画很感兴趣,就对 我说,这些都是家乡有名的传统民间艺术,一块泥巴在师傅的手中能做出成千上万种的各色物品,很是神奇。年画上的内容也都有讲究,什么《五谷丰登》、《迎春接福》,表示的是过年的喜庆和家乡 人对生活的美好愿望。妈妈还说,等你长大了,去更多的地方,会懂得更多、更多… …




去年,我和爸爸妈妈回家过春节。春节那天早上,家家户户喜气洋洋,放鞭炮、挂灯笼、贴对联……忙忙碌碌。爷爷奶奶在杀鸡、杀鸭、蒸年糕、炸麻团,准备一些贡品去祠堂烧香祭拜祖先。我和爸爸 妈妈忙着贴对联、挂灯笼。

中午,全家人到娘舅家吃饭,爸爸给老太发压岁钱,我也收到了好几个红包,我开心极了。晚上,爷爷奶奶准备了一桌丰盛的晚餐,亲戚都到我家来吃年夜饭,大家聚在一起,有说有笑,非常热闹。吃 完饭,我们就一起放烟花,看着烟花在空中绽放,有红的、黄的、绿的、蓝的……五彩缤纷,光彩夺目,美丽极了!在烟花冲向天空的那一刻,我就开始闭眼许愿,我希望全家人身体健健康康的,每天 都快快乐乐的。

等到晚上十二点,外面就响起了噼里啪啦的鞭炮声,家家户户要打开大门迎财神爷。大年初一早上,我们全家都穿了新衣服,爷爷奶奶在家泡茶,接待来拜年的客人,有小孩来拜年就要发给小孩橘子。 我和爸爸妈妈出门拜年,回家时提了满满一袋橘子呢,我可高兴了!





除夕夜,那可是热闹非凡啊,大家准备一年最有意思的团圆饭,煮好饭,大大小小必须祭拜祖宗,最后长幼依序跪拜,呵呵,最快乐的时候,当然是放鞭炮了,一整夜,连续放。“啪啪啪”可热闹了 !家家放烟花,五颜六色,可美了。这晚,大大小小的,都在欢迎新的一天——正月初一!

正月初一,虽然没有除夕热闹,但是也挺好玩的。这天,家家户户,男女老少穿新衣,出去拜年。晚上,长辈得给小辈压岁钱。其实意味一年财源滚滚,健健康康。我们还要祝福所有亲戚朋友,美好 祝福。因为潮州人说过:“有心拜年,初一初二,没心拜年,初三初四。”所有亲戚朋友,都争先恐后祝福大家。

有趣的元宵,这天除了吃元宵,家乡那里可是好玩了,每当吃完饭,走在大街,你会看见有些人在开始舞狮了。舞狮由两个人合办一只大狮子,一个扮小狮子,则另一个扮武士,狮子那些可爱,好玩 的姿态,逗得大家笑了。千姿百态,妙趣横生,大家来不及鼓掌了。







除夕到了,我们家早上就要洗澡,洗完澡后吃中饭。快到晚上时,我们要烧香拜佛,就是把菩萨放在桌子上,两旁放两个蜡烛,把蜡烛点燃,最后面对菩萨磕三个头就行了。拜完佛,我们家还要下 去为死去的祖宗烧纸,其实这种纸叫假钱,给祖宗烧纸,也就是给祖宗送“钱”。“这是老太太的,那是……”爷爷把“钱”一个一个的分好,就准备开始烧了。烧完纸后,就准备吃团圆饭了。晚饭开 吃了!团圆饭开吃了!20xx年最后的晚饭开始了!团圆饭的饭菜十分丰富,腊月下旬留得鸡鸭鱼肉大部分都展现出来了:肉丝(青椒肉丝里的肉丝)、大鱼、牛肉、鸡鸭……这么多菜,足够我的口胃了 。吃完饭,我开始放炮了,放完炮,等到十二点。为了迎接新的一年,我们全家下去放鞭炮,“轰——轰——轰——轰——……”到处都是这样的响声。鞭炮放完,我回家睡觉了。

过年有四天:除夕、初一、初二、初三。在初一初二初三里,大人几乎都在拜年,都在买礼物送给亲朋好友。而我们小孩,白天在家不是玩电脑,就是看电视 。而晚上,许多小孩跑到楼下放炮,什么 “调皮猫”呀,什么“疯狂坦克”呀……各种各样的炮,十分地好玩。




到了除夕,人们格外忙碌,家家赶做年菜,方圆十几里都能闻到酒肉的香味。有的人家正在做炸货,有的人家正在蒸年糕,有的人家正忙着买新衣服······ 在这天,人们在门外贴上了红 红的对联,屋里贴上了各式各样 的年画。处处洋溢着新年的气息。

除夕夜里 ,在外地工作的人们,不管回家的路程有多遥远,工作有多忙碌,都会回到家,与家人一起吃年夜饭,看春晚,等待新年的到来,那场面别提有多温馨了!

“噼里啪啦,噼里啪啦······ ” 天还没亮,家家户户就开始迎接新年了。家家洋溢着欢乐的笑声,大人们忙着包饺子,下饺子,小孩子们忙着穿新衣,放鞭炮。


瞧!刚上幼儿园的小弟弟,还没等大人们回过神来,已经给爷爷、奶奶磕起了头,嘴里还不停地喊着:“拜年喽,拜年喽!”爷爷奶奶高兴的掏出了压岁钱。小弟弟接过钱,忙转身,跑向老奶奶 ,“扑通”一声跪在老奶奶面前,大声喊着:“老奶奶,我给您磕头啦!”接着,磕个不停。老奶奶忙站起来,边扶小弟弟边说:“快起来,快起来,好孩子!”淘气的小弟弟好像没听到老奶奶的话一 样,继续在磕。老奶奶这才明白过来,忘了拿压岁钱了,忙转身,去拿早已准备好的压岁钱,小弟弟接过钱,高兴地跑了。看到这一幕,满屋的人哄堂大笑。




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national day plan

with the coming of national day, i have a one week holiday.

i really expect to it, because i want to have a short trip during these days.

i will travel tojiuzhaivalleywith my parents for three days.

i have heard that the scenery ofjiuzhaivalleyis very beautiful in autumn and it’s the best time to travel there.

autumn is my most favorite season so i want to enjoy the beauty of such a wonderful place.

i do some preparations for this trip.

for example, i search the internet to see the travel raiders and i have known where the most attracting place is and where to live in.

i am sure it will be a wonderful journey.

there are only several days for the coming trip, but i have been too excited to wait.



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如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头就可以是:Last month, my family went to Huangshan by train. It took us ten hours to get there. What a long and tiring journey! We were tired but the beautiful scenery excited us.


如“The Time and the Money(时间和金钱)”的开头可以是:Most people say that money is more important than time. But I don’t think so. First, when money is used up, you can earn it back,but?



在描述事件或游记类的文章中,采用回忆性的开头往往更能吸引人的眼球。这种类型的开头中通常含有描述自己心情或情绪的词汇,如never forget (永远无法忘记), remember (记得),unforgettable (难以忘怀的), exciting(令人激动的),surprising(令人惊讶的), sad (难过的)……如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头还可以这样写:I will never forget my first trip to Huangshan. 或It was really an unforgettable experience I had.



如“Planting Trees(种树)”的开头可以是:Have you ever planted trees? Don’t you think planting trees is ……

再如“Traveling Abroad(出国之旅)”的开头可以是:If you have an opportunity to travel abroad, why not consider Singapore?



如“Catching Thieves (捉贼)”的开头可以这样写:I lay in bed in the hospital. I smiled at my friends even though my legs hurt. Do you want to know what happened to me? Let me tell you. It’s a … story.








如“Helping the Policeman(帮助警察)”的结尾可以是:The two children were praised by the police and they felt happy.

再如“The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)”的结尾可以是:When the hare got to the tree, the tortoise had already been there。


如“I Love My Hometown(我爱家乡)”的结尾可以是:I love my hometown, and I am proud of it.


如 “Learning English can Give us a Lot of Pleasure (学英语能为我们带来许多乐趣)” 的结尾可以是:If we learn English well, we can …Don’t you think learning English is great fun?



如“A Letter to the Farmers(给农民们的一封信)”的结尾可以是:I hope the farmers’life will be better and better. 另外,书信的结尾常有以下形式的祝福语:Best wishes;I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year;I wish you have a good time等。





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Generally speaking, life in high school is busy and fulfilling, due to the

ultimate goal---College Entrance Examination. Many people say that there is no

fun left but bored study and endless exercises. However, as a high school

student, I can’t agree with them. Personally, I live a fruitful but happy life

in high school. It can’t be denied that study is my priority that I must spend

most of my time and energy on it. Sometimes, study may make me frustrated or

even drive me crazy, but I still can adjust my mood to enjoy my life. Besides, I

can also get a sense of achievement when I do well in my study or make progress.

The most important is that my friends bring much happiness to me and my parents’

care inspires me to go on. I think friends in high school are my best friend

forever, because they know me a lot and witness all of my emotions. They are the

persons who grow with me. In addition, teachers in high school care much about

our students both in study and life, and classmates are always friendly to each

other. We build deep friendship together. All of these make up my fruitful life

in high school, which I will cherish forever.



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I am a shy girl, when my teachers ask me the questions, I will always low down my head and answer them with small voice. Because of my character, I miss the chances to make myself stand out and I also don’t have many friends. I really want to change my situation, I don’t want to be a stand by anymore, I want to be part of the group. So I force myself to join the class activities, I find I enjoy them and I talk to my classmate a lot. I become active and start to try more things, I take part in the debate competition and show my ability, I find my stage.

我是一个害羞的女孩,当我的老师问我问题,我总是低下我的头低, 小声音回答。因为我的性格,我错过了让自己脱颖而出的机会,我也没有很多朋友。我真的想改变我的处境,我不想成为旁观者了,我想成为班里的一部分。所以我强迫自己参加班级活动,我发现我爱上这些活动,跟同学有个很多交流。我变得活跃,开始尝试更多的东西,我参加了辩论比赛,展现我的能力,我找到舞台




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I will be a middle school student soon. when I look back on my pass days, I

find myself don’t make a difference, I play most of the time and don’t focus on

my study. Now I make up my mind. In the future days, I must study with all my

heart and learn as more as possible. So that I can store something for the




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Spring Festival is my favourite festival. This years Spring Festival is in February 8th.

On New Years Eve, everyone will wear new clothes. My parents and I will go to the Grandpa and grandmas home to eat Nian Yefan. This is the tradition of our family. At the dinner table, my grandmother will prepare a lot of dishes for us to cook hot pot.

These dishes are very delicious. Everyone ate very happy. We have forgotten the troubles of the past year, happy to greet the new year. After dinner, I will go back home with my parents. In eight, I will be fireworks at the

threshold of our home.

They are very beautiful. Doing this will make me feel very happy. After I put the fireworks, I will watch the Spring Festival Gala. The Gala adds a mood of celebration in the house as people laugh, discuss and enjoy the performance. At eleven, my parents gave me 200 yuan. This is my years new years money. 0 ocolck, the new years bell sounded, we have ushered in the new year. I made a wish. I hoped that that we could have a happy and healthy life next year and everyone in my family could be happy.



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Recently, I saw an interested video that was shot by a young foreigner. He

played two roles-a Chinese mother and an American mother. He imitated the

reaction about how the mothers treated their children in education. It was so

obvious that Chinese mothers took care of their children all the time and they

would do all the things for them. While the American mothers focused on the

childrens independence. They would ask the kids to do housework and when they

grew up, they asked the kids to move out. Both parents showed different ways to

love their children and their love was equal, for every mother is a great




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The traffic problem is one of themost serious problems in my hometown. Recently, more and more people have privatecar, but the roads are so narrow that we have to fight against the heavytraffic when we go out. Especially during the rush hours, cars and buses areunable to move. To make things worse, many people are killed in the trafficaccidents. How miserable it is!


For the sake of our life andsecurity, some measures must be taken to change the present situation. In thefirst place, as there are a great many cars, we should control the number ofprivate cars and vehicles and use the public transportation more often.Secondly, the government should widen the roads and build more flyovers, so asto ease the traffic pressure and reduce the traffic accidents. In addition, theundergrounds and light rails should be constructed, so that we can have morechoices when going out and do not have to worry about the traffic jams in thefuture.


I believe the traffic problem couldbe solved if we devote our actions to them.




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With the development of technology, today, our life is facilitated with all

kinds information sources. We can read books on the Internet, which is much

convenient than buying the books in the stores. I like to read E-books, because

there are many advantages. First, I can save a lot of money. Downloading the

E-books is for free, I can find all kinds of free sources. It is good for

students because they can save the money. Second, I can save a lot of time. Some

books are not easy to be found in the bookstore, sometimes I need to go to

several shops. But if I search the Internet, then the information is in front of

me. How fast it is.



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Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air. It is the season for baseball which is often called the national sport because of its popularity. I usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the little leagues. During the summer I like to go to the beach often because it is very close to my home in the village. I usually go there bur in the summer vacation to relax after many months in school in the city. I feel very comfortable with the familiar quiet of the villagers.






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"Ah! My hometown has changed! "I cried with joy.

The change in my hometown is really big in these years! It used to be dirty and smelly, and there was a lot of junk in it. There were no trees on the hillside, only one tree stump. Around us there are some factory chimneys discharge smoke, gas, disorderly discharge, even lead to the surrounding trees, flowers and plants, all become withered yellow, often stink in the river, some fish died, rarely see the figure of a bird. Because of the bad environment, the air is seriously polluted and people often get sick.

With the improvement of peoples living standards, the awareness of the environment has improved greatly. Now people no longer throw garbage, factory construction also becomes a green plant, factory around trees and flowers in full bloom, the air becomes pure and fresh, the river water becomes clear gone, the water is very little fishes. Every year on March 12, people will plant trees with shovels and saplings, and now the trees are thick and the birds often sing on the branches. The environment is better, and peoples mood is better and healthier.

The changes in my hometown made me love my hometown more and helped me to study harder and work harder for a better home.



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Almost everyone knows the famous Chinese saying:A young idler,an old beggar. Throughout history,we have seen many cases in which this saying has again and again proved to be true.

It goes without saying that the youth is the best time of life,during which ones mental and physical states are at their peaks. It takes relatively less time and pains to learn or accept new things in a world full of changes and rapid developments. In addition,one is less likely to be under great pressure from career,family and health problems when young. Therefore,a fresh mind plus enormous energy will ensure success in different aspects of life.

Of course,we all know:no pains,no gains. If we dont make every effort to make good use of the advantages youth brings us,it is impossible to achieve any goals. As students,we should now try our best to learn all the subjects well so that we can be well prepared for the challenges that we will face in the future.




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The river in my hometown has a beautiful name— Xiaoqing River.The water in the river is nice and clean just like its nice name.

Xiaoqing River usually shows us her kinds of beauty. When spring comes, grass and flowers will cover both of her banks. We find our Xiaoqing River is really like a girl in white clothes. To our children, we like the river in summer best.

We can enjoy ourselves during the holiday, like swimming, playing water games and so on.




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My Favourite Festival

My favoruite festival is Mid-Autumn Festival. On that day, I can get moon cakes, fruit and many other delicious foods. The moon cakes are round like the moon. They are delicious. They are different inside. On Mid-Autumn Festival I see my elder brother back from work. We get together. We talk and watch the moon! How happy we are!



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A Present For Mother’s Birthday.

Everyone should give his mother a present when his mother’s birthday is

coming. It is 25th May Sunday. Today is Han Mei’s mother’s birthday. So she

wanted to give her mother a special present. What present should she give? Maybe

a bunch of flowers a birthday card are the best presents. A card is cheaper. But

it is bad for trees. The more I buy cards, the more trees will be cut by people.

So what another present should she give? Let me tell you this present.

It was five o’clock. It was time to surprise her mother. When Han Mei’s

mother came home, Han Mei said Happy Birthday to her mother. Then she cleaned

her mother’s feet. As you can see, her mother was very surprise.

Why do you think it was a good present?



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It is known to all that Newton got the great inspiration from the falling

apple as he was walking pass a tree. This apple changed and promoted the social

civilization. Many people play the joke that if the apple hits on their heads,

maybe they can be the next Newton. Actually, apple is just the stimulation to

help Newton to figure out his thoughts. If it hits on other peoples heads, it

is just the ordinary incident and nothing special. The meaning of life is to

keep searching. Everyone can make a difference if they keep thinking, and

inspiration will come sooner or later. At that time, the success will be at

