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Ill graduate from this school.Its four years since I go here,I have gotten a lot.I have many friends and I get along well with them,we share our happiness and sadness.My teachers helped me a lot,they told me nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.I remembered being encouraged by them,from them,I know a lot.I want to say thank you from my heat,I will study harder and make contributions to our country.

In a word,Its very nice meeting you all here.






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1. 我知道,你已经为自己设计好了一幅美好的蓝图,并且你也正在为实现这一目标努力奋斗着。成功属于不懈追求的人。祝福你!

2. 你已经站在了人生的起跑线上,为了实现心中的远大目标,你正努力拼搏着。成功属于不畏困难、勇往直前的人。相信自己!

3. 勤奋学习,不断进取,用知识来充实自己的头脑。我相信,你的明天一定是快乐的,你的明天也一定是幸福的。

4. 你有积极进取的态度,但缺乏坚韧不拔的毅力;你有争优当先的目标,但又缺乏自我约束的能力;你机灵好动,但往往又不注意场合与分寸。愿你加强锻炼,增强体质,为你今后的事业打下坚实的基础!

5. 你是我心目中比较认真善于自学的男孩,你的思维敏捷,学习成绩稳中有升,对学习充满信心,但又是个令人捉摸不透思想起伏不定的男孩,常常“让我欢喜让我忧”,所幸的是,你早已醒悟,各项工作又能很好地完成。愿你执着上进!

6. 你思想上进,待人随和诚恳,处事稳重,同学关系好。对待学习,有充分的自信心,思维较敏捷,肯钻研,学习自主能力有较大提高,但我总觉得你与班级有着一段距离。愿你敢于质疑解难大胆发言,投入集体的怀抱,在集体中锻炼成长!

7. 你是一个平凡而又朴实的女孩,我经常看见你和许多同学有说有笑,说明你人很投缘,你有强烈的集体荣誉感,对待班级总是很投入,力争为班级争荣誉。你也是个认真自觉的女孩,对待学习毫不怠慢,星期天常自觉到校自修,我内心很佩服你。愿你注意提高学习效益,奋发上进!

8. 你是一个聪明善良朴实懂事而又认真的女孩。我经常看见你和许多同学有说有笑,说明你人很投缘,你也是一个自觉的女孩,对待工作一丝不苟,对待学习毫不怠慢,对待集体有如生命。愿你一切梦想成真!

9. 你是我心目中比较认真踏实的男孩,你谦虚诚实,乐于做好自己的本职工作,从小事做起,默默为班集体争荣誉。其实你暗地里很调皮,不能严格要求自己,缺乏明辨是非的能力,学习如波浪,忽高忽低。俗话说:吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。你面前有许多的高山等着你去攀越,做无畏的勇士吧,不要做胆小的懦夫!

10. 你是个平凡而又朴实的女孩,思想纯洁,品行端正,你总是默默接受老师的教育,认真去完成老师交给的任务,你有强烈的集体荣誉感,在校艺术节中获素描水粉画二项第二,为班级争得了荣誉,我对你充满了感激之情。愿你拿出勇气,战胜自我,全面提高学习成绩,提高各项能力!

11. 你性情敦厚,诚实可信,尊敬师长,团结同学,行为举止文明,你擅长足球,绿茵场上洒下了你的汗水。愿你打下扎实的文化基础,使你能在足球王国里腾飞,我愿做你最忠实的球迷!

12. 你是一个可爱朴实的女孩,尊敬老师,能协助老师管理班级,工作认真负责,是老师的得力助手,与同学们相处融洽,乐于助人,环保意识强,爱惜粮食,不挑食,爱劳动,能吃苦耐劳,这个学期学习进步很大,已经有了一定的自觉性,书写工整美观,有时能独立思考问题,积极发言,老师希望以后要继续努力,学习上自己管理自己!

13. 你是一个热情好动的孩子,待人热情,喜欢帮助别人,活泼好动,思维开阔,动手能力强,喜欢自由空间,对集体的荣誉很爱惜,尊敬老师,喜欢帮助老师做事,拾金不昧,书写工整美观,上课时积极发言,能动脑思考问题,课堂练习完成情况良好,本学期成绩进步明显,证明在学习方面下了工夫,老师希望你继续努力,培养刻苦耐劳的精神,做一名顶天立地的男子汉!

14. 你是一个很有上进心的孩子,能虚心接受他人意见,知错就改,已经懂得谦让和宽容他人,也会自我批评,尊敬老师,有一定的责任心,值日工作表现不错,基本上能做老师的小帮手,与同学也相处不错,能在课间与小伙伴做有意义的活动,热爱劳动,拾金不昧,学习认真,进步明显,课堂练习完成情况良好,老师希望以后继续努力,在书写方面再下功夫,争取更大的进步!

15. 你是一个天真可爱的孩子,有较强的自尊心和上进心,集体荣誉感强,尊敬老师,喜欢帮助老师做事,与同学相处和睦,不计较个人得失,懂得谦让,爱劳动,能吃苦耐劳,诚实勇敢,积极参加体育锻炼,拾金不昧,上课积极举手,大胆发言,回答问题声音响亮,老师希望以后在书写方面再下工夫,做事养成有始有终的好习惯!



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The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way

from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last

it reaches the sea. Its the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders

in the world.The Great Wall has a history of more than 2000 years. The first part was

built during the Spring and Autumn Period.

All the walls were joined up in Qin Dynasty.All tile work was done by

hand.Thousands of people died while building the wall.Thus the Great Wall came

into existence.Since then, it has been rebuilt and repaired many times.

Now the Great Wall,the admiration of the world, has taken on a new look.

Its visited by large numbers of people from all parts of the country and the




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How to get happyness 如何获得快乐

there is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.

First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness). Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life.

Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress.






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In recent years, studying abroad has been popular in our country. More and more middle school students would like to go abroad through mediators. Is it good or bad to study abroad? In my opinion, on one hand, it has some advantages. Studying abroad can provide better studying conditions. People can make rapid progress in their foreign language study and it can also help widen their field of vision. Meanwhile, young students can learn advanced science and technology from foreign countries and spread cultures of different nations.

On the other hand, it has disadvantages. For example, because of the lack of living experience and poor capability to take care of themselves, they may feel lonely and homesick. In addition, high living expenses and tuition fees will become a heavy burden upon their parents.

So I think whether studying abroad or not should be decided according to oneself and ones family. It is not right to follow others.

[精选初三英语作文:Studying Abroad



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Good morning,my dear teachers and schoolmates,It’s a great honor for me to make a speech on behalf of the graduating classes.

How time flies! Our junior high school lives will come to an end.In the past three years, we’ve had a beautiful school and it provides us with a good study place. Teachers are our friends. They’ve given us interesting lessons and we all love them.

We’ve learned a lot from them, not only knowledge but also the way to solve problems in life. Thanks for our teachers’ training, parents’ support and the help from classmates. Without them, we couldn’t have so much wonderful time.

At last, we hope our school will become better, our teachers will be healthy for ever and all our dreams will come true.Thank you for listening.



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第一, 每天都要有计划,计划不一定要写出来,每天早上在脑子里过一遍自己该干嘛就行,而且要付诸于行动!

第二, 在课间的时候,不要总是玩或总是学,要懂得劳逸结合,保持你一天一定要出去转几圈的习惯!

第三, 晚上一定要复习,老师让背的知识就多背背吧!自己买的题一定要每天做一点儿!最后要做完它,做会它!

第四, 初三可能会有体育训练,会很累,但我希望你能坚持下去,为自己加油,相信自己一定可以战胜它!






★初中毕业的一封信范文★ ★ A letter of letter from junior high school ★


★ a graduation letter to the teacher 600 words >★



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All large cities around the world have many post offices located throughout the city, and even the smallest village has at least one postal station. You may go to a post office to mail a letter. However, there are mail boxes located on every second or third corner in all cities and towns.

Any letter or small package having sufficient postage may be dropped in any of these mail boxes. If a person wishes a letter to be delivered more quickly to the address, he may buy a special delivery stamp and delivery is made directly by the messenger instead of by the regular carrier.




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How time flies! I have studied in my school for three years. And I will graduate from middle school in a month. I am eager to share my happiness and sadness with you. I had so many memories in three years life. One of them impressed me very much. I still remember, when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldnt do well in it and almost gave it up. As soon as my English teacher found my problem, she had a talk with me about how to learn English well. Since then, she has kept helping me. Little by little, Ive become interested in English and Im good at it. I think I am so lucky to become one of her students. Ive learned a lot from her. I will try to help others when they are in trouble. I think it is a happy thing to help others.





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This summer vacation, because mom and dad to go to work, as usual, I go home, because I am more introverted personality, mom feel to give me a cake, it make me increase the chance of meeting people, learning some knowledge, summer holidays are still let me really let me a headache.

One day, grandma and grandpa took me to mother in advance to contact me good golden microphone host computer classes, I will be here on my summer vacation the first lesson. After go in, I saw one man sat on a small wooden bench, I cant help but think: this is the nursery? Havent I how this group of children. I wanted to think, and then found a small wooden bench to sit down, and the bench is too small to bearing force is insufficient, plus I chubby, bench almost to be overwhelmed. "Jingle bell" finally class, the teacher told us the stance of the host, how to vividly to introduce myself, at this point, Ive just had a little bit on the cram school. But the age difference with other classmates or embarrassing me. At the end of the first class, the teacher also let the parents in auditing students introduce themselves. Well, I will be like the little avoid performance which in turn, I cant help but feel very hurt. When I played seriously, the audience a group of parents might see me with other children age difference, could not help but laugh, suddenly, a thick hate to my heart, I hate this interest class, hate with this group of children, also hate these parents laugh. Mother after listening to my protest, afraid that her child is too small I cant adapt to, and teachers coordinate pulled out of the cake course.

Left the golden microphone host interest after work, I on to the second class interest class - the international phonetic alphabet. In after I am very surprised, because this is big and my age children in the class. Finds a seat, I also see the teacher, "wow, too good, is Mr Zhu", I used to English class is on her, my heart secretly pleased. A tall, thin boy became my deskmate, my deskmate also chatted with me, we talk about the game, chat to play, a lot of common language, therefore became good friends. I like go to class every day, has a strong interest on British standard, tested after the training for us, I also did very well in the last exam.

I think will do this summer vacation interest class, age, there are many students can chat, to both the interest and learn knowledge.


这天,爷爷奶奶带着我来到妈妈事先给我联系好的 “金话筒主持人”兴趣班,我将在这里上我的暑假第一课。进去后,只见一个个小人坐在小板凳上,我不禁心想:这是托儿所吗?怎么这群孩子都没我大。我想了想,随即找了个小板凳坐了下来,可板凳太小了承重力不足,加上我偏胖,板凳几乎要被压垮。“叮铃铃”终于上课了,老师给我们讲了主持人的站姿,如何生动地进行自我介绍,此时,我才对这个补习班产生了一丝丝好感。但是与其他同学年龄的差异还是令我尴尬。第一节课快结束时,老师又让家长们进来旁听同学们的自我介绍。唉,我要与这群小不点轮流表演,我不禁感到十分排拆。当我认真表演完了,台下一群家长可能看到我与其他小孩的年龄差异,禁不住大笑,顿时,一股浓浓的恨意在我心头产生,我讨厌这个兴趣班,讨厌和这群小孩一起,也讨厌这些家长们的笑声。妈妈听我抗议后,怕同班小孩太小我不能适应,和老师协调退出了这个兴趣班。





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在这离别之际,我们依然有千言万语,看一眼校长的白发,摸一把老师的坐椅,腮边挂满了滚烫的泪珠。( )










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Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business?

With the competition in the job market becoming increasingly fierce for college graduates, some ambitious students have tried their hands at launching their own businesses. Over the years, there have been many successful cases of student entrepreneurship and such attempts should be encouraged and promoted by both the universities and the society at large.

College students who start businesses are pioneers, among whom will be born China’s future business leaders. Faced with unknown challenges, they are audacious enough to embark on a perilous journey while most of their peers enjoy stable salaries by working as white-collars at high-end office buildings. Nevertheless, they are the masters of their own destiny and, exposed to many more uncertainties and setbacks, they develop perseverance, stamina and the indomitable spirit that are indispensible to all the great entrepreneurs. Even if they fail, they are not down; they keep exploring for new business opportunities and work tirelessly until they succeed. As people of vision, of individual initiative, of leadership, and of creativity and innovation, they represent the future and the hope of a nation.

Not all college graduates are suitable for undertaking entrepreneurial projects. To launch a business, one needs to have a sound business idea, a viable business plan, the charisma to create a cohesive team where members make concerted efforts for a common objective, effective managerial skills, and above all, the courage to compete against powerful rivals and ultimately to prevail. The essential difference between the students who become civic servants in government organizations or employees at leading domestic or multinational companies and those who create their own businesses is that the former are docile followers whereas the latter are aggressive trailblazers. For this reason, business-launching college graduates are more admirable, and thus they command our deep respect.




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请以My Classmate为标题写一篇记叙文

要求:1、主题明确。语言流畅。思路清晰。 2、字数在100字以内。





My Classmate

Liu Kai is my classmate. He is a good student and always ready to help others.

One day on his way to school, he saw a little girl crossing the road. A car was coming towards her quickly and the girl was too frightened to move. The car nearly hit her. Just then LiuKai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm. The little girl was saved. She told him where she lived, and he took her home. When LiuKai hurried into the classroom, the teacher had already begun his lesson. He told the teacher why he was late. He was then praised for what he had done.

[关于初三英语作文:My Classmate



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As more and more people focus on health diet,green food has begun to draw more and more attention by the public.In recent years,the market demand for green food has increased dramatically,and all kinds of green food have emerged in an endless stream.Why does green food become so popular in China?Above all,compared with ordinary food,green food is healthier,safer and more nutritious.Moreover,nowadays,many vegetables are polluted because of the usage of agricultural chemicals,while green food is free of pollution.Besides,with the improvement of the living standards,more people can afford a healthier but more expensive lifestyle.So green food,despite its higher price,still becomes peoples favorite food.

However,nowadays the market is full of real and fake green food,making many consumers confused.Therefore,the government must strengthen the supervision and administration of green food market.Besides,consumers should increase the knowledge of green food.Only in this way can green food play a more positive role in peoples life.





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What can I do for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo?

We all know that the Expo 2010 will be held in Shanghai. Being citizens of Shanghai, we fell proud and responsible. It is said there will be 7,000 visitors from different countries coming to Shanghai. What can I do for the Expo 2010 at that time?

There is no doubt that I will be a volunteer to give services to the Expo 2010. I am good at English and I can communicate fluently with foreign guests. I must study English even harder so that I can introduce to them in English the rapid development of Shanghai and I can also help them. I can make them feel at home in Shanghai, such as showing them the way to their hotels or to the places of interest in Shanghai.

In a word, I will keep in mind the theme of the Expo 2010 “Better City, Better Life” and do my best for the great festival.


篇17:初三年级英语作文: Spring in Our School750字

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Spring comes at last. Everything begins to grow. The trees turn green, and the flowers come out. On the playground, in the fields, on each side of the road, the young grass grows everywhere.

Spring also arrives in our school. Come and see, behind our teaching building, there are some small pear trees covered with white flowers; on both sides of it, there are some other flowers smiling at you, Some are yellow, some are red. In our school garden, more flowers are there. All kinds of flowers of many colours can be seen.

Look, there are some Kites flying in the sky. The spring wind is blowing. The sun is shining brightly. Some boys are playing games in the sun, Listen, a group of girls are singing Where’s spring? It sounds like the singing of lark birds. All these make me think that spring is here, spring is there, and spring is just in our school. Fhe boys and the girls are all like flowers in spring.



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Parental love is like the ocean inexhaustible, be inexhaustible. I want to thank my parents!


My mom and Dad love me as a baby, my watch is more important than their own learning, life, everywhere on the love of my parents.


I remember one night, I had a fever, my mother took me under the body temperature, 39 degrees. My father bought a high degree of wine, the mother liquor to wipe my body side by side, to comfort me, asking me where uncomfortable, mother always accompany at me nearby, very worried, did not sleep one night...... Another time, my achievement is not ideal, the mother took the papers to help me analyze the test is not a good reason, I was doing wrong to copy on paper, let me again, also not to mind taking the trouble to teach me, until I had to subject all understand, I looked at my mothers gaunt face, I felt so sad. In my study, my mother will fling caution to the winds to help me. Dad to make our life better, overtime, and.


But how much love has the inch-long grass for three spring months of the light of the sun. Ill be the father and mother love heart, study hard, make a sensible boy to return the love of my parents!



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结果结论部分代表着论文的主要成就和贡献,英语毕业论文有没有价值,值不值得读者阅读,主要取决于你所获得的结果和所得出的结论。因此,在写作结果和结论部分时,一般都要尽量结合实验结果或仿真结果的图、表、曲线等来加以说明,使结论部分言之有物,有根有据;同时,对那些看不懂中文的英文读者来说,通过这些图表,结合英文摘要的说明就可以比较清楚地了解论文的结果和结论。也只有这样,论文的结论才有说服力。如有可能,在结尾部分还可以将论文的结果和他人最新的研究结果进行比较,以突出论文的主要贡献和创新、独到之处(回答 What is new and original in this paper)。



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There are many memorable things, I have had a particularly memorable things, that is my primary school graduation party. Although it is a party, but we are held during the day, may be called "white".

"The day before the white", we are ready to do the work, prepared a cake, tea, sound...... There are many wonderful programs. The night before, I cant sleep a night, excitedly waiting for the arrival of"white".

The second day, I went to school early. To the classroom, I saw the classroom four corners of asound and the walls are connected with lights, window adhesive beautiful balloon......

When all the students came to the classroom, the teacher in charge announced the graduation party officially began. Some students take the curtains closed, lights are open, as in the balloon is more beautiful in the classroom, sound floated out of the soft songs. I drink a cup of milk tea, quietlywatching the students performances. Have a classmate in front of the blackboard, with white lightappeared in the students who, like in a concert. The classmates performance is very wonderful,suddenly the lights, "bang" sound. I dont know what was happening at the time, until you feel a littlepaper shredder body, I know just the students put pieces of fireworks.

"White" slowly is close to the end, the students sang Li Shutongs "farewell" "pavilion, the trail edgegrass, sky......" The song. Later, everyone is very sad, because some of the students in junior high school when they are not together, also after all, this is the last day in his alma mater.

Primary school I is how naive, is a naive child. Junior high school I know at that time were sad. A classmate, a friendship.

The primary school graduation let me forget.
