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On Saturday, I played football with some boys on the playground.When I ran to control the ball, I bumped into another boy. We both fell to the ground. His feet hit my right ankle. There was something hard on his shoes and it made my ankle bleeding. So I put a Band-Aid here after returning home.



Afrer a whole days hard studing, I fell very tierd and want to go out to play football for fan. But my teachers always say that it takes too much time and can make us away from studing.So they usually dont let us play football.

While teachers reject it, we still want to have a play. I think the playing after school can be a redressal and make our bodies healthier. At the same time, temperate exercise wont tamper with our studies.

According to that, I think playing football after school have more advantages than disadvantages.


While teachers reject it, we still want to have a play. I think the playing after school can be a redressal and make our bodies healthier. At the same time, temperate exercise wont tamper with our studies. According to that, I think playing football after school have more advantages than disadvantages.




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The kookaburras, also known as the "laughing jackass", is a special bird in Australia. Its voice is hoarse, so it is often used as background voice in movies or TV programmes when people want to show the sound of jungle. The kookaburras is about 46 centimetres and weighs about 500 grams. It is the largest in size among all species of kingfishers. It mainly perches in Eastern Australia, but now it is successfully introduced into Western Australia. Unlike other species of kingfishers, it does not eat fish, but feeds on mice, little birds, snakes and insects. While in the west, it also takes chickens and ducks as food.

笑翠鸟,别名笑狗鱼鸟(laughing jackass),是澳洲独有的鸟类。它的叫声嘶哑(hoarse),因而在电影和电视中表现丛林的声音时,它的叫声通常被用作背景音。它的身长有46公分,体重约500克,是翠鸟(kingfisher)家族中体型最大的一种,主要生活在澳洲东部,但现在已经被成功引进澳洲西部。它不吃鱼,主要捕食老鼠、小鸟、蛇和昆虫,但在西部,它们也捕食鸡和鸭子。




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My dog is very gentle cute. It had a white, fluffy long hair. It is a long, fleshy face, a pair of black eyes, look down on a sensitive nose. Further down is a greedy little mouth, raised his hand when it is hungry, staring at you, revealing a pitiful, give you a sense of Lianxiangxiyu.

This is my dog.






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Autumn came, the beautiful autumn sister gave us a picture of the autumn.

Autumn wind sister brought a box of colorful pigments. She gave the blue sky, blue sky like a shiny sapphire. She gave the yellow ginkgo tree, yellow leaves like a small fan, they use the strength of the autumn wind sister, fan ah fan ah, to help farmers uncle left the summer hot. She gave the red maple, red maple falling, like a small butterfly, twisting the beautiful wings dancing. She put the golden yellow rice, a piece of golden rice, like a golden ocean. She gave the orange red orange, persimmon, like a lanterns hanging branches. She gave more colors to the chrysanthemum, yellow, white, purple beautiful.

Autumn wind sister also brought a variety of perfume. She will pear spray fragrant, apple spray sweet, provoke passing the children, could not help but run to the orchard.

I really like the painting of the autumn wind sister.



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My family has a small rabbit, looks very cute. It is white, snow in the winter when it is like a pile of white snow, it is also a long head on the long ears. The best look, or it is the fiery red eyes, like two red ruby ruby.

Every day after school, I went to the fields to pull it to eat or to the market to buy carrots to eat it, whenever I put the tender green grass in front of it, it first smell with the nose, and then look at me, and finally, It is assured to chew up, it is like eating, really lovable!

Later, I put the white rabbit into the "its room". After a while, I came to the white rabbit did not sleep, did not expect, white rabbit lying in the nest motionless, I thought it was dead, to be afraid to call my mother, my mother came over and looked and said: "Really fuss, little white rabbit is sleeping." Suddenly, my face becomes red and thought, I thought: I must learn the basic knowledge of rabbits.

The personality of the white rabbit is gentle. Start, I and it is also a little strange, but not a few days, then I became a good friend. Usually, I often train it to understand what I said, now the white rabbit to me can understand a lot of words.

Little rabbit gave my life a lot of joy, I really like it!



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这是一头很漂亮的毛驴,额上还系着一条红绸。这使我想起了电影上新媳妇回娘家的情景来:得得得的蹄声敲击在白杨耸立的小道上,田园味十足。我怀着柔情用手抚摸了这头小驴的后背,它抬起来头,瞅了我一眼。那水灵灵的目光让我难以忘怀。我一把握住那小驴的缰绳,它却猛地低下头去,憨态可掬,我忽然觉得它的身姿实在有点娇小,不忍骑它了。 金丝猴倏忽间蹦出竹林,一下子就把天籁造成的静物面变活了,它们在枝杈间荡来跳去,常常口尾相衔一线饮水于绝壁下,这又给了我们多少滑稽的兴味。游人置身在这样多乐趣的幽境中,似乎觉得自己也不过是一种色彩和线条,完全融和进这幅大自然的画屏中了。

人们钟爱峨嵋山的猴子,上了洗象池,便有成群的猴子向游客们乞讨,或许,是峨嵋山的猴子过于精灵,在耳濡目染中,竟也沾上了人类的俗气。据说,它们现在也摆阔了,游客们的东西给少了,便不高兴,轻则呲牙咧嘴,吓唬胆小的人们,有时,竟要过客把口袋翻出来给它们看过,才悻悻地放行;更有甚者,把游客的照相机、小型收录机扣留下来,挂在树梢上,借以敲诈勒索。一只小鼠,悄悄地从桌子底下跑出来,慢慢地吃着地上的饼屑。这鼠小得很,它无情的、坦然的一边吃,一边抬头看着。……灯影下照见它很小很小,浅灰色的嫩毛,灵便的小身体,一双闪烁的明亮的小眼睛。 美丽的茸角是公鹿的第二特征,并以此吸引母鹿的倾慕;每当夕阳晚照,常见到公鹿对水中倒映的茸冠,孤芳自赏呢!公鹿是以爱角闻名的,当野生的公鹿被猎人捕获时,它是宁肯在树上或石崖上将茸角撞破,也不轻易予人的。






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动物也是我们这个世界里的一份子,跟我们意义,生活在同一片蓝天之下, 呼吸一样的空气。下面是小编整理收集的描写动物的四字词语,欢迎阅读!


[gǒu tóu shǔ nǎo]



[yáng máo chū zài yáng shēn shang]



[wén jī qǐ wǔ]



[yīng gē yàn wǔ]



[qiān jūn wàn mǎ]



[chē shuǐ mǎ lóng]



[wàng zǐ chéng lóng]



[dǎ cǎo jīng shé]

打草惊了草里的蛇。 原比喻惩罚了甲而使乙有所警觉。后多比喻做法不谨慎,反使对方有所戒备。


[jī líng gǒu suì]



[diào hǔ lí shān]



[gǒu dǎi lǎo shǔ]



[gǒu xù jīn diāo]



[zhū tū xī yǒng]



[gǒu xù hòu guàn]

犹狗续金貂。 比喻滥封的官吏。


[jī míng gǒu dào]

鸣:叫;盗:偷东西。 指微不足道的本领。也指偷偷摸摸的行为。


[duì niú tán qín]



[ròu tǎn qiān yáng]



[qiān yáng dān jiǔ]



[jīng yuán tuō tù]



[jī fēi dàn dǎ]



[gǒu fèi zhī jīng]

吠:狗叫;惊:惊吓。 比喻小的惊吓。


[hóu nián mǎ yuè]

猴、马:十二生肖之一。 泛指未来的岁月。


[gǒu fèi fēi zhǔ]



[xīn yuán yì mǎ]

心意好像猴子跳、马奔跑一样控制不住。 形容心里东想西想,安静不下来。


[rén pà chū míng zhū pà zhuàng]



[jī quǎn shēng tiān]

传说汉朝淮南王刘安修炼成仙后,把剩下的药撒在院子里,鸡和狗吃了,也都升天了。 后比喻一个人做了官,和他有关的人也跟着得势。


[hǔ kǒu bá yá]



[dòng rú tuō tù]



[jīng gōng zhī niǎo]



[zhū bēi gǒu xiǎn]



[shǐ yáng jiàng láng]



[quǎn tù jù bì]



[duō qí wáng yáng]

因岔路太多无法追寻而丢失了羊。 比喻事物复杂多变,没有正确的方向就会误入歧途。也比喻学习的方面多了就不容易精深。


[wèn yáng zhī mǎ]



[shí yáng jiǔ mù]



[yǐ yáng yì niú]

易:更换。 用羊来替换牛。比喻用这个代替另一个。


[hú sǐ tù qì]



[yáng rù hǔ qún]



[tú suǒ niú yáng]




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I have a cute little white rabbit, it can be white, why can be called white, because it is white like snow, lovely can not describe.

Can be long with long ears, a pair of ruby-like big eyes, dark nose, long a few fine fish bones like beard. It also has a small mouth, it is white body chubby, there is a round short tail tightly stick in the ass, very cute.

Can not only be beautiful, but also very flexible. One night, it jumped out of a box of more than 60 cm high, you know, can be white more than 20 cm high, the height of this box is about three times its height. I was awakened, turned on the lights, ready to be disturbed by the little white rabbit caught hand. But it is too flexible, busy for a while, even if it did not touch a hair. It looked at me in the distance, laughing nasty, as if to say: "how, catch me!" I thought: "great courage, so on my site so wild! I am taking advantage of it when I am forgetful, to make up the past, grabbed his long ears, put it in a higher box, be considered rein in it. When I go, it is also hard to jump out, as if to say: "let me go out! Let me out!"

Can be very naughty white, once, I can go out to play with white, it is elated, and soon disappeared, and I like to hide and seek like, how to find can not find. I am anxious, almost crying, it jumped out from the flowers ... ...

Do you like white?



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Over the past 100 years, the national revival as the Chinese peoples pursuit. In Yanan, is the leadership of the Communist Party of China National Peoples war shrine, national revival of the leaders in this map out a strategy. Time of change has left a string of visible footprint: the fight against SARS, the ruling idea practice people-centered, leaders and people in distress, won the peoples love and support. Make a spurt of progress of the Chinese economy, important resolutions to improve the socialist economic system of some problems, the cornerstone of a national revival, let me realize the whole nation of truth, to realize the younger generation to shoulder the historical responsibility and the responsibility of national rejuvenation. Also let us see the hardships course of country forward, also see today a powerful china.



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Animals Need Protecting

Everyone knows animals are our friends。 So we should be friendly to them。 But some people kill the rare animals, such as pandas, golden monkeys and so on in order to get money。 It will cause these animals to disappear soon。 I think our government should punish those people severely who kill the rare animals。 It is our duty to protect the endangered animals。



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As a saying goes, “Attitude is everything.” It means our attitude will decide whether we will succeed or not in the future. If we take a positive attitude and keep on trying , we will achieve our goals in the end.

I can’t agree more with this view. At one time I was not good at English, which made me very depressed. Then I realized that I had to do well in English to go to my favorite university. I talked with my teacher about my problem, who offered some valuable advice to me. With my teacher’s help, I improved my English gradually.

My story shows that if we have a good attitude and keep on trying, we will be able to overcome difficulty and move on. It is our attitude that plays a key role in our life.




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Hotel "or" set off firecrackers outside, like to meet with a mysterious thing, keep happy birthday in the hotel, song warble, the whole life of the hall.

At this moment, I went in, hotel and there was a birthday song. Then, my classmate, father, mother, sister, all arrived, the students brought a birthday gift, mysterious, like afraid of be I see.

Now you should know who is your birthday? By the way, that is my birthday.

We ate a big lunch first, then get out mother bought me a cake, the fine packing box is opened, there was a very large, the three layers of fruit cake, cake has a lot of fruit, there are a little monkey is wrapped in cream? The little monkeys must be on behalf of me, because I was born in the year of the monkey, with candles, dad was in no hurry, just ten, lit candles and turned off the lights, everyone sang: happy birthday to you, I silently make a wish.

"Wow" started to cut the cake, each a just, when cake to each staff, the students are holding a cream to wipe my face, wipe out of my face, and faces up to other people, all in all, after a while, all the persons face turned into white face, cream on clothes, hair all over the place.

When we go to the toilet wash, the students have to send a gift to me, such a great gift, such as glass, toys, jewelry, mom and dad gave me a three rounds of the stem, bags and watches, cousin cousin also brought music CARDS! I am very happy.

Its really a happy birthday party!











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My hometown is located in the northeastern part of Jilin Province, which is a beautiful place.

Think here is the north, so in the winter can often see the snow. Sometimes the next snow on the surface of the snow thickness of up to 40 cm - 50 cm deep, the plain is generally only about 20 cm. "Precedent ice, thousands of miles of snow," the land of Jilin show the magnificent beauty of the Northland scenery.

The famous Changbai Mountain towering towering, stretching hundreds of miles is the northern winter mouth magnificent picture, is worthy of the name of the snow kingdom. Unique geological structure, climatic conditions formed a snow-capped green pine trees green bamboo shoots between the hot springs of the world outside the scenery.

Rime this strange landscape is the pride of our people in Jilin. It is famous tree hanging, is cold weather fog in the branches formed on the white loose ice crystal. Jilin Rime with Guilin landscape, Yunnan Shilin, the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River together known as "Chinas four natural wonders." With the Huangshan sea of clouds, Taishan sunrise. Qiantang River tide and known as "Chinas four major meteorological wonders." Did not come to the rime when the Songhua River silver pine snow jade jade tree Qionghua, exposure to which seems to enter the fairy tale world, it is indulge in pleasures without stop.

I love the hometown of ice and snow, I love home rime, love home this beautiful winter!



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What is the rain in the autumn? It is not like a thunder in spring, it is not as heavy rain as the summer, it is not as rain and snow as winter. Then what is it in the end it? Let us go together to reveal the mysterious veil of autumn it!

Autumn is softer. Autumn hit in the face, Rou Si, a cool feeling can not help but arises spontaneously. After the rain, the air fresh, you will never bother it.

The rainbow rhythm, the rhythm of the raindrops beat in the filthy car cover, playing a wonderful symphony, a rain, the car turned to spotless, like a new one. Raindrops hit the window glass, the window glass immediately become clear and bright, "vocal" accompanied by "water painting", beautiful. Irritable time, take a look, cool, and trouble immediately thrown into the clouds. Field, raindrops came to the top of the tent, sit on the "slide" jump down, the dust are taken away.

Autumn is air conditioning. Under a few rain, the temperature immediately down, the air is not so hot. Rain, the temperature immediately cool down, if not rain, the summer tail seems to have refused to go the same.

Autumn is stamps, postal cool, small animals who have to save food, and autumn harvest winter, in order to avoid winter cold and cold forced to be frozen.

Autumn is a magnifying glass, it is useful for people to enlarge things, people are eyeful harvest scene.



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They say women love to shop, but at home, on the contrary, dad is a real shopper.

In the past, dad just bought something on Taobao occasionally, but for the most recently, Dads shopping on Taobao has reached a plateau. Every day I Pidianpidian ran to the cell door to bring him online shopping, sometimes one day will run several times!

Then, how can dad get hooked on online shopping? It is one of his colleagues at Taobao outlets "free trial", can choose 15 day free trial of the goods, if you are lucky, the goods will give you a free trial, but also need to submit a preliminary report. The key is that Dads colleague has tasted the benefits of a free trial. After some "sweet talk", he was hooked. Every day a bed together, out of mobile phones, places of interest, free trial goods, and sometimes work too busy, before going to bed, will not forget to take 15 free goods one by one. Day by day, I am full of confidence and hope that luck will befall me.

Its heaven, man, not a few days, lucky god to visit dad, Dad became lucky. Even in a free trial of commodity - Beijing Red Star Erguotou liquor bottles, small bottles, worth 10 yuan, and the number of copies of the free trial is 1000. "Yes, yes, Dad. Good luck."!" My loud shouts of applause. Dad was laughing and laughing all the time. Mom complained: "this is good luck! 1000 copies of the probability, in a 10 yuan of wine, look, the two of you happy!" If you are happy, you should write a trial report, otherwise you can not continue to order free trial goods. Dad had to ask mom to help write a trial report. Dad doesnt drink, have no alternative but to do with the bottle drink mom took a picture, action, then write test reports online, while the number of words is not enough, and do not pass up the photo for a while, in short, toss for a long time, after the trial finished my report. Mom said angrily: "the sky does not drop pie."."

This free trial in the post, continue to carry forward the fine tradition of his father, did not forget to take a 15 day free trial of goods, and more and more high, Dads eyes, often those high value goods, such as sweeping robot, air purifier. Dad enjoyed it, but in the process of ordering free trial, dad was hooked by the dazzling array of products.

"Xuan Xuan, you to look at this car, the original price 2000 yuan, now only sell 600 yuan, too! But Giant brand! I put it in the shopping cart." Dad looked at the picture excitedly.

"Xuan mama, this set of bedding, 1800 yuan, I 380 yuan took."! Youll see which color we choose. Lets buy more. I bought this down jacket for you. Do you think its nice?!" Dad to mother introduced in high spirit. As a result, the father side of the free commodity trial point, while the Taobao online "favorite" things to buy home. Some things are needed at home, but some things he will have to have some fresh stuff, can be used on the estimation of God knows how long. Dad left home, let the family more and more colorful.

This free trial makes dad obsessed with online shopping. Its a joy and a worry. Look at the shining white silver gurgle into the business pockets, although the mother distressed, but did not reveal to the father does not support online shopping. Because we all know: Dad online shopping for the family, in order to provide more convenience to our nianglia!



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When we are in our classroom after 8:30 in the morning,we should not keep the lights on to avoid wasting electricity since there is enough light in the classroom.And if it is cloudy and rainy and lights are on,we should turn off the lights after school.Another thing we can do is to protect the forest which is reducing.We should use both sides of paper and we should not use paper cups and disposable chopsticks which are made of trees.

All these are the things we can do every day to make our environment better. As long as we insist on doing so,our environment will become better and better.
