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1. 奶奶家有一只可爱的小猫咪,它耳朵尖,鼻子黑,圆圆的眼睛像一对大玻璃球,嘴巴两边的胡子一抖一抖的,全身毛茸茸的,一道灰一道白。它把身子团成一团的时候真像个花绒球。

2. 一对雪白的天鹅,像两朵硕大的白莲似的浮在水面上。

3. 天鹅那白瓷一般光滑的羽毛,没有一丝杂质,就好像一团浓墨泼上去,也会整个儿滚落下来,沾不上一星半点。

4. 小鸡黄绒绒的,肉团团的,活像一个小绒球。

5. 这只小白兔是妈妈从市场上买回的,一身雪白的绒毛,光滑漂亮,乍看像一个绒球。

6. 小猫的嘴巴像个小月牙,里面长了四颗锋利的牙齿像刚磨过的尖刀,好像一口就能把老鼠咬死。

7. 我家养了两头小白猪。它们全身雪白,一对大耳朵像两把有力的扇子,忽上忽下不停地扇动。

8. 半年前爸爸为我买了一只小乌龟,它有一身褐色的皮肤,头上有条条细纹。三角形的脑袋上,有两个像黑宝石一样的小眼睛,喜欢好奇地张望着周围的世界,浅黄色的眼皮一张一合,可爱极了。

9. 这只小麻雀和别的没有什么两样,棕色的翅膀,灰白色的肚皮,小巧的脑袋上长着一对特别小,却乌黑发亮的眼睛。它的脖子上有一圈深棕色的羽毛,真像是系了一条围巾似的。

10. 我家养了两只小鸭子,它们的毛黄黄的绒绒的,像两个小黄豆。

11. 元宝鸡大红冠子像一团火。

12. 小狗乖乖长着水灵灵的大眼睛,眼珠滴溜滴溜的转着,好似两颗黑宝石。

13. 夜里,小猫的眼睛变成两只绿灯泡,圆溜溜的,闪闪发光。

14. 小白兔吃饱了的时候,就仨一群俩一伙地在沙地上跑来跑去,像一个个小雪球在滚动。

15. 金鱼有一双玻璃球似的眼睛,一张又圆又阔的嘴巴,一张一合的腮,和像薄纱一样的鱼鲫。

16. 我喜欢小猫小米,它像葡萄一样水汪汪的大眼睛真可爱。

17. 小白兔有像雪一般的毛,眼睛红通通的,红眼睛像个红宝石。




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After school, I can not wait and Chen Xiaobin go to his house to see the dog, a see the dog, my heart was thinking: this little dog really cute, really want to touch it. Its body is about 20 cm long, the head and tail color is black and dark, the body is milky white. Round head, chubby body, round and big eyes sparkling, really like two glass balls. The ears of the triangle are sometimes bowed and sometimes raised.

Xiaobins mother put the index finger into his mouth, the puppy thought it had milk to drink, and relish the "milk" with relish, and in a moment it spit it out because it feels strange. It saw outsiders, like a shy little girl, at the door to play around. Aunt picked up the puppy, I could not help but touched it, feeling it like a cotton quilt as soft, but also like my home that most lovely plush dog.

It is really a loving puppy it!



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The other day I yelled for my father to buy me fish, and he said yes. We came to an aquarium called "marine family".


Wow! How beautiful! I was shocked, fish here are varied, including: tropical fish, wild fry...... My father fished me for seven fish. There are two red, two black, three huahua. I took them home happily. As soon as I got home, I couldnt wait to put them in the fish tank and fed them fish food.


On the morning of the second day, the fish died three, I was very sad, my father comforted me, "never mind, dont be sad."." After listening to my father, my mood gradually calmed down.


After a few days, the rest of the four fish alive, they maintained the exuberant energy, the game they yaotoubaiwei, waving fins. Swimming happily in the water. I to feed them, they always fall over each other to grab food, race each other. Especially the big goldfish, it is very overbearing, and the other three little goldfish see it, some fear, always careful to eat.


I like these little goldfish very much. I will take good care of them and keep them healthier until they grow up.




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1. 鸟儿在树上欢快的唱着歌。

2. 啄木鸟会替树木看病,好像是树医生。

3. 小猫还有一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,瞳孔也能随着环境而忽大忽小。三角形的鼻子两侧长着许多胡子,闲着的时候它常在阳光下捋捋自己的胡子。

4. 狮子、绣球:狮,哺乳纲猫科动物。雄狮壮硕雄健,颈有鬣。我国古代工艺中的狮纹样,是历代民间艺人加工,提炼并加以图案化的结果,较真狮英武而活泼。

5. 欢欢是个急性子,它总想从玻璃缸里爬出来,所以它老是不停的用脚敲打玻璃,弄的玻璃缸“嘭嘭”响。有一次,它又把玻璃弄得直响,打搅了我睡午觉。我起来后,狠狠地批评了它一顿,它立刻停止了扑腾,乖乖的躲到一边去了。

6. 小猫还有一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,瞳孔也能随着环境而忽大忽小。三角形的鼻子两侧长着许多胡子,闲着的时候它常在阳光下捋捋自己的胡子。

7. 小白兔吃饱了的时候,就仨一群俩一伙地在沙地上跑来跑去,像一个个小雪球在滚动。描写动物的句子拟人句

8. 小猫的鼻子是十分灵敏的。每当妈妈买回鱼的时候,第一个发现的肯定是,它发现之后会朝你喵喵叫,好像在说:“我也要,我也要。”那样子十分活泼可爱。它还喜欢在阳光下晒日光浴,晒着晒着就进入了梦乡。醒来后,会用舌头舔自己的爪子和腿,好像在说:你看我多讲卫生。

9. 蝴蝶披着彩色绚丽的衣裳,盘旋飞舞在花园之中。

10. 那条小黑狗,一身乌黑发亮的皮毛,就像黑缎子一般油亮光滑;雪白的小爪儿,像4朵梅花;那条撅着的小尾巴,总是悠闲不停地摇摆着。

11. 兔子的耳朵又大又长,只要听见一点轻微的声音,就会“唰”地一下竖起来,灵巧地四面转动,寻找声音发出的地方,直到声音没有了,才恢复常态。

12. 我家的小猫——叫咪咪,它全身颜色为咖啡色和黑色,咪咪的性格实在有些古怪,有时会成天睡大觉,无忧无虑﹑自由自在﹑什么事情也不过问,没有人能打扰她,可是它决定和我玩游戏时,就是玩一天都不放过我,而且总爱玩“钓小猫”的游戏就是不玩别的。我捡起根竹竿,挂上一棵小草,小猫就抓、咬,它那样子只能用这个词:“张牙舞爪,”因此,我给它这招取名为:“起级连续猫击爪”,说它尽职是最好的形容词,咪咪屏息凝视,一连就是好几个钟头,非把老鼠等出来不可不。

13. 蜘蛛把苍蝇拖来拖去,等苍蝇累得筋疲力尽,蜘蛛才高高兴兴地享用了这顿美餐。

14. 春天到了,小燕子匆匆忙忙地赶回来报信。



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My family has a lovely little cat. It is a pair of ears like space-time probe, all the time doing the mouse look like.

Little cats ability to fight is first class. One day I was fishing, the little cat was sitting by me. Suddenly, a shadow behind me stood, then, small cat "hissing" cried. I am a head back, turned out to be a puppy, the dog was scared a few steps. Small cat this can be fierce, and its front paw against the forward, mouth crack a crack, revealing sharp teeth. Puppy filled with fear to look like, its beard straight upturned, U-turn on the road to go, small cat jump forward, hind legs pedal, to the dog chase Can be a dog to the side of the road when the exposed phase, the original is the puppys "slow tactics," small cat frightened, quickly turned to me to run here, the dog can catch up, look fast catch up , A small cat aimed at next to a tree, suddenly jump to the right, puppy caught by surprise. Small cat with claws to seize the trunk, "wind whiz" to climb all the way, the dog had to go disappointed, see the dog away, the cat slowly crawl down. Also proud of "meow meow" to call it. As if to say: "hey, you are also a poor donkey."

Little cat cat scratch the ability of the mouse is also good. Once I was sleeping. Suddenly, a burst of "squeaky" sound woke me up. I and the light of a photo, ah! The original small cat and two rats are fighting it I saw the two big rats are turning eyes, do not know what they would think of a ghost idea. Suddenly, a big mouse ran behind the little cat, the cat was quick, and the mouse was held, and then the legs were bitten with sharp teeth, and another rat was shocked, and it ran desperately. Cow is willing to let go, running quickly, not a few mice were caught by small cat, and toss too half to death.

Cute little cat, i love you.



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Today, my father bought me a lovely chicken, covered with orange hair, I called it "yellow". Miss Huangs two small eyes blink and act like a little star. Its claws are not so strong and strong as to make Xiao Huang look more lovely. Xiao Huangs favorite thing to do is to sleep on my feet. The fluffy, soft body made my feet warm.


It looked at sleep soundly, I could not bear to heart, afraid of waking it, when I move my feet, it is unable to part my feet to follow. In the evening, Xiao Huang still chirped and asked me to accompany him. So I made a foot model, surrounded by warm water bottle, so his yellow dream, watching it fall asleep, I also sleep at ease.


Huang also love to run and hide and seek, once, I am looking for a long time, did not find it later, Huang was found in my bathtub. It can fly inside, also can not fly out of its own in the bathtub was accidentally jumped. Looking at it, I smiled and took it out carefully. My chicken "Yellow Daisy" is cute!




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阳光明媚,春风吹在人身上觉得很舒服。心情很轻松,就像一只放飞的鸟儿那样欢快。真想 把风筝拿出来放啊!让风筝把我们的理想带到天上去。





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My home have a lovely and naughty little white dog, its name is small white.

The small white to sleep. A noon, it will find a warm place, carefree played a big sleep, no matter what you call it, call it, its like not to hear, in the left ear, right ear out, dont ignore you.

Once in it when sleeping, I secretly hid the its food, it woke up, cant find my dinner, it is like a cat on hot bricks, like boiled dumplings, worried, "wang wang" barked, seems to shout "things I? Im not hungry!"

Suddenly, it triumphantly walked to come over to see me, like Sherlock Holmes, seemed to have answers, eyeing up and looked at me and after a while, quickly ran up and grabbed my trousers, tried to pull back, I also dont be afraid, go forward hard, alas, because of the small white teeth are sharp, so I was it to pull over.

Small white repeatedly "begged" me, his eyes reveal anxiously look, Im helpless, gave it the food into the cupboard.

Small white immediately as found the family dog, mingled, as if in said "thank you, master!"

How, this is the interesting thing between I with small white!










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Autumn to the days of high clouds, cool breeze, orchard fruitful, faction of the harvest scene.

Look in the orchard that only a huge apple covered with branches, bending the branches, like hide and seek children exposed smile. I eat one, sweet and fragrant, really delicious. I looked at the scene, eating this apple, can not help but "poem" a: "tree apple orchard and large, red color like a child face; gently smell the smell of spicy, eat mouth sweet Jinjin!

The north of the apple forest is the vineyard. "Crystal" grape crystal translucent, like a crystal carved out like. "Red Earth" grape red with purple, like a string of red pearls hanging in the tree. And that "beauty refers to" grapes, the skin is very thin, like a touch on the broken like.

There is a large pomegranate tree on the west side of the vineyard. This is just a pomegranate like a "smiling" small doll, as if to say: "My belly big and big, which filled with small baby; everyone together to taste, teeth sweet out light. I could not stand the temptation of it, picked a, cut open the skin, took out into the mouth of a bite, red juice has been sweet to the heart, refreshing.

After tasting the pomegranate, we came to the persimmon garden. Persimmon flat, orange, like a small lantern.

The fruitful dressing up the beautiful orchard, it is indulge in pleasures without stop. This charming school of autumn, even look at a glance, also called you enchanted.



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[描写动物的作文 700字



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If you see the using life of bridge, would you put down your hand gun; If you saw the dead ant kingdom by compatriots hero, would you put down your hands cut off the tools of ants.

Yes, sometimes life is so slim, slim like sand in the sea. In the summer, when you are running in the grass that you follow the foot to jump, do you know how many creatures will be gone from this world? I can responsibly tell you: you are the one feet for insects, equals eight pounds of C4 explosives! Eight pounds of C4 explosives can blow up a skyscraper! Can you imagine the?

Every 5 minutes on average in the world will be 0.002 species extinction! The earth is warming, glaciers in melt, our beautiful earth will no longer be a home... The kinds of animals in gradually reduce, humans will get lonely; If we dont consciousness, is also want to use the machine to the zoo after animals? !

All of the young pioneers, please join me in calling for: take good care of life is the responsibility of the young pioneers, we should cherish life, protect animals!







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As the saying goes: a autumn rain, ten autumn rain wear cotton. You see, this morning, all the people outside the name of the colorful umbrella, wearing thick clothes, in the rain in a hurry to shuttle.

It s time to fall and it s cold when it s raining. To wear some thick clothes. Unlike the summer, when the rain is cool and cool outside.

The first rain in autumn is elegant. It does not play flash, do not thunder, just quietly sprinkle to the earth, really "Run things fine silent" ah!

I heard the smell of the earth, and heard the sound of the trees, and heard their words: ah! More sweet rain ah! I have not drunk for a long time, so thirsty! This time, I want more Drink some!

I saw one by one on the road is moving the "mushrooms", is color. This is the people holding a large umbrella, to do their own dry things.

This rain has been from the morning, in the middle, never stopped, it has been down to the evening, or did not stop, when it stopped?

The air was sober, the plants were tender and beautiful, and the road was covered with silver, and silver was shining and beautiful!

Feel the beauty of nature, enjoy the softness of nature!



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I have a dog,his name is Joy.He is very lovely like other dogs.When he feels happy,he always wags his tail.When he wants to eat food,he often follows me until I give him something to eat.I really like him.When I feel sad,he often stays with me as if he knew why I was sad.Thanks to him,he puts me out of my misery,so that I can live happily.He let me know dogs are humans best friends.



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I was only nine years old when I learnt how to use a computer. My mother is  my first teacher. I know how to type, how to copy a file, and how to visit a web  site on the internet. One day, mom was not at home.

I turned on the computer and began to learn how to chat on net. The first  one I met there was a boy called tom. He greeted me politely. When he knew that  I was only a 9-year-old girl, and almost knew nothing about chatting on net, he  started showing me how to use the chatting tools, how to download, and how to  send e-mails. I learnt a lot from him.




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2、金丝猴:金丝猴外表美丽高贵,样子活泼有趣。我站在金丝猴馆的大玻璃窗外仔细观察它。只见它长着一张天蓝色的脸,眼睛很大, 眼皮薄薄的 眼珠来回转动着十分机灵。它没有鼻梁,只有两个朝天的大鼻孔。我想下雨的时候它一定会用手挡住鼻孔,免得雨水就流进鼻子里被水呛着。金丝猴的大嘴非常突出,嘴唇很薄,吃起东西来一抿一抿的十分有趣。它的身子小小巧巧的,并没有什么特别的地方,但是浑身的皮毛却非常引人注目。它的毛是金灿灿的,又光滑又柔软,好像是给它披上了一件金色的“风衣”显得金光四射,特别华丽。它的尾巴与身子相比很细很长,还向上伸着,弯成了一个大问号似的形状。有时它把尾巴当作第五只“手”用。

3、长颈鹿:长颈鹿的头上有两只棒棒糖似的小角,大大的嘴巴,全身披着“速度之王”--豹子的花纹。最值得一提的还是它那条长长的豹脖子,足足有一条大蟒蛇那么长。身子跟梅花鹿的身体差不多,四条腿有细又长像一个踩高跷的杂技演员。 长颈鹿的性格实在有些古怪。它有时很高傲,我拿着一根长满绿叶的树枝喂它,可它却不理不睬,偏要吃高过自己头顶的树叶,而且细嚼慢咽,嘴巴一张一合时;嘴皮掀起来会露出那大大的黄玉牙。它有时又很顽皮,观看它的游人络绎不绝,男女老少多得数不清。长颈鹿看到游人,有时会弯下它那长长的脖子舔一下某人的脸,或者对着人呼吸。瞧他主动与人亲近的样子,我又觉得它很平和。


5、小公鸡 :我很喜欢我家的那只喔喔叫的小公鸡。它的头上长着像火把一样的冠子。背上的羽毛像穿着深红闪亮的外衣。腹部的羽毛像套了件金黄色的衬衫。一双透亮灵活的眼睛和一张尖尖的嘴,再配上最引人注目的那五颜六色的大尾巴,显得既美丽又威武。 小公鸡早上起来就站在坪台上“喔喔”地使劲叫,催人们快快起床。

6、小狗:小狗有一张宽而大的嘴巴,嘴里有一排洁白而又锋利的牙齿,它一口就可以将一只大老鼠咬死! 小狗有着矫健的四肢,它跑得速度非常快,一分钟可以跑二、三里路呢! 小狗的眼睛不很好,大约只能看一里的距离。那么,它为什么能看准东西呢?它主要靠得是它的鼻子。 小狗的爪子很锋利,不用多长时间,它就可以挖一个很大的圆形的坑。 小狗刚生下来的时候,毛是棕色的,可是它长大以后就不再是棕色的了,而变成了深黄色。














20、小猫:刚出生的小猫,眼睛闭着,叫声细弱,浑身光秃秃的,好似一个会蠕动的肉团团。 满月以后,绒毛才全部长齐。有的颈圈是白色,四肢长满白毛,背部黑中杂有灰白,尾巴灰黑;有的从头到尾披一件油墨“大氅”,脚掌却是白色,人们说是良种,叫“乌云盖雪”;有的通体黄色,现虎斑纹,人们给它美名“金不换”;还有一身白毛配上一条黑毛尾巴的,被称为“雪里拖枪”。刚满月的猫离不开奶,走路也不稳。







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1、 蜘蛛把苍蝇拖来拖去,等苍蝇累得筋疲力尽,蜘蛛才高高兴兴地享用了这顿美餐。

2、 油蛉在这里低唱,蟋蟀们在这里弹琴。

3、 鸭子扭动着他那笨拙的舞姿,发出优美的歌声!

4、 小猫还有一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,瞳孔也能随着环境而忽大忽小。三角形的鼻子两侧长着许多胡子,闲着的时候它常在阳光下捋捋自己的胡子。

5、 我家的小乌龟高兴的时侯,它会在水里吹泡泡或是跳一跳乌龟舞,它跳舞的时侯真像一个顽皮的小妹妹,真可爱!

6、 鸟儿在树上欢快的唱着歌。

7、 麻雀飞上枝头,吱吱喳喳的,好像在说:“快跑,有人来了!”

8、 懒狮子说:“我才不吃苦头呢!”

9、 看,老黄牛边拉车边朝我们笑呢!

10、 蝴蝶在花丛里翩翩起舞。



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喜欢的小动物是我家楼下的一只小猫——咪 咪。

咪 咪长得非常瘦,它一身黑白相间,软软的,毛茸茸的,好像穿着一件华丽的外套,非常神气。他的头不大也不小,圆圆的。它的眼睛不大,但它的眼睛是蓝色的。它的鼻子和尖尖的耳朵长得都很小,但是它的嘴很大,只要他一张开嘴,就会露出洁白的小齿。它的四肢和尾巴长得不长也不短。它还有几根又长又细的白胡须。



[五年级动物作文 狗



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Mistreat your animals and someone might take them from you.

Allen (not his real name) is driving north out of Virginia in the middle of the night, with stolen property in the back of his van. But Allen isn‘t a criminal – in fact he normally would never dream of breaking the law.

The “property” he stole is a dog he calls Flash. Allen doesn‘t particularly want Flash – in fact, in a few hours he‘ll drop him off at a stranger‘s house and never see him again. “I couldn‘t just stand by and do nothing,” he explains. “The owner was plainly neglecting the dog, but the police wouldn‘t do anything about it.”

For over a year, Flash had been tied to a tree in front of someone‘s house. “He was sick and malnourished,” says Allen. “More than once I saw [the owner] kick him for no reason at all.” Allen had repeatedly tried to get the owner to take better care of the animal, or to give it away to someone who would. Finally, he took matters into his own hands – in the dead of night, he took Flash off his chain and drove away with him.

Within an hour, Flash had a new license tag and was being treated by a veterinarian who knew better than to ask questions. Pictures of the dog were put up on animal rescue websites, asking for someone to adopt the dog. A couple in New York offered to take the dog, and animal lovers in states along the way agreed to provide transportation.

Nobody can say for sure how many animals like Flash are ‘rescued‘ every year – receiving stolen property is a crime, so rescuers tend to stay in the shadows. But a growing number of empty collars attests to their work as more and more animals find their way to loving homes.



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Spring is full of hope of planting, summer is full of management of fatigue, and autumn, it is full of the joy of harvest. Then in this joyful autumn I will carry the autumn yearning and curiosity, came to the grandfathers home orchard.

As soon as you enter the orchard, the aroma of the various fruits is blowing. And then saw an apple opened a smiling face covered with branches, it is a lovable. Take off one, bite, thin chew, a sweet taste will be in my heart. The wind blows, the sound of the rustling of the leaves and the sound of the streams that hit the rocks, and the play is a wonderful symphony. So that people relaxed and happy, deeply intoxicated.

Along the meandering path, go inside, one persimmon will be reflected in my eyes, so I was surprised and happy. This heavy persimmon one by one bending the branches, three clusters, five together to hold together, very cute. There is a pond next to the persimmon woods. The pond reflects the persimmon tree, it is a wonderful landscape painting. People met immediately fell in love with it, here linger.

Into the depths of the orchard, a pear will be it covered with "freckles" little face so that you love it. A little look, the tree parked a few birds, twittering cried, it seems to say: this years harvest can be really good, you see, that apple, that persimmon, that pear, one by one will be a big tree mother pressure Breathe. This is the farmer uncle hard labor in exchange for.

This is the autumn orchard, a farmer uncle with hard and sweat watering orchards.
