初二庆祝国庆节67周年作文精选三篇 作文英语精选20篇






初二年级英语作文:Protection of forests

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our country has a large area of forest. however,not until recently did the goverment begin to realize the importance of protecting the forest. as we may know from various sources,the government recently adopted a policy called "restore the farmland to the forest"。this has brought much hope to the forest of our country as well as the sustainable development of our country.




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I have some habbits, some are good, but some are bad.

I like reading very much. From reading science books, I get a lot of knowledge. From reading novels, I lose myself in the stories. I like doing sports, too. It helps me keep healthy. Also I never put todays work till tomorrow. They are all my good habbits. They help me a lot in my daily life.

However, I also have some bad habbits. For example, sometimes I do my homework slowly, and stay up till very late. During meals I prefer meat to vegetables. And sometimes I play computer games too long without having a reat. They are all harmful to my health.

From now on Ill try to keep my good habbits, and give up the bad ones. Then Ill live better.



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The products that are labelled with the words “ Made In China” can be seen everywhere. These products refer to be manufactured in China and they contain both the material and cultural elements. Once these products were very popular around the world for the low price and excellent quality, but in most foreigners eyes, they treat these products with low end and low quality. With the development of Chinese economy, the government try to improve its image, so it is in need of creating our own brand. Made In China is the good choice, the government makes effort to improve the quality, so as to promote the international image.



篇3:初二英语作文:Do Something to Fight against Pollution

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Pollution is becoming more and more serious. I.ook at the batteries all around us. We all know that used batteries are bad for environment. We shouldnt throw them away. We should recycle them. Look at the plastic bags all around us. We all know plastic bags never rot. When we do shopping, we can use paper bags to store goods instead of plastic bags.

As a matter of fact, we can do a lot to prevent the pollution.Lets do something to bring pollution under control.



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3. 国庆节快到,祝福要趁早:一祝身体好、二祝没烦恼、三祝心情妙、四祝收入高、五祝好运到;时时祝幸福缠绕、刻刻祝快乐逍遥!





6. 开心的潮水冲刷你,喜笑颜开;愉快的心弦拨弄你,欢喜连连;惬意的时光梳理你,逍遥无比;远方的朋友祝福你,心花怒放:祝国庆开心,心情好好!

7. 爱国,要胸怀大志;强国,要励精图治;为国,要清醒理智;中国,要团结一致。祖国的生日,愿你我明志:为我们伟大的祖国奉献一世!祝国庆快乐!

8. 有一种亲情叫做血浓于水,有一种“恩情”叫做恩同再造。国庆节到了,让我们对这位对我们恩重如山的“亲人”真诚地送上一句:生日快乐,我爱你!

9. 白云从不向天空承诺去留,却朝夕相处;星星从不向暗夜许诺光明,却尽力闪烁;我从不向你倾诉思念,却永远牵挂。国庆快乐!

10. 真心的祝你节日快乐,最简单通俗的祝愿,却代表了我最真挚的心。也许不久之后你会删掉这条信息,但是我最真的祝福会一直伴随你左右。



12. 敲击问候的键盘,输入快乐的字符;编辑真挚的情感,标注吉祥的标点;融汇朴实的言语,献上最美的祝福。国庆节到了,愿你笑的开心,过的愉快!

13. 十一送你十个一:一表人才,一团和气,一马当先,一呼百应,一帆风顺,一本万利,一气呵成,一鼓作气,一飞冲天,一鸣惊人!国庆快乐!

14. 闪闪闪闪闪,全都闪开了。不是我霸道,而是你重要。国庆祝福提前报到,愿你口袋满钞票,头上福星照,生活更美妙。



16. 任时光匆匆,岁月流逝。永不腿色的是祝福;永不改变的是友情。我深深的祝福你开心快乐每一天。愿这短短的话语给你带来国庆的快乐!

17. 万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。举国上下齐欢畅,家和国盛万事兴。祝我们的祖国更加繁荣富强!

18. 祝愿祖国和平长久,繁荣昌盛。

19. 祖国妈妈我爱你!我要刻苦学习,让您更加美丽富饶。

20. 祝祖国强盛,国旗是我们的骄傲,就让我向国旗敬礼,向祖国敬礼。我是炎黄子孙,要为祖国争光。

21. 祝福你祖国,我把青春献给你,愿你永远年轻永远快乐;我把赤诚献给你,愿你永远坚强永远蓬勃。

22. 不一样的民族,同一个祖国。母亲的生日,同喜同喜。

23. 祖国强,我强;祖国富,我富,我和祖国血肉相连!

24. 我骄傲我的国,我永远爱你我的国。

25. 祝福我亲爱的祖国,永永远远朝气蓬勃。

26. 祖国妈妈,多谢您!我要好好学习,奋发向上,做一个礼貌有礼的好孩子。

27. 我们就是中国,中国就是我们。我们勇敢地承担起自己的使命,祝祖国更加美好!

28. 没有国,哪有家;没有家,哪有你我。国庆来临,让我们一起祝愿国圆家圆,家和万事兴。

29. 祝福我们祖国的明天,天更蓝、山更绿、水更清、经济更繁荣、人民更幸福、国力更盛、祖国的明天更美好。

30. 祖国母亲,愿你更加繁荣富强!我要努力学习,做一个对社会有用的人!

31. 初心始终,砥砺前行,唱响了一首首中华赞歌。欢度国庆,爱我中华,愿祖国繁荣昌盛,欣欣向荣。

32. 祝福祖国的明天,天更蓝、山更绿、水更清,经济更繁荣、人民更幸福、国力更强盛。

33. 不忘初心,牢记使命,愿祖国繁荣昌盛。

34. 仰不愧天,俯不愧地,外不愧人,内不愧心,为祖国贡献一切。

35. 祝福伟大的祖国更加强盛,祝福祖国的人民天天向上。祝福你我口袋日见膨胀,祝福我们的爱人健康漂亮。

36. 对祖国的深情,渗透在我滚烫的血液中,跳动在我火热的心中。

37. 中国是我们的妈妈,我们要永远爱护她。

38. 十月一日,悄然来到,祖国的生日,即将开启!祝福伟大的祖国,生日快乐,节日快乐!

39. 我以我心爱祖国,我以我行报祖国。

40. 啊!祖国!我的祖国!您是希望,您是信念,您是我们一切拼搏进取的依托。



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on september 30, to anger at the door, sits on intercept taxi mistake is a red car, will arrive at the destination, i pass the driver in the moment, the driver money: younger sister, you will not see me, i will take what car 300,000 car rental? i stay, i sent the wrong, hurriedly apology, that car is perfect, he is a good man, what do i go home, i sent directly is really happy...

with the national day holiday mood began plan:nation day is coming,during the nation day i plan to the hainan island for a vacation.i want to leave for on29th,the later the better,we can have more time to play. we want to go there by plane because it takes less time.

we can stay there about 5 days.we can go to the beach,and we can go fising there.we can go shopping,because there must be many funny things.we aslo can go to the sightseeing,it must be very beatiful.

i think we can have a good time then . i hope it is coming soon



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Maybe Ill become actress. If I become an actress, maybe Ill be famous and rich, I will take part in lots of activities. Ill give money to schools and charities and do a lot of work to help people. But I dont have free time. I will have a difficult time knowing who my real friends are. Being an actress is difficult.

Maybe Ill become a teacher. If I become a teacher, I will play with children and I will communicate with children every day. Ill become a volunteer teacher and help the poor students. Ill make them get good grades.

But I want to be famous, if I become a teacher, I wont be famous, so I think Ill be an actress.



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Heard that microblogging is a fresh thing, I have to get one. Registration, the system let me lost the user name, I thought it was your sina email lost in.

One day afternoon, the classmate called me, ask, what is my weibo name. I paused, do not know he ask which name is. I have to say: "Ill check it and tell you later on."

Came to the computer desk, quickly open the computer, microblogging, I was shocked. My name as email. I decided to change! He picked up the mouse to click the button. Suddenly jump out a white box, ask what I want the name, the following and fill out a bunch of. I think the most, still didnt come up with a preferred name. But on second thought, interesting and have what use? Once couldnt remember not spoiled.

"Well," forgotten "is a good choice." I said to himself. However, all these need not the name of the memory has been trademarked, how to do? I have to add characters to the name, keyword. I tried a dozen minutes, finally make a name, called "I really, really forgot. Hey hey, this is not to forget. I call my classmate is busy, tell him the new weibo name.

To give a little easy to remember and cool name - difficult!








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dear henry,

i’m glad to receive your letter. it’s a pleasure for me to tell you my plan of this coming summer vacation after the college entrance examination.

first of all, a good rest is needed because i do feel tired after the hard work of all these years. of course, i’ll do some reading for fun, and for knowledge as well. i’ll spend some time staying with my parents, chatting with them and doing some housework. they’ve done so much for me, you know. if possible, i’ll take part in some social activities so that i can know more about the society.

best wishes!

li hua



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mid-autumn day

mid-autumn day is a traditional festival in china. almost everyone likes to eat mooncakes on that day. most families have a dinner together to celebrate the festival. a saying goes, "the moon in your hometown is almost always the brightest and roundest". many people who live far away from homes want to go back to have a family reunion. how happy it is to enjoy the moon cakes while watching the full moon with your family members.



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Today, the founding of the Peoples Republic of China on the 57th anniversary of the National Day, Fuzhou streets and alleys everywhere people gongs and drums gongs and drums people are endless.

I heard that my grandfather said that fifty-seven years ago, our country had not yet been liberated, and the people had been oppressed by the reactionary forces of the Kuomintang and lived a fiery life, defeated the Kuomintang and established New China under the leadership of Chairman Maos Communist Party. From the people live a happy life. The end of the old society hunger and cold life. Our country has shown a thriving scene of prosperity and prosperity.

We cherish the beautiful life now, thank the party leadership, todays well-being of life is not easy.



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Before I went to school, I felt so excited, because I was so curious about

the campus life. Now I have been in middle school, after seven years’ study, I

feel the bitter and happiness. The bitter is that there are always exams,

sometimes I can’t do well. Every time when I get the low mark, I will be afraid

of disappointing my parents. The happy thing is that I make many friends here.

We play and study together. They are just like the brothers and sisters to me.

This is the process of growing up, which mix pain and happiness. I am so lucky

to have these friends in my life, they mean so much to me.



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On the morning of the Spring Festival, our family was busy. Mother put couplets on the gate. What I saw in my eyes was "lili spring resident, people and fuyong". The family is peaceful and happy.

I, then help mother paste "fu" word, want to stick on the door. My mother hurriedly stopped me and said, "the word fu should be pasted, which is the homophony of fu. The Spring Festival couplet has festival, wealth, auspicious meaning." As soon as I heard it, I immediately put the "fu" on the back. The father was also careful to hang up the red lanterns. I think: is this red lantern not the face of our country changing with each passing day?

In the evening, its time to have dinner. The kitchen was filled with fragrance; On the table was a big dinner, which made people look and spit. There is a fish in the middle of the table, which means more than one year. The guests arrived, and sat in front of the table, enjoying the feast with relish. Mom and dad greeted the guests with a big smile. The whole family was happy and the house was filled with happiness.

After dinner, grandma came to share the bonus package. Our family has a small stipulation that the young people get the award, not only the red packets, but also other rewards. This year, I was judged "three good students". My grandmother gave me a red envelope and gave me a nice pencil case. In the New Year, I encourage my academic performance to go up further. The children all received red envelopes with a big smile on their faces.

At eight o clock in the evening, our family turned on the TV and watched the Spring Festival gala. The melodious song is intoxicating; The graceful dance is full of praise; The funny joke made people laugh. That wonderful sketch comedy makes people laugh... Bursts of laughter rippling over the living room.

This Spring Festival, I have a very meaningful life. I hope I will be better next Spring Festival!









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The National Day, aunt took me to the nantong play in the park.

Along the way, I saw flowers, flowers are varied. There are red, yellow, purple... , let a person see more dazzling. A breeze blowing, the grass in nod, flowers are in the dance. Beautiful.

We in the supermarket to buy something to eat first, and then we went to the park. Entered the park, we saw many animals, have a smart lovely little monkeys, they jumped up and down in the cage, wave to the visitors, I took some biscuits for them, the little monkeys pushing me like bees, with biscuits; That they are a jovian tiger, came over and their ferocious appearance makes people dare not near; With beautiful proud peacock, is to catch up with them when we got there the tail, the colorful feathers opened like handfuls of beautiful sun umbrellas, it is no wonder that the peacock proud. There are many unknown small animals. A long time, and I didnt leave in the aunts urging the zoo.

Then we have to play electric horse, sitting in the boat. Unconsciously by late afternoon, we are reluctant to go home, evening I still had a beautiful dream, dream of my house is a beautiful park.

This is really a happy day!








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October 1st is the national day of our country, which is a public holiday for the whole country. It’s an important day that marks the beginning of PRC. On that day, there are plenty of celebrations holding throughout the country, from the central government to the general people. And public places, including big squares, parks are decorated in festive theme. In recent years, the national holiday means the golden week as well, which is a short holiday that all people expect to. With the improvement of living standards, people have more money and desire to travel and the golden week is a good chance for them. Besides, for those people who would not go out, it’s a good time to have a good rest as well. Therefore, the national day means a lot to the Chinese.




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Frank has just got off the train in the evening.He wants to call one of his friends to pick him up at once.He looks for a while and at last finds a telephone booth.But when he gets there, he sees a lady already in.There are no other public telephones nearby,so he has.to wait. He waits and waits.

The lady on the phone is just talking andlaughing.She seems as if she doesnt notice Frank. After about half an hour,the lady puts down the receiver.Frank feels a bit released.

She is finished finally,he thinks. But to his surprise,the lady picks it up again,fishes a coin from her pocket and pushes it into the slot."Oh, no!"Frank says to himself."She is making another call."

[Telephone Booth初二英语作文



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I always dream about returning to the past. As many people say, childhood

is the happiest and easiest time in one’s life. Children show you their true


They know what is compassion and what is tolerance better than adults.

In their world, all real thoughts are presented.

They may easily have different opinions with others, but they never

understand what is animosity.

They enjoy making friends but they never think about making social

communication net. Every child talks from the bottom of his heart without evil

plans hidden and never intrigues against each other.

Only in children’s way can adults make our life simple, more real and more


I wish everyone’s heart would keep as innocent and lovely as they ever did

in their childhood. Then, the walls between our hearts can be broken down and

the world would be a better place to live in.



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I am taking a long vacation this National Day .

My mother told me to make vacation plans. So I am thinking about what I am doing for vacation. My father wants me to go to Beijing with him, my mother wants me to visit my grandma with her , but I just want to spend time with my friends and relax at home, because I am tired and sleepy after long weeks classes.

Later on , I decide to go to Beijing with my father on October 1st . I am visiting Tian’an Men Square, Bird nets and taking a lot of beautiful photos there. But I don’t like going away for too long, so I am staying there just for four days.

After I get back home, I am visiting my grandma with my mother and brother on October 5th . I am watching TV and having lunch at my grandma’s home. In the afternoon, we are going shopping at the mall.

On October 6th. I am ralaxing at home , playing computer games and surfing the Internet . I am going to beaches with my friends on the seventh day. We are playing in the water and playing beach volleyball there.

I hope the weather will be nice during National Day holiday and I am enjoying myself. I can’t wait.




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I had a very happy vacation. In every days life, I do my homework in the morning, play with my friend in the afternoon, read book after dinner. In another day, I can go to MEISHAN moutain. Like this, study and play are all on the way, very plentiful.
