





六年级英语作文:Never give up

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When I was in Grade 8, I read the book Robinson Crusoe.

The main character is Robinson. When he was a child, he liked sailing very much. But his father didnt agree with him. Finally, when he was a young man, his fathers friends wanted to take his fathers boat. And he went with them. Unluckily, the boat ran up on a rock and this made a lot of sailors and passengers die but Robinson was alive! He went on a small land. There was nobody, no water or food. You could imagine that it was too hard to live. However, he put up a tent and got things from the broken boat. As the months went by, Robinson learnt to make bread by himself. Then he found some groups of sheep. They were trained and eaten by Robinson. Twenty years later, there was a boat coming from England and Robinson was saved.

The writer of this book is Daniel Defoe. Robinson was a great miracle. He achieved numerous Impossible things. Robinson Crusoe was immortal novel, because it showed us a courageous, brave, confidence. A vanquish able nature, a hero who exploited nature.

There is no perfect life in the world. But we can change our fate. If we have confidence and work hard, we absolutely will be victorious and the most important thing is Never give up! I believe that nothing is impossible!




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今年 刚开学,我认识了一位新的英语老师,她姓罗,女老师,二十来岁。圆圆的脸上总是挂着笑容,明亮的眼睛,红润的嘴巴,粉红的脸蛋,配着她那一套新鲜亮丽的春装,非常阳光,真是太 美了!

第一次上英语课,同学们都在议论,说今天可能要换新老师,我的心就怦怦怦地跳,心想:不会又是一个”暴力女“吧!我坐在最前面一排,上课铃一响,就看见一个高个子女老师站在教室门 口,许多同学又开始议论:”我觉得这个老师一定很和蔼!“”不!相反,高个子老师一般应该很暴力!“听了这些话,我情不自禁地想到以前老师生气的样子;板着个脸,铁青的面孔,很吓人。于是 我的心更加紧张。正在这时,高个子老师走进教室,上课了,老师第一句话竟是:”大家好,我姓罗,以后和同学们一起学习,请多多指教!“和风细雨般的,这句话震惊了全场人!我紧张的心立刻轻 松了许多……开始写作业了,我拿起笔,刷刷刷地写到了最后一题,这可把我难住了,我一会儿摸摸头,一会儿玩玩笔,正当我百思不得其解时,罗老师过来,”怎么了,像很为难的样子?“我说出了 我的困难,罗老师笑笑指着课本上刚学的句子,”哦!我明白了!“我那堵塞的思路立即被疏通了。多亏罗老师地及时到来呀!我再看看她的脸——白白的脸蛋透着粉红,挂着温柔地微笑,十分亲切。 多么可爱的老师啊!

还有一次报听写,虽然单词很简单,可是由于我太紧张,不小心写错了一个字母。,事后,我肠子都悔青了!第二节英语课,老师要公布听写成绩,听到别人都是一百分,我惭愧地低下了头。 念到我了,老师特意说,虽然错了一个,可老师相信我的有实力,还和蔼地对我说:”不要紧,下次认真点就好了!“我听了,特别感动。罗老师,您是我心目中最棒的老师。




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从小到大,经历了无数个老师的教诲,常常会回想起他们,想起他们的音容笑貌,想起他们的独特,想起他们作为一个老师所独具的影响力,最难忘我初中的英语老师,到今天为止,她也是我见过的最漂亮 最优雅的女人。

在农场黯淡的天色下,婉老师是一道亮丽的风景,她出生于一个大地主家庭,曾经是川大的校花,没有人知道她为什么会流落到农场来教书,她教我们的时候,已是四十岁的中年人了,苍白如纸的 脸上却看不到一丝皱纹,五官极精致,总给人不真实的感觉,有一种拒人于千里之外的高贵,她上课的时候,教室里出奇的安静,最调皮的男生就算逃课也不会在她课堂上喧哗的,除了讲课她不会有一 句多余的话,总是上课来,下了课就走,也不跟任何人寒喧,独自来独自去,眼神却是空茫的,农场庸常和琐碎的生活里,婉老师象不真实的影子留在我的记忆里。

我离开农场以后,婉老师也随着高升的丈夫到了省城,超常和孤傲的美丽注定了她会有一段轰轰烈烈不同凡响的经历,她竟然放着好好的官太太不做,跟一个小她十多岁的男人私奔了,最让人不能 接受的是,那男人除了一张漂亮的脸蛋和满嘴的油腔滑调以外一无是处,而且整整比她矮了一个头,所有人都说婉老师鬼迷心窍了,我想她是太想证明自己太想给自己找到一个舞台,女儿以死相逼也没 能让她回心转意,结果应了那句老话:”自古红颜多薄命“,没过多久,小男人因诈骗被判入狱,婉老师却没了退路,儿女拒绝认她,老公对她恨之入骨,那一刻,她要面对的不只是伤痛和悔恨,而是 整个世界的垮塌和陷落,于是,她消失了,从那以后,农场的人再也没有看见过她。




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Recently, I heard a "low carbon life" is a word. By reading books about low carbon life is a kind of low consumption, low energy, low cost, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions by way of life. In the data access process, I know Baoding is a pilot city of national small and medium-sized city, as a student, what can I do for the low-carbon life?


Previously, so every day I screwed water to wash hands, every month, water consumption of ten tons, now, the teacher told us to prepare two bucket, used to store the waste water. The waste water can be used to flush the toilet, mopping the floor, water the flowers. Use of electricity is to save, read a computer or TV, to the socket on the small red light off, in order to save power, as far as possible when the homework, early in the evening lights for one hour, walking in the one hour time with family. Save power, but also played a role in weight loss, but also to enhance the feelings, really serve multiple purposes! Use less disposable items (such as chopsticks, lunch boxes) to use less plastic bags, use environmental protection bags. The best travel on foot, opened a small car rental, do less, do more buses. So do the "low consumption, low energy, low cost" role.


Low carbon life, everybody, let me first, Protect environment.



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I like to travel to different places, I can see the beautiful scenery and get to know the different cultures. My friends and I always travel together, we make many plans in advance. But the plans will always be interrupted by all kinds of unexpected incidents, like the bad weather, the holiday being cancelled, so we have to spend another time to wait for the trip. Traveling alone can ignore these problems, I can go to travel whenever I want, I just need to pick up my backpack, and then buy the ticket. It is so free, I don’t have to wait for others, I can go to the places I want to. Traveling alone is good.




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though my daily life is extremely monotonous, i try hard to adapt myself to it. why? because i intend to be a good student. i wish to render service to my country.

i get up at six o’clock every day. after i wash my face and brush my teeth, i begin to review my lessons. i go to school at seven o’clock.

after school is over, i return home. we usually have supper at seven o’clock.then i begin to do my homework. i want to finish it before i go to bed.



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我的假期(My holiday)

I enjoyed my May Day holiday. We Chinese people celebrated the International Labour Day in different ways. Some of us really enjoyed our holiday vacations, so we went sightseeing and visiting our loved ones. However, other people had to take their duties on this holiday.

For example, the police, firefighters and soldiers were on their duties by keeping us safe throughout the holiday. Hospitals opened during the holiday, so doctors and nurses were on call for taking care of their patients. Services such as tourism, restaurants, shopping malls and super markets were open to the public during the May Day holiday.

We appreciated these hard working people who never stopped delivering great services to their clients and customers throughout the holiday of the First of May. All in all, showing appreciation to hard working people is a significance of celebrating the Labour Day holiday. I liked this May Day holiday very much!




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"Hunger breeds discontentment", this shows how important it is for us the food! However, in the process of eating you have pay attention to food hygiene? If you do not pay attention to health, may be because of a little careless and lost the precious life.


Although I am still a pupil, but I know a lot about food safety knowledge! For example, cant buy anything in the stalls, do not eat without a hygiene licence expired, metamorphic restaurant can not eat, "three noes" of the food, not eating undercooked things and so on. I also know that in the purchase of food, pay attention to check the following several aspects: one is to choose a good reputation, quality and stability of the well-known brand; the two is to pay attention to see the product packaging factory name, the site, food production date and shelf life, refused to buy the "three noes" products; three is to check the food and conformity, the nutritional ingredients, fresh color degree; four is to pay attention to quality and price match, the purchase of the ultra low price small food not; five is to pay attention to check the food logo etc..


You see, we eat food must choose good food, otherwise it may cause danger to us.



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Qingdao -- Haiyang sunshine beach, sitting on a sailing boat, feel the sea breezeblowing comfortable.

Located in the Yellow Sea coast of Qingdao is Chinas important regional economic center, international shipping center in Northeast Asia, the international coastal tourist resort, famous international port city. The 2008 Olympic Games so that everyone on the Qingdao more of an impression label -- sailing to Qingdao sea, rent a sailboat,feelings of the maritime customs.


Shangri-La world is a rare perfect natural ecology and traditional culture of the pure land, known as "mountain garden", "Kingdom of animals and plants," "Kingdom of non-ferrous metals" reputation. From Dali along the Yunnan Tibet Highway North 315 kilometers, is the capital of Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Zhongdian County town centre, 659 km away from Kunming, up to 50 minutes by plane. Is a Tibetan as the main body, a vast territory, rich resources of the county. Zhongdian a total of 24 well-known tourist attractions, is a natural landscape, rich cultural landscape of thestate tourism hotline, is one of the eight gold.


Now National Day is coming. I have made a plan for it .I am going to Beijing with my parents.Because there are many places of interest .First we want to visit the Great Wall ,which is considered one of the seven wonders in the world. Second we want to visit the summer palace ,where lived many emperors during the hot days. Then we want to visit the Water Cube,where many important events are held .Finally we want to visit hutong to get a knowledge of the culture of old Beijing .I think this trip must be very interesting and we will have a good time.


Old Town of Lijiang is also called Dayan Town, Dayan, may also refer to the Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County Administrative System "has been withdrawn". Old Town of Lijiang in the Southern Song Dynasty has begun to take shape, the existing eight,nine hundred years of history. Since the Ming Dynasty, Old Town of Lijiang says"Dayan car", Lijiang dam Center for their home, surrounded on all sides of Castle Peak, green water between a hover, like a jasper big inkstone, hence the name.



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This holiday is very interesting. When walking on the street, the advertisements are full of walls. People walking across the street must stop to see the noticeable advertisements, and the funny words cant help laughing.

First look at the first advertisement on the side of the east wall. "Why not slow" brand cough cough syrup for children, look, what, this advertisement some taste it to see this, advertisers, who do not want to buy a bottle. Now the business can really do, using the homonym of idioms to do advertising, really one stone, one word, a word, cattle.

And then look at the southeastern ad. "Haste is not", look, do you know what it means? Is to say, the shower time is too short, can not achieve a certain purpose. Haha, shower or shower to shower the knowledge, a long time, that cant be soaked through. Hey, this ad is a bit of a taste.

And then look at the advertisement on the north side. "Chicken can not lose, the flavor of the Roast Chicken, high quality and inexpensive, wow, this advertisement is too tempting. Here, who dont go and buy only Roast Chicken to snack. Really, "chicken [machine] cant be lost, lost again."

Finally, look at the street east the hotel in front of the advertisement, "Qing Ling Hotel", do not look at these words, a look, a few words that glittering under the sign of "the food package you high quality and inexpensive, eat whole foods [ten] [ten] beauty", eat also want to eat". Why, this advertisement is pretty good. The boss of this shop is really smart. He must be a knowledgeable person. If not, how can I think of using homophonic idioms to advertise? I believe the business of this shop must be very hot.

The present society is very diverse and colorful. With the progress of the times and the development of science and technology, the intelligence quotient of people is also getting higher and higher. Look, how beautiful the world is, how interesting it is.

This holiday is really full and interesting.









篇10:六年级英语作文:Being An Honest Girl

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today im very happy,after i have breakfast,i go to park.

its a sunny day ,the bird is singing,im singing too.when i get to park,i see some girls are playing games ,so i join them.we play very happy.then i have lunch with my friends.we both have a good time.what a happy day!



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Today is a special day ,it’s my maternal Grandpa’s birthday.In many years,we celebarted the day together happily ,with our whole family.But he has gone …and won’t come back again.We know he is living in the heaven, with God and gods.

That day ,I standed before him,during a queit moment ,he was looking at me ,smiling in peace …. And the next moring , he passed away…

I enjoyed the beautiful stories my grandpa told . He was a marvelous storyteller.When I was a child , he liked to told mythology for us. All the children crowded around him,like subjects around the throne. One after another,he told stories from his hearts. And now,I announce that it is maternal Grandpa’turn to listen to my stories for a change. I want to told him all about my shool life,with wet ,flashing eyes.It recalls all kinds of lost memories—stories about when we are little,stories about when Grandpa was young,stories that are shared family treasuers.







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Impressions of the holiday is always filled with unforgettable memories, happiness is always filled with memorable impression in the holiday to enrich feelings, impressions of the holiday is always filled with more satisfying, dribs and drabs, carefree, happy! Every time as long as the holiday comes, Ill put all the troubles, depressed mood, all rushed to the toilet, the heart of the crazy fun, completely to charge a big heart, enjoy the vacation short happy time!

Which makes me to hainan island is the most memorable in the year summer vacation, "play" jellyfish in just five days, let our whole family to play joy, these! Hainan island of jellyfish are avirulent without electricity; Can for people to touch, they are like little jelly and attractive appearance, really makes me remember, never forget!

Work more and more in recent years, the family, the holiday life into countless zi tasteless, miserable life, can only at home, enjoying them that years of dribs and drabs, originally happy vacation, becomes monotonous and boring of waiting, imagine, after all, in the heart still went up in smoke.

"Vacation" is a kind of mind, can let me enjoy the vacation life of that kind of happiness, meet the happy feeling.







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I am going to have a happy holiday.I am going to Beijing on my summer holiday.I am going with my parents.We are going by plane.We are going to visit the Great Wall.I am going to eat good food.I am going to visit my aunt.That will be fun.What are you going to do on your summer holiday?Can you tell me?



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I really had a busy and happy winter holiday.I did my homework and helped my parents with the housework every day.I like drawing so much that I spent lots of time drawing pictures and read books about drawing every day.I sometimes went to the library to read books and surfed the internet.During the Spring Festival,i visited my grandparents,friends and relatives.We really had a great time together.I prepared for the new lessons and read English,too.I really enjoyed my winter holiday.



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I’m going to the sun on my holiday. I will go there by a spaceship. I will take a big blue spaceship.

Then I’ll pilot the spaceship to the sun. The sun is very hot. So I put on the super-shirt. In the morning, I will have some sun burger for my breakfast.

At eight o’clock, I will play with my friends there.They are super dog and super girl. Super dog is white and black. Super girl is very clever. Super girland super dog like to play with me. So I play with un salad. I will make some red toy bear to the sun babies. I will have red juice, red fish and red rice. All the things are red. Then I need a lot of water on the sun because the sun is too hot. So I will walk to the spaceship. I’ll pilot the spaceship to the earth.

This is a good holiday on the sun.

【My Holiday】

Oh! It was winter holiday. I was very happy. I read my favourite books. I have many wonderful books. But I could not read these books too much. I also had a lot of homework to do. I like playing computer games, too. It’s very interesting. But I could not play it too much. I wear glasses, I’m very sad. It’s not good for my eyes to play computer games too much.

Oh! It was the Spring Festival. It’s Chinese traditional festival. People were very happy. They went shopping, cleaned their houses, had supper together……I went to my grandparents’ home with my parents. My grandparents were very happy to see us. They prepared many kinds of nice food, such as fish, meat, vegetables and fruit. In the evening, we watched TV and lighted fireworks. We also knocked on people’s doors and gave some presents to them. After the Spring Festival, we went to Shanghai to go shopping. We bought clothes, shoes and some delicious food.

I had a good holiday, I think. I also have very nice school life now.


This holiday my sister and I went to Shanghai. My sister had just graduated and she wanted to find a job in Shanghai. My uncle lived in Shanghai, so we lived with him after we got there. On the first day we went to a lot of interesting places, including Waitan and Huangpu Park.

The next few days were spent helping my sister find a job. We read many advertisements in newspapers. My sister failed in getting the first job because they said she was too young. Then we lost our way and couldn’t find the second company. We had a map but the city is so big, so we had to asked someone for help and finally found the second company. The boss had a talk with my sister and asked her to wait at home for their decision. A month later we went home. My sister couldn’t find a job in Shanghai because she was not knowledgeable enough or she didn’t have enough experience.

In this holiday we learned that if we want to succeed in life, we have to work hard and get a lot of knowledge.

【My summer holiday】

I went to Hainan Island with my parents for a holidy and we stayed there for a week. It took us only more than three hours to get to Haikou airport. We enjoyed the warm sunshine and the soft wind. We walked on the beach and picked up the beautiful shells. We also sufed on the waves and it was really exciting. We played ball games on the beach as well. I believed Hainan was really an attractive city with famous beach and mountains. We really enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Hainan.

【My vacation】

Hello everyone. My name is Alec. I’m so glad to be here. My topic is my holiday.

Today is my holiday. I ask my mum, “Can we go to Baiyun Mountain with Dad?” “Good idea,” says mum. We pack some water and snacks, and then we drive there. There are two ways to the top of the mountain. We choose the steeper one because we want a challenge. The scenery is very beautiful. There are trees and flowers everywhere. We see a beehive with bees busy working. We meet a lot of people on the way. Some of them are singing, some of them are dancing, and some of them are playing with their family.

When we climb halfway up the mountain, it is getting steeper and steeper. We are bathed in sweat. Mum and I are tired to walk. Dad says, “keep on going. Where there is a will there is a way.” At last we climb to the summit. We are very happy though we are very tired. From the peak of Baiyun Mountain we can see the whole city of Guangzhou. It is so beautiful. We sit down, relax, and enjoy our snacks.

I wish I could have more time like this to relax with my family.



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a new term began. students all returned to school met again. they were talking about what they had done in the holidays. i was happier. i couldnt wait to tell my story. now its my turn. i told them i got a job in a restaurant. i worked as a waitress.

they didnt believe at first.

"yes, its true. "i said," i really had a hard time at the beginning. but several days later, i could do a good job. i earned six hundred yuan this holiday. "they all looked at me with their mouths open.



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Date(日期) Weather(天气)


The body of the diary(日记正文)


11. 注意日期、星期和天气的书写位置。

日期和星期要写在正文的左上角,其顺序多是“星期 + 月、日、年”


如“ 2003 年 11 月 22 日, 星期一”可写为“ Monday November 22, 2015 ”或“ November 22,2015 Monday ” 。

天气情况应写在正文的右上角,如: Fine、 Rainy、 Cloudy、 Windy 、sunny等。

22. 关于标题的书写。

在日期和天气的下一行中间可以写上日记小标题,也可以不写标题。 刚开始写日记,可以用一个词作标题。

33. 关于正文的书写。



1 )要选择当天感受最深刻、最有意义的事件来描述,不要写成简单的流水帐;

2 )日记的内容多是亲身经历和耳闻目睹的事情,所以要用第一人称来写;

3 )日记多是在当天晚上来记述当天发生过的事情,因为动词时态常使用过去时,但使用时必须灵活掌握。


4 )日记应以时间发生的先后顺序来展开,并且要简明扼要、条理清楚、写出真实感。


Sunday May 21,2015 Sunny

Going on a Picnic

Today was Sunday. The weather was fine and warm. The sky was very clear and blue. My classmates and I were very happy, because we went out for a picnic at Nanshan Hill.

We went to Nanshan Hill by bike with fruits, eggs, meat,vegetables, knives and some other things.

About one and a half hours later, we came to a nice place at the foot of the hill. There were many beautiful flowers and green trees. Birds sang their sweet songs. How pleased we were! Then we were busy with the picnic. Some of us were getting water,some were cutting the meat and vegetables and cook,others were sitting on the grass and waiting for nice lunch.

At about 13 o"clock, our lunch was ready. We all sat around on the green grass, singing, talking, eating and drinking.

At about 16:00 we began packing for our return.

What a nice time we were having!

[点评] 小作者能用准确、 地道的语言, 简练的语句非常生动地描写出了野炊的场面。

这篇文章条理清楚, 尤其是“ some … some … , others …”句型,以及 singing, eating 等现在分词作伴随状语的运用,使这篇日记增色不少。



Jan. 1st 2015 Thursday Sunny


It was sunny and cold today. I got up early.

Because today is my birthday!



一月:January 缩写:Jan

二月:February 缩写:Feb

三月:March 缩写:Mar

四月:April 缩写:Apr

五月:May 缩写:May

六月:June 缩写:Jun

七月:July 缩写:Jul

八月:August 缩写:Aug

九月:September 缩写:Sept

十月:October 缩写:Oct

十一月:November 缩写:Nov

十二月:December 缩写:Dec


1号 就是1st,2号2nd,3号 3rd 4号以后都是在后边加上th

如:1月1号 Jan. 1st

12月12号 Dec. 12th


Monday 星期一 Mon.

Tuesday 星期二 Tues.

Wednesday 星期三 Wed.

Thursday 星期四 Thurs.

Friday 星期五 Fri.

Saturday 星期六 Sat.

Sunday 星期天 Sun.


通用的各国时间表示 小时:分:秒 AM/PM



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Time slips away like water, and a happy, happy, happy summer vacation is quietly taken away. What happened during the summer vacation was like a star in the sky. Because I especially like to read books about history, but I am very unhappy because I have too many homework to read. In this summer vacation mom seemed to see my heart, and immediately to the library of our village four or five books about history of thick book to me, then I watched intently. But I saw it in three weeks and I had nothing to do. Three days after reading the book, I was still bored. Finally, my fourth day mother asked me to go with her to move the watermelon!

I put on my boots and started off with the bucket. I walked gingerly on the slippery field, and gradually saw many watermelons, carefully removing the round watermelon, for fear of falling on the ground. "One, two, three..." I put five big watermelons on the bucket, and I lifted the bucket and pulled it back. I was full of sweat when I came home, but "the emperor has no man to do", and my mother gave me an ice watermelon to reward me. Its nice!

But, those are memories, and the new semester is the one that needs to be faced.



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Once a year the Tomb-sweeping Day again, I like last year and her mother go to Grandpa grave. On the way, I kept asking her mother: "Mom, mom, grandpa is what look like? "Mom always said kindly," just like mom! "My grandfather died when my mother was in grade four, and didnt leave a photo. When other students to mention how good my grandfather, I always envy and sad.

To the grandmother, we are in over sixty years, grandma. I came to the room, fold the paper flowers, also put a thought into the fold of the paper. Afternoon, the sun, my mother, aunt and grandmother, the scorching sun to the mountains to Grandpa grave. To the mountain looked up, saw a green mountain scene. Aunt carrying a hoe for a while that in addition to the grass, then put the thorn vine cut. In a short while, a path was opened up to us.

Grandpa came to the grave, the first thing is a mossy pots, closed Yanyanshishi, showing only a small section of the ground, it was filled with Grandpa ashes. Aunt and grandmother began to weed them for a while, the grave of the hill on the bamboo to hoe, then cut the weeds, a show in front of us is to clean the grave.

Specific tape I quickly removed from the bag, sprinkled on the Grandpa grave, finally put a beautiful bouquet of chrysanthemums in pots, listen to mama said, on behalf of the dead relatives miss daisy. At this time, the grave becomes a big flower chair like magic. Grandma is in front of the tomb placed round, delicious meat ducks egg, red apples, sweet and delicious taste of fruit six......

We put the incense burning incense hands in a row out of public worship. Then, we burn the paper money, set off firecrackers. Lovemaking...... "It is like the Grandpa in our wishes.

Suddenly, my nose acid, cried out: "Grandpa, Grandpa, I want to Grandpa! "My mother said to me:" baby, dont you cry! It is impossible for a man to die again. You Grandpa is not there, but he knew that his grandson is very healthy, very cute, he would be very happy. As long as you study hard, get good grades, is the best miss. I nodded my head. Then my mother took my hand and walked down the hill.



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i had a long holiday for may day .i was very happy, because i could do anything i want.

during those days. i enjoyed myself. at first, i went to the zoo to see lovely animals. and then. i went to the sea world to see beautiful fishes. that was very interesting. secondly i went for a trip with my parents, we went to linxia to visit my grandparents and to eat minority’s foods. we rode horse on the grassland and had a fun with local children. it was very exciting. after that, i held a party and invited some of my best friends to visit my house. my mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us, we also took many photos on the party.
