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Dear Wang Han(亲爱的王涵)

My school life is interesting(我的校园生活很有趣).We have many subjects to learn(我有许多科目要学习).My favourite subject is English(我最喜欢的科目是英语).Because my English teacher(以为我的英语老师),Miss White(怀特小姐),is kind to me(对我是慈祥的).I don’t like math(我不喜欢数学).I think it’s a little difficult(我认为它有一点困难).

After school(放学后),I like playing basketball reading books(我喜欢打篮球和读书).Sometimes(有时),my classmates and I play games on the playground(我的同学和我一起在操场上玩游戏).I’m happy at school(我在学校非常开心).I love my school life(我爱我的校园生活).






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"Enough! Enough!"I said when Father and Mother were still giving me more fish ad meat. My bowl was piled up like a little hill.

"Dont study too late into the night. Do be careful of your health. Have you had any examinations recently?"Father asked me in great concern.

My face turned red. I didnt dare to give Father an answer. I hadnt made any progress in my studies. I did badly in all subjects. I only got 60 for maths and failed in physics.

"It doesnt matter. Try to find better study methods and to work harder. I am sure you can enter a college!"Hearing these words, I bent my head down. What a kind father! He didnt scold me, but encouraged me instead.

"Have you used up the money I gave you last night?"With these words, Father was taking his wallet out."Mother has just given me 10 yuan.""Buy something to eat when you are hungry."Father passed me another ten-yuan note.

Should I accept it? Father and Mother love me deeply. Why couldnt I get god marks in exams? Tears came into my eyes.

"Dont cry. Now I will take you to the bus stop."As usual, Father carried that heavy bag and went to his dirty old bike.




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Do you know what a snowman is? Let us a make!

First, we make a big ball of snow. Then we make another is smaller than the first snowball.

Now we make another very small snowball. We put it on top. Let us make a face on the snowman. Carrot is his nose. Some little

rockets for his mouth and eyes. Two sticks for his arms.This hat are on the top for his hat.

Ok!The snowman is wonderful.






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Dear friend,

My name is Wang Lin . Now I live in Hangzhou , China. I want to find a pen pal in England. I’m now 14 years old . I speak Chinese .And I can speak a little English. I like sports ,swimming is my favorite . I also like playing the computer games . My favorite subject in school is math. I like to

go to movies with my friends. My favorite movie is Beauty and Beast . Now I live with my parents .

Can you write to me soon ?

Wang Lin




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文章摘要:1. 遇见你的那一刻,世界轰然倒塌;两人抬起头有点不相信的盯着我。英语如何写出中考高分作文儿子出院那天,已经夕阳西下了,他笑了笑对儿子说:乖啊,不怕,有爸爸呢,我还有办法。关于事业:没有什么高低贵贱之分,人人为我我为人人,只要合法,能干什么就干什么,口袋没钱最丢人,死要面子活受罪的事千万别干.!


②要点:what → when →how → why → hope and plan for the future.


内容具有开放性,但它也是“控制性”的写作试题,因此不能随意发挥,要善于抓信息,写完要点。选用这两篇学生真实习作,一是因为他们选材相同,二是因为他们都是英语成绩优秀的同学。同学B灵活使用连词so...that,so,little by little,when,so that等,恰到好处地使用新句型和短语used to,became interested in,come true......等,使内容丰富,读起来优美流畅。其实这些表达同学A也会,只是缺乏技术加工。通过这两篇作文点评,同学们便能悟出其中的奥妙。












Jinyun Mountain is a famous place of interest ...

趁现在,没有孩子,没有牵绊,我也不贪图他什么,该是离婚最好的时机吧;他还能自己走路,朋友却已经站不起来了。英语如何写出中考高分作文12、诚实是上策。他们用钱去做坏事!多么痛的领悟,你曾是我的全部,只愿你挣脱情的枷锁 ,爱的束缚,任意追逐,别再为爱受苦。最后只能采取自愿加班的方式。



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The night of November 12th, 2010 was indeed a glorious night for our Chines, because the Opening Ceremony of Asian Games was held on Haixinsha Island in Guangzhou. Over 7000 people took part in it.

All of the performances were impressive, but the most interesting one was Sail on Cloud. During that programme, 180 performers were hung in the air to dance. How wonderful it was! Every audience burst out praise. I couldn’t help shouting. But it was a pity that I just watched it from TV. How I wish I were there!



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Summer holiday is coming. How excited! I havemade a plan for my summer holiday. First of all, I will go to Hong Kong tovisit my aunt. And then I will stay with her for a while. As Hong Kong is the shoppingparadise, of course, I will ask my aunt to go shopping with me . I will also eatthe delicious food there. And then I will go home. I know that study comesfirst. So I will finish my homework first. After that I will go out play withmy friends. And then I will take a good rest to prepare for my coming back toschool.




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When I was 8, I lied to my parents in order to get my favorite toy, and then got hit by it. The mistake made me wiser.

When I was 10, my friends made an appointment with me in the morning, but I forgot the appointment and kept them waiting for a long time. Then I was criticized for a meal. The mistake made me know how to get along with others need good faith.

At the age of 12, it was our turn to be on duty, but I ran away to play basketball and was later fined. The mistake made me understand that everyone in our class is responsible.

Now, more mistakes come from exams, though they are careless little mistakes, but they make me grow knowledge and try to overcome careless mistakes.

However, mistakes have always been regarded as eyesore, and people are often very afraid of it, even call it "the devil"". Mistakes are people hate, maybe the error will lead to naught, perhaps mistakes will make people regret, perhaps the wrong people will eat get disheartened. However, it is because of the mistake, let a person assiduously, firm and indomitable, strong, and success. The world is like this, many things are often antagonistic, but they are also unified, as if there is no mistake, where success is like this. "Failure is the mother of success", this platitude and the ancient and modern, is just to confirm this point.

Edison, the inventor of the invention, did not know how many mistakes he had made. After many detours, he invented the electric lamp. Nobel didnt know how many experiments he had made and how many mistakes he made, and finally developed explosives...... Every earth shattering invention fills many errors into the ground and finally reaches the top.

Mistakes are not a "devil", it is sometimes more "angel", it is not a stumbling block to success, but the key to success, for the wrong, we should not be bored, but to appreciate the essence of mining.

Lets take good care of our mistakes!












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The walls are white and blue. The curtains are blue too. There is a big

window on the wall, so my bedroom is also very bright. There are some photos on

the wall. They’re very beautiful.

In the middle of the room, there is my bed. It’s not so big, but it’s very

comfortable. Every night, I lay on the bed and have a good dream.

On the right of the bed, there is my desk and chair. They’re in front of

the window. My computer is on the desk. There is a lamp on the desk, too. I can

do my homework here and play computer games.

My bookshelf is on the left of the bed. There are a lot of storybooks and

picture books in the shelf. I like them very much.

Not everyone has a bedroom. I’m very lucky, because I have a very beautiful

bedroom. I’ll try my best to keep it clean and tidy.



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第一招:审题细心。审题好比驾驶员打方向,方向对了,哪怕开得慢点,也会顺利到目的地。如果审题不清,书面表达的成绩不知道会有多惨。学生真正开始写作 前,必须花相当一部分时间做写前阅读、思考等准备,包含以下四方面:1)审体裁。根据情景提示首先要弄清写何种体裁文章。2)审结构。明确开始部分、正文 部分和结尾部分,定好段落。3)审格式。如日记、便条、书信、通知的格式等。4)审内容。弄清什么必需写,哪些略写,尤其是图画式书面表达,要学会连贯 性,读懂图的意思。5)审人称和时态。弄清书面表达要求用何种人称,根据材料确定短文的基本时态。

第二招:衔接流畅。恰当使用逻辑词语,使各要点间连贯,行文通顺。比如表并列或递进: and, both…and, neither…nor, not only…but also;表选择:or, either…or; 表转折或让步:but, although, though, however, even though, in spite of, on the contrary; 表对比:like, unlike, while; 表举例:for example, such as, that’s to say; 表强调:in fact, of course, besides; 表时间顺序:when, after, before, as soon as, soon after; 表因果关系:because, since, as, for, for this reason,as a result; 表结论:in a word, to sum up. In summary, in conclusion, on the whole;


第四招:句式丰富。一篇可读性强的文章,通常能较好体现学生对英语语言结构、词块、句式的运用。因此各类句式的多元呈现往往可以提升书面表达的成绩。初中 阶段英语写作常用的句式如下:There be…;the more…the more…;It’s adj for sb to do something;I think/believe/suppose…(宾从); It can’t be put into real experiment。(被动)等。尤其是复合句的适恰运用对提升文章的层次很有帮助。对大多数同学来说,仿写很重要,在教材和很多的阅读书籍中都蕴含着 丰富的好词佳句。

第五招:情感真实。同样的话题,有些文章没什么情感,冷冰冰;有些 文章很有温度,有真情实感。情感真实主要可通过如下方法实现:1)内容的呈现。比如:2012年的中考英语书面表达My dream,大部分的作文都还是停留在表面上。但这个例子:I want to be a good father because my daddy was always so busy when I was a little boy.He had no time with me and my mum…虽然文章的文采并不是很好,但很有真情实感,令读者有心动的感觉,也是好文章。2)副词的运用。在句子的某些位置,添加副词,可以使句子和文段更 有人性味,更有情感性。如:I really enjoy the beauty of the sea in the sun。加了一个really,就有味道了。

第六招:思维多元。从杭州近五年中考书 面表达命题情况看,书面表达话题虽多元,但在设题上基本为半开放形式,因此半控制部分学生需要涵盖题目所给信息并进行适当发挥,而半开放部分,则要求学生 根据话题内容、自己的生活阅历、个人思维层次结合自己的英语表述自己的个人看法。有些学生的英语水平比较好,但因为在思维上比较局限想不出比较有深度、宽 度和广度的观点,这也会在一定程度上约束书面表达的质量。

第七招:整理独到。进入八 年级以来,在平时写作、单元练习、期中期末考试中,考生已积累了一定量与教材同话题的自己写的英语小短文,建议在临考前的最后阶段把自己八年级以来写的不 同话题的文章进行修改,润色、整理、汇编成册,制作一本个性化私人定制的“书面表达秘籍”,以备中考前高效复习用,以不变应万变。

第八招:卷面美观。1)不做涂改。需要在平时的书面表达中养成简列提纲、打草稿,再誊抄到答题卡的习惯。2)及时补救。如果对答题卡上的书面表达有修改, 建议用斜线划掉相应部分。3)勤练规范。临考前一个月,以中考答题卡的行距和长度为参照,设计自己字的大小,字的间距,每行的字数,以看起来舒服为准。



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Earth Hour started in Australia with millions of homes and businesses turning their lights off for one hour. Now it has grown to become one of the world’s biggest climate change initiatives. People are all joining together in a global effort to show that it’s possible to take action on global warming.

Earth Hour has brought about some new changes to our lives. The iconic Bird’s Nest National Stadium and the nearby Water Cube National Aquatics Center, usually illuminated by floodlights, went dark at 8:30 p.m., while dozens of hotels, office buildings, shopping malls and restaurants also switched some lights off. People join activities such as candle-lit dinners and star-gazing parties as a response to the call for going dark. However, some critics have dismissed the event as simply a gimmick that will not make any difference.

From my point of view, Earth Hour is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to take responsibility and to get involved in working towards a sustainable future. Earth Hour is a message of hope and a message of action. Everyone can make a difference.



From June1, 2008, shops and supermarkets are forbidden from offering free plastic bags to customers, according to a new law. A nation-wide campaign against plastic bags has been launched.

Nowadays, Chinese people use up to three billion plastic bags a day. While being very convenient to shoppers, plastic bags also cause serious white pollution” and waste resources.

Though the ban may cause some inconvenience to shoppers, it can help reduce the use of plastic bags when people have to pay for them. Besides, the ban, in away, can promote public awareness of environmental protection.

So I think it necessary to forbid shops and supermarkets from offering free plastic bags. When shopping, we can use cloth bags or baskets instead of plastic bags as we used to.




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i spent this summer vacation in quite a different way.

i used to run about every day in previous summer vacations,this summer vacation i simply could not afford to do so.

i would soon be in the last year of my high-school education would after graduation be up against the college entrance examinations.

though those examinations were still a year away, i had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things i had learned at school this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this.

at first i was rather dismayed at the thought of this,8ttt8.comlater i thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer i could count on endless happy summers to come.

with this in mind i then set to work like anything and occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. i was not at all bored by this kind of life, for i was sustained by a hope.




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Friends, have you ever seen the most functional capsule robots in the

world? Of course I invented it. Yeah! Again to a tumor-bearing patients.

Originally should be frowned doctor, since happy into the operating room, why? A

closer look, he took a box of my invention of the capsule machine.

I saw the doctor to the patient to take a capsule machine, this capsule

robot in the patient to cut the tumor site to stop, immediately stretched out

two hands, left hand spray anesthetic, right hand quickly cut off the tumor.

This will not be a lot of blood, it will not hurt. That the capsule robot has

been parked in the patients stomach, get out of it? It cut the tumor, will be

converted into vitamins to help patients with nutritional supplements, both

convenient and affordable, the doctor to help patients cut the tumor, swaggering

out, with a happy mood, while walking singing: "My job is really easy, this

Capsule really convenient! "

Look, I invented the capsule more convenient, more amazing, you like it?

Let us hard study, the courage to explore, for the day to come to do some




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Live with thankfulness Do you know Thanksgiving Day?Do you know why human thank God? Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday of November, a different date every year. The President must proclaim that date as the official celebration.

Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. Even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. All give thanks together for the good things that they have. In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. On most tables throughout the United States, foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional. What should we thank?

The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with we existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for. The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life!

The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us. The thankful classmate and friend grows up road of, let I no longer standing alone in the itinerary of life;The with gratitude is frustrated and let us become in a time the failure stronger.

[ 多与家人朋友沟通交流初中英语作文



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Our parents give us much love every day,so we should give them love,too.That was a holiday,I stayed at home alone.I made a dinner for my parents.Because I was only seven,the meal was really awful.But my mother never stopped saying,"Its very delicious!"She said she was very impressed.

How do you give your parents love?



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阳 春三月春燕衔泥,炎夏六月荷花满塘,金秋九月蟋蟀歌唱,严冬十月腊梅飘香。步入初三的我,风风雨雨的走过了十五个春秋,回头望望,那一直期盼的成功早已消 失的不见踪影,忙忙碌碌的学习生涯,始终望不到尽头,一天到晚嘴上念叨的"减负,减负"让我们

学会了成长,有多少学生仰天长叹道:减负,减负,越减越 "富"!

初三,青春朝气蓬勃的起点。初三,那"色香味俱全"的生活,忙碌而又充实。现在的我们,学会承受了吧!面对一堆一堆的试卷与习 题,面对老师念念叨叨的中考,痛苦后的我们仍然埋头苦学。青春年少的天空,一半深沉一半绚丽。阳光从树叶的缝隙中倾斜下来,燥热而又冰冷的空气,让我怀疑 现在是什么季节?周围那些似曾相识的人们,来,匆匆;去,匆匆。


初三的清晨,刺耳的闹钟划破了天 际,心不甘情不愿的睁开朦胧的睡眼,和周公相约在下一个梦里。走进忙碌的生活模式里,初三的生活,忙碌却收获着意外的果实。初三,奏起紧张的乐曲,深呼 气,一二,绽放一个灿烂如晨曦般的微笑,鸟儿靠翅膀飞翔,我们靠自己成长。90后的孩子,伪装得太深,掩盖得太强,我们要用行动去诠释90后,那不是伪装 得不受伤,而是真正发自内心的坚强!





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Recently, I saw an interested video that was shot by a young foreigner. He

played two roles-a Chinese mother and an American mother. He imitated the

reaction about how the mothers treated their children in education. It was so

obvious that Chinese mothers took care of their children all the time and they

would do all the things for them. While the American mothers focused on the

childrens independence. They would ask the kids to do housework and when they

grew up, they asked the kids to move out. Both parents showed different ways to

love their children and their love was equal, for every mother is a great




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1. 英国莎士比亚的四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》《李尔王》《奥赛罗》《麦克佩斯》

2. 四言诗是:我国汉代以前最通行的诗歌形式,通章或通篇每句四字。

3. 四体不勤中的四体指:人的四肢

4. 四大皆空是指:(佛语)地水火风组成的宇宙四种元素

5. 管仲把礼义廉耻四道德看作治国的四个纲。

6. 四六文指;骈文的一种,全篇多以四字或六字相间为句,盛行于南朝。

7. 春秋五霸指:齐桓公 晋文公 楚庄公 秦穆公 宋襄公

8. 五等爵位指:公爵 候爵 伯爵 子爵 男爵

9. 五经:诗 书 礼 易 春秋

10. 五行:金 木 水 火 土 /仁 义 礼 智 信

11. 五常(五伦):君臣 父子 兄弟 夫妇 朋友

12. 五教:父义 母慈 兄友 弟恭 子孝

13. 五音:宫 商 角 徵 羽

14. 五刑:(隋前)墨 劓 刖 宫 大辟(隋后)笞 杖 徒 流 死

15. 死的五称:天子-崩 诸候-薨 大夫-卒 士-不禄 平民-死

16. 唐代五大书法家:柳公权 颜真卿 欧阳洵 褚遂良 张旭

17. 五大奇书:《三国演义》《水浒传》《本游记》《红楼梦》《金瓶梅》

18. 五谷:稻 麦 黍 菽 麻

19. 五彩:青 黄 红 白 黑

20. 唐代以后的五代指:后梁 后唐 后晋 后汉 后周

21. 五帝:黄帝 颛顼 帝喾 唐尧 虞舜

22. 五毒:蝎 蛇 蜈蚣 壁虎 蟾蜍

23. 五更与时钟的对应是:一更(19-21) 二更(21-23) 三更(23-1) 四更(1-3) 五更(3-5)

24. 五官:耳 目 口 鼻 身

25. 新中国五位语言大师:郭沫若 茅盾 巴金 老舍 赵树理

26. 五荤:(佛语)大蒜 韭菜 薤 葱 兴渠

27. 五岭:越城岭 都庞岭 萌渚岭 骑田岭 大庾岭

28. 五味:甜 酸 苦 辣 咸

29. 五香:花椒 八角 桂皮 丁香花蕾 茴香子

30. 五脏:心 肝 脾 肺 肾

31. 五陵:高祖长陵 惠祖安陵 景帝阳陵 武帝茂陵 昭帝平陵

32. 五湖:洞庭湖 鄱阳湖 太湖 巢湖 洪泽湖

33. 四大洋:太平洋 大西洋 印度洋 北冰洋

34. 六艺经传指:诗 书 礼 易 乐 春秋

35. 通五经贯六艺中的六艺指:礼 乐 书 数 射 御

36. 造字六书:象形 指示 会意 形声 转注 假借

37. 诗经六义措:风 雅 颂 赋 比 兴

38. 六部;户部 吏部 礼部 兵部 刑部 工部

39. 六亲;父 母 兄 弟 妻 子

40. 古代婚嫁六礼:纳采 问名 纳吉 纳徵 清期 亲迎

41. 六朝;吴 东晋 宋 齐 梁 陈都建都建康,史称六朝。

42. 六畜:马 牛 羊 狗 猪 鸡

43. 苏门六君子:黄庭坚 秦观 晁补之 张来 陈师道 李麃

44. 六甲:六十甲子/甲子 甲寅 甲辰 甲午 甲申 甲戌/妇女怀孕

45. 六尘佛教名词)声 色 香 味 触 法六种境界

46. 六合:天 地 (上下) 东 西 南 北

47. 佛教六根(佛教名词)眼 耳 鼻 舌 身 意

48. 科举考试中的五魁:各级考试的第一名
