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A few days ago, the movie Red Sea Operation was very hot and people were

very impressive about the policemen, who saved the citizens lives in a very

urgent situation, some even sacrificed their lives as the price. We live in a

peaceful country. This is because policemen protect us all the time, and they

are the great persons. March 14th is the policemens day, people make this day

for them and show respect. They deserve the publics praise. They sacrifice so

much, such as the time to accompany their families. Many childrens future dream

is to be a policeman, as this career brings the public hope and future.




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1. 努力,努力,再努力;优秀,优秀,更优秀!学习是快乐的,成长是快乐的。我相信你能用自己勤劳的双手和智慧创造更加美好的明天。

2. 成绩只代表昨天,所以,每个人都应该把成绩当作自己腾飞的起点。

3. 你拥有成功的昨天,但那毕竟已经成为历史。只有不断地努力,才能不断地进步,千万不要躺在过去的功劳簿上睡大觉。

4. 如果你在春天里开始播种,那么,秋天就会有喜人的收获。为了秋天的丰收,今天就开始耕耘吧!

5. 诚实纯朴的你已经扬起了理想的风帆。但是不要满足已经取得的成绩。

6. 人生不可能一帆风顺:当你身处逆境的时候,要能够笑对困难,笑对人生;当你身处顺境的时候,切莫骄傲自满,得意忘形。

7. 为什么要失去才懂得珍惜 上天已给了你一次读高三的机会,就好好做一做这个时段人生应该做的事--学习!

8. 用一颗平常的心,去对待生活中不平的事。不管前面有风还有雨,都要用微笑去面对。

9. 任性让你轻视那些你不喜欢的科目,最后出现弱势学科。学科成绩失去平衡,而高考最终需要的是总分。弱势学科会给你高考以沉重的打击。

10. 别死爱要面子不好意思问老师问题,哪怕再简单。他们不会吃了你的,相信我!不问白不问,别一再拖,总想以后问,以后你也不可再能问了。

11. 要与父母建立好良好关系,多与他们沟通,交换看法,让他们成为你坚强的后盾!

12. 在同学中找一个可以督促自己的人,可以不定期给你打镇静剂,每天可以检举你浮躁没有,这是一个很聪明的办法。

13. 别以为父母等告诫你是"读书为自己啊",你就可以轻松自如。既然你花着父母的钱,享受着父母给予的生命,那你也应有一颗"感恩的心"。这,就是责任!

14. 千万别沉溺网络,游戏。不然你近五年内一定会遭到报应的。它不仅仅浪费的是时间和金钱。而且会毁掉你的青春和美好的人生。

15. 狭路相逢勇者胜!勇者相逢智者胜!智者相逢勤者胜!勤者相逢博者胜!

16. 学会做人,学会做事,学会做题;言而有信,言而无信,何以为言;诚信为人,人若无信,何以为人。

17. 目标和动机很重要。要有明确的长远目标,要有切实可行的行动计划。初中毕业时,你给自己选择了一个很好的就读平台,带着心怡大学的梦想进入临夏中学,这样就已经成功一半了。

18. 善于接受别人帮助也是一种智慧。充分利用同学,老师的资源,分享他们的劳动成果和智慧结晶,也是不可多得的机会。

19. 心态决定成败。无论在学习上,还是在其它特长展示中,要对自己充满信心。参与自己想尝试的活动,在失败中不断完善,是提高自己的简单途径。

20. 做事要专心,不论做什么,都要百分百的专心,学习的时候不想其他事情,才会坦然。

21. 有决心,有信心,有恒心,有耐心,愿这四颗“心”,永远伴随着你的人生!

22. 有了百折不挠的精神,有了勇往直前的拼搏,你就能够在浩瀚的知识海洋中自由自在地遨游,并且能够到达胜利的彼岸!

23. 成功的时候,不要因为成功而得意忘形;失败的时候,不要因为失败而丧失对成功的追求。

24. 自信的人,总能够战胜困难,战胜自己,取得一个又一个胜利;自满的人,总会被暂时的胜利冲昏头脑。

25. 老师衷心地希望你不断丰富、充实自己,掌握过硬的知识和本领,信心百倍地迎接明天的挑战!

26. 拥有成功的昨天,但那毕竟已经成为历史。只有不断地努力,才能不断地进步,千万不要躺在过去的功劳簿上睡大觉!

27. 我知道,你已经为自己设计好了一幅美好的蓝图,并且你也正在为实现这一目标努力奋斗着。成功属于不懈追求的人。祝福你!

28. 站在了人生的起跑线上,为了实现心中的远大目标,正努力拼搏着。成功属于不畏困难、勇往直前的人。相信自己!

29. 今天的付出,一定能在明天得到回报。有了信心、决心、恒心,通过自己脚踏实地的奋斗,你心中的理想就一定能够实现!

30. 一分汗水,一分耕耘;一分辛劳,一分收获。相信你已经懂得了这个道理。为了美好的明天,你还应做得更好一些。

31. 做事要有计划,每天完成计划中的事,心里就踏实得多,坦然得多。学习不可打疲劳战,保证好充足的睡眠。

32. 随时保持一种良好的学习状态,不要过份轻松,那样会放纵自己不学习,最后无所事事,百无聊赖,空虚寂寞。

33. 珍惜高中时代的黄金时间。不要临近高考才知道时间的重要,高中不是你想像的那样长,做事前先想一想值不值得,别把宝贵的时间浪费在无所谓的闲杂事务上。

34. 时时想想自己最初的梦想。要知道读书是为什么,那是学习的


35. 随着岁月的流逝,你在不断地成长。我把祝福送给你们,我把期待的目光投向你们。我期待着更加懂事,更加成熟,期待着你有锦绣前程。



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When the leaves from the green turn yellow, the wind gently blow, leaves the name of the child like a yellow butterfly fly down; when the trees off the green summer, put on the golden autumn; when the rice field covered with a Zhang "gold carpet", the fall has unwittingly came to our side. When we enjoy the beautiful spring, the autumn rhythm of the ground up.

Autumn as bright as the pearls, smooth broken jade children, scattered scattered, intermittent, silent, fluttering to sway. And threw it upon the high eaves; and sprinkled it on the dead branches; and leapt to the earth;

Autumn drip on the window, thrown a slight luster, pattering, playing into a autumn march. They seem to be a group of lively and lovely children, drooping to fall on the umbrella, like walking on the umbrella. These "children" like weaving a gray mantle account, hanging between heaven and earth. I seem to see the hazy sky there is a slim girl looming, she seems shy up, put on a layer of mysterious veil. And as if a "city beautician" drive a huge sprinkler in the water, the city should be washed spotlessly.

Autumn winds, blowing away the hot summer, bring cool. Gradually, the rain is getting bigger and bigger, one of the meaningful, let you back to the past, let you miss the hometown, rather than that it is worry, it is better to say that this is a taste of beauty it

Rain is fine, a picture is so sweet, it is to celebrate the crop harvest smile, it is so that the mountains and plains of the fruit red face. "Autumn wind and rain worry about the era of early in the motherland golden autumn gone.

I love the rain, because she put the world with a mysterious clothes!



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When I was very small, I stayed in the hometown with my grandparents. I had the great time there, I liked the environment so much. There was a long river in front of my house, the water was very clean, I could see the small fish swim. My grandma usually washed her clothes along the river side. But now when I went back to my hometown, the river was very dirty, the water was light yellow and there were so many rubbish floating in the river. It made me feel that the river had lost its life. I missed the old time when I was playing in the river. It is human being that ruin the environment, if we don’t take action to protect it, we will destroy ourselves.


[干净的水 The Clean Water初中英语作文



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初中英语作文:开车旅行A Trip by Car

A Trip by Car

I often make a trip by trains because it's both cheap and comfortable. Last winter holidays I traveled in a car for the first time in my life. At first I didn't feel well. But this kind of feeling didn't last long. the trip was exciting. While travelling in a car, we could stop at any time if we wanted to enjoy the view

outside. the fields, the mountains and rivers were really very nice. On the way we visited many places of interest and took a lot of photos. It was an unforgettable experience for me.

《初中英语作文:开车旅行A Trip by Car》由出国编辑整理我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 名师解读:2012高考英语考试大纲机场常用英语公共场所标志常备无患疯狂英语夏令营助教的实习工作体会雅思考试应注意的十大要点之一:时间是最大的敌人空军招飞条件之文化条件英语教研组学期末总结英语教师年终个人总结雅思写作范文:那点事(1)英国哪个城市的英语最标准用英语介绍植树节

[初中英语作文之开车旅行A Trip by Car



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1、首尾呼应,画龙点睛在文章的结尾,把含义较深的话放在末尾,以点明主题,深化主题,起到画龙点睛的效果。如“I Cannot Forget Her” (我忘不了她)的结尾:

After her death, I felt as if something were missing in my life. I was sad over her passing away, but I knew she would not have had any regrets at having given her life for the benefit of the people.

2、重复主题,句结尾回到文章开头阐明的中心思想或主题句上,达到强调的效果。如“I Love My Home Town”(我爱家乡)的结尾:

I love my home town, and I love its people. They too have changed. They are going all out to do more for the good of our motherland.


I caught as many as twenty fish in two hours, but my brother caught many more. Tired from fishing, we lay down on the river bank, bathing in the sun. We returned home very late.


用比喻或含蓄的手法不直接点明作者的看法,而是让读者自己去领会和思考。如“A Day of Harvesting”(收割的日子)的结尾:

Evening came before we realized it. We put down our sickles and looked at each other. Our clothes were wet with sweat, but on every face there was a smile.


虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,并具有特别的强调作用,引起读者深思。如“Should We Learn to Do Housework?”(我们要不要学做家务?) 的结尾。

Everyone should learn to do housework. Dont you agree, boys and girls?

6、指明方向,激励读者结尾表示对将来的展望,或期待读者投入行动。如“Lets Go in for Sports”(让我们参加体育运动)的结尾:As we have said above, sports can be of great value. They not only make people live happily but also help people to learn virtues and do their work bettter. A sound mind is in a sound body. Lets go in for sports.



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Today, I returned to the maternal family. The road is very far, my twohours only then. The grandmother warmly comes out greets me, I is veryhappy. In maternal family courtyard flower very many, has the rose,the peony, the orchid and so on, is very attractive. I have enteredthe room, sits watches the television on the soft sofa, chats with thegrandmother. The grandmother some has been old, on the corner of theeye reveals several wrinkles. But in my heart the grandmother is mostbeautiful. Evening, I went to sleep. I dreamed of the grandmother into beckon to me, I rested sweetly...... I love me the grandmother!





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Now National Day is coming. I have made a plan for it .I am going to Beijing with my parents.Because there are many places of interest .First we want to visit the Great Wall ,which is considered one of the seven wonders in the world. Second we want to visit the summer palace ,where lived many emperors during the hot days. Then we want to visit the Water Cube,where many important events are held .Finally we want to visit hutong to get a knowledge of the culture of old Beijing .I think this trip must be very interesting and we will have a good time.

国庆节要到了,我已经定了一个计划,我和我的父母去北京,因为那有很多名胜古迹。首先我们要去长城 ,它被认为是世界七大奇观之一。第二我们要参观颐和园,许多帝王避暑的地方。然后我们去水立方,很多重大的体育比赛都在那举行。最后我们要去参观胡同 去了解一下老北京的文化。我想这次旅行一定很有趣,所以我们一定会玩得很高兴。




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Reading is my hobby. While reading, I can get a lot of happiness. When Im free, I often read some famous books. Books are my best friends that always keep me a good company. They often give me powers. Through reading, I can enlarge my eyes as well as widen my heart. Through reading, I become more and more knowledgeable.


My favorite books are Readers and VOA. Readers cover the knowledge of culture, literature, and history, so I can benefit a lot by reading it. VOA can let me know the foreign countries better. Thanks to VOA, my oral English is improving day by day.


This is my good habit that I will keep it forever.




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Leaving school How times flies!We have spent three years in the school I am very sad that I have to say goodbye to you.Ive learned much in the past three years. Our teachers worked hard and took good care of us. All the students studied very hard and were all very friendly to each other.

We will go to different senior schools next term. Lets keep in touch with each other. And I also hope everyone will have a bright future.



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I am living in. It has a wonderful envirnment. I can see flowers and trees from my house. there is a playground right in front of my block.

Children always play there and senior citizens do exercises. Public transport is convience. School, hospital and super market are only a few minutes away. I like my housing estate very much.




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I love my dog

I have a little dog. Its name is Googlo. He is three years old. He has two big eyes. Theyre black. He has one blue ear and one black ear. He is clever.

I like my Googlo. He likes playing with me. He can bark, jump and run. He can play football, basketball and volleyball. He likes playing football very much. He likes some fruit, such as apples, bananas, oranges, pears and watermelons. He enjoys his snacks.

I love my dog--Googlo. He is very interesting.


a pity day

Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house. I played with my cousin. Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest. “that’s a good idea.” I said. Then we prepared for the traveling. After lunch, the sky turned dark. After that , it rained heavily. It meant our plan is impossible. What a pity day!


A letter to my mother(给妈妈的一封信)

Dear mother:

My father and Ihave been to Shanghai. The sky is blue, the scenery is very beautiful, the ground isvery clean,is much better than our city. You at home all right?Night a person are scared? Scared to turn on the light, the light will give you courage.

Dad and I are very well here, dont you worry for our trip. Today we went to Happy Valley, where thereare a lot of games to attract me, rollercoaster,pirate ship ... ... These are my first contact. Weplayed very happy, after coming home; I will sendthese photos to let you see.

We went to the Oriental Pearl yesterday. TheOriental Pearl Tower is too high; with towering intothe clouds to describe more appropriate, standing inthe viewing room of people feel scared. It is also agame room, a lot of fun things, but the price is very expensive, spent tens of Yuan. My father also like here, leave when he kept looking back, also seems to memore than greedy.

Afternoon to receive your message, I think back messages can not say many words, simply to write thisletter to you, to tell you we are here, you put theheart in the belly. Also, this several day is cold,you should pay attention to add clothes, hungry to eat out, do not be afraid to spend money, dont starveyourself thin, dad and I would be angry.

Mom, when you received this letter, maybe we just on the homeward journey......

Good luck, look forward to the moment we meet!



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I went to Xinjiang with my mom and dad in the summer vacation。 Every station of the silk road was full of beauty and magic。

Our first stop is to reach thirteen in the ancient city of Xian, where the world famous Terracotta Army of Qin, is the unity of Qin Shihuang made his China funerary, magnificent, true to life。

The second stop is Dunhuang。 We go by train。 In the silk train I met some new friends, they are three with a tour group is big sister in high school。 The train arrived at the destination at second oclock in the evening at 8 oclock。 Although it took a day and a half, but because we got to know so many new friends, we enjoyed ourselves on the train, so we didnt feel tired at all。

The second day early in the morning, we went to Crescent Spring, Mingsha mountain, enjoy the boundless desert scenery, riding a camel in the desert to explore the inexhaustible wonders of Crescent Spring。 In Dunhuang, we also see the Mogao Grottoes murals, there are flying fairies, Pipa dance, is really worthy of the ancient works of skilled craftsmen! But the aunt said that such precious relics are now facing the threat of being swallowed by the desert。

On the fourth day, we once again took the train to Turpan, the famous vineyard in Xinjiang。 We are enjoying the sweet grapes, enjoy a beautiful song and dance in Xinjiang, experience the Flaming Mountains hot, watch the water - amazing kariz engineering。

Farewell in Turpan vineyards are reluctant to part, we came to the silk road trip end point station Urumqi, tour of the Tianshan Tianchi, as Xinjiang girl, eat mutton string, watching a thriller "Dawaz" high wire program, feel the enthusiasm of Xinjiang。。。。。。

This trip, let me see the beauty of the mountains and rivers of the motherland, experience different ethnic customs, appreciate the wisdom of the ancient people, learn a lot of history and geography knowledge, and have made many new friends。










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Hi, everybody! Today, I would like to introduce myself!

My name is ChengZiYing, 9 years old this year, I am a lovely little girl. I have a pair of watery eyes, a pair of big ears, a straight nose, a plausible mouth, a tender little face, have a black long hair on his head. Oh, regardless of appearance! Tell me about my hobby, advantage!

I often help my mother do housework at home, I also can play the piano! Ill play the song: "Mr. Red rope", "river bank Mongolia folk song", "dream wedding", "the moon represents my heart". Sometimes, when I was at home all right, will create their songs to play, and the lyrics!

I am very obedient at home, this is me, do you understand me? If you still dont understand, that is quick to make friends with me!




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There is a library in our school. It is open from eight oclock in the morning till half past five in the afternoon. We often go there to borrow books.

We can borrow five books at a time and keep them for two weeks. If we cant finish reading them in two weeks, we can go and renew them. The librarian is always ready to help the students. If the book you want is out, she will help you to choose another one. We always take good care of the borrowed books. We can also look through newspapers and magazines in the reading-room, but we are not allowed to take them out of the reading-room.



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When the trees start to fall, the grass begins to wear clothes. Mysterious, changeful autumn. It permeates every place in the school as an invisible air, which makes people look like a magic magician. Let the tree brother and the younger brother of the grass are put on a comfortable autumn outfit. The autumn sky, as blue as the sea, like rain washed. The fall of earth, like golden cotton, white clouds like a sailing canoe, slowly floating, campus of chrysanthemum fragrance accents full autumn mood. Autumn has come, it seems that with a chill, people began to put on a slightly thicker autumn, although autumn brings great changes to us, but the faces of the people ocean any overflow the eternal, lingering smile. Into the campus, came to our playground, the playground is a row of the south side of the old willow, they are so tall and straight, strong. As the soldiers like to defend territory. A breeze blowing, with the aroma of chrysanthemum to gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind, refreshed, so that the campus do not have a charm. Into the teaching building, and through the doors and windows of the classroom can see hard learning and strenuous efforts of the students some homework, some in reading, the intoxicating reading sound echoed over the campus. It is often said that autumn is the harvest season, farmers uncle busy for the rice harvest, and we also not to be outdone, harvest every day the teacher to teach us knowledge. The golden autumn, will our campus decorated so beautiful.


秋天的天空,像大海一样湛蓝,好像用秋雨洗刷过。秋天的大地,宛如金色的棉田,朵朵白云犹如扬帆起航的轻舟,慢悠悠地漂浮,校园里的菊花争香斗艳充满了秋高气爽的情调。 秋天来了,似乎带有阵阵寒意,人们开始穿上微厚的秋装,虽然秋天给我们带来巨大的变化,但是人们的脸上任洋溢着那永恒的、挥之不去的一笑。





Do not know how long the effect, as if the fight was a nervous gradually revealing the known, the field from its broad chest in long plume from the atmosphere on the slopes and there is water ongenerally spread at the Qingming, round trees and crops have begun to sway in the breeze, the leaves become calm and. Dew back in the early morning and evening wetting the ridge, quietly put up the field. Lu Lan also came upquietly afloat, no longer go back to the valley. Although the sun is still bright, but the pain is no longer the backbone of Sunburn people become, Kiyosumi, as if it was weak, and can not be distilled into a field, it is the field of reconciliation and the like; ... ... Autumn is here!




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Inmy life, I am proud of having a happy family. I have a kind father, strictmother and a naught little brother. As most other families, there are laughsand tears at my home. My father is friendly to others.

Our neighbors speakhighly of him. Mother is strict to me and my little brother. She has highexpectation to us, wanting us to have bright future.

My little brother is aprimary school student, but he doesn’t work very hard. All he wants is playingwith his friends. It worries my parents a lot. But in general, we have morelaughs than tears. I love my lovely family.





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I am already 18 years old,but the memory of my childhood is still like an unforgettable sweet dream.

One day,all my family went to climb a mountain.There father told my elder sister and me that the first one to get to the top of the mountain would be given a toy.Hearing this,we began to run up.At first I kept ahead,but a few minutes later my sister was ahead of me.However,I didnt give up.That toy attracted me to run forward,In the end I reached the top first.

On the top we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and had a picnic.At dusk,we went down the mountain happily.I was the happiest one,because I not only got a toy train but also knew that one shouldnt give up readily.



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Xiamen is located in Southeast of Fujian province,it is considered as the

cleanest port city in China thus people call Xiamen "the garden on the sea" or

call it "green island". Back to Song dynasty it started its administrative

founding until now.There are a great variety of sights to witness in

Xiamen.Gulangyu Island, the most beautiful island near Xiamen, has won great

reputation for its Sunlight Rock and Shuzhuang Garden.South Putuo Temple, which

is located at the foot of Wulaofeng and is deemed to be the most renowned

Buddhist temple in Xiamen.Xiamen Botanical Garden, known as the Wanshi Botanical

Garden,which has scenic spots such as the Morning Bell of Heaven, the Reading

and Music Playing Cave, the Cloud Locking Stones, the Jade Scepter Rock and the

Peace Stone. In the past decade, Xiamen has changed a lot with rapid advancing

in agriculture,industry,science technology and education areas.



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I love clean thing, it sounds good for me. But the thing is that I cant bear the dirty environment around me, I am very picky about the environment. I need to make some change, I must get used to the normal situation. So I learn to wash the dirty clothes and do some dirty work. It is hard for me but I start to get over my weakness.

