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Today, the teacher took us to touch the clams, we are not so happy.

We went all the way to the happy river, and we were in front of us with a wide open sky, and we rushed down to the shore. "Ha! Ha! Ha! There was laughter. I fixed my eyes, ah! It turned out that zhang zhipeng was sliding into the water. I went down to the water and the students helped each other. Afraid like zhang zhipeng. Everyone was looking for it, but I couldnt find one. Ah, finally find one, I take up to see, the sky, so small! This could be the worlds smallest clam! But I also find myself excited about the "worlds greatest". Well, dont think about it, just keep looking for it. Its a minute and a half, but I still cant find it, you know, dont laugh at me. It is a pity to see others buckets of their own "spoils" and look at my pail. I have no confidence at all, ah, I have found one again, this clam is full and big! Oh, great! I finally have my own battle fruit, my heart dont say how happy! Then my faith resumed, and I continued to find it. At the end of the day, I also had a big harvest -- eight clams.

Finally, at the urging of the teacher, the students were reluctant to leave the happy river, but I think the laughter still reverberated in the stream.




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What do you do when you are sad? Do you cry or find other ways to vent? I think you can read books, and when you see people who are more miserable than they are, and they are strong and brave, your mood may be better. You can also listen to music, so that you will forget about the sad thing, and be absorbed in the beautiful music. It doesnt matter what makes you happy. What matters is that you need to have a positive attitude to face life and overcome the pain!




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My after-school life colorful, you can play the zither, painting, gardening ......

One of my favorite painting, a painting because I have brought joy and love, he may be arranged in the room, the room was dolled up neatly. Painting can bring happiness, as long as you like to be able to learn to be happy. If you can spare so, I would feel happy.


其中我最喜欢画画 ,因为画画个我带来了乐趣和喜爱,他可以布置房间,把房间布置得漂漂亮亮,整整齐齐。画画还能给人带来快乐,只要你喜欢就能从中得到快乐。如果你的课余能这样的话,我就会感到高兴。




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在我的记忆中,珍藏着一个微笑,它永远滋润、温暖我的心田。 In my memory, there is a smile, it always nourishes and warm my heart.








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1、she loves him more than he&ll ever know. He loves her more than he&ll ever show.她爱他比他知道的更多,他爱她比他表现的更深。

2、"we are not together, but you are in my heart from the recent. 我们没有在一起,可是你却在我心最近的距离。"

3、"we have all got our "good old days" tucked away inside our hearts, and we return to them in dreams like cats to favorite armchairs. 每个人心底都会有深藏的美好记忆,我们常会在梦中温习他们,那心情就像猫咪会跳上心爱的椅子一般。"

4、"no one is worth your tears,and the one who is ,won&t make you cry.没人值得你为他流泪,唯一值得你这样做的那个人不会让你伤心的。"

5、don’t cry because it came to an end. smile because it heppened. 不要因为它的结束而哭,应当因为它的发生而笑。

6、don’t spend time with someone who doesn’t care spending it with you. 不要把时间花在一个不在乎与你一起分享的人身上。

7、a true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart. 一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。

8、"Just because someone doesn’t love you as you wish, it doesn’t mean you’re not loved with all his/her being. 只因为某人不如你所愿爱你,并不意味着你不被别人所爱。"

9、"no person deserves your tears, and who deserves them won’t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得你流泪的人是不会让你哭的。"

10、"i love you not for whom you are, but who i am when i ’m by your side.我爱你并不是因为你是谁,而是因为我在你身边的时候我是谁。"

11、"i suddenly feel myself like a doll,acting all kinds of joys and sorrows.There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back,controlling all my action.我突然就觉得自己像个华丽的木偶,演尽了所有的悲欢离合,可是背上总是有无数闪亮的银色丝线,操纵我的哪怕一举手一投足。"

12、atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手,触动你心灵的人。

13、"don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。"

14、i miss you so much already and i haven’t even left yet!尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

15、"Brief is life, but love is long.生命虽短,爱却绵长。"

16、The nature of promises is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.所谓承诺,就是无论环境如何变化也不受影响。

17、"not always stood on tiptoe to love a person, the focus of instability, can not hold too long.不能一直踮着脚爱一个人,重心不稳,撑不了太久的。"

18、"i may not be perfect, but i’m always me. 我也许不完美,但我一直在做自己。"

19、"if wrinkles must be written upon our brows, the only thing you can do is not letting them be written upon the heart.如果额头终将刻上皱纹,你只能做到,不让皱纹刻在你的心上。"

20、Faith: not wanting to know what the truth is.信仰就是不想知道真相是什么。

21、"You have your way. i have my way. as for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.你有你的路。我有我的路。至于适当的路,正确的路和唯一的路,这样的路并不存在。"

22、Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything one has learned in school.教育就是当一个人把在学校所学全部忘光之后剩下的东西。

23、never use your eyes to cry for the wrong person who hurt you. instead use it to search for the right one.眼睛,不应该用来为伤害你的人哭泣,而应该用来寻找那个正确的人。

24、You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.你每天都在做很多看起来毫无意义的决定,但某天你的某个决定就能改变你的一生。

25、"if i have no knife,i can&t protect you.if i had a sword,i can&t hold you.如果我没有刀,我就不能保护你。如果我有刀,我就不能拥抱你。"

26、"we laughed and kept saying"see u soon",but inside we both knew we&d never see each other again.我们笑着说再见,却深知再见遥遥无期。"

27、"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.生命的意义并不在于我们呼吸了多少次,而是有多少刻我们摒住了呼吸。"

28、"i don&t know how to love you ,looking at you is the only way i know.不知道如何爱你,看着你,是我唯一的方式。"

29、"if the person you like doesn&t like you ,wouldn&t it still be lonely even if the whole world loves you.如果你喜欢的人不喜欢你,那么就算全世界的人都喜欢你,还是会觉得孤独吧。"

30、"whatever comes, i’ll love you, just as i do now. Until i die.无论发生什么事,我都会像现在一样爱你,直到永远。"

31、"in life, then boring time, also are limited edition.生命中,再无聊的时光,也都是限量版。"

32、"if you were a cactus,i&d endure all the pain just to hug you.就算你是一个仙人掌,我也愿意忍受所有的疼痛来拥抱你。"

33、"Eyes are raining for her,heart is holding umbrella for her,this is love. 眼睛为她下着雨,心却为她打着伞,这就是爱情。"

34、"to be or not to be,that&s the question.生存还是毁灭,这是个问题."

35、"Life may always have regret, but the future is still good.生活或许总有遗憾,但未来依旧美好。"

36、"somethings we couldn&t understand when we were young; when we finally understood, we are not young anymore.有些事情,当我们年轻的时候无法懂得,当我们懂得的时候已不再年轻。"

37、"if i should see you,after long year.How should i greet, with tears, with silence. 假若他日相逢,我将何以贺你?以沉默,以眼泪。"

38、would rather be a loser don&t do a coward afraid to try.宁愿做个失败者,也不做一个不敢尝试的懦夫。

39、"Leave a place,the scenery is no longer belongs to you;miss a person,that person would no longer do with you. 离开一个地方,风景就不再属于你;错过一个人,那人便再与你无关。"

40、The best things in life are unseen,that why we close our eyes when we kiss cry and dream. 生命中最美好的都是看不见的,这就是为什么我们会在接吻,哭泣,许愿的时候闭上眼睛。

41、"i leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored。我荒废的今日,正是昨日殒身之人祈求的明日。"

42、To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world. 对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。

43、"Everything will be okay in the end. if it&s not okay, it&s not the end.一切都终会好的,若还不好,那这还不是结局。"

44、The hardest thing is to take less when you can get more.世上最难的事莫过于能取千金却只索半厘。

45、Life isn&t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.生活的意义不是发现自我,而是创造自我。

46、i learned the value of hard work by working hard.只有真的努力了,才会知道努力的价值。

47、i never feared death or dying,i only fear never trying.我无畏死亡,唯恐止步不前。

48、Be yourself. The world worships the original.做自己,因为世人崇尚原创。

49、"To live is the rarest thing in the world. most people exist, that is all.大多人只是存活于世,活出精彩的寥寥无几。"

50、"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.人生只有一次,但如果活对了,一次也就够了。"



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A Successful And Happy Life

What is a successful and happy life Different people have different opinions. But no one cannot deny the fact that more and more people attach great importance to money for a successful and happy life.Nowadays,most people think a successful and happy life means someone’s life who is rich,maybe also have a stable marriage,good name and so on.

Doesn’t the poor achieve itI don’t think so. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.Perhaps I am in poverty somebody can’t standwith but I fell satisfied with my life. Because I don’t have to worry about thief.That is to say, We should evaluate our own life by our fellings but not others perpectives.It is too bad that we need to show our life to get others approbatory. If we do so,we will be controlled by others. A real successful and happy life is doing what you want to do. Maybe only going on a trip,having a good meal or meeting a beautiful girl who can understand you. Only be yourself,can you lead a truly wonderful life.First of all,thinking twice again what’s life you really dream about.Then,trying to rub the lamp that ignore others views.It doesn’t matter whether you realize it or not.What’s more significant than reaching you goal is you had a try and will never be regret for you life.You life are meaningful,that’s all.In than way, you can say loudly that my life is successful and happy.



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Yesterday, Qiingdao University College of automation engineering, Qingdao Youth Volunteer Association jointly launched a dust motes do, love “ ” public welfare activities, I as a youth volunteer association had the honor to participate in the fund-raising activities. The fundraiser is to raise money to sell things, activities carried out in the center of Qiingdao University campus. YVA volunteers were divided into 6 groups, each group of 10 people in general, green campus everywhere can see the figure of the workers to raise money. To tell the truth, when I wear work clothes of the volunteer listed south, I feel very proud and proud, I suddenly feel more of a mission, feel that they can for the society, for others to contribute to a force.

Walk in the green campus, kind of schoolmates everywhere, whenever we say that after the event, senior students can show their love. In fact, in my opinion the sums does not matter, as long as the heart is enough. A small trickle of love can also gather freely like love. As the song says: “ as long as everyone gives a love, the world will become a beautiful world

I dont think its necessarily a volunteer to be a volunteer, but not a volunteer. In my opinion, volunteering is just a term. Every one of us can do volunteer work anytime and anywhere in our daily life. For example: help the old to cross the road, pick up the fallen things for others, such as on the bus for the elderly seat, etc. and so on, as long as you are doing these things, you are a volunteer.

The most important thing to do as a volunteer is to have a heart, a heart that is willing to serve others and help others to solve the difficulties. Volunteers do not matter big or small points, the ancients said: do not be good for small and not for. And we do volunteer work is to small things on the line, do little things at all times, big event collective.

If we constantly through their own any behavior at any time to do their best to help others, to influence people, they participate in, to help t to others, we do volunteer work will be arriving.

Finally I wish Qiingdao University volunteer team more and more stronger.

Wish us Qiingdao University better and better

I wish the society more and more harmonious.











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1、 ——为什么有些人明明看起来友善,却总是独来独往?——待人友善是修养,独来独往是性格。

2、 人生难免会遇到低谷。命运在折磨你的同时,也会把成功之门的钥匙悄悄放到你手中。面对厄运,如果你选择逃避,它就会像条疯狗一样一直追着你咬;如果你站直身子,勇敢地向它挥舞你的拳头,它就会夹着尾巴灰溜溜地逃走。只要始终能保持战胜困难的勇气,苦难就永远奈何不了你。

3、 很多爱情之所以没有结果,并非彼此没感觉,也不是输给了时间、距离,而是缺少一份待他如初的坚持。每一段勇敢的恋情都值得鼓励,每一段结果的爱情都值得祝福。

4、 你总是在意别人的感受,宁愿自己受委屈,也不想别人不开心。对方一失落,你就紧张。对方一道歉,你就心软,甚至觉得自己生气都是在计较。你傻傻的背着别人的快乐,有时候僵在原地喘不过气,但我知道,你的敏感是因为善良。可善良的人最后不会吃亏,一定会有更多人爱你,作为回报。

5、 发现一种特别舒服的关系,并不总是你一言我一语的秒回,有时候愿意把我现在看到的所有东西一股脑儿的发给你,不用组织好精简的语言,啰哩啰嗦也不怕有哪句话说错,发完也不会等着回复,因为我知道你总会看见,这是信任和任何时候都不会被丢下的安定感。

6、 大海的宽广在于汇集大大小小的川流,生命的汪洋在于包容深深浅浅的缘分。

7、 当人的情绪处于低潮时,对任何事情都提不起兴趣,要学会转移注意力。既然已经成为事实,就尝试着去接受,去面对现实。一个人不可能改变世界,世界也不会因你而改变。我们所能做的,就是适应这个世界。不钻牛角尖。不要对现状不满,不要和别人攀比。

8、 风往哪个方向吹,草就要往哪个方向倒。年轻的时候,我也曾经以为自己是风,可是最后遍体鳞伤,我才知道,我们原来都只是草。

9、 谎言和誓言的区别在于,一个是听的人当真了,一个是说的人当真了。

10、 你站的路口出租车很多,但都载了乘客,等到放弃走到下个路口时,那边却来了空车。想爱的人不爱你,爱你的人给不起,然后宁缺毋滥地自我矜持着,所以才一路错过。其实最后和你在一起的人,一定背弃了你的原则,是你意想不到的例外。

11、 当你学着咽下一大段话和所有情绪,只用“嗯”表达你所有想法的时候,你就成熟了。

12、 都说人往高处走,可是高处不胜寒。水往低处流,谁知低处纳百川!

13、 你有没有发现,当女人开始质疑一件事的时候,准确率总是出奇的高。

14、 不要在意不在意你的人。不要考虑不考虑你的人。不要担心不担心你的人。不要花时间给不会为你花时间的人。

15、 我们日复一日做的事情,决定了我们是怎样的人。因此所谓卓越,并非指行为,而是习惯。

16、 后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪,后悔是比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误,所以不要后悔。

17、 不要总是觉得自己长的很丑,智商太低,生活会一直穷困下去,因为如果你这样感觉,那么这些就会成为事实,跟你如影随形。相反,你应该对未来充满希望和自信,于是乎,你就会发现它真的如你期待的那样了。

18、 遇到喜欢吃的东西可以吃到撑得难受,遇到喜欢的电影可以通宵看到眼睛酸痛。可即使这样,下次见到喜欢的食物好看的电影还是不能自控。喜欢的人也是这样,没有节制地喜欢一次之后也还是想要再冲动一次。

19、 见的世面太少,才会很容易就觉得一个人好。走出去,就不会那么纠结。

20、 时间总是把对你最好的人留到最后,毕竟喜欢就像一阵风,而爱是细水长流。

21、 不要总把别人对自己的好视作理所当然,没有人必须无条件的对你好。每个人都有爱和被爱两种需要,自己享受被爱的幸福,也要去让别人感受到你的爱,这样的爱才会长久。一味获取而不知付出,是一种极其自私的行为。自私的人不配得到别人的爱,自己爱自己就够了。

22、 机会从来就不会被失去,你错过的别人会接住,当你让痛苦停泊时,幸福就会在别处靠岸。

23、 多数时候,人并不是按照事实改变自己的想法,恰恰相反,人都喜欢按照想法去揣测事实。

24、 说实话,你对每个人都好脾气,其实是因为孤独吧。

25、 能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间,以时间来推移感情,时间越长,冲突越淡,仿佛不断稀释的茶。

26、 每个人都是一本书。封面是父母给的,我们不能改变,我们所要做的就是尽力写好里面的内容。或许,开始写得令自己或别人不太满意,但这没关系,只要我们尽力了,就无怨无悔心。

27、 遇不到给你安全感的人不要紧,要学会自己给自己力量。看书、听歌、跑步,你喜欢的任何事都行。认真丰富自己,安顿正负情绪,随遇而安不是无所谓,是保证自己遇到什么情况都能撑得住自己。

28、 人这一辈子,有些事情坚决不能做,有些事情必须做,有些事情可做可不做。不同的选择,成就不同的人生。上帝不会告诉你该做什么,不该做什么,他只是把选择的权利交到你手上,然后看着你怎样去对待自己的生命。

29、 你不曾给我一次回眸,我却始终在对你微笑。

30、 在无人为我们鼓掌的时候,给自己一个鼓励;在无人为我们拭泪的时候,给自己一些安慰;在我们自惭形秽的时候,给自己一片空间,一份自信。抖落昨日的疲惫与无奈,抚去昨日的伤痛和泪水,去迎接明天崭新的朝阳,走向一个风和日丽的晨曦。学会欣赏自己,才能把自己变得更加强大。

31、 不喜欢的就不要假装,不适合的就不要勉强,生活已经那么不容易了,何必再委屈自己。

32、 每个人都曾是天使,当他喜欢一个人时,他便折断翅膀坠落人间,变成凡人,所以不要辜负爱你的人,因为他已经没有翅膀飞回原来的天堂。

33、 们之所以活得累,往往是因为放不下面子来做人。虚荣心无限膨胀,蒙蔽了真实的自我,分不清什么是需要和欲望,把别人的眼光当做行为的最高标准,把别人的恭维当做人生的最高奖赏,完全迷失在世俗的迷宫中。把面子拿下来揣在衣兜里,素面朝天,你会发现原来生活真的没那么沉重。

34、 无论社会怎样浮躁,我们自己也不可以浮躁。战胜浮躁的关键是明白自己真正的需要,保持一颗平常心,不要盲目攀比,不要羡慕别人,更不要唯利是图。倾听自己的声音,明白自己的真正需要,而不要随大流,只知道跟在别人后面走。让自己的心简单起来,内心的浮躁自然烟消云散。

35、 当你在犹豫的时候,这个世界就很大;当你勇敢踏出第一步的时候,这个世界就很小。等到有一天你变成了你喜欢的自己的时候,谁还会质疑你的选择不靠谱呢?你已经变成更好的你了,你一定会遇到更好的人。

36、 你不会发现自己有多强,直到有一天你发现你身边的支点都倒下了,你也没有倒下。

37、 人生在世,难免要受些委屈,有的委屈不算委屈,有的委屈真的很委屈。很多时候,对待委屈的态度,直接影响着你的生存环境甚至是你的未来。小不忍则乱大谋,当你遇见委屈时,千万别泄气,适当控制自己的情绪,多一些忍让,少一点牢骚。记住一句话:宁忍一时之气,不受一世之灾。

38、 人生难得糊涂。所谓糊涂,不是脑袋进水,而是表面糊涂、内心清明的大智若愚。想得开,放得下,朝前看,这样才能从琐事的纠纷中超脱出来。糊涂的人,将智慧深埋于心中,面对过于复杂的世事,简单做人、简单做事,逢人不急,遇事不恼,用难得糊涂的随遇而安,酿造生活的醇厚佳酿。

39、 任何时候,一个人都不应该做自己情绪的奴隶,不应该使一切行动都受制于自己的情绪,而应该反过来控制情绪。无论境况多么糟糕,你应该努力去支配你的环境,把自己从黑暗中拯救出来。



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I hope my ideal school starts at 8.30 a.m. because l like to get up late. I hope my ideal school finishes at 4.30 p.m. So l can have lots of time to have a rest and do some after school activities.

My ideal school is very large, it has three tall buildings , a big dining hall,a tennis court,,a big playground and a park.

We have an hour for lunch, we can eat delicious food and chat with each other in the big dining hall.

I Love My ideal school!



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站在人来人往的桥头,桥下的溪水欢快地东流,留下一片叮咚声,宛如银铃。 Standing on the bridge head of people and people, the stream under the bridge is cheerfully east, leaving a ding sound, like a silver bell.










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How time flies! It has been three years since I came to the school。 My school is beautiful and there are many beautiful flowers and trees。 The teachers are so kind though there is always too much homework。 My classmates are all very friendly to each other。 We always help each other。 I have learned a lot from them and made a lot of friends。 I enjoy my school life。 However, I dont do well in math。 I’ll try my best to study math during the summer holidays。 Now Im going to say goodbye to my teachers and classmates。 Ill miss my school life。



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1、Time flies.


2、Time is money.


3、Time and tide wait for no man.


4、Time tries all.


5、Time tries truth.


6、Time past cannot be called back again.


7、All time is no time when it is past.


8、No one can call back yesterday;Yesterday will not be called again.


9、Tomorrow comes never.


10、One today is worth two tomorrows.


11、The morning sun never lasts a day.


12、Christmas comes but once a year.


13、Pleasant hours fly past.


14、Happiness takes no account of time.


15、Time tames the strongest grief.


16、The day is short but the work is much.


17、Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.


18、Have you somewhat to do tomorrow,do it today.


19、To him that does everything in its proper time,one day is worth three.


20、To save time is to lengthen life.


21、Everything has its time and that time must be watched.


22、Take time when time cometh,lest time steal away.


23、When an opportunity is neglected,it never comes back to you.


24、Make hay while the sun shines.


25、according to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.依照最近的一项调查,每年有4 000 000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。

26、although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.尽管这一观点被广泛接受,很少有证据表明教育能够在任何地点、任何年龄进行。

27、an increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。

28、in fact, we have to admit the fact that the quality of life is as important as life itself.事实上,我们必须承认生命的质量和生命本身一样重要。

28、in the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.在过去的几十年,先进的医疗技术已经使得人们比过去活得时间更长成为可能。

30、in view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.考虑到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采取有效的措施。

31、it is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation and exposure.无可争辩,现在有成千上万的人仍过着挨饿受冻的痛苦生活。

32、many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person’s physical fitness.许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康

33、many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person’s physical fitness.许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。

34、no invention has received more praise and abuse than internet.没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评

35、no one can deny the fact that a person’s education is the most important aspect of his life.没有人能否认:教育是人生最重要的一方面。

36、people equate success in life with the ability of operating computer.人们把会使用计算机与人生成功相提并论。

37、people seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。

38、proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境和历史不受国际旅游业的不利影响。

39、the latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感

40、the majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.大部分学生相信业余工作会使他们有更多机会发展人际交往能力,而这对他们未来找工作是非常有好处的。



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hello everybody.Today Im glad to be here to give a speech about my fresh experience in China Agriculture University.

First I must say the campus life is really different from what I have experienced in high school.For instance,I used to lean upon my dormitory teacher to wake me up on time.But now I have to set several alarm clocks to make myself could hear them in the morning otherwise I would miss my class.And then even worse there would be nobody remind me

except my teacher!So the differences are everywhere and I could easily find them.The change of life is great and its wonderful:I have more time of my own and the rights to decide how I live.

My campus activities are rich and colorful.Learning English has become a habit to me cause I plan to study abroad in next few years.Playing Guzheng is my favorite activity.I have kept on practising it since I was a little girl and I wish to win more competitions in my campus life.

Our university has the first level equipments and the most experienced teachers,also has the best students(laugh).I consider it to be a honor that Ive got a chance to study here and I sincerely hope that we could live wonderful lives in our campus!



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How time flies!My colorful junior middle school life is coming to an end. I’m glad to tell you something about my school life.

When I was six years old, I started school. Since I became a student, I have been studying very hard. My parents are quite proud of me.

Now, I study at Wucun Middle School, which is not only modern but also beautiful. The teachers in my school are so kind and hardworking that I love them very much. All the teachers regard us students as their own children. Also they are strict with us and strict in their work. I am getting along very well with my classmates. Whenever we have difficulties in our study, we help each other. I have many interests such as dancing, singing, reading books and playing sports, and I especially enjoy basketball, which makes me smarter and helps me learn faster and better. So I’ve improved my life in this way.

My school life is full of happiness and fun. Although we have some new challenges every day, I’ll try my best to meet them.








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I am in primary school now, and I like my campus so much. The first time I

walk in the school, I am attracted by its beautiful scenery. There are so many

green trees and colorful flowers around. The environment here is so lively. So

many students do the sports in the playground. The comfortable environment makes

me study in good mood.



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The first thing I did was I made a plan for my study. I assigned my

homework equally according to the holidays so that I can finish all of them in

time. And during my winter vacation, we welcome the most important festival in

China—Spring Festival, it’s also called Chinese New Year by lots of


At that night, our family came together and had a big meal. Of course we

had dumplings that night, because that is our Chinese traditional. We then watch

the CCTV spring festival evening party together and watch the beautiful

fireworks. That’s the happiest time in this world! The winter vacation I had

dreamed all year around was finally coming. And I really enjoyed a lot from


The first thing I did was I made a plan for my study. I assigned my

homework equally according to the holidays so that I can finish all of them in

time. I also arranged myself the books and words I need to read and recite.

Secondly, I took some extracurricular activities and read some English original

reading. My favorite book is , written by Sherlock Holmes. Among all the

classical movies, the Sound of Music was the most exciting one. During my

holidays I also made some assistance for my physical class teacher, surely I met

lots of difficulties in this stage and from which I knew what perseverance

really was. Lastly, I went to the temple fair and was lucky to taste several

Chinese traditional dishes; “Jiaohua chicken” is one of them. It is said it

originated from Hangzhou centuries ago, made by a famous beggar Hong Qi Gong,

the senior leader of Beggar Gang.Steamed with fresh lotus leaf wrapped up,it is

famous for its special aroma and taste. Now that the holiday is ending and a new

semester is coming, I need to fresh up and get started to embrace the upcoming




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It’s our duty to save the environment.

On June 5th, I will go to school by bike or on foot instead of taking the bus. And I will also ask my parents to ride bikes to work that day. At home, we will use energy-saving lamps and spend less time when we are taking a shower. Don’t throw away the used textbooks and leave them to the students of lower grades. At the same time, I will tell my parents to take bags when they go shopping. And I will turn off the lights before leaving the room.

Lower carbon, happier life. Let’s take actions.







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1、 这红色越积越浓,便突然划出一线鲜红,那鲜红里突然跳出一个通红的光轮。

2、 蓝灰的云朵缝缀成一幅美丽无比的图案。

3、 脸上,暖烘烘的。

4、 河面上,平静的水面立刻泛起一圈又一圈的涟漪。一条又一条机灵的鱼儿,陆陆续续跃出水面,好像要吮吸那晶莹透亮的“珍珠”。

5、 随着春风、淅淅沥沥飘来。如雾、如烟、如潮。透着这缕缕蚕丝,世界的万物如同淡淡、蒙蒙的写意画,忽隐忽现。我喜欢春雨,不光喜欢它换来的雨后春笋的英姿,更喜欢的是:踏进这淡蓝色的烟雨,在这雨季,你为我撑出的一片无雨的天地。

6、 勃勃生机留在了四月的大地,这种默默无闻的精神植得我们学习!

7、 贴心。这时候让我不禁想起冰心写的《春水》中写下“母亲啊,你是荷叶/我是红莲/心中的雨点来了/除了你,谁是我在无遮拦天空下的阴蔽?”

8、 生活是一杯烈酒,呛得老子泪流。当体会到了它的温柔,老子早已撒手。

9、 我们都是活着的木偶,偶尔,也有自己的思想。

10、 以为小鸟飞不过沧海,是以为小鸟没有飞过沧海的勇气,十年以后我才发现,不是小鸟飞不过去,而是沧海的那一头,早已没有了等待。

11、 只怪陷入的太深,明知道爱已不可能,非要苦苦迷恋所谓的缘份:相思是根无情的针,一点一点刺碎我的心,爱你十分就伤痛十分。

12、 刺骨的寒风从季节深处吹来,以冰冷姿势划过我黯淡的眼眸。

13、 季节的深处,飘落满地的梧桐,堆砌相思缕缕。一不小心脚踩上去,那沙沙的声响,如同心的崩裂与坍塌,瞬间就空了,冷了,不知该如何了。心疼地收回脚步,俯下身细细地看,那破碎不堪的暗红在眸中无限放大,似温暖,似心痛,似那生生世世抵死的缠绵,却怎样都拼凑不全。

14、 纷繁的离绪,烦乱的交杂,没有了你的导航,我注定会迷失在这雨季。

15、 整个世界又变得一片漆黑,冰冷的角落只剩下我一个人,继续被孤独占有。

16、 在没有遇到你之前,我不知道孤独之外的寒冷。在没有思念你之前,我不知道寂寞之外的难耐。

17、 日志里写满了我对你的思念,我的空间成了我思念你的梦园,记忆里只有你的模样,看着你的照片,我仿佛看见你微笑着你向我走来…但一切都如烟如梦,消逝无踪…

18、 镜中的自己,苍白依旧,沉默依旧,清冷依旧。嘴角上扬,漾开的是层层的酸涩,笑比哭难看,也不过如此。低头,泪盈于睫的闪烁里,悲伤开始无尽地放大,而后,下坠,碎裂,一地的清寒。

19、 我已习惯了孤独寂寞的日子,习惯了岁月的煎熬。无论我们怎样的磨砺,都经不住岁月的拷打。

20、 曾经的紧握,是一场徒劳,如今的松手,只为将未来救赎。遥望的目光,不再为谁,只为那一生跌宕难圆的梦境,等一世情长。

21、 细雨冲刷着曾经的梦境,时间带走了悲伤的心灵,天空白云朵朵轻轻,对你的记忆零零星星。

22、 独自走在寂静的长街,回忆一幕幕重演。我告诉自己要勇敢地面对,就算心碎也完美。想起和你牵手的画面,泪水早已化成雨下满天。回到我们相遇的地点,才知道我对你有太多的不了解。以为爱得深就不怕悲伤,偏偏爱让心成雪,让你痛得更深,更寒

23、 我曾经用心的等你,时间久了,发现已经不再爱你了,也许我们彼此爱的只是没有拥有过的感觉!

24、 呆呆地看着你离去,挥别的手,就算是再多的不舍,也留不住你的心。

25、 心似寒秋,情比瘦月,只有,也只有在夜深人静,独对孤灯时,才能完全的释放那些满溢心扉的忧伤和无奈。

26、 也许从一开始我走的就是一条不归路,从陌生到末路。属于我的结局到底是什么,我一步一步,一笔一划,等待着,期待着,却又害怕,迷茫着……

27、 总是在不经意的时刻,泪水会不自觉地流下来,默默打湿无滋无味的情绪。

28、 我最终还是逃离了你的世界。

29、 我们的生活有太多无奈,我们无法改变,也无力去改变,更糟的是,我们失去了改变的想法。

30、 买再大的房子都是假的,最后住的地方都是一个不大的盒子……

31、 在这世上,没有一样感情不是千疮百孔的。

32、 你离开了,天灰暗了,你离开了,梦也醒了。

33、 很多人都知道活着没有意义,但是很少有人会因为觉得活着没意义而去选择自杀。

34、 死亡,伤感的句子只能证明我曾活过……

35、 甘心情愿付出我的一切,欢迎重回梦的世界;让你听到,心在滴血,碰触死穴。

36、 人是生活在一个时代里的,可是这时代却影子似的沉没下去。

37、 快乐和幸福那么相似,可是快乐就是幸福吗?

38、 那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。

39、 每次的遇见,总是泪流满面,选择了理智却迷失了情感;无数失眠的夜晚,强迫回忆共处的画面,失去你的人生,从此荒芜一片。

40、 你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。

41、 朋友总是为你挡风遮雨,如果你在远方承受风雪,而我无能为力,我也会祈祷,让那些风雪降临在我的身上。

42、 如果等待可以换来奇迹的话,我宁愿等下去,哪怕一年,抑或一生!

43、 你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋。

44、 每个人都是一个国王,在自己的世界里纵横跋扈,你不要听我的,但你也不要让我听你的。

45、 就在那一瞬间,我仿佛听见了全世界崩溃的声音。

46、 闭上眼睛,世界就与我无关。

47、 一个孤独的思想者,身在闹市依旧孑然一身。

48、 不是因为寂寞才想你,而是因为想你才寂寞!拥有一定要珍惜,一旦失去才知道后悔莫及!世界上有太多的如果,太多的当时,太多的我会,当拥有的时候为什么不珍惜呢

49、 当悲伤成为一种习惯的时候,忽然觉得,心痛是那么的陌生。独自一人在寂静的黑夜里沉沦,眼泪一次次地从脸颊滑过,把想念放在心里。

50、 或许,人生都有太多的不完美,爱也匆匆,散也匆匆,来不及说声郑重,来不及说一声再见,你就离开了我…

51、 也许,每个人的心里都会藏着一个人,就像一道永远无法愈合的伤痕,无论在什么时候,只要被提起,或者轻轻地一碰,就会隐隐作疼。

52、 孤零零踯躅在清冷的秋风里,我的泪水似瀑布般飞溅,我不能自己,也不能思索,整个人失魂落魄,形容大变,我向老天哭诉,我向流水询问,我向花儿呢喃,我的美丽如花儿般的爱情,就此凋零了吗我的情深似大海的爱情,就此流失了吗我的一生一世的爱人,就此分手了吗

53、 仰起头,闭着双眼,有人擦去滚落的泪珠,原来,繁华落尽,有个人在等我!

54、 为何受伤的人总是我,为何君不可与小女分担,让我独自感怀,独自悲怜。

55、 夜,带着一丝寒冷,更多了一丝细雨。这一刻,我已经分不清在我眼角流出来的是雨水还是泪水。

56、 该来的来过,该走的都走了。我不是不想留住你,只是一切都太晚了。

57、 不坚强的泪珠还是沿着我鼻翼滑落,我送你上了车,留给自己的唯独这绞心的痛苦。

58、 谁有谁的以后,茫茫尘世间,我又哪去找寻你,前世的五百次回眸换回今世的一次相遇,缘定今生,此情可待成追忆,我可否是尘世间的过客。

59、 世上最痛的莫过于生离,莫过于死别,再亲近的人,在深爱的人,或远走他乡,或阴阳两隔…



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How to adapt youself to college life

There are obvious differences between high school life and college life. First,college students will live in the dormitory with classmates who come from various places, and who may have different living habits. Second,college teachers ,instead of explaning in detail how to solve every problem, might only tell different approaches to the problem, and leave students to study and solve problems independently. Finally, in college,there is more free time for students to spend on.

However how should the college freshman adapt himself to these differeces. First of all, he should learn to be tolerant and consider more for others,which is necessary for group living. Moreover he should take active part in collective activities and make more communication with classmates and teachers. It will help he be smoothly integrated with your new environment. Besides,as to study,he should develop a good habit of self-teaching and learn to arrange study independently. Of course,it may take a freshman some while to become accustomed to the study and life in college. However, we all have to accept constant challenges of new things in our life. To conclude,college students should try to adapt himself to college life as soon as possible, so as to take full advantages of their precious college time.



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The first online shopping, the heart also think this thing is very wonderful, not the other, just to "stay home shopping" and interested in, this is how to enjoy the thing! Imagine, when the sun is baking the earth, youre enjoying the air conditioning in the house。 Who wants to go out? As soon as we go out, the sun shines; when the wind is cold, who is shopping outside, so online shopping is born because of the house。

Im going to buy one of the most common watches on Taobao。 When it comes to watch, I will heave great sighs。 I didnt have a watch at the end of last semester。 I didnt have the concept of time at all。 So I didnt have enough time in the language test。 So, after the exam, I made up my mind to buy a watch。

In the web page, most of the prices are thousands, looked at me worried。 But my mother told me: "buy a watch to buy a good point, but not too expensive, one hundred dollars or less, you can。"。" I nodded my approval。 Look at the above promotion; sapphire glass, precise waterproof, crocodile leather strap, advanced ruby movement。。。。。。 Thats too exaggerated! We are not professional, who knows so much, wearing a nice line。 I just need a waterproof, just a little better。 I turned one page on the page and finally found one。 The name was too long: whats Korean waterproof, accurate, luminous, student personality, handsome watch?。 To shop online, it depends on quality, sales, evaluation and credit。 I looked at the evaluation, few poor, the rest are from sales a month sold more than 1000, credit is the crown class, see the comments of friends really feel good, just a little more than $one hundred, there is no dispute about what mother watch。 Have a headache and order quickly。

In this case, the first online shopping is not bad, how about this watch? Wait until the goods arrive!








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