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If you want to ask me what my drem is. I can’t reply you immediately because I have so many dreams.

When I was very young, I always sang a song to my neighbours. When I finished, they laughed and cheered. At that time, I made up my mind to be a singer. I want to sing many songs in my own style, and spread my happiness to everyone.

At the age of 8, one day, I went to an amusement park with my parents. There were many interesting and exciting things. I played happily. When I wanted to play another one, my mother took me home. So I dreamt to open up a park and let many children play in it while day.

But now, I have grown up. I have ever seen many places of interests in the picture, including White House, Great Wall, Pyramid and so on. How beautiful they are!for this reason, I dreamt to be a traveller and travel round world.

But I know “too many dreams stands for no dream”. So I must try my best to achieve one dream, and I believe I can be successful.

3.How time flies! Today was the forth day since I came here. Everyday was different. Today Mr. Brodie let us Wtch a movie. It’s called “pride and prejudice”. The heroine was very beautiful and clever. The environment was beautiful too. The movie was interesting but I thought our teacher was more lovely than it.

Miss Zhang taught us grammer. It was difficult but important. So we must learn it. It was important for us to learn English. It helped us to talk with foreigners.

In the night, we will have an exam about vocabulary. Our teacher said it was easy so I am sure I can do it well.

4.A good day begins from the morning. In the whole morning, we watched “pride and predudice”. One is lovely and the other is lyrical. They enlarged my idea. I liked them very much. The afternoon was wonderful, too. We read an article about hurricane. There were many new words in it. But we guessed their meaning from the context. I learned a new way to know new words.

Today is great.





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An artist went to a beautiful part of the country and stayedwith a famer. Every day he went out drawing from morning to evening when the sun went down, he returned and a good dinner before he went to bed. When it was time for him to leave, he wanted to becaemeour pay the famer. But the famer said, no, I don’t want any money, but give me one of your pictures, what is money. In a week the money will all be spent, but the picture will still be here. The artist was very pleased and thanked the famer for saying such kind things about his pictures.



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Now many students of Grade 9 are under too much pressure. They always feel too tired to listen to the teachers carefully in class.

It’s important for students to relax. Only in this way can they study well and be healthy. Here are some different ways to relax themselves. For example, they can try to have enough sleep,or they can listen to their favourite music after class. They can also read some books or do some sports. For me, I often hang out with my friends.

While you are studying, don’t forget to relax. You will study better after a good rest.



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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m very happy to be here with all of you. Thank you for giving me such a great opportunity to present myself.

Well, may name is 马可(此处可替换), and you can call me Michael if you like. I am from Hangzhou, China. It is a wonderful tourist city. If you have a chance to visit my hometown, I will be glad to show you around.

Well, today I’m here to fight for a chance to work in your company. You know, to be a part of you is a dream that has taken roots in my heart, because your company has a very good reputation, and I heard you offer great conditions for the right person. So that’s why I’m here.

Finally, I sincerely hope my dream could come true. And I will prove myself to be a valuable asset to your company. Thank you.



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来到富豪山庄的会所门前,哇!这儿的人可真多,大多都是来给自己学校的参赛选手助威的。看,选手们正在准备呢!一个个用可回收垃圾做成的一件件美丽的衣服,真是既奇特又美丽。于是我们也开始分配工作了,我和后面一排的同学是拿牌子的,合起来刚好是 “师海念你最棒!”六个字。准备就绪后,大家顶着烈日等待比赛的开始。







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此次比赛本着“人人参与”的原则,在初中三个年级中进行。以《My holidy》(我的假期)为题,学生们现场发挥,在30分钟的时间内写出一篇100词作文。比赛过程中,参赛选手胸有成竹,屏气凝神,严格遵守比赛规则,表现出优秀的参赛风格。全部同学在规定时间内完成,甚至有几位同学提前做完,显示出同学们对英语的有效掌握。学生作文水平虽显稚嫩,但从单词、句子的运用,到语法篇章的安排,都显示出了英语教学有了明显的进步,这是同学们勤学英语的结果,也是每位实践队员辛勤教学的结果。最终,赵芳同学脱颖而出荣获一等奖,刘涵、赵紫、赵伟等分获二、三等奖,队员们为其颁发奖状、奖品,以资鼓励。赛后,实践团将同学们的作品在橱窗中展示,以供大家交流学习。同学们表示今后一定再接再厉,学好英语。队员们鼓励大家在日常生活中也要勤学勤用,在实践中探索英语的奥秘。




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I have a beautiful hometown. It’s in Huzhou. There are many spaciality in my hometown: ginkgo and so on. My hometown’s economy is very good. There are many factory in my hometown and my hometown’s condition is nice. There are many garden in it and they are very beautiful and big. I am very pride of my hometown. I love my hometown. I will build hometown preferable.




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Hello everyone!My is.,from Qinzhou.I’m so glad to meet you,and I’m currently a student at Guangxi Textile Industrial School.my major is knitting.It’s my pleasure to join the CHAMPION training camp,because I love English and I hope I can learn something in the training for my future work.As we all know English is very useful in every field.

My English is limited that’s why I’m here.I know it’s a huge challenge for me to conquer English,but I believe that “No pains,no gains,success belongs to the persevering”,I hope I can learn more from you,Thank you!



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I went on my first travel when I was about seven years old with my mom.That was a weekend.We went to climb a mountain not far from our city.It was sunny that day but just because we traveled in spring so it was comfortable that day.

We went there by bus then we took a taxi there.The mountains we climbed were very tall and there was a temple on the way to the top so we took a rest there.

When we finally climbed up to the top we were all very tired.The scenery we saw from the top was very beautiful,the air was fresh,the wind was clena.We both had a wonderful time during our trip.



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这个星期五,我和胡涵,许文彬一起去参加英语讲故事比赛,这个参赛资格可是我好不容易才和别的同学争取来的,所以在练习时候要更尽心尽力了! 我还好在星期三上午,就把稿子背下来,星期四课间,上台表演就能发挥最好水平。

星期五,我就早早起床,穿好衣服,去化妆店,化上了妆,又把稿子背了几次,把书包放了就向城里出发。我们先坐16路再坐308。到了比赛场地,陈老师已经在那儿了。 我十分紧张。开始抽签了,看着周围陌生的脸,手心渐渐出了汗,但愿我不是第一个,但愿我能发挥出最好水平,但愿我不会出现差错。老师打开签,2号,老师暗自庆幸:“幸亏不是1号,也不在后面,听到后面,容易听觉疲劳。”可这时,我们又听到一个不好的消息:那排第一的学校没来,我先上。老师听了,马上对那个人说:“不行,再等一等,我们又没抽到1号,干什么让我们先?”我又排到了第三,终于轮到我了,我不能想象一个人站在一个大房子里,许多陌生人看着你那阴森的目光,太可怕了,我勉强挤出一丝笑容,走了进去,可当我一说起故事,我就不紧张了,讲完后,又蹦跳着出来,听见有位老师说:“这孩子的表情……” 我们学校比完后,老师带我们去玩了一会儿,吃了中饭就回了学校。 回到家,爸爸说我这次没说好,下次要做的更好,我也这么想的。 只要我尽力了,我就不后悔。



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吃完加餐,我们就排队进入阶梯教室。首先映入我眼帘的是一道红色的横幅,上面写着“华南碧桂园学校第四届口语比赛”几个大字。 我们按照老师安排的座位坐了下来,等待比赛的开始。

不一会儿,各班的同学、老师也陆续到了,比赛开始了。只见二年级的两位小主持人快步大方地走上台,为大家报幕。你们可别看他们小,说起英语来可流利呢!选手出场了,先是一年级的一位小同学,她虽然年纪小,但说起英语来,也是毫不逊色。她不仅说得流畅,面对评委的提问,回答也是干脆利落。接下来是一个三年级的小女孩,她那流利的英语,使得我们每个人都瞪大了眼睛。她一说完,台下就响起了雷鸣般的掌声。“到我们班的严威同学上场了。”我们一听到这声音就紧张起来,一个个屏息凝视,生怕他一紧张就忘词,但他不负众望,在台上,他平静自信地演讲着,边说还边做动作呢!评委们问他问题时,我们的心像有一只小兔子一样“怦怦”直跳,生怕他答不上来。他却显出一副满不在乎的样子,准确流利地回答完所有问题。演讲完了,他长长地舒了一 口气,从容地走下台。观众席上响起了热烈的掌声。我的心也平静了下来。接下来的选手也都不逊色,一个个过五关斩六将。一个一年级的孟加拉小男孩的演讲更是引人入胜,令人回味无穷。因为当时正属于激情低潮期,所以这个聪明的小男孩故意在我们不注意的时候,把故事中的“啊”向上升了四度,我们一下子热情高涨,个个都全神贯注地听着。不知不觉又到我们班的Yura同学演讲了,他可是名副其实的外国人,说起英语是流利得不知怎么形容,根本不存在结巴。但他还是有点紧张,双手直搓,但我们可不紧张,因为他是外国人嘛!演讲终于完毕了, 在等待比赛结果的时间里,小主持人还带领我们玩游戏、唱歌(本作文来自于)。最激动人心的时刻到了,这时我们的英语老师走上台,我的心一下子又紧张起来,当老师说到我们班的Yura、严威分别获得一二等奖时,我们开心极了,都使劲地鼓掌,向他们表示祝贺。





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My name is Li Yang.I graduated from Lanzhou University and majored Mechanical Engineering.

I was once a poor student of English,and it was my biggest headache and trouble-maker.I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words.

But through hard work in practicing speaking English and breaking away from the traditional grammar games,I found myself a totally different and exciting new world.Not only did I pass Band four and Band six College English Exams very easily with high marks,but importantly,I began to use English.

Finally,I developed a new Language Cracking System myself,I began to teach German not long after I started to learn this terribly difficult language in my own way.It was a miracle but I made it.英语口语自我介绍篇二

Hello everybody.My name is (Lily) .Im (twenty )years old. I live in (beijing)。I very love English. I read English every day. I yell English every day, My favorite sports are tennis and swimming.

I play tennis all the time since Im a child. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. We are all interested in English. My parents want me to be an English thacher when I graduate. I hope we can be friends.lets help each other from now. 英英语口语自我介绍篇三

My name is XX .21years old. Graduated from XX school. My hobbies, such as reading extensively, dancing, singing, etc. I think English is very useful to us, because the world many people speak English, if I can speak good English, I can talk with them and with their friends.

So I hope to have the chance to exercise myself. In my home, my father has three people in the catering company work, my mother is a housewife, I sometimes very outgoing personality sometimes love quiet, I believe I can do this job. Glad to meet you can today.

I hope you can give me this opportunity, thank you。



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i am xxx. i was born in xx. i graduate from senior high school and major inenglish. i started learning english since i was XX years old. my parents have alot of american friends. that’s why i have no problem communicating withamericans or others by speaking english.

in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such aslistening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or evenattending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes. i used to goapoad for a short- term english study. during that time, i learned a lot ofdaily life english and saw a lot of different things.

i think language is very interesting. i could express one substance byusing different sounds. so i wish i could study and read more englishliteratures and enlarge my knowledge.



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Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving Day) belongs to a particularly large festival in North America, especially for canadians and americans, the holiday is particularly important, even if people in a foreign land to back before the holiday with their family, altogether celebrates the holiday. Canadian Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day in the United States, however, is not in the same day, Thanksgiving Day in Canada is the second Monday in October each year, while the us is the last Thursday in November.

Why call Thanksgiving? Traced back, Thanksgiving is ancient and American indians, especially with the corn planting has a very close relationship. On September 6, 1620, a group of British Puritan unbearable religious persecution, take the "mayflower" wooden ship bound for America. They are fatigue, hunger, cold and disease under attack for 65 days in the Atlantic, finally arrived in Plymouth colonies in North America.

During the winter, cold climate, loneliness of the field. Local indians generously take out storage winter corn and potatoes, sent to hunt ducks and turkeys. The spring came, indians taught, they grow corn and pumpkin, raise turkeys. White settlers and the indians established a close friendship. For a big corn crop this year autumn, immigrants will held a hearty gratitude, with a roast Turkey and corn pastry treats the indians. The indians with a variety of corn products, roast Turkey and pumpkin pie, wild grapes and corn JiuJiang etc to the party, people sing songs and dances, burning it. Later in the corn harvest after the end of November each year, white immigrants settled in here are going to have a Thanksgiving, every roast Turkey, cooked corn food, hospitality indians. In the long term, this kind of gratitude can become a practice.

感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)在北美属于一个特别大的节日,特别是对于加拿大人和美国人来说,这个节日特别重要,即使远在异乡的人也都要在节日前赶回去与家人团聚,共庆佳节。不过,加拿大的感恩节和美国的感恩节不在同一天,加拿大的感恩节是在每年10月的第2个星期一,而美国则是在11月的最后一个星期四。





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Today is a happy day, because I’m full and the class is interesting. Sara and Jenny are good teachers. In the class we play games, study English. We have lot of fun.

But, some thing is unhappy., like I sleep late. So in the class I want to sleep. And today I will sleep earlier.



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Everyone has a familiar place in his life, such as parks, supermarkets, and their own rooms. Of all, my most familiar is my room.

The door is west, and there are two windows on both sides of the door. They are "North Window" and "south window". Opposite the doorway is a small balcony, there is a small wardrobe in the balcony, with my clothes when I was a child. My bed is toward the south window, the bed is neatly placed with pillows and quilts. My computer desk faces the North window. There is a regular computer on the computer desk. As soon as I got into the room, I saw my favorite, the computer, and an eye light. Northeast corner is an unusual desk. There are many books on the table. There are dictionaries, books borrowed in the library, encyclopedia books bought by ourselves, and snacks: egg rolls, candy, and my favorite large bottle of coke. The southeastern corner is my wardrobe, with school uniforms, clothes, socks and underpants in the wardrobe. Also with bed sheets, quilt towel. There was an almost useless old TV on the cupboard. There is a DVD player on the TV. In the southwest, its a big wardrobe for mom and dad. Beside the wardrobe, it was a dresser. I had a photo of my childhood on the platform. It was very lovely.

This is my room, is it beautiful? You are welcome to visit my colorful room.



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Good afternoon and nice to see you at this sunny afternoon.

I am very glad to be here for interview.

My name is YYX . I come from DLUFL and my major is english special lised in business.

Computer, books, films and climbing moutains are my favourite.

I have been a class president for nearly 4 years, and I also have been an interpreter at Dalian Garment Fair for twice.

I think all these exprience and my responsibility, creating thinking and passion would make me qualify for this job.

And whats more, my laptop computer is HP, so I have a better way to recgonize HP.

I believe that it would be a challenge and a chance for me to be a HP man.

Thats all ,Thank you so much!



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football is the most popular ball in the world. more and more people like watching football matches. they cant sleep or eat when their teams are playing.they shout for their players. i think many chinese football player have done better match after match since the professional football league of china was set up. but we still have a long way to go to asia and to the world. we should learn from foreign teams. foreign players and coaches must be invited. dalian wanda, shanghai shenhua and guangd0ng apollo are among the best.





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Chinese New Year


Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. Its because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival.


First, will make a big New Year meal.


Second, we will make “Good-luck wishes.”

