my brother作文带翻译推荐20篇







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"Chinese New Year! Its a big year!" There will be a year of "rabbit" in the happy laughter of children, everywhere is jubilant. My parents and I have posted the Spring Festival couplets, and grandpa and grandma are cutting meat and chopping meat in the kitchen for a big feast. The family is full of festive fun!

My familys annual dinner division of labor cooperation, each division of responsibility. Grandma is the chief designer, responsible for scheduling and cooking. For the New Years eve grandma would take out a set of fine new tableware in the cupboard. Grandpa helps grandma with the small work, in charge of buying the side dishes, the dressing, the oil salt sauce vinegar, the POTS and pans. I was responsible for "stealing", and after cooking, I always used the salty excuse of the dish to steal the good food.

I was dazzled by my grandmothers command and conduct, and at six o clock in the evening, our dinner was officially started, and the dishes were served with a delicious array of flavors and fragrances. Among them, braised fish, beanhead and water celery are our must-eat dishes, which means more than one year, which means peace and passepartout. This year, I made my first appearance, and I raised my glass to grandpa and grandma happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea, live as long as the southern mountain. I wish my father and mother good health, good laugh and good work. My grandpa and grandma wish me to study progress, my parents wish me good health, every day good mood, "cheers! A toast"

While everyone was having a good time, grandpa suddenly asked me a question, "why should we have dinner?" After listening, I was dumbfounded. I didnt know how to answer. When grandma saw that I couldnt answer, she laughed and said a legend, "legend has it that gao Yang had three sons who became a plague after his death. Two of them lived on the edge of the river, but one lived in a corner of the house, and they came out to scare the children on New Years eve. Because fire could drive away evil, people would burn the fire on New Years eve, and when the family was reunited, the plague would not come out and disturb the children. There is also a family dinner and gossip, and everyone talk about the unforgettable things they have met outside, and let the family share it. "Oh, theres a saying in the old dinner." I clap my hands happily.

Our family reunion dinner to eat until at eight o clock in the evening, grandma said: "China central television (CCTV) began to play the Spring Festival gala, I wish the big rabbit year good luck, healthy and happy, here we go to see the Spring Festival gala."

On New Years eve, our family had a very happy New Years dinner in a warm atmosphere.










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I want to be a famous reporter when I grow up,because reporter is really

funny and can travel around world.

I feel like traveling to Hawaii,but it will need a lot of money,and if I

become a famous reporter I dont need a lot of money!

I really want to become a reporter,what do you think?






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The earth is our home, the mother of mankind, the cradle of life, had been tortured by the human was scarred. It is selfless to provide us with natural resources. So, protecting the earth is our bounden duty and responsibility. Low carbon life, is our mother is the best way to return to the earth.

On one occasion, Im writing an article. But I think did not come up with a good story. A copy of the original manuscript paper be I tore up to only a few pages, at this moment, mom finds out, she reminded me: "my daughter, how do you develop such a bad habit of waste? Dont you know the paper is made of trees? If everyone is a waste of a piece of paper, and the countrys 1.3 billion people means destroying the forest, the earth is fragile, we must carefully protect the earth, we humans can live on the earth!" Listen to the mother, I feel so ashamed. Save resources, we should start from these trivial things around: save water, save electricity...

Since learned last lesson, I would never waste paper. And "good ability to learn a low-carbon life" : the water that clean out rice can be used to water the flowers, not only make more lush flowers and plants, also can save resources; Dish washing water can be used to mop the floor or flush the toilet... Believe that everyone heard a word: if humans do not add abstemious waste of water resources, so the last drop of water in the world, will be the tear of human beings. Someone once did, as long as we are the Chinese save a drop of water, and that the country can save 45 tons of water. How amazing number! Associated with the motherland of the Yangtze river and the Yellow River, are made of a trickle of water together?

Blue sky, white clouds, the mountains green trees and red flowers, birds singing, the fish in the water freely roam. What a harmony between man and nature landscape. Isnt that what people aspire to, look forward to? From this moment, protect the earth, low carbon life. Let our homes more beautiful, more green!







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A poet leads me to a branch road: on one side, there are lots of sweet

apples, lovely and charming; on the other, there is a patch of thorn, what hides

behind the success of struggling against the thorn is a splendid palace. I

deeply know that if I choose the apples, I will give up a precious opportunity

of becoming a queen; While if I choose to challenge, I have to say farewell to

the apples. Which one should I choose?

Just like the branch road, we have to make a lot of choices during our

lifetime. It is usually considered that we are choosing what to gain, to own,

but in my opinion, we are just choosing to give up.

Choosing to be a teacher means giving up the life as rich as a business


Choosing to be a top student means giving up much leisure time in front of

the TV.

Sure, it’s a torture, but we must judge carefully what is more important,

then give up the others. Don’t think of them any more, just focus all your

spirit on what you are doing.

I myself, who is standing here, have already chosen to challenge in such a

great competition, so I have to give up ten days of normal classes in school and

relaxation without pressure. But I am still pleased, because giving up properly

makes me stick to my choice.

Let’s return to our branch road, which one will your choose? I choose to

challenge here!










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my plan of next year

a new year ,a new start,when i stand on the edge of a new year,i can’t help  thinking about my plan of next year.

but ,what i really decide to do is that i must make good of anytime i can  spare though it seems impossible. while,i will do my best to live up with what i  have planned,and the result will prove it.








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I would rather suffer hardships than fail。 In other words, to achieve

success is my only desire。 We all know that there are many factors of success。

Now let me write down the most important ones in the following。

Diligence—Foolish as a person is, he can succeed in his work if he works

hard。 That does not admit of any doubt。

Perseverance—When you fail, don’t lose heart。 Keep on working until you

acplish your aim。

Honesty—If you tell lies or does not keep your words, no one will rely on

you。 I would rather be scolded than cheat (others)。







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In the 30 days of the winter vacation, I also want to some of my winter vacation plan.

On the first day of winter vacation, I will look over the final exam papers review once, and then do some exercises.

In the second day to the fifth day of the winter vacation, I will finish the all homework assigned by the teacher is good, take a look at some reference books and information.

Review to the same, I will go to buy some books and materials book1&book 2 in the sixth grade to preview, understand and recite every passage and words, math is to buy some exercises to do. In the New Year to come, tidy up all the information about learning well, back to their hometown to play with my friends. My winter vacation plan is like this, what about you?

I Lin Wei wish you success in the New Year!








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Resigned from 2015, ushered in the 2016, in the New Year believe every friend in the mind will have a wish in the New Year.

I know all my friends wish in the New Year, is not my turn to ask each one, when we were together chat, talk about the topic. Our first New Years resolutions is to make the family go in peace, healthy, happy life. Another is the friends are very want a red envelope.

A lot of each years harvest. When we chat is hot there is a classmate stood up and said: "we should not take mom and dad thats their hard earned money, if we took the money to natural and unrestrained, wouldnt it be too sorry they." "Yes, youre right." "The teacher?" "Well, the classmate say yes, if we put the money in the study, that." Applause sounded.

Dont dont care about my parents hard earned money, they are not easy.

2016 is coming, my friends: whats your New Years resolution?








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2. 紧急提醒,一种新型手机病毒传播方式:由手机万圣节祝福语来传播,为了您的健康,收到祝福语后,务必将手机浸泡在消毒液中一小时后方可使用!!

3. 已经倾慕你好久好久了,从见到你的第一天起,我就决定非你不嫁。你知道吗?我在阴间好寂寞呀…万圣节快乐!

4. 亲爱的,我一直想拜孙悟空为师学降妖除怪,这样可以让我在万圣节保护你,什么妖魔鬼怪统统放马过来!万圣节快乐!

5. 特别提示:万圣节的夜晚,本公司特推出,我比鬼还快乐有奖竞猜活动,认为自己快乐的同志可以编写短信:万圣节快乐,发送给好友。

6. 苍白的脸,幽绿的眼,干枯的手,抚摸你粉嫩的小脸,代我问候你:晚安! 哈哈,吓一跳吧!万圣节快乐!

7. 特别提示:万圣节的夜晚,本公司特推出,我比鬼还快乐有奖竞猜活动,认为自己快乐的同志可以编写短信:万圣节快乐,发送给好友。

8. 节日来了,你还在等待什么,带上面具,点起南瓜灯,像鬼一样在大街上游荡吧,欢乐会属于你的,我的鬼友。

9. 万圣节到了,虽然是鬼的节日但是我还是要真诚的祝你像鬼一样开心,因为你最近的确过着像鬼一样艰辛的日子,让自己放松一下吧。

10. 亲爱的,恭喜你,你中了大奖了,在今天你将会收到一份意外的惊喜,这一份让你激动的祝福,鬼家伙,祝你万圣节快乐。

11. 万圣节到了,听说各种鬼都要出门游荡,你会不会很害怕啊,有一个好方法能让你驱邪避凶,那就是让自己开心的笑一笑。

12. 身材像魔鬼一样迷人,眼神像魔鬼一样诱人,本领像魔鬼一样高超的你现在在哪呢,万圣节快乐!

13. 听说今天有很多吓人的恶作剧,所以今天除了我,任何人叫门都不要开啊,我会于晚上点过去陪你,亲口祝你万圣节快乐!一定要等我喔!

14. 今晚有黑衣骷髅出现在你面前,别怕,我告诉你一个魔咒,定会让他现出原形,那就是对着他大喊一声:万圣节快乐!

15. 你的一笑,狼都上吊,你的一叫,鸡飞狗跳,你的一站,臭味弥漫,你一出汗,虱子灾难,你不打扮,比鬼难看,你一打扮,鬼吓瘫痪!献给万圣节的主角!

16. 还记得去年的今天吗?我不是成心吓你的!但那一次是我第一次拥你在怀中!至今想起还感觉到很幸福!祝你万圣节快乐!

17. 万圣节大鬼小鬼齐欢唱,开心鬼一到,快乐瞬间到;机灵鬼出现,头脑变聪慧;调皮鬼一闹,活力更充沛。祝你万圣节快乐!

18. 鬼头鬼脑惹人爱,神鬼莫测思维快,神出鬼没巨神秘,鬼使神差节日来,唯有你最乐开怀,扮鬼完全原生态。万圣节快乐!

19. 站住,群魔打劫,前有开心鬼,后有发财鬼,左边好运魔法师,右边成功吸血鬼。今天万圣节,把烦恼交出来,跟快乐向前迈!

20. 今年鬼节不收礼,收礼只收好短信;鬼节恒久远,祝福永流传;鬼节相聚,意犹未尽;你好,我好,万圣节好,才是真的好!

21. 万圣节到了,收到此短信者:财鬼老鬼大鬼小鬼各路妖怪保佑你,天神地神风神雨神各路神仙祝福你,保你平平安安财源滚滚!

22. 万圣节大调查:开心鬼在写短信,幸福鬼在发短信,机灵鬼在转发短信,小气鬼在收藏短信。嘿嘿,万圣节快乐!

23. ^o^今天是个珍“鬼”的日子。宜出门,因为出门遇“鬼”人;要守纪,因为没有“鬼”矩不成方圆;可送祝福,因为短信不“鬼”挺实惠。预祝万圣节快乐

24. ^o^万圣节又来到,我把祝福早送到:愿开心鬼缠着你,发财鬼陪着你,幸运鬼喜欢你,长命鬼搂着你,小倩也想嫁给你。哈哈~祝你万圣节快乐!

25. 最近流行一种代号为“万圣节快乐”的手机病毒,如果您不幸收到含有此类字符的短信,请马上扔掉手机,以免感染。万圣节快乐!

26. 送你一份礼物:第一件:吉祥护身符!第二件:照妖降魔镜!第三件:除鬼斩怪剑!祝你万圣节平安又快乐!

27. 今晚有黑衣骷髅出现在你面前,别怕,我告诉你一个魔咒,定会让他现出原形,那就是对着他大喊一声:万圣节快乐!




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Last years Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came back from

Shanghai. My family were very happy to spend the Spring Festival with them. And

it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals.

On New Years Eve,my father and my uncle talked about their work together.

My mum did some cooking with my aunt. Grandparents and I watched the New Year TV

programmes. At about six o’clock, we had a special family dinner. We all thought

the dumplings were delicious.

On the first day of the New Year, we visited our relatives. In the

afternoon,we went shopping in Jiefang Road. My uncle bought some Jays CDs. He

likes Jay’s music very much. There were so many people on the road. It was more

alive than any other time of a year.

On the second and the third days,we spent a wonderful weekend in the

country. There were much bigger trees than in the city. And the animals were

more beautiful than in the city. We all enjoyed ourselves.

I had an interesting Spring Festival. How about you?









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When I got home, it was very dark. Why? There is no electric. Every year in

Beijing, there is lack of electric to supply. Because there are a lot of

factories. And it is very cold in winter. So the government decided: supply

electric to resident and the factories must stop working. My house is in the

manufacturing district. I was unlucky. It was very cold. So my father use the

electric making machine to make electric. Oh! What a unlucky winter!




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Although my hometown is in the middle of the countryside, but there elegant environment, ma of farmland, green, relaxed and happy making a person!

Walk on the path of the field, breathing the fresh air, the grass is green and luxuriant., at the foot of the flowers smile. This beautiful scene, let me nervous mood ease up.

Come to my house along the quiet and tastefully laid out and the path. Sitting in a small yard, the first thing you encounter is a few lush poplar tree. They are tall, like a guard to protect our home, thank you, lovely poplar. Through the gap of poplar and is layered terraces, green seedlings are thriving, the farmer uncle of the field are weeding them sweating in the hot sun. To the autumn harvest, they are hard-working, I silently raised an admiration of love.

Yard was clear the left side of the lotus pond, lotus leaves with a blooming lotus flower, lotus leaf strips under small fish in the chase; Hiding in the lotus lotus seed, how to pick a flower! "Little Eva hold boat, white lotus back. Dont understand Tibetan, duckweed open." Bai juyis "pool" emerge in my mind. How I want to do a small bai juyis Eva, to enjoy the lotus pond in boundless fragrance.

Garden on the right side is the kitchen, the kitchen has a thick bamboo forest. Cicadas do not know where, only to hear "see, see" a cry.

Looked up at the sky cbsi, look down at yard before the clear brook, to listen to the song of the birds cry, is really "people in the middle", home feels good!









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Has gone from us in 2015, in 2016 the first ray of sunshine lit up!

This years New Years day is really busy! The street people mountain people sea, beaming, decorating. Some people carry the bags to visit family and friends, to new area; Some people around together, talking and laughing, laugh with, some people wearing beautiful clothes, walking in the leisurely. The square festival of lights shine as bright as day. Every family hangs red lanterns, every family clean thoroughly, spotless.

In the evenings, fireworks in full bloom, firecrackers chorus. Beginning of the firecrackers. Where can hear the laughter of people. The family sat down to eat dinner, appear close thick, feel happy.

In mingle, firecrackers, laughter, a New Years day is spent in happiness.







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When I was very small, I like to read the books withpictures, because I did not know the words.


One day, I saw the interesting pictures in the book, Isaw the turtle and the rabbit, but I did not knowwhat it said, so I asked my mom.


She told me that the turtle and the rabbit were racing, I said there was no doubt that therabbit would win, but my mom smiled and said the turtle won at last because the rabbit was soconfident and slept for a while and missed the time.


I was shocked, I learned that lagging behind doesn’t mean lose, if we insist, we will have thechance to win.





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Li Ming is my best friend in our class.

She has a pair of big eyes, like two watery grapes, like any clues, slight escapes her eyes. Her nose is small, but very sensitive. Her lips were red, mouth a little. Her ears, though small, but she is very careful listening in class. She has dark hair black, with long pigtails. She is short and thin. She likes singing and reading.

She is a man of ingenuity. On one occasion, an art teacher taught us to do the fan, she taught two kinds of methods. Students successfully finished the first fan, but the second they wont do, no matter what they fold, how sticky, fans still do not come out. At this moment, I saw my deskmate li Ming has looked at the art book unhurriedly, wanted to think, she put a piece of folded the paper in the material bag, again in a piece of paper, fold paper according to the first method I saw her, I thought to myself, she this is not a waste of material? But I just found that she one fold the paper into two, according to the order of the positive and negative sides deftly fold, fold after she put the paper together with lines, use glue to stick the one at the beginning of paper, then glue stick chopsticks, finally stick chopsticks on another opening of the paper, it made the fan. I also made a right away, the students saw, began to ask li Ming, she pointed to the art book, let the students look at art book. The students also made a second fan.

My friend is a man of ingenuity, envy I have a friend like you?







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what is the most important thing in life? Of course, it must be safety! In order

to be safe, we should learn to protect ourselves. The protection of everyones

family at home. But have you thought about it? What to do outside? So be careful

all the time.



many accidents happen every day. Some died in car accidents, some in fires, some

During this winter vacation, I witnessed an accident with my own eyes. That day,

my mother took me to see Taigong. There was a motorcycle driving in front of me.

There were four people sitting there, and they drove very fast. Suddenly another

motorcycle came out in front of him. At that time, he kept stepping on the

brake. Its useless. Theres another life gone. His life is still very long! Why

did he die so soon? It was all caused by carelessness.



many accidents in the world are not caused by carelessness? As long as we learn

traffic safety, we can defeat carelessness!



are the successor of the new era, the hope and future of our country. So, let

the word "safety" be remembered in our hearts forever!



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It was sunny today. I was excited. I got up at a quarter to seven. I made a

appointment to meet at nine o’clock. After I had my breakfast, I went to the

Wanjia Market . It was hot outside. When I arrived, my friends didn’t arrive. I

waited for him in front of the KFC’s door. I haven’t seen them for a year. And

in a year, we didn’t come into contact with others frequently. About ten minutes

left, my friends arrived one by one. After we greeted,we went to play basketball

in Liwan Gymnasium. The match last for tow hours.Oh!I fill very happy today!





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Christmas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of December. It is a very happy day for many boys and girls. Before the term ends in some schools, the children act a nativity or “birth” play, showing how Jesus was born in a stable.


On the twenty-fourth of December, all children are very excited. Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready. The younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace, so they hang up a sock for him to put presents in. The greedy ones even hang up a pillow-case or a sack to try to get more presents. Later that night, father or mother will put presents in the sock, and leave others at the side of the bed.


On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two oclock, and most of them are awake by six oclock, and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one oclock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in. The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten. Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas holidays comes to an end.




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Today is Christmas Eve once a year. We have three at home. We burn delicious hot pot in the kitchen for mom, dad and I are in the sitting room decorate the Christmas tree together.

First of all, my father and I put the branches stretching, then put the tree is installed on a tripod.

Finally, my father and I put the small bells, Musical Instruments, gifts, fawn, Santa Claus, bowknot, five-pointed star and snowflake decorations hanging in the branches. Also has a long string of colorful lights around the branch.

A: wow! A beautiful Christmas tree appeared in front of our eyes, just like that. The mother of hot pot also burn well. The three of us to sit down and eating hot pot, hot side sing Christmas songs, was quite happy!






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Today is lantern Festival. I am very happy. Lantern Festival is Chinese

festival. Every year once.

In this day, people are very happy . In the steet, people is a lot

of.people see a lantern. In the evening,I eat yuanxiao together with my family.

It’s very delicious.

I like Lantern Festival very much.







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to introduce myself(介绍我自己) hello,every one!(大家好)my name is **** . (我叫****) im a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改) i live in the beautiful city of rizhao.(我住在美丽的rizhao城)(你可以把rizhao

改成自己家乡的城市的名称的拼音)im an active ,lovely and clever boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩) in the school , my favourite subject is maths . (在学校,我最喜欢数学) perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well .(也许有些人认为这很难学)

but i like it.(但我喜欢他)i belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.(我相信每件


i also like sports very much.(我也很喜欢运动) such as,running,volleyball and so on. (像跑步、排球等等)im kind-hearted.(我很热心)i hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友) ok.this is me .a sunny boy.(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩) 首先要看你写信的性质。是官方而正式的书信?还是朋友间的通信? 无论是哪一种,基本的英文书信格式应包括四大部分:日期,称呼,正文,和落款
