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Many countries will experience aging populations in the next century because of declining birth and mortality rates. China will soon join their ranks.

As for the issue of aging, its situation has been growing increasingly severe in spite of the fact most people are still ignorant of the problems it brings about. Firstly, with families becoming smaller and living pace escalating, it is even graver for families to care for aged members adequately. Secondly, aging causes a relative decline in working force in that fewer people have to support the increasing aged people. Consequently, the productivity of the whole society is affected to some extent. Thirdly and most importantly, the aging of population in China resulted from the successful implementation of family planning has not been synchronized with national economic progress.

The rapidity of the populations aging has made it more urgent for the adoption of countermeasures. No doubt they key is to build a solid economic foundation. Meanwhile, importance shall be attached to overall social progress by changing the backward situation in social security, welfare and service. Whats more, family care and community services shall also be encouraged.








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My favorite animal is a dog, there is a small dog called small white mother kindergarten, it body hair is white, a pair of watery eyes, want to two bright pearls rolling, very agreeable.

It doesnt know me at first. On one occasion, my mother and I went to kindergarten, it is very fierce, I came so close to my legs, also good mother stopped it, the second day, my mother brought me in, little white saw my mom ran shaking his tail, mother said to the little white, of me, this is one of their own, dont bite well in the future. it look at me, his tail, on my feet smell the smell went away, so we met, I grew to like it.

Small white the most affectionate mother, it runs every see mother bark thy mothers foot, as if to say master, give something to eat. "Mother said, forgot, didnt give you. its not pleasant walks away. It is also very affectionate to me, one time, it ran up to me to eat, I have to gave it bought chicken legs, it eats the voracious, mouth also issued a whine. It ate chicken leg, I will play with it, it ran like the wind blows, I how also not overtake, later on, its on the lawn waiting to play with me.

This is I like my dog, a likeable, conscientious puppy.







全文共 1983 字

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Hometown my hometown is xin an river in winter. Hometown winter although there is no ", and you spend, snow-white." Northland scenery, but it is more a different scenery! Hometown in winter with snow. Hometown as northern spring in winter. The sun did not have the enthusiasm and persistence of summer lost its former power and prestige, vicious flametongue evolved into a pair of very soft hands.

Ice, snow, ice skating, sled, take BingHou... These are the rest of the patent, I can only have in the dream. In our hometown, the snow is a luxury thing, even if under the spring point sleet is very good. "Dancing silver snake among snowing mountains, original chi wax like." These more attractive, only with the aid of film, television, could only dream of! Hometown in winter and about beauty. Deep in the dead of winter, those of a bunch of a bunch of unknown large red flowers are still as gorgeous as the summer moving; Still have that hardy wild chrysanthemum flower, still fiddling with the spring to create a position; Even sitting on the side of the big pine trees also appears particularly verdant; The yellow plum flower not to mention, really is a contemplated firebombing xiangyang open ah... Hometown of vibrant in the winter. Winter sky is so blue so deep and so wide; Remote sky still had that cotton candy large large white clouds.

Ah! My hometown! Your winter is moving, your winter is beautiful, your winter is vibrant! How I want to to the sky Shouting: "home, you never have cold winter!

家乡的冬天我的家乡是新安江。家乡的冬天虽然没有“千里冰封、万里雪飘、银装素裹。”的北国风光,可是它更有一番别样的风景! 家乡的冬天与下雪无缘。家乡的冬天有如北国的阳春。太阳没有了夏天的热情与执着,失去了往日的威风,狠毒的火舌演变成了一双十分温柔的纤手。

冰凌、雪花、滑冰、雪橇、抽冰猴 ……这些都是其他地区的专利,我只有在梦里才能拥有。在我们家乡,下雪是十分奢侈的事情,哪怕在初春时分下点雨夹雪就已经算很不错的了。 “山舞银蛇、原驰蜡象。”这些诱人的风采,更只能借助电影、电视,可望而不可及! 家乡的冬天与美丽有约。隆冬深处,那些一簇一簇的不知名的大红花依旧如夏天般艳丽动人;还有那耐寒的野菊花,仍摆弄着春天里逗人心动的姿势;就连那立在大马路边的大松树也显得格外的苍翠欲滴;那一朵朵的梅花就更不用说了,真可谓是一片丹心向阳开啊…… 家乡的冬天生机盎然。冬天的天空还是那么湛蓝那么深邃那么广阔;辽远的天幕上仍然不乏棉花糖似的大朵大朵的白云。




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All the year round, I likeAutumnbest. Because autumn is a harvest season, is a colorful season.

Standing at the edge of the field, look, there is harvest scenes. The sorghum red; Rice laugh bending the waist; All kinds of delicious fruit is ripe, waiting for farmer uncle to gather. The human face is permeated with the joy of harvest.

Autumn wind is gentle, blow on the face has a cool, comfortable and sweet feeling. Deliver it blow away the heat in the summer, cool autumn, blew the leaves on the trees, blowing open the beautiful flowers, ripe harvest of fruit.

The autumn rain is gentle, thin. It also has a box of colorful paint! Ginkgo biloba is it dyed yellow, maple leaf is it dyed red, the field is it dyed a golden color. Most it the most loved chrysanthemums, gave chrysanthemum color, with purple, yellow, white, golden, they are for the doo-yan!

Autumn sunshine is warm, quiet, brilliant. Stand in the sun, everything is so bright.

The autumn air is blue, the tall, I finally know what call "the fall".

Autumn is beautiful, I like autumn. Because autumn brings us a better and hope!










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I have a pair of small turtles, black-green, shaped like a compass. Its head has a pair of eyes, like black agate, its mouth is very big, very sharp teeth. Its neck can long to short can be fun. Its four feet thick and powerful, the web is available in the water. With it the turtle in the water faster than the land, and its claws are very sharp. Its shell other small animals are not allowed to hurt yourself, its shell not only can protect themselves, can also dress up oneself, brown and green.

It exhaled to eat, it is not a vegetarian dishes, only eat meat, it rarely move, also not much. But there are times when it swimming in the water tanks, like looking for something.

There is one thing that makes me very angry and funny, just let me get it cant. Once I put a small goldfish turtle tank next to the tub, the turtle saw the climb, climb on water crock mouth, head forward, feet a stirrup, fell into the small goldfish in the tank. The turtle into a small goldfish tank, are constantly chasing small goldfish, small goldfish swim everywhere disorderly. I took the little turtle on the ground and gently pat it a few times. It shrinks the head, as if to say I cant anymore. Then I put it back into the tank, this time it a chastened, never climbed out.

I love my little turtle!







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maybe everyone has a kind of animal which he favourite,me too!

i like all the little animals,but my favourite animal is dog,maybe you will ask the reason,why do i like it ?very simple ,cause of his loyal heart,and they are so cute,they always make a friendly ship with people.they are friends to the human.they bring too much joy to us!do you agree with my view?

and whatyour opinion?



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The spring breeze blows away the winter cold and silent, spring brings the beautiful and lively, it will rain here. The spring rain, rustling, the flowers, the grass, the fish strips, flowers and trees under awake, awake animals down under, the children come out to play.


Look, there are children in catch grasshoppers. A grasshopper jumped in. There is a boy saw a large grasshopper, slowly close, a catch, the grasshopper caught.


Look, that is a group of birds birds on wire poles, on the staff, and joined in the chorus, as in sing a song of praise songs of spring, as if nature is smiling to listen.


Look, there is a large flowers, there are orchids, rose, jasmine, peach, pear, apricot and...... They be riotous with colour, very beautiful in the sun. In the world is not how many flowers, to make the world look so beautiful.


I love you, spring.



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As we all know,animals are our friends.I like every animal.But I like dogs best.Dogs are not only very lovely,but also very helpful.Thats why we all feed dogs at home.I often share happiness and shorrow with it, which belongs to me three years ago,called"Betty".In other words,we should treat them as our real friends.Do you agree with me?




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My hometown is in the North - Dezhou. In the winter, the scenery there is beautiful.

The windows, a layer of white window, outdoors, ice crystal and a string hanging on the tree, and the snow, but the childrens paradise. The snow man heap up like a child in the snow surrounded by a scarf, with a broom, very lovely, the small footprints of the children are also particularly beautiful. In the countryside, snow dolls are the quilts of small plants.

Red plum blossom quietly open, the Narcissus also quietly open, how beautiful! Red plum flowers bring people red, daffodils bring people yellow, with these two colors, the winter is more beautiful!

I love the beautiful winter!



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As the fast development of the technology, people can have access to all kinds of high technologies. TV is one of them, since the being of the TV, people can know more about the world and TV brings people a lot of fun. Nowadays, TV program provides various shows, my favorite program is the dating show.

Dating show is very hot now, people like to see the boys and girls how to choose each other. In the show, the girls are the guests, they wait for the boys, and then choose the one they like. Of course, the boys also have the rights to choose the girls, only if they can come to the final round.

The reason why I like to see the dating show lies in that I can see the young people’s view about the marriage, at the same time, I also can see their lives. The boys and the girls give their own opinion of their views about the marriage, which are very different from our parents’.

The dating show program provides people a way to know the young generation’s ideas about marriage, people can learn a lot from the show.







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Halloween Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means "holy evening," and it comes every October 31, the even

ing before All Saints Day. However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly.

Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o-lanterns, which means "Jack of the lantern".

The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they come to a new house, they say,"Trick or treat! Money or eat!" The grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags.

Not only children, but most grown-ups also love Halloween and Halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them. This bring them the satisfaction of being young.








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Skiing is a desirable activity fro’ young people. It provides the excitement that the youth is commonly seeking. The skiers can enjoy the thrill of gliding at tremendous speed down a gleaming,white mountain slope. Often, with split second tinting, they must dodge trees, stumps, and rocks——or find themselves suddenly sprawling in the snow. If they have more than average skill, they can sall through the air in breathtaking leaps and jumps that bring excitement to the onlookers as well. True, there is danger in this excitement,but that is a risk the youth enjoys. Furthermore, skiing is healthful.

It provides exercise, often very strenuous as the skiers trudge up a mountain path or work their way on skis up a slope of deep snow. The best of skiers know that they need strong muscles to successfully control their skis, so they exercise to keep themselves physically fit. Another desirable feature is the companionship that usually develops wherever skiers gather. Friendships grow quickly on the slopes and in the usual nearby shelter where the skiers find food, warmth, and rest. Their experiences of the day and their youthfulness easily draw these people together in happy fellowship.



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In my bookcase, there are many books that I treasure, one of which I like very much, that is "the wisdom of children". Speaking of this wisdom child, it has been with me for many years.

I remember when I was in grade two, one afternoon, I was alone at home doing my homework. Suddenly, the door opened, and I ran out to see that it was Mom coming back. Mom looked at me and asked, "have you finished your homework yet?"" "Grace."." I said, staring at the white bag that my mother was carrying, "Hey! Its like the bag of Xinhua bookstore" "Well, this is a new book. Its just been published. Lets see." When mom finished, she put the book on the table and went to lunch. I rushed to the table with a sudden thunderbolt, lifted the bag, ran into the room, and got a book out of the bag. Wow, what a beautiful book! The blue cover painted with seven lovely little girl, the little girl in the middle, around like four of the art word "wisdom of children".

In "child" there are three red print: Chinese and foreign articles. I cant wait to open the book and turn it into the catalog. Wow! A lot of stories. A "Sima Guang" "Cao Chong" hit the tank known as the "hidden in the book" kidnapping "Napoleon" win "Qiao buy" ah "and" wow "...... What surprised me most was the kidnapping in the book. Why was the kidnapping hidden in books? With this series of questions, I found the story and looked at it seriously. Oh, I see, this is the story of little Robin loves reading, he went to the library to borrow a book called "across the Atlantic" of the book, the book several words have been dug out, he wrote these words to the administrator, came home and put them together to make a sentence: if you want to keep your childs life, for $one hundred thousand. Dont call the police and contact again. As soon as Robin looked, he quickly went to the police station and reported to the police. After the efforts of the police, he finally cracked the kidnapping case. It is so wonderful, I feel more and more ecstatic, not half, a book I was eating out.

I carefully treasure it up, every day from time to time to take out a look, double, lest it is dirty, where wrinkled, treat it as a rare treasure look like, love it, baby! Now, when I opened the "wisdom of children", read Chinese and foreign children the essence of wisdom, watching with my age children good and evil deeds, his heart will gush a excited, a feeling: yes! It is this book that taught me how to behave and how to overcome difficulties with my own wisdom.

在我的书柜里,收藏着许多我珍爱的书籍,其中有一本书令我无比喜欢,那就是《智慧儿童》。 说起这本《智慧儿童》,它已经伴随我多年了。

记得我二年级的时候,有一天中午,我独自一人在家里写作业。突然,门“咔”的一声打开了,我跑出去一看,原来是妈妈回来了。妈妈瞧了瞧我,问:“敏敏,作业写完了吗?”“恩。”我说着,眼睛直盯着妈妈拎着的白袋子看,“咦!这好像是新华书店的袋子耶?”“恩,这是一本新书,刚出版的,拿去看吧。”妈妈说完,便把书放在桌子上,身去做午饭了。 我以迅雷不及掩耳之势,冲到桌前,提起袋子,跑进房间,从袋子里拿出书。哇多漂亮的书啊!湛蓝的封面上画着七个可爱的小女孩,在小女孩的中间,众星拱月般地围着四的艺术字“智慧儿童”。


我小心翼翼地把它珍藏起来,每天时不时地把它拿出来看一看,翻一翻,生怕它哪儿脏了,哪儿皱了,把它当稀世珍宝一样看待,对它爱不释手,宝贝地不得了! 现在,当我再翻开《智慧儿童》,翻阅着中外儿童的智慧精华,看着跟我同龄的孩子们惩恶扬善的事迹时,心中就会涌出一种激动,一种感慨:是啊!正是这本书,教会了我怎样做人,怎样用自己的智慧去战胜困难。



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My favorite cartoon film is "Kung Fu Panda".Because its very funny and interesting.The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city.So many people like it.In this cartoon movie the character who I most like is the panda Arab League valuable.Because it not only unusual lovable and annoys the human to like, moreover is this cartoon movies lead .But I did not deny that other roles also very much annoy the affection, for example tigress (Angelina Jolie), viper (Lucy Liu), praying mantis (Seth Rogen), hoist crane (David cross) and monkey (Jackie Chan).I from this cartoon movie middle school: Each people have the merit and the shortcoming, perhaps you only know your shortcoming, so long as but you look diligently, also will discover that oneself will have the merit.

我最喜欢的动画电影是“功夫熊猫“。因为它非常有趣,故事是伟大的,背景是美丽的,它真的觉得像一个古老的中国城市。因此,许多人喜欢它。这部动画片电影人物我最喜欢的是熊猫阿波 因为它不仅不寻常的可爱和苦恼的人喜欢,而且是这个卡通片的主演。但我不否认其他角色也很棒,例如母老虎(安吉莉娜朱莉),蝰蛇(刘玉玲),亲情,螳螂(塞斯罗根),起重机(大卫),猴(成龙)我从这个卡通片中学:每个人都有优点和缺点,也许你只知道你的缺点,但只要你认真看,会发现自己也有优点。



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Summer arrived, a lot of people played to the outside. Summer is very hot, everybody wears very few dress, besides fool ability can wear a lot of dresses. Summer can swim, eat ice-lolly and bathe cold water to wait.

For instance, a few days ago very hot, I ate a few ice-lolly and a few ice to stimulate drench. Eat so that my mouth resembles iced mouth.

For instance, very hot yesterday, and I went cinema. I gave kubla khah, after coming home, I bathed, after be being washed, I feel very cool. Next I slept.

I love summer!







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In so many animals inside, my favorite is the white rabbit. It is well-behaved and cute, two ears erected very agile and lively.

Little rabbit looks very cute. A white fluffy feel soft, really like Snow White. Two eyes red glowing, like a pair of rubies, a pair of rosy long ears, like corn leaves. Eyes below a small and short nose, the following there is a small and exquisite three petals. We all know that rabbits love to eat radish, but the mouth is not big, how to eat it? So the rabbit becomes a three petals.

I think the white rabbit should be nutrition experts, it is very nutritious food, there are carrots, white radish, vegetables, cabbage ... ... if you carefully observe, you can see it that short tail when eating Shake it

Little white rabbit gentle style, well-behaved, like easy to lie on the ground, very quiet when sleeping, the body shrink into a small snow group, that straight wind ear is also a bit bent. But sometimes and we are as naughty, the game will fight.

Cute little white rabbit, i really like you!



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I have always enjoyed the puppy, the puppy to grandmas house is particularly like, remember once I back to grandmas house, the dog seemed to think I am the bad guy, keep the eye, or grandma picked the dog away. The dog is a kind of lovely animals, very likable. Its limbs flexible, agile, cute little face on a pair of cute little eyes, white and brown hair, looks very cute. It furry body, black nose, swaying in the small tail, is charming. The dog is very cute when eating, if meat it down, if you drink milk, just lick milk is all about, I help grandma dog a name, called -- -- -- -- -- lele, grew up because I want it to be happy, not happy things outside the cloud nine. Lele like the sunshine, if the sun special good, it will immediately run to come over, how do you make it, it all ignore you. Lele slept in their own doghouse, like to put the dog kennel in bed. It was quiet and convenient. Lele love clean, every few days will be washing a bath, I like to give it a bath, xian play with it, let me feel a lot of fun. So I like dog.

我一向很喜欢小狗,对姥姥家的那只小狗是格外喜欢,记得有一次我回姥姥家,小狗好像把我当成了坏人,不停的汪汪的叫着,还是姥姥把狗抱开了. 小狗是一种可爱的小动物,很讨人喜欢.它四肢灵活,行动敏捷,可爱的小面孔上长着一对可爱的小眼睛,身上白色和咖啡色的毛,显得格外可爱. 它那毛茸茸的身体,漆黑的鼻子,摇来摇去的小尾巴,很讨人喜欢. 小狗吃东西的时候非常可爱,要是肉它就狼吞虎咽,要是喝牛奶,就把牛奶舔得一干二净,我帮姥姥的小狗起了一个名字,叫-----乐乐,因为我希望它快快乐乐的长大,把不高兴的事抛到九霄云外. 乐乐喜欢晒太阳,要是太阳特别好,它就会立马跑过来,你怎么逗它,它都不理你. 乐乐睡在自已的狗窝里,喜欢把狗窝放在床底下.这样既安静又方便. 乐乐爱干净,每隔几天就要冼一次澡,我喜欢给它冼澡,逗它玩,让我感到了许多的乐趣. 所以我很喜欢小狗.



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some people like different friends . others like similar friends . compare the advantages of these two kinds of friends . which kind of friends do you prefer ?explain why . some people like different friends . others like similar friends . compare the advantages of these two kinds of friends . which kind of friends do you prefer ?explain why .

it is unive rsally known tha t f riendship is one of the eternal themes in the litera tur e of all languages . this is because human beings were born to need the warmth and laughter of f riends . however it is impos sible for us to make friends with everybody . we have to choose tr ue friends . some of us like similar friends , while others differ ent f riend s . per sonally , i pr efer both .

it goes without saying that having similar f riends has many advantages . we can feel a sense of st rength when we have a group of old f riends who would sha re our sufferings and happiness . mor eove r , old friends always know how to maintain mutual t rust and how to avoid potential f riction . i always feel delight ed when i meet an old friend afte r a long depa rture . immediat ely , hear ty laughter fills the atmosphere .

never theless i believe that a mixture of friends is equally advantageou s . in the first place, f requent contact with dif ferent friends broadens my wor ld outlook . for instance, i have found it a r eal tr easur e to have so many f riends on the campus who of ten help me r einforce my beliefs . secondly , i have found tha t differ ent f riends cannot only lead to new adventures but also s how me new avenues in life . thirdly , they can help me with whateve r difficulties i encounter in life .

to conclude, i prefe r to have both types of f riends and as many as possible . of course , i will not forget to choose friends wisely .



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Today, mom and Dad took me and my sister to skiing in the Xinli Lake skiing field. It was the first time I skied, and I was both excited and nervous. At the ski resort, we went straight to the skiing hall. There were a lot of people gathered here, waiting for the ski shoes and skis to get their own size. We put on a ski shoes, then we take the shoes according to the proper size of skis, ski thin, long, there is a small point upwards. We followed the people to the skiing field.

I go to the hill slide again, going to the highest mountain slide, because I feel like skating skiing with similar, but I went up to the mounain can be more difficult, a long row of teams caught on the cable stick, after a while and fell down, because I also play small temper, Dad see tell how to catch the cable stick, this trick can be it, soon.

At the top of the mountain, I went down to the mountain with my sister and dad. At first I thought I would skate on the dry ice. It must be easy. But it was so slippery that the mountain was very steep and not so far away. I felt that some of the skateoards were twisted in the East, and I was afraid. Although I slipped out well, I finally fell down. Becase the skis quilt in the feet, I can not stand up. My sister came to help me, and then I slipped back for a few times, and I was happy!

How time flies, we should leave the ski, people looked at the ski resort of song and laughter, my first time skiing experience also in the end. I have expeienced the joy and pride of success in the process of falling over and over again.



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My favourite city is Seoul.Seoul is the capital of South Korea and is located on the Han River in the countrys northwest. The city is situated about 50 km (~30 mi) south of the North Korean border, also known as the de-militarized zone (DMZ). Seoul is a city with ancient history, the area of Seoul appears in history as early as 18 BCE, when the kingdom of Baekje founded its capital, Wiryeseong, in what is now southeastern Seoul. Modern Seoul descends from a city called Namgyeong, built during the Goryeo era, which then became the capital of the Joseon dynasty in 1394. Seoul has been the capital of successive Korean nations ever since.[2]Designated the status of a Special City, Seoul is administered directly by the national government.

With over ten million people, Seoul is South Koreas largest city and one of the largest cities in the world by population. Covering an area of only 605 square kilometers, smaller than New York City or Tokyo, it is one of the worlds most densely populated major cities.

The Seoul National Capital Area, which includes the major port city of Incheon, has almost 23 million inhabitants making it the second most populous metropolitan area in the world, after Greater Tokyo. Almost half of South Koreas entire population lives in the Seoul National Capital Area, and nearly one quarter in Seoul itself, making it the countrys political, cultural, and economic center, as well as a center for international business. The rapid economic, social and technological development of the city has played a key role in South Koreas development, and has been referred to as the "Miracle on the Han River".

Seoul hosts more than three million registered vehicles and widespread traffic congestion is common. In recent years, the metropolitan government has undertaken extensive clean up of the citys air and water pollution. The revival of Cheonggyecheon, a stream that flows through Seoul city center, was a recent major urban beautification project.

我最喜欢城市是首尔。首尔是韩国的首都,位于汉江在该国西北地区。这座城市位于以南约50公里(~ 30 mi)朝鲜边境,也被称为de-militarized区(DMZ)。首尔是一个城市,古老的历史,首尔的区域出现在历史早在公元前18,Baekje王国建立其资本时,Wiryeseong,在现在的首尔东南。现代首尔是一个城市叫Namgyeong建立了该时期,然后于1394年成为李氏王朝的首都。首尔已经连续朝鲜国家的首都。[2]指定状态的一个特殊的城市,首尔是由中央政府直接管理。



