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一帆风顺 工作顺利!




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Dear Professor Smith,

I am Li Hua, chair of the Students’ Union of Xinhua Middle School. Our

school will have the Second Culture Festival next weekend and I am writing to

invite you to give us a lecture about the cultural differences

betweenAmericaandChina, which will begin at 9 o’clock and end at 11 o’clock on

Nov. 28th in Classroom 201 of the third teaching building.

As an expert in international culture, you must have a good knowledge of

the cultural differences betweenAmericaandChina, so we hope you could help us

increase our knowledge and clear some cultural confusion.

Could you please contact us in advance at Englishtec@163.com if you could

come to our culture festival? We are looking forward to your reply.





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I like animals very much. I have a dog, It’s my favourite animal. It’s

white, It looks like a snow ball. It has two big eyes and ears. But its nose and

mouth are very small. It’s very naughty.

It often stares at my food when I have a meal. When I’m home it follows me

all the time.

When I do my homework, it often sits beside quietly, but sometimes runs

around me and shouts: wom wom.

I like my dog very much.



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There was once a man that thought he knew everything, and so kept showing

off to the people at his country. As time passed, many people began to feel,

that this smart man, could even beat the professor of the king. Now this king

was very proud, but the professor was not so at all. But the professor said,

“Don’t say it too soon;” and from those words, he began to decide which hard

question to ask the man.

At last he thought of a funny question, “He shall never find the answer!

Ha!” it all happened that the clever man whom I have told you; had a big stage.

All the people that have questions, should stand on this stage, and ask him what

the problem or question is.

One day the professor piled up in the line, and waited his turn. When it

was his turn, he asked the smart man, “I don’t think you could answer this

question my lord,” said the professor smiling, “I could answer all of them

foolish professor!” shouted the man with an angry tongue, “Tell me what the

question is, and I shall prove to you that I can answer every question; if I

can, then I shall ask you a question; if you do not give me the correct answer,

then I shall kill you!” shouted the man.

“But what if you don’t?” asked the professor, “Then you shall stand on this

stage and I shall hire servants to serve you;” said the man with a laugh. The

professor then began his question, “What is the first tower in 1910, and 1911;

and 1912, and 1913…and 2016? And what is the height of them? If they all stack

up, then how tall would it be?” “Ugh, give me a sec would you mind?” and then he

began to calculate; but he couldn’t find the answer.” “What’s wrong?” asked the

professor with a smile, “Couldn’t find the answer, perhaps?” “No, I-I-I-I just

ne-ed… Ugh, fine; you win! Ugh!” and so the professor soon became king and ruled

his country wise and well. People asked him many other questions, and the

professor answered them all. The clever man that thought he knew everything

however, was locked up in a cage for him cruelty to the king.

The moral of this story is, when you think you know everything; don’t think

so; for maybe a question will ruin your brain----Lulu read.



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Pandas like to eat bamboo, their colors are black and white. The panda is

very lovely, so its my favorite animal. But because humans destroyed the living

environment of giant pandas, they became scarce and protected animals at the

national level. I hope people can protect the environment and protect the




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Early morning, sun farther-in-law showed smiling face, small alarm clock “

bite the bell bites bell “ the ground cries, seem to saying: “Beautiful, should

get up! Should get up!!

Li Lixing, see sun farther-in-law came out, asperse on pale green branch

full bright sunshine. Li Li wore a beautiful powdery dress, wore a sky-blue

pants again. At this moment, transmit outside the window “ chirp “ cry, li Li

looks up to look, a birdie is crying, seem to saying: “Li Li has breakfast

quickly, I and you go to school together. I and you go to school together..

Li Li eats breakfast rapidly, carry small satchel on the back, go to school

together with birdie.



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Dear Mr. Headmaster,

I am Li Hua , a student from class one ,senior II . I am writing to draw

your attention to some improper behavior among us students : littering and

scribbling . It makes our school dirty and unpleasant , and does harm to the

image of our school . I always feel ashamed whenever I see this . It is clearly

not appropriate for a student to litter and scribble about. I wonder if the

school could place more dustbins around and set up specific rules against such

behavior. At the same time , students should be encouraged to develop good

habits and better behave themselves.

I believe that , with the joint efforts of bother teachers and students

,our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near future. Thank for

your consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua



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I and father mother go to dragon boat festival together grandmother home

celebrates a festival.

I arrive in grandmother home, see grandmother only busy in the kitchen,

aunt father, maternal aunt Mom is in helping, I run over to ask at once: What

are you doing? " grandmother is laughing to say: We are being done delicious, it

is what is delicious that you are guessed? I say not to know, let me well


Father says serve a meal, see full table is appetizing only dish, I say,

either when peace same? I go by to fill a meal. Open high-pressured boiler. .

Ah! Still have plump palm so child with salty ducks egg. Oh, original

grandmother wants what I guess is a zhongzi. Of my too impatient to wait take

out big sweet zhongzi, poke palm leaf, gently bit. Really delicious! I gave one

person of everybody to divide.



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How time flies! It has been a few years since I left high school, but I

still remember you in my heart, because you’re the best teacher in my mind. It’s

not only because you taught me knowledge, but also you taught me how to study. I

have really benefitted a lot from you. So I would like to express my great

thanks to you, and share my life in college with you.

Now I’m studying in Hunan First Normal College, which is Chairman Mao’s

former school. I major in English, because I find it so fun and interesting. As

far as I’m concerned, our English Department is the best department in our

college. The teachers in our department are knowledgeable, experienced, and

warm-hearted. And my classmates are nice, friendly and helpful. Thus, I have a

good atmosphere to study. When I have difficulties in study, I always ask my

teachers for help or discuss with my classmates. Through their help, I have made

great progress in my English study.

College life is much different ...




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Nowadays, most people, especially those who live in the country, want to

move to the city. But is the city life perfect? Every coin has two sides.


Its true that things seem to be more convenient in some ways such as

finding jobs, transportation service, etc. Also places for relaxing like parks

and hotels are attractive.


But we have to say something bad, too. The environment is awful because the

population is too large and too much rubbish make the air unfresh.We have to pay

lots of money on our life including the bad things above!


In my opinion, we must take a correct attitude to it. No matter where we

are, we can creat our own sky if we try our best!




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My mom bought two rounds to me today bicycle, after coming home, I push it

to square to ride at once, I just went up to stepped on a car to break up, I

fell at a draught. There is a lot of child on square at that time playing, see

my trip, a lot of person laughed.

I put the car on square, come home to call Hong Yihan of my little brother

to help me practice cycling. I above ride, my little brother is helped up at the

back. I ride ah ride, came up against flower bed to go up a little while, bump

to the wall a little while. A lot of we two fall to go up often.

Practiced so one afternoon, I learned to ride a bicycle eventually. I help

a car up to make Hong Yihan of my little brother experienced again later. To the

dusk we can ride a bicycle. Although very tired, but we are very glad.



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Ali Baba quickly got as many bags of gold as his mules could carry, and

then put them in the sack; after that he placed the wood upon the gold so firmly

that the gold couldn’t be seen.

Then Ali Baba rode home with his mules, and carried the wood with bags of

gold into the house. After placing them on the floor, his wife came out with

porridge, “How are you today?” and his wife; Ali Baba smiled, “Better than

usual,” then he quickly poured the wood out, and under it was bags of gold. Ali

Baba’s wife was also astonished to find their good fortune. Ali Baba was pleased

as well.

His wife loved the gold so much, that she wanted to know how many pieces

there were. After dinner, his wife began to count, but Ali Baba stopped her and

said, “Wife, as much as it is to hear but you will never finish counting; if you

don’t finish today and wait for tomorrow then you will have to start from

scratch again.”

“You are right husband, but I still want to figure how much we have. How

about this, I will go to your brother Cassim’s house and borrow a measure, and

then measure how much we have, okay?” Ali Baba agreed, for he was almost the

person in the world to find out how much they have.

And so the next morning Ali Baba’s wife went to Cassim’s house to borrow a

measure, Cassim’s wife came out and said, “Sister, we have lots of measures; you

are welcome to borrow any one of them.” And then she went to the basement, and

got a bag of measure, and then Ali Baba’s wife picked one and went back to her

house. When she approached, she knelt down and began to measure. After a short

time, she went to Cassim’s house again to return the measure, not noticing that

one piece of gold coin stuck to the bottom of the measure. “Here you are

sister,” she said as she put the measure down, “I have finished using it.” And

then went away.

Cassim’s wife did not take long to realize the piece of pure gold coin. She

took it off and called Cassim, “Husband, I know you suspect that you are a rich

fellow; but your brother Ali Baba is ten times as rich as you, he does not count

his money; but measures them.”

Cassim looked at the gold coin and knew at once, “Ali Baba just pretended

that he was a poor fellow and borrows anything we have,” Cassim was not even

pleased at his brother’s good fortune, but was the opposite. And then Cassim led

his wife to Ali Baba’s house, “Ali Baba, tell me, where did you get all of this

good fortune.” At that moment, Ali Baba knew that the secret had been spread

though his own wife’s stupidity. “Look Ali Baba, if you don’t tell me where you

got this gold; I shall tell everybody, and not only will you get no more, but

you will have no more gold in the rest of your life! Ha!” laughed Cassim.

And so Ali Baba told him where he found the gold, and even the words he

knew of how to make the door open and shut. And so Cassim woke up early the next

morning, and took with his ten donkeys to fill the gold. He arrived at the place

where Ali Baba had told him, and pronounced these words, “Open Sesame!” the door

instantly opened wide, and inside of course; he found a chamber of pure gold,

and in it was gold.

Cassim filled as many bags of gold as he wanted. But when the robbers

arrived he was still filling. When the robbers found out, they used their swords

and soon killed him.



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My mother is the most diligent person in my house, she takes care of

me all the time and does all the housework. As I grow up, I realize that my

mother is such a great woman, what she does for us surpasses everything. I find

my mother’s hands are not as smooth as other person’s, but in my eyes, they are

the most beautiful hands.


When the summer holiday comes, I will be very happy, because my family

and I will go to travel. I like travel so much, I can not only see the beautiful

scenery, but also can spend the time with my parents. I feel so easy and don’t

have to study, I just play and enjoy my moment. This is my most happy




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Dear Xiao Wang,

I am delighted to know that you will be able to visit me for a week during

the National Day holiday. I am looking forward to your visit and to the

opportunity to catch up. Welcome to my home in Nanjing!

As you know, Nanjing has many places of interest to see, to discover, and

to enjoy. Among its historical sites are stone city wall, the Confucius Temple

with its magnificent night view, and Dr. Sun Yetsens Mausoleum. With all its

universities, Nanjing is a cultural center, offering an abundance of artistic

and musical performances. Its also a city of beautiful gardens and parks, such

as the Xuanwu Lake Park. With all these features, we will have a fun-filled

week, especially that in early-October, there are many sunny and mild days for

outdoor activities. So, I would suggest visiting these places first, and

deciding on the others as our week develops.

Finally, since at this time of the year the weather gets a little chilly in

the evening, I would suggest that you bring some warm clothing with you. Also,

as there will be crowds of people at the stations and on the trains, you need to

be very careful with your belongings!

Best wishes for a pleasant journey!


Zhang Ying



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My family lives on this street. In the morning, my father goes to work and

all the children go to school. My mother takes us to school everyday. She does

the housework. She always has her lunch at home, and sees her friends in the

afternoon. In the evening all the children come home from school. They always

get home early. My father goes home from work and he is often late. After supper

my two brothers and I do our homework. We go to bed at ten.



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I have many reports that I need to tell you guys, and it is about love. I

know that some of you hate this word and think that it was some of my mean

tricks again, but I just want to tell you that this was no joke, because I had

put my heart on this report.

It was the summer, and I was just doing my homework as usual holidays; I

was actually having a very good time and what was being told of me, and I went

down stairs to get a snack. When I saw this cool girl named Marinette, she was

cool; and I just wanted to talk to her. I didn’t actually have a crush on her; I

just really liked the way that she looks. I just went outside and stopped to

say, “Hi,” she said HI back, and I was actually astonished to see her quite

surprised; she looked like she had a very good surprise that she was having at.

I looked all the way through this and saw no such thing; I shook my head, and

went inside.

After I had finished lunch I went down stairs t get my bag and get ready

for school. When I got into my seat, I started to think that something strange

is up with Marinette; it was actually not quite astonishing to hear this; but it

was actually what I was hoping for, I started to jump up, and rushing to the

bathroom. I scolded some people on the way, and Plad came out of my pocket, you

know the flying cat: What’s your problem; maybe you have a crush on her; “No, of

course not.”

I blushed, and was waiting to transform to figure what was up. I figured

that some people didn’t want somebody rummaging around somebody, and so I

transformed back, and went to class.

I sat on my seat quietly until the school bell rang like the signal that it

was time to go home. I started to have a low voice, and I actually even began to

learn swimming. It was very strange that somebody could learn that, but many

people do have that kind of habit.

I started rummaging around my room, and found some cool diaries from so

long ago; I checked on them and went to bed, and thought all about love for the

next few hours until I fell asleep. It was kind of cool, but I prefer it that

way since I didn’t even know that it was time to be reflected by your personal




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Dear Mr. Hanks:

I am writing to apply for the Client Account Coordinator, which was advertised May 4th with the Career Services Center at Florida State University. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review. I believe that I have the training, experience and qualities that you are looking for.

According to the advertisement, your position requires excellent communication skills, computer literacy, and a B.S. degree in Finance. My studies have included courses in computer science, management information systems, speech communications, and business writing. I understand the position also requires a candidate who is team and detail-oriented, works well under pressure, and is able to deal with people in departments throughout the firm. These are skills I developed both in my course work and in my recent internship at Liberty Mutual, Inc. in Orlando, Florida.

Your job description suggests that our relationship could be mutually beneficial. I am confident that I can perform the job effectively, and I am excited about the idea of working for a dynamic, nationally recognized investment management firm.

I look forward to discussing my background and qualifications with you. If you would like to schedule an interview or other discussions about my interest in the position, I can be reached at (218) 365-3333.


Tom Sherman



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Dear Sir/Madam ,

I’m lihua from class one ,senior two 。 I am wring to apply for the opportunity to help the students in chenxin Hope School with their English. Thus they can improve their English during the summer vacation 。 Meanwhile , I can learn how to get along well the students and benefit the whole school.

I’m kind , easy-going and always ready to help others 。 I wash clothes and make beds by myself to develop independence 。 English is my favorite subject and I have won several prizes in English contests 。 So I think that I am qualified for the position.

I plan to communicate with students first to know what they need 。 Besides ,I ‘ll try to get them more interested in English by telling stories , singing songs ,playing games and so on 。

I’d appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity 。

Yours Sincerely ,

Li hua




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It is natural that difficulties hide in every corner of our life,so we have

to face them at times.Whatever we have undergone in our life, we shouldnt

complain about it. We may get a lot or lose so much in our life journey, but

keeping a positive attitude should always be together with us. Nothing can

defeat us if we are confident and diligent. Just as saying goes, God is equal to

everyone. As he closes the door, he will also open a window for us.

Many of us have seen a picture on the Internet of a man with a nice smile

is struggling along with the aid of a stick because of losing one of his

feet,and another man is sitting on the ground without shoes on his feet,looking

anxious and depressed.How different the expressions flitting across their faces

are!At the bottom of the drawing says”Because I have no shoes,I keep complaining

until I find another man who has lost one of his feet.”

What an impressive drawing it is in revealing different attitudes toward

life!A persons attitude towards life is very important, it determines your

life, which path you are taking and how your life will become. if you are a

person with very strong positive outlook, no matter what difficulties you

encounter, you will always look at the bright side of life and never give up

easily. Take Thomas Edison as an example.Before inventing the electric bulb,he

had tried thousands of materials for lamp filament,but failed.Despite others’

laughing at him.he said,”I am not a failure,at least I have proved these

materials are not fit for filament.”Before long he invented electric bulb.

The most frequent example you see are those patients or people that are

handicapped or suffering from some type of illness like cancer. They do not give

up any glimpse of hope and continue fighting till they their last breathe. Even

those very determined handicapped,they do not blame the world for their disable.

Instead, they are contented and blessed with all the rest the have, their family

, friends and those who support them greatly. Those handicapped with negative

attitude towards life will feel that the world is unfair and they life in misery

and always feel that they are unless and unwanted.

All in all,it is our attitudes that have changed everything in our life and

help us to pull through all hardships.So we should strive to develop a positive

attitude toward life and the world.It is convinced that only when we are

equipped with optimism and confidence can we achieve success in the future.



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Dear Minister,

I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to

me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. I would

also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have

found very informative and useful.

During the entire visit, my delegation and I were overwhelmed by the

enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with China.

I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be

able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our

bilateral ecomomic and trade relations and bring our business people


I am lookingforward to your early visit to China when I will be able to pay

back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in yur

beautiful country. With kind personal regards,

Faithfully yours,




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Dear Chris:

It rained here last Sunday. I was happy last Sunday.

First, I finished my homework. Then, I cleaned my room. Next, I play I played chess. After that, I played the computer games.

How about you? What did you do on last Sunday? Did it rain?

Write soon

