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这个春节过得真愉快!妈妈带我去北京旅游了!在北京,我参观了长城、故宫、天安门……最使我难忘的还属登八达岭长城 。







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欢迎大家来到长城,我们参观的是秦朝修建的。从东头的山海关,到西头的嘉峪关,大约有一万三千多里。 从北京出发,不过一百多里就来到长城脚下,这一段长城修筑在八达岭上,大家看,长城是用巨大的条石和城砖筑成的,城墙外还有瞭望口和射口,是屯宾的堡垒,打仗的时候,城台之间可以互相呼应。

Welcome to the Great Wall, we visited the Qin Dynasty built. From the east to the west of Shanhaiguan, Jiayuguan, about ten thousand more than 3000. Starting from Beijing, but a hundred Li came to the foot of the Great Wall, this section of the Great Wall built in Badaling, you see, the the Great Wall is built with huge stone and bricks, walls and lookout and nozzle, Bing is Tun fort during the war, the city of Taiwan can correspond with each other.


In fact, the most worthy of our thinking is that the Great Wall was built in the Qin dynasty. The technology is so backward, then no plane, no boats, no crane......

有的只是劳动人民的双手和双肩。 他们就是这样一步一步地,把一块块几千斤重的石条抬在山上,再用双手一块一块地建成了这样前不见头,后不见尾的万里长城。

Only working peoples hands and shoulders. They are one step at a time, to a thousand pound stone lift on the mountain, and then hands a piece of land and built a does not see the head, not the tail after the great wall.


Without them, none of this would be a great miracle in the history of the world. We need to treasure it!



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Chinas Great Wall is known to the world as one of the seven great wonders of the world. It is located in North China. It is over 6000 kilometres in length and is 25 feet high in average. The ancient people started to built the wall in the 7th Century BC with earth,brick and stone, and joined it in the Qin Dynasty. The Great Wall was built in ancient China to keep out invaders, however, it is now regared as one of the most important tourist spots in our country or even in the whole world. Every year, it is visited by thousands of people from all over the world.




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Im very happy that we visited Xian last year.We enjoy those days in Xian very much.Xian is a great city,it has long history and great views.We went to the Xian museum,and the great two towers.I also saw the great ancient soldiers,and a lot of wonderful things.Xian also has clean and wide streets,high buildings and a lot of good food.I love the noodles!Xian is so lovely that a lot of people go to visit it.I also saw many foreign visitors,they were all very interested in Xian.I was so proud about xian,and our great country.





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On Sunday, my parents and I went to visit zhouzhuang and tongli town. Early in the morning, we arrived at the tianning temple near changzhou tourism hub, sit on the bus. A total of 45 visitors. We sat for two hours in the bus finally arrived in zhouzhuang. Inside, the guide took us through FuAnQiao and build, also visited the moon, shen hall hall and south lake park etc. Finally, the tour guide said: "free." We will fully dissolved. I went to a strange house, mom and dad took all sorts of strange pictures. Backwards, birdy, virtual space, turns into a hut, transverse gallery, dog house, long legs, and auditory hallucination vision. I like the illusory space, because of just and true. With a mouth like sitting in python, mother beside me, just want to save me. Free after finished, we are all set again.

The tour guide took us to eat lunch. After lunch, we returned to the tour bus, go to tongli town. In tongli town, we went to the back garden jiayin hall, etc. I went to my father and mother took the little boat. Sitting on a boat, a flash, like a cradle. I found that the ship to ship ahead of the tool invented ruban OARS plate. Sitting in the boat, I saw the cormorants, I also know that its another name is yu eagle. All of one day make me very happy. I feel these two ancient attractions many, many rivers and Bridges, old town house is very old. This is small Bridges, jiangnan water!

星期天,我和爸爸妈妈去游玩周庄和同里古镇。 一大早,我们就赶到天宁寺附近的常州旅游集散中心,坐上了旅游车。车上一共有45位游客。 我们在车上坐了两个小时终于到达了周庄。一进去,导游带我们走过了富安桥和双桥,还参观了张厅、沈厅和南湖秋月园等景点。最后,导游说:“自由活动。”我们就全解散了。我和爸爸妈妈去了怪楼,拍了各种各样奇怪的照片。有倒着的人、鸟人、虚幻空间、变身小屋、横廊、小人屋、长腿人和幻听视觉。其中我最喜欢虚幻空间,因为拍出来的照片就和真的一样。其中有一张就像坐在蟒蛇的嘴巴里,妈妈在边上拉着我,就想把我救出来一样。 自由活动完了后,我们大家又集合了。

导游带着我们去吃午饭。吃完午饭,我们又回到了旅游车上,前往同里古镇。 到了同里古镇,我们去了退思园、嘉荫堂等景点。我和爸爸妈妈还去坐了小游船。坐在游船上,一晃一晃的,好像摇篮。我发现,船上让船前进的工具是鲁班发明的橹板。坐在船上,我看到了鸬鹚,我还知道它的另外一个名字叫渔鹰。 一天的游玩让我非常开心。我感觉这两个古镇景点很多,河流和小桥也很多,古镇上的房子很古老。这就是小桥流水、江南水乡吧!



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The Great Wall of China is called "the 10 two thousand Great Wall". In fact, its more than 6000 kilometers long. It winds its way from west to east, across desert, over mountains, through valleys, and finally reached the sea. This is one of the wonders of the world.

The Great Wall has a history of more than two thousand years. In the first part of the it is built in the spring and autumn period. Posted in the warring states period, more walls to defend the boundaries of the different kingdoms. It is in the state of qin qin dynasty unified, become a secondary material part of the empire. In order to keep the enemy out of his empire, emperor qin shi huang had all the walls joined up. As a result, the Great Wall came into being.

The Great Wall is in wide for five horses or ten men to side by side. Along the wall there are many beacon tower, where soldiers used to monitor. Is as a warning tower lit the fire, when the enemy came.

This is very difficult, based on such a wall without any modern machines. Do all the work by hand. Tens of thousands of people died, was built in accordance with their walls. The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but millions of flesh and blood men.

Today, the Great Wall has become a local interests, not only to the Chinese people, but from all over the world. Many of them already know this sentence Chinese sayings: "who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a hero."








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Modes of Travelling





Modes of Travelling

College students, curious and energetic, love traveling; summer and winter vacations provide them with golden opportunities to travel. There are two major modes of travellingtraveling by oneself or traveling in a group organized by travel agencies.

Those two patterns offer different travel experiences, with respective advantages and disadvantages. For the solitary traveler, the greatest advantage is freedom. He is perfectly free to choose his itinerary and plan his schedules, thus he can visit whatever his curiosity leads him to and contemplate over a historical site or a cultural relic for as long as he desires. The trouble is he cannot share his perceptions and excitement with any partners. Moreover, it is time-consuming and difficult to buy train tickets and look for accommodations and in emergency situations an individual traveler is largely helpless. Those problems are non-existent for group travelers because travel agencies take care of everything. Within a group, people who used to be strangers soon become friends. However, the fixed itineraries and tight schedule prevent travelers from satiating their individual curiosities. In addition, tourists are often subjected to forced shopping by tour guides who are more concerned with securing commissions than providing services.




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In last summer vacation ,I went to Beijing with my family.First ,we went to the Great Wall,where we met a lot of foreigners and we also took a lot of photos.They all like our culture and beautiful senery.Second.we went to the summer palace ,where the previous emporers spent summer in the old days.Third,we went to the Forbidden City .Finally ,we went to Wangfujing Street where we tasted much delicious food.In a word,we had a great time during the vacation and we leanred a lot from this tour.



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In last summer vacation ,I went to Beijing with my family. First ,we went to the Great Wall,where we met a lot of foreigners and we also took a lot of photos. They all like our culture and beautiful senery. Second.we went to the summer palace ,where the previous emporers spent summer in the old days.Third, we went to the Forbidden City .Finally ,we went to Wangfujing Street where we tasted much delicious food. In a word, we had a great time during the vacation and we leanred a lot from this tour.(大约一百零几个词。)去年的暑假我和家人去了北京,首先我们去了长城在那我们见到了许多外国人并在那拍了很多照。这些外国人很喜欢我们的文化和美景,接下来我们又去了颐和园那是旧时帝王们避暑的地方。接着我们去了故宫,最后我们去了王府井,在那我们尝了很多美味的小吃。总之,这次旅游我们玩得很高兴。并从中学到了很多。



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My families plan to visit the interesting place p of Shanghai.We are led to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower ,a famous tourist attraction,which is on every Shanghaineses lips.It is a magnificent building located in Pudong New Area,it is the tallest building,so its very easy to see this building,even if you are several miles away it.As we get to the high floor of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,we see the attractive viwswhich includes the Huangpu River through the window.At the moment,l suddenly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to this building and let it be a landmark of this city.

This is the trip l never forget.






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Travel is a very good means of broadening a person39s perspective.Travel may relieve a person of boredom and gloom. Travelers can choose differentmodes of transportation which have advantage s and disadvantages. 范文 Travel is avery good means of broadening a person39s perspective. It makes you come intocontact with different cultures, meet people of different colors and go through peculiarrites and ceremonies. Travelling much, you will not on ly enrich your knowledge andexperiences, but also be aware of the vastness of nature. Travel may also relieve personof boredom and gloom. Travel brings you enjo yment and attraction. It gives you apleasant experience, which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whateverannoys you. Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. Later, you maygo over these memories and enjoy your past experiences, thus keeping a fresh and sunnymind. 整理:The field39s his study, nature was his book. Travelers can choose different modes oftransportation which have advantage s and disadvantages. Airplanes are the fastest butalso the most expensive. Bus es and trains are less expensive, but they soon make youfeel cramped and unco mfortable. Ships provide you with comfort unless you get seasick.Most people c an afford traveling by bicycle, which, although slow, can limber upyour mus cles and get you closer to nature. I love traveling.Traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eye s to the world.What39s more it refreshes me. You can go to Disneyland and expe rience whatit39s like to be “a child again” You can visit one of the “seven wonders of theworld” such as the Grand Canyon and feel the magnificence of n ature You can taste the“magicial” ice water on a glacier which can help yo u become more beautiful and makeyou live longer. Just forget all trifles and b urdens that you have in your mind. Experienceis a type of living knowledge. Yo u39ll be sure to experience many new things whentraveling. You don39t even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom. Justdon39t forget to bring your back pack



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Today I went to Palace Museum.It was cool.Then I went to the Great Wall. We were really excited

about this trip and it certainly was an adventure.The first 4 hours of the walk were the most difficult and the views were really great.We took many photos.We are so happy!



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The Great Wall was renovated from time to time after the Qin Dynasty. A major renovation started with the founding of the Ming Dynasty in 1368, and took 200 years to complete. The wall we see today is almost exactly the result of this effort. With a total length of over 6,000 kilometers, it extends to the jiayu Pass in Gansu Province in the west and to the mouth of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east. What lies north of Beijing is but a small section of it.



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Life has many, "the first" is always unforgettable. Today, Im excited to tell you about my first trip to britain.

Last summer, my father and mother decided to take me to England for a trip. On that day, we were on the plane in Hongkong, and my father told me we had to fly to Holland first and then transfer there. On the plane, stewardess stewardess is very polite. She will bring us food and drink for us. We passengers are like God and enjoy the thoughtful and meticulous service. On the plane, I was eating, drinking and sleeping. I was very excited in my brain. Im looking forward to my destination soon.

After more than ten hours of flight, the plane finally arrived at Holland Amsterdam international airport. After we got off the plane, we went to England by a lovely little plane. Dont look at the plane. Its very small and inside. I feel very luxurious and comfortable. During the flight, our plane was unsteady in the air because of the resistance of the airflow. But Im still happy. Because Ill soon see my fathers friend, uncle Mike and his family. After a period of flight, our small plane finally landed at Liverpool John Lennon Airport in england. My mom and dad couldnt speak English when I was out of customs, and I was the only one to act as their interpreter. Its very troublesome to go through customs. To verify our passports, we need to cover chapter after chapter, and also to pick up our luggage. After all the customs formalities, we were tired out.

We dragged the trunk out of the airport and dads friend, uncle Mike, had been waiting for us outside. Suddenly, dad asked Uncle Mike, "what time is it for you in England?""

Uncle Mike immediately said, "its seven in the morning."! You have worked hard all the way!"

After greeting each other for a while, a coach with 7 people could drive us straight to uncle Mike. Uncle Mikes wife is Grace, a native of Hongkong, very friendly and friendly to people. I hasten to call her aunt. At this point, a child ran down the stairs from the two floor. He turned out to be uncle Mikes son, Kevinmike. The little man looked as big as I was. After seeing us, he took me by the hand and, like a little guide, showed me around every room of his house. Finally, he led me to a room and said, "my friend, this is your room."! You live here!" The look of his face was like a little master. On the morning of the second day, after breakfast, my father drove Mike uncles car, took me and my mother in Liverpool City, took a big circle, and visited the whole city. Here is what is foreign, city streets are clean, tidy, little and dainty buildings are also very beautiful. The small yard of every family is full of bright flowers. The whole city is quiet, free of noise and fresh air. The British people are very polite to people, and everyone sees us with a smile and regards to us. It made us feel very happy. The third day, we drove to the suburbs. There we saw large fields and saw ranches. On the farm, there were green grass, strong cows, white sheep, and strong horses. We also saw flocks of chickens, ducks, geese and cute puppies. Our day is on a farm to eat lunch, we eat the delicious French fries and fish, there are many unnamed foreign food, really let my appetite!

On the fourth day, we went to a cathedral in the city for worship. Before I went, I asked my mother to buy me a New Jersey, so it made me more lively and energetic.

On the fifth day, our main task is to go shopping in the big shopping mall in the city. I bought two beautiful cups and decided to return to my cousin and cousin. My mother bought a new captain armband for me. On the sixth day, my family went to the zoo in the city and we spent a whole day in it. Here, I saw the giraffe for the first time, saw the big rhino, saw the elephant, saw the boa constrictor...... I think the zoo here is very different from the zoo in our country, mainly in the style of the building. Really let me eyes!

The seventh day, I did not go out, but stay at Uncle Mikes home, and his son playing trampoline and game consoles. All two of us are boys, and our personalities are similar. We have nothing to say, talk about each other, and enjoy ourselves! From time to time the room burst into our happy laughter.

On the eighth day, we finally finished our trip to England and left the beautiful England for Hongkong. The two of us are reluctant to part. Especially uncle Mike and my son Kevinmike left E - mail address, so that we can keep in touch after day. Mom and dad have also invited uncle Mikes family to come and visit us in Hongkong.



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The Great Wall is famous as the one of the miracles in the history, it attracts the people from all around the world to witness its greatess. But according to the research, the Great Wall is missing gradually, for it suffers the damage from both nature and human being. As the environment is polluted, the acid rain often comes and destroys the buildings in the long run. What’s more, the increasing number of tourists step on the bricks, which will damage the building. More unpolited behaviors have been reported, such as people like to write down some words to remember their trip here, which disfigures the appearance of this great site. When the Great Wall disappears some day, it is the greatest pity, we are no longer have the chance to appreciate its grandness. To save this miracle, we need to behavior ourselves and protect the environment.




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This summer vacation, I went to Beijing.

It was a very great city!

We went to the Great Wall first.Like its name,it was very great.We can see many mountians around.

Then we went to visit Tianan Men Square.It was also fantastic.

We lived in a small house in a Beijing Hutung, it was a traditional Beijing building called four-section pound.

I enjoyed myself a lot.

I love Beijing!




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I went to the zoo with my friends last Sunday.It was hot and sunny that day.It took us about two hours to get there by bus.There were thousands of people in the zoo.We saw lots of animals,such as,pandas,kangaroos,polar bears,gifaffes,elephants,tigers,wolves,snakes and so on.We also saw the elephant show.The elephants were so clever that they could do lots of things like us.At noon we had a picnic in the zoo.And then we thew the rubbish into the dustbin.We didnt go home until 5:00 in the afternoon.Although we were tired,we felt happy.




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On the first day, mom and dad took me to the biggest one-stop shopping plaza in wenzhou: wanda plaza, it looks very grand, atmosphere. Stores a large supermarket, a cinema, hotel and other necessary are too many people shopping places its underground garage area, easy to shopping, parking their cars as well, there are a lot of security uncle directing traffic. Square beginning at noon, coming up, especially the various on the third floor of the restaurant was packed with diners waiting in line. Wanda plaza inside a kid playing great music play center, with big players electronic game fun, children must be under adults supervision to play well.

The second day to the 10th day, mom and dad, and I was busy to elder home New Year, New Year eat wine.

Short and easy winter vacation life is coming to an end, new term is coming. My parents told me to do a good job in winter vacation homework hard, with some of the reading assignments. I will have another busy and nervous life of learning. In the New Year, I want to be more study hard, hard to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, dont live up to what our teachers and parents for teaching me deeply.

Also I wish you all the children in the New Year, study and life improved in every way, to be a love of learning, love of labor of the boy.



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in recent years, more and more citizens here would like to travel abroad. in 1995, the number of people who would like to travel abroad was 10000, which increased to nearly 40000 in 2000. and in 2008, the number further climbed above 12,000. there are several reasons for the shocking rise.

the improvement of the economic conditions is probably the main reason for it. people do not need to worry about their diet and various other necessities. after visiting famous scenic spots throughout our country, the citizens’ taste has changed, with support of enough finance.

moreover, enhancement of personal capacity is becoming more and more a requirement for those who want to make greater success. with the development of economy and technology, citizens begin to take advantage of different foreign products as well as education. since most citizens have got used to their life at home, traveling abroad becomes one of the easiest ways to have direct contact with exotic cultures.

many advantages as traveling abroad may bring to us, it may also bring about many disadvantages. for instance, there are many elites who have ever traveled abroad may be attracted by the nicer living and researching conditions abroad and thus never return, which is really a pity to our nation.

comparatively speaking, traveling abroad is a serious decision to make. maybe, look before you leap is better.




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