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Today is Sunday. I went shopping with my father and mother.


First, we went to the department store. My mother bought a beautiful dress. My father bought a pair of shoes. I had a new T-shirt, too. I like it very much.


They bought some books for me. And then, we went to the supermarket. We bought some meats, vegetables, drinks and snacks. At Four o’clock, we went home by bus. What a happy day!





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My father is an engineer. He does well in his work and earns people’s respect.

Once I asked my father what the secret of success was. He didn’t say a word, but wrote a few words on a piece of paper and handed it to me. I looked at the paper. On it was written: A=X+Y+Z.

“What does it mean?”

“A mean success,” explained my father. “X means hard work, Y means good ways, and Z means to stop talking and start to work.”

“I see.”

From that day I tried my best to be better. A=X+Y+Z. My father’s right.



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1909年,美国的索诺拉?道得呼吁建立父亲节。She wanted to honor her own father. 她的父亲是一个老兵。她的母亲在生孩子的时候去世了。Her father raised six children by himself. 在索诺拉?道得的努力下 不错哦 你也可以投稿,人们接受了设立父亲节的建议,并确定6月份的第三个星期天为Father s Day。因为索诺拉父亲的生日是在6月。

Nowadays many countries celebrate Father s Day, though not all on the same day.Most countries celebrate Father s Day as the United States does. In Australia, Father s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in September. 许多天主教徒将圣约瑟夫日(St. Joseph s Day)当作父亲节,因为约瑟夫是耶稣的父亲。St. Joseph s Day is March 19th.

Father s Day is an important day. It is a good chance to show your love to your father.

这个周日就是父亲节了,别忘了向老爸表达你的心意哦!A yellow rose could be a good idea. A sunflower is also a good choice. You can send your father a card, too. Don t forget to write your wishes on the card!

父亲们也很伟大。They do a lot for us. 他们用强壮的身躯保护我们的家。Tell your father you love him. 每一天都该向老爸表示你的孝心哦!



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My christmas holiday Christmas Day,the 25th of December,is the biggest festival celebrated in the Christian countries of the world.Although everyone enjoys Christmas Day,it is particularly enjoyed by children,who get very excited because of the presents they know they are going to receive.Small children believe that their presents are brought by Santa Claus. Santa Claus (also called" Father Christmas)is a kind of old man  ho,the children are told,lives at the North Pole.He travels through the sky on a sleigh which is pulled by reindeers and loaded with presents.Stopping on the roof of houses,he enters by climbing the chimney.When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve,they hang a stocking at the end of their beds.Their parents warn them not to try to look at Father Christmas,or he will not leave them anything.When they wake,they find their stockings filled with presents.

Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early. Christmas is also a family celebration.As any members of the family as possible gather to eat,play party games and watch the special Christmas programmes on TV.



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My dad, thirty-four years old, tall tall, thin lips, high nose on the wearing a pair of gold glasses, a black short hair, looks cool. My father is very strong endurance, not only love work, and cheerful, never angry temper.

Dad is a workaholic, one day is early to late, he is also an unshakable "Dinghaishenzhen" - sitting in the computer room is not drawing is to see the computer. Because he is a second computer division! Only the only rest day - Sunday, he also computer half a day to the computer to find information.

Once, I do math homework, suddenly there is a star-shaped problem that I stumped, and I want to think about the left, draft paper with two, or do not come out. I asked my father, my father saw a look, take a piece of paper, draw a map to tell me, he told three times, my mind or a blank, I thought my father called me, thought: Bad! "Dad said:" text, for the father to tell you again. " I am very happy, this time I understand, I have done a sense of homework. The next day, the teacher also praised my question. I thought: "This is my fathers credit."

I am proud of having such a dad.



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“我不告诉你”我淘气的说。接着我们一起来到了世界最有名的汉堡店:“麦当劳”。 献祝福,祝福网





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Now that June 16th fathers day, Im going to tomorrow to give dad a fathers Day gift, because dad was very good to me, but to send what good? All of a sudden, I think you can send dad on fathers day cards.


To send greeting cards for fathers day, I took a piece of paper to draw up, I drew a picture of a cute little boy is smiling because I hope that my father can also like him.


My father often is particularly busy I went back home he didnt back me up and he did not play, so I have time together is precious. Although he is very busy but he will have some time and I play, sometimes I didnt do well in it but smiled and said okay. Next time work harder to score well, every time I took good results when he will be very happy to go home but after a while he said very seriously not to be proud of.

做好父亲节的 贺卡后我把它塞到爸爸的公文代里,希望他明天看到后会很开心。

Do the fathers Day cards after I stuffed it into dads document generation, hope he will see happy tomorrow.


The second day, my father came back from work, I saw my father was very happy, I know Dad see I gave his fathers Day cards and.



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Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The authors of the American Declaration proclaimed happiness to be one of the essential rights that make life worth living. William James, the first American psychologist, echoed this emphasis on happiness: If we were to ask the question: What is human life s chief concern? One of the answers we should receive would be: It is happiness. Every philosophical and religious system has offered its pathway to happiness for the individual and the group. Happiness has been related to pleasure, refuge from pain, intellectual contemplation, union with God, friendship, children, wealth, honor, successful activity, and even state burial with statues! Today, scientists have joined the dialogue to seek answers about what contributes to happiness or, as they call it, subjective well-being . From joozone.com.

If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence, it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence. Aristotle The concept of happiness--while difficult to define-- is obviously here to stay. But the desire for happiness can set up expectations that are often hard to fulfill. The right to pursue happiness was conceived of as an inalienable right; the entitlement that everyone be happy was never promised. As captured by Eric Hoffer, a misguided search we hope to provide a framework that will guide you in your personal pursuit of happiness.




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Im a happy girl.My english name is kitty.are you happy? Im very happy.I have a good friend.Her name is cheng xin ting.She has a pair of big eyes. I like her.

I like english.My birthday is in november. Im a good girl.Im ten years old.Im in class seven grade four. My teachers name is yao hui feng. She is a good teacher!i like her.

What color do you like? I like pink and perple. I want a rabbit for my birthday. I like to eat hambuger. I like to go to shool.

I have a good mother. I have a good father.

Oh, no! Im hugry! "mumy! Im hugry!"

good bye!









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小时候,不敢正视你的眼睛,因为你是女儿心中的神,女儿总是保持仰望的姿 势,而你的眼睛,似乎可以穿越时空,看透一切,令女儿又敬又怕!












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1、 酒杯里飘出的是感情,咖啡里尝到的是浪漫,清茶里感觉的是回味,白水中体味的是生活,信息传递的是友谊,里面有我诚挚的问候,祝父亲节快乐!

2、 以此联献给天下最伟大的父亲:上联:父操劳半世辛酸倾注一心只为儿女幸福下联:儿居外临节难归唯书一联恭祝父亲平安横批:父亲,节日快乐!

3、 山外青山楼外楼,父亲的关怀随我走。西湖歌舞几时休,父亲的温暖无尽头。暖风熏得游人醉,事业成功家富有。直把杭州作汴州,父亲年老白了头。父亲节到了,愿您开心快乐!

4、 时间,让人品味等待的魅力;空间,使人倍感牵挂的美丽;有时人与人之间的祝福,不需言语体现,就如此刻你静静体味我诚挚的问候,祝父亲节快乐!

5、 给回忆永不褪去的色彩,给思念自由飞翔的翅膀,给幸福永恒不朽的生命,给生活轻松灿烂的微笑,给你我所有的祝福,祝父亲节快乐!

6、 是您的鼓励让我敢于大胆无畏的梦想,是您的催促给了我勇敢飞翔的力量,让我穿越梦想,一路顺畅;亲爱的爸爸,今天是您的节日,祝您节日快乐!

7、 快乐你别嫌它小,一个小,两个加起来,加到一百试试?快乐肯定就大了。节日快乐,和父亲一起领悟快乐加法,愿我们这一辈子都能碰上成千上万的快乐!

8、 累了要好好休息,错了别埋怨自己,苦了是幸福的阶梯,伤了才懂得珍惜,醉了就是折磨自己,笑了便忘记曾经哭泣,闷了给我发个信息,祝父亲节快乐!

9、 您用慈爱,温暖我们的心灵;您用身躯,撑起家庭的天空;您用智慧,开启明天的美好;您用双手,搭建幸福的天枰。节日快乐,让我大声对您说:亲爱的父亲,您辛苦了!我们永远爱您!

10、 父亲给了我一片蓝天,给了我一方沃土,父亲是我生命里永远的太阳,祝父亲快乐!

11、 永远都会记得,在我肩上的双手,风起的时候,有多么温暖;永远我都会记得,伴我成长的背影,父亲的岁月换成了我无忧的快乐!祝福父亲,节日快乐!

12、 爸爸,父亲节给您端杯茶,消暑解渴笑哈哈;父亲节给您擦擦汗,擦去劳累和疲倦;父亲节给您洗洗脚,洗去忧愁和烦恼;父亲节给您捶捶背,健康活百岁!

13、 老爸老爸,我爱你,阿弥陀佛保佑你,愿你有一个好身体,健康陪伴你;老爸,老爸,我爱你,阿弥陀佛保佑你,快乐开心一辈子。老爸,父亲节快乐!

14、 我的脉博里流淌着您的血液,我的性格上深烙着您的印记,我的思想里继承着您智慧,这一切的一切,我永远不会忘记,我亲爱的父亲,节日快乐!

15、 父爱如山,高大巍峨;父爱如天,粗旷深远;父爱如河,细长源源。父爱深邃、纯洁不图回报,父爱苦涩、难懂不可企及。父亲节,祝天下父母健康、平安!

16、 永远我都会记得,我肩上双手,风起时候,有多么温热;永远我都会记得,伴我成长背影,用您岁月换成我无忧快乐!爸爸,祝父亲节快乐!

17、 父亲节到了。祝父亲晚年没有忧和烦,平平安安度时光;晚年没有病和痛,健健康康多吉祥;晚年夫妻喜相伴,愉愉快快享凊闲;晚年儿孙膝前绕,快快乐乐庆团圆。

18、 每逢父亲节,我都想祝您永远保留着年轻时的激情、年轻时的火焰!即使您白发日渐满额,步履日渐蹒跚,我也会拥有一个永远年轻的父亲!父亲节快乐!

19、 父亲节到了没啥送您,送您三个情人,一个说陪您终生,另一个说伴您左右,还有一个说永留您心中!他们的名字分别叫:健康、平安、快乐。

20、 岁月染白了您的发,时光沧桑了您的脸,忙碌累弯了您的腰,牵挂模糊了您的眼,您却依然关心我呵护我,慈祥如从前。父亲节,愿您快乐健康,幸福灿烂!

21、 无声的爱伴着无声的雨,滋润我成长的路;无言的情随着无言的期盼,呵护我成长的路程。愿我的祝福送去一直以来对您无法说出的爱!祝父亲:节日快乐!

22、 爸爸,您总是用最平淡最朴素方式去表达您的爱,但您的爱却足够我受用一辈子。祝您父亲节快乐!

23、 亲爱的老父亲,我最疼爱的人,人世间的苦有三分,您却饱尝了十分,感动天地的父爱,辛劳汗水最多的父爱。你的生日到了,孩儿用心祝福你:健康平安,一生吉祥!

24、 是您的鼓励让我敢于大胆无畏的梦想,是您的催促给了我勇敢飞翔的力量,让我穿越梦想,一路顺畅;亲爱的爸爸,今天是您的节日,祝您节日快乐!

25、 扣颗纽扣,系上父亲的爱;摸摸脑袋,那是无言的爱;坚定果敢,那是行动的表率;言语少,那是刚柔相济的爱。细节见关爱,父爱暖心怀。祝父亲节日快乐!

26、 联系不在多,有短信就行;问候不在多,有关切就行;话语不在多,有祝福就行;爸爸要求不多,今有儿女祝愿就行。在烈日炎炎奔走忙,汗流浃背饿断肠;想吃碗面细思量,不如省下给儿郎!你是我应该感恩的人,在父亲节到来之际,真诚的对您说一声:爸,你辛苦了!

27、 想念父亲,愿快乐陪伴你;问候父亲,愿平安保护你;祝福父亲,愿健康跟随你;感谢父亲,愿幸福属于你;父亲节到,祝父亲节日快乐!

28、 父亲是一泓美丽的清泉,让生活洒满恬静;父亲是一轮明亮的太阳,让生活充满温暖;父亲是一座挺拔的高山,让生活总是向上;父亲是一首温馨的歌谣,让生活总是快乐。父亲节到了,愿父亲节日快乐。

29、 天气变得真快,气温变得真坏,出门外套要带,睡觉被子要盖,多吃水果青菜,好好保持心态!老爸节日快乐!

30、 父爱如山可擎天,父爱如海纳百川,父爱如丝绕心间;父爱驰骋如轻风,父爱挺拔如青松,父爱浩荡如长空。父亲节,愿您快乐藏心中。

31、 饭你端,衣你换,我睡摇篮你扇扇;心你操,活你干,我骑大马你流汗;家你撑,钱你赚,我发脾气你习惯;报你恩,成你盼,写条短信给你看!

32、 您是海中塔,指引我回家;您是万重山,撑起一片天;您是被中棉,身暖心也暖;尽管您总是默默无言,但无声的父爱却永伴身边!爸爸,节日快乐!

33、 快乐像浪花,退去了留下笑语;爱情像烟火,飘散了留下美丽;幸福像阳光,冬日里觉得温暖;祝福像轻风,追寻你,把美丽心情带给你,祝父亲节快乐。

34、 冷峻的面庞,是深藏的爱;严厉的责罚,是苛刻的爱;期盼的目光,是浇灌的爱;牵挂的眼神,是慈祥的爱。走过四季,难忘父亲的爱。爸爸,父亲节快乐!

35、 如果,您是一颗沧桑的老树,那么,我愿是那会唱歌的百灵,日夜栖在您的枝头鸣叫,换回您的年轻,让您永远青翠。爸爸,我爱您!

36、 想念的心很浓,想说的话很多。但最想知道的还是您过的好不好?在这个温馨的时刻,捎去诚恳的问候与祝福,希望您很好,祝父亲节快乐!

37、 献给父亲无限的感激和温馨的祝愿,还有那许多回忆和深情的思念。因为父亲慈祥无比,难以言表,祝所有的父亲,节日快乐!

38、 岁月的流逝能使皮肤逐日布满道道皱纹,我心目中的您,是永远年轻的父亲。父亲节快乐!

39、 舔犊之情父爱情深,都爬满了你满手的碎纹;牵挂之暖鼓励之心,都灌满了你深邃的眼神;简短的叮嘱成长的隐忍,都渗透在你呼唤的乡音。父亲节快乐,祝福送给最爱的老父亲。

40、 一年一度您的日子,在没有我在身边的时候希望也能快快乐乐过每一分每一秒。老爸,辛苦了!



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My father is not tall, black eyebrows under the eyes of a pair of sharp eyes, I do anything can not escape his eyes, because my father often do housework when he was a child, so the body is very strong.


My father is very courteous and accessible, but he also has a serious side, when I exam the difference, Dad would get serious, angry geological asked me: "how do you have this test is not so bad, I want to slap you?" However, when I did well in the exam, my father would say to me with a smile: "son, its a good thing. It deserves reward. Next time I try to do better."!"


Every time my dad came to my home, my family becomes a humorous theatre, my father often lying in bed playing with me, I do, sometimes often lie to my fathers stomach, pressed him, he was not a bit angry, but also said: "in the small pack adult life, also dare not utter." What about me? Already the belly. Sometimes, I play a little too far, and my father will say, "play is play, dont play too much, its not good, its dangerous."."


This is my father who is humorous, kind and serious. I like him!



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If you ask me something about my happiest time, Ill answer like this.


I dont know exactly about my happiest time, because every day Im living is the happiest time for me. I always keep a good mood. Every day Im happy at work. When Im at work, I always do my best, so my boss is satisfied with me. I get on well with my colleagues as well, since Im always willing to help them. No wonder I have so many friends. That is to say, I am happy when I am working.


Whats more, my best friends Phillip and Oscar always speak English with me. Every time, they bring me a very big surprise. They help me a lot. Thanks to their help, my oral English is getting better and better. I dont know how to appreciate them. Keeping learning makes me happy, too.




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The day after tomorrow, that is, on June 20. Is fathers day! You ready to give dad what gift? As I give you advice?

Most of his father likes to stay up late at night watching the game, if you also like me, is a small fan, then follow your father the old fans watching a wonderful game!

If your dad doesnt like football, and the day is not at home, that you will take advantage of this opportunity, your dads shoes, socks, clothes... Take out all washing!

But if you do the coolie live, will help your dad to quit smoking! Not a lifetime all dont let father smoking, but in this days, dont let father smoking again, and said to him: "today is fathers day, you cant smoke, smoking is harmful to health!"

Again, if your father is a do not smoke, drink, people who do not like football, then you can help my father to reduce a little to work, if your father is a man at night to write files or something, then you can help my father rushed a cup of coffee or tea!

Anyway, fathers day, be sure to let dad healthy and happy!

So, my gift to good, are you prepared to on fathers day to dad what kind of surprise?










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In the doorway of my home, I looked closely at the face of my 23-year-old son, Daniel, his backpack by his side. We were saying good-bye. In a few hours he would be flying to France. He would be staying there for at least a year to learn another language and experience life in a different country.

It was a transitional time in Daniel‘s life, a passage, a step from college into the adult world. I wanted to leave him with words that would have some meaning, some significance beyond the moment.

But nothing came from my lips. No sound broke the stillness of my beachside home on Long Island. Outside, I could hear the shrill cries of sea gulls as they circled the ever-changing surf. Inside, I stood frozen and quiet, looking into the searching eyes of my son.

What made it more difficult was that I knew this was not the first time I had let such a moment pass. When Daniel was five, I took him to the school-bus stop on his first day of kindergarten. I felt the tension in his hand holding mine as the bus turned the corner. I saw color flush his cheeks as the bus pulled up. His questioning eyes looked up at mine.

What is it going to be like, Dad? Can I do it? Will I be okay? And then he walked up the steps of the bus and disappeared inside. And the bus drove away. And I had said nothing.

A decade or so later, a similar scene played itself out. With his mother, I drove him to the College of William and Mary in Virginia. His first night, he went out with his new schoolmates. When he met us the next morning, he was sick. He was coming down with mononucleosis, but we could not know that then. We thought he had a hangover.

In his room, Dan lay stretched out on his bed as I started to leave for the trip home. I tried to think of something to say to give him some courage and confidence as he started this new phase of life.

Again, words failed me. I mumbled something like, Hope you feel better, Dan. And I left.

Now, as I stood before him, I thought of those lost opportunities. How many times have we all let such moments pass?

A parent dies, and, instead of giving a eulogy ourselves, we let a clergyman speak. A child asks if Santa Claus is real, or where babies come from, and, embarrassed, we slough it off. When a daughter graduates or a son is married, we watch them go through the motions of the ceremony. But we don‘t seek out our children and find a quiet moment to tell them what they have meant to us. Or what they might expect to face in the years ahead.

How fast the years had passed. Daniel was born in New Orleans, slow to walk and talk, and small of stature. He was the tiniest in his class, but he developed a warm, outgoing nature and was popular with his peers. He was coordinated and agile, and he became adept in sports.

Baseball gave him his earliest challenge. He was an outstanding pitcher in Little League, expecting to make it big in high school. It didn‘t happen that way. He failed to move up from the junior varsity team. But he stuck it out. Eventually, as a senior, he moved up to the varsity. He won half the team‘s games. At graduation, the coach named Daniel the team‘s most valuable player.

His finest hour, though, came at a school science fair. He entered an exhibit showing how the circulatory system works. He sketched it on cardboard. It was primitive and crude, especially compared to the fancy, computerized, blinking-light models entered by other students. My wife, Sara, felt embarrassed for him.

It turned out that the other kids had not done their own work--their parents had made their exhibits. As the judges went on their rounds, they found that these other kids couldn‘t answer their questions. Daniel answered every one. When the judges awarded the Albert Einstein Plaque for the best exhibit, they gave it to him.

By the time Daniel left for college he stood six feet tall and weighed 170 pounds. He was muscular and in superb condition. But he never pitched another inning. He found that he could not combine athletics with academics. He gave up baseball for English literature. I was sorry that he would not develop his athletic talent, but proud that he had made such a mature decision. He graduated with a B average.

One day, I told Daniel that the great failing in my life had been that I didn‘t take a year or two off to travel when I finished college.

This is the best way, to my way of thinking, to broaden oneself and develop a larger perspective on life. Once I had married and begun working, I found that the dream of living in another culture had vanished.

Daniel thought about this. His Yuppie friends said that he would be insane to put his career on hold. But he decided it wasn‘t so crazy. After graduation, he worked as a waiter, a bike messenger, and a house painter. With the money he earned, he had enough to go to Paris.

The night before he was to leave, I tossed in bed. I was trying to figure out something to say. Nothing came to mind. Maybe, I thought, it wasn‘t necessary to say anything.

What does it matter in the course of a lifetime if a father never tells a son what he really thinks of him? But as I stood before Daniel, I knew that it does matter. My father and I loved each other. Yet, I always regretted never hearing him put his feelings into words and never having the memory of that moment.

Now, I could feel my palms sweat and my throat tighten. Why is it so hard to tell a son something from the heart? My mouth turned dry. I knew I would be able to get out only a few words clearly.

Daniel, I said, if I could have picked, I would have picked you.

That‘s all I could say. I wasn‘t sure he understood what I meant. Then he came toward me and threw his arms around me. For a moment, the world and all its people vanished, and there was just Daniel and me.

He was saying something, but my eyes misted over, and I couldn‘t understand what he was saying. All I was aware of was the stubble on his chin as his face pressed against mine. And then, the moment ended, and Daniel left for France.

I think about him when I walk along the beach on weekends. Thousands of miles away, somewhere out past the ocean waves breaking on the deserted shore, he might be scurrying across Boulevard Saint Germain, strolling through a musty hallway of the Louvre, bending an elbow in a Left Bank café.

What I said to Daniel was clumsy and trite. It was nothing. And yet, it was everything.




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Yesterday was Father’s Day. I had planned to give my father a present. But I didn’t remember it until in the morning.It was too late to post a card to him. So I decided to buy something. When I was in the department store. I found it was not easy for me to choose something right for him. Suddenly I got an idea. I ran home and opened my computer. I made a beautiful card and mailed him through the Internet. then I began to make supper. When father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table. then I asked him to check his e-mail. He was amazed to find a beautiful card in his e-mail-box.

What a wonderful surprise!



全文共 865 字

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Tomorrow is fathers day, and my fathers busy figure is shaking in front of my eyes, how can I express my love for my father? Id like to go, oh, yeah, thats the way to do it.

Fathers day came, and I said to my mother, "mom, today is fathers day. Lets give dad a surprise." "Mom said," ok." I put it on my mothers ear and whispered, "we are..."

My mother and I messed up the house, as if we didnt know anything. Dad went home, looked at his house and asked, "do you know what day it is?" My mother said, "let me see, is the world anti-drug day?" "No." Dad pointed to the day on the clock. I cried out, "its our banjis birthday!" Dad listened, as if his heart were broken.

Baba bowed his head and entered the room. My mother and I broke into the room and said, "happy fathers day!" Then my father hugged me and mom, and we all laughed.

This is my happiest day of the year.



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My father is 38 years old, tall tall, square face, little eyes, but fancy God, he is very neat. Looks very handsome and handsome, but his mind more beautiful. He is a doctor, he is very enthusiastic about the work, busy day late never complaining tired.

Once, the same floor of the uncle are home from work to dinner, but I can not even see the shadow of my father, my mother did the food as early as the cold. I simply went to his office to see a clear. Who told me to come to him, he did not find. Oh, the original father is looking closely at the computer data, my father told me that these are the patients test data, if not timely analysis, will affect the patients treatment and surgery, I heard, immediately cast to his father Admire the eyes.

Dad in the unit love work, back home also often help my mother to do housework, counseling me to learn. Dad also has a warm heart. One day, our family of three from the street back, dark clouds, rain began to land, my mother and I immediately went to the floor, but my father never seen upstairs, my mother and I watched the window by the small rain, anxious to pick To the window looked downstairs to see my father in the downstairs to help the grandmother received cool sun beans ...

Dad is really a good example of my learning, I love my father.




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I have a good father, honest, honest and honest. He is like a ray of golden sunshine, illuminating my future; he seems to be a warm words, in the face of frustration when I motivate me; he also with a beautiful rainbow, in my overwhelmed circumstances to guide me The

Daddys head is round, eyebrows, eyes are particularly small, smile up and almost can not see the eyes of the. But his eyes are small, but has been exudes a gentle and glorious. High nose on the bridge with a pair of glasses, with a large mouth and thick lips. A pair of big hands can grab my little hands and hold my ass. His stomach is big, I often joke with him that he is "fat pig." I like to follow my father, my father often said I was a "stooge".

Dad people big, appetite is also "superior", especially love to eat eggs, what eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs ... ... as long as the eggs he loves to eat. You see, today he was busy, tomato scrambled eggs, cut eggs, clams stewed eggs, a meal of a total of four dishes on the eggs! Halo Oh! Dad left and right "attack", and left-hand soup to drink milk, right hand chopsticks Clip the eggs, where the devouring. Mom advised him to eat slowly, choking the Zaban father while eating side casually said: "cold". Do not laugh or laugh. Dad not only love to eat, but also to sleep, as long as a bed, you can immediately snoring like thunder.

Look, thats my amiable father.
