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Nowadays, there is a increasing number for people to join in the activities

of volunteering. It’s well-known that volunteering job is making contribution to

the society with nothing in return. It’s like the Leifeng spirit. However,

knowing this, there are still many people would like to devote themseves in this

trend. For instance, the 20__ Beijing Olympic Games has so many volunteers. They

made lots of contribution to the success of opening the Olympics. Moreover, we

can often see that there many students go to gerocomium to visit the old to

bring warm to the lonely people. Even there are some people’s career is

volunteer. They are ready to help others. Although the volunteers are much more

common, we still need to thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to the





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With the rapid development of the internet, shopping on the Internet has

become a fashion in our daily life. According to the latest data, over two

hundred million people used to buy commodities on the Internet. Some of the

students also join the group.

There are many advantages about shopping on the Internet. Just by a click

of the mouse, you can buy whatever you like without going outdoors. You don’t

need to worry about being trapped in the crowed people and cars, or wasting too

much time on walking. When shopping on line, you can choose from more varieties

of goods, whose price are generally lower.

Every coin has two sides. Its disadvantages are obvious, too. On one hand,

it’s very easy for you to buy goods different from the pictures you see on the

internet,which is quite disappointed. On the other hand, shopping on the

Internet may cause people to buy commodities that are not badly needed. It’s a

waste of money.

After all, I really enjoy shopping on the Internet.



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China is the home of tea, is the birthplace of tea culture. The discovery

and utilization of tea in China, has a history of four thousand or five thousand

years, and long fill do not decline, spread throughout the world. Tea is one of

the worlds most popular, the most popular, beneficial to the physical and

mental healthy green drinks. Tea into the world in one, advocate tea, a

world.Tea culture including tea tasting techniques, art appreciation, operation

means of tea a better environment for the taste of the tea of my mood. The

process of form and spirit of unity, is the process of the formation of the tea

culture phenomenon. It originated long ago, has a long history, profound

culture, and religious activity. The whole world has more than 100 countries and

area residents are fond of tea. Some places tea tea as a kind of enjoyment of

the arts to promote. The tea is identical, each has its own merits. The Chinese

people have always had a guest to tea custom, which fully reflects the Chinese

national civilization and politeness.



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Since I go to middle school, I stay away from home and live in school from

Monday to Friday. The first time for me to leave home made me felt so lonely. I

did not have friends here and no one to count on. But I told myself that I

needed to try to be independent. So I solved all the problems by myself, I

washed my own clothes and cleaned the bed, which were done by my mother before.

I found that I could take care of myself without my parents’ help. What’s more,

I made good friends here, we had the same interest and we helped each other in

study. A year passed, I learned a lot and became independent.



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Today is Mother’s Day. I know some of my classmates are going to help their

mothers with the housework, others .are going to buy some flowers for their

mothers. I want to say to her that I love her very much. But as a boy, it is a

bit difficult for me to show my heart. I think only girls can do that.

My mother is very kind. She takes care of me day and night.

She spends little money, but buys anything for me that I need.

This time I must show my love. I am going to give her a card and write like

this, "I love you, mother!" I am going to put it under her pillow.






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When I was a primary school student, my family and I took a trip to five

cities which were in the south of China.

First, we came to Nanjing by plane. That was the first time I had taken the

plane and it took us an hour and a half to get there. We arrived in Nanjing in

the morning. At 11:30 we went to a restaurant to have lunch. The food tasted

delicious. In the afternoon we went to “Zhongshanling”. It was the place that

preserve the tomb of Mr. Sugshan.

The next day, we came to Wuxi and then Suzhou where we visited the region

of rivers and lakes of “周庄”. It was a beautiful and old place. The house there

were along the river and the women always washed clothes at the bank.The fourth

day, we came to Hangzhou where We visited “The West Lake. It was very beautiful

and the water was clear .

As we all know, Hangzhou is famous for silk and tea, so we bought some

beautiful silk and famous tea of “龙井”.The last place that we visited was

Shanghai. It was one of the biggest city is China. The night view in Shanghai

was more beautiful than Beijing. We visited the TV tower of “东方明珠”. It was the

third tallest tower in the world. Standing in the tower you could see the whole

city. In the evening, we lived in a hotel with 25 floors. I was very excited

that evening.

This trip took us seven days and we went back to Beijing by plane. The

plane was very very big. There were three engine rooms. I felt happy and I would

never forget the trip.

If I were to leave my home for a year, there is one thing I definitely

would take with me: my cell phone. With my cell phone, I could call my friends

or family if I ever was lonely, needed advice, or just wanted to talk.



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Because the Palace Museum is a place of five thousand years of brilliance

and ancient culture, so he has long been a tourist attraction in my heart, and

this summer vacation I have finally made a dream come true.

In Beijing I will ride my father and mother went to the tiananmen square,

across tiananmen square, the meridian gate of the world-famous greeted the hall

of supreme harmony, the hall of supreme harmony majestic, magnificent, colorful

glazed tile, such as a long arranged very neat. Curved corner with a monster,

four up the eaves of the cock appear grand hall of supreme harmony, to the hall

of supreme harmony, seventy-two large andalusite carved dragon painted chicken

shows the architecture of the feudal monarchy. The golden roof reflects the

majesty and status of the ancient Chinese emperors. The great hall looked solemn

and solemn, but the beauty of the appearance was so monotonous and heavy that I

was in vain. I dont know why I feel as if a group of puppets are standing

respectfully on either side of the house. Incense sticks up in the incense

burner, and the emperor sits high in the temple. The Palace Museum, a symbol of

the ancient kingship, has been invaded by a brick and a brick. It is far from

the palace of Buckingham Palace.

In the afternoon, we in addition to the front door, look back at taihe

light standing in tiananmen square, this magnificent buildings, so the layout of

the orderly, so solemn, not amazing, hope this trip to the Forbidden City will

become my eternal memory.



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Today is New Years Eve morning, firecrackers sounding snap snap away. As long as you take a look at the outside, red firecrackers everywhere, come together to form a Red Sea. The family have their own homes going up in the beautiful, it seems like in the match. My family is no exception, sweeping, glass, cabinets, such as rubbing. Prepare the arrival of the New Year. 今天是除夕,上午,鞭炮声劈啪劈啪的响个不停。只要你向外面看一看,到处都是红红的鞭炮,汇成了一条红海。各家人都把自己家打扮的漂漂亮亮的,好像在比美似的。我家也不例外,扫地、擦玻璃、擦柜子等。准备新年的到来。 Afternoon, we posted in accordance with the custom of the Chinese New Year couplets, father and a good paste, and then said to me: "I paste you posted, I looked at the high level you say rich, said that if the lower rising good you ", I asked my father why? Dad said: "The plan is a lucky," "Oh, I understand," We posted on the Alliance are: evil Hongfu family happy is: wang gas people to come into everything. 下午,我们就按过年的习俗贴春联,爸爸和好浆糊,然后对我说:“我贴你看着高低我贴高了你就说‘发财’,如果低了就说‘高升’好吗”,我问爸爸为什么呢?爸爸说:“就是图个吉祥”,“噢我懂了”我们贴的上联是:家有宏福千般喜,下联是:人来 旺气万事成。 End paste New Year, we began dumplings. Good luck to Tim, we are still a dumpling in a bag of coins. Dinner, my folder, a Dumpling, one to eat, "cough," the voice of a coin吃出for my whole family applauded, and say that I am lucky this year. After dumplings, we saw the Chinese New Year Festival, my favorite essay nd "yellow soybeans." Liu Qian first a one-dollar coins into the cup, then into the host egg rings. "Bean yellow" in a person to "take off clouds" that they "Li Xiangyun" really funny. No wonder people say: "Spring Festival Evening Show" is a cultural feast. 贴完春联,我们就开始包饺子。为了添吉祥,我们还在一个饺子里包了一个硬币。吃晚饭时,我夹了一个饺子,一吃 “咯”的一声,吃出一个硬币全家人都为我鼓掌,说我今年有福气。吃完饺子,我们又



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China, as a developing country, has a large gap compared with developed

countries. If we want to catch up with and even surpass the developed ones,

education seems important and should be given the first priority. Besides,

education seems the same important to individuals.

In modern time, when science and technology are making great progress, the

education of the work force is the most important. Moreover, many of the success

in advanced countries have demonstrated that a nations prosperity mainly

depends on the quality of its labor force, namely those who have been well


For individuals, education is the best way to improve oneself. Firstly,

its education thathelps people gain basic knowledge of the world, helping them

to distinguish what is right and wrong. Secondly, education improves ones

skills of life and work, which can make people live a good life or have

achievements in career. Finally, education brings people ability of learning and

that is the key role of education.



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Unlike Martin Luther King’s, my dreams are fair and plain, and there are

many of them. I have a dream from the first time I sit in a car—I want to


Driving is like running without foot, racing without strength. It’s the

most meaningful way to meet human being’s desire of “faster”. When driving, I

have to put all my spirit to. Operating a car at ease will cost years of


Driving will take me to my wanting destination, no matter it rains or snows

or winds. I never am afraid of shoes wet, umbrella broken or ears frozen. A car

is rather like a moving house, which protects me completely and helps me rush

directly to the aim hanging ahead. That suits my nature perfectly: love to take

risks conservatively. A smooth ride in a good car is an enjoyable satisfaction.

Seeing rows of trees moving backward rapidly, a feeling of stepping forward will

fill fully in my mind. With music hovering, breeze blowing, my soul flies in the


I was always sick when took a ride of a car, especially when I was young.

Father told me that a driver would never have carsick. That may be one of the

important reasons for me to desire driving.

This summer I am going to learn driving and get my car license. The dream

with all my heart will follow the promise it had made.



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I love reading, which enriches my knowledge and helps me know more about

the world. I love the school atmosphere. Students study together here and make

progress gradually. My favorite place here is library. I can read many books

here. Once I have some questions, I can find a lot of information. We fight for

the goal and plan details in the library in group task. I have so many good

memories to study here, which makes me so happy. No matter which school I am in,

I will always find this quiet corner and study what I like. I love the feelings




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My grandparents believed you were either honest or you werent. There was

no in between. They had a simple motto hanging on their living-room wall: "Life

is like a field of newly fallen snow; where I choose to walk every step will

show. "They didnt have to talk about it--they demonstratedthe motto by the way

they lived. They understood instinctively that integrity means having a personal

standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency and that is

not relative to the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner standard for

judging your behavior.Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today--and

getting scarcer. But it is the real bottom line in every area of society.And it

is something we must demand of ourselves.

A good test for this value is to look at what I call the Integrity Trial,

which consists of three key principles: Stand firmly for your convictions in the

face of personal pressure.

When you know youre right, you cant back down. Always give others credit

that is rightfully theirs. Dont be afraid of those who might have a better idea

or who might even be smarter than you are. Be honest and open about who you

really are. People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors--their

looks or status---in order to feel good about themselves. Inevitably they will

do everything they can to preserve this facade,but they will do very little to

develop their inner value and personal growth.

So be yourself. Dont engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are

unpleasing in your life. When its tough, do it tough. In other words, face

reality and be adult in your responses to lifes challenges.

Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity

and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others.

Integrity means you do what you do because its right and not just

fashionable or politically correct. A life of principle, of not succumbing to

the seductive sirens of an easy morality,will always win the day. My

grandparents taught me that.



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November 11 is Bachelor’s Day, it is a joke that shopping can make up the

loneliness on that day, the manufacturers sense the great business, so they give

great discount on that day, people are attracting by the discount, they buy a

lot of things on that special day. But we known that people lose their wisdom

when they buy things, most things are useless.

Today, shopping online brings great discount, the price of the product will

be cheaper online, so people like to shopping online. When the holiday comes,

the products even get cheaper, customers always wait for the chance to pay the

lower price. It is said that as so many buy things on Bachelor’s Day, the

express delivery congested, customers got their stuff very late. It is more

ridiculous that a couple divorced because the wife bought too many things


Now December 12 is coming soon, the discount is being presented, it is a

great lure that customers can’t control themselves. Shopping online should be

rational, we just buy what we need, the rest even is cheaper, but without value,

we must realize is a waste.

Now, we can get cheaper stuff not only online, we should control ourselves,

we buy what we are using, we can use the money to do meaning thing.



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"Green" the eternal topic, let us better to understand the importance of

environmental protection.

Green environmental protection is to make us live a happy life in a clean

environment, however, the environment around us in a worse if we dont alarm,

then, our motherland will be a mess in our hands! Green environmental protection

starts from me. My dad used to drive his car to work, listen to my advice, to

protect the environment, he ride a bike from now on, he thought that not only

the exercise of his body, also for the green environmental protection.

My mother began to contribute to the green environmental protection. Before

she went to vegetable market to buy food, she used plastic bags, a village green

environmental protection propaganda on TV, she understood the green

environmental protection is sustainable, in order to we can have a better

environment. In order to we live healthier lives, so mom from that moment on,

every day go to vegetable market with the own basket, instead of plastic


As a new era of junior middle school students, and I will response to the

green environmental protection call for, I had at school are all use one off

chopsticks, but now I can bring their own chopsticks to school. I think, though

this is a small matter, but I do my responsibility.

Happiness of life to let China land everyone be permeated with happy smile,

rich products, long history, noble quality, the plot environment. Nowadays, the

environment is polluted, the green environmental protection starts from me, let

us together to protect the environment!



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The first fathers day was in June, 5th, 1910, United Stated. In 1909, a

lady called Bruce Dodd put forward that people should establish father’s day. At

that time, people only celebrated the mothers day, but nobody celebrate

fathers day yet. Lady Dodd had lost her mother when she was very young, her

father raised her grew up. Lady Dodd was so thankful for what her father had

done for her that she wrote a letter to the government. In the letter, she

appeals to establish the fathers day. The government accepted her suggestion

and decided that the third Sunday of June is the national father’s day. In 1972,

the president Nixon had passed the law and agreed that the father’s day is on

June the third Sunday. From this year, the world started to celebrate father’s


On this special day, the children usually dedicate flowers to their

fathers. The red roses to those who still alive, while the white ones to the

fallings. Fathers always are considered being the central of the whole family.

Without father in the family, home may feel insecure. The father always fights

for the family and support the family. On this day, we can do something for our

fathers. For instance, we can make a breakfast for them, or buy them a nice tie.

We should spend more time with our father, show our love to them.

The father’s day is coming, take this chance, and tell our fathers that we

love him. Happy father’s day!



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Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has become a

serious problem in nowadays. As our students, we also have to face with much

pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so

on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.

Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable

in our daily life, so we cant be afraid of them and try our best to cope with

them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. Talking is a very effective way to

ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some suggestions and

solutions. Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can

deal with any troubles by ourselves or by others help.



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Every year in October, our school will have the tradition to hold a sports

meeting. It is the biggest event of the year, so all the students will practise

very hard to win the biggest honor. Relay race is the most important match,

because it involves so many students to take part in, showing the unity of a

team. Last year, our class won the second place. We lagged behind the champion

just a little distance, so we hoped to defeated them this time and won the first

prize. We have practised very hard, and every student in the team wanted to make

the breakthrough. When the match finally began, we ran very fast and kept our

space. Even though other team tried to disturbed us, we focused our attention.

The moment when our team first crossed the line, we cheer and cried. We made




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Since I was small, I have heard about the Great Wall, it is very long, a

lot of people come to Beijingto watch it. In China, there is an old saying“One

who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero”. As it is so famous, I want to

the site when I have a chance. I see many pictures about the Great Wall on the

books, I also watch it through TV. Every time I see it, I feel so eager to reach

there. My father traveled there once, he took many pictures, this is the first

time I feel so close to the site. I must work hard, so I can have money to go to




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Mid-autumn Festival

At this time the people always eat the moon cake, to enjoy looking at the moon, the family member reunite, because that day moon is roundest.There are also many wonderful stories about midautumn festival,too.It comes today! I bought some firecrackers and lanterns.After the big dinner,I hang up the lanterns togerther with my sister and then shoot off firecrackers with my family.It was really funny.We was eating mooncakes as well as watching TV.I had a good time with the big family .I love the festival ,it stand for the tuneful of us.





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"As" this sentence is confirmed by the wonderful nature, yesterday the

wisper under light rain, my heart is heavy like a rock, because want to master

and old milk grave, before, I dont understand the real meaning of the qing Ming

day, until today after sweeping the tomb, I understand the true meaning of

tomb-sweeping day!

At seven o clock in the morning, we prepare to master and old milk grave,

grave is a fresh thing for me, we take tools and set off.

Walking the winding mountain road, I cant wait, after about an hour, we

came to the master and old grandmas grave, a year didnt come, graves are

covered with wild grass, you well after the division of labor, began to busy,

everything is in place, we started to burn money, along with the smoke, I seem

to see their shadow, they told me: study hard and cherish life.

Yes, life is short, happy every day to live, to continuously surpass

ourselves, surpass ourselves, dream will come true; The superego, the dream into

power; Beyond the self, to create beautiful life! I think life is constantly

transcend self, beyond the dream!!!!! Panoramic view of the city house on the

mountain, the mountain was full of golden golden in the rape, deep breath, deep

and remote light fragrance, fresh air, the flowers with irresistible power

explanation of the meaning of life!



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Honesty is long-lasting virtue of people all over the world. Likewise, it

is also one of the deeply-held values of the Chinese people. Some people believe

that in the market economy, honesty tends to be obsolete. In my opinion, honesty

will never be out of date no matter what the situation might be.

Firstly, honesty has been treasured and honest people have been respected

through history in all parts of the world. People everywhere would regarded

honesty as a virtue and hate a dishonesty person. Secondly, honesty is the basis

of interactions among people. People should treat each other sincerely and open

their hearts to each other. Only in this way can the relationship among the

people be natural. Thirdly, in the market economy, some people try to get more

money at the cost of honesty. To them, a best businessman is one who can cheat

most tactfully. Even in this kind of society, honesty is deeply valued by most


We can see that not only in history, but also at the present day, honesty

was and is valued by the majority of the people and the virtue will not perish

so easily.
