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1、 世界环境日,保护环境,爱护家园,共创:绿水青山带笑颜,山清水秀舞骈阗,锦绣山河眉目传,碧海蓝天云水间。来吧,朋友,行动吧。

2、 地球是我们的家,我们齐来爱护她,看见垃圾腰弯下,看见纸屑捡起它,不要去把草坪踏,不爬树来不摘花,保护环境保护家,今天从我做起吧。世界环境日,保护环境靠大家!

3、 世界环境日来到,提醒大家要环保,低碳生活小事起,浪费习惯要改掉,呼吁环保发短信,大力宣传都知道,保护环境都有责,大家爱护会变好。

4、 侧耳听一听万物 ,大自然发出的天籁;听虫鸣鸟叫花开, 装点着纷乱的世外;别让物种消失改变生态,别让文明把心灵绿洲掩埋。珍惜现在,才能拥有未来,爱护家园 ,每个人责无旁贷。

5、 明月松间照,清泉漂“环保”;曲径通幽处,知音捡“环保”;遥望天尽头,鸿雁传“环保”;但愿景长美,千年共“环保”。世界环境日,愿你:心情美又好,开心乐逍遥!

6、 节约一度电,就是呵护缺乏的资源;节约一滴水,就能灌溉沙漠的绿地;节约一张纸,就是爱护释氧的树木。世界环境日愿人人注意节约,人人低碳生活,人人开心快乐。

7、 少开车多走路,身康体健人羡慕;少砍伐多植树,美好环境在处处;少抽烟多滋补,空气清新不发怒。世界环境日,把清新和绿色留在我们身边,共享美好的生活!

8、 善待地球就是善待自己。拯救地球就是拯救未来。但存方寸地,留与子孙耕。有限的资源,无限的循环。珍惜自然资源,供应生命绿色

9、 还青山翠绿,还江河清澈,让空气更加清新,让花艳树影婆娑,让草绿鸟儿欢歌,让家园美丽生机勃勃,我们才能安享多彩的生活。爱护我们赖以生存的地球吧!世界环境日,提醒我们保护环境,从我做起!

10、 少买一件不必要的衣服,就能减少不少的碳排放。多乘坐公共交通工具,就多一份对环境的关爱。少浪费一滴水,就少让地球滴一滴眼泪。多栽一棵树,就为地球多一片绿色。6月5日,世界环境日,让我们多一些保护,少一些伤害,愿我们明天的环境更清新,更绿色,更健康!

11、 没有滥砍滥发,就没有沙尘暴。没有污水排放,就没有河水脏黑。没有一次性用品,就没有成山的垃圾。地球妈妈需要我们每个人去呵护她,大自然环境需要我们大家珍惜它。今天世界环境日,让我们共同保护环境!

12、 湛蓝天空心旷神怡,云卷云舒分外美丽。绿树葱葱空气清新,鸟语花香爱心顿起。多么可爱的地球,多么惬意的家园。世界环境日,让我们像呵护我们的眼睛一样爱护我们的环境!

13、 “要人人献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间”。保护环境,保护我们共同的家园,是每个公民义不容辞的责任。保护环境,造福人民。 保护环境就是保护我们自己。世界环境日到,愿你做一保护环境的好公民。

14、 要爱花,要爱草,居住环境更美好,多节水,少用电,幸福生活更环保,少开车,多走路,空气清新人安好;6月5日世界环境日,爱护环境从你我做起,愿你低碳生活更幸福,祝你快乐!

15、 植物需要我们维护,动物需要我们爱护,环境需要我们保护,地球需要我们呵护,世界环境日,快快行动起来,还植物葱郁,还动物宁静,还环境清新,还地球美丽,爱护环境人人有责。

16、 世界环境日,保护环境,奉献自己,呵护草地,爱护淡水,减少排污,植树造林,绿化环境,造福子孙,共建家园,短信宣传,祝你快乐,幸福永远。

17、 当温室效应不再出现,当海平面不再上升,当狂风暴雨不再出现,当我们携手保卫我们的家园,美丽的地球将更加璀璨。保护环境,保护地球,保护你我。

18、 捡起一张纸,给地球收拾收拾;种植一棵树,为地球打扮打扮;爱护环境,信息传一传,给地球环境做做贡献。世界环境日,公益短信要转哟!

19、 "流星划破夜空,会触动文人的心灵;瀑布飞流直下,会触动诗人的心灵;鸟儿轻吟低唱,会 触动才子的心灵;大自然被污染,深深触动了我们的心灵。六月五日世界环境日,让我共同宣传保护地球环境。"

20、 保护环境,就是保护家园,低碳生活,从我做起。坐坐公交车,骑骑自行车,随手关电灯,节能又减排。换个节能灯,回收旧电池,自备环保袋,低碳又环保。今天世界环境日,让我们一起行动,共创绿色生态城市,共享低碳环保生活!

21、 爱山爱水爱花鸟,爱护自然很重要。护林护花护木草,草木胜过金元宝。减少废气排放量,莫让废气闹云霄。少开汽车多走路,别让灰尘来舞蹈。世界环境日,祝福你绿色心情,开心逍遥!

22、 清新,是空气的本质;清澈,是清水的质地;青绿,是大地的生机;青蓝,是天空的肤色;世界环境日呼吁:为了子孙后代,还环境的本来面目,现环境的本色质地。

23、 世界环境日到,送你一个垃圾袋,捡起碎纸一张,捡起好运无限;拾起落叶一片,拾起幸福连连;愿你携手美好,创建和谐幸福家园!

24、 我想让你在夜晚看到更明亮的星星,我想让你在白天呼吸到更清新的空气,我想让我们的孩子可以随意奔跑在翠绿的草原上,我更想四处河水都可以清澈见底。世界地球日,让我们共同将此条短信转发起来,将祝福传递开来,让弯腰拾起垃圾成为举手之劳,让我们的生活更加健康快乐。

25、 少排放点儿黑烟,让天空更加蔚蓝,空气更加清新;少排放点儿污水,让河流更加澄澈,让水源更加清洁;少排放点儿废渣,让土壤更加肥沃,让植物更加清爽。世界环境日,爱护环境,温馨你我。

26、 少浪费一张纸,多留下一些树木;少浪费一粒米,多省下一些粮食;少浪费一滴水,多省下一些江河;少浪费一度电,多留下一些资源;世界环境日爱护环境!

27、 地球是我们的母亲,请不要乱丢垃圾给母亲增加负担,不要乱砍树木破坏母亲的容颜,6月5日世界环境日,请爱护环境从你我做起!祝你开心!

28、 为了方便,一次性用品用多了,森林少了;为了快捷,小汽车变多了,新鲜空气少了;为了舒适,房子造多了,绿色土地少了。6月5日,世界环保日,为了我们的健康,保护我们共有的家园!

29、 人离开,水电断,应知水电资源也有限;冷暖时,添减衣,空调温度要适宜;出门走路坐公交,又健康来又环保。6月5日,世界环保日,愿你低碳生活每一天,健康生活永相随!

30、 我给你清新空气,你给我烟囱林立;我给你绿草葱翠,你给我垃圾遍地;我给你碧水蓝天,你给我熏天臭地;我给你健康家园,你给我黄沙漫天;人类呀,如此下去,两败俱残。互帮互助,才能共度难关。

31、 低下头捡起一个垃圾,迈开双脚少开一次车,伸出双手拥抱地球,感谢她给我们的家。用消失的战火和永恒的笑容,用一言一行从我做起,让大地微笑,让天空不再哭泣。6.5世界环境日,保护环境,爱护地球,幸福从我们的行动开始。

32、 "我看到,蓝天已褪色不如从前,也听到,城市汽笛声响彻昼夜;我看到,闪烁的霓虹炫染上空,也听到,大地急促的呼吸声音;我看到,河流不再像从前透明,也听到,溪水天天呼喊着母亲;我看到,小鸟搬起旅行的行囊,也听到,枝头上歌声充满迷茫。保护环境,迫在眉睫,珍爱地球,刻不容缓!"

33、 还给天空一片蔚蓝,还给湖水清澈的双眼,听小鸟在田野里自由歌唱,让大地处处都有花香,蓝色的星球千古不变,那是我们共同的家园,每一条山川,每一条河流都是我们生存的家园,伸出双手,保护这美丽的地球!

34、 我们同享一片蓝天,我们同住一个地球,我们同身一处环境,我们同担一份使命。世界环境日来临,愿你我共同珍惜和保护我们身边的良好环境,祝你时时保持快乐心情!天天享有极佳心境!

35、 世界环境日又来到,短信发送及时提醒,环境爱护人人尽责,绿化节能低碳关键,大家共视生活美好。世界环境日愿低碳生活、幸福快乐。

36、 世界环境日,节能环保从我做起,少开一天车,走路身体健,少抽一支烟,空气少污染,少点一晚灯,生活更低碳,节约一滴水,生命活力添。世界环境日,节能环保我当先!

37、 世界环境日,你对环境好,肯定有回报,你把环境保,灾害肯定少,你把环境爱,美好家园在,低碳减排,保护环境,一起动员,珍惜资源,转发短信,多多宣传,生活一定会更甜!

38、 同在一片天空,共守一方土地,我们身处不同的地方,我们拥有相同的理想,捡起一张废纸处理一些垃圾,少些白色污染多些绿色种植,爱护地球环境,就是呵护我们自己,6.5世界环境日,保护环境就在我们身边,就在我们心中。

39、 世界环境日里,愿你的心情像我们共同爱护的草原一样开阔,愿你的心胸像我们一起保护的海洋一样宽广,愿你的心灵像我们悉心呵护的天空一样纯净。这个环境日,祝你的居住环境舒适干净,愿你的人生境遇无限风景!

40、 世界环境日,环保今天做,创造美好的环境,从小事做起,从自身做起,保护有限的自然资源,保护人类生存的环境,愿我们生活得更快乐。

41、 送你清新空气,愿你舒心畅意;送你蓝天白云,愿你快乐成群;送你一片绿地,愿你幸福甜蜜。世界环境日,你我共努力,让我们呼吸新鲜空气,拥有碧草蓝天!

42、 勤学青山绿水拳,勤练莺歌燕舞掌,勤修碧水蓝天腿,勤诵地球易筋经。拳打浪费成风,脚踢环境污染,爱护地球环境,纯净美好家园。世界环境日快乐!

43、 世界环境日到了,愿你能少开自己的私家车,试试搭乘公交车;不愿挤乘公交车,就试试骑上自行车。哈哈,朋友,愿你从身边小事做起,一起参与低碳环保,享受健康快乐的生活!

44、 6.5世界环境日,发一条低碳环保的短信问候你,愿清新的空气永远涤荡你,舒爽惬意;清清的湖水永远映着你,开心愉悦;蔚蓝的天空永远陪着你,自在开怀;葱葱的绿荫永远守护你,健康平安;整洁的环境永远伴着你,幸福永远!

45、 共同家园一个家,爱护地球你我他,治山治水种花草,节能减排低碳好,天蓝水蓝空气新,无限风景乐心间。世界环境日,愿全体总动员,快乐来环保。

46、 呵护每一寸土地,不为自己的福利,也为后代的幸福;珍惜每一滴水珠,不为美丽的现在,也为无尽的未来。世界环境日提醒您,保护环境,珍爱生命!

47、 世界环境日,还河流一份清净,让水流更清澈,人心更纯净;还大地一片翠绿,让山河更壮美,祖国更繁荣;还天空一片蔚蓝,让鸟儿更自由,地球更美好。世界环境日,爱护环境,还你一个美丽的家园。

48、 鸟语花香,自然“魅力凸现”;蓝天白云,自然“清新表现”;海天一色,自然“风格展现”;绿色心情,自然“本真体现”。6.5世界环境日,祝福你天天展笑颜!

49、 希望你的心情如天空一样永远明澈,让大气污染消失;希望你的梦想如丛林一样生机勃勃,让罪恶的锯子停止;希望你的心灵永远像小溪一样洁净,让各色垃圾清理。世界环境日,祝你快乐、如意!

50、 大地是地球的筋骨,草地是地球的皮毛,水是地球的血脉,保护它们,就是保护人类自己. 爱抚环境,从我做起。

51、 云里雾里,望不到蓝天,环保不达目的,非好汉;巾帼须眉,与污染相战,胜利凯旋,碧水蓝天,红花艳 。6.5世界环境日,愿你心情美好!

52、 文明的火把,照亮了大地,大地一片生机盎然;文明的火把,点亮了天空,天空清澈蔚蓝;文明的火把,照亮了人类的前方,保护环境,人类才能不断前行。世界环境日,请让人类文明的火把烧得更旺,照得更远。

53、 "六月五日到,世界要环保,要想生活美,环保最重要,人类不环保,地球受不了,污染太严重,以后不得了,人人都环保,世界真美妙!世界环境日祝愿大家快乐来环保。"

54、 世界环境日,远山近山都要变成绿水青山,大海湖泊都要变成蓝天碧海,大江大川都要变得澄明清澈,广袤大地都要变得翠绿欲滴,朋友,为了我们的后代,为了我们的家园更美丽,行动吧。

55、 绿色经济、合理消费,你我参与、人人欣慰;节能减排、低碳环保,拒绝浪费、和谐美好。世界环保日,为我们的家园行动起来吧!




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How to protect the environment.

Good environment can make people feel happy and fit . To improve the environment means to improve our life.

We should plant more trees and flowers around us . We shouldn’t cut them down . We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.

Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins. Never spit in public. Don’t draw on public walls. It’s our duty to protect the environment.




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Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment.

However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a clean world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution



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On Water Shortage

No one can have failed to notice the fact that water shortage is a grave problem with which the whole world is confronted. Actually, it has become so widespread that it has severely affected peoples daily life and hindered the development of the global economy.

A number of factors could account for the problem, but the following might be the critical ones. First, with the development of agriculture and industry, an increasing amount of water is needed. Secondly, the ever-increasing population is another leading cause of water shortage. Besides, the global tendency of warming up also contributes to the problem. Whats worse, pollution and waste of fresh water aggravate the situation.In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that laws and regulations be worked out and enforced to protect water resources. Secondly, people should enhance their awareness of saving water. With these measures taken, it is reasonable

for us to expect a brighter future.



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Environmental protection is every one of us to do, make the responsibility of each of us, once you live in the earth, you have to protect the environment, because we want for our children and grandchildren, give them a good living environment, and not to harm the environment and harm to our children and grandchildren.

Its our duty to protect the environment, and some people said: this is an important task, we are a little, it should give the big man to do, we have to do is not to undermine. Many people agree that in the face of this statement, and the I will against it. In fact, environmental protection is more than a great thing, or do we all the citizens of these things, and they will go to the governance, we control our things, mind your own affairs, because environmental protection from a small one.

Environmental protection is a small matter, dont throw a piece of junk, dont chop down a tree, not a one-time items... Maybe, you have the conditions, is a piece of junk, recycling plant a tree, with an item again... This is to protect the environment, is so simple, need not you do more difficult things, environmental protection is just as simple as that.






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Protection of the Environment

Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.

Today things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive.

We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught.We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear. Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees. We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die. Yet, waste products are

still put into rivers.

We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there wont be enough food.What can we do to solve these problems?

If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available. Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.

Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them.

The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.

Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.




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环境污染(environment pollution)是指人类直接或间接地向环境排放超过其自净能力的物质或能量,从而使环境的质量降低,对人类的生存与发展、生态系统和财产造成不利影响的现象。具体包括:水污染、大气污染、噪声污染、放射性污染等。



Low-carbon life is the lifestyle of the time to minimize energy consumption, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Low-carbon life, for those of us ordinary people is an attitude to life. It gives us is a willing and we were creating a low carbon life issues.Taomi Shui can be used to wash their hands every day, clean furniture, water the flowers and so on. Clean, natural moisture;Scrap paper will pave the lowest in the closet can not only absorb moisture, can absorb the smell in the closet;Drink tea residue, dry it, make a tea pillow comfortable, and help to improve sleep;Lifestyle to reduce energy consumption when, thereby reducing the carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions. Low-carbon life, for us ordinary people, an attitude, not ability, we should actively promote and to practice the low carbon life, pay attention to energy saving, fuel-efficient, water saving, solar terms, starting from scratch. 这篇作文第一段讲述了什么是低碳生活以及低碳生活成为了当今的热门话题。第二段介绍几种低碳生活的方法。第三段作总结,提倡大家注意低碳生活,紧扣主题。本人认为这篇作文整体来说还可以,但第二段作者直接上来就把具体方法告诉大家,没有一个引导句或总结句,稍微显点突兀。



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The campus environment is becoming more and more serious, the plastic bags are strewn all over the floor, the scraps of paper are flying, and there is a smell of smoke from time to time. As a result of this, it is conceivable that the school will be what it will be, and no one will dare to imagine it again.

Therefore, in order to make the campus more beautiful and clean, as long as we work together, we will take care of the plants and trees as they do to our lives. Dont litter the peel and plastic bags. We want to be like a cleaning worker, and when the plastic bags and the scraps of paper are thrown on the ground, whether you throw it or not, you must always pick it up. In school, it is hard to prevent spitting or snot.

The students put out their hands, let us protect the campus together, let those bad phenomena which harm the classmate bad, the harm to the classmate disappear forever! In this way, the sunshine will be brighter tomorrow, the air will be clearer and the campus will be more beautiful and tidy.


The environment is the harbor of the mind; The artist said: "the environment is the source of inspiration. The military says that the environment is the key to success. Educationalists say that the environment is the cradle of creation. Students say: the environment is a necessary condition for our study. Each of us is the master of this campus and has the duty and responsibility to safeguard the campus environment.

The quality of campus environment directly affects the work, study and life of teachers and students. Nowadays, on our campus, we still have the food packaging bags, scraps of paper, and beverage bottles scattered by our classmates. Every time the wind blows, the rubbish will dance on our campus, all of which is out of proportion to the green environment on our campus. "Campus is my home, cherish the people", believe no teacher, the classmate hope to learn in the environment that rubbish everywhere, life.

So from now on, we should take good care of the campus environment and conscientiously maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the campus. Develop good hygienic habits, and make the rubbish into bins and bagged garbage. Pick up scraps from the ground at any time, throw them into the trash, make sure the ground is clean, and remind and stop littering. Take good care of the campus public goods, not messy painting and so on.


Remember, the first day when I walk into our campus, I found the campus everywhere "care for the environment, everyone duty" signs, see the signs, I feel very happy, because I know, I live in the campus must be a beautiful environment, suitable for the place where we grow. However, the reality is very cruel and in our campus, always can see some disharmonious white trash, always can see the ground of debris-brick, I sad for it.

Today, who is destroying our campus environment, who has taken away the beauty of the campus? Everyone should know that it is us who destroy the campus environment. There are a lot of students who learn to "paint" on a clean wall. These bad behaviour, has attracted many students, however, we are always at the bottom of the moan, hardly anyone can bent down and picked up the ground of debris-brick; Few people can voluntarily erase the footprints on the wall. Is because of this, after the morning cleaning the health, in the afternoon, the campus is no longer beautiful, so today, here I take this opportunity to call for everyone: civilized and harmonious environment depends on everybody, let each of us to maintain the environment consciously, dont scribble on the wall, dont litter and pick up the waste paper.

I believe that as long as we everyone involved in protecting the environment, our campus will be bright blue sky, the wall of our campus more white, our campus will be beautiful and clean.



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My Views on Environmetal Protection

Nowadays, the world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction. Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles. Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside. Recently,haze weather has become a usual phenomenon here in large part of China. People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air. Some people think it is impossible to solve the problem,however,from my opinion,if we find out the reason and take effective measures the environment can be better.

If we trace the cause for haze weather,the main points are as follows,first,our countrys air quality standards are rather lax and evaluation factors are limited,so you will see that current air appraisal system has defects. Second,some people just go for economic interests instead of turning out products according to relevant law and regulations. They tend to use obsolete equipment in which they are more likely to emit a great deal of wasted air. Third,across our society,the awareness of protecting the environment has not built up so that people havent formed a habit of using green product and saving energy as much as possible. If we dont take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly awful situation.

Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws passed to conserve the environment. In my opinion, to protect the environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, people should be educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the policy of population into practice, because more people mean more pollution. Finally,laws concerning environmental protection should be put into effect and enforce strictly just as our government has been doing. To sum up,if we work together to take out such measures,our environment will get better and better and haze weather will vanish completely.



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My hometown is a rich products, flowers and plants flourish where in shandong province.

I often and her neighbors little brother to play in the creek, on one occasion, I rode my bicycle with my little brother to play in the stream, the water on the bottom, flowers and plants is also long very abundance, shell was superb in the streams, there are yellow, with green, with yellow, how also countless count, my little brother and I often in a water fight here.

But, when I was six years old, I once again, on a bicycle with my little brother to play in the stream, I saw the hometown great changes have taken place in the stream, streams of water have become dark and smelly; Shell to see; Fish are dead, floating on the surface of the water; And there are some rubbish floating on the water. After seeing the scene, the little brother and I were stunned.

I decided in the spring of each year, I am back home my father and mother kind of some trees, and the hometown of the children launched "raise a potted flower, plant a tree, cherish every piece of grass, dont litter" and make our mom and dad "put convenience bag, took the vegetable basket" initiative.

Although, we are doing is just some trivial things, but I believe that as long as we all have the responsibility of protecting the environment, then we will see a clean and beautiful world!








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The survival of the earth is our home, its like mother, provide us with the resources and conditions of survival. We are the master of the earth, we should like to yourself to protect it.

Who wouldnt want to make their homes more beautiful, more beautiful? However, with the development of science and technology, more and more living garbage all sorts of multifarious, including most waste will cause environmental pollution. For example we commonly used battery, if you dont properly handle after use, it will cause a great environmental pollution. According to research, section button battery waste 600000 litres of water undrinkable. If each throw away a battery, then then, water, and will become a luxury.

So, in order to protect the environment, please put garbage sorting.

On June 1, 2008 in our country implements the "plastic limit order", the practice, to make our country save thirty-seven million barrels of oil a year. Plastic bags, this kind of thing for ordinary family ordinary but again, but you know, plastic bags is one of the main factors pollute the environment. Plastic bags with oil as raw material, not only consumes a large amount of resources, but also need 500 years to be natural decomposition.

So, in order to protect the environment, use less plastic bags, please.

As the owner of the society, to improve the earths environment, it is our duty-bound responsibility and obligation. If the world environmental protection, environmental protection, everyday everyone can create a new, beautiful world!









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he environment is beatiful now? No,it is not.But why?I think that because most people do not protect the environment:throwing much litter everywhere,pouring some dirty water into the lake,spitting on the road,standing on the grass,cutting down the trees...So much insanitary actions made the environment worse and worse.Do you agree with me?

To keep the air clear and make the envinronment more beautiful is our baby.We must protect the trees and flowers,not do harm to the environmental things.

人与环境Man and His Environment

What is the relationship between man and his environment? Man is to his environment just as fish is to water. Environment provides us with air, water, plants and numerous resources. We cant imagine that man can live without environment. But with the development of agriculture and industry, our environment is deteriorating day by day. Just look around, every day, every hour, the air, forests, soil and fresh water are becoming dirtier and dirtier. Whats more, many kinds of natural resources are diminishing because of humans excessive exploitation. And every day we will still produce a lot of monoxide, sulfur and other solid rubbish. If we still brush aside this severe problem, we will not only destroy the environment but also kill ourselves. .joozone.com




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