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Xitang, a beautiful scenery, the scenery pleasant, pond water bottom, little fish in the water, the ducks on the water, and a variety of unknown elf dallied, men weeping willows graceful, flowers to outshine each other... But then xitang is changed.

Xitang, turned into a "dump". Pond floated on the surface of a lot of garbage bags, sometimes floating in the pumpkin. Below the surface are all black skin mud, and people have lost. How to make the town is not contaminated?

From now on, we have to clean the bottom of the pond sludge, dont let the pond water in xitang, well have some trash can, men and also made some billboards, told men store boss and passing pedestrians dont litter.

Let us act, to join protect xitang environment! I believe in the near future, xitang must be as beautiful as before.








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泼水节是傣族的重要节日,对于傣族群众的意义相当于春节,泼水节也是云南少数民族节日中影响面最大,参加人数最多的节日,是西南旅游的大热点。当地从尊重民俗的角度出发,虽然不会因为干旱而取消泼水节。但在严重旱情面前,今年泼水节和往年会有一些不同,今年政府不会组织泼水狂欢活动,并会采取一些积极措施,引导大家尽量小泼,不要大泼。 当地一些傣族群众也表示,他们将采用象征性泼水的方式来彼此祝福,用树枝相互蘸点水祝福一下,并多以歌舞等方式来庆祝节日。







“世界水日” “中国水周”的设立,给我们敲响了警钟。我觉得我们应该行动起来。





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There is no doubting the great benefits which scientific advances have brought us 。 Yet we have become increasingly aware that some technologies’ developing brings unexpected and harmful side effects 。

A number of factories spring up like mushrooms ,exhausting much waste gas , which leads to the greenhouse effect and air pollutions 。 Plentiful trees are cut down that causes the lands to change into the deserts 。 At the same time , varieties of species are gradually extincting 。 These phenomenons give us clear warnings of the dangers of failing to live harmony with nature 。

We ought to set up a profound mind to protect our environment 。 For the governments ,they should make detail laws and policies to observe the behaviors of destroying the environment 。 Factories should exhaust polluted water or gas after dealing with rather than merely pursue the economic interests 。 Planting as more as possible trees , in case of the water and soil erosion 。 For farmers , they must reduce spraying the insecticides 。 We also must make less use of plastic materials and one—off products 。 In addition , we wouldn’t throw the rubbish anywhere 。 Thus , we at least can maintain our environment in a good state 。 However , that’s not enough 。 We are supposed to work harder to protect our environment 。




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1】 绿树成荫,花香扑鼻——理想家园靠大家。

2】 破坏环境的人终将得到大自然的惩罚。

3】 节约能源,人人有责!

4】 用好你的手,垃圾无处溜。

5】 地球是我们的母亲,我们要爱护她。

6】 风清水绿天蓝,我们美丽的家。

7】 让天更蓝,让水更清,让我们从小事做起。

8】 我们梦想一个没有污染的环境。

9】 保护环境,人人有责。

10】 捡起一张纸,创造一个美的环境。

11】 陆地、天空、大海,我们都要保护。

12】 谁不爱家?谁不爱妈妈——保护地球。

13】 爱护我们共同的家园——地球。

14】 我们的地球需要每个人的保护。

15】 人的生命是有限的,保护环境是无限的。

16】 每个人都要保护环境,否则人们会自生自灭。

17】 每人少扔一张纸,地球就会更美丽。

18】 希望有一天,垃圾筒也会下岗。

19】 保护环境,从我做起。

20】 请脚下留情,别伤害一棵小草。

21】 请别乱坎树林,让空气更加清新。

22】 保护绿化,爱护公物,从我做起!

23】 让我们来保护花草树木吧!看,花草树木在向你挥出希望的小手。

24】 如果没有花草树木,我们还能吸收氧气吗?让我们保护花草树木吧!

25】 爱护绿化,就是保护自己。

26】 绿树成荫,鲜花遍地,人间仙境,非常美丽。

27】 热爱我们的母亲,不要再让她伤心和失望!

28】 人类有了绿树、鲜花和小草,生活才会更美丽。

29】 从自己做起,爱护我们的家园。

30】 树木正在为净化空气而加班加点,请勿让绿色工厂倒闭。

31】 人人丢纸,垃圾一片;人人拣纸,一尘不染。

32】 地面爱干净,请您手留情。

33】 花儿开得美,大家来欣赏。

34】 我是一朵花,请爱我,别采我。

35】 小草刚钻出地面,请自觉保护弱小。

36】 河水的眼泪不再清澈,高山的头发日见稀疏。

37】 莫踏青草,勿采红花。

38】 小草正睡觉,勿入草坪来打扰。

39】 朋友们,觉悟吧,从现在开始保护环境还来得及。

40】 每天节约一滴水,难时拥有太平洋。

41】 娇娇小草,请足下留情。

42】 节约用水,请从身边做起。

43】 绿色消费,消费绿色。

44】 美好环境是产生一切人才、一切美好事物和一切美丽家园的基本。

45】 人类需要的是绿色,只有保护好环境,才能拥有绿色。

46】 为了这一代和将来的世世代代,必须保护环境。

47】 地球是我们的母亲,保护地球就是保护母亲。

48】 垃圾分类,循环回收。

49】 地球清洁一点,我们生活舒适一点。

50】 水是一切生命的起源点。

51】 和大自然心与心的交汇,共创地球美好家园。

52】 留住草的美,体现你的美。

53】 鸟语花香的家园,需要我们共同去创造。

54】 保护环境,刻不容缓。

55】 还“地球妈妈”一张洁白、干净的“脸”吧!

56】 让白色染污永远消失!

57】 爱绿护绿,保护环境;勤俭节约,珍惜资源。

58】 让绿色与我们共存!

59】 捡起一张废纸,就是消除一份污染。

60】 蓝蓝的天,白白的云,我们共创一个绿色的家。

61】 美好的环境是哺育一切生灵的乳汁。

62】 保护环境是我们生存的惟一条件。

63】 保护环境,从小做起;美化环境,人人有责。

64】 拥护美丽家园就是拥有宝贵的财富。

65】 多种一棵翠绿的小树,还我一片蔚蓝的天空。

66】 保护环境,让地球妈妈重绽笑脸!

67】 流水是大自然不息的血液,破坏水源等于污染自己的鲜血!

68】 地球的梦想,给自己穿上一件漂亮的“绿衫”。

69】 一个地球,够了,一个海洋,够了,不够的是—环保。

70】 保护环境,要你十分留心,十分细心,十分有心。



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Humans have only one earth, it is human beings rely on natural resources, people want to live a happy happy life, you must consciously to protect the natural environment, care for the earth.

However, in recent years, the earths environment is more and more bad: global warming, hurricane, heavy rain, such as frequent disastrous weather, infectious diseases such as SARS, bird flu, bring serious threat to human life and work and a lot of inconvenience. These are the people constantly "damage" the result of the earth. Large forests have been cut down, green green hill was digging, beautiful grassland into desert, the clear river water turbidity. Trees less, castle peak bald, grassland drought, water dark and make people living environment deteriorate, breathe the air, living environment "occupied" by many harmful things, the virus will take into the body of people, we human beings will suffer from some terrible diseases.

A few days ago, I read in the newspaper that a cartoon: a man sitting on a tree, is he sitting on the branch. "Hum, really funny." Some people may think so. Dont you have to think of it, this is just a funny cartoon? It is just in our? Dont you see, it is warning us: human in the damage to the environment at the same time, also in imperceptible to hurt yourself.

When you walk in the street, if you want to spit, what would you do? If you chose to spit on the ground, you ever think that you hurt yourself? Phlegmy contains a lot of bacteria, when the sun will reproduce and spread. Also, when you cut down a tree, when you cut a piece of grass, when you pour the dirt into rivers, dont you think it is in the destruction of the environment, "injury"?

Proverb is well said: ", predecessors trees descendants cool, "predecessors gave us large tracts of forest and green space, we leave behind is what? Is bare desert, or the thick forest, you must choose the dense woods. What hesitate, let us together voluntarily protect the environment, good care environment, consciously consciously afforest environment, improve our living environment, create a better future!








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The Surroundings in Cities

We have to admit that, comparatively speaking, our cities are not so clean and green as those in the developed countries. There are not adequate trees, lawns and flower-beds in such big cities as Beijing,Tianjin and Shanghai.

We should make our cities greener by planting more trees, grass and flowers. A green enviromnent can bring us pleasure, beauty and fresh air. Trees, lawns and flowers will make our cities more pleasing to both the eye and the mind, improve the weather conditions and provide fresh air, all of which will no doubt do us a lot of good.

I suggest that the whole city go all out every spring to plant new trees, build new lawns in and around the city, and everyone should take care of and protect the trees, lawns and flowers, and educate the children to love them. Then year after year, our cities will become greener, more beautiful and liveable.




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I dont want my motherland is rubbish country, let the white garbage to unscrupulous everywhere, how I wish my country is a beautiful and clean, this needs us to protect the environment, even picked up a piece of paper, also can add a little color for the motherland.

On Tuesday morning, the sky is blue, the air is also particularly pure and fresh. My mood very good. I ran to the square early exercise, I ran ran, "sand, sand......" Yi! What follow behind me, I slammed a look back, you see, it was a crumpled paper, behind me as my little tail. Several nearby garbage under the sway of the breeze, with one in the square, like a market. Flower bed in two uncle is said to eat, also the rubbish, my heart suddenly welled up in a rage: "hum! Wait! Ill let you speechless for a while." I go to two, three times five different meeting just picked up the rubbish, I looked up and saw a cleaner grandpa was sweeping rubbish, I rushed over to put the garbage in grandpas bag, grandpa paused, then smiled, looked down his mouth kept said: "good boy! Good boy." I picked up some rubbish, the bag into the old man, and old man smile said: "oh! The child, you are not afraid to say you are picking up litter?" I laughed and said: "Im not afraid. Protect the environment is that we should do." At this time, the flower bed in two uncle stopped laughing, all tongue-tied: "yeah. - this..." I proudly eyebrows a singled, toward the house. The warm sun on my body...

Pure and fresh and beautiful country, we need to each individual action, protect the environment, starts from me! Please start with bent down to pick up a piece of paper.






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My school

My school is a beautiful campus, you dont believe in? I take you to visit my school.

You see, walked into the door, and two rows of stand proudly welcome our arrival, it is like a soldier standing guard, guard our campus. Back is a beautiful flower, open be riotous with colour of flowers, very good and diligent bees in the above step honey; and a beautiful butterfly there is dancing in the air, very good! Bed is behind the teaching building, see the classroom desks and chairs placed in neat, but it is our indispensable faithful partner, every classmates upright sitting concentrate ones attention on class there, fall over each other to speak, always came the sound of reading, a bent on learning. The teaching building of the right there is a basketball court, teaching to the left of the building is a large playground, where there are a lot of students are playing; every Monday, all the students went to the playground to the raising of the national flag. Playground on the left is a green lawn, where you can play, play football,,,,,, can be fun. The lawn is surrounded by a stand gracefully erect poplars, they be conscientious and do ones best to stand there, as if to defend the national dongliangzhicai. In looking at the outside is walls, walls covered with ivy, in the fall, ivy leaves slowly turned red, very good-looking, is really a beautiful scenery line.

This is my school, I love my school.







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The quality of human life has improved greatly over the past few centuries, but Earth is being harmed more and more by human activity. As we develop our technology, we demand more from our planet. Eventually, this will harm people as well.

Our planet gives us everything we need, but natural resources are not endless. Strip mining devastates whole regions, leaving bare and useless ground. Deforestation removes old growth trees that cant be replaced. Too much fishing may harm fish populations to the point where they cant recover. We are too careless in taking what we want without giving anything back.

There are more people than ever, living longer that ever. So is it any surprise that many areas suffer from too much development? Anyone living in or near a city has experienced "urban sprawl". There is a new shopping area on every corner and new houses, townhouses and apartments everywhere. Traffic gets worse and worse because planners cant keep up with growth. Keeping up with human demand is hard enough. Environmental concerns come in last.

With growth comes pollution. Companies and communities dump waste into water. Landfills are full of trash. Emissions from factories pollute the air. Barrels of industrial waste and worse, radioactive waste, have no safe place to go. If were not careful, we can harm our planet beyond repair.

People need to respect the Earth and try to preserve it. If we dont, what kind of future will we have?



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The ocean and we are a whole, first of all, the ocean itself has great handling of pollutants, dilution, diffusion, oxidation, reduction and degradation of purification ability. But the capacity is not unlimited, when toxic and harmful substances accepted by the local waters more than its own self-purification ability, it will cause pollution of the waters. In addition the ocean while contains many resources, but the regeneration of marine resources is the need of time, if the development of marine resources we uncontrolled and not pay attention to the protection of these resources, so there is always used in the light of day. So the protection of the marine is extremely important.



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Environmental Pollution

Write a passage with the words and phrases given:

the problem of pollution, cause, artificial substances, release, waste products, industrial production, consumption of goods, bring it under control, agriculture, chemical substancea.

Environmental Pollution

I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to customers.and now it is becoming more and more popular. Why? --Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U. S. A.

In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is facing.

it is mainly caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrial

production and increased consumption of goods. Bedsides, the use of chemical substances

in agriculture also causes environmental pollution. Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys; those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons of waste products are heaping around us.

How to change this condition? More and more countries are trying to work out some effective means to bring it under control, but no great success has been made.


最近我读了一则消息说在日本,许多商人向顾客出售新鲜空气,现在这种情况越演越烈,Environmental Pollution-环境污染,四六级写作《Environmental Pollution-环境污染》。为什么呢? 因为在日本新鲜空气越来越少,在美国也是如此。






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在文章的结尾,把含义较深的话放在末尾,以点明主题,深化主题,起到画龙点睛的效果。如“I Cannot Forget Her” (我忘不了她)的结尾:

After her death, I felt as if something were missing in my life. I was sad over her passing away, but I knew she would not have had any regrets at having given her life for the benefit of the people.


结尾回到文章开头阐明的中心思想或主题句上,达到强调的效果。如“I Love My Home Town”(我爱家乡)的结尾:

I love my home town, and I love its people. They too have changed. They are going all out to do more for the good of our motherland.



I caught as many as twenty fish in two hours, but my brother caught many more. Tired from fishing, we lay down on the river bank, bathing in the sun. We returned home very late.


用比喻或含蓄的手法不直接点明作者的看法,而是让读者自己去领会和思考。如“A Day of Harvesting”(收割的日子)的结尾:

Evening came before we realized it. We put down our sickles and looked at each other. Our clothes were wet with sweat, but on every face there was a smile.


虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,并具有特别的强调作用,引起读者深思。如“Should We Learn to Do Housework?”(我们要不要学做家务?) 的结尾。

Everyone should learn to do housework. Don’t you agree, boys and girls?


结尾表示对将来的展望,或期待读者投入行动。如“Let’s Go in for Sports”(让我们参加体育运动)的结尾:

As we have said above, sports can be of great value. They not only make people live happily but also help people to learn virtues and do their work bettter. A sound mind is in a sound body. Let’s go in for sports.




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and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.



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Life, environmental pollution continuously affects our lives. Such as: polluted air, rivers and garbage pollution, etc., has seriously damaged our living environment.

Rivers are polluted, the creature will not be able to survive in the water, also cant use it to irrigate crops, the human will not eat fresh food. If same, groundwater contamination, people will drink less than clean water, humans will get sick, poisoning, and it may even die. So, no one should be put on the possible environmental pollution of waste into the river.

Air is a guarantee to the survival of all living creatures. If the air is polluted, all creatures will live in the "gas", disease and all kinds of disasters will be the humanitys greatest enemy. Last, mankind will perish. Visible, clean air is how important!

Garbage can be seen everywhere in our daily life, the visible human bad habits - littering behavior is really too serious. Random pile up garbage can cause great harm to the environment, such as: air pollution in a breeding ground for germs, sexually transmitted diseases, and river and so on.

The pollution was terrible! To prevent the pollution, we must care for the environment, protect the earth, to stop all the pollution of the environment.





