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Last Sunday my father and I went fishing along a river. We found the water so dirty that we could hardly catch fish in it.

A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straight into the river which made the river water polluted. In this way most of the fish in the river were killed.

If the river water all over the country is polluted like this, no living things will exist in the water. As we all know, environmental pollution does great harm to living things and human beings. Now more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. Our government is doing her best to take measures to fight against pollution. We expect that the water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long.







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How to protect our environment

We all know it is becoming more and more important to protect our environment well.We should stop cutting down trees ,dropping litter everywhere and throwing waste before it is processed. It has caused lots of problems such as much rich land becomes desert;Rivers become dirty ;The air is becoming worse and worse ;The temperature is becoming hotter and hotter.So we must do something to change the situation.Wed better walk or ride bikes to work or go to school instead of driving a car,We mustnt use plastic bags.Our government must take some measures to prevent factories producing smoking etc.




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People like to modernize the building compared to the magnificent, then this embodies a high degree of spiritual civilization and material civilization of the building should stand in what kind of environment? If the sky filled with smoke, the earth vegetation and so on, this is the people of the modern society of it? No, no, it is the irony of history, this is the tragedy of mankind.

People live on earth, to survive, to develop, first of all have to rely on the earth, by mountains and water, there are grassland nature of the forest. But some people mistakenly believe that nature is inexhaustible treasures, so deforestation and species, dried Ze and fishing, and even by the natural punishment and not know. Year after year, the forest into a barren hills, oasis into a desert, resulting in the world every year, 2,000 hectares of farmland was swallowed by the desert. So go after a few years, the earth will be all occupied by the desert green, our children and grandchildren will not survive! A few years ago, the rural package to the household, coax the mountain into the wind, Chinas Wuchuan County, a township of nearly 2,000 acres of fir forest, cut in a week for the ground. Hearing this news, I have a headache, I am angry, the farmers doing so are too ignorant and too selfish. There are a lot of things that are doing the same thing: it is the smoke of the sky, so that the noise of high decibels can stimulate the nerves of the people.

In this regard, we should think deeply. Modern society makes us live better, modern science has also fully revealed the importance of environmental protection. Every honest citizen should have such a historical vision and sense of urgency: to build our country into an ideal modern power, we must do the development of economic and environmental protection simultaneously, to achieve economic development and social benefits of unity.









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In the forest, groups of trees, flowers in full bloom. W as usual, settled on a tree east peck peck, peck peck, in an effort to save the tree.

Suddenly, it saw an intruder -- a lumberjack, and was holding a pair of wood chopper in cut down a tree, and idly smoking a cigarette. "Snapping" 1, cigarette butts havent put out was he ruthlessly fell to the ground. Didnt he dont know, put out the cigarette may cause a fire? Look at he was staring, eyes shining appearance, saw a lot of money coming toward him must!!!! Woodpecker angry thought, immediately raised a nameless fire! Woodpeckers flew to quickly the woodcutters back, with a sharp mouth pecked his head. Peck, thought: it seems like locust tree grandpa is not wrong, the human mind there really is "greed" worm! Otherwise, why cut down a tree? Why and destruction of resources, do damage to the environment? Simply, do good deeds, to this piece of wood therapy!!!! The lumberjack the woodpecker attacks, at that time have no reaction to come over, paused was holding his head thrown off wood chopper ran quickly!

Through the cartoon, revealed the endless greed and lust. Through this cartoon satire of the human, telling people to cherish resources, protecting the environment! Yes! Hugo once said, let the wind no longer abroad and in the earth a green ground! Human destroy the natural environment, have also been punished, sandstorm, mud-rock flow, drought, floods and other countless natural disaster. Caused countless people sacrifice, is a human deserving.

With joy dance steps, stop sand, make the birds dance, make the green!







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Stepping into the new century, environment pollution has become more serious than ever since. There are different kinds of pollution. Such as, water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution and so on. It seems that we live on a planet which is full of pollution. Where all these pollution comes from? To a large extend, the environmental destruction is the heavy price that we pay for the rapid development of economy and the growing population. In order to have more fuel, people cut down trees and dig more corals. But the growing needs for energy are hardly to meet. Countless private cars on the street, the gas stations are short of gasoline, even the government has raise the price so many times in order to control the needs of gasoline, but it’s still not working. Overusing the natural resources has already affected the ecological balance. However, the factories still release the toxic air into the sky and the polluted water into the rivers. People still lack of the conscious of protecting the environment. I think it’s time for all of us to do something.

The government should put forward some more strict laws to prevent the environment from being further polluted. And they should let people know more about the importance of environment protection. And we should find the balance between the economic growth and environmental protection. Plant more trees in the deserts and stop cutting down the forest. Forbid the factories to pour the waste water into the rivers directly. Encourage people to use public transportations to work. Both government and ordinary people should join hands together to make our home clean and fresh again. Only in this way, our earth could be a better place to live in.






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夜晚的屋里开着灯, 我在玩电脑, 妈妈在熨衣服, 爸爸在看电视。 灯要用电, 电脑要用电, 熨斗也要用电, 电视更要用电。 电是机器的生命, 电是我的生命, 电也是每个人的生命, 电更是社会的生命。 没有了电, 就不能烧水。 没有了电, 机器就不能运转。 我们离不开电, 更要珍惜电! 电 三.1 盛天宇 你是多么神奇, 你是我们的另一种生命。 如果世界上没有电, 世界将是一片漆黑。 电灯给了我们光明, 电视给了我们娱乐, 电脑给了我们知识。 电是这么的伟大, 所以我们都要节约它! 水 三.1 侯舜祥 水,你是地球的血液。 没有你,地球上就没有生命。 水,你是地球的命脉, 没有你,地球上就没有人类。 大家一定要节约用水。 水,水,水, 有了你,地球上才会有生命。 水,水,水, 有了你,我们的世界才会有美丽的颜色。 水是无法替代的宝贝, 我们要珍惜它!



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How to save environment? I think we should do the followings: First, it’s best to ride a bike to school, don’t take a bus or a taxi. Second, I will remember to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom.

Third, in my free time, I will collect the empty bottles and waste paper for recycling. The fourth idea is turning off the shower when I ‘m not using it. Fifth, it is imporment to save water and money.

Also, I won’t spend too much money on expensive things. Last, we had better not cut down the trees, we have to take care of the trees . I’ll try my best to save the energy, I hope I can do something for our country.



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Recently, the news reported that one special kind of rhino from Africa just

passed away, which meant the disappearance of this lovely creature. What a great

pity. The tragedy is caused by the damaged environment, while human being must

be blamed for it, because we have done so many bad things to pollute the

environment and make the nature lose its balance. In order to make up our faults

and save our offspring, it is in need of protecting the environment. As the

ordinary people, we can do the small things, such as do not throw away the

rubbish and join some activities to bring the world green, like planting trees.

Every small act can make a difference. Some day, when we live with the

environment friendly, what we do is worth.



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1、 大风起兮沙尘扬,雾霾一片风暴狂。天降酸雨水变质,鱼虾被毒全死亡。大气污染受影响,人类生活也遭殃。保护环境是大事,人人有责莫彷徨。世界环境日到了,保护环境,就是保卫我们的健康!

2、 低碳时代已来到,减肥低碳有绝招:不坐电梯爬楼梯,省电又有好身体;自行车骑来上班,油价体重都不烦;肉食减少素食多,热量减少又养生;室外慢跑好气息,从此告别跑步机!世界环境日,低碳环保,今日做起哟!

3、 生活在地球,环保很重要。天空成蔚蓝,心情才美妙。空气要新鲜,呼吸才顺畅。山青水又美,健康才围绕。世界环境日,低碳生活,爱护地球环境,必须做到!

4、 房子小点,耕地就多点;车子少点,路就宽点;楼房矮点,绿地就大点;噪音少点,心情就好点。碧水蓝天,花好月圆,是我们家的景。世界环境日,请爱护环境。

5、 黄河水拍浪淘岸,岸边处处鱼米香。河边高楼顶上天,炎黄子孙岸两边。黄河环保无污染,鱼跃池塘青纱帐。休闲垂钓怡情怀,绿色环保美家园。世界环境日:保护自然环境,提高环保意识。

6、 环境保护全球事,国际行动共利益。采取措施皆履行,全球动作美景丽。山青林茂飞黄鹂,水清湖澈鱼跃起。万紫千红百花绽,家园风光景秀丽。世界环境日:世界人民节能减排放,保护家园身体更健康。

7、 多植树,广造林,绿化环境保安康,多节能,广节约,低碳环保是关键,多爱护,广宣传,维护环境人人赞,世界环境日,保护环境,愿地球更美丽!

8、 世界人民一个家,绚丽地球美乐园。现代工业污染增,环球变暖冰川融。地球外衣有空洞,河湖污染鱼虾逃。白色垃圾空中扬,地球植被破坏掉。世界环境日:迫在眉睫治污染,人人有责植柳杨。保护自然绿色颜,辛福乐园才可言。

9、 少开车,多迈步,降低污染健康驻;少砍伐,多种树,空气新鲜护水土;少一次性,多循环,节约资源少浪费;少排污,多净化,地球干净人幸福。世界环保日,从身边小事做起,保护环境,让地球更美丽!

10、 我们可以克隆牛羊,却无法克隆地球;我们可以征服山川,却无法征服地球;我们可以离开家园,却不能离开地球;我们可以消灭生命,却不能消灭地球。世界环境日,让我们将低碳进行到底,把环保坚持到底,珍惜地球,爱护环境,共建美丽家园,共享美好生活!

11、 垃圾不乱丢,分类入箱子,污水不乱排,认真做处理,能源不浪费,节约是正道,粮食不挥霍,节省每一粒,世界环境日,从小事做起,共建美好家园!

12、 世界环境日,我把环境护。垃圾袋装化,节约减污染。买菜用竹篮,不用塑料袋。随手关水源,不让水空流。爱护花和草,爱护树和鸟。出门多步行,少开车儿跑。注意小事情,环境保护好。愿你多宣传,社会更美妙!

13、 环保这事真不小,人人关系系人人,环保这事也算小,生活处处能环保。购物少用塑料袋,外出吃饭自带筷,低碳出行空气好,垃圾分类素质高,不伐木不毁耕,绿色多多环境好,地球母亲爱我们,我们也要去回报,一点一滴事虽小,众人拾柴火焰高,身体力行做榜样,搞好环境子孙笑!

14、 天空的蓝越来越模糊,河流的水越来越污浊,空气的味越来越难闻,大地的树越来越稀少,环保的菜越来越稀少,健康的肉越来越宝贵。世界环保日,行动起来,保护环境,刻不容缓!

15、 地球的衣服已撕破,极地的冰山在萎缩,动植物濒临在绝迹,赤海潮浊水鱼鸟逃。6.5世界环境日,保护地球关爱人类,减少污排美化家园,保生态平衡利人类健康。

16、 用绿色交通工具,节能减排,用环保购物袋,减少污染,不用一次性餐具,低碳环保,世界环境日,愿从身边的小事做起,一点一滴的贡献,也能创建美好明天!

17、 环境保护很重要,关系健康和发展。废物排放污环境,空气污浊水难闻。人类生命无保障,子孙后代怎能安?世界环境日到了,快快行动起来,从身边小事做起,保护我们的环境,还子孙一个美丽的家园!

18、 蓝天白云给予我们慰藉,绿树鲜花让我们心情愉悦,海洋河流使我们不再沉溺于自己的狭隘,大自然给予我们生活所需要的一切,地球母亲给了我们最安定的家园,让我们像朋友一样对待我们的环境,世界环境日,爱护环境人人有责!

19、 我们都有一个家,名字叫地球,兄弟姐妹也很多,大家爱护她。少开车,多走路,低碳理念心中驻;少摘花,多种树,美好环境大家护;少穿金,多穿布,绿色环保也很酷;少排污,多照顾,地球母亲不辛苦。世界环境日,你一点我一滴,美好家园共建筑,美丽环境同守护。

20、 保护一花一草,生活更加美好,节约一水一电,心情愈加灿烂,减少奢侈浪费,阳光更加明媚,生活环保低碳,感受快乐无限,珍惜地球资源,好运连绵不断。世界环境日,保护环境,减少污染!

21、 山青水绿风景好,空气清新呼吸妙。出行讲究要环保,多走几步健康绕。节能减排效率高,富裕更要环境好。世界环境日到了,保护环境,才能幸福永葆!

22、 环境污染很严重,酸雨雾霾经常现。臭氧空洞已形成,太阳辐射成危害。空气污染呼吸难,河流变色鱼虾亡。日常生活受干扰,各种疾病身边缠。世界环境日到了,保护环境,刻不容缓!

23、 一缕缕的腥风异味恶心刺鼻,一阵阵的机器轰鸣如雷灌耳,一声声的喇叭汽笛震耳欲聋,一束束的光亮耀眼晕眩不能寝睡。有多少物种在濒临灭绝,又有多少物种迁逃远离。世界环境日:植树造林美化环境爱护家园,严惩污排禁止噪音各种污染。

24、 绿色出行尽量步行,自带购物篮子可节能,揭发违法排放保护环境,自己低碳把周围带动,建设平安美丽家园,快乐幸福常相伴。世界环境日,你低碳了吗?

25、 青山碧水白云绕,鸟语花香溪垂钓,顺手垃圾归放好,爱护一花和一草,空气清新想奔跑。如此优雅环境是个宝,大家都来保护好。世界环境日,愿以身作则低碳环保。

26、 环境污染继漫延,蔬菜瓜果也不鲜。粮食水产害超标,已经显现餐桌上。危害人类伤健康,迫在眉睫严查办。刻不容缓治污染,科学美环归自然。世界环境日,人人动手治卫环,根底抓起除后患。

27、 尾气不乱排,大气少危害。污水不乱排,鱼虾还是菜。林木天天栽,清新少尘埃。爱护好环境,留福给后代。世界环境日,立即宣传,时不我待!

28、 大风起兮沙尘扬,雾霾一片风暴狂。天降酸雨水变质,鱼虾被毒全死亡。大气污染受影响,人类生活也遭殃。保护环境是大事,人人有责莫彷徨。世界环境日到了,保护环境,就是保卫我们的健康!

29、 天空的眼睛是星星,应该时时亮晶晶,大地的嘴巴是河流,应该永远都干净。减少排污,栽花种树,保护好地球的环境,我们的地球母亲就美丽年轻。世界环境日,愿每个人都身体力行,为环保出一份力。

30、 环保要先行,你行我也行:洗衣粉,用无磷,环保洗衣新境界;淘米水,洗餐具,环保生活有意义;旧电池,要回收,随意丢弃污染重;一张纸,用两面,节约又能保树林;走楼梯,少电梯,工作生活都环保。世界环境日,说环保,做环保,环保做好大家好,生机盎然真美好!

31、 环保为先,幸福之本,善用资源,环保之本:减少用纸,三思后行;减用胶袋,购物自备;正确排污,保护环境;过滤废水,隔绝沙尘;一次筷子,能免则免;信封再用,减少废物;环保文具,优先选择。世界环境日,环保行动,今天开始,还给世界,一片青天!

32、 如果大地一片荒芜,何处是我们的归宿?如果山川弥漫浓雾,谁会来把我们保护?如果连呼吸也是一种负累,人生该是何等受罪?如果毁了美丽地球,子孙将一无所有。世界环境日,让我们携手低碳新风,别让阴霾密布天空,环保离不开你我他,一点一滴共行动!

33、 蓝天白云鸟飞翔,山青水澈鱼跃欢。林涛绿地青纱帐,虎啸山壑振谷响。杜绝污染公害源,人人动手做宣传。不弃垃圾乱吐痰,少伐树木多植杨。6.5世界环境日:保护环境自然美,人体健康生活丽。

34、 碧海蓝天是我们共同的风景,青山绿水是我们共同的憧憬,美好生活是我们共同的期盼,美丽地球是我们共同的家园。世界环境日,为了我们自己,也为了子孙后代,从今天起,人人来做贡献,坚持环保低碳,不要贪图一时方便,让地球母亲受磨难!

35、 蓝天白云阳光照,小鸟飞翔在欢叫。山青水澈风景好,绿树环绕鱼儿跳。环境保护很重要,人人宣传效果好。植树种草空气新,净化排放雾霾消。垃圾归类素质高,循环利用污染少。世界环境日,保护环境生活好,后代子孙多欢笑!



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There is only one earth. He is the cradle of life, is the homeland of all mankind. However, environmental pollution and ecological destruction of normal life has been on the social and economic development and peoples constitute a real threat. Care for the environment, advocate of civilization, is the humans moral responsibility.


We desire to clean the earth, to earth for environmental health, home, eager to green, health, the health of the community...... Let us love to pay close attention to changes in the environment, with enthusiasm to spread the idea of environmental protection, with action to shoulder the responsibility of environmental protection. Begin from me, start from now, start from the side of the little things, the environmental commitments into actions.


Remember, the protection of the earth, is to protect ourselves.



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1、 做地球妈妈的好孩子,保护她!

2、 追求绿色*时尚、走向绿色*文明。

3、 只有一个地球、人类应该同舟共济。

4、 只有保护环境,明天,美好的明天!就指日可待了!

5、 止住您的脚步,留住一片绿茵!

6、 植树造林,功在千秋。

7、 斩断飞向天空的“黑龙”,拥有湛蓝的天。

8、 有花有草,不摘花草,无花无草,应栽花种草,破坏环境,岂不可惜。

9、 用我们的双手,保护我们的地球。

10、 用好你的手,垃圾无处溜。

11、 我是一朵花,请爱我,别采我。

12、 希望有一天,垃圾筒也会下岗。

13、 小草刚钻出地面,请自觉保护弱小。

14、 因为人类的恶作剧,所以地球母亲在痛哭,快止住妈妈的眼泪。

15、 依靠科技进步促进环境保护。

16、 一个地球,够了,一个海洋,够了,不够的是—环保。

17、 幸福生活不只在于丰衣足食,也在于碧水蓝天。

18、 兴我中华,爱我昆山。爱护家园,人人有责。

19、 欣赏荒野、回归自然。

20、 小草正睡觉,勿入草坪来打扰。

21、 迎绿色资源,送废气污染。

22、 请高抬贵脚,听,小草在哭泣!

23、 天空是小鸟家,河流是鱼儿的家,地球是我们的家。

24、 把绿色带到世界每一个角落,让绿色流入人们心中。

25、 绿树成荫,花香扑鼻——理想家园靠大家。

26、 风清水绿天蓝,我们美丽的家。

27、 让天更蓝,让水更清,让我们从小事做起。

28、 捡起一张纸,创造一个美的环境。

29、 陆地、天空、大海,我们都要保护。

30、 谁不爱家?谁不爱妈妈——保护地球。

31、 爱护我们共同的家园——地球。

32、 人的生命是有限的,保护环境是无限的。

33、 请脚下留情,别伤害一棵小草。

34、 请别乱坎树林,让空气更加清新。

35、 让我们来保护花草树木吧!看,花草树木在向你挥出希望的小手。

36、 如果没有花草树木,我们还能吸收氧气吗?让我们保护花草树木吧!

37、 绿树成荫,鲜花遍地,人间仙境,非常美丽。

38、 有花有草,不摘花草,无花无草,应栽花种草,破坏环境,岂不可惜。

39、 因为人类的恶作剧,所以地球母亲在痛哭,快止住妈妈的眼泪。

40、 拥护美丽家园就是拥有宝贵的财富。

41、 我们为天然资源越来越少而伤心,地球为我们破坏资源而哭泣。

42、 我们梦想一个没有污染的环境。

43、 水是生命之源,树是生命之根。

44、 水是一切生命的起源点。

45、 提高环境意识保护美好家园。

46、 天空是小鸟家,河流是鱼儿的家,地球是我们的家。

47、 为了地球的生命,拯救我们的环境。

48、 为了地球上的生命,拯救我们的海洋。

49、 如果没有花草树木,我们还能吸收氧气吗?让我们保护花草树木吧!

50、 山中何所有?岑上多白云。

51、 少抽一支烟,多栽一棵树。

52、 什么时候垃圾筒也会下岗。

53、 使“母亲”成为乐园,需要“儿女”携手努力。



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Everyone can do something for our environment. For me, I should try to save electricity in my daily life. For example, if I am the last person leave the classroom in the evening, I will always remember to turn off the lights. In order to protect our forests, I will use paper wisely. I should try to use both sides of paper whenever it is possible. I will not use things like paper cups and disposable chopsticks because they are made of wood. I believe that doing all these small things will improve our environment and help make our world a better place to live in.



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This summer vacation, I joined a social practice to be a part-time tourguide. There I found something that impressed me a lot.

People who love traveling are always finding places to take a vacation, which caused a lot of troubles.For example, I found that some people were used to dropping out the trash everywhere. They just regarded the sightseeings as their houses, which cost a lot to clean it up. Besides, some one should write down their names on the trees and walls. People who wanted to leave their names whereever they went are always to punish in future.

Nevertheless, I also found some good examples, such as teaching tourists not to destroy the places of historic interests, helping clean up the environment,etc..I think we all need to teach more people not to hurt our precious nature. What we really need to do is protect them form destroying.



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When it comes to harmony, you might think that this is an abstract, general concept. Its hard to see what it really is. Maybe if you read the following, it will be clear what harmony is.

It may be a definition of nature. Indeed, the weak creatures must be the belly of powerful creatures. But the ring of the ring is also a natural harmony. When a large number of frogs die, there will be a plague of locusts and food. As a result, food prices have skyrocketed and financial crises are inevitable.

A remote road in the United States, called maltin, is clogged with vehicles. The reason is to make way for the snake. Originally, the construction of this road, destroyed the "channel" of snakes. In that year, there were not only frequent incidents of snake wounding, but also in the north of Fulton, there was a crop failure, and the rats were overrun. The reason was that there were too few snakes!

The Yellow River, our mother river, the silt accumulation, this is also the result of the harmony that the Chinese people break. In the upper reaches of the Yellow River, the water is clear and transparent. But as she flows through the loess plateau, piles of sediment flow into the water, making her muddy. The loess plateau was a green place hundreds of years ago. It is because of human logging that soil erosion and silting are deposited in the Yellow River.

See, isnt this an example of a typical human being who destroys his own harmony with nature and leads to his own detriment?

But have you thought about it? Why do humans destroy the food chain? Undermine your harmony with nature? Why would humans be so desperate for natural safety?

For one thing, many people dont know enough about the food chain. Dont really understand what the food chain is! Second, and most important, human beings have endless desires. Some people, to satisfy the desire of money, killed the elephant, saw the tusks with saws, saw the ivory to buy the crafts, and got a lot of money. Of course, there are also people who pay a lot of money to buy mink, leopard skin, tiger fur coats. Because of this, there will be many people to kill and sell, like those lovely and good animals to death. Others are just to vent their anger and abuse the petite little creatures that have no resistance to human beings. Of course, there are also people for entertainment, for their own sake, and go hunting. So many cases, in fact, is mans endless desire.

But the development of mankind is precisely because human beings have endless desires. People have invented elevators, cars, trains and planes because they are too lazy to walk. Someone has invented a massage chair, air conditioner, etc. The war that led to the rapid progress of mankind is also rooted in the desire to be bullied by powerful, desirable countries. Thus, the development, creation, the establishment of its own international status. Therefore, no desire, no progress, development.

Destruction is inevitable as you develop to satisfy your desires. But if, at the same time, it also protects nature, afforesting and releasing animals, then this is a virtuous cycle. As the workers of the great hinggan mountains said, "we cut down trees, we also have trees, one hand and one hand." We should also protect our own nature.

Nature is like a very tight equation, like a long iron chain. It is always a ring and a ring. The incompleteness of the equation will affect the problem and lead to the deviation of the result. Once the chain is rusted, it disconnects, loses its ability to function, and causes significant losses at critical moments. Therefore, we humans should not deliberately destroy the harmony of nature, while destroying it, our human interests actually suffer a great loss. We need to protect nature and establish a harmonious relationship with nature.

You must have been able to understand the real harmony here.
