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industrial pollution is the industrial production process of the formation of gas, waste water and solid emissions on the environment pollution. industrial pollution is mainly concentrated in a few industries. paper, chemical, steel, electricity, food, mining, textile and other seven sectors accounted for the total wastewater discharge 4 / 5. paper and food industry accounts for cod emissions of cod emissions 2 / 3, non-ferrous metallurgical industry, heavy metal emissions of heavy metals emissions account for nearly 1 / 2. industrial pollution is the industrial enterprises in the production process, including human biological survival and reproduction of the natural environment against. pollution is mainly from the production of the "three wastes" (waste water, waste gas, waste) and all kinds of noise caused can be divided into water pollution, air pollution, waste pollution, noise pollution.

industrial pollution hazard. first, a large number of industrial production in the discharge of untreated water, gas, slag and other hazardous waste, it will seriously damage the ecological balance of agriculture and natural resources on the development of agricultural production caused great harm; second, industrial "three wastes" of the industry production itself is also very serious hazards, toxic pollutants can corrode pipes, damaged equipment, affecting plant life, etc.; third, environmental pollution, rampant pollution, directly endangering the health of the masses; also some contamination is not easy to find, after the damage that has very serious




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Environment is all the attention to the topic, also is a hot spot of all people. Good environment, good for our healthy growth, feel better, both study and life comfortable, everyone wants to live in a good environment. Therefore, to protect the environment, everyone duty.

When you are passing the trash can, you can pick up the cola bottles beside? When you see someone scribble carving in the tree, you will not to stop at the meeting? When you are in the stalls to eat small, can you come up with their own spare chopsticks instead of disposable chopsticks?

Now, a lot of people cut down a tree in the forest, the trees to make chopsticks, chairs, tables, etc., can cause soil erosion, flood will often and bring us unfortunately. We should act to prevent them.

In the supermarket, we can see a lot of people still use money to buy a pocket, although a pocket as long as 2 cents, but to protect the environment is every citizens responsibility and obligation. Even if the pockets dont money, we should also have the mindset of environmental protection, environmental protection bag.

On my way to school, we saw someone throw rubbish on the road, disorderly spit phlegm, we should teach him methods: spitting in the tissue, then throw in the trash. We cant learn the somebody else, be sure to write "environmental protection" moment in their heart, and reflect in action, starts from me, starts from the minor matter.

I believe that through the efforts of everyone, the environment will become better and better, "mother" will become more beautiful earth.









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Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

In the past, there have been many endangered animals. Now they are extinct. Does it matter? Has our environment been affected by their absence? Has the quality of our own life been changed? The answer to these questions is "Yes." It does matter if we destroy an endangered species habitat to develop more farmland, housing or industrial parks. There is a delicate balance of nature. If one small part is removed, it will affect all the other parts. For example, if certain trees are cut down, bats will have no place to roost. If they cannot roost, they cannot breed. If there are no bats, there will be no animal, or bird to eat certain insects that plague our crops.Our environment has been affected by the absence of certain animals. Certain flowers are pollinated by butterflies which migrate from Canada to Mexico. Some of the breeding grounds of these butterflies were destroyed. Now these flowers are disappearing from certain areas. We will no longer be able to enjoy their beauty.The quality of our life has been changed. America used to be covered with giant trees. Now we have to visit them in one small park. Rainforests around the world are being cut down to make room for humans. We will never be able to see or study this fragile ecosystem.I would encourage us humans to look for other alternatives for our farmlands, housing, and industries. We have alternatives; the animals do not.



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Good environment can make people feel happy and fit 。 To improve the environment means to improve our life。

We should plant more trees and flowers around us 。 We shouldn’t cut them down 。 We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air。

Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins。 Never spit in public。 Don’t draw on public walls。 It’s our duty to protect the environment。




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There is no doubting the great benefits which scientific advances have brought us 。 Yet we have become increasingly aware that some technologies’ developing brings unexpected and harmful side effects 。

A number of factories spring up like mushrooms ,exhausting much waste gas , which leads to the greenhouse effect and air pollutions 。 Plentiful trees are cut down that causes the lands to change into the deserts 。 At the same time , varieties of species are gradually extincting 。 These phenomenons give us clear warnings of the dangers of failing to live harmony with nature 。

We ought to set up a profound mind to protect our environment 。 For the governments ,they should make detail laws and policies to observe the behaviors of destroying the environment 。 Factories should exhaust polluted water or gas after dealing with rather than merely pursue the economic interests 。 Planting as more as possible trees , in case of the water and soil erosion 。 For farmers , they must reduce spraying the insecticides 。 We also must make less use of plastic materials and one—off products 。 In addition , we wouldn’t throw the rubbish anywhere 。 Thus , we at least can maintain our environment in a good state 。 However , that’s not enough 。 We are supposed to work harder to protect our environment 。




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River Pollution

Chinese people are now face to a serious problem--pollution. And this problem is a little bit different from others--the goverment can not solve it by themselves. We need everyone to protect our environment. But we also know that it is very hard to call everyone to join us to protect the environment. But it seems that they have found the way to let everybody know it. In a report, Anhui Daily called on residents to help protect the river against pollution. I am so glad about it. And i believe that somewhere the pollution must stop.






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现在的社会越来越进步,各个城市的环境都在不断改变。一幢幢拔地而起高耸入云的大楼,墙面贴上了瓷砖,远望就像披上了五颜六色的外衣。宽阔的街道围着楼房向远处延伸,川流不息的车辆飞驰而过。道路的两旁种满了小树和花草,盘的中心更是增设了形状怪异的花坛, 你 看那或红或黄或紫或白的花朵竟相怒放着。到了夜晚,灯火辉煌流光溢彩,熙熙攘攘的行人怡然自得地散步,是多么的惬意。

随着人们生活的不断提高,街上的车辆剧增,车辆排出的费气污染了周围的空气。据说,地球的大气层已经被破坏,也许再等若干年,地球的气流越来越热。那么一些冰山会融化,就会淹没许多地方 - 。到那时后悔已经晚了,因为我们的地球 妈妈 已经得了重病,作为地球妈妈的儿女,我们应该从现在开始保护环境,保护地球,不然我们人类会得到应有的报应。

如果我们真想保护大自然,应该从生活中的每一件事做起,从小养成保护环境的习惯。我们可能随手扔掉吃剩的饭菜,也可能随手扔掉废纸、废电池但是我们可能没有意识到,在这 “ 随手 ” 之间,宝贵的资源付之东流,污染的 “ 种子 ” 已埋下。

记得几年前, 爸爸 妈妈带我老家看望爷爷奶奶,爷爷家门前有条小河,河水清凌凌的闪着金光,缓缓地向前流着。随处可见鱼儿游荡,时而游来一群鸭子河边。时而有阿姨正欢笑着在洗衣服,一群孩子在河中游泳、嬉戏。我和妈妈挽起裤脚在河边捡鹅卵石,爸爸在旁边悠闲地垂钓。这安乐祥和的景象,现在我还记忆犹新。

几年后的一天,当我再次看到那条河时,不禁吓了一跳。河水已经不清澈见底了,水是浑浊的,还夹杂着一些脏东西,光秃秃的河床上,水已快枯竭了,还散发着臭气。这些臭水是从哪里流出来的呢?我放眼望去,只见几家工厂正向天空喷射着烟雾,烟雾污染了白云,然后变成酸雨飘落下来,毒害大地;同时,工厂还不断地向河流排泄废水,将清清的河流变成了浑浊的毒水。煤是大自然几亿年蕴藏的太阳能,而在短短的几百年内得大量的开发和利用,大量的煤炭燃烧生成二氧化碳,造成了地球的温室效应。同时煤中数少量硫的燃烧生成二氧化硫气体,随雨水降到地面上,形成酸雨。酸雨毁坏了大量森林,成为生态系统的 “ 空中杀手


由于水源的污染和地下水的超量开采,人类的淡水资源已经开始告急。由于森林的砍伐和过度开垦,放牧、水土流失和土地沙漠化问题日趋严重。由于地球的破坏,我看到资料上讲截至年已有万种植物和多种脊椎动物绝灭,现在每小时就有 1 种生物从地球上消失。土地污染,人类乱砍树木,岩石下滑,洪水冲毁了房屋,淹没了庄稼;人们往河里乱丢垃圾,造成了水污染,到处可见随手扔掉的塑料口袋,形成白色污染。人们乱杀动物,造成动物灭绝;人们乱摘花木,使我们失去了美丽。人类只有一个地球,我们生活在地球上,就要保护地球,保护我们的家园。





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In our daily life, the living environment is very important. But in daily life people in protecting the environment is not very seriously.

In order to let our beautiful environment, no hurt. There are many old people to clean street, greening lawn. They finished a day early out, to the motherland green environment at all costs. But as fate would have it, those who do not care for the environment but also to destroy, we have to provide for those who do not care for the environment and ideological work, let them early day break habits.

On the way we go to school, there is also a team the many classmates litter waste. For example: some students throw snack bags at the school gate, and the classmate throw like folded paper airplane, even along the wall into the school. Their actions again and again to affect not only school, to be on duty every morning classmates brought a lot of trouble.

Meeting in the school, the teacher again and again asked, to persuade, but some classmate dont persuaded, but continue to damage the environment, shorten the life of the earth.

Once, the school organization we 2, grade 6 students to pick them pick up white trash park lawn. Before departure, I thought to myself, common tour to play in the park, think there are clean. Today to pick up white trash, should be few, pick up must be very easy.

But when I walk there, looked down, I was shocked. There are a lot of rubbish on the ground. Waste paper, cigarette butts, plastic bags, etc. These are everywhere, a green lawn, under the destruction of tourists has become a piece of environmental pollution, this is how serious environmental problems.

In the face of the lawn, make us angry, try to eliminate those rubbish. After 100 minutes of our labor, labor, and the grass is finally back to the original beautiful, famous flowers qi yuan contend in fragance and fascination. We can not help but sigh: originally the earth also is very beautiful!

在我们日常生活中 ,生活环境是十分重要的.但在日常生活中人们在保护环境上并不十分重视.









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41、 也许有人会说我只在这高谈阔论,也许有人会说环保离我们很远,那我们先来一个式子:“大自然——绿色——环保——人——你自己”看完后,你还会觉得它远吗?大自然就在我们周围,绿色就在我们身边,环保就在我们的心中,脑中,手中,行动中。我们不能说我们能为环保做什么,但最起码你开始在认识它,开始在感受我们的大自然,只为着我们共同的理念。

42、 环保,无处不在,这要我们用心做,每时每刻,我们都可以为环保尽上一份力。淘完米的水可以浇花,用过的电池要回收……,如果地球上的人们都这样关爱地球,地球就会更加健康,人们的生活也就会更加美好。

43、 我们要节约每一滴水。记得随手关好水龙头,不要以为水笼头滴几滴水算不了什么,一个水笼头每秒钟滴一滴水,一年就是白白流掉方水。我们要积极寻找生活中节水的“金点子”:比如把洗菜的水用来浇花涮拖把冲厕所等等,加以循环利用。

44、 我们想看到到青山绵亘林壑尤美;我们还想看到高山之上,皆生寒树,负势竟上,互相轩邈;我们还想听到泉水激石,泠泠作响,流水淙淙,清脆悦耳。

45、 让我们每个人都投身于环保的行列之中,让我们每个人都成为环保的忠诚卫士,那样,“好鸟相鸣,嘤嘤成韵。蝉则千转不穷,猿则百叫无绝”的美丽景象,就会重新回到我们的生活中!

46、 人类只有一个地球,我们对这个星球上的生态系统有着永远摆脱不究的依赖性,需要地球源源不断地提供植物和动物的食物,需要有足够厚度的大气层,来保护人类不受过高成过低气温,以及过量紫外线的伤害,需要地球提供足够量的水和氧气来维持生命的存在,而没有了绿色,这一切岂不成了无本之源,好比毛长在皮子上,没有了皮,毛又咋生根?

47、 我们要节约每一度电。随手关灯,合理使用空调,寻找节电小常识,并尝试着去实践。

48、 积极使用太阳能风力发电潮汐发电等清洁能源。我们要节约每一张纸。要做到作业纸双面使用,多用手帕,少用纸巾。



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Although the world develops much faster and better, the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer.In order to protect them,something must be done.尽管世界发展得更快、更好,地球上的资源越来越少。为了保护他们,必须做些什么。

Save water. Water is the source of life. No water, no life. So its very important for us to do so.Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it, but also make full use of it.节约用水。水是生命之源。没有水,就没有生命。所以这是非常重要的我们这么做。我们不仅要保护饮用水和停止污染,而且充分利用它。

Save electricity. It is crucial. We cant imagine what the life will be like without it.Everyone should do his best to save electricity. Dont forget to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish working.节约用电。这是至关重要的。我们无法想象的生活就会像没有它。每个人都应该尽自己的最大努力节约用电。不要忘记关灯或其他当我们完成工作的电机。

Save forests. They are useful .Please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper instead. Make our world a green one to live in.拯救森林。他们是有用的。请停止切割下来,用再生纸代替。使我们的世界成为一个绿色的生活。

Recycle useful rubbish. Plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans,paper, bottles, and so on. We can save resources in this way.回收有用的垃圾。大量的垃圾可以回收罐,纸,瓶,等。我们以这种方式可以节省资源。



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How to protect our environment has become one of the biggest problems in the world. We do everything can do a real difference to our environment.

We need to pick up litter around us. Youd better join a programme to protect our environment. You mustnt cut down too many trees. We can protect factories from polluting the rivers.

We can do our best to keep the air clear! I hope everyone do these!



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今天地球姑娘拖着虚弱的身体来到了急诊室,一听说地球姑娘生病了 ,大象大夫风风火火赶到了急诊室,小兔护士急忙把地球姑娘扶到了床上,几天后,大象大夫拖着疲惫的身子从急救室里走了出来,大象大夫摇头叹气的说:“唉,地球姑娘的病情很严重,随时会有生命危险。”太阳妈妈已经焦急的等待很久,看见大象大夫走了出来,急忙走上前询问地球姑娘的病情,大象大夫忧心忡忡说:“它有四大症状:发炎,高烧一直不退;皮肤受损,身体多处有伤;头发也脱落的差不多了;面黄肌瘦,身体状况非常糟糕啊。”太阳妈妈听完大象大夫的话,感到非常惊讶,因为地球姑娘一直很健康,怎么会突然病的这么严重呢?大象大夫气愤的说:“还不是因为人类不爱护环境,才使地球姑娘生病的。”






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When it comes to the environment, most people believe that now is in the shake head to sigh: water pollution, dust storm raids, white garbage everywhere... However, more and more people just sigh, but no action. Only when the sky is no longer clear our heads, remembered that should protect our environment? When we were at the foot of the land into desert, just regret not cherish the nature? I want to say, no, we can all start from to protect our school environment, from the small start bit by bit.

Go to school that day, I and several classmates said and laughed to sit into the corridor, see at a distance a cordial and familiar figure, when we miss zhao. Suddenly, she paused, with his head down as if found any. All of a sudden, she crouched down... Strange, she do? Is to tie his shoes? Or a sprained foot? We havent stepped forward, but she from his pocket a piece of facial tissue, hand a pinch, picked a piece of chewing gum on the ground up, wrapped up, and then threw it into the dustbin. She turned around and saw us strange eyes, smiled and said: "not surprisingly, dont say the whole school, even if lets class, if a person a piece of gum, we will be glued here. If everyone take good care of our environment, we can live in comfort."

Miss zhao said good, do better. I think I did pretty good also. For example, our class classroom environment, there are flower, grass, helped my contribution! Since as health group leader, I work hard, meticulous work. If I was in this respect "xiao-he only expenses furore," then I class "plant corner" career for me, but made great contributions



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Everyone can do something for our environment.What Can I Do for Our Environment?


Everyone can do something for our environment.As a student, we should build the sense of frugality in our daily life in the school.I always turn off the lights in the classroom when I leave.Both sides of the paper can be used if it is possible.After school, I bear the consciousness of environment protection in mind.In order to protect the forest I often refuse to use the paper cups and disposable chopsticks consciously.I believe that individual contribution to the environment will build a more beautiful world.





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Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.For example,cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories.Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore,wherever we go today,we can find rubbish carelessly disposed.Pollution is,in fact,threatening our existence.

The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations.Fortunately,more and more people have realized these problems.Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government.Laws have been passed to stop pollution.I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will become better and better.





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cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. all the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere, causing disease and even death.

one possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. but it may take decades for the new models to completely replace the traditional ones.

another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict the use of private cars. if the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not drive private cars. on the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the co-efforts from the government and the public. this problem will be solved only with the help of science and technology.



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(1) 生命离不开水资源 (2) 饮用水在减少 (3) 水污染严重(4) 应该保护和再利用水

We cant live without water, but now the water was polluted. It is the biggest problem. It influences our daily life. So we should find a way to solve this problem. Water is important resources. In our daily life, we often leave the tap on after cleaning hands. Sometimes we often drop litter in the river. So the water was polluted by us. I think we could use a bottle of water two or three times. We have to turn off the tap after cleaning hands.

Lets try to form a good habit and save things around us. Lets do it from now on!

Water is very important to us. We cant live without water. But the drinking water is less and less. Because we waste a lot of water in our daily life. And some of us often throw rubbish into the rivers. So the rivers are polluted seriously.

Its our duty to save water, we must do something to save water. For example, we shouldnt pour waste water into the rivers and we should pick up litter around us.

If we dont save water, the last drop of water will be our tear.

Fish cant live without water. Plants cant live without water. People cant live without water, either. As you can see, the water is very important to us. But now drinking water is less and less. The water was polluted seriously.

So we would act quickly in order to save the water, But what must we do now? I think we can plant trees, clean the banks of the river, water the plants by using used water. Turn off the shower while we are washing hair. And we shouldnt drop litter into the river and so on.

Its our duty to try our best to protect and save water. And dont forget that if we dont save water, the last drop of water will be our tear.;

If we dont save water, the last drop of water will be our tear. What a frightful announcement!

Water is very important for people, animals and plants. Water is needed to many things in daily life, like taking a shower, drinking, washing clothes, making meals and so on. We cant live without water. But now water has become less and less because people waste water and pollute water. If we continue to do things like this, we shall destroy ourselves. So we should take action to improve the environment quickly. We shouldnt throw rubbish into the rivers. We should pay attention to environmental protection. We can use less water when we wash something. In a word, we should save water.

Take action quickly, there will be hope!

Water is very important. Without water, there can be no life on earth. People and animals need water. We need it to drink, to clean ourselves and to cook. What we need is fresh water, but most of the water on earth is sea water. The drinking water is becoming less and less because water was polluted by people. What should we do? I think we should save water. For example, when we brush our teeth, we should turf off the tap. We shouldnt pollute the fresh water. If we dont save water, the last drop of water will be our tear. If we continue to pollute water, we will live in a thirsty world.

Pollution is becoming more and more serious all over the world. The factory eject the dirty water, as a result , the water has becoming polluted and many fish species are dying out. We cant live without water. The earth is our only home and we should make it comfortable for ourselves. We should save water in our daily life. For instance, turn off the shower while you are washing your hair. We should recycle water. Dont let our tear become the last drop of water!

The most serious problem in the world is pollution. Water is the source of life. We cant live without water. But now some of the drinking water has become polluted and is diminishing. Something must be done to stop the pollution. Its our duty to save water. We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river. We should plant trees in order to keep soil. If we dont save water, the last drop of water will be our tear.

The most important question in the world is pollution, but we know water, like air is very important to living things because all animals and plants need water. We, like fish cant live without water. We need it to drink, cook, and clean ourselves. We need clean fresh water, but we are polluting the lakes and rivers. Our drinking water is becoming less and less. If we continue to do things like this, we shall destroy ourselves.

I think we should follow the rules. Dont throw food away. We try to make a good habit. I know its our duty to save water. So we should save water and protect eh environment.

Now water pollution is the most serious problem. We cant live without water. Water is life. So I think we should do something go save and protect water.

One: turn off the shower while you are washing your hair.

Two: we can use the water that has washed vegetables to water plants

Three: When you see someone is wasting water, come over and stop him.

Four: Dont pour the rubbish into the river.

Though these are small things to protect water, I still thin theyre important.



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