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Whether work should be placed among the causes of happiness or among the causes of unhappiness may perhaps be regarded as doubtful question. There is certainly much work which is exceedingly irksome, and an excess of work is always very painful. I think, however, that, provided work is not excessive in amount, even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness. There are in work all grades, from mere relief of tedium up to the profoundest delights, according to the nature of the work and the abilities of the worker. Most of the work that most people have to do is not in itself interesting, but even such work has certain great advantages. To begin with, it fills a good many hours of the day without the need of deciding what one should do. Most people, when they are left free to fill their own time according to their own choice, are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing. Moreover, the exercise of choice is in itself tiresome. Except to people with unusual initiative, it is positively agreeable to be told what to do at each hour of the day, provided the orders are not too unpleasant, most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery. Accordingly the more intelligent rich men work nearly as hard as if they were poor, while rich women for the most part keep themselves busy with innumerable trifles of whose earth-shaking importance they are firmly persuaded.




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幸福是一直盛开在追求道路上的野花,伴你左右。只要低头,你就能闻到那芳香的味道。 ——--题记

夕阳西下。天空上几朵浮云,伴着那“红纱”显得更加妩媚、耀眼。 地球上的人类羡慕地呆望着。可是,云儿并不满足,它们想更加贴近太阳,走向那最光辉的地方。于是,云儿们拖着长长的“红纱”,朝着天边飞去。一路上,它们说说笑笑,翩翩起舞,还进行了一个比赛:舞姿最优美,并且第一个到达天边的云儿,就是最美丽的。

于是,它们使出了自己最迷人的动作,在天空上飞舞着,好似仙女在天空中游戏,婀娜多姿,神采飞扬。好一派幸福、欢乐之景!可是,夕阳却离它们越来越遥远,最后,消失在地平线。可云儿们并不沮丧,因为它们觉得自己曾经多么幸福。后来,那“红纱”也伴着落日而去。天空静悄悄的,那云儿依旧在天空,等待着月亮的出现…… 云儿并不在意自己的理想是否能够实现,而是在意追求时的欢乐与幸福。假如能像云儿一样,使理想的重量减轻一些,让追求时的欢乐增多一些,不是就没有那么多的压力与苦闷了吗? 其实,追求本身就是一种欢乐、幸福。因为追求曾让你真心地付出、时刻地奋斗,它带给了人们生存的意义。

当你的付出得到了相应的回报,取得了点滴的进步时,你会发觉天格外的蓝,世界也格外美好,自己格外的幸福。 曾听过这样一句话:“我要踏遍山峰谷壑,看英雄留下的豪情万种;我要倚立在水天的尽头,笑看芸芸众生起起落落。”说这句话的人一定很幸福,因为他有如此崇高的理想。但有的时候,理想不应该定得太遥远,否则,你将牺牲身边的美好去追求一个早知无法到达的“水中月,镜中花。”达不到理想,就天天愁眉苦脸,这样只会放弃更多的幸福。 如果你只在乎追求的过程,只在乎拥有追求时的幸福,而不计其结果,那么你就真正理解了追求的意义。




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What is happiness? There are different opinions about that. Some people think it is happiest to be with families and to communicate with friends.

Some think that you will be happy if you are optimistic to the life and (if you are) devoted to your career.

Others think that happies means you always make new achievements. In my opinion,It is happiest to live safely in ones life.



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I have a happy family. Though there is only a little furniture in my home and everything in the rooms seems rather disorderly, I love my home very much.


My father is an engineer, nearly fifty years old. As a Party member, quite often he works late into the night. He even forgets himself when he is reading. Once when having supper, I found that the soup tasted watery. It soon became clear that my father, deep in his reading, had forgotten to put salt in the soup.


I have a kind mother. She is a primary school teacher. She loves her pupils and her job very much and puts all her heart into her work. All our clothes are made by tailors, for she is too busy to sew for us. As a housewife, she has to do almost all the housework. So she is the busiest one in our family.


We all keep a lot of books and we love reading. During our leisure time, reading is our main hobby. Evening is the happiest hour in our family. We usually sit in my parents room, reading and discussing everything were interested in.


I love my family. It not only gives me much happiness and warmth but also teaches me how to be a real man.




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Fate is a hand made the world as changeable as clouds and rain, the legend.Life, like a dream of a flashy, consisting of two parallel lines never intersect.Because life is not arithmetic, so many times there is no right answer, just as you never know what the next bus stop will come up, what happened, who and who crowned the life of supporting role.The happiest days of life are nothing but two periods, childhood and youth, and the feeling of coexistence in these two days is the source of the poets love......

In my happiest days, never have you.Xiao network composition www.zww.cn

When I was young, I remember your hands, I hold on the infinite future repan.Your hands in my meal to eat in a mouthful to feed me; your hands gently in my insomnia; your hands in my bag is too heavy to carry the past to grab your hands; it contains the beauty of love from Wu throb to rough sallow now today, the achievements of my gratitude.I said you loved me with your hands, but you dropped your eyes and shook your head, saying it was far from enough.But I really feel like Im standing on your hands.

In primary school, I remember your eyes, which brought me the most passionate love.Your eyes gave me a cool spring as the sea on a hot summer night; your eyes gave me the most ardent expectation; your eyes made a crescent moon in my success, giving me the most lasting impetus.I say you love me by eyes, you helpless smile, looked at me silently, brow a little more spoiled.I know this is not the right answer, but I really feel that your eyes taught me so much, that I know how to look at to accept the secular vision and keep calm water in the reality of the attitude, more let me feel your love make painstaking efforts to return.

Until now, I realized that you loved me with your whole body.You would touch my cheek with both hands; you would give me warmth and solidity with your eyes; you would kiss my forehead with your mouth......You said I was a daughter, I know Im everything to you.Wrote here less than a word, have moved to tears.Now, I understand this great mothers love, and here I should say: "Mom, hard work!""

Thank you for not being absent from my growth, and telling me that you will still be with me for the next few decades.Your love turns into a sound in my ear. A life can grow stronger with love. We all enjoy the best thing in the world -- a mothers love.

Your kindness, beauty and simplicity, as well as ordinary love, have illuminated the days when I was happy for you.

Its good to have you.



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夕阳西下。天空上几朵浮云,伴着那“红纱”显得更加妩媚、耀眼。 地球上的人类羡慕地呆望着。可是,云儿并不满足,它们想更加贴近太阳,走向那最光辉的地方。于是,云儿们拖着长长的“红纱”,朝着天边飞去。一路上,它们说说笑笑,翩翩起舞,还进行了一个比赛:舞姿最优美,并且第一个到达天边的云儿,就是最美丽的。于是,它们使出了自己最迷人的动作,在天空上飞舞着,好似仙女在天空中游戏,婀娜多姿,神采飞扬…。。好一派幸福、欢乐之景!可是,夕阳却离它们越来越遥远,最后,消失在地平线。可云儿们并不沮丧,因为它们觉得自己曾经多么幸福。后来,那“红纱”也伴着落日而去。天空静悄悄的,那云儿依旧在天空,等待着月亮的出现……







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What is happiness? Happiness is "the mother line, wandering clothing" kind of warm love;

What is happiness? Happiness is "if suddenly spring night, the trees of pear blossoms" that the vitality of life.

What is happiness? Can not tell, and the Tao is endless

Happiness is a mystery. If you ask one thousand people to answer it, there will be one thousand answers.However, in my eyes, happiness is just a state of mind, no matter big or small, as long as you feel happy, this is happiness.For me now, reading a good book is happiness.When the spring sun begins to bloom its light, when the vigorous grass clamoring for new life, when the soft breeze swept the calm lake, happiness is beside you.Move a deck chair, that a good book, you can relish into another world, one only you know how to study abroad network world, there is no noise, no pressure, no trouble.This book is not as many people know, not very philosophical, do not deliberately choose, as long as you love, as long as it can make you cry, make you laugh, you think, this is a good book, which is specific to your happiness, at least I think so.Everyone is anxious for happiness, and everyone is feeling happy.Sometimes happiness is very far away, but sometimes it is near at hand.

Dedication is happiness, giving is happiness, getting is happiness, enjoying is happiness......Sometimes, a word of blessing, an understanding of the eyes, will give others happiness.Is the feeling of happiness, or life, we live in this world, every day running continuously, even running, chasing, secular, rather than spiritual needs.Fabulously rich people may not find happiness; the right to tilt to one side of the people, not necessarily find happiness.Happiness and happiness, after all, are not money and power, but a kind of peace and quiet in the bottom of my heart.We must not miss the beautiful scenery and the happiness at hand.

Check.This is happiness.What about you?



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What factors are important in achieving happiness?

When asked what they are after in their life, people tend to say that happiness is the most important, if not the only, goal in life. But as you may realize, it is not an easy thing to do to give a definition of happiness, because different people may have different interpretations of happiness based on their own life experiences. While some people link happiness to wealth and material success, others think it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships. Yet others think that spiritual paths, rather than either the material world or relationships with people, are the only way to true happiness.

Personally, I think the following factors contribute to ones happiness. First, we need to have a realistic target in life. Many people often feel disappointed or even frustrated in their life and complain that they are doomed to failure. The cause of their unhappiness lies in the fact that they have too high a life target. Second, when a life goal is set we should make efforts to realize it. There is much in the saying that happiness lies in the pursuit of ones goal. Quite a few people have one after another goal in their life. But they never really start to turn them into reality. As a result, their life goals bring them nothing but unhappiness. Third, we should treat the others as we hope to be treated. Human beings are social animals. Inevitably we often depend on the others in our society for a happy life. We should not be egocentric. Instead we have the obligation to make the others happy, and in this way we will all be able to live in a pleasant society.



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Everybody is eager to happiness,feelings of well-being of everyone.Happiness is sometimes abstract and sometimes very specific.Well-being sometimes distant,sometimes close at hand.Dedication is the well-being,given the well-being,access to the well-being and enjoy the blessings of happiness ......of the words is a well-being,an understanding of the expression is the well-being of the soul ......is the feeling of happiness,happiness is a life experience ......a friend,you feel well-being of it?

When you are immersed in the table hard hours,the mother brought a glass of milk Shannon will love are melting in this steaming milk.I felt,well-being of mother love.When Mom and Dad happy to watch their sons and daughters around the side of their play.You feel it?How happy they are,enjoy the childrens family.When the elderly gratifying to watch their sons and daughters married,they laughed gratifying for their old age.

A friend,you happiness?

When the mother of the late winter of a single needle or piece of thread sons and daughters for their own sewing clothes,will also be woven into the warmth.The next day,we wear it,how happy!From rural to urban school children,may have such an experience:the mother before the child left,a few steamed steamed rubbing will continuously rubbing in.motherly love.Eating steamed steamed,as if love fishes tasted.

Cleaners cleaning people to the earth cleaner,we are very happy.Teachers will be life-long dedication to our knowledge,we are very happy.Superior living conditions,we are very happy.We live in this piece of the sun,but also the well-being.

The pursuit of happiness do not deliberately,when you inadvertently,happiness will come to you quietly.However,the well-being but also a pair of long wings,and you will pass anytime,anywhere.Therefore,we must grasp the well-being,even if it remained a second or more!










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01, happiness is to work late at night, and back to their downstairs, looked up to see the window of the living room still showed little light.

02, happiness is the dead alone and read a book under the lamp, happened to read a word touched the heart the most delicate nerves, inadvertently looked up and found that the orange light softly covered room.

03, happiness is like people, in a favorite place to do what you love, whether it is love or quarrel.

04, happiness is the road to see a blind musician is playing the flute, melodious flute hauntingly, who took out all the change, turn left at the time, the pace has become light up.

05, we sometimes mistakenly believe that what we cannot get is precious; what we already own is cheap. Unable to obtain, because of the lack of in-depth understanding, it is just a beautiful illusion, showing us a gorgeous appearance. If one day, you close to it, and know the truth, you will find that it is similar to what we have! Dont keep your eyes in your imagination. All you have is your happiness.

06, you should dare to put the future of happiness on my body, gambling, I dare to live with you, to the last let you lose.

07. The wind is transparent, the rain is ticking, the clouds are flowing, the song is free, the bells are wonderful, you are the happiest.

08, happiness is a feeling, like a candle, when you walk in there is a piece of lamps and candles of a myriad families, the warm fluorescent light your way home; like a aftertaste lingers in the heart, all sorts of joys and sorrows are once the chase; like a desire, longing when time crawling forehead wrinkles, can still calm happy and deserved no regrets. Happiness is a glass of imagination, dreams of ordinary rice brew wine fragrance, and then waiting for life and treasure.

09, in the right place, met the right person, that is real happiness. Therefore, in every windy day, we will be full of thanksgiving heart, thank you for the fate of our meeting, thank you for life, let us walk in the helpless intersection of the encounter.

10, when love is absent, you must learn to live well and love yourself. When love is absent, you should learn to clear, shook his head and everything will be past. When love is absent, learn to accept yourself; accept yourself, and you will be happy. When love is absent, you must work hard; work hard; after all, love is not the whole of life. Life has many helpless, please try to enrich yourself, enrich your happy life.

11, happiness is to see in the morning on the balcony personally planted Milan shyly out blossoming golden yellow flowers; found that the "missing" has long been the shoe was cleaning under the bed; see grandma is sitting in the rocking chair slowly fall asleep, covered with I gave her son the shawl.

12, two people are happy together, should not be too much; two people meet each other is happy, dont expect too much.

13, want to elope with you, go to the most distant cities and towns. There is no earthly troubles, no money and desire; no envy and fear; do not work with the endless car shrill whistle. We enjoyed the sunshine and the flowers together and smiled frankly and frankly to strangers. As if to grasp the gate of time, gently pull, so that happiness has become slow and long. So holding hands, together to the end of the years.

14, there are two people, always say do not care about each other, but always unable to part attachment. There are two people, obviously because of each others words hurt deeply, but always unconditionally believe each other. There are two people, the other partys happy, the other sides sad, but always tied together. There are two people, obviously want to forget, but always inadvertently between remember.

15, when we grow old, someone can accompany together every day on, it will be a very happy thing!

16, at this moment, in the heart, in addition to the pain is miss, God always likes to open such a joke, let us forever separated by a turn around distance.

17, true love should know how to cherish. It is no shame to love only one person all ones life. A lifetime is not long, how lucky it is to meet someone you love. Why not hold his hand tightly?. Even if the heart knows, in addition to him, there will be more outstanding people appear, nor greed. A heart needs another heart to be honest, so that you can be happy.

18, life with your careful care, life with your sincere tolerance, our love, is a beautiful miracle. Together, watching the sunrise and sunset; a romantic life together, beautiful, good times will you stay for me. At this moment, there is a strange excitement welled up in my heart, I want to embrace you, a quick cry, just because this is a kind of tears of happiness.

19, what kind of life is a happy life? In fact, happiness is just a state of mind. When you feel happy, life is full of happiness; you feel pain and life is miserable. The same day, people looked up and saw the cloud layer, people can through the clouds, feel the boundless blue.

20, who can let you forget the past, can give you the future. Who makes you forget yourself, can make you proud. Who can let you forget the benefits, can give you happiness. Falling in love with a person, the memory will become worse, a lot of past forgotten. Once important, because of him, but no longer important. If a person lets you forget many times, then he is your destination.

21, happiness is to work for a long time, to sit in the classroom listening, watching the podium grey-haired professor of preaching tuition FAQ, bowed notes if you went back to the University of the times a quiet afternoon.

22 、 Happiness is like a magnet, life is like iron. Life is like a book, but the more you read, the more refined you become, the more you write. When reading, open mind, everything has been indifferent to the heart. The book is neither good nor bad, only the good and the bad, probably because of its book is self experience, self compiled from the reading of things, for a long time, there are things in the book, worthy of note; when the realization of less, there will be no charm at all.

23, happiness is lonely, received a long time no contact with a friends phone, two people on the phone 1.5 hours.

24, happiness is to wake up in the morning, see the sunlight just fell pillow. You can not hurry up, hiding in bed listening to the mother in the kitchen busy not cautiously without any noise, while Poached Egg smell filled the room.

25, I once did not believe in love, now I believe. The only thing in the world that is more blessed than to love is to love; the only thing luckier than being loved is to find someone worth loving in the vast sea of people.

26 listen to a beautiful music and sing a favorite song. Prepare a big dinner for your family and chat with your family. Or do not want anything, to put down the busy work, to the nature of the trees, listen to birds. Happiness is simple, simple life is happy, brew a cup of tea, or a glass of homemade hot drinks. Open the favorite magazine, read the beautiful essay, read between the lines, feel relaxed and cheerful. Simple is happiness.

27, since two people because love together, seriously manage this feeling, treat lovers to understand, to accommodate, to trust, otherwise dont treat him as a lover. Remember that the person you love is just plain human. When you make mistakes, forgive them for the mistakes they make, and accept that he points out your faults and shortcomings. That is, he can forgive you when you are careless and when you make mistakes. What you pay for, what you end up with is not what you pay for.

28, what is happiness? Happiness is holding a pair of holding hands, waiting with loneliness; is to accompany a person to accompany, laugh when happy, cry when sad; is to have a want to have heart, repeat boring day not boring, doing the same thing not boring, as long as we have love heart, we will be happy, happiness is in the original commitment, in the dream of the future!

29, many people have passed, let it become a landscape. What is happiness? Happiness is a pleasant state of mind and feelings. The happiest man is the one who always makes himself happy at all times. The happiest man is the happiest. A group of people, is the most happy.

30, happiness is happy when someone accompany go out to eat a big meal, sad when someone patted his shoulder and handed him a cup of hot coffee, shilly-shally is like a lighthouse illuminating my direction, I am tired, found someone has been not far from silent.

31, happiness is after dinner and sat on the bed and stitch knitting a blue scarf, thinking of him wearing a scarf. It must be like a bear, so I cant help laughing.

32, life is like walking on a road, you walk in the road will meet different people, some accompany you go a paragraph, and some accompany you go a lifetime. We can not have another childhood; there is no middle school; there can be no first love; there can be no previous happiness, happiness, sorrow, pain. Yesterday, a second ago, it is impossible to go back again. We can not go back, life is a film that cannot be replayed.

33, happiness is wearing a white cotton dress walking in the dusk of the evening, after a video shop just rang a long song. Then stopped to listen to the song, many beautiful distant memories gradually clear up in my mind.

34, you are the sweetest lover, and what I want to hear is not how you love me, but the promise that youve always been there for me. The thing that makes me feel most happy is that you are always there. I thought you were my sweetest lover, and I knew youd never leave.

35, life is like a movie, we are their own director, what kind of life, it is our choice, happiness, happiness is not happiness, sadness or joy, is what they say, so, from today, a free and easy life!

36, happy sentence: the happiest thing is a bad tempered girl, a good tempered boy has spoiled her.

37, we keep turning back memories, happiness, can be related to love, but also can not be related to love, can be related to wealth, but also irrelevant to wealth. Especially when you are old, especially when you are lonely and lonely. Like walking in the desert in the eyes of people, happiness is just a drop in the eyes of the hungry,

38, after experiencing some things, people will grow up, will also know more about things; and after experiencing a relationship, will know better love. Stay for the happiness, the passage of regret. The taste of happiness is sweet and sour occasionally; feelings of regret is hard, sometimes spicy. Treat the people around you well, and be happy together.

39, happiness is that a person to accompany you boring, rare is that you two are not bored.

40, yes, we live in a small and ordinary life, we can be small and ordinary life, itself is a kind of happiness, and I am small and ordinary, happiness is still going on, I am really very happy.

41, the so-called happiness, that is, a grateful heart, a healthy body, a satisfactory job, a lover who loves you, a group of trusted friends.

42. Jealousy is a fatal vice of a woman. Always looking at other peoples life better than yourself, such a life will not be happy, and more will not be happy. Relax your mood, life will be more relaxed, always contrast, just let him think you are careful, so, rather than constantly comparing jealousy, make yourself more attractive.

43, most happiness is short, even momentary, do not imagine happiness forever. The water reflected the beauty of reflection could be dashed with a fish tail softly, but the beautiful impression will not burst. Marriageable age of pure love, because of a little Sunian and the end of fermentation, but not the end of love touched. There is no happiness that can last long, but every moment of happiness will endure, and there will be no lack of happiness in life.

44, I agree with the strong is: suffer the misfortune of life, but still looking forward to happiness; betrayed by others, but still brave to love; see the ugly of the world, but still pay goodwill.

45, what kind of life is a happy life? In fact, happiness is just a state of mind. When you feel happy, life is full of happiness; you feel pain and life is miserable. The same day, people looked up and saw the cloud layer, people can through the clouds, feel the boundless blue.

46, happiness is the spring occasionally smell the fragrance, summer wear bright T-shirt sitting on the beach watching the tide, autumn walk in full is the French Phoenix Street, there is a touch of sadness, in the winter snow when standing on the roadside eating reeky sweet potato.

47, happiness is like the rock out of the water, not spectacular, but sweet and refreshing. In this world, only those lower expectations of life for, to a correct understanding of their own ability and happiness in life to just perfect the real coordinates of the center of the people, is the most happy. Happiness belongs only to those who are thankful - for contentment, happiness is everywhere; and gratitude, happiness, comes from time to time.

48, the so-called happiness, is a kind of sense, it depends on your point of view, whether you can have happiness, is your feedback response of things that exist between sincerity and reaction can you make of your happiness, if you are happy, you will beat all the chips not sincere things, not happiness, not only sincere person.

49, a happy person is not because he has many, but because he care less, know how to search, and has a broad mind, grace Tayas demeanor.

50, love quotes: my most happy thing, when you have an angel.

51, the happiest thing is a bad tempered girl, a good tempered boy has spoiled her.

52, a persons misfortune, is from envy others begin. If you always try to become someone in your imagination, the problem will come. People are tired, because more and more will not do their real self. You know, God gives you such a life, it has its own reason. To live your life well is the only shortcut to happiness.

53, after the storms of life, life is empty; did not experience the pain of people, can not appreciate the true meaning of happiness. Most people are in the fight and frustration, only to understand the treasure, a small number of people in the constant wind and rain baptism, only to find the true self. If you want to reach the realm of ecstasy really, must undergo a sharpening and practice; if you want to appreciate the true happiness, you must first learn to bear the pain of suffering.

54, life, only to have the heart to laugh at as boundless as the sea and sky; over the loss, the water overflows; in life, in the face of the lost, we keep calm treat with indifference, mood; face get, keep a normal heart, cherish; ordinary people own ordinary people happy, since you are not others, do not envy others, but do not ignore the side of happiness.

55, happiness is praised by the leaders at work, long breath out from the directors office, and then exaggerated to do a victory gesture.

56, happiness is in the middle of the night was troubled by nightmares, sweating woke up and found were invaded wet towel, moonlight like water flowing quietly through the window.

57, somebody! You have to remember, I am waiting for you now, because I really fell in love with you, I do not want to hurt, just want to live happily!



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