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There are different opinions among people as to 省略.Some people suggest that 省略.


There is an old saying省略.It is the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.


Today,省略,which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life.First,省略,Second,省略.What makes things worse is that 省略.


Nowadays,it is common to 省略.Many people like 省略because省略.Besides,省略.


Everything has two sides and 省略is not an exception.It has both advantages and disadvantages.


Peoples opinions about 省略vary from person to person.Some people say that 省略.To them,省略.


Man is now facing a big problem省略which is becoming more and more serious.


省略has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.


省略has been playing an increasingly important role in our daily life.It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages/ in the chart/bar graph/line/graph, it can be seen that省略.Obviously,省略,but why?



On the contrary,there are some people in favor of 省略.At the same time ,they say省略.


But I dont think it is a very good way to solve省略.For example,省略.Worst of all,省略.


省略is necessary and important to our countrys development and construction.First,省略.Whats more,省略.Most important of all,省略.

4)有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。 There are several measures for us to adopt.First,we can省略.

5)面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效地方法来……。一方面……,另一方面…… Confronted with省略,we should take a series of effective measures to省略.For one thing,省略For another,省略.


It is high time that something was done about it.For example,省略.In addition.省略.All these measures will certainly省略.


However,just like everyone has both its good and bad sides,省略also has its own disadvantages,such as省略.


Nonetheless,I believe that省略is more advantageous.

9)完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下: I fully agree with the statement that省略because省略.



As for as I am concerned,I agree with the latter opinion to some extent.I think that省略.

2)总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……。 In a word,the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of省略.Only in this way can省略in the future.


Personally,I believe that省略.Consequently,Im confident that a bright future is awaiting us because省略.


With the development of society,省略.So its urgent and necessary to省略.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society,it will be better and better.

5)至于我(对我而言,就我而言),我认为……更合理。只有这样,我们才能…… For my part,I think it reasonable to省略.Only in this way can we省略.


It is difficult to say whether省略is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of省略-.However,from a personal point of view find省略.


From what has been discussed above,we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that省略.


If we can not take useful means,we may not control this trend,and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly,so what we should do is...





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Understanding is a drop of golden sun, is wellspring of life, and is a bridge between man and the soul of man. Understanding is tolerance, is a kind of se

lf restraint. The world needs understanding.

Write an essay which should cover:

1) describing the drawing below,

2) stating its main idea, and

3) giving your comment


The human being differs from the wild beast in that the latter is liable to have a hostile view of others and interact in an unreasonable and aggressive manner. Primitive humans might have acted in such fashion, but civilized humans should cultivate more appropriate behaviors.

In the drawing above, a man carrying a large load accidentally steps on a womans foot. Given that he gracefully apologizes, the woman both accepts his apology and assures him not to worry.

The man and woman depicted interact with each other in a courteous and compassionate manner. The woman understands the man did not intentionally step on her foot, and therefore whether or not she is in pain, she does not attack or blame him. Because she is able to view the situation from his perspective, conflict is diverted. Mutual understanding such as this is a fundamental aspect of civilized society.

Some people tend to think the worst of others and become angry over even the smallest of matters, regardless of how their own actions are disturbing in turn. Such intolerance only leads to more conflict. Disrespecting or mistreating people not only inflicts pain upon others, but can also harm ones own conscience and attitude.




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一. 上升增长

1.add up to 增加了eg. The total amount of  added up to 14 billion pounds in 1994. 2. to jump to / to soar to 一跃达到/ 猛增到

eg. The total working days lost soared to 10 million in 1979.

3.an increase of aboutpercent as compared with 与相比大约增加了

eg. In August as many as 39 car accidents were reported, indicating an increase of about 79% as compared with the number of January.

4.to experience an increase/incline 有了增长

eg. Tobacco consumption is experiencing an incline.

二. 下降,减少

1.to sink/drop/reduce to 减少到

eg. The rate of strikes sank/dropped to the lowest point in 1979.

2.to experience a decrease/decline 有了减少

eg. Tobacco consumption is experiencing a decrease. 注意:


rapidly slowly dramatically respectively 表达上升/减少的最后状态的词有:

the highest peak the lowest point 10 million 10%



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这次期中考试,学生英语成绩很不理想,两极分化十分明显,部分语法知识的掌握不够牢固,尤其是个别题 反复做过几次也没能把握好,阅读理解能力和书面表达能力比较弱。具体有以下几点:








3. 典型题讲解不够,训练不到位。









7、在教学过程中, 还需加大学习力度,积极研究探索教学方法并及时改变,就一定能提高整体英语水平。



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原因:1.考试太滥 2.自身勤奋不够 3.把大量时间用在上网和玩游戏上





At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit - cheating in examinations.

There are three main reasons. First, schools have given students too many exams, some of which are too difficult. Second, some students are not hard-working and they dont work hard at their lessons. Third, they waste a lot of time playing games or surfing the Internet. So they havent enough time to prepare for the exams. Finally, students have to do so to make their teachers and parents happy.

In my opinion, cheating in exams does great harm to our study. We students should be honest and diligent, and only in this way can we improve our study and make progress. Besides, our teachers should offer us fewer exams and more time to study for ourselves.







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第一步,写作的内容,要求做到两点— 内容完整、相关。这两点只要考生不粗心,基本都能做到。比如陕西考区的题目,要求写暑假的安排,是一篇正反观点类的议论文。必须注意题目的要求,第一要提出讨论话题,Recently there has been a heated discussion about what the students should do during the summer vacation.(这是一个经典的模版开篇句型)。第二要写出一方面的观点,然后是另一方面的观点,最后提出自己的看法,根据要求缺一不可,否则就会被扣掉相应的分数,这就是完整。再比如,2005年广东考区的成语寓言故事,不仅要描写整个守株待兔的过程,还应该根据要求点名寓意,否则也是不完整,这点只要在课堂上强调,学生是很容易做到的。所谓相关,也就是不要过多出现文中没有的信息,不能过分发挥,一般学生犯此类错误的较少。


1、Only when we realize the importance of environmental protection, can we solve the problem of pollution.

2、So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.

3、Diligent as he was, he failed in passing the exam.

4、By no means should teenagers get into the habit of smocking.

第三步,连接词的运用,使文章连贯、流畅。我把这些词分为8类,叫做“畅词”,往往学生由于中西方语言的差异,会忽视这一点,所以在授课中会通过大量的练习巩固和加强学生的印象。而且不仅要写,还写出高水平的畅词,因为高考是选拔性考试,要做到“人无我有,人有我优”。比如,“首先”这个表示次序的畅词,一般同学一定想到的是firstly 或者first of all。可是我建议学生启用to begin with, 或者initially (这个是建议水平较好的启用)。“然而”,绝大部分启用but, however,我建议学生采用on the contrary 或者oppositely。




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There are many arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of examinations. Some people think that examinations can help them review the lessons regularly, while others maintain that too many examinations have frustrated them.

To me, I think an examination is a good thing for both teachers and students. Teachers can find out how much the students have grasped and then improve their teaching; students, on the other hand, will learn what their weak points are and then study even harder.

All in all, we should not waste time arguing whether examinations are good or not. What we should do is to try to improve the exam system and try to adjust it to our different requirements.



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After An Examination

After I got the news that I had passed PETS level 3 ,I were really happy at that moment .But when I knew the exact result,I didn’t have any successful or wonderful feelings,instend of that,I think the result was very strange.I couldn’t believe that.although my mark was high,everyone who joined the examination all got very good marks.Most of the students in my class could reach the average of 60.so I can’t be pleased with my reault,and it is not enough for me.Recently,I have mixed feeling.It even drives me crazy.I have though a lot about how to improve my English .I am so eager for improving.When I am in school ,I am just ok.. But when I out of that small world, I am nothing. There are so mang students in front of me.So that’s the exact reason why I am unhappy when my classmates congratulate me upon my”excellent”job.I indeed want further education,I can’t be satisfied with being an ordinary English teacher.There is long way waiting for me to go on,so I can’t stop my feet just for this little success.After I pass these days,I grow up a lot.It is very valuable for me to have such experience.




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i am xxx. i was born in xx. i graduate from senior high school and major inenglish. i started learning english since i was XX years old. my parents have alot of american friends. that’s why i have no problem communicating withamericans or others by speaking english.

in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such aslistening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or evenattending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes. i used to goapoad for a short- term english study. during that time, i learned a lot ofdaily life english and saw a lot of different things.

i think language is very interesting. i could express one substance byusing different sounds. so i wish i could study and read more englishliteratures and enlarge my knowledge.



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3)考时30分钟分三个阶段:一)12-15分钟,写出完整的第一段,三个征文段的topic sentence,和完整的末段。写第一段的同时就构思topicsentence,末段无非是重复结论和三句topic。这样的好处是结构已经完整了,你不用慌了。。二)13-10分钟,完成三段正文。我以前觉得这个很困难,后来想通了。无非是把这层意思说清楚就行。3句话就够了。也够长了。三)5分钟check.还一个作用时,是在前面没有完成,还有一个buffer,也不至于弹尽粮绝。

4)非常措施:考试万一时间不够,首段就抄原句;如果时间还不够,末段就cut-paste首段和topic 的文本,稍加修改即可。但是,结构是完整的。




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Examination is the most familiar word to the students for we all need to face it. Each existence has its own reason. The exam which has existed for long time also has its advantages. Firstly, it can check how much or how hard you learned in this period of time. This can make you learn more about the study situation of yourself. Secondly, you can see some defects via the exam. Then you can decide how to correct them.

Meanwhile, exam also has some disadvantages. Some schools take too much exam even makes it as a burden to the students. If teachers and parents regard the exam as the most important thing, the students would feel stressful. These maybes lead to cheating.

So, we should take the appropriate attitude towards the examination. If everyone does so, exams will no more scare.



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The past years have seen the huge development of higher education in China and in contemporary society, it becomes a trend for universities to be ranked according to certain standards each year.Meanwhile, an increasing number of people deem it rather convenient to acquire information about quality of some universities.Searching the Internet, people can notice several editions of ranks very year.

A number of individuals favor this ranking because of its advantages.To begin with, without these ranks, it is impossible for people to make a direct comparison between different colleges.In addition, it is this ranking that enables China to build up a system of assessing higher education and to enhance its overall development.Even so, others hold the opposite view that university ranking carries some doubts.First, ranking all universities means a great amount of time and human resources; however, the quality and authority is not as satisfactory as expected.Second, what worries many experts is that some colleges may focus too much eyesight on ranking itself, ignoring the needs of students.By and large, the advantage derived the annual university ranking far outweigh the disadvantages.

An effective ranking will bring colleges motivation, arouses their enthusiasm to strive, and helps China to enhance higher education.However, it is advisable for this ranking to be scientific, practical and impartial.



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Nowadays, digital media has permeated almost every aspect of our daily life. It is changing the way that individuals, especially young people, learn, play, socialize, and participate in the society.

As a result, the function of digital media has turned into a major topic for the public. Some people pay tribute to its positive role as very convenient news sources, being available almost anywhere and anytime. While some people condemn the negative influence it has brought on privacy, morality, and independent thinking, which some people used to have and enjoy. And still others have been fighting between the merits and demerits of digital media for a final conclusion.

In my view, digital media is good for us students as it introduces a new way of learning which encourages more interaction and participation rather than rote learning. Besides, digital media makes it easier to produce and share things.



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We had English final exam yesterday. I feelvery sad now because I think I didn’t do well in the exam. Firstly, just amoment ago I realized that my composition in the exam stayed from the point,because I misunderstood the meaning of Green Campus. I thought Green Campus isonly the color of the campus. So I totally got away from the point. Inaddition, time was not enough for me. Eventually, I wrote some answers on theanswer sheet without thinking. Thus I’m afraid I can’t pass the exam. I am nowvery anxious.




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于是,在期中考的时候,我得到了我应有的“报应”。 经过我的仔细反思,有这样的结果是我 在做作业时,囫囵吞枣,没有仔细审题,认真做题,这让我失去了一次特别好的自我提高的机会。我应该把写作业当成一个新的开始,而不是上一段学习的结束,每一次的作业都要当做一次小的考试。我要增加一些仿写和阅读的练习。在今后的学习中,我在课堂上要积极回答问题做好笔记,多记一些老师拓展的知识点,每天回家要复习一遍老师讲的内容,认真完成一篇阅读与完形填空,我有上进心想去学更多的英语知识,自己努力,超越自己,比别的同学更好。



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1) As for me, I am on the latter part of the argument. The reasons are as follows. 至于我,我支持争论的后半部分。原因如下:

2) From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second. 在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理。

3) The following reasons can account for my inclination. 如下的原因可解释我的倾向。

4) To make myself as plain as I can, I should give my standards for … 为使我的观点更加清楚,添加原文链接我给出我关于…的标准。

5) I disbelieve, and therefore strongly resent, the claim that … 我不相信,因此强烈反对,这一主张,即…

6) My final and perhaps my best reason for not doing something is … 我不做某事最终的,或许最好的理由是…

7) For the same reason, it matters to me that … 同样原因,我很在乎…

8) For these reason, I recommend that … 出于这些原因,我推荐/建议… (recommend做建议讲时,接从句要用虚拟,即谓语用(should)+动词原形)

9) My answer is that …. I have several reasons, and they’re good ones. The first is the one that … 我的回答是…。我有几个理由而且它们是很充分的理由。第一个是…

10) My view is that … 我的观点是…

11) Like almost everybody else, I believe that … 正如几乎所有人一样,我相信…

12) I just don’t get excited over the idea of … 我对…主张并不感到激动。

13) Im not entirely convinced of … 我并不完全信服…

14) I cannot entirely agree with the idea that … 我无法完全同意这一观点…

15) I’m not suggesting that … 我并不是建议… (该句中suggest做建议讲要用虚拟,即(should)+动词原形)

16) I do not choose to … merely because I feel that … 我没有选择…知识因为我觉得…

17) I have nothing against something. But … 我并不反对某事,但…

18) I think its time we put a stop to something. 我认为是我们停止某事的时候了。(it’s time (that) 后的从句要用虚拟,既(should)+动词原形)

19) I find the statement of … to be too narrow. 我觉得…的观点过于狭隘。

20) I can tell you from experience that … 凭我的经验可以告诉你…

