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The story of a mans lifelong obsession with whales has won the £20,000 BBC Samuel Johnson Prize for non-fiction.

Leviathan, Or The Whale, traces British author Philip Hoares fascination with the marine mammal, which he calls "a living thing past our comprehension".

As he travels the world in pursuit of the creature, he compares his findings to Herman Melvilles Moby Dick. US journalist Jacob Weisberg, who led the panel, said Hoares passion for his subject was infectious. The authors prose "rises to the condition of literature", he added.

In explaining his fascination, Mr Hoare said: "This wonderful mysterious creature so elusive." "Theyre so under threat from climate change, from noise pollution," he went on.







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Now just into the winter, chill day by day, since yesterday, the sky can not see the impact of the sun, heralded a winter rain is coming, I like the rain in winter, although people feel cold, but But let people keep this awake, not vague and sober.

When the rain, sometimes it is difficult to detect. Because so many days are dark dark weather. Cold, exhaled gas immediately into a burst of smoke in front of drifting. Rain: often down when people inadvertently. Silent, others feel a particularly cold time, set a look, oh, the original rain has been under a long time.

In the oblique wind and rain, in the heart of dusty to experience a kind of years of affection, aftertaste years ago, light rain, is not it also a free and easy? We can not keep the past, but we can in a winter Yue said The rain, and then continue to reshape past memories of our memories. This is also a kind of life, a kind of let us keep on remember life.

Pattering the rain is always so in my heart under the next, that piece of bamboo let me intoxicated; always let me obsessed with the winter, obsessed with passionate light rain. To join in nature, in the silence of silence, to feel a long absence of the mood, to relive the feelings of a juvenile, is not it a pleasure?

This is the rain in the winter, the next is so quiet, as if crying, and it seems to talk, let us calm down and think back in the hearts of the collection of memories, is so pregnant, as if everything is still, only their own Memories, this is why I like the winter rain.



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I have a dog。 He is my favorite pet。 He is very lovely。 His name is Peter and he is two years old。 His fur is long and white。 He has big black eyes。 His nose is very good。 He can smell very well。 He is quite small。 He weighs about two kilograms。 Peters favorite food is meat。 He also likes bones。


Peter is very friendly。 I feed him every day。 He never barks or bites。 Peter likes lots of exercise。 It is necessary to walk the dog in the park every day if you want it to be healthy。 So I play with him every day in the park。 Peter likes to run in the park。 He often chases cats and birds。 It is very interesting。 Peter can find the way back easily。 I think he is the cleverest animal of all。


I like my dog and he loves me too。 He is very healthy。 All my family like him。 We look after him very carefully。 Ill make a small and lovely house for him。 I think he will be happy to live there。 Do you like my dog?




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In winter, the air wave with large snowflakes, not for a moment, then on the ground covered with white snow, people stepped in the thick soft snow, really comfortable ah! The branch also put on the White House jacket, with a string of pearls like ice, in the sun, her tears, with his last time to let people see her shining side. At this time, a few naughty figure on the streets, they wear a thick cotton padded jacket, scarf, hats and gloves, playing in the street. The snowball was flying in the air, and the sound of a child. The people heard the sound of running out, together, enjoying the beautiful scenery, watching the children playing happy scene, laughing and talking, people face exposed happy smile. This is a village - my hometown, how beautiful, harmonious, I love my hometown of winter!

冬天,空中飘舞着鹅毛大雪,不一会儿,地上便铺满了洁白的雪,人们踩在这厚厚的软绵绵的雪上,真舒服啊!树枝也穿上了那白色的棉袄,房屋上结了一串串珍珠似的冰,在太阳的照射下—她流着泪,用自己最后的时光让人们看到她闪闪发光的一面。 这时,街道上出现了几个淘气包的身影,他们穿着厚厚的棉袄,围着围巾,戴着帽子和手套,在街道上玩耍。雪球在空中飞舞着,时不时传来一个孩子的叫声。人们听见这声便跑出来,聚在一起,一边欣赏着美丽的景色,看着孩子们玩耍时快乐的情景,有说有笑,人们的脸上都露出了幸福的笑容。 这是村庄—我的家乡,多么的美丽,和谐,我爱家乡的冬天!



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1、雪还在不停地下,大片大片的雪花,像千万只白蝴蝶漫天飞舞着,又像柳絮,似杨花,如鹅毛,轻轻柔柔、纷纷扬扬地飘洒下来,缓缓地飘落到人们头上、肩 上、衣服上……在眨眼之间又融化成一滴清澈的水。雪不像雨水那么直接,不像雷声那么震耳欲聋,不像冰雹那么伤人。它婉转,无声,那么温柔,那么令人怜爱, 它把整个世界变成了雪的世界,把整个人间变成了雪的人间。

2、不知何时,天空中飘落这纯白的冰晶,在微亮的空中,展开一副静谧和谐的飞 雪漫天。她飘舞,转动,音符般跃动在空中。用优美的舞姿,缓缓勾勒,那远山,那浓雾……古韵悠悠,似一曲安逸的愉悦,萦绕在山间,飞舞在空中,化作漫天飞 雪。不着浓墨,淡淡的灰白,宛若渗透着古典中国风的山水画卷,在晨曦破晓前,展卷。

3、啊,雪,你像婴儿的心灵一样明澈,如天使的羽翼一样纯洁,似我思绪般快乐飞扬。你像一只只白色蝴蝶在天空中播撒快乐的花粉。鹅毛般的大雪漫天飞 扬,像玉一样洁,如银一样白,像烟一样轻,似柳一样柔,一片一片一片片,不紧不慢,千片万片,漫天飞舞。雪啊,你带走了我所有的烦恼,为我带来了快乐,虽 然是一点点,但我会永远珍藏心田。



6、那雪花洁白如玉,它是天宫派下的小天将,还是月宫桂树上落下的玉叶呢?雪花像美丽的玉色蝴蝶,似舞如醉;像吹落的蒲公英;似飘如飞;像天使 赏赠的小白花儿;忽散忽聚,飘飘悠悠,轻轻盈盈,无愧是大地的杰作!只见眼前的雪花像蝴蝶一样调皮,一会儿落在屋檐下,一会落在树枝上,还不时飘在行人的脸上。


8、我被这银铺玉砌的景色给吸引住了,于是,我不由自主的推开了门,来到外面,哇,院子里全都是雪,那厚厚的积雪,好像许许多多白花花的棉花糖,真 让人想咬一口。雪还纷纷扬扬地下着,那一朵朵雪花好似一只只洁白的蝴蝶在空中翩翩起舞。我伸出手,接了一朵雪花,嗯,凉飕飕的,真舒服。笔直的水泥路上已 经盖上了一条长长的白地毯,那么纯洁,那么晶莹,真叫人不忍心把脚踩上去。路旁的树枝上,挂满了毛茸茸、亮晶晶的银条儿。

9、呈现在我们眼前的是冬季山中雪景,你看那洁白的 世界底层奔流着的黑带似的溪流,那树林里交错承载着白雪奏鸣的纤细音调的枝丫,那被雪压得低垂下来不时打着寒颤的针叶树的枝头,无疑把我们带入了一个银铺 玉砌的充满浪漫的世外桃源,偶尔,一阵清新而又有几分寒意的风儿涌来,便调皮地将枝头白色的粉末像烟雾似的抖落下来。使得这山,这树,这雪增添了几分神 秘。




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I have a loving kitten around me. I liked it, my mom and dad liked it too.

Its head flat, a pair of sharp and flexible big eyes, will shine at night, even a small mouse can not escape its vision. There is a sweet mouth, his mouth has four small teeth, a smile will be exposed. Mouth and a beard, used to measure the size of the hole. I gave it a name called "yellow".

One day, I just returned to the door, yellow heard the sound of the door, immediately went to me where I clamor "meow meow" to call, as if to say: "little master, you finally come back, I really want You oh. "When I do not do business, when doing something else,

It is in the "meow meow" barking, as if to remind me to seriously do homework. My kittens brought me a lot of happiness, my good friend, I love my kitten.



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A pigeon, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard.

Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. Having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders.

Zeal should not outrun discretion.






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冬天,洁白的花慢慢地飘落下来,落到这里,飘到那里,我们仿佛置身于童话般的雪白世界。 In winter, the white snowflakes slowly falling down, falling here, and drifting there, we seem to be in a fairy -tale white world.












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Winter morning is dark and dark, no sunshine, open the door would feel a burst of cold, and that cold, like glue stick to you immediately. Soon after, began flying snowflakes in the sky.

At noon, the snow all over the sky, rain falling like a goose, watching, watching, I slowly intoxicated. Snow fell on the window, as if to say: "let me in, let me in!" I open the window, a lot of snow and squeezed in. The snowflakes fell on the hand, BingLiangLiang, after a while, melts away. If it is not my father afraid I catch a cold, I will meet more snow.

The snow fluttering spread outside, all over the ground, the foot is 5 cm thick, stepped down, squeaking voice, very nice.

In the afternoon, the snow stopped, I said happily: "make a snowman!" We first rolling a snowball, and rolled a light snow ball, snowball below, light snow ball in the above, we do with two coal eyes again, and a carrot nose, mouth, a piece of red cloth do have a beautiful hat crowned snowman, a scarf around the snowmans neck, and someone found two broom and make the snowmans hand. Look, its lovely!

Snow, brought us infinite happiness! I like winter!



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The winter snow, you see, the garden tree branches hung a silver necklace, grass stems on a sparkling pearl. In the field, the wheat has been covered with a thick layer of cotton padded jacket. (-)

A naughty child in the snow in the snowman, snowball fights, throwing snowballs.

Ah! Its the snow that makes the winter wind white.



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Whale are huge animals.They live in the sea and eat small fish and other sea life.One intere sting fact is whales can jump high out of water.Some kinds of whales are in danger because humans catch them formeat,fat,and oil,and use whale parts to make candles and soap.Whales are also in danger from water pollution.We should protect whales by making rules on whale protection and by not putting rubbish into the sea.I think people should learn more about whales.




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Article two: visit the Great Wall composition 300 words

The Great Wall is my dream place, today I came to the the Badaling Great Wall in Beijing.

We began to climb the Great Wall. The Great Wall was covered with a piece of brick, very smooth. The Great Wall is very wide, five or six horses can be parallel, like a wide and long street. Every section of the road there is a Beacon Tower, Beacon Tower used to light fireworks convey important military, such as the enemy occurred, table is connected, transmitting military.

I look much against the wall, the Great Wall looks like a long dragon winding prone in the lofty mountains and high ranges between stretch as far as eye can see, under the blue sky, the queue is mighty, magnificent. To the distance, the mountain peaks on the rolling, tree verdant. Like a sea of green. I looked down, only a car such as beetles, a pedestrian as ants.

Standing on the Great Wall, tread the brick, leaning on the wall of stone, it is natural to think of the working people of ancient construction of the Great Wall. No car, train, crane handling tools of ancient, two thousand or three thousand pound brick rely on ancient craftsmen a express to this steep mountains, its not easy! Dont know how many people are dead in the the Great Wall, because of the ancient working people have today this magnificent dragon.

The Great Wall, you are so powerful, how magnificent, I love you.



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冰天地 冰天雪窖、雪窖冰天 滴水成冰

风雪交加 寒风侵肌 千里冰封 瑞雪纷飞

朔风凛冽 寒冷刺骨 天寒地冻 冰雪严寒

寒蝉凄切 寒冬腊月 山寒水冷 岁暮天寒

鹅毛大雪 风号雪舞 固阴沉寒 寒气逼人

白雪茫茫 银装素裹 寒气袭人 白雪皑皑

漫天飞雪 滴水成冰 漫天风雪

雪虐风饕 阳春白雪 冬裘夏葛 十冬腊月 冬寒抱冰

冷暖自知 冰山难靠 凛若冰霜 冰封雪盖

冰封大地 数九寒冬 雪上加霜 冬寒抱冰 雪中送炭 瑞雪兆丰年 冰冻三尺非一日之寒



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Nowadays, people prefer to travel by air. This is because air travel has

some advantages. First of all, airplane, the miracle created by man, is the

fastest means of transport. It takes the least time for one to travel by air

from one place to another. Besides,travelingby air is convenient and

comfortable. Friendly air hostesses are affectionate and considerate. They look

after passengers all the way to their destinations. In addition, on long

distance flights there are films and music for people to entertain


As a popular saying goes, "Everything has two sides." The same is true of

air travel. It has some disadvantages, too. For one thing, air travel is

expensive. The average Chinese are not rich enough to afford expensive air

fares. So they prefer to take trains, which save a lot of money. For another,

although passengers are assured of their safety, they are still worried about it

during the journey because flying always involves more or less risk.

As far I am concerned, the advantages mentioned above exceed the

disadvantages. If I were given choice between traveling by air and by train, I

would certainly prefer the former, especially the long distance journey, because

time is the most important thing I have to take into consideration whatever I




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Winter came and the sweat came down and the snow was falling. The north wind is howling. The cold wind is biting!

Not far away, you can see a few pines stand proudly in the snow with. Bamboo is so green, with wax plum with snow fight, the spirit of their worth learning, is really worthy of pine, bamboo and plum blossom!

The fierce Python hibernate. The industrious ants in early autumn reserves good food, is now the hole to sleep! Lovely little hedgehog is also in the warm hibernation.

The children were dressed in thick clothes! They are skiing on the slopes! And the children under the hill are playing rope skipping, skating, making a snowman. What fun they had!
