描写冬天的英语作文大全热门五篇 作文怎么写【精品20篇】

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2、床上拆了帐子,铺了稻草。洗帐子要捡一个晴朗的好天,当天就晒干。夏布的帐子,晾在院子里,夏天离得远了。稻草装在一个布套里,粗布的,和床一般大。铺了稻草,暄腾腾 的,暖和,而且有稻草的香味,使人有幸福感。

3、不过也还是冷的。南方的冬天比北方难受,屋里不升火。晚上脱了棉衣,钻进冰凉的被窝里,早起,穿上冰凉的棉袄棉裤,真冷。 放了寒假,就可以睡懒觉。棉衣在铜炉子上烘过了,起来就不是很困难了。尤其是,棉鞋烘得热热的,穿进去真是舒服。






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As usual,I got up at six in the morning today.I am an early bird because it says the birds get up early can catch worm ,well,I wasnt going to catch worm,even not the one in my computer,haha,they were actually some viruses in my computers,I guess its because I use pirated software all the time.Anyway,I did exercises and then studied for a while just like before,but I got one more special thing to do today:shopping.you know what?today is Saturday,it means I dont have school.Yep!I am so happy!

the next thing happens made me happier today was when I went out shopping with my friends,a person looks someone who was just travlling here ask me for direction.I told him the direction but it seems he didnt get it,so I decided to walk with him to the place he wanted to go to.and finally,we found the place yep!I am so happy!

And then,after I helped him,I met a beggar,he asked me for 2 dollars to buy food,what?I have only 3 dollar,so I gave him 1.5.I was so kind.Yep!I am so happy!



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【家乡的冬天】冬圣洁的象征。当时间老人的脚步跨进冬天时,整个家乡都是纯洁、晶莹的冰雪。瞧,树上如玉兰绽放,屋顶如涂了白漆,道路如明月轻洒。绵绵的柳絮在空中荡游,甜甜的白糖从天而降。啊,整个家乡仿佛跨进了冰川时代,整个心也似乎沉浸到水晶中去了。是啊!假如没有冬,又怎能有 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开这个佳句呢?









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I do not know what time from the beginning every Saturday night orange Chau Tau will be fireworks attracted many residents and tourists.

On a Saturday this year summer vacation eating dinner mom and Dad took several brother and sister and I went to the Orange Isle fireworks. Came to Xiangjiang where people can really multi ah! Eight at night setting off the fireworks start on time. All the fireworks is a riot of colours resplendent with variegated coloration the crowd issued from time to time bursts of applause cheers. Especially the last fireworks it is beautiful.

Eight twenty fireworks over the crowd gradually dispersed we followed the crowd to ones hearts content to go home.



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Autumn is beautiful and charming. She did not spring so colorful, there is no summer as a sun like fire, but not as cold as winter. But she is a mature season, the joy of the season.

Autumn to the days of high clouds, autumn, pleasant scenery.

Autumn came to the field, far from looking, a golden, like a golden sea, a burst of breeze blowing, the field of rice set off layers of rice waves, like the waves on the sea in the roll. Nearly, corn cob stand upright. And her childs corn cob laughed and opened his mouth. Revealing the golden teeth, as if to say: "Thank you, fall".

Autumn came to the orchard, the tree was covered with heavy fruit. The red apple is covered with branches, like a small red lantern, reveals the joy of autumn; golden pears like a golden bell, waves of wind blowing as if in the tree Dangdang ring.

Autumn is joyful and autumn is intoxicated. Do you see the bright smile of the farmers uncle, the cordial words are not the joy of harvest? I think: I should also in this beautiful autumn harvest a labor outcome - good learning, every day up. Achieve excellent results.



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My family has a black and white kitten, it has a pair of big eyes and pointed ears. I gave it a name, called flowers. It is the most favorite fish.

Once again, I came back from school, saw it sleeping at the table, eating, I threw a fish bones to go, flowers came over, eating fish bones, they issued a creak sound, as if to say; "really delicious."

My cat is very cute, I see this cat is very lovable.



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I love small animals, but my favorite is my little cat.

Small cat with a black and white hair, its hair is very smooth, very beautiful. It is round face, relied on a pair of like childlike eyes, a pair of triangular ears up vertical, it is very clever. It also has a long, upwardly rolled tail, four white and sharp claws.

Little cat is like fish. So I often buy fish for it to eat. I remember once, my mother bought a few fish, I put one of the fish head and fish tail to the small cat. I thought: this little cat should be able to eat it! So, I put the other fish on the table not enough time to cover, can not wait to run out of play.

When I came back, I saw the little cat eating the fish with relish, and I thought: ah! I have just gone out to play these fish have not yet covered, and now eat the cat. I just raised my stick and wanted to hit it, the little cat met, ran away, he ran and looked at me with my eyes, and wanted to say, "Little master, I am wrong! Please forgive me!"

I put down the stick, quickly ran to the cat in front, touched its head, gently said to it: "After the may not be so!" Little cat heard, like to understand my words, "meow, meow, Meow "called up.

Small cat cat and mouse is also very powerful. I remember once, I was dedicated to the work in the room. Suddenly, a mouse did not know where to jump out. I "ah!" Called up. Small cat came over and saw the mouse, it quickly went to catch the mouse. After a while, I saw the little cat who had caught the mouse, and he was eating with a jealousy! I walked over and said, "Little cat, you are awesome!

Little cat brings my life to infinite joy, I like it!



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The autumn girl drove the summer heat of the summer heat, and brought the cool autumn.

Autumn girl ran into the orchard with her wand a little, the orchard faction of the scene. Mature grapes like a string of crystal clear agate, looks like a mouth-watering, taste a grape in the mouth of the sweet juice in the mouth aftertaste infinite, really people eat a want to eat the second and third Stars. Orchard in the orchard fire red, like a group of burning fire is burning. I could not help it temptation to take off a red hawthorn taste, sour me. I think this hawthorn is really looking good, but eating is really not delicious ah I can no longer be confused by the appearance of the future. Orchard jujube also one by one hanging on the branches, picked down a large and red dates, a taste of sweet and delicious, sweet and crisp very delicious.

The orchard of the persimmon one by one to the branches bent to the waist, one of the Huang Chengcheng persimmon is like a hanging in the branches of a small lantern. I taste really amazing, it is very sweet taste, like sugar as sweet, very delicious really want to eat one. Pomegranate in the orchard is also cooked, one by one grinned his mouth, inside the fruit is like a piece of ruby. In the mouth of a bite rotten, sweet juice to spray out, sweet and sour, very delicious.

Autumn orchard is really a good harvest season it!



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I have a loving kitten around me. I liked it, my mom and dad liked it too.

Its head flat, a pair of sharp and flexible big eyes, will shine at night, even a small mouse can not escape its vision. There is a sweet mouth, his mouth has four small teeth, a smile will be exposed. Mouth and a beard, used to measure the size of the hole. I gave it a name called "yellow".

One day, I just returned to the door, yellow heard the sound of the door, immediately went to me where I clamor "meow meow" to call, as if to say: "little master, you finally come back, I really want You oh. "When I do not do business, when doing something else,

It is in the "meow meow" barking, as if to remind me to seriously do homework. My kittens brought me a lot of happiness, my good friend, I love my kitten.



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1. 最能让人们在家中就能最先感觉到冬的气息的是窗户上的冰花,有的像森林,富有神秘感;有的像小溪,仿佛在静静流淌;有的像圣诞老人,好像来给人们送礼物冬姑娘真是心灵手巧啊!

2. 集春天的花香,糅取夏日的光辉,掺进秋收的五谷,用快乐做调料,用好运来清蒸,做出一道暖彻你身心的鸡汤,祝你天天好心情,日日不冻结!

3. 他走了不一会儿,从嘴里鼻孔里喷出来的团团热气便凝成了一层层霜花儿,冻结在皮帽四周,恰似一顶银色的头盔戴在他那冻得通红的脸膛上。

4. 只见天地之间白茫茫的一片,雪花纷纷扬扬的从天上飘落下来,四周像拉起了白色的帐篷,大地立刻变得银装素裹。我不禁想起一句诗忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开真美呀!

5. 不过,最能让人们在家中就能最先感觉到冬的气息的是窗户上的冰花,有的像森林,富有神秘感;有的像小溪,仿佛在静静流淌;有的像圣诞老人,好像来给人们送礼物冬姑娘真是心灵手巧啊!

6. 聪明和智慧是两回事。聪明是一种生存的能力;而智慧则是生存的一种境界。世界上聪明人不多,估计十中有一;而智者就更罕见,估计百里无一。现实生活中,不吃亏的是聪明人;而能吃亏的是智者。聪明人知道自己能做什么,而智者明白自己不能做什么。

7. 爱的有多深就有多无助有多绝望

8. 松树苍翠地站在白皑皑的雪地里,随着凛冽的西北风,摇晃着身子,发出尖厉刺耳的呼啸,像是有意在蔑视冬天。

9. 雪中的景色壮丽无比,天地之间浑然一色,只能看见一片银色,好象整个世界都是用银子来装饰而成的。

10. 天气阴沉,满天是厚厚的低低的灰黄色的浊云。东北风呜呜地吼叫,肆虐地在旷野地奔跑,它仿佛握着锐利的刀剑,能刺穿严严实实的皮袄,更别说那暴露在外面的脸皮,被它划了一刀又一刀,疼痛难熬。

11. 我闭上眼,想象冬天的样子。雪花飞舞,同学们都在堆雪人,打雪仗。虽然寒风会窜进我的衣服,但是也因为如此,我能一边吃着热呼呼的火锅,一边喝着暖烘烘的饮料,一边又看着窗外的雪景。着种感觉太美好了,一种多么美的享受呀!比晒阳光浴还舒服得多,比泡热水澡还棒得多。

12. 冬天,一层薄薄的白雪,像巨大的轻软的羊毛毯子,覆盖摘在这广漠的荒原上,闪着寒冷的银光。

13. 太阳在朝霞的迎接中,露出了红彤彤的面庞,霎时,万道金光透过树梢给水面染上了一层胭脂红。

14. 冬天是一位风烛残年的老人,他步伐蹒跚,历尽苍桑,饱受风雪的磨难,但是他依然不改对大自然的爱恋,你看,越冬的麦苗身上,是他盖上的棉被,繁叶落尽的树下,是他执意培上的冬肥,害虫肆虐的田间,是他施上的杀虫剂,他使青松更苍翠,使冬梅更芬芳,使天更高,地更远。人们更坚强,他把自己最好的东西都奉献给了这个世界,对于自己,没有丝毫保留,当春天的脚步逐渐走近的时候,他又是那样断然离去,把希望与祝愿给了新的一年。

15. 冬天来了,北风呼啸,寒风刺骨。树上光秃秃的,小草也鄢了,变成了黄色,人们在寒风中直哆嗦,到处一片荒凉的景象。你一定会说,冬天一点儿也不好,我却不这么认为。

16. 冬天,鹅毛般的大雪纷纷扬扬地飘落下来。地上扑的是雪,厚厚的,软软的;房上落的是雪,白皑皑的,又松又软;树上盖的是雪,积雪把树枝压弯了腰。太阳照在上,发出耀眼的光芒。

17. 冬日的阳光洒在身上,温暖舒服,没有夏季的阳光那么刺眼。像是母亲用手轻轻抚摸着我,温暖充满我的全身。

18. 每当滴水成冰的时候,冬便化做一场纷纷扬扬的雪,去轻轻搂住庄稼,让它们享受隆冬时节的爱抚和温暖。它毫不留情地冻死危害庄稼的害虫,使农作物安心的成长。一旦春意萌动,冬便悄悄地消融自己化为甘泉,无声无息地流入泥土里,让小苗儿尽情允吸。可当春意正浓时,就再也找不到冬的踪迹了。冬天用自己的生命换来了满园春色,它是无私的。

19. 黄昏的雪,深切切的,好象有千丝万缕的情绪似的,又像海水一般汹涌,能够淹没一切,还有一丝揭开藏头露尾般的裸露感。雪花形态万千晶莹透亮,好象出征的战士,披着银色的盔甲,又像是一片片白色的战帆在远航。

20. 太阳的光线比较强烈的时候,也是一天之中最暖和的时候,整个阳光明媚,像似给小城抹上的淡淡的金辉,阳光洒在湖面上,湖上泛起点点金光,为这冬日的湖增添了几分妩媚。

21. 每年的秋天过后,就会迎来冬天!它带来了凛冽的寒风,带来了枯枝凝寒的景象,让我们感觉到了冬天的寒冷!

22. 当黎明的曙色尚未到来的时刻,我感到透骨奇寒,便匆匆跑回宿舍,取件衣服披上。刚烧开的水,一落地就结冰了。到了现在,我们已经根本不知道有多少度,因为温度计已经被冻住了!人们想要说话,就得找一个大布袋接住被冻结的话语;人们想要眨眼,就得使出吃奶的力气拖住眼睫毛,不让冻成米的冰柱弄伤自己的眼睛;现在吃饭就麻烦了,水全部都冻成了冰,还不能用金属制的餐具,因为舌头一沾上金属制的餐具,就根本去不下来了!空气也在慢慢地变成结晶中,吸进去空气容易,可呼出空气就得吐出一块大冰块了!

23. 三九严寒,大地冰封,一股股寒流一步步向我们逼近,这使我们不得不加厚了衣服,更注意保暖了。虽然天非常冷,北风呼啸,寒风刺骨,但仍掩盖不住我们孩子那心里高兴的心情。

24. 看,现在的冬天,干巴巴的冷,风和雪却没有了规律。雪不知道到哪里开小差这样的天气人们还一直叫冷棉衣,棉裤,羽绒服,帽子,围脖,包着晚上还铺电热毯要灌上热水袋本来就不冷还不让寒冷靠近。

25. 经过了严冬,我们都以为寒冷已经过去,谁想春天也会特别冷,甚至比冬天还冷,风吹过,寒气直侵入骨头,然后慢慢地在身体内扩散,好象马上整个人都成了冰块,冷侵如心脾,我的天,血液也凝固了。

26. 策策窗户前,又闻新雪下。

27. 皑皑的雪山,茫茫的雪野,法白的山路,如缎的小河这就是一个雪的世界

28. 冬天来了,天气凉了,人们换上了厚厚的棉衣,可是道路两旁的树却脱掉了绿衣,在凛冽的寒风中,它们像一排排的士兵站着。

29. 冬天来了!冬天来了,也就预示着春天快要到了。冬就好像春的彩排,一切都准备好了的样子河水结冰了,好像是为了春天能解冻;树叶凋落了,好像是为了春天能萌发新芽;动物们冬眠了,好像是为了春天能“重获新生”……看来已经万事俱备,只欠花开了!

30. 做一个淡淡的女子,不浮不躁,不争不抢,不去计较浮华之事,不是不追求,只是不去强求。淡然地过着自己的生活,不要轰轰烈烈,只求安安心心。

31. 白雪纷纷何所似?撒盐空中差可拟。未若柳絮因风起。——谢安的《咏雪联句》

32. 冬天的夜晚,当你卧读书房,请把自己想象成一出出悲剧的主角,在别人的命运起伏中体验一把快乐和哀伤。你会感谢上苍,竟让你躲过一根又一根命运的无情之棒。

33. 冬天,是一个十分美丽的季节。它不像春天那样的温柔,也不像夏天一样火热,更不像秋天一样阳光灿烂,但冬天却是迷人的。

34. 不过,冬天也能给我们带来无限的欢乐和快乐。远远望去那些纯白的雪,就像是给大地披上了一件雪白雪白的大衣。

35. 隆冬到来时,百花即已绝。陈毅《梅》

36. 冬天到了,外边的景色可真美呀!地上铺满了厚厚的白雪,房子和大树都穿上了雪白的冬装,天空变得低矮且苍白,一轮温暖的太阳挂在天边,像一个香喷喷的鸭蛋黄。

37. 初冬的早晨是美丽的。一层薄薄的雾在空中轻盈地飘荡着。行人的欢声笑语,汽车“嘀嘀”的喇叭声交织在这一片朦胧之中。这一切,预示着新一天的开始。当并不太耀眼的阳光照射到山顶上的时候,雾气便像幕布一样徐徐拉开了,大地渐渐显现在冬日的温暖中。如果你仔细观察,那你就会发现,其实冬天也和夏天一样,也是一个善变的季节。早晨还有一丝斜斜的阳光,渐渐地,天空中便会飘起闪着银光的雪花。开始时,雪花依稀可数,隐约难觅,仿佛天上有位神人,漫不经心地撒落了几个细碎的小雪粒。慢慢的,雪粒变成了雪片,像鹅毛似的,轻飘飘慢悠悠地往下落,纷纷扬扬,飘飘洒洒,像天女撒下的玉叶银花。真是“燕山雪花大如席,纷纷吹落轩辕台。”

38. 哈尔滨的冰美,人美,雪更美。下雪的时候,空中的雪花像亭亭玉立的仙女在空中翩翩起舞,又像被风吹落的蒲公英一样飘飘洒洒地落到树上房上,把世界装扮的粉妆玉砌,像童话里的宫殿。落到田野里,就像给田野铺上了厚厚的白地毯。孩子们在雪天是最高兴的,因为他们可以打雪仗堆雪人。

39. 东边天际里一缕阳光斜刺里射了过来,晨雾似乎有些疏松,有些缥缈,渐渐的在移动,夜色积聚的雾,寒冷积聚的霾,在阳光的催促下,极不情愿的渐次的轻轻隐去。

40. 一切变得清晰起来,一切显得明朗起来,那山,那树,那林,那矗立在天地间高高的塔架,那空旷的原野,眼看着就披上了一层朦胧的金黄。



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Whenever I see a lively and lovely goldfish, my mind will emerge out of childhood goldfish scene, it is wearing a golden dress, long with two round eyes.

It was a cold winter, my mother bought me a small goldfish, small goldfish came home, I excitedly went to the fish tank to see it, but it is very afraid, in the fish tank probe, Out of the water, I had to keep it at a certain distance to see it. However, a few days later, I and small goldfish cooked, and small goldfish to see I will shake the tail, like to say hello to me, I will play with it some of it. But the problem again, and gradually, do not know why, little goldfish and ignore me, feeding it, it does not, I asked my mother, but my mother is very esoteric, I do not understand, so I had hope Little goldfish back to the original look like ...

Night, the cold bitter, cold I shiver, then, I thought of my little goldfish, afraid of it frozen, so, from the bed, went to the fish cake and found that small goldfish motionless, eyes also No look, straight hook eyes open, I saw that small goldfish has been frozen, and quickly replaced the ice water into hot water, this time, small goldfish in the water lively jump up, but, like No head flies like left and right hit, I thought it was too excited, and ignored, but also proudly said: "If I had water heat, and small goldfish are now dead!" Then, I back To bed, sleep peacefully.

The next day, I got up early in bed, the front of the scene was shocked - small gold fish raised his head, floating on the water, no breath was gone, I "wow wow" crying, my mother anxious Came, asked, I told my mother last night, my mother heard, smiled: "little fool, little goldfish is in the hibernation A, and goldfish can not live under hot water!" Listen to the words of her mother , I suddenly realized, blushed up.

Although this thing has been a long time, but through this matter, let me understand that the living environment of animals is not free to change, like a small goldfish ... ...



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In winter, the air wave with large snowflakes, not for a moment, then on the ground covered with white snow, people stepped in the thick soft snow, really comfortable ah! The branch also put on the White House jacket, with a string of pearls like ice, in the sun, her tears, with his last time to let people see her shining side. At this time, a few naughty figure on the streets, they wear a thick cotton padded jacket, scarf, hats and gloves, playing in the street. The snowball was flying in the air, and the sound of a child. The people heard the sound of running out, together, enjoying the beautiful scenery, watching the children playing happy scene, laughing and talking, people face exposed happy smile. This is a village - my hometown, how beautiful, harmonious, I love my hometown of winter!

冬天,空中飘舞着鹅毛大雪,不一会儿,地上便铺满了洁白的雪,人们踩在这厚厚的软绵绵的雪上,真舒服啊!树枝也穿上了那白色的棉袄,房屋上结了一串串珍珠似的冰,在太阳的照射下—她流着泪,用自己最后的时光让人们看到她闪闪发光的一面。 这时,街道上出现了几个淘气包的身影,他们穿着厚厚的棉袄,围着围巾,戴着帽子和手套,在街道上玩耍。雪球在空中飞舞着,时不时传来一个孩子的叫声。人们听见这声便跑出来,聚在一起,一边欣赏着美丽的景色,看着孩子们玩耍时快乐的情景,有说有笑,人们的脸上都露出了幸福的笑容。 这是村庄—我的家乡,多么的美丽,和谐,我爱家乡的冬天!



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The wind of autumn is a door. It took it cool and gentle, gently and gently took us into the autumn palace.

The wind of autumn is a little painter. You see, it sprinkled the powder to the dandelion, dandelion really like a parachute, floating Wawa wandering, floated the beauty of autumn. Golden powder is given to the sun flower, the golden petals really like a gold coin. The red is the sorghum, the sorghum put on the red new clothes, in the autumn wind Yaotouhuangnao, shaking non-stop, more than one, how beautiful is it? Like a burning torch!

Autumn wind, hidden very interesting things. Big yan fly south, birds take the new house, as well as chrysanthemum fairy than the United States, leaves the baby to travel, a lot of things are hiding in the wind! Carefully to listen, you will be able to hear.

Autumn wind, blowing a golden assembly number, it tells you, science days to come, the fall to be passed. The turtle indented into the shell, penguin mother weaving a warm bag, the snake is ready to skin ... ... we have to winter.

Autumn of the wind, brought us the joy of autumn, the joy of harvest.



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Snow, really big ah! The ground is a vast expanse of white, snow is still kept under, like a fairy scattered flowers in general. You see that snowflakes, like white clouds, like cotton. It is so white, so bright.

Snow, floating up, see! A piece of white snowflakes, the wind fluttering, swaying like, like goose feathers, like catkins. Snow, really beautiful! Crystal bright, graceful, like a small star landing people, but also like a blossoming six plums wholesome children have fallen.

Snow, like clouds so gentle, such as jade is generally white. Crystal clear snowflakes flying in the sky, the streets covered with snow, the house covered with snow. The whole earth turned into a silver-white world.

Snow, like a round of goose feathers, so that the road becomes white and flat. Look at the trees, covered with layers of snow, people walking in the snow, leaving behind a clear footprints.

Snow, like a grain of sugar beans, they wandered in the air, do not worry landing, as if they can not bear the ice house they live! Snowflakes like smoke as light, jade as clean. There are numerous, from heaven and fall.

Ah! Snow, they are like jade generally clean, like silver white. They are heavenly sent to the little angels, they are sent to the messenger of heaven!



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My favorite little animal is a small white rabbit, because the rabbit looks very cute.

Little white rabbit with white hair, shrink up like a small pompon. It is a pair of red eyes, like embedded in the pomp of the ruby, shiny, very beautiful. Little rabbits ears are particularly long and moving, it is scared to hide in the corner, that is very interesting.

The white rabbits mouth is very, very special, the upper lip, became a veritable "three petals". There is a story of the original white rabbits mouth and other animals. One night, the white rabbit to small fast carrots into the mouth and then into the sweet dreams, greedy little mice came along the fragrance of the room to the small white rabbit, the mouse smell the smell of carrots is From the mouth of the white rabbit came out, little mouse regardless of thirty-seven one on the bite down, the white rabbit pain woke up, touched the lips children, was bitten by a small mouse a small hole, blood " "Flowing. White rabbit shouted: "greedy mouth bad mice, why should my lips?" Mouse said: "Who told you like me greedy miles!" Little rabbit is regret to eat while eating side, so little rabbit The mouth will become the current "three petals".

White rabbit front legs short, hind legs long, it often put the front leg on the chest, hind legs support the "station" where the front legs from time to time the paddling. It took a way to jump, that posted on the buttocks behind the small tail of a stick, a few steps after the bounce will stop, vigilant to look around.

Rabbit is a fun little animal.



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It is cold and dry outside.The wind often blows strongly.The days are shorter and the nights are longer.Many animals go to sleep.They will sleep for a long time till the spring comes.People don’t like to go outside.They have to wear heavy coats,scarves and gloves.But children like to be outside.Because it often snows.There is snow around.There is ice on the ground.Children can throw snowballs,make the snowmen.Oh,look.What a surprise!Do you see?The river is frozen!Here come the boys,there come the girls,they are skating in the river happily.

Oh!Winter comes.It is really an interesting season.It has so much fun!

