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1. 一心想上学,两眼放光辉,三餐争公费,四处挣学费,五毒皆不沾,六亲莫不认,七上八下总担忧,九子登科父母心,十全十美做完人,祝你开学快乐。

2. 学生眼中的您:婚前比婚后亲;课下比课上活;校长比学生熟;假期比开学忙。学而不厌,诲人不倦,桃李芬芳,其乐亦融融。祝福您,节日愉快!

3. 休息了一个暑假,放松了心情,调整了状态,充实了信念。马上就要开学了,愿我的朋友新学期,新气象,更上一层楼!

4. 休息放松是一种幸福,其实为自己理想奋斗更是一种幸福。亲爱的朋友,让我们在新学期努力拼搏,争取属于自己的幸福新乐吧!

5. 雄赳赳,气昂昂,开心上学堂。乐呵呵,笑嘻嘻,见面点头忙。笔刷刷,书哗哗,遨游在海洋。兴冲冲,神爽爽,开启新旅航。惦惦你,念念你,发条短信问候你,开学快乐。

6. 新学期,让我们都加油去超越自己,开心享受青春岁月的绚丽多彩,把每一个日子都串起,编织一条闪亮的珍珠,藏在心灵深处。祝开学日快乐!

7. 谢谢漫长的暑假,让我们充分休息;谢谢轻松的暑假,让我们放松身心;谢谢愉快的暑假,让我们到处旅行。谢谢暑假,开学来了,我要与你说再见,因为充实的学习让我开心,无穷的知识让我兴奋,真诚的友谊沁人心脾。开学日,让我们快乐地迎接吧!

8. 夏天悄悄过去,留下多彩回忆。新的学期就要开始,愿你保持快乐的心情,把烦恼交给知了,把幸福留给自己,去迎接崭新的日子。祝月号开学日快乐!

9. 昨日是烟花,辉煌也陨落;今日是水花,及时把种子播;明日是礼花,一定为你缤纷闪烁。开学了,祝你踩着智慧,挥舞勤奋,看着指引,把成功写进这个学期的年轮。

10. 自爱,使你端庄;自尊,使你高雅;自立,使你自由;自强,使你奋发;自信,使你坚定 ……这一切将使你在成功的道路上遥遥领先。

11. 字,要一个一个认;书,要一页一页的看;人,要一天一天的做;学,要一年一年的上;暑假已过,开学日到,愿你多多努力别泄气,快快乐乐争第一!

12. 暂别好山好水的游玩,告别网络游戏的惊险,挥别成群的辅导班,因为开学啦,嘿嘿别太伤感,这是新的起点,又能见到久别的伙伴,又能品味知识的大餐,又能在老师的循循善诱下坚定信念,拼搏向前,梦想并不遥远,未来在你手中,加油,新的学期,你是最棒的。开学祝福语

13. 在大人眼里,我们是小孩;在小孩眼里,我们是大人;在我们眼里,我们就是我们。带着稚气,带着迷惑,带着自信,带着理想上路吧!开学了,加油!

14. 愿你拥有太阳的热情马刺的坚韧火箭的速度湖人的优雅山猫的灵巧老鹰的敏锐国王的霸气勇士的决心!在新学期取得新突破!

15. 愉快假期,快乐轻松;新的学期,加油奋斗。开学伊始,献上我美好的祝福:祝你学业进步更上一层,生活愉快更进一步!

16. 愉快的暑假即将过去,崭新的学期就要来临,发条短信送给你三心二意。三心:自信心上进心恒心;二意:情意得意;让我们共同扮靓新的学期!

17. 又是一年九月一,度完暑假去学习。勤奋努力不能忘,锻炼身体亦牢记。发条短信祝福你,快乐开心新学期。

18. 又见朋友熟悉的笑脸,又见往日校园的花草,一切都是那么的美好,回到学校的感觉真好,又一个学期开始了,又站在了一个新起点,愿你好好学习天天向上。

19. 有笑有泪,有花有果,这就是人生;有忙有闲,有升有降,这就是学生。寒假过后开学日,收拾收拾启程吧,愿你愉快学习快乐成长!

20. 友谊就像旱地里的清泉,滋润着我们干枯的心田;周末就像温暖的大床,所有的疲惫都可以在梦想中释放!亲爱的朋友,又开学了,好好努力吧。祝开心快乐!

21. 我们的学校真新鲜,校园里花草舞翩翩,可爱的同学敬爱的老师,每个人脸上都笑开颜。新学期快乐!

22. 太阳当空照,鸟儿对你唱:小朋友开学啦 ,你准备好了吗?还不快快背上心爱的小书包,欢欢喜喜上学校!

23. 暑假已经接近尾声了,我们又该踏上学习的征程了,新的学期看见熟悉的同学,心中莫名的多了一种向往……

24. 暑假美了吧,心情爽了吧,开心足了吧,玩乐够了吧,现在开学了吧,该收心了吧,定下目标了吧,认真学习吧,加油努力吧,祝福送你吧,开学日,愿新学期,新气象,学业更上一层楼。

25. 暑假里,河边曾经钓鱼,电脑前可以痴迷;开学了,玩心请你摒弃,懒惰请你收起;拿着拼搏的武器,奋斗的精神要崛起;开学日到,愿你充满力气,展现能力,定要好好学习!

26. 梳理一下假期漂浮散乱的心情,整理一下在狂野中纷乱的思绪,恢复一下在愉悦中迷失的自己,调节一下未来新起点的脚步,轻松地面对寒窗苦读的九月!

27. 收回散漫的玩心,召回学习的悉心,带回假期的开心;驳回慵懒的随心,找回认真的静心,请回书香的甜心,开学了,愿你要回昔日的用心,夺回贪睡的宽心,重回新学期的雄心!

28. 时光转瞬即逝,暑假的生活即将结束,我们又该踏上求学的路,送别了朋友,心中难舍的心情无法用言语表达!

29. 如果说假期是为了放松调整,那么新学期的开始就是拼搏奋斗。亲爱的朋友,愿你“新”装上阵,“心”欣向荣!

30. 人生其实没有“开学”的说法,我们每天都在学习,放假的那是我们的心灵。如今心灵“开学”愿你快乐学习,天天进步!




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Since I go to middle school, I have to learn many subjects. Though I am not

the best student in class, but I won’t give up. I always tell myself to work

hard, because if I want to compete with other students, I need to make great

effort. People are easy to deny themselves when they face difficulty. If they

fail one time, then they will doubt the effort they have made. Actually, we are

not studying in vain. What we learn will be a great help to improve ourselves.

The thing we learn decides what kinds of person we are. So don’t deny yourself,

as you will see the value you have stored before in the future.



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When girls get together, they like gossip. They always talk about the topic of beauty. They will discuss who is the most beautiful girl in school or they will compare the girls and see who is more charming. As the young people, they usually judge people from appearance. The definition of beauty of course is the one who is thinner and has the pretty face. When they ask me which one is more attractive, then I will look at them for a while, because I want to perceive their personality. My view on beauty is not only from appearance as I think most girls have the pretty faces, but also from the inside, only the quality that differentiates them. The pretty faces will fade away anyway, only the quality that helps people to keep charming. So we need to cultivate the good quality.




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What are you going to do when you grow up? When I was a child, people often asked me this question about the ideal. Undoubtedly, every individual, especially a young person, should have an ideal. Hardly can we find any great people we know ideal when they were young.

An ideal is a vital importance to ones growth and success. On the one hand, an ideal is the target of ones life. Once you decide what your ideal is, you know where to go, and which way to take. Otherwise, you might become puzzled in many things in your life. On the other hand, an ideal is like the engine of vehicles. Only when we have our own ideals, can we find the origin of energy and enthusiasm in life, and become active and perseverant. Whatever your ideal is, careful plan and preparation is vital to its realization. Of course, the path from where you are to where you want to get is not always smooth and straight. Therefore, an optimistic, positive mind is indispensable in the process of your persevering your ideal.

In a word, only if you have an ideal, you will have the chance of realizing it.



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my winter holiday pian

the winter holiday ia corning. i’m going to beijing next week. i will go there by piane. my perents are going there with me. we are going to take a trip and visit my aunt. i think we will be happy. 我的寒假计划



January 15th,Sunny

As the winter vacation is drawing near, I have a plan about my vacation. Im going to do what I want to do. Im going to study harder in order to get good grades in the following term. After finishing all my homework, Im going to enjoy myself in the sea of knowledge. Reading must be a good idea. Im going to keep fit at the same time. Ill get up eary in the morning everyday and play sports. I really love sports. Besides that, Eating a balanced diet is also good for my health. Im going to help my mom and dad with the housework as well in the vacation.Ill learn to cook. As for

travelling, Im planning to go to Hainan. But whether going there or not will be decided on the weather.During the vacation,Im going to learn more about history,as Im really poor on it.


I’m very glad to tell you about my winter holiday .It will be both relaxing and meanful . Let me tell you in detail.

First, studying is the most important thing for me, so I have to finish my homework carefully and do lots of exercises everyday .I’ll probably have two or three lessons so that I can make more progress.

Then I should do sports at the same time. Not only because the PE exam in next term, but also for my own health.

Phsics interests me a lot ,and I also like to read some books about it in my free time .At the end of the vacation,maybe I’ll go sighting with some friends and some books to another city .

I think my plan is the best possible one .I’m hopeful the winter holiday will come soon .



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When holiday comes, thousands of people pour into the tourist sites, they want to relax themselves and enjoy the beautiful scenery. But Chinese people have a bad habit, they like to leave some notes on the site, proving them have been here before.

Such a behavior has been criticized by the public, because the leaving note will damage the preservation of the tourist site.

Most of the tourist sites are part of our country’s historical relics, these sites are priceless, it is everyone’s duty to protect the sites.

When we go to travel, we should behave ourselves. First, we need to have the idea that no rubbish being leaved behind when we leave the site. We should take away what we bring, keep the environment clean. Second, no any notes being written in the sites. Though in the old days, Chinese workers like to leave their names on the sites, but now it is a new world, we need to behave ourselves.







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Hello,everyone here.Now,please let me introduce myself to you.I am the only girl in my family. For my own hobbies, I love traveling,listening to music and reading.From these hobbis, you can see,I would like to live a free life.Of course, everyone has some strong points.without myself exception,for instance,both of playing the piano and drawing are my strong points.At present,I am satified with my life. The activities in school are great.My teachers and classmates are friendly to me.For my parents,both of them are managers.They are always busy working.As for my ideas of going abroad to study, I think it is useful and wonderful if we have the chance to do so.I also would like to go abroad to study to improve myself.Thats all.Thank you.



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1、 Today is May, 28, 2007! How time flies! Very quickly 2008BEIJING is coming OLYMPIC GAMES! The friends of all over the world will come to China. Let us meet in BEIJING in 2008!

But we have many problems。The duty is not just for the Chinese governmental Chinese people should do their best to welcome the beginning of BEIJING OLYMPIC GAMES!

the 2008 Beijing Olympic is a chance to let all world to know china, so the Chinese government and all Chinese people hope we this games should be the best one in the history!

“ONE WORLD.ONE DREAM!” this is the belief of 2008 Beijing Olympic games! It’s the game that lets us know each other! It’s also a time to make friends!

That’s all, Thank you!

2、 China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, People started to play a game called Cajun, which is regarded as THE origin of Ancient football. So now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today

with a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Indian and Chinese. Carrying the message “Share the peace, Share the Olympics. “ The flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers Travel the Great Wall and visit Taiwan and the 56 Ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay.

I am afraid I cannot prevent the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us.

Thank you. Thank you all.

3、 China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, People started to play a game called Cajun, which is regarded as the origin of Ancient football. So now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today.

With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Indian and Chinese. Carrying the message “Share the peace, Share the Olympics. “ The flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers Travel the Great Wall and visit Taiwan and the 56 Ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay.

I am afraid I cannot prevent the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us.

Thank you. Thank you all.



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"Time flies, sun and moon flies." A blink of an eye, happy and happy winter passed. And ushered in a new semester, the school opened the door to meet our arrival. I walked with excitement into the school, deserted a winter vacation playground and lively, full of laughter everywhere.

I came to the class, see the class some students in the chat, and some in the extracurricular books, and some in the chase slapstick, very hot! I and a small partner did not meet a winter vacation, and now see again, we all look very happy, happily talked about in the winter vacation occurred in the interesting.

Began to send a new book, we hungry and thirsty to see the story of the book, I found that the language of the words on the book becomes difficult, the number of pages of the text has become more, before the most text only four pages, and now the most Ten and a half. Read the text is also more, read is self-study, this semester we have to learn to learn. The contents of the book of books become dark, and difficult to understand. Science books become more interesting, and more a lot of practical activities, the English book a lot of words I will not read. But it is hard to beat us, as long as we earnestly study hard, we will be able to master this knowledge.

This semester, I must learn, read a lot, write essays, correct their own shortcomings, do a good example of the students.

Then, we have to clean up, we have some blackboard, some sweeping, and mopping the floor, as well as finishing podium, and soon, the classroom changed to very clean.

Its so happy to start school! And can chat with small partners, play, learning.



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27th, September of every year is World Tourism Day.

Of course, it is to advocate people to travel often.

Nowadays, as people’s living standard improve, the number and frequency of people to travel is also increasing. Why? I think it may because of the advantage of travel. First of all, travel can make people relaxed. In today’s competitive society, everyone is under great stress.

They may be crazy if they are in that situation in the long term. Going travel, leaving all the troubles behind for a period of time, people will have a good rest and then fight again. Secondly, travel can broaden people’s vision.

People can learn more through what they see and hear.

This knowledge is good for them. Last but not least, travel can enlarge people’s social circle, because they can make new friends on the way of their trip. In conclusion, travel has so many advantages. It is no wonder that there is a World Tourism Day to encourage everyone to go travel.









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The moment I go to high school, I have made up my mind to study hard. It is

known to all that the period of high school is the turning point of people’s

life, which may decide my future career. So I know the importance of striving

for my future. The reason why I study so hard are various. First, I want my

parents to be proud of me. When my mothers’ friends come to visit her, they

always brag about how excellent their children are, but my mother would never

take me as the topic, because she does not want me to have the pressure. I

appreciate what my mother does to me and really want her to be proud of me.

Second, If I enter a good university, I can have the promising future. It is

time for me to return my parents’ love.



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The happiest memory in my childhood was making snowman with my friends. As

I was a little boy, I always went out with my friends to make snowmen and play

with snow when it snowed heavily. We divided ourselves into several groups, two

or three people in each group. Then, we began to make our own snowman. We used

buttons to be snowmans eyes and carrots for its nose. After making our snowman,

we compared ours with others’ to decide whose snowman is the best. Sometimes, we

wrapped our scarfs around snowmen or put our caps on their head, so as to make

our snowman more beautiful. The last time I making a snowman was when I was in

university. But it snowed rarely these years. Thus, making snowman has become

the long-lost fun for me. How I hope it would be snowy this winter!



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Recently, the Prince Harry announced his engagement with an American

actress. When the media asked him when he decided this girl would be his

lifetime partner, he said the moment when he saw her for the first time. Love at

first sight sounds romantic and many young people believe that the first feeling

about another person is really important, because it always decides whether they

can be couples in the following days. While many old people think love at first

sight doesnt exist, because they need to know the personality, which will

decide the charm of another person. For a relationship, the good first

impression can bring passion and love, but it cant maintain the relationship

for lifetime. The way to get along with each other and the tolerance of both

sides are key factors to decide whether a couple can stay forever.



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Smoking and Health-吸烟与健康

About Internet-关于因特网

The Problem of Food-食品问题

Add Feet-添足

Accompany Us Studying-陪读

Early Rising-早起

My Dream-我的梦想

Going Abroad-出国

Correct Directions-辨明方向

真正的美-True Beauty

读书的价值-The Value of Reading Books

空余时间的利用-Use of Free Time

环境与发展-Development and the Environment



2)转折:however,but,nevertheless,after all

3)总结:finally,at last,in brief,to conclude

4)强调:really,indeed,certainly,surely,above all

5)对比:in the same way, just as, on the other hand


1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。

On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time,they say____.

2. 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。

But I don"t think it is a very good way to solve ____.For example,____.Worst of all,___.

3. ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是……

______is necessary and important to our country"s development and construction. First,______.What"s more, _____.Most important of all,______.

4. 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。

There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can______

5. 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……。一方面……,另一方面,

Confronted with______,we should take a series of effective measures to______. For one thing,______For another,______

6. 早就应该拿出行动了。比如说……,另外……。所有这些方法肯定会……。

It is high time that something was done about it. For example. _____.In addition. _____.All these measures will certainly______.

7. 为什么……?第一个原因是……;第二个原因是……;第三个原因是……。总的来说,……的主要原因是由于……

Why______? The first reason is that ______.The second reason is ______.The third is ______.For all this, the main cause of ______due to ______.

8. 然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它的不利的一面,象……。

However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______also has its own disadvantages, such as ______.

9. 尽管如此,我相信……更有利。

Nonetheless, I believe that ______is more advantageous.

10. 完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下:

I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.


1. 至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为……

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____.

2. 总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……。

In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future.

3. 但是,……和……都有它们各自的优势(好处)。例如,……,而……。然而,把这两者相比较,我更倾向于(喜欢)……

But ______and ______have their own advantages. For example, _____, while_____. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.

4. 就我个人而言,我相信……,因此,我坚信美好的未来正等着我们。因为……

Personally, I believe that_____. Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______.

5. 随着社会的发展,……。因此,迫切需要……。如果每个人都愿为社会贡献自已的一份力量,这个社会将要变得越来越好。

With the development of society, ______.So it"s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.

6. 至于我(对我来说,就我而言),我认为……更合理。只有这样,我们才能……

For my part, I think it reasonable to_____. Only in this way can you _____.

7. 对我来说,我认为有必要……。原因如下:第一,……; 第二,……;最后……但同样重要的是……

In my opinion, I think it necessary to____. The reasons are as follows. First _____.Second ______. Last but not least,______.

8. 在总体上很难说……是好还是坏,因为它在很大程度上取决于……的形势。然而,就我个人而言,我发现……。

It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______. However, from a personal point of view find______.

9. 综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论……

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____.

10. 如果我们不采取有效的方法,就可能控制不了这种趋势,就会出现一些意想不到的不良后果,所以,我们应该做的是……

If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is_____.



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I read the Chinese version of “Camille” a few years ago. At that time I was deeply moved by the main character Marguerite Gautier. “Camille” or “The Lady of the Camellias” by Alexandre Dumas, fils, is the story of Marguerite Gautier, a young courtesan, or kept woman, in Paris in the mid 1800s, and how she falls in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tries to escape from her questionable past. Unfortunately, it comes back to haunt her and she ends up returning to that life and dies painfully and alone, but with the knowledge that she was a noble woman at heart. When I first began to read the book, I did not care for Marguerite or her attitude or lifestyle, but as I got further into the narrative, I realized that her saucy attitude was a front to cover the lonely woman that she really was. She felt used, abused and unloved, until the gentle Armand Duval came into her life and showed her that he loved her as a person and not for what she could do for him. It must have taken great courage for Marguerite to leave the life she had lived for so long, knowing all along that it was probably too good to be true and would not last indefinitely. And it also showed that Marguerite really loved Armand Duval for she could even change herself for him.

However, happiness didn’t last for long. When M. Duval, Armands father, came to her, pleading for her to leave Armand to save both Armands reputation and that of his younger innocent sister, Marguerite saw a way to become pure of heart, if not in body. She felt that it was her duty, because she loved Armand so much, to do this even though it meant giving up her own happiness and hurting Armand temporarily. She reluctantly returned to her former life, knowing that some day Armand would forgive her. Sadly, she died in debt and basically alone, except for her one female friend, Julie Duprat, who helped her during her illness. She had her journal sent to Armand after her death, explaining why she had made the choices she had. I think Dumass last few lines about Marguerite being the exception, not the rule were quite true, and I also agreed with his view that while her lifestyle could not be condoned, we as a society assume that all of these type of women are cold and heartless, while this may not always be the case. A person can make the wrong choices in life when they are young, and try to redeem themselves, but sometimes past situations prevent them from changing their lives, even though they desperately wish to do so. This applies to both men and women in many different types of circumstances: involvement in crime; drug or alcohol abuse; gambling; prostitution; financial problems; poor marriage choices; etc. And this is the fact, which exists in the whole society.

As far as the other characters in the book, I think Marguerite was right in saying that no one truly cared about her, but only wanted something from her, the only exceptions being Armand and Julie Duprat. Of course, the Comte de G. and Comte de N. wanted her body and appearance. The Duke needed to “wake up and smell the coffee” and realize that she could never replace his dead daughter. If he truly cared, he could have helped her leave her lifestyle without “keeping” her himself. And lastly, Prudence was a blood-sucking leech who used Marguerite almost worse than the men. I also think she was jealous of the fact that Marguerite had so much more courage than herself and someone truly loved her.

Last morning, when tiding my bookshelf, I took this book out of the shelf, and a dried flower flew away from the book. It was pale blue, very transparent, with thin fine veins. a dried flower flew away from the book. It was pale blue, very transparent, with thin fine veins. I held it against the morning light and blew on it. The soft breeze carried it away. Camille is just like the camellia, she could never escape from the destiny of withering. But it wasn’t her fault; it’s because of the evil of Capitalism and the hideousness of that society.

Suddenly, I remembered a saying: “Women are like the flowers”. Those pretty women are like those beautiful flowers; their delicate beauty makes people feel they are the miracle of life. However, even the God envies their beauty. It seems that beautiful women always have tragic endings. As we are normal persons, even we can see the hideousness of humanity that results in their fate of withering, we can at most ask quietly in our hearts: Where have those beautiful flowers gone? Where have they gone?
