






全文共 412 字

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dear robert,

im glad to receive your letter. now i will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam. firstly, i will learn to drive. i think driving can be useful.

secondly, i will take some english courses.

thirdly, i will visit some tourist attractions. it must be very exciting. last, i will do some reading in the vacation.

what about you? i hope you can have a pretty vacation.





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Dear Tony

I am very glad to hear from you.How is eveything with you?You ask me about my plan of the winter vocation.I am going to finish my homework as soon as possible so that I can have lots of free time to read more books and help my parents do some housework.I am going to learn how to cook some delicious dishes so that my parents will be happy to enjoy them.I am going to go skating and skiing with my parents because skating and skiing are my favourite winter sports.My parent will take me to visit some interesting places,such as the Summer Palace and the Forbitten City.It will be a lot of fun.I am looking forward to my winter vocation.



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Dear new and old customers


On the occasion of the coming of the new year of 2014, with gratitude, all

the staff of SJ express their sincere wishes and heartfelt thanks to you and

your family for your support and trust in SJ!

Nine years of wind and rain journey, witnessing the growth, progress and

development of SJ. Todays SJ company has developed into a leading enterprise in

Chinas industrial cleaning products industry integrating production,

processing, R & D, distribution and marketing promotion! We are grateful to

the society, which has given us the opportunity and environment for our survival

and development; we are grateful to our customers, which is your support and

cooperation all the time, and timely market information feedback, so that SJ

products have successfully won the consumer group and market in the process of

upgrading. We know well that the development and growth of SJ are inseparable

from your attention, trust, support and participation. We are honored to be able

to form a cooperative partner with respected customers to achieve mutual benefit

and win-win situation and common development. In the future, we will continue to

forge ahead and create higher and sustainable value for you.

Thank you again for your cooperation and trust, and wish you good health!

Happy family! Prosperous career!



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Respected xx of xx

Greetings, I am writing this letter to thank you for your kind understanding of our moderate adjustments to our pricing policies. As you may have already known, the cost of the raw materials necessary to our production has moved up greatly in the last few years, and considering the fact that it is to the interests of both of our companies’ that we maintain a cooperation relationship, we have been by far trying to supprethe rise of product prices as best we can. But with the recent increase of labor cost, it has become impossible for us to leave prices the way they were, and thus the new pricing policy. You have shown great understanding when we announced our new price list, and that is certain to help increase our future cooperation, once again you have my thanks on behalf of the whole company. You are very welcome to continue ordering our products, we look forward to in depth cooperation between our two companies.



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Dear (Bosss Name),

I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title) with (Company Name).

I really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job. The entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. From our discussion,I gained a strong sense of (Company Name)s commitment to their clients and their employees. I also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm.

I feel strongly that I possess the qualities required as a (job title). I believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you. I eagerly anticipate our next meeting. Thank you for considering me for this opportunity.





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Dear Mr. Li


Time flies, time flies. Unconsciously, I have been in the national life

insurance for ten years. After ten years of insurance career, I suddenly

realized the value of life. With gratitude, I would like to eXpress my cordial

greetings and sincere thanks to you! Thank you for your support and help in the

past. Thank you for making me full of confidence and courage in the insurance

industry and enjoy the harvest and joy from it! As the saying goes: "receive

peoples gratitude, when the spring to repay!" What you have given me is a heavy

trust. I understand that only the insurance road has been going on, has been

walking well, is the biggest return to you! Please believe that enthusiasm and

enthusiasm of HongXia will always be by your side. Insurance, as a way of life

arrangement in the future, is being accepted and loved by more and more people.

I am honored to be your life insurance financial consultant and have the

opportunity to serve you! In the past days, because of insurance, we have more

contacts and eXchanges. Your open-minded and wise, understanding and trust, let

me be inspired and grateful. Since I entered the insurance industry, insurance

has made my heart become more broad and integrated, strong and enterprising.

When my heart is frustrated and hit, when I think of the support and trust of

many customers and the eXpectation of my family, I dare not let myself slack off

and continue to move forward bravely in this industry.

Calm and tranquility are the embodiment of life power, which comes from the

inner calm and security. Although life insurance cant resist risks, it can make

people feel sad and soothe the soul, and let the people who love us and those we

love deeply feel a continuous love and responsibility, so that the courage to

live and the vision of creating a new life cant be achieved by other goods and

services. Therefore, I have warned myself more than once that I should never

sell insurance to others because of my love and never say "no" to insurance

easily! I want to go on firmly in the insurance industry, and give more people

satisfaction insurance services! Its the beginning of the year again. Thank you

for giving me the opportunity to learn from you. I also sincerely wish you good

health, smooth work, harmonious family, prosperous business and prosperous

career! For myself, I will continue to learn and forge ahead to become more

substantial and professional, I will continue to provide you with the most

professional, the most perfect, the best quality service! I hope you can

continue to give me more support and help in the future, let me give security to

more people and more families!

China Life Dong HongXia to January 2013



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奶奶的一封A Letter to Grandmother

Dear grandma,

How have you been?

I do not see you for along time. I miss you very much. I am writing to tell you a good news. I did very well in the final exams. I am the No.1 in my class. I worked very hard to prep are he final exames. And finally I didit. I am very exciting. Mom and dad are happy, too. They are proud of me. Besides, the summer holiday comes. I have much free time now. There fore, I want tovisit to you this Saturday. I am looking for ward to seeing you.Loveyou.

Lovely yours,




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Santa Claus:


I was a very bookish fourth grader, and Christmas was coming, so what I

wanted this time: a big pile of books.

I was a smart, reading kid who was consistently in the top ten of my class.

Books were my best friend. Remember once, I ordered the second class did not

carefully look, my mother asked me the content, ask three Do not know. Just for

that one time, my mother let me promise: after all bought a book, must carefully

read, or from now on do not buy a book, until finished reading. So, I look

carefully every time, also tell the content to my mother to listen. Now, I have

finished reading the book is a hill, mother ready to throw, But I think of one

thing: "the book is so good, we can donate to the poor mountain! As expected,

this year, we launched a book donation activity, I did not hesitate to donate 5


Santa Claus, for I love such a book of children, you can send me a book? I

will watch it carefully. Thank you so much!

Wish you a long and healthy life!

Zhang Wan Ting loves reading










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Dear Daughter:


As we drove off from Columbia, I wanted to write a letter to you to tell you all that is on my mind.


First, I want to tell you how proud we are. Getting into Columbia is a real testament of what a great well-rounded student you are. Your academic, artistic, and social skills have truly blossomed in the last few years. Whether it is getting the highest grade in Calculus, completing your elegant fashion design, successfully selling your painted running shoes, or becoming one of the top orators in Model United Nations, you have become a talented and accomplished young woman. You should be as proud of yourself as we are.


I will always remember the first moment I held you in my arms. I felt a tingling sensation that directly touched my heart. It was an intoxicating feeling I will always have. It must be that "father-daughter connection" which will bind us for life. I will always remember singing you lullaby while I rocked you to sleep. When I put you down, it was always with both relief (she finally fell asleep!) and regret (wishing I could hold you longer). And I will always remember taking you to the playground, and watching you having so much fun. You were so cute and adorable, and that is why everybody loved you so.


You have been a great kid ever since you were born, always quiet, empathetic, attentive, and well-mannered. You were three when we built our house. I remember you quietly followed us every weekend for more than ten hours a day to get building supplies. You put up with that boring period without a fuss, happily ate hamburgers every meal in the car, sang with Barney until you fell asleep. When you went to Sunday Chinese school, you studied hard even though it was no fun for you. I cannot believe how lucky we are as parents to have a daughter like you.


You have been an excellent elder sister. Even though you two had your share of fights, the last few years you have become best friends. Your sister loves you so much, and she loves to make you laugh. She looks up to you, and sees you as her role model. As you saw when we departed, she misses you so much. And I know that you miss her just as much. There is nothing like family, and other than your parents, your sister is the one person who you can trust and confide in. She will be the one to take care of you, and the one you must take care of. There is nothing we wish more than that your sisterhood will continue to bond as you grow older, and that you will take care of each other throughout your lives. For the next four years, do have a short video chat with her every few days, and do email her when you have a chance.


College will be the most important years in your life. It is in college that you will truly discover what learning is about. You often question "what good is this course". I encourage you to be inquisitive, but I also want to tell you: "Education is what you have left after all that is taught is forgotten." What I mean by that is the materials taught isnt as important as you gaining the ability to learn a new subject, and the ability to analyze a new problem. That is really what learning in college is about – this will be the period where you go from teacher-taught to master-inspired, after which you must become self-learner. So do take each subject seriously, and even if what you learn isnt critical for your life, the skills of learning will be something you cherish forever.

大学将是你人生最重要的时光,在大学里你会发现学习的真谛。你以前经常会问到 “这个课程有什么用”,这是个好问题,但是我希望你理解:“教育的真谛就是当你忘记一切所学到的东西之后所剩下的东西。”我的意思是,最重要的不是你学到的具体的知识,而是你学习新事物和解决新问题的能力。这才是大学学习的真正意义——这将是你从被动学习转向自主学习的阶段,之后你会变成一个很好的自学者。所以,即便你所学的不是生活里所急需的,也要认真看待大学里的每一门功课,就算学习的技能你会忘记,学习的能力是你将受用终身的。

Do not fall into the trap of dogma. There is no single simple answer to any question. Remember during your high school debate class, I always asked you to take on the side that you dont believe in? I did that for a reason -- things rarely "black and white", and there are always many ways to look at a problem. You will become a better problem solver if you recognized that. This is called "critical thinking", and it is the most important thinking skill you need for your life. This also means you need to become tolerant and supportive of others. I will always remember when I went to my Ph.D. advisor and proposed a new thesis topic. He said "I dont agree with you, but Ill support you." After the years, I have learned this isnt just flexibility, it is encouragement of critical thinking, and an empowering style of leadership, and it has become a part of me. I hope it will become a part of you too.


Follow your passion in college. Take courses you think you will enjoy. Dont be trapped in what others think or say. Steve Jobs says when you are in college, your passion will create many dots, and later in your life you will connect them. In his great speech given at Stanford commencement, he gave the great example where he took calligraphy, and a decade later, it became the basis of the beautiful Macintosh fonts, which later ignited desktop publishing, and brought wonderful tools like Microsoft Word to our lives. His expedition into calligraphy was a dot, and the Macintosh became the connecting line. So dont worry too much about what job you will have, and dont be too utilitarian, and if you like Japanese or Korean, go for it, even if your dad thinks "its not useful" : ) Enjoy picking your dots, and be assured one day you will find your calling, and connect a beautiful curve through the dots.


Do your best in classes, but dont let pressure get to you. Your mother and I have no expectations for your grades. If you graduate and learn something in your four years, we would feel happy. Your Columbia degree will take you far, even if you dont graduate with honors. So please dont give yourself pressure. During your last few months in high school, you were so happy because there was little pressure and college applications are finished. But in the past few weeks, we saw you are beginning to worry (did you know you bite your nails when you are nervous?). Please dont be worried. The only thing that matters is that you learned. The only metric you should use is that you tried. Grades are just silly letters that give the vain people something to brag, and the lazy people something to fear. You are too good to be either.


Most importantly, make friends and be happy. College friends are often the best in life, because during college you are closer to them physically than to your family. Also, going through independence and adulthood is a natural bonding experience. Pick a few friends and become really close to them – pick the ones who are genuine and sincere to you. Dont worry about their hobbies, grades, looks, or even personalities. You have developed some real friendships in high school in your last two years, so trust your instinct, and make new friends. You are a genuine and sincere person – anyone would enjoy being your friend, so be confident, outgoing, and pro-active. If you think you like someone, tell her. You have very little to lose. Give people the benefit of the doubt; dont stereotype and be forgiving. People are not perfect, so as long as they are genuine and sincere, trust them and be good to them. They will give back. This is my secret of success – that I am genuine with people and trust them (unless they do something to lose my trust). Some people tell me that occasionally I would be taken advantage of. They are right, but I can tell you that that loss is nothing compared to what I gained. In my last 18 years leading people, I have realized that only one thing matters – to gain the trust and respect of others, and to do so, you need to trust and respect others first. Whether it is for management, work, or friendship, this is something you should ponder.


Do keep your high school friends, and stay connected to them, but do not use them as substitutes for college friendship, and do not spend too much time with them, because that would eat into your time to make new friends.


Start planning for your summers early – what would you like to do? Where would you like to live? What would you like to learn? What have you learned in college that might change your mind? I think your plan of studying fashion is good, and you should decide where you want to be, and get into the right courses. We of course hope you come back to Beijing, but you should go where you think is best for you.


Whether it is summer-planning, or coursework planning, or picking a major, or managing your time, you should take control of your life. In the past, I have helped you quite a bit, whether it is in college application, designing your extracurricular activities, or picking the initial coursework. I will always be there for you, but the time has come for you to be in the drivers seat – this is your life, and you need to be in control. I will always remember the exhilarating feeling in my life – that I got to decide to skip kindergarten, that I got to decide to change to computer science major, that I got to decide to leave academia for Apple, that I got to decide to go to China, that I got to decide to go to Google, and most recently, that I got to decide to start my own business. Being able to decide means you get to live the life that you want to. Life is too short to live the life others do or others want you. Being in control feels great. Try it, and youll love it!


I told your mom Im writing this letter, and asked what she wanted me to say. She thought and said: "just ask her to take care of herself." Simple but deeply caring – that is how your mother is, and that is why you love her so much. In this simple sentence is her hope that you will become independent in the way you take care of yourself – that you will remember to take your medicine, that you will get enough sleep, that you will have a balanced diet, that you will get some exercise, and that you will go see a doctor whenever you dont feel good. An ancient Chinese proverb says that the most important thing to be nice to your parents is to take care of yourself. This is because your parents love you so much, and that if you are well, they will have comfort. You will understand this one day when you become a mother. But in the meantime, please listen to your mother and take care of yourself.


College is the four years where you have:

•the greatest amount of free time


•the first chance to be independent


•the most flexibility to change


•the lowest risk for making mistakes


So please treasure your college years – make the best of your free time, become an independent thinker in control of your destiny, evolve yourself into a bi-cultural talent, be bold to experiment, learn and grow through your successes and challenges.


When I faced the greatest challenge and opportunity in my life in 2005, you gave me a big hug and said "bonne chance", which means "good luck" and "good courage". Now I do the same for you. Bonne chance, my angel and princess. May Columbia become the happiest four years in your life, and may you blossom into just what you dream to be.

当我在2005年面对人生最大的挑战时,你给了我大大的拥抱,还跟我说了一句法语“bonne chance”。这句话代表“祝你勇敢,祝你好运!”现在,我也想跟你说同样的话,bonne chance,我的天使和公主,希望哥伦比亚成为你一生中最快乐的四年,希望你成为你梦想成为的人!



Dad (& Mom)




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Self-recommendation letter

Specimen letter

Dear Mr. Moore,

I wish to apply for the position as waiter mentioned in your advertisement in the local newspaper of May 8. I believe that both my working experience and personal character will prove qualified to your position.

I am at present a fourth- year college student. In order to pay for my expensive tuition, I have taken up different part –time jobs up to now, and one of them was as a waiter in a three-star restaurant for four months. Therefore, I am very familiar with the requirements of the job as waiter. Moreover, I myself like the job very much and I think my personality is well suited to working as a waiter. I am a very friendly person who can quickly establish rapport with people of all age. In fact, my former boss was surprised at both my incredible stamina and efficiency in dealing with customers’ orders.

My resume is enclosed, but I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience. You may reach me at this number **********after 7:pm any day. Thank you for your consideration of my application.

Yours faithfully




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dear xiaoming,

i’m so excited about my trip to xining. now i am writing to ask you for help. can you answer my questions? thanks!

first, what is the weather like in your city? does it snow a lot in winter? i need to have the right kinds of clothes and shoes. next, what kind of food do you ususally have in your family? finally, what festival do you have during my stay in xining? i will arrive on dec. 28 and leave on feb. 26. i hope there are more interesting things to do together with your family.

looking forward to hearing from you.




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dear personnel officers:

i am wumei, a junior in sichuan teacher university. i major in english and minor in japanese. i am writing to inquire the position you offered in the advertisement. here are my qualifications that prompt me to make application now.

as an english major, i have obtained skillful english writing ability and rich experience in dealing with the work requires knowledge about english background.

my interest in computer also has prompted me to forward my resume for your review. at present, i am working for the web site of shop.renren.com and in charge of the bbs program.

i am confident that i will make a successful addition to your program.

i am available if you dial the number: 13011819794.

yours sincerely,




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Dear mother

I have been good at school. I often think of you when I go to bed because we always go for a walk before go to bed at home. So I miss you everyday. Do you miss me? Why don’t you call me? I’ve got a lot of things to tell you. One of the things is about foreign teacher’s daughter. Her name’s Skyler. She lives in Canada. She comes to our class to learn Chinese and English with me in my class. This afternoon when it was art and craft class our class were cleaning the gymnasium. And she did it with us too. So I usually talk to her when she doesn’t know what to do? But when the class is over I always haven’t got enough time to talk to her. And I usually can’t find her. So we don’t have time to introduce to each other. But it is the first time that I have a foreign student. So I’m very happy! Mum you often tell me “If you are happy I’ll be happy too.” So you have to be happy because I’m happy! I like you when you are happy! In the end I wish you everything is just fine!




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dear linda,

welcome to our school for a visit. i am very glad to tell you how to get to our school. here is the route. when you walk out of the station, please turn left, walk ahead and pass a crossing. you should walk ahead till the first traffic light and turn right. then you will find a park on your left side. walk aling the street and pass the park. then you will see a bank. opposite the bank is a narrow lane. just go into the lane and walk about 100 meters, and you are sure to get to our school gate, at which the board reads no. 1 middle school in both chinese and english.


li ming



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Dear customers:

in the new year, Zhuozhan customer service wishes you everything in 20_,

your career is booming, your family is happy, and you are successful! At the

same time, we also thank you for your tolerance, concern and support for our

work in 20_x!

From today on, Zhuozhan shopping center will welcome you with brand-new

appearance and high-quality service. You are welcome to visit our shop often. In

the next 20_ years and the days after that, we will do better and better. I

believe we can serve you well with our sincerity.

Wish: happy life! good health! Work well!

Zhuozhan customer service staff, thank you!



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Dear Bob,

I’m sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday

afternoon. I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting

that afternoon. I hope the change will not cause you too much


Shall we go on Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we’ll

have more time to read and select books. If it’s convenient for you, let’s meet

at 8:30 outside the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I

should be available any time after school next week.


Li Hua


Dear Shelley,

I’m writing to apologize for not watering your jasmine, which caused

its death, while you were away.Now let me explain what

happened to me and my family.

I was so busy preparing for the coming exam that I had no time for

other things. What’s more, my mother had her ankle

injured while she was walking, so I had to take good care of her, who stayed at

home alone. That was why I failed to water your favorite plant. I would like to

buy a new one as a compensation for your loss. Please forgive me.

I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies.


Li Hua



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·风若停了云要怎么飞 你要走了我要怎么睡 心若破了你要怎么赔


·Ill always call you “SWEETHEART”, because youll always be the dearest, most important person in the entire world to me.

·You mean so much and I need you so, your love gives me the greatest joy Ill ever know. Ill take a lifetime to show how

much I love you.

·Every look…every kiss…every touch… I fall in love with you all over again.

·The things you do, the joy you bring, the loveliness you show just make you special and such a joy to know!

·You are always on my mind, I miss you

·You are in my thoughts every minute of the day, in my dreams every hour of the night.

·I Love You more than “Love”

·Your kind and loving way, the thoughtful things you do and say, every gentle smile, make my life worthwhile.

·Everythings better whenever I know that youre there somewhere in my life. I Love You

·Sometimes i have trouble expressing myself, but i want you to know i love you.

·I love you for all the wonderful things you are--and for the happiness we share.

·I still havent found anything sweeter than you!

·A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.

·Love is smiling on the inside and out.

·Think of me sometimes while mountain and ocean divide us, but they never will, unless you wish it.

·Do You Really Know How Much You Mean to Me?

·Love is a moment that lasts forever...

·I was just thinking of you.

·The Moon Sees Me Missing You

·Youre everything to me.

·Lets make this weekend a great one.

·Things just arent quite as fun without you.

·Real love stories never have endings.



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Dear teacher:

Hello, time flies, time Rusuo, imperceptibly, and to welcome the new years day. Looking through the day, in your care and teaching, I grew up a one year old. The little things bit by bit, show in my mind. We have classes, read, do you always, always with us in the together. No matter what the weather is like, you are always early in the classroom waiting for us to go to class. How many day and night, you also for correcting our homework a light. Whenever I see a book on the red mark, you also gratified smile. I desperately germination, you have white hair. The teacher for we pay too much, saying good-bye to a batch after batch of students, his hair became infected with wind and frost. The new year is approaching, the students to give you deep blessing: I wish the teachers good health, good luck in everything.

Your students ---Wolverine



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I have not written to you for at least twelve years. I did not expect to

write to you about such a thing in the third year after your son went to


Have you any idea how I felt after I answered the phone from dad this

evening? I didnt expect that you should be angry with your son for such a thing

and make the whole family uneasy.

I called you last Saturday, you said your cell phone will be out of

service, I said mom, I will give you a few days to pay the phone fee. Although

you said no, I still insist that I will pay for you in a few days. Actually,

this matter son is to have a fault, did not pay mobile phone fee for you

immediately. That morning we just finished invigilating a Chinese exam, there

was no invigilation in the afternoon, so I accompanied your daughter-in-law to

go shopping. True, there were a lot of mobile offices on the road, but I just

didnt stop. Not intentionally, but the son really forgot, really forgot to pay

for you. Maybe because we havent come out for a long time, we havent come out

from the 15th day of the first lunar month to last Saturday, because the weather

is bad, it always rains, and most importantly, we dont have much time. As a

matter of fact, you know your son is busy with his work. Your son is leading the

graduating class for the first time this year. He has two Chinese classes and a

head teacher. Your daughter-in-law is taking two classes in English. The most

important thing is that your daughter-in-law has been pregnant for four months.

You all know that. Because there are only 80 days to go before the college

entrance examination, and our school did not do well in the second simulation

exam, the class your son teaches only scored medium in this exam, the class

teacher and teacher who did poorly in this exam will write a review, and the

principal will personally hold a teacher symposium for your class. Your son is a

young man who just started to work. I think highly of this job. You have also

taught your son to be a success, and your son is working hard in this direction.

Dont I work so hard just to argue for you?

I just mentioned that your daughter-in-law is four months pregnant, so now

she is the key object of protection in our family. In the family where I work,

there are only two of us living and everything in the family is left to me. If I

dont buy food for a day, I have no food for a day. No matter when I come home

at noon every day, I always have to cook at home, and no matter what time I come

home every night, I have to cook dinner. No matter how tired your son is, the

POTS and bowls are always washed by your son. Mom, my son is so tired.

The pressure from work has made my son a little out of breath. Really,

every morning at 6:30 am to the class to guard the students morning reading, I

take Chinese class, Monday on Friday there is also a language morning reading,

also asked to sit in the class, the middle should guard the students on 9:50 to

10:20 small self-study, generally from 6:30 am to work to 11 o clock can go

home from work. Sometimes I have my fourth class and I get home at twelve o

clock sharp. But still silently suffer. After having lunch at noon, my son will

come to the class at about one o clock to watch over the students for their

lunch break. In the afternoon also asked to sit, of course, there are afternoon

classes, the son still have to go.

Sometimes go home after school is 5:35, at six o clock or so will be to

the class to watch the students late practice, and night self-study, night back

home is 11:00 more, mother, son very tired.

Mom, I think very selfishly, I dont want to grow up, because when I was a

child, you will take care of me, I dont have to worry about food and clothing.

I did not expect to grow up so much trouble, so much pressure. Life a lot of

things to me, all the ups and downs to fall on the shoulders of my a person,

mother ah, my favorite mom, son grew up, the son is responsible for the society

and school family give me, but the son, after all, or the son, your son, after

all, only 27 years old, 27 of how I felt as a child, although I have a family,

as the RenFu, soon as parents, but I always so young shoulders pressure big,

mother, son, really very tired very tired.

Mom, your son is a man. How can he tell anyone these words? Even your

daughter-in-law sometimes doesnt feel the pressure of your son. Mother, how I

want to sit down, sit on your side to and you happy talk, son want to let you

listen to not know more, want you also to share the sons a little bit more,

but, son always too busy to go home during the Spring Festival is just eat a

meal, and busy with relatives happy New Year, what time to sit down and talk to

you? Mother, my good mother, your son and you have many times in the dream chat,

your son and you are the most conversable ah, I remember when I was a child in

your side, but I told you everything. Remember the second day, the son of a girl

for you and write a love letter to the photos, your son is told the others write

love letter things to you, later, or you help the idea of rejected this door

"good thing", there are a lot of things son was willing to share with you, oh,

mother, as time goes by slowly, your son is also grew up in slowly. By the

original at your side, then went to college in xinxiang, then went to college in

xinyang, to the present work, gradually away from you, the son of you always not

in your side, although a week is also a two telephone, although every time is 20

minutes of talk time, but you still cant share all your son, gradually, mom,

you have misunderstood your son.

Son really wanted to give you money, but is in this Wednesday, because I

change a day of the examination paper on Sunday, the Sunday afternoon to

supervise, and on Sunday night self-study, that one day, your son at the end of

the volume change is very sick, because 170 Chinese papers, want to change down

in most, it is not easy, on Monday, the time you have two classes in the

morning, the son of, to do morning reading and research meeting to be held in

the afternoon, on Monday night I have night self-study, is four lessons on

Tuesday, Wednesday, when I said go to pay the phone bill for you, but this time

your phone has been through. I called you several times last night to tell you

about this, and finally got your call around eight o clock. I explained a lot

to you at that time, just in case you were angry. I didnt expect that my father

called me tonight and said that you were really angry and furious. Mom, my son

is really sad. I didnt expect you to be like this because of something like

this. After all, I am a piece of your flesh, mother, and you must not

misunderstand your son. Your son, who has always loved you dearly.

I love you, Mom.



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to whom it may concern:

ive been ×××s manager at ××× engineering for almost four years. it was my pleasure to promote × to mechanical engineer last year, because he consistently meets and often exceeds his job requirements.

× is an enthusiastic, dedicated employee with reliable work

habits. he often does not need guidance or supervision, but willingly accepts it when offered. he is consistently successful in improving his skills, and he works hard to do so.

× is always willing to pitch in to help the team, and he gets the job done right the first time. he is efficient in planning




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Dear Miss Zhu,

How time flies! It has been a few years since I left high school, but I still remember you in my heart, because you’re the best teacher in my mind. It’s not only because you taught me knowledge, but also you taught me how to study. I have really benefitted a lot from you. So I would like to express my great thanks to you, and share my life in college with you.

Now I’m studying in Hunan First Normal College, which is Chairman Mao’s former school. I major in English, because I find it so fun and interesting. As far as I’m concerned, our English Department is the best department in our college. The teachers in our department are knowledgeable, experienced, and warm-hearted. And my classmates are nice, friendly and helpful. Thus, I have a good atmosphere to study. When I have difficulties in study, I always ask my teachers for help or discuss with my classmates. Through their help, I have made great progress in my English study.

College life is much different from high school life. In college, we should acquire knowledge as well as improve our integrated abilities. There are a lot of English classes for us to learn, such as Basic English, Oral English, Listening, Reading, Writing, Translation, Grammar, English Literature, and so on. I enjoy these classes very much. Except English, we have many other subjects to learn. Life seems so busy here but it’s so fruitful for me.

After class, I usually go to the English Corner. There I can practice my oral English by talking with foreigners or chatting with my schoolmates. Now, I’m able to communicate with foreigners well. Sometimes I also take part in some social activities. For instance, last weekend I attended an interesting play. As it was my first performance, I felt a little nervous at the beginning. But when I appeared on the stage, I made every audience laugh happily. I was so proud of myself at that moment, because this was my first achievement.

What about your present life? I hope to hear from you soon.

At last, I hope everything goes well with you. Please give my best regards to your family.

Sincerely yours,









