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Cold winter quietly came to earth.

In the morning, I went out of school to go to school, a cold wind blowing, frozen me shivering. On the way to school, I saw the small companions who went to school, although all wearing a bloated cotton, but still frozen his neck, hurry to walk.

Afternoon, gloomy sky suddenly floating in the numerous, fluttering snow. They are walking together, walking, dancing, so leisurely! See this wonderful scene, I can not help but went to the outdoors, reaching out, to pick up that white flawless snowflakes. I think: this delicate six snow from whom the skilled? Who is flying them in the sky? Ah, I suddenly understand that this is a masterpiece of nature, is the nature of human love condensation!

Snow gently kissed me, sprinkled on the face, dripping, falling into the neck, Ma crisp, really enchanted! Snow has been underground non-stop, as if to tell people: it most want to come to earth, in the earth Leaving the white traces of the body, so that trees enjoy the life of Oasis. They are as bright as spring flowers, like the summer butterflies as flying, like autumn leaves as chic.

Soon, a thin layer of snow, like a huge, gentle wool blanket, covering the whole earth. This is the first snow after the winter, although not very large, but to the earth and human beings brought vitality.

I love the magnificent scenery of the winter, I love this more natural wizard - snow.



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2、青 春宣誓仪式上,我们举起右拳,我们说,即使在追梦的路上有过彷徨,即使在成长的路上有过迷惘,我们依然坚持于人生不变的追求,我们依然相信前方就有光明, 我们在今天脚踏实地一步一步,明天我们勇敢地抬起头,对着头上那片璀璨的星空高喊一声:“青春,我们无悔!”我们要一起迈向那成功的大门。

3、因为青春,我们用力深呼吸,用力作梦;因为青春,我们约定制造共同的回忆,镶在青春纪念册;因为青春,我们不忘怀旧,不忘《朋友》,不忘《同 桌的你》在青春的长河里,尽情的放歌。在求的海洋里领航,在生活的天空中翱翔,在人生的道路上畅佯,感受多彩的生命,编织人生的梦想。同时青春的长河也流 淌着年少的轻狂,充满着风雨坎坷

4、所以我们应充分谨慎地利用青春时代的每一分每一秒,不虚掷光阴。不要让青春在金庸的刀光剑影中旋转苍老……我们也应坚信,青春的步伐不会因 困难而止,青春的旋律更不会因风雨而阻挠。青春也只不过是一胡春水,有时风平浪静,闲适怡人,有时会激流澎湃,卷起千堆雪,我们不能在迷茫中消亡,不应在 悲欢中自沉,也不应沉醉于鸟语花香。





























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The winter is coming, the weather is getting cold. After the second day of the afternoon, we all pleasantly surprised to find the rain! The rain outside the window da da da da hit the window, the outside of the ground has accumulated a small puddle, the rain into a small puddle to form a A small ripples, to the surrounding waves open to go. I can not wait to open the window, a cold wind blowing, I stretched out his hands, thin rain hit my hand, slightly hurt.

Afternoon after school and Luo Shu Tong, Yang Ruoxin went to Xu Baihui home rehearsal English drama, out of the school I found that when the rain than the second class after the larger and dense, the rain is like a shell On our umbrella, the rain fell into the puddle and burst into a transparent, round and small blister. Roadside trees on the leaves have many raindrops down, then the temperature is lower, and to Xu Baihui home I feel almost frozen ears.

Night my father to pick me home, on the road I think the rain seemed a little bit a little, but still very close. The lights were raindrops, and they fell like a root from the sky. The way people riding a bike umbrella, bow quickly ran home to go.

Now the night has been deep, the rain is still under the rhythm of the next. The earth quietly, only to hear the rain hit the window on the drop of da da sound. Old people often say: "rain hit the ground under the snow." Tomorrow it will be under the snow, right? We can snowball, snowman.



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1. 踏着青春的气息,我们告别了年少的懵懂,踩着那斑斑驳驳的快乐、幸福与莫名的忧伤,带着家人老师的无限期盼,我们在青春的征途上渐渐成长。

2. 校园内,教室里,课桌前,我们挥洒青春的汗水。在这些缤纷的岁月里,我们收获了友谊,收获了欢乐,甚至还有一点朦胧的失意。在友谊的阳光下,我们并肩成长。

3. 青春时代,是人生黄金期。它充满朝气,充满活力,它使人充满着渴望和探索精神。“自古英雄出少年”,青年时代是英雄辈出的时代。青年朋友们,珍惜这美好的青春年华吧!把握时机,奋勇前进,为创造美好世界,作出自己的贡献。

4. 传说:摩天轮的每个格子里都装满了幸福,当我们仰望摩天轮时,就是在仰望幸福!而青春就是传说中的摩天轮,随着摩天轮一圈圈地转动,青春的花蕾也随之悄然绽放、悄然成长,伴着那无言的幸福溢满我们的心房。

5. 青春,一个多么美妙的字眼啊!青春,是我们所共同拥有的,而它又是看不见、摸不着的。转眼之间,美好的青春时光已一点一滴逝去,未曾留下任何能让人捕捉得到的痕迹,只幻化为那一幕幕永恒的回忆!

6. 青春的脚步行去流水,生活的道路靠我们自己去探求。莫叹息,莫停止,要思考,要奋斗,趁风华正茂,莫让年华付流水。

7. 我不想用华丽的词藻去描写青春,也不会用多彩的画笔描绘青春。但青春是人生中最美丽的一道风景,是一生中最真切的回忆。青春一定是像五月的朝阳,充满活力;也一定像破土的新芽,充满生机,更像欢腾的小溪,流淌着我们的欢乐。青春是炽热的火炬,青春是璀璨的夜空,在青春漫长的季节里,我们一直努力地向前奔跑。

8. 把握青春,就是在青春的世界里,沙粒变成珍珠,把石头化作为黄金,让枯枝展示出新的生活,沙漠也会变成一片又一片的树林……

9. 为世界进文明,为人类造幸福,以青春之我,创建青春之家庭,青春之国家,青春之民族,青春之人类,青春之地球,青春之宇宙,资以乐其无涯之生。

10. 青春的我们,拥有积极进取的心;青春的我们,拥有无限美好的未来。听,青春的乐章在为我们奏响;看,青春的华尔兹在为我们伴舞……

11. 青春,是一个多么美好而又富有诗意的字眼!有人把她比作初生的太阳;有人把她比作带露的鲜花;有人则把她比作世界上最有魅力的东西——黄金!所以人们就说:青春年少是人生是黄金时代。

12. 牢牢把握住青春,青春宛如一棵小树,我们要让这棵小树长成参天大树,这样我们才会有一个完美、快乐的人生。

13. 岁月仓促,然而青春的理想却不会因此而消褪,我们背负着对青春的承诺,一直都不曾停止脚步。风可以把一切都沉淀不见,却永远不能磨灭青春追梦的心。

14. 青春是多彩的,它有着充满绿意茵茵的温馨,却不能多得可以大把挥撒,“黑发不知勤学早,白首方恨读书迟”,青春必须珍惜岁月。浪费岁月的青春,就像秋天的一片落叶,无丝毫生机;失去青春的岁月,就像是一条干涸的小溪,永远也无法唱响奔向大海的恋歌。

15. 青春花季,每个人都是主角。年少轻狂,我们难免犯错。然而,青春给予我们最大的权利就是可以犯错。青春的乐园,我们要尽情地奔跑,不会怕跌倒,更无需怕受伤。从哪里跌倒,就在哪里把伤口抚平。

16. 青春,是一个充满朝气的时节,是一个不断犯错又不断改正的时节,是一个敢闯荡、敢承担的时节,是一首无悔的赞歌!

17. 把握青春,就是将这份美丽献给伟大的世界,这样才会无限延长,才能体现出它宝贵的价值。

18. 花开花谢,日出日落,时间印证了青春的足迹。我们是青春的花朵,要用最艳丽的颜色展现自己,要在这张扬的岁月里刻下最难忘的时光。在以后的回忆里,我们可以笑着去品味那真挚的点点滴滴,我们可以大声地说,青春真好

19. 在这煽情的五月里,青春的脚步轻快愉悦。那些展翅翱翔的小鸟,即使没有目的也可以自由自在的呼吸这令人陶醉的空气。花季青春,我们应该像鸟儿一样飞得更高,飞得更远。

20. 这时候的我们,爱追逐灿烂的太阳;爱探索大自然的奥秘;爱幻想外星人和飞碟的神奇;爱金庸、三毛的着作;但我们更爱憧憬明天,更爱向往未来。年轻的我们,心中都藏着一个玫瑰色的梦;年轻的我们都学会潇洒地走,给青春留下一壮丽的日出。



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We have a good English teacher。His name is Bruce。 He comes from Britain, about forty years old。 He is tall and thin。 Wearing a pair of glasses makes him more gentlemen。He is strict with us。 He often makes full preparations for his class and corrects our homework carefully。 His teaching style is very unique, because he is used to encouraging all of us to think by ourselves and study on our own。 The relationship between Bruce and us is harmonious。 He is so kind and friendly that every student likes him and respects him deeply。 Our teacher is so excellent that we all love him very much。

我们有一个很好的英语老师,他的名字叫Bmce。他来自英国,大约40岁。他是一个又高又瘦的人,戴着一副眼镜,这使他显得更有绅士风度。 他总是严格要求我们。他经常认真备课,认真为我们批改作业。他的教学风格很是与众不同,这是由于他总是习惯鼓励学生努力思考,并且培养我们的自学能力。我们之间的关系很融洽。他对人和蔼可亲,所以深受我们的爱戴和尊敬。 我们的老师很出色,我们都很喜欢他。



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My grandmother is a kind-heart granny who is popular among my neighbors.

She takes a walk outside every day, so she is familiar with many people. She is so experienced in looking after babies, so some young mothers who have problems would like to ask her for help. My grandmother is always ready to help them. My grandmother loves me very much.

She takes care of me since I was a little baby. I have always been taking care of by her, so that I don’t have to worry my life at all. I am so happy to have such a great granny. Now, she is getting old and I want to be the one who can look after her.



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I have a small flower cat, it grows naive, and always issued a "meow, meow, meow" sound, so I give it the name "small meow".

Small meow head round, chin pointed, ears like a triangle. The big and bright eyes will change. Morning, its pupil is a small dot. At noon, its pupil has become a line. Little meows nose soft, naked, above a little black spot. Its mouth usually closed, yawning, an open, it will reveal two sharp teeth. Its mouth is also long on both sides of a few hard and long beard, who wore a wave of black and white pattern fur. It is a long tail, walking will swing around. You do not see it usually very gentle, when it is angry when the tail to erect, eyes wide open, bowed the body, issued a "meow - woo -" screams, sounds very harsh.

Small meow it loves to eat fish, whenever you see the fish, it will be desperate to get the hand. Once, my grandmother fried a few small fish, small meow saw, saliva immediately flow down. At this time, it looked at me with that delicate and charming eyes, as if to say: "My dear little master, usually you are the best for me, you give me a eat, beg you!" I really But it is not a big pair of big eyes, they gave it a. At this time, it put away the delicate and charming look, in the next to enjoy its lunch.

Small meow it also likes to take a bath, every time it wants to take a bath, always use the soft head touched me. Whenever I take a bath for it, it always makes a mess of it. Suddenly, the little meow becomes like a rich lady.

In addition, the little meow is the most popular wool ball. Every time I take the ball ball to tease it, it will rush to rush to grab, and sometimes I do not give it, it will launch a violent attack to me, this, so I admire the incredible.

Small meow now and I can play well, the thought of it just came to my home when the scene, will not help laughing. Small meow and I from strange to familiar to like, let me filled with emotion.

Now want to come, I play with it time, really my most happy time ah!



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Christmas Day is the biggest festival in the western countries.It is on December 25, the birthday of Jesus Christ.Before the festival, every family will buy a Christmas tree, and put it in the middle of the living-room. And their houses look more soft and beautiful.


On Christmas Eve, children always hang up their Christmas stockings and hope Father Christmas will come to put presents in them. In fact, their parents put the presents in their stockings.


How interesting it is! On Christmas Day, people say "Merry Christmas" to each other.

你说有趣不有趣! 在圣诞节那天,人们互相祝贺“圣诞快乐”。



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During my five years in school, there are many things I cant remember: something that makes me happy: what makes me sad: what makes me helpless...... One of the things that impressed me most was when I was in grade two.

On the day of the third class is Chinese class, the teacher taught us is a week, yesterday she told us to write today, so a class under the dictation book. As usual, I thought about difficult words and prepared pencils out of my pencil box. It turned out for half a day, but the pencil box was not found. I just suddenly thought: no! Automatic pencil at home! I was burning with impatience, suddenly I think: right! I find a pen to write wood pencil.

But this time it was too late, the teacher had already started the week newspaper words: "first, launch!" I am anxious, but seemed to play hide and seek with me like a pencil, a missing. "Second, space!" I was even more worried, ready to write with a water pen, but the teacher said that water pens were not allowed to write. Just as I was in a nice hobble my classmates, Xiaoming asked me: "Hey, why dont you write?" I said anxiously: "can not find a pencil!" "no!" he suddenly be startled at I borrow your pencil, "the first is carrying second space......" He gave me his silent words to me again. I was so touched that I thought, "Oh, Im so sorry about him! Ive never paid attention to him before, and Ive been trying to bully him. I really should thank him very much."!"

Later, I first got 100 points, but because he was helping me, some did not hear, he could have 100 points...... In order to repay him, I lent him the book not only, but also the first time I said to him: "thank you, Xiao Ming."!"

Its very touching to help each other, and I want to learn from him!



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In front of my house there is a Gulf stream, a very normal stream, the highest level four meters to the surface will be wide, the water hours a strong, all of a sudden will be able to jump past,溪岸see the long lines of willows and a whirling small peach trees, the other side of the production team of Daejeon. All this is as usual.

However, I like it very much.

Spring, like a luminous stream of white belt. Daliushu light to float a leisurely shoot fine. Xiaocaohu 3322 of unknown mixed with wildflowers, yellow, light blue, pink, micro-purple, like a flash flash stars. the other side of a large reflection of the cauliflower in water, just as the golden horizon of the carpet. that a group of cute little fish, now floating in the water, dive into the water a moment, a moment that a piece of polyethylene, while their spread . These tiny fish, most of them only half as big match stick, his eyes are large and black, together with the body is transparent, well look, like a piece of flashing colon

The heat of summer, here is my most comfortable place to rest, the two sides have already grown willow un only fishes continuously through the sun , leakage to the surface, the needles seem to support teams. Noon When the cicada一个劲and shouting "hot - hot -" I will be holding a book, sit under relying on the trunk, and let the water cool touch my leg, suddenly, the cool comfortable feeling from all over the body at the foot of Bay. Hey, how should the United States and the United States. look at the stream, the that the water, like soft, thin belt, while in the water floating light and curly, while Shu has started to gesticulate even the United States. In some cases, neighbors came to the small boy in the stream, while at the pier or in the bushes in touch will touch a number of small shrimp crab, so they will have to give the spoils of war high, the merry laughter of the stream shaman.

Ah, home of the stream, a very unusual and very beautiful stream.



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Xinjiang is located in the motherland as inland by a strong continental climate, where gathered a lot of ethnic minorities, most of the residents prefer to meat-based diet, beef and mutton can be seen everywhere here, so that by the Xinjiang sure to try the local Kaoquan Yang, as well as a real string of Xinjiang lamb, lamb pilaf and hands. Pasta is the main staple food in Xinjiang, where the more common one called "Nang", showing apricot yellow, surrounded by thick, thin middle. There sesame Nang, meat Nang, Nang layers, such as g Nang and other varieties, is a kind of flour mixed with yeast su**ce, light salt and noodles, baked cake made of. Nang mind when doing thin at the bottom of the bundle of numerous holes, each affixed to Nang Pit, to be braised roast 10 minutes later, crisp taste of "Nang" on the pan, and this "Nang" may keep well, and So many visitors to Xinjiang deliberately brought back taste of this food. According to Xinjiang because it is a long time here than other places in the fruit sweet, so Turpan grapes, Hami melon is well-known at home and abroad. Xinjiang cuisine: roast lamb pilaf thin-skinned dumplings baked buns Kaoquan Yang Xiang-Fen Tang Nang La striped clutch jen na Smoked breast meat Ma Ma San intestinal oil seed oil tower sub-hanging braised pork noodle soup Niangpi seed oil San Kuqa sub-Pal Wood breast milk horse milk wine.


新疆位于祖国的强烈的大陆性气候,内陆地区,那里聚集了大量的少数民族,大多数居民喜欢以肉食为主的饮食,牛肉和羊肉在这里随处可见,所以到了新疆一定要尝尝当地的考泉洋,以及真正的新疆羊肉串,羊肉和手抓饭。意大利面食是新疆的主要主食,其中较为常见的一种叫“馕”,呈杏黄色,四周厚而薄中间。有芝麻馕、肉馕、鸡蛋馕、馕等多种品种,是一种掺有酵母粉、淡盐和面条、烤糕做成的糕点。心里想着,在做薄底的时候扎上无数的洞,每贴上馕坑,待焖烤10分钟后,脆上“馕”的锅上,而这个“馕”可能保存得很好,于是许多来新疆的游客特意带回了这道菜的味道。据新疆人介绍,因为这里的时间比其他地方的水果甜,所以吐鲁番葡萄,Hami melon在国内外都很有名。新疆菜:烧羔羊肉抓饭薄皮包子烤包子烤全羊乡坟塘朗La条纹离合器仁钠熏胸肉Ma Ma三肠油种子油塔子挂扣肉汤面酿皮籽油三库车子PAL木奶马奶酒。



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I am a small goldfish, beautiful and lovely. The head of a pair of eyes bulging, looks thriving. An "O" -shaped mouth is always cheerfully bubbling. Its belly chubby, the back inlaid with golden scales, like wearing a gold armor, swimming up glittering. Its two fins on the chest, like two oars, helping it to draw water and walk through the water. But the most beautiful but also the number of its tail, like a bright princess skirt, swimming is simply a blooming Golden Flower.

Small goldfish just bought back, fed it bait, it began to eat, it seems very shy, very afraid, and so we are familiar with the bluntly. Now whenever I go to feed it, it will swing the tail happy to swim to the surface, staring at big eyes, Zhang big mouth, while eating and greeting me. Sometimes the little goldfish eat a big mouth to spit out a bubble, and sometimes eat the fish and spit it out, like playing like. After eating, its mouth looked up, as if singing! But this little guy silly, never know what is "full". If you keep feeding it, it will eat it. So every time I can only feed it a little bit. In addition, I often let it to the sun in the sun, so that its color will be more vivid.

Sometimes I want to tease small goldfish, put his fingers into the water, small goldfish that is delicious things, then bit hard to bite my fingers, but found that this thing is very hard but can not eat, and no point Taste, just know fooled. At this time, the small goldfish will shake its big eyes, as if I rolled his eyes

Look, more lovely little goldfish! Looking at it in the water free to swim, I am happy!



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Rising above the sinful lotus, obscurity of sunflower, and sofe orchids, but I most like the national flower of Japan (cherry blossom).

It is a call not famous cherry blossoms. From a distance, cherry tree with red flowers, like a fire, give a person a kind of warm feeling; Have a lavender flowers, such as round and charming girl lovely face; Patients and white flowers, as if the metal gray metal gray face. Look from up close, cherry blossoms, such as chardonnay, fluttering; The cherry blossom as snow, light; The cherry blossom rumei, resists the snow; The cherry blossom as gold, shiny; Cherry blossoms, such as fog, fantasy ethereal.

Cherry blossoms like lily, holy simplicity such as lotus, romance, such as sunflower, gorgeous roses. Cherry blossom, beautiful beautiful, transcendental and free from vulgarity, beautiful beauty, too pampered agglomeration with beautiful more than anything else.

I gently walked over, touched it as great a tender petals, ice BingLiangLiang, wen run into picking, wet drink, relaxed and happy.

The cherry blossom is said to be color and XiangDou is very weak, but once it is fully blooming cherry blossoms, but more brilliant than the peony, more alcohol than sweet osmanthus.

All of a sudden, everything is quiet. "Sound", I seem to hear the voice of dew on petals are rolling, slowly, slowly. "Sasha vujacic", I have heard of the spring breeze stroke, cherry blossoms, and branches collision with each other, friction; "Pop", I seem to hear the petals fall to the ground, petals rotate dance in midair, falling on the ground, but still beautiful petals, not polluted.

Cherry blossom on behalf of a country, to become the national flower of Japan, also because it has special temperament. People dedicated "drop-dead gorgeous, an" to four ancient beauty, I prefer to the much-anticipated cherry blossoms.










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1. 曾经拥有过青春的我,则要说,青春是灿烂的朝霞。可以说它是鲜红的,热情似火;可以说它是碧绿的,生机勃勃;可以说它是雪白的,纯洁烂漫;也可以说是金黄的,璀璨辉煌。旭日东升,云蒸霞蔚。长空为之赞叹,大地为之震撼。

2. 青春没有规则。我们会露出自信的微笑,潇洒地走过;会沿长着执着的追求,踏出一串串闪亮的感叹号;会带着金色的梦想,不懈地扬帆于知识的海洋;会抖擞精神迎接着火热的骄阳,站在明天的起跑线上。所有的日子都那么充足,没有片刻的虚度光阴。

3. 青春是一首歌,她拨动着我们年轻的心弦;青春是一团火,她点燃了我们沸腾的热血。

4. 青春所给予我们的是力量,是坚持。因为有它,我们遇到困难的时候才能不畏惧;因为有它,我们才发现了生命的真谛;因为有它,我们学会了安稳,学会了冷静,学会了坚忍。

5. 青春没有规则。我们可以在街上无拘无束地开怀大笑或泪流满面,而不必在意别人惊愕的表情;可以跌倒后顽强地爬起,不必在乎别人怎么说;可以尽情歌唱,不必约束自己,一切的一切都那么自然,大方,没有丝毫的做作。

6. 每个人都有自己的青春。青春就像交响乐,奏响生命的绚丽多彩;青春就像剧本,演绎着缤纷多彩的人生;青春就像生命,让我们欣欣向荣。

7. 青春是最美丽的花朵;青春是跳动的音符;青春是最动人的诗行;青春是一张永不褪色的彩照;青春是远行者那色彩斑谰的起点;青春是阳光灿烂的日子;青春是明亮广阔的天空;青春是欢快的脚步;青春是放飞的小鸟。

8. 青春是矛盾的综合体;青春是成熟的半成品;青春是喜是忧亦是愁;青春是真是幻也是梦;青春像雾像雨又像风;青春似嗔似怨更似痴;

9. 青春,流露着浓浓的诗情画意;青春,散发出淡淡的幽香含情。青春时代充满着年少轻狂,充满着无限生机,充满着美丽自信。青春的步伐不会因困难而停止,青春的旋律不会因风雨而阻挠。青春是阳光,是自信的标志;青春是月光,是优雅的代表;青春是星光,是引领时尚的先锋。

10. 青春是一首歌,她拨动着我们年轻的心弦;青春是一团火,她点燃了我们沸腾的热血;青春是一面旗帜,她召唤着我们勇敢前行;青春是一本教科书,她启迪着我们的智慧和心灵。

11. 青春像一杯茶,苦涩中带着一丝清甜;青春像一本书,有读不完的故事与哲理;青春像一首歌,歌唱着欢乐与悲伤。让我们放声歌唱,歌唱青春的神秘与珍贵,让我们踏上青春之旅,体会青春的美好与飞扬!

12. 青春,是一片蓝天,不纳乌云,只铺彩霞;青春,是一页白纸,不沾墨污,只画荷花;青春,是一张宝琴,不弹糜音,只奏雅曲。

13. 青春是用意志的血滴和拼搏的汗水酿成的琼浆——历久弥香;青春是用不凋的希望和不灭的向往编织的彩虹——绚丽辉煌;青春是用永恒的执着和顽强的韧劲筑起的一道铜墙铁壁——固若金汤;青春是用酣畅的笔墨和美好的想象勾勒的画卷——活色生香;青春是用自然的灵动和人间的和睦编写的序曲——雅俗共赏;青春是用怡人的茶香和无忧的闲适渲染的诗歌——淋漓酣畅。

14. 当然,青春需要我们用勇敢和智慧去谱写这壮丽的诗篇;青春需要我们用自信和勇敢去攀爬艰苦的历程;青春需要我们无私的爱心去编织奉献的赞歌。这才是青春真正的意义。

15. 青春有五彩的梦,青春有淋漓的愁;青春有我们跋涉的脚印,青春有我们灿烂的笑容;拥有青春就拥有未来的希望,拥有青春就拥有生命的朝阳。于是,所有的青春感叹化作指路的明灯,伴着每一个热爱生活的人前进,再前进。

16. 青春是一首歌,一首活力四射的歌,摇滚的旋律古典的味;青春是一杯酒,一杯酸酸甜甜的酒,果汁的味道白酒的性;青春是一个梦,一个高潮迭起的梦,小说的情节现实的伤;青春是一局棋,一局匪夷所思的棋,精妙的布局无解的谜;

17. 青春如歌,它能奏出一支支激昂的乐典,谱写出华彩的乐章,让我们踏着音乐的节拍以愉悦的心情迈入青春的门槛。青春如一支神笔,它能描绘出一幅幅多彩的画卷,画卷上印染着我们的理想,画卷上印染着我们的理想,我们的目标,我们为了实现而付出的辛劳都会在画中体现。青春如翱翔的雄鹰,自由的在广阔无垠的天空中飞翔,没有束缚。正如我们一样在青春的这段时间里可以尽情地放松,享受拥有青春的快乐。同时,我们更应该珍惜青春

18. 青春的我们总爱追梦,喜欢优雅温馨的情调;喜欢无拘无束的放荡;喜欢时尚潮流的风情。于是我们一次又一次的向自己的境地曲折,不再接受父母长辈的教导。可是我们又都明白“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”“莫等闲,白了少年头”这些豪言壮语的内在意义。

19. 青春,沉醉在极富浓厚的书香中。不知你是否有这种感觉:每当翻开史书,就像是在品尝一杯浓浓的咖啡。一个个鲜活的历史人物引领你成长;一个个经典的历史故事让你深感古代中国的独特魅力;一个个智慧的古代哲学充实你的文学素养,史书的特有的气息散发出中国浓厚的民族文化。

20. 青春,是生命的春天;青春,是理想的火炬。青春,是一个人生命的聚光点,充满彩色与梦幻;青春是人生之花的蓓蕾,绚丽夺目。要爱惜青春,世界上没有比青春更好的了,没有比青春更珍贵的了!青春就象黄金,你想成为什么就能成为什么。

21. 青春如诗、如梦、如火。年轻的生命追求一份浪漫,寻找一丝恬静,这就是充满诗意的青春;纯洁的心灵向往美好的未来,设计着一幅又一幅壮丽的蓝图,这就是梦幻般的青春;生机盎然的我们凭着那份执着和激情无悔地去寻求生命中的价值,这就是热情的青春。

22. 青春是一面旗帜,她召唤着我们勇敢前行;青春是一本教科书,她启迪着我们的智慧和心灵。

23. 青春是成长的喜悦,幼稚的忧愁;青春是自由的心情,拘束的脚步;青春是放纵的笑容,无声的眼泪;青春是叛逆的行为,沉重的代价;

24. 青春,一个充满着个性与张扬的时代;青春,一个充满着友谊与关爱的时代;青春,一个充满着智慧与力量的时代。青春,爱幻想,爱自由,爱探索,爱快乐。

25. 青春,一个充满着个性与张扬的时代;青春,一个充满着友谊与关爱的时代;青春,一个充满着智慧与力量的时代。青春,爱幻想,爱自由,爱探索,爱快乐。

26. 青春的我们总爱追梦,喜欢优雅温馨的情调;喜欢无拘无束的放荡;喜欢时尚潮流的风情。于是我们一次又一次的向自己的境地曲折,不再接受父母长辈的教导。可是我们又都明白“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”“莫等闲,白了少年头”这些豪言壮语的内在意义。

27. 青春没有规则。我们会露出自信的微笑,潇洒地走过;会沿长着执着的追求,踏出一串串闪亮的感叹号;会带着金色的梦想,不懈地扬帆于知识的海洋;会抖擞精神迎接着火热的骄阳,站在明天的起跑线上。所有的日子都那么充足,没有片刻的虚度光阴。

28. 青春没有规则。我们可以在街上无拘无束地开怀大笑或泪流满面,而不必在意别人惊愕的表情;可以跌倒后顽强地爬起,不必在乎别人怎么说;可以尽情歌唱,不必约束自己,一切的一切都那么自然,大方,没有丝毫的做作。

29. 青春如歌,它能奏出一支支激昂的乐典,谱写出华彩的乐章,让我们踏着音乐的节拍以愉悦的心情迈入青春的门槛。青春如一支神笔,它能描绘出一幅幅多彩的画卷,画卷上印染着我们的理想,画卷上印染着我们的理想,我们的目标,我们为了实现而付出的辛劳都会在画中体现。青春如翱翔的雄鹰,自由的在广阔无垠的天空中飞翔,没有束缚。正如我们一样在青春的这段时间里可以尽情地放松,享受拥有青春的快乐。同时,我们更应该珍惜青春

30. 青春如诗、如梦、如火。年轻的生命追求一份浪漫,寻找一丝恬静,这就是充满诗意的青春;纯洁的心灵向往美好的未来,设计着一幅又一幅壮丽的蓝图,这就是梦幻般的青春;生机盎然的我们凭着那份执着和激情无悔地去寻求生命中的价值,这就是热情的青春。

31. 青春是最美丽的花朵;青春是跳动的音符;青春是最动人的诗行;青春是一张永不褪色的彩照;青春是远行者那色彩斑谰的起点;青春是阳光灿烂的日子;青春是明亮广阔的天空;青春是欢快的脚步;青春是放飞的小鸟。

32. 青春所给予我们的是力量,是坚持。因为有它,我们遇到困难的时候才能不畏惧;因为有它,我们才发现了生命的真谛;因为有它,我们学会了安稳,学会了冷静,学会了坚忍。

33. 青春像一杯茶,苦涩中带着一丝清甜;青春像一本书,有读不完的故事与哲理;青春像一首歌,歌唱着欢乐与悲伤。让我们放声歌唱,歌唱青春的神秘与珍贵,让我们踏上青春之旅,体会青春的美好与飞扬!

34. 青春有五彩的梦,青春有淋漓的愁;青春有我们跋涉的脚印,青春有我们灿烂的笑容;拥有青春就拥有未来的希望,拥有青春就拥有生命的朝阳。于是,所有的青春感叹化作指路的明灯,伴着每一个热爱生活的人前进,再前进……

35. 因为青春,我们用力深呼吸,用力作梦;因为青春,我们约定制造共同的回忆,镶在青春纪念册;因为青春,我们不忘怀旧,不忘《朋友》,不忘《同桌的你》在青春的长河里,尽情的放歌。在求的海洋里领航,在生活的天空中翱翔,在人生的道路上畅佯,感受多彩的生命,编织人生的梦想。同时青春的长河也流淌着年少的轻狂,充满着风雨坎坷。

36. 曾经拥有过青春的我,则要说,青春是灿烂的朝霞。可以说它是鲜红的,热情似火;可以说它是碧绿的,生机勃勃;可以说它是雪白的,纯洁烂漫;也可以说是金黄的,璀璨辉煌。旭日东升,云蒸霞蔚。长空为之赞叹,大地为之震撼。

37. 青春,是生命的春天;青春,是理想的火炬。青春,是一个人生命的聚光点,充满彩色与梦幻;青春是人生之花的蓓蕾,绚丽夺目。要爱惜青春,世界上没有比青春更好的了,没有比青春更珍贵的了!青春就象黄金,你想成为什么就能成为什么。

38. 青春,人人都有自己的青春。如果问你青春是什么,你怎样回答?你或许会说,青春是无言的歌。那一个个跳动的音符合着心跳的节拍,奏出生命的辉煌乐章;你或许会说,青春是醇香的酒。存放的时间越久,香味就越浓郁。闲暇时斟上,细细品味,未饮先醉;你或许会说,青春是妩媚的鲜花。春风中绽放出万紫千红,争奇斗妍,点缀出别样景致,让蝶儿陶醉。



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青春在哪里?青春是什么?青春不是生命的一段时光,不是指红润的脸颊和嘴唇,它是不懈的干劲,丰富的想象力和滚烫的情怀。 Where is youth? What is youth? Youth is not a period of life, not refers to rosy cheeks and lips.Feelings.









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Today is my grandmother’s birthday。 She is eighty years old now。

My families held a big celebration for her。 Many relatives come to my home, so my grandmother is very happy。 She misses them very much。

We ate the big dinner at 5 o’clock。 My parents prepare the dinner for the whole day。

At about 9 o’clock, we ate the birthday cake。 Grandmother said that she is fashionable, too。 I love my grandmother and I always give my best wishes to her。



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I have a capacious and comfortable classroom, there are many in the classroom we learn things, now I will take you to visit my classroom.

An enter a door, can see the clean and tidy desks and chairs, no matter what you see is neat, this is all part of our labor, so we will have such a comfortable environment. Every day, I cannot leave the desks and chairs, because they are with me for five years, we dont know when we became good friends.

A large blackboard is in front, and a platform. The big blackboard is our on duty every day wipe the black shiny, feels very smooth...

Looked up, and you can see the ceiling of the electric fan and electric light, the color, dark, light work, bring us the light. When students mood blundering, fan brings us a cool wind blow gently, lets back to study, read seriously.

The upper left is a book Angle, with each student to donate inside a dozen books, let us develop good study habits...

On the right side of the wall there are three large glass Windows, glass rubbed were shining brilliantly, sun slanted in and bring us a trace of warmth. Through the window you can see our campus. Every window hanging beautiful brilliant red curtains on both sides, this is our school. The window there is a few bright-coloured flower, it is our carefully cultivated flowers bring fragrance to every one of us.

This is our classroom, you like it?










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青春,是一首诗,字里行间,透露着成长的喜悦。 Youth, is a poem, between the lines, revealing the joy of growth.
















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Once, I whim: "Daddy, what color is the fall?"

I looked at my father with a puzzled look, and my father smiled and touched my little head and said, "Autumn? It is golden."

Golden yellow? I quickly ran to the door, a look, and ran back to the father said: "Dad, some yellow outside, why is there red and green it?

Dad said: "Of course, there are other colors, but the autumn is the most yellow, you see, regardless of the red leaves and green leaves are with a little yellow!" I nodded.

I looked up and looked, the golden leaves seem to smell a little bit of fragrance, as if the wind girl dressed in a golden long hair, who wiped the fragrance of autumn.

I went to ask my father, "What is the voice of the fall?"

"What sound?" Dad looked at the golden leaves of the tree and the bare tree bar, "What sound? The leaves, the fruit of the landing sound? Wind sister blowing the sound of the leaves? Poke the fruit of the sound?

"No, no, it s the voice of my laughed, the voice of my running and the voice of my jump.

"Okay!" Dad applauded.

As a result, I asked: "What is the appearance of autumn?" "What is the appearance of autumn? Haha, autumn must be a gentle lady ladies walk like a step, is like a sugar gum lips ... ... This is the appearance of autumn. "

Fall, you listen to me.



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Winter morning really beautiful ah!

The sun also feel a bit cold, holding a white scarf around his neck, the earth also paved a layer of milky white veil. Distant trees, houses are showing a touch of shadow, like the painter with light ink outlines the lines. The whole earth are shrouded in the thick white fog, nothing can not see. Eyes only white vast fog, wet fog, cool foggy fog.

I took my school bag toward the school, the streets from time to time someone rush to and from. At first, you can only hear their footsteps, and then to see their blurred silhouette close to see their face, the fog gave them a clever place in the make-up, their black hair dyed silver, their Eyelashes sparkling crystal beads.

Came to school, the campus everywhere misty, as if to the school covered with a layer of silver and white veil, really "do not know the true colors" mystery. I put down my bag and finished my homework. "Ding zero" - morning time to go, the students have returned to their seats, concentrate on reading the book. Suddenly, the campus book sound Lang Lang. Into the classroom, like into the rain after the bamboo forest, a green tree to drop the spring bamboo in the rain under the moisture of the first to fear to grow seedlings.

"Ding zero" is a crisp ringtones - morning time to run. We arranged a neat team as usual to the playground running. We are wearing neat school uniforms, like a long dragon dance in the playground. In the sound of music, we run in a consistent manner. I can not help but exclaimed: This is really a world of hope!

The winter morning is full of life, full of hope, how can not let people love it?
