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Winter is cold. Let’s play the snowball and make snowman.

The snowman is big . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have a scarf and coat. So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santa clus in Christmas . Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on the Christmas tree.

I like winter. Do you like winter?




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I have a new classmate, whose name is Jane. She is one of my good friends now.

Jane is a pretty girl with a round face, twinkling eyes and rosy cheeks. Her long hair lies back in curls from her delicate ears. Jane wears glasses and is usually dressed in plain colors.

Jane is a book addict and never spends a day without reading. The books she reads range from classical poems to modern novels. She also loves singing and dancing. Her marvelous voice and appealing dance make her one of the most popular girls in our school.

Apart from her striking looks and wide range of hobbies, Jane has an outstanding performance at her studies. She is ambitious and aggressive. She aims really high. And we all believe that she is always a pride for her family, friends and teachers.



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Its September. Autumn is coming.But where is autumn?I am told that the sky looks higher with few clouds in autumn.I raise my head and look at the sky. It makes no difference with the sky in summer.And trees around are still green.Then I come to the fields. I find the corn in the ear. Apple trees nearby are fruiting well.The harvest season is coming.I jumped with joy. This is autumn. I found it!




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Autumn girl sad to go, winter girl happy to come, we are particularly like the winter girl, but I feel the winter girl "start" a bit early.

Just this morning when the flag rose, the cold bitter, cool breeze blowing, like a sharp knife in the face like a few scraped, cold and hurt. I am busy wearing a mask, because the mask is still a little face or a lot of exposed, so I hand cover his face, his face is not cold, but the wind in the hands, hands are frozen red, and I put my hand Pocket, face cold, I have no way, who let me forget to wear gloves today! Had to warm his hand cold face. My classmates saw me blush to tell me, this time to know that the wind sister to make the bad.

I think the winter girl is not intentional, she may want to do good, but become a bad thing, we often appear this situation so we can not blame her, no one can do perfect!

When we raised the flag in the playground, the hat was wearing a hat, and the mask was covered with a mask. Standing on the stage to showcase the students braved the cold weather for our wonderful poetry recitation. As well as Hulusi performance "moonlight under the bamboo tail", melodious music. They are standing straight, like a tree tall and straight trees, I can see their faces below the stage and ears were frozen like a red apple-like, flushed, they neither wear a hat nor Wearing a jacket, must be very cold, I think they are very great people!

Winter morning, although cold, but we still like the winter, hey, this "cold happiness" to the sudden, and sometimes also can not accept!



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回忆是一场温暖的绽放。 Memories are a warm bloom.
















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The significant inscription found on an old key "If I rest, I rust" would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest taint of idleness. Even the most industrious might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if one allows his faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust and, ultimately, cannot do the work required of them.


Those who would attain the heights reached and kept by great men must keep their faculties polished by constant use, so that they may unlock the doors of knowledge, the gate that guard the entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture --- every department of human endeavor.


Industry keeps bright the key that opens the treasury of achievement. If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in a quarry, had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist. The celebrated mathematician, Edmund Stone, would never have published a mathematical dictionary, never have found the key to science of mathematics, if he had given his spare moments to idleness. Had the little Scotch lad, Ferguson, allowed the busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside instead of calculating the position of the stars by a string of beads, he would never have become a famous astronomer


Labor vanquishes all --- not inconstant, spasmodic, or ill-directed labor, but faithful, unremitting, daily effort toward a well-directed purpose. Just as truly as eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, so is eternal industry the price of noble and enduring success.




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1. 曾经拥有过青春的我,则要说,青春是灿烂的朝霞。可以说它是鲜红的,热情似火;可以说它是碧绿的,生机勃勃;可以说它是雪白的,纯洁烂漫;也可以说是金黄的,璀璨辉煌。旭日东升,云蒸霞蔚。长空为之赞叹,大地为之震撼。

2. 青春没有规则。我们会露出自信的微笑,潇洒地走过;会沿长着执着的追求,踏出一串串闪亮的感叹号;会带着金色的梦想,不懈地扬帆于知识的海洋;会抖擞精神迎接着火热的骄阳,站在明天的起跑线上。所有的日子都那么充足,没有片刻的虚度光阴。

3. 青春是一首歌,她拨动着我们年轻的心弦;青春是一团火,她点燃了我们沸腾的热血。

4. 青春所给予我们的是力量,是坚持。因为有它,我们遇到困难的时候才能不畏惧;因为有它,我们才发现了生命的真谛;因为有它,我们学会了安稳,学会了冷静,学会了坚忍。

5. 青春没有规则。我们可以在街上无拘无束地开怀大笑或泪流满面,而不必在意别人惊愕的表情;可以跌倒后顽强地爬起,不必在乎别人怎么说;可以尽情歌唱,不必约束自己,一切的一切都那么自然,大方,没有丝毫的做作。

6. 每个人都有自己的青春。青春就像交响乐,奏响生命的绚丽多彩;青春就像剧本,演绎着缤纷多彩的人生;青春就像生命,让我们欣欣向荣。

7. 青春是最美丽的花朵;青春是跳动的音符;青春是最动人的诗行;青春是一张永不褪色的彩照;青春是远行者那色彩斑谰的起点;青春是阳光灿烂的日子;青春是明亮广阔的天空;青春是欢快的脚步;青春是放飞的小鸟。

8. 青春是矛盾的综合体;青春是成熟的半成品;青春是喜是忧亦是愁;青春是真是幻也是梦;青春像雾像雨又像风;青春似嗔似怨更似痴;

9. 青春,流露着浓浓的诗情画意;青春,散发出淡淡的幽香含情。青春时代充满着年少轻狂,充满着无限生机,充满着美丽自信。青春的步伐不会因困难而停止,青春的旋律不会因风雨而阻挠。青春是阳光,是自信的标志;青春是月光,是优雅的代表;青春是星光,是引领时尚的先锋。

10. 青春是一首歌,她拨动着我们年轻的心弦;青春是一团火,她点燃了我们沸腾的热血;青春是一面旗帜,她召唤着我们勇敢前行;青春是一本教科书,她启迪着我们的智慧和心灵。

11. 青春像一杯茶,苦涩中带着一丝清甜;青春像一本书,有读不完的故事与哲理;青春像一首歌,歌唱着欢乐与悲伤。让我们放声歌唱,歌唱青春的神秘与珍贵,让我们踏上青春之旅,体会青春的美好与飞扬!

12. 青春,是一片蓝天,不纳乌云,只铺彩霞;青春,是一页白纸,不沾墨污,只画荷花;青春,是一张宝琴,不弹糜音,只奏雅曲。

13. 青春是用意志的血滴和拼搏的汗水酿成的琼浆——历久弥香;青春是用不凋的希望和不灭的向往编织的彩虹——绚丽辉煌;青春是用永恒的执着和顽强的韧劲筑起的一道铜墙铁壁——固若金汤;青春是用酣畅的笔墨和美好的想象勾勒的画卷——活色生香;青春是用自然的灵动和人间的和睦编写的序曲——雅俗共赏;青春是用怡人的茶香和无忧的闲适渲染的诗歌——淋漓酣畅。

14. 当然,青春需要我们用勇敢和智慧去谱写这壮丽的诗篇;青春需要我们用自信和勇敢去攀爬艰苦的历程;青春需要我们无私的爱心去编织奉献的赞歌。这才是青春真正的意义。

15. 青春有五彩的梦,青春有淋漓的愁;青春有我们跋涉的脚印,青春有我们灿烂的笑容;拥有青春就拥有未来的希望,拥有青春就拥有生命的朝阳。于是,所有的青春感叹化作指路的明灯,伴着每一个热爱生活的人前进,再前进。

16. 青春是一首歌,一首活力四射的歌,摇滚的旋律古典的味;青春是一杯酒,一杯酸酸甜甜的酒,果汁的味道白酒的性;青春是一个梦,一个高潮迭起的梦,小说的情节现实的伤;青春是一局棋,一局匪夷所思的棋,精妙的布局无解的谜;

17. 青春如歌,它能奏出一支支激昂的乐典,谱写出华彩的乐章,让我们踏着音乐的节拍以愉悦的心情迈入青春的门槛。青春如一支神笔,它能描绘出一幅幅多彩的画卷,画卷上印染着我们的理想,画卷上印染着我们的理想,我们的目标,我们为了实现而付出的辛劳都会在画中体现。青春如翱翔的雄鹰,自由的在广阔无垠的天空中飞翔,没有束缚。正如我们一样在青春的这段时间里可以尽情地放松,享受拥有青春的快乐。同时,我们更应该珍惜青春

18. 青春的我们总爱追梦,喜欢优雅温馨的情调;喜欢无拘无束的放荡;喜欢时尚潮流的风情。于是我们一次又一次的向自己的境地曲折,不再接受父母长辈的教导。可是我们又都明白“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”“莫等闲,白了少年头”这些豪言壮语的内在意义。

19. 青春,沉醉在极富浓厚的书香中。不知你是否有这种感觉:每当翻开史书,就像是在品尝一杯浓浓的咖啡。一个个鲜活的历史人物引领你成长;一个个经典的历史故事让你深感古代中国的独特魅力;一个个智慧的古代哲学充实你的文学素养,史书的特有的气息散发出中国浓厚的民族文化。

20. 青春,是生命的春天;青春,是理想的火炬。青春,是一个人生命的聚光点,充满彩色与梦幻;青春是人生之花的蓓蕾,绚丽夺目。要爱惜青春,世界上没有比青春更好的了,没有比青春更珍贵的了!青春就象黄金,你想成为什么就能成为什么。

21. 青春如诗、如梦、如火。年轻的生命追求一份浪漫,寻找一丝恬静,这就是充满诗意的青春;纯洁的心灵向往美好的未来,设计着一幅又一幅壮丽的蓝图,这就是梦幻般的青春;生机盎然的我们凭着那份执着和激情无悔地去寻求生命中的价值,这就是热情的青春。

22. 青春是一面旗帜,她召唤着我们勇敢前行;青春是一本教科书,她启迪着我们的智慧和心灵。

23. 青春是成长的喜悦,幼稚的忧愁;青春是自由的心情,拘束的脚步;青春是放纵的笑容,无声的眼泪;青春是叛逆的行为,沉重的代价;

24. 青春,一个充满着个性与张扬的时代;青春,一个充满着友谊与关爱的时代;青春,一个充满着智慧与力量的时代。青春,爱幻想,爱自由,爱探索,爱快乐。

25. 青春,一个充满着个性与张扬的时代;青春,一个充满着友谊与关爱的时代;青春,一个充满着智慧与力量的时代。青春,爱幻想,爱自由,爱探索,爱快乐。

26. 青春的我们总爱追梦,喜欢优雅温馨的情调;喜欢无拘无束的放荡;喜欢时尚潮流的风情。于是我们一次又一次的向自己的境地曲折,不再接受父母长辈的教导。可是我们又都明白“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”“莫等闲,白了少年头”这些豪言壮语的内在意义。

27. 青春没有规则。我们会露出自信的微笑,潇洒地走过;会沿长着执着的追求,踏出一串串闪亮的感叹号;会带着金色的梦想,不懈地扬帆于知识的海洋;会抖擞精神迎接着火热的骄阳,站在明天的起跑线上。所有的日子都那么充足,没有片刻的虚度光阴。

28. 青春没有规则。我们可以在街上无拘无束地开怀大笑或泪流满面,而不必在意别人惊愕的表情;可以跌倒后顽强地爬起,不必在乎别人怎么说;可以尽情歌唱,不必约束自己,一切的一切都那么自然,大方,没有丝毫的做作。

29. 青春如歌,它能奏出一支支激昂的乐典,谱写出华彩的乐章,让我们踏着音乐的节拍以愉悦的心情迈入青春的门槛。青春如一支神笔,它能描绘出一幅幅多彩的画卷,画卷上印染着我们的理想,画卷上印染着我们的理想,我们的目标,我们为了实现而付出的辛劳都会在画中体现。青春如翱翔的雄鹰,自由的在广阔无垠的天空中飞翔,没有束缚。正如我们一样在青春的这段时间里可以尽情地放松,享受拥有青春的快乐。同时,我们更应该珍惜青春

30. 青春如诗、如梦、如火。年轻的生命追求一份浪漫,寻找一丝恬静,这就是充满诗意的青春;纯洁的心灵向往美好的未来,设计着一幅又一幅壮丽的蓝图,这就是梦幻般的青春;生机盎然的我们凭着那份执着和激情无悔地去寻求生命中的价值,这就是热情的青春。

31. 青春是最美丽的花朵;青春是跳动的音符;青春是最动人的诗行;青春是一张永不褪色的彩照;青春是远行者那色彩斑谰的起点;青春是阳光灿烂的日子;青春是明亮广阔的天空;青春是欢快的脚步;青春是放飞的小鸟。

32. 青春所给予我们的是力量,是坚持。因为有它,我们遇到困难的时候才能不畏惧;因为有它,我们才发现了生命的真谛;因为有它,我们学会了安稳,学会了冷静,学会了坚忍。

33. 青春像一杯茶,苦涩中带着一丝清甜;青春像一本书,有读不完的故事与哲理;青春像一首歌,歌唱着欢乐与悲伤。让我们放声歌唱,歌唱青春的神秘与珍贵,让我们踏上青春之旅,体会青春的美好与飞扬!

34. 青春有五彩的梦,青春有淋漓的愁;青春有我们跋涉的脚印,青春有我们灿烂的笑容;拥有青春就拥有未来的希望,拥有青春就拥有生命的朝阳。于是,所有的青春感叹化作指路的明灯,伴着每一个热爱生活的人前进,再前进……

35. 因为青春,我们用力深呼吸,用力作梦;因为青春,我们约定制造共同的回忆,镶在青春纪念册;因为青春,我们不忘怀旧,不忘《朋友》,不忘《同桌的你》在青春的长河里,尽情的放歌。在求的海洋里领航,在生活的天空中翱翔,在人生的道路上畅佯,感受多彩的生命,编织人生的梦想。同时青春的长河也流淌着年少的轻狂,充满着风雨坎坷。

36. 曾经拥有过青春的我,则要说,青春是灿烂的朝霞。可以说它是鲜红的,热情似火;可以说它是碧绿的,生机勃勃;可以说它是雪白的,纯洁烂漫;也可以说是金黄的,璀璨辉煌。旭日东升,云蒸霞蔚。长空为之赞叹,大地为之震撼。

37. 青春,是生命的春天;青春,是理想的火炬。青春,是一个人生命的聚光点,充满彩色与梦幻;青春是人生之花的蓓蕾,绚丽夺目。要爱惜青春,世界上没有比青春更好的了,没有比青春更珍贵的了!青春就象黄金,你想成为什么就能成为什么。

38. 青春,人人都有自己的青春。如果问你青春是什么,你怎样回答?你或许会说,青春是无言的歌。那一个个跳动的音符合着心跳的节拍,奏出生命的辉煌乐章;你或许会说,青春是醇香的酒。存放的时间越久,香味就越浓郁。闲暇时斟上,细细品味,未饮先醉;你或许会说,青春是妩媚的鲜花。春风中绽放出万紫千红,争奇斗妍,点缀出别样景致,让蝶儿陶醉。



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Suddenly, the summer vacation is coming. Im happy to "one jump three feet high" but I gradually found that summer vacation is boring.

I wanted to finish in ten days, but, I have been doing for 24 days. The 30 day finally finished, father has bought me, only on Saturday and Sunday can rest a while. I dont like a holiday, but, as long as I still quite like no homework.

More like summer and winter vacation, homework, tired bad. I hope can have a holiday, and can not write my homework, how comfortable, how carefree! If the day sentient days also old, if a man love die young.



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青春旅途,长路漫漫,有欢喜、有失落、有开心、也有难过。但在我的青春路上,充满了竞争、叛逆与迷茫。 Youth journey, long roads are long, happy, lost, happy, and sad.But on my youth road, full of competition, rebellion and confusion.









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Dolphin is my favourite animal.

It is one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long, about one zhang(丈). Dolphins live in the sea. They live on fish, shrimps and so on.

Dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack people. Instead, they have saved many people in danger in the past years. How helpful the dolphins are!

Dolphins are very clever. People often train them so that they can give a dolphin show which brings people a lot of happiness and joy.

Unluckily, the number of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. Because of water pollution, there is less and less space for dolphins. Many people make money by hunting dolphins. If we don’t protect them, maybe we’ll lose our good friends one day. As a student, I hope more and more people should take actions to protect dolphins.


My favourite animal is tortoise. Tortoise walk not fast. But I like the tortoise. Why? Because, tortoise is a cute animal. It have a short tail and a four short foot. It have a little head and a hard shell. They are forty-five little and cute tortoise in My home. They like to play in the water. When they afraid some thing. They wall run fast. They like to eat the fish. I often buy some small fish to them to eat. They can catch the fish fast. First, they fake(假) sleep. When the fish swim near they mouth. They catch the fish fast and bit the fish head. So, the fish die. They can eat the fish. In winter. They like to sleep in the sand. When they sleep, they don’t eat any food.Because they wall hibernation. But, when they are thirsty. They come out of the sand. So, we must give water to them to drink.

I love the tortoise. I hate the eagle. Because, the eagle often eat the tortoise with it sharp mouth.My favourite animal is tortoise.



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In this world, there are a lot of people, who like to pursue the fame and fortune, and spend money like a magnificent villa, enjoying prosperity and wealth. But there is a person, is very different with these people, they do not want to enjoy the wealth, they work hard every day quietly pay, no return, because the world has them, so we can be so perfect.

Among these people, the cleaner is the best example. Some of the sweep road cleaner, for fear of the vehicle is too much, so I have to early in the morning, just open your sleep, street sweeping the floor, and they work very dangerous, because they are likely to be of the car a hit, died. Personnel and a clean, also often wander in the line of death, at any time may cross the line of death, this kind of cleaner, is responsible for cleaning up underground ditch, we absolutely do not think that sweeps the floor under the ditch, just swept the dirt out, actually these cleaning staff, must face the test of death, because they may at any time step into deep does not see the bottom concave hole, is more terrible, they may die because of biogas, so sweeping down the ditch, is also a very dangerous job. Among all the cleaners, building glass, is one of the most dangerous, because the cleaners, may be a pendant, hell, because usually is to brush a few floors of the glass, so dont fell dead, also was frightened to death, so building glass cleaners, is a very dangerous job, a forbidding place.

Although these people do not attract attention, but their credit, but higher than the sky, the sea is still deep, and their labor and resentment spirit, more straight us study.



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Entered in 20xx, on the other day under a heavy snow. Like the other day also Yangchun warmest March on more than 2:00, cold weather, the air is filled with lead-colored clouds. On people wake up from sleep when the cold wind up on the peg. But soon enough, the wind stopped, it began to snow. This is the first winter snow.

From a distance, the snow like small Eun-joo, like drizzle point, such as willow flowers, one after another for us to hang spondee the roof snow white curtain, the rise of the snow through the curtain looked sparse, and that high-rise buildings nearby, faint about about, like clouds, the clouds like in years, is particularly good-looking. Occasionally heard "creak" A snow pressure to cut off the branches.

To the school. Dense snow, dancing all over the place, and pretty soon the entire campus into a silver on the world, the ground turned into a carpet, wearing a white sub-trees, from building with white hat, a cotton covered with houses, that Tong branches full of the "pear" tree branches covered with a "snowball" and "silver ball", from afar, Qiong Yu-shu-chi, powder, full of poetic.

More than the United States and the small snowflakes ah! Began mid-yo, but also small and thick and soft and light, like that noble white swan gently shake the wings, small patches of feathers, down you long Durian; then the small size of the snowflakes , thicken, and become numerous, as one of hard rock heaven Qionghua Yushu, the white petals have no time to fly down; Then, under the snow the more the bigger, small snowflakes in the air you pull, I pull, you cling to I you, one round, one everywhere, as if countless tear to pieces of the cotton ball rolling down from the sky, At that time, the whole world has become vast and beautiful.

Groups of children on the lawn snowmen, snowball fights, snowball throwing objects. Almost joyful shout that the snow on the branches of small to

Snow Grains for many small, as the same as white sugar. They wave in the air, and landed not in a hurry, it seems as if reluctant to leave the sky, and some quietly jumped into the collar of pedestrians, the quietly disappeared. Then, a small piece of snow as light as smoke, such as clean as jade, silver, like white, Durian have triumphantly. Just come down from heaven to kiss the earth ... ...










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There are four seasons in a year.The first season is spring. In spring, almost everything comes back to life. The snow begins to melt, the trees sprout and the grass turns green.Spring is warm so that its a good time to go hiking outdoors. After spring, itis summer. Summer is my favorite season,because I can swim quite often. The third one is autumn. In autumn, the weather is cool and comfortable. Farmers may be the busiest people, because autumn is a time of harvest.Winter is the last season of the year. In winter, the weather is very cold. In the north, it usually snows. Children can play games or make snowmen after snow. It seems very funny. But, because of the cold weather, I dont like winter very much. Whats your favorite season?




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谁的青春不飞扬,谁的青春不迷茫。既然我们都一样,年轻又彷徨,何不化梦想为翅膀,于岁月中飞翔。 Whose youth is not flying, and whos youth is not confused.Since we are all the same, we are young and embarrassed, why not dream as wings and fly in the years.









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美在我们每个人心中都有着不同的定义。那,在青春期中,你觉得怎样才是最美的呢? Midea has different definitions in each of us.So, in adolescence, what do you think is the most beautiful?









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The weather in winter is a set of all the phenomena in a given atmosphere at a given time. It also includes interactions with the hydrosphere.它同样包括水圈的相互作用。

The term usually refers to the activity of these phenomena over short periods (hours or days), as opposed to the term climate, which refers to the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. When used without qualification, weather" is understood to be the weather of Earth. 如果没有限定的条件,人们对于气候的理解就是地球的天气。



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When I was very small, I stayed at my hometown with my grandma.

She is a deligent woman, she likes to grow vegetables and takes care of all the house chores.

Though my parents ask her to quit these work, my grandma refuses. She takes what she does as her great joy. I understand her, because I see her smile and be satisfied with life.



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I love summer very much. In summer, its hot, and sometimes its rainy. People wear T-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. Girls love to wear dresses and skirts.

I love smimming in summer. So I always go swimming with my parents in the sea. Sometimes, I like to play basketball on the playground with my friends if its not very hot.

My favourite food in summer is ice-cream. Its very cold and sweet. Its delicious for me in summer.

Wow, summer is really my favourite season!







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My family has a black and white kitten, it has a pair of big eyes and pointed ears. I gave it a name, called flowers. It is the most favorite fish.

Once again, I came back from school, saw it sleeping at the table, eating, I threw a fish bones to go, flowers came over, eating fish bones, they issued a creak sound, as if to say; "really delicious."

My cat is very cute, I see this cat is very lovable.



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At noon Saturday, Dad took a puppy, his eyes were small, his mouth was small, the puppys body and the head were white, the feet were black, the tail was yellow, the puppy was early To the night always love to call, so I gave the dog played a loud name called "bark".

Barking three months old, its sense of smell is very sensitive, and once, I was eating snacks at home, often from there ran around me, I gave him to share my snacks, it brought me A lot of fun.

Once again, my family stewed pork ribs, I was eating with relish, barking, it called me twice, I knew it was hungry, so gave it a large bones, barking chung Have relish, Mom and Dad read, smile from ear to ear.

Sunday, I am barking to go out to play, I took a disc, I put the disc thrown out, often ran immediately to find the disc, you say the boring reaction is not very sensitive.

Time is so fast, eyes, bark has been six months old, his running faster, but the father gave it to the people.

A year later, I still did not forget this partner.
