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1. 梦想是歌,奏响生命的乐章;梦想是乐章,谱写动听的音符;梦想是音符,演绎生命的奇迹。

2. 青春,是一片蓝天,不纳乌云,只铺彩霞;青春,是一页白纸,不沾墨污,只画荷花;青春,是一张宝琴,不弹糜音,只奏雅曲。

3. 梦想,是一双翅膀,带着你翱翔在天空中。梦想,是奋斗的目标,带着你一直前进。梦想,我把它装进风筝,让它飞得很高很高。

4. 梦想是春天的绿,娇嫩脆弱充满新意;梦想是生命的水,给人希望润物无声;梦想是天边的风,来去匆匆追之不及;梦想是凋零的叶,滋养大树迎来新生。

5. 梦想是水,浇出生命的苗;梦想是苗,长出生命的树;梦想是树,开出生命的花;梦想是花,结出生命的果!

6. 每个人都有自己的青春。青春就像交响乐,奏响生命的绚丽多彩;青春就像剧本,演绎着缤纷多彩的人生;青春就像生命,让我们欣欣向荣。

7. 梦想是希望的灯,照亮我们美好的前程!梦想是闪亮的星,引导着我们奔向黎明!播撒梦想,你将拥有辉煌的未来,挑战自我,你将实现智慧的神采!

8. 梦想是绳,升起饱满的帆;梦想是帆,推动希望的船;梦想是船,漂荡理想的海;梦想是海,托起光明的阳;梦想是阳,照亮前进的路。

9. 梦想是春天,孕育着希望的生命;梦想是夏天,开出了希望的花朵;梦想是秋天,收获了希望的果实;梦想是冬天,埋下了希望的种子。

10. 梦想是石,敲出星星之火;梦想是火,点燃熄灭的灯;梦想是灯,照亮夜行的路;梦想是路,引你走向黎明;梦想是光,照亮黑暗的街。

11. 梦想是陈胜吴广手中飘扬的旗帜,梦想是毛泽东案前飞舞的毛笔,梦想是马克思恩格斯书中燃烧着的希望!

12. 梦想是树,为你撑起绿荫;梦想是光,照溶寒冬的雪;梦想是雪,滋润土地的水;梦想是水,形成无边的海。

13. 梦想是一把利剑,能帮你扫清障碍;梦想是一盏明灯,给你照亮前程;梦想是一座丰碑,帮你见证辉煌。

14. 梦想是助人成功的基石;梦想是催人奋进的动力;梦想是勇往直前的源泉。

15. 青春是一个美梦,却终有梦醒的一天;青春是一条小河,却终有干涸的一天;青春是一道彩虹,却终有消失的一天;青春是一朵盛开的鲜花,却终有凋落的一天。

16. 青春是美好记忆里天空的飞鸟,青春是韶华岁月里暗恋的微酸,青春是精致笔记本里无声的诉说。

17. 青春,一个充满着个性与张扬的时代;青春,一个充满着友谊与关爱的时代;青春,一个充满着智慧与力量的时代。青春,爱幻想,爱自由,爱探索,爱快乐。

18. 青春,是生命的春天;青春,是理想的火炬。青春,是一个人生命的聚光点,充满彩色与梦幻;青春是人生之花的蓓蕾,绚丽夺目。要爱惜青春,世界上没有比青春更好的了,没有比青春更珍贵的了!青春就象黄金,你想成为什么就能成为什么。

19. 青春,就如一串珍珠,颗颗晶莹剔透;青春,就如一道彩虹,在春雨的洗礼后,闪耀出七色光芒。青春,一个充满活力的岁月,是它,使我们的人生绽放出七彩之花。

20. 青春是盛开的鲜花,用它艳丽的花瓣铺就人生道路;青春是美妙的乐章,用它跳跃的音符谱写出生活的旋律;青春是翱翔的雄鹰,用它矫健的翅膀搏击广阔的天宇。

21. 青春是用酣畅的笔墨和美好的想象勾勒的画卷——活色生香;青春是用自然的灵动和人间的和睦编写的序曲——雅俗共赏;青春是用怡人的茶香和无忧的闲适渲染的诗歌——淋漓酣畅。

22. 青春有五彩的梦,青春有淋漓的愁;青春有我们跋涉的脚印,青春有我们灿烂的笑容;拥有青春就拥有未来的希望,拥有青春就拥有生命的朝阳。于是,所有的青春感叹化作指路的明灯,伴着每一个热爱生活的人前进,再前进……

23. 梦想是春天的绿,娇嫩脆弱充满新意;梦想是生命的水,给人希望润物无声;梦想是天边的风,来去匆匆追之不及;梦想是凋零的叶,滋养大树迎来新生。

24. 梦想是春天,孕育着希望的生命;梦想是夏天,开出了希望的花朵;梦想是秋天,收获了希望的果实;梦想是冬天,埋下了希望的种子。

25. 青春是一首永不言败的歌;青春是一条永不停息的河流;青春是一本读不厌的书;青春是一杯品不尽的茶。

26. 青春是一座屹立在民族之林的高峰,刻印千千万万青年的足迹;青春是一座知识的宝塔,洒下千千万万青年的汗水。

27. 梦想,犹如一阵风,吹向未来;梦想,犹如一艘船,飘向远方;梦想,犹如一盏灯,点亮明天。

28. 梦想是永恒的信念,梦想是努力拼搏的伟大精神,梦想是一颗炽热的心.

29. 人生需要梦想。梦想如同风帆,给人生小舟注入的动力;梦想如同明灯,给人生的跋涉指明进的方向。

30. 青春是一首歌,她拨动着我们年轻的心弦;青春是一团火,她点燃了我们沸腾的热血。

31. 梦想是诗,吟诵最美好的华章;梦想是画,描绘最斑斓的图景;梦想是乐,弹奏最动人的音符……

32. 青春像一杯茶,苦涩中带着一丝清甜;青春像一本书,有读不完的故事与哲理;青春像一首歌,歌唱着欢乐与悲伤。让我们放声歌唱,歌唱青春的神秘与珍贵,让我们踏上青春之旅,体会青春的美好与飞扬!

33. 青春是最美丽的花朵;青春是跳动的音符;青春是最动人的诗行;青春是一张永不褪色的彩照;青春是远行者那色彩斑谰的起点;青春是阳光灿烂的日子;青春是明亮广阔的天空;青春是欢快的脚步;青春是放飞的小鸟。

34. 青春如歌,它能奏出一支支激昂的乐典,谱写出华彩的乐章,让我们踏着音乐的节拍以愉悦的心情迈入青春的门槛。青春如一支神笔,它能描绘出一幅幅多彩的画卷,画卷上印染着我们的理想,画卷上印染着我们的理想,我们的目标,我们为了实现而付出的辛劳都会在画中体现。青春如翱翔的雄鹰,自由的在广阔无垠的天空中飞翔,没有束缚。正如我们一样在青春的这段时间里可以尽情地放松,享受拥有青春的快乐。关于青春的排比句。同时,我们更应该珍惜青春。

35. 青春是矛盾的综合体;青春是成熟的半成品;青春是喜是忧亦是愁;青春是真是幻也是梦;青春像雾像雨又像风;青春似嗔似怨更似痴。




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Winter, we first think of the word is nothing more than "cold" "cold" "ruthless." And the winter morning?

In the eyes of everyone in the winter is a ruthless ice woman. Her words and deeds are always with a burst of bitter wind from the wind.

I opened the curtains this morning. Greet me is not biting the cold wind, but a ray of warm sunshine. The winter morning is the freshest. Suck into the cool silk, but today there are some sweet it. The sun shines on my face. I think this time the winter morning is more like a sunny boy.

Winter, I love you do not lightly expressed in the warmth of love; I love you more selfless dedication of the spirit of Lei Feng.

You are burdened with the world complaining about you, complaining about your cold; complaining about your ruthlessness. And you are quietly bear. How can they know your cold for the warmth of the spring of next year; for the coming year the fragrance of flowers; for the coming year the green grass; for the next years wheat harvest. Who can understand you?

The appearance of cold, heart hot you year after year, day after day, never complain.

When the spring is more warm; when the flowers are more fragrant; when the grass is more green; when the wheat harvest better. When people are busy praising the spring, you laughed and you said, "The four seasons are the rules of nature.

Looking at you back to the back, I cried ...



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Autumn really beautiful autumn girl wearing a golden dress, sitting uncle breeze of the car came to the Xia Gonggong side, it said: "Xia Gonggong you tired, Ill take your class!"

At this time, there is a row of geese in the sky is about to fly to the south of the winter! Dayan leader led his team members for a while arranged in a "person" word, while arranged in a "one" word, while lined up a "big". They fly and say, "Dear Southern friends, we come back to see you!"

In the field, the red sorghum is like a burning torch. A piece of field covered with mature rice, a tree of rice together to become a golden "ocean". The wind blowing, as if in front of rolling the golden waves.

Orchard, Apple smiled red face; Huang Chengcheng pear, like a yellow bells; ripe persimmon in the tree you squeeze me touch, scrambling to let people pick it!

Maple forest, maple leaves are more beautiful than those who dance, the wind blowing them began to dancing, jump out of the joy of autumn!

Autumn is really beautiful, I like this golden, lovely season!



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1. 曾经拥有过青春的我,则要说,青春是灿烂的朝霞。可以说它是鲜红的,热情似火;可以说它是碧绿的,生机勃勃;可以说它是雪白的,纯洁烂漫;也可以说是金黄的,璀璨辉煌。旭日东升,云蒸霞蔚。长空为之赞叹,大地为之震撼。

2. 青春没有规则。我们会露出自信的微笑,潇洒地走过;会沿长着执着的追求,踏出一串串闪亮的感叹号;会带着金色的梦想,不懈地扬帆于知识的海洋;会抖擞精神迎接着火热的骄阳,站在明天的起跑线上。所有的日子都那么充足,没有片刻的虚度光阴。

3. 青春是一首歌,她拨动着我们年轻的心弦;青春是一团火,她点燃了我们沸腾的热血。

4. 青春所给予我们的是力量,是坚持。因为有它,我们遇到困难的时候才能不畏惧;因为有它,我们才发现了生命的真谛;因为有它,我们学会了安稳,学会了冷静,学会了坚忍。

5. 青春没有规则。我们可以在街上无拘无束地开怀大笑或泪流满面,而不必在意别人惊愕的表情;可以跌倒后顽强地爬起,不必在乎别人怎么说;可以尽情歌唱,不必约束自己,一切的一切都那么自然,大方,没有丝毫的做作。

6. 每个人都有自己的青春。青春就像交响乐,奏响生命的绚丽多彩;青春就像剧本,演绎着缤纷多彩的人生;青春就像生命,让我们欣欣向荣。

7. 青春是最美丽的花朵;青春是跳动的音符;青春是最动人的诗行;青春是一张永不褪色的彩照;青春是远行者那色彩斑谰的起点;青春是阳光灿烂的日子;青春是明亮广阔的天空;青春是欢快的脚步;青春是放飞的小鸟。

8. 青春是矛盾的综合体;青春是成熟的半成品;青春是喜是忧亦是愁;青春是真是幻也是梦;青春像雾像雨又像风;青春似嗔似怨更似痴;

9. 青春,流露着浓浓的诗情画意;青春,散发出淡淡的幽香含情。青春时代充满着年少轻狂,充满着无限生机,充满着美丽自信。青春的步伐不会因困难而停止,青春的旋律不会因风雨而阻挠。青春是阳光,是自信的标志;青春是月光,是优雅的代表;青春是星光,是引领时尚的先锋。

10. 青春是一首歌,她拨动着我们年轻的心弦;青春是一团火,她点燃了我们沸腾的热血;青春是一面旗帜,她召唤着我们勇敢前行;青春是一本教科书,她启迪着我们的智慧和心灵。

11. 青春像一杯茶,苦涩中带着一丝清甜;青春像一本书,有读不完的故事与哲理;青春像一首歌,歌唱着欢乐与悲伤。让我们放声歌唱,歌唱青春的神秘与珍贵,让我们踏上青春之旅,体会青春的美好与飞扬!

12. 青春,是一片蓝天,不纳乌云,只铺彩霞;青春,是一页白纸,不沾墨污,只画荷花;青春,是一张宝琴,不弹糜音,只奏雅曲。

13. 青春是用意志的血滴和拼搏的汗水酿成的琼浆——历久弥香;青春是用不凋的希望和不灭的向往编织的彩虹——绚丽辉煌;青春是用永恒的执着和顽强的韧劲筑起的一道铜墙铁壁——固若金汤;青春是用酣畅的笔墨和美好的想象勾勒的画卷——活色生香;青春是用自然的灵动和人间的和睦编写的序曲——雅俗共赏;青春是用怡人的茶香和无忧的闲适渲染的诗歌——淋漓酣畅。

14. 当然,青春需要我们用勇敢和智慧去谱写这壮丽的诗篇;青春需要我们用自信和勇敢去攀爬艰苦的历程;青春需要我们无私的爱心去编织奉献的赞歌。这才是青春真正的意义。

15. 青春有五彩的梦,青春有淋漓的愁;青春有我们跋涉的脚印,青春有我们灿烂的笑容;拥有青春就拥有未来的希望,拥有青春就拥有生命的朝阳。于是,所有的青春感叹化作指路的明灯,伴着每一个热爱生活的人前进,再前进。

16. 青春是一首歌,一首活力四射的歌,摇滚的旋律古典的味;青春是一杯酒,一杯酸酸甜甜的酒,果汁的味道白酒的性;青春是一个梦,一个高潮迭起的梦,小说的情节现实的伤;青春是一局棋,一局匪夷所思的棋,精妙的布局无解的谜;

17. 青春如歌,它能奏出一支支激昂的乐典,谱写出华彩的乐章,让我们踏着音乐的节拍以愉悦的心情迈入青春的门槛。青春如一支神笔,它能描绘出一幅幅多彩的画卷,画卷上印染着我们的理想,画卷上印染着我们的理想,我们的目标,我们为了实现而付出的辛劳都会在画中体现。青春如翱翔的雄鹰,自由的在广阔无垠的天空中飞翔,没有束缚。正如我们一样在青春的这段时间里可以尽情地放松,享受拥有青春的快乐。同时,我们更应该珍惜青春

18. 青春的我们总爱追梦,喜欢优雅温馨的情调;喜欢无拘无束的放荡;喜欢时尚潮流的风情。于是我们一次又一次的向自己的境地曲折,不再接受父母长辈的教导。可是我们又都明白“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”“莫等闲,白了少年头”这些豪言壮语的内在意义。

19. 青春,沉醉在极富浓厚的书香中。不知你是否有这种感觉:每当翻开史书,就像是在品尝一杯浓浓的咖啡。一个个鲜活的历史人物引领你成长;一个个经典的历史故事让你深感古代中国的独特魅力;一个个智慧的古代哲学充实你的文学素养,史书的特有的气息散发出中国浓厚的民族文化。

20. 青春,是生命的春天;青春,是理想的火炬。青春,是一个人生命的聚光点,充满彩色与梦幻;青春是人生之花的蓓蕾,绚丽夺目。要爱惜青春,世界上没有比青春更好的了,没有比青春更珍贵的了!青春就象黄金,你想成为什么就能成为什么。

21. 青春如诗、如梦、如火。年轻的生命追求一份浪漫,寻找一丝恬静,这就是充满诗意的青春;纯洁的心灵向往美好的未来,设计着一幅又一幅壮丽的蓝图,这就是梦幻般的青春;生机盎然的我们凭着那份执着和激情无悔地去寻求生命中的价值,这就是热情的青春。

22. 青春是一面旗帜,她召唤着我们勇敢前行;青春是一本教科书,她启迪着我们的智慧和心灵。

23. 青春是成长的喜悦,幼稚的忧愁;青春是自由的心情,拘束的脚步;青春是放纵的笑容,无声的眼泪;青春是叛逆的行为,沉重的代价;

24. 青春,一个充满着个性与张扬的时代;青春,一个充满着友谊与关爱的时代;青春,一个充满着智慧与力量的时代。青春,爱幻想,爱自由,爱探索,爱快乐。

25. 青春,一个充满着个性与张扬的时代;青春,一个充满着友谊与关爱的时代;青春,一个充满着智慧与力量的时代。青春,爱幻想,爱自由,爱探索,爱快乐。

26. 青春的我们总爱追梦,喜欢优雅温馨的情调;喜欢无拘无束的放荡;喜欢时尚潮流的风情。于是我们一次又一次的向自己的境地曲折,不再接受父母长辈的教导。可是我们又都明白“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”“莫等闲,白了少年头”这些豪言壮语的内在意义。

27. 青春没有规则。我们会露出自信的微笑,潇洒地走过;会沿长着执着的追求,踏出一串串闪亮的感叹号;会带着金色的梦想,不懈地扬帆于知识的海洋;会抖擞精神迎接着火热的骄阳,站在明天的起跑线上。所有的日子都那么充足,没有片刻的虚度光阴。

28. 青春没有规则。我们可以在街上无拘无束地开怀大笑或泪流满面,而不必在意别人惊愕的表情;可以跌倒后顽强地爬起,不必在乎别人怎么说;可以尽情歌唱,不必约束自己,一切的一切都那么自然,大方,没有丝毫的做作。

29. 青春如歌,它能奏出一支支激昂的乐典,谱写出华彩的乐章,让我们踏着音乐的节拍以愉悦的心情迈入青春的门槛。青春如一支神笔,它能描绘出一幅幅多彩的画卷,画卷上印染着我们的理想,画卷上印染着我们的理想,我们的目标,我们为了实现而付出的辛劳都会在画中体现。青春如翱翔的雄鹰,自由的在广阔无垠的天空中飞翔,没有束缚。正如我们一样在青春的这段时间里可以尽情地放松,享受拥有青春的快乐。同时,我们更应该珍惜青春

30. 青春如诗、如梦、如火。年轻的生命追求一份浪漫,寻找一丝恬静,这就是充满诗意的青春;纯洁的心灵向往美好的未来,设计着一幅又一幅壮丽的蓝图,这就是梦幻般的青春;生机盎然的我们凭着那份执着和激情无悔地去寻求生命中的价值,这就是热情的青春。

31. 青春是最美丽的花朵;青春是跳动的音符;青春是最动人的诗行;青春是一张永不褪色的彩照;青春是远行者那色彩斑谰的起点;青春是阳光灿烂的日子;青春是明亮广阔的天空;青春是欢快的脚步;青春是放飞的小鸟。

32. 青春所给予我们的是力量,是坚持。因为有它,我们遇到困难的时候才能不畏惧;因为有它,我们才发现了生命的真谛;因为有它,我们学会了安稳,学会了冷静,学会了坚忍。

33. 青春像一杯茶,苦涩中带着一丝清甜;青春像一本书,有读不完的故事与哲理;青春像一首歌,歌唱着欢乐与悲伤。让我们放声歌唱,歌唱青春的神秘与珍贵,让我们踏上青春之旅,体会青春的美好与飞扬!

34. 青春有五彩的梦,青春有淋漓的愁;青春有我们跋涉的脚印,青春有我们灿烂的笑容;拥有青春就拥有未来的希望,拥有青春就拥有生命的朝阳。于是,所有的青春感叹化作指路的明灯,伴着每一个热爱生活的人前进,再前进……

35. 因为青春,我们用力深呼吸,用力作梦;因为青春,我们约定制造共同的回忆,镶在青春纪念册;因为青春,我们不忘怀旧,不忘《朋友》,不忘《同桌的你》在青春的长河里,尽情的放歌。在求的海洋里领航,在生活的天空中翱翔,在人生的道路上畅佯,感受多彩的生命,编织人生的梦想。同时青春的长河也流淌着年少的轻狂,充满着风雨坎坷。

36. 曾经拥有过青春的我,则要说,青春是灿烂的朝霞。可以说它是鲜红的,热情似火;可以说它是碧绿的,生机勃勃;可以说它是雪白的,纯洁烂漫;也可以说是金黄的,璀璨辉煌。旭日东升,云蒸霞蔚。长空为之赞叹,大地为之震撼。

37. 青春,是生命的春天;青春,是理想的火炬。青春,是一个人生命的聚光点,充满彩色与梦幻;青春是人生之花的蓓蕾,绚丽夺目。要爱惜青春,世界上没有比青春更好的了,没有比青春更珍贵的了!青春就象黄金,你想成为什么就能成为什么。

38. 青春,人人都有自己的青春。如果问你青春是什么,你怎样回答?你或许会说,青春是无言的歌。那一个个跳动的音符合着心跳的节拍,奏出生命的辉煌乐章;你或许会说,青春是醇香的酒。存放的时间越久,香味就越浓郁。闲暇时斟上,细细品味,未饮先醉;你或许会说,青春是妩媚的鲜花。春风中绽放出万紫千红,争奇斗妍,点缀出别样景致,让蝶儿陶醉。



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I walk around the Peak, around the flowers are numerous, full of branches, flowers and criss-crossing, as if the fence rows. Looking down from the peak, only an immense display. full of golden-yellow flowers, Down on the ground, not for the intoxicated with the beauty of nature, this beautiful paradise like the Garden of Paradise.

Suddenly, a cold wind blowing, I began to tremble , and winter jasmine, it seems a soldier, is to resist the wind, the yellow flowers with a sword, and the wind is it a duel! I was怔住this scene, the winter jasmine as appears to be weak, so delicate, and in the cold before they are without fear.

They really tenacious vitality ah!



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Every year, when the college entrance exam is over, students will be very

happy and feel relieved, so they will throw away books to show the hard journey

is over and the new chapter has opened. Most young people need to face the

college entrance exam. It seems that the years’ hard working is expected to

deserve a good result. Before the result comes out, students will celebrate by

hanging out all the night, such as go to KTV with their friends. Without the

pressure of study, they feel great joy. This is the unforgettable memory for

most people. No matter how old they are, they will never forget about the crazy

days of youth. The long-term year’s study and fighting for the future with their

classmates make their youth become special.



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Winter rain, not to mention how familiar. Winter rain sister every day heaven, people happy people worry. The streets are both desolate and deserted, and are basically desolate. Winter sisters rain is rain, can choose the wind brother to trouble, the original beautiful and romantic winter rain in peoples mouth becomes annoying.

Once, I sat in the father of the battery car, just the sky floating drizzle, can be a big wind. I joked: "rain with the wind flurry, really a flower ed on the cow dung!" Dad smiled. Because the rain came, the sky became dark, and all the hearings were rain "ticking", the "rushing" sound of the rain, or the rocking of the leaves of the wind - The sound in the rain, "patronize" when it is too much! Every time the rain, everything becomes wet da da, it seems that the wind was a bath. Can snake, turtle, some hibernating animals can not accept the "bath task", just want to be over the hole in the cold winter.

There is no way, and can not hibernate, can only think of their own way to keep warm in the morning, no longer someone from morning to night out of morning practice; noon, although the day is the hottest time, to the winter, it does not meet the science; The coldest day, is like a forest silence ... ... the land is the most common puddle, and one foot down, they will splash countless small water, splashed on peoples clothes, pants, so a no Attention, clothes pants on the wet. Those small puddles, reflecting all things, the plot will even become a small tadpole swimming.

Winter rain, people happy to worry!



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At the foot of Yulong(Jade Dragon)Snow Mountain in northwesternYunnan Province is the ancient town of Lijiang. In the remote past.itwas already inhabited with tribal people. In i 253 , Kublai Khan,the Mongol chief,stationed his troops here on his southward march to conquer the State of Dali. For the next 500 years,to the early days of the Qing Dynasty、the place was ruled by a herditary succession of chieftains from the Mu clan of the Naxi people、under the jurisdiction of the imperial court.


Lijiang is a mystical and beautiful town on the center of Lijiang valley,2 410 meters above sea level,with about 25 000 residents on an area of 3 .8 square kilometers. It is the gateway to northwest Yunnan region。and No. 214 National Road runs through the city to Tibet in the north or to Dali City in the south , capital of the autonomous prefecture.


The inhabitants of Lijiang are mainly of Naxi minority .and the city is the only autonomous city of the nationality. It has long been known world wide for its grandiose snow clad mountain,the steep gorge,the elegant Mt. Laojun,the clean Lugu Lake, and the colorful and various customs of the minorities. The outside world is surprised by its ancient and simple sense of‘identity of Heaven and Man" and its protound and excenent cunure,amazed by the ancestors of the minorities who built a city without a wall on the beautiful land of Lijiang at this southwest frontier. In December of 1997,World Heritage Committee registered it on World Heritage List,and this“city forgotten gods" was since unveiled to the world with its oriental mystery and charm like pearl hidden among the mountains




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An important activity during the Spring Festival is bainian (to pay a New Year call).

People start to pay New Year calls from the lunar New Years Day,that is, the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. Ever since the Ming Dynasty in the 14th century,ordinary people have begun to exchange greeting cards on this day. On the morning of the lunar New Years Day,people get up very early and call on others. The earlier one does so,the more sincere he is. Moreover,people wear new clothes and a new cap,symbolizing that a new year has begun.

The younger generation should call on their elders first,such as the grandfather,grandmother,father and mother,wishing them "Good health" and "Long life". Then the elders give children some money in a red envelope as a New Year gift. After that,people call on their relatives,friends and neighbors. As "big tangerine" is a homonym for "very lucky" in Chinese,so people often present red big tangerines as a gift while paying a New Year call.

Nowadays,besides greeting cards,people also use telephones and e-mails to pay New Year calls.



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Spring flowers summer weather a riot of colour, hot, autumn fruit is sweet and delicious, winter scenery loose green white.

The winter snow like a feather, like catkins, like dandelion seeds, drifting profusely and disorderly fall.

Snowflakes in winter have different shapes: stars with six angles. Six twigs … …

When snowflakes dance to the world, the earth. Building。 The trees are covered with a layer of white cloth, the kids are out playing, some snowball fights, some snowman, some … … see how happy they are!



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I have a dog.He is my favorite pet.He is very lovely.His name is Peter and he is two years old.His fur is long and white.He has big black eyes.His nose is very good.He can smell very well.He is quite small.He weighs about two kilograms.Peters favorite food is meat.He also likes bones.

Peter is very friendly.I feed him every day.He never barks or bites.Peter likes lots of exercise.It is necessary to walk the dog in the park every day if you want it to be healthy.So I play with him every day in the park.Peter likes to run in the park.He often chases cats and birds.It is very interesting.Peter can find the way back easily.I think he is the cleverest animal of all.

I like my dog and he loves me too.He is very healthy.All my family like him.We look after him very carefully.Ill make a small and lovely house for him.I think he will be happy to live there.Do you like my dog?






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In the morning, out of the building, a large expanse of snow covered the ground, shining like a brilliant diamond.

Suddenly, a snowflake fell into my hand, and I closed the door quickly, and the snowflakes disappeared. But outside of the snowflakes in the air wave, the moment, fall in the arms of snow into a pearl like water, like cotton pile on the ground, it is a white world. Just like a white carpet, the ground has just returned to a vast expanse of whiteness, and I intend to paint it down.

Oh, what beautiful snow it is.



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Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. Its because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival.

First, will make a big New Year meal. Second, we will make “Good-luck wishes.” Third, we will set off firecrackers. New Year meal is delicious and we think that eating some will bring us good luck. A long time ago, Chinese people believed red color could bring our good luck too. And we set off firecrackers could frighten ghosts away.

Chinese New Year is very popular between students. Because we can have a long happy holiday.




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15、青春是璀璨的夜空。有着月色般美丽的报负,也有数不清的幻想之星。只是,青春的月儿比夜空的月更 圆;青春的星儿比夜空的星更繁。

16、青春是一笔不耐花销的财富,时光匆匆如水,流逝不回。8. 青春是大踏步前进的脚印,上面刻满着对未来的憧憬和无畏。





































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Snow swirl underground, like feathers, white, white ZhuGeDiao into this world.

A class, regardless of the 2 or 3 all came running out to snowball fights, carefree like a kindergarten child, this years first snow, make everyone crazy.

First snow in addition to is to make a snowman snowball fights more not less, from the size of a fist snowball into the snowmans body ah roll roll ah, the snowmans head, rolling a snowball do again to find two as the snowmans eyes a cute snowman was born, looks very cute.

Brush under the snow for a long time for a long time, the sky turned red very beautiful is very beautiful, like a no impurity of ink painting.

Snow is the most beautiful, standing in the snow, patches of snow soon covered with the palm of your hand, look at every snowflake is different, very beautiful, no words can describe, for a few seconds after the snow melts away and disappear.

Throughout the snow reminds me of a words: "if not catkin because of the wind." Pieces of snow like catkin flying in the air, let a person forget the cold, just enjoying the nice view.

On campus, branch is full of snow, like flowers, quietly cover above, white and beautiful.

The wind blowing snow flying, rapidly change the direction of the flying, staggered flying, just like that.

Who wont be tempted like snow? Every child is not about the snowman, snowman, have snow battle, also on the way is walking on the slippery, fell to climb up, continue to go "there hed stand up"

This year the snow is very beautiful is very beautiful.

The snowman a lot this year.

This child is very happy very happy.

The first snow of 2012, bring us a beautiful and happy.

Hope 2013 snow also would be so beautiful and happy.

















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In the courtyard of the grandmothers house, there is a garden. I like it the way it falls!

Autumn garden and usually different, very cute! Every seam to the fall, the garden is full of people like the grass. Spring, small grass just germination, the number of small, the color is not too green Summer, although the grass more, but it is too green! Winter, the temperature is low, all the grass and all withered. And only to the late autumn, the grass from the spring has long been to the autumn, it is the largest number! And the color of the grass becomes golden, played the golden wheat waves. Grass a cluster next to a cluster, a cluster of crowded a cluster, like a golden carpet, very nice.

The garden of autumn is surrounded by chrysanthemums. This is usually not see the scene. The chrysanthemum of the autumn garden is multipolar. As long as you walk into the garden, it will be surrounded by many chrysanthemums. The door of the rockery is chrysanthemum, trails on both sides of the chrysanthemum, small stone bench next to the chrysanthemum, rockery under the feet, or chrysanthemum! Chrysanthemum color colorful. There are white, yellow, purple, red, pink, especially people feel beautiful, is the flower of chrysanthemum, there are green! Chrysanthemum than other flowers are strong, weak flowers to the fall Long withered, but not only did not fade chrysanthemum, but also head over his head, Tingzhuo, open very good!

There are a few maple trees in the garden. Usually you can not see what they are special, but one late into the autumn, their leaves will become as red as fire, who read will be amazed. Maple leaf coloring process is very interesting. Maple leaves were originally green, to the fall, it first slowly into yellow, waiting for a few days after it turned red. And wait until late autumn, Maple Leaf this becomes dark red, like blood red!

There are ten trees next to the maple trees. In peacetime, the yellow cedar tree is not as characteristic as the maple, and in the late autumn it is the same as the maple, and the leaves are turned from green to crimson. But the leaves of yellow cedar trees than maple leaves, and there is no five horns, is round. This yellow cedar also let me make a joke it. One day fall, my father and I read in the garden, I saw the yellow cedar leaves red, pointing to their father said: "Dad, this a few maple leaves are red!" Dad a laugh Rhettled and told me: "This is not a maple, is a yellow cedar tree! You see its leaves, is round, maple leaves but the pentagonal!" I look carefully, this found himself wrong.

I love the garden of autumn. Every late autumn, I often stay in the garden, the game. I am afraid of the winter, the beauty of the front will disappear, back to the garden to take pictures, can take pictures, I always feel that the photo is not as ideal as I imagined, so I often give the garden to draw, after each painting , I always feel that some in the ointment, so I also love in the painting to draw some of the garden is not the fruit, because I love the garden too far!



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Autumn is a golden season and a bumper season. Autumn, the crops are all mature, and everywhere is a Huang Cancan, people can not help but want to sing a song, sing the joy of harvest.

However, in recent days, the weather was cold, not cloudy, is the downpour, it is cool and warm, the hearts can not help but add a bit sad.

Today s rain is really big, like a row of soybeans from heaven. This rain is also very anxious, low-lying place instantly become a Wang Yang. Occasional vehicles through, from time to time will provoke a blossoming flowers. The pedestrians on the road were hugging by the umbrella; the vehicle horned the horn from time to time, fearing the pedestrian. People standing high to see this scene, all feel like a boat like a boat in the river in general.

The rain is too fast to go, and the sky is sunny for a while.

I opened the window, fresh air from the nose, even the trees next to the road feel more than just the spirit. Autumn rain, although brought the slightest chill, but also people memorable.



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My home have a dog named spot, three years old this year, the colour is light yellow, very likable, little nose is black, and small, it naturally has a character of arrogance。

Little is a golden retriever。 Remember in the winter of 2007, the snow was falling thickand the wind was its mother put it, born a month later I went to grandma house held it back, but it is small, it is about two jins, little living in my house for a year or so, and because my house without the loess, and the urine is also an issue, but under my mother had to send it is grandmas house, little just walk a couple of days, and I think it all the time, what matter all downhearted, time is long, I also gradually forgotten。

To from one day, mother said: didnt go to grandmas house for a long time, lets go and see, that makes me fiercely remembered Id left a good friend, after lunch, we went to grandmas house, a meeting, I almost didnt recognize, also was like a "bean sprouts" puppy, is now, thick and tall, look the jovian, has a bit of light red nose, looks very spirit。

On the way home, I want to for a long time, why at the beginning of the puppy to grandma house can grow up? Eat fat? I think its because my grandma home food is to its liking。 Ha ha, my little little cute。







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We have a good English teacher。His name is Bruce。 He comes from Britain, about forty years old。 He is tall and thin。 Wearing a pair of glasses makes him more gentlemen。He is strict with us。 He often makes full preparations for his class and corrects our homework carefully。 His teaching style is very unique, because he is used to encouraging all of us to think by ourselves and study on our own。 The relationship between Bruce and us is harmonious。 He is so kind and friendly that every student likes him and respects him deeply。 Our teacher is so excellent that we all love him very much。

我们有一个很好的英语老师,他的名字叫Bmce。他来自英国,大约40岁。他是一个又高又瘦的人,戴着一副眼镜,这使他显得更有绅士风度。 他总是严格要求我们。他经常认真备课,认真为我们批改作业。他的教学风格很是与众不同,这是由于他总是习惯鼓励学生努力思考,并且培养我们的自学能力。我们之间的关系很融洽。他对人和蔼可亲,所以深受我们的爱戴和尊敬。 我们的老师很出色,我们都很喜欢他。
