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As time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday lives in the future.

For example,as time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday life. For example, when we are hungry, we dont need to cook in a hurry. Just take some pills, and everything will be OK. When we are free, we can go anywhere by spacecraft. It will be very cheap, just like taking a taxi now. And of course, if we want to see what is like under the sea, just travel down there in a flying object like UFO. Maybe there will be a lot of cities and people living there. I think itll be very easy to travel anywhere, not only in our world, but also in space and in the deep sea.




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Our Future

Nobody know what will happen in the future. And predicting the future is difficult.

In the future I think people will have robots in their homes. There are already robots working in factories. And new robots will have many different shaps. People won’t usu money. Everything will be free. Many people will keep many different pets, like snakes or spiders .Kids won’t go to school they will study at home on computer. Books will only be on computers.,not on paper.There will be more computers and more free time. And people will live to be 200 years. In the world,there will be more people and more cars. Maybe there will be less pollution and more tress.The world will be more beautiful.

Our Future

In ten years., people will have robots in their homes. And people won’t use money, everything will be free. Books will only be on computers, not on paper. Kids won’t go to school. They will studying at home on computers. I think there will only be one country. People will live to be 200 years old There will be more people. There will be more free time. And there will be more tress. And there will be more cars. There will be less pollution There will be more tress. And cities will be very big and clean

Our Future

In the future, maybe we’ll be an actor、a doctor、a singer or anther else. So we’ll be able to make a living doing something we love. We’ll live in busy and beautiful city such as Shanghai Beijing and Hangzhou. And I’ll live in Shanghai. Because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.

Probably we’ll live in an apartment or a building with our parents.If we like pets, we’ll have many different pets, such as rabbits, parrots and dogs. Pets need a lot of love. So we’ll spend a lot of some time with them.

Maybe we’ll travel all over the world. Especially at English-speaking countries such as the United States and Australia, so we’ll be able to improve our English. Predicting the future can be different. But I believe our dream will come true.

Trust self! Where there is a will there is a way!

Our Future

What our life will be like in the future

I think the life of mine will be more modern than now. Every family will have robots. The robots will help us do all the housework. The food will be more healthy. We will have a personal computer. We will be able to do some shopping. The little children won’t go to school . They’ll study at home on computers. People might fly to the moon for holidays.

How wonderful our future will be! I hope my dreams will come true.

Our Future

In the future, we’ll grow up. We will have the different jobs. We’ll be a friendly teacher, an excellent、reporter、a good policeman、a popular singer and so on. Perhaps we’ll work in the companies. But we won’t too tired. Because there will be robots everywhere. Robots will work in the factories. So we will be free sometimes we will have a wonderful time every day. We can go swimming with friends every day. We can also go shopping with friends. We won’t us parper money. We can go to France to take a vacation. We can go to place where we want to go we

will have own computer. We can work on computers.

Work hard, we have to study hard now.

Let’s together!

In The Future

In the future, the world will be more beautiful there will be fewer cars, and there will be less pollution. Cities will be very big and clean. There will be more trees.

People will have robots in their homes. Robots can help people do lots of housework, for example, do the dishes,wash the clothes,cook dinner… And people won’t use money, because everything will be free. Student won’t go to school , the studying at home on computers. People will have a lot of free time.

I think the life will be beautiful in the future. How about you

Our Future

Predicting the future can be difficult. But I think our future will be better than now.

If we plant more tress, the environment will be better There will be less pollution.

Our lives will be better, We will be able to eat healthy food. We will live in big apartments. There will be more robots. They will help people to do lots of simple work. The people will have more free time.

I hope our future can be better.

Our Future

In the future, I think the world will changed a lot.

I think kids won’t go to school, they will study at home on computers.Book will only be on computers, not on paper. People will be more free time. Because robots will help our do something people will have robots in their homes.

I think there will be many tall buildings and wide streets in my hometown. There will be more tress and flowers everywhere. Perhaps many robots will work in factory. There will be less pollution. I think my hometown will become more and more beautiful.

Our Future

Our future will be wonderful. People will have robots in their homes. Kids won’t go to school. They’ll study at home on computers. People won’t use money, everything will be free. There will be more free time. There will be less pollution. There will be more tress. In ten years, we will live in sea. I think there will be more tall buildings. There will be fewer cars and more buses. Maybe one day people will fly to the moon for vacations. My life will be a lot better than this now.  Our Future

I think our future will be more beautiful. Do you thinkLet’s talk about our future.

Everyone has their dreams. In the future. I think they will come true. However “no cross, no crown.” We must hard-working now. In the future, I think wo will be a teacher, a doctor, an athlete, a lawyer and so on.

We will have robots in our homes in the future. They help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs. And we will work with robots. In the future. Everyone will be friendly. And wo won’t use money. Everything will be free.

“Health is happiness.” So in the future.Everyone will be in good health.

We never know what will happen in the future do weBut I believe the future will be beautiful.  Our Future

In the future. I think our world will be more beautiful than now. We will have robots help us to do something.They can do simple jobs over and over again.These robots will look more like human.

In the future I think everything will be free.We will study at home on computers. There will be less pollution and the environment will be better than now.

Predicting the future can be difficult, but I believe our dream will come true in the future.  Our Future

We are students now. But we both have ourselves dreams. For example.I want to be a reporter. Because if I became a reporter. I can make a lot of money and. I also can meet lots of interesting people.So I should study Chinese well.My friend-Ann wants to be a singer. Because she thinks it;s a really interesting job.And she wants to be a flight attendant. She should study English well.

We have different dreams. So we believe our future will be happy. And our dreams can be come true.

Our Future

In the future people will have robots in their homes.These robots are just like humans.They help with the house work and do the most unpleasant jobs.

For example there are already robots working in factories.These robots look more like huge arms.The do simple jobs over and over again.People would not like to do such job and would get board.But robots will never get board.



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With the development of science and technology, our lives have changed a lot in the past century. Many things that wouldn’t happen before have come into reality now. Therefore, our lives will change as well in the future. Our pace of live will greatly speed up, because we will help many machines to finish our work. Many things can be done autonomously. Therefore, people will have more time for fun. People can travel the outer space freely. Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the earth. Human beings may live in other planets. Besides, our environment will be much better than now, because some effective measures are taken to protect the environment. Earth is still a beautiful home for human.



I imagine a lot about lives in the future. I think two words can summarize my imagination. The first word is fast. In the future, we will have more quickly transportation means. Now matter how far we go, it takes only a short time. With the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere outer space. People may can live in other planets. The second word is convenient. Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be done by the computers or even robots. Lots of things are fully automated. Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.




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我要发明一个变色龙功能器。变色龙是一种脊椎动物,躯干稍扁,皮面粗糙,四肢稍长,运动极慢。舌长,可舔食虫类。表面下有多种色素块,能随时变化不同的保护色。变色龙体长多在17至2 5公分左右,最长可达60公分。







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画 家我天生有画画的技能,在五岁的时候就开始画画了。这五年里,我一直都在不断追求、努力地增加自己的画画技能。也是,我在一年级的时候,好多同学都找我画画。不过我总是觉得自己画的不够好,努力的向别人学习。我参加过多次的画画比赛,也做过多年的美术课代表。我喜欢画画,它可以把我们带进童话世界,还可以增加我们的想像力。所以,我喜欢画画。每当我画画的时候,就会全神贯注,什么也不知道。有一次,我突然灵感激发,决定挑战一副很出名的大画家画的画。于是,我开始细心的画着,渐渐忘了时间,十分专心的盯着画看了又看,改了又改。妈妈好像叫我待会儿记得把电视机关掉。我正在全神贯注的画着漫画人的头呢,哪里听得见妈妈的话?等我画完的时候,已经是傍晚五点了。妈妈回到家,看见电视机开着,又摸摸电视机。电视机由于开了一整天,烫的要死。妈妈急忙把电视机关掉,说:“你呀你,画画怎么专心!差点爆炸了!”我不好意思的摸摸头,还不知道妈妈当时要我干什么呢!

作 家我天生爱写作,写的作文在班上被当作范文、被教科书当作范文。我写过很多作品,有小说、诗歌散文或各种文章,我写的小说有:《阿萝莉之旅》、《蓝色的缘分》和《到海边碰碰缘》还有《彩虹味的创想》。我最喜欢写的是诗歌,每天晚上都会写上三四首,不写就会很不舒服、我喜欢写日记,每天都写日记!我常常会因为写作文把作业拖到比较久的时间才做完。你瞧,每天放学回到家,我第一时间就打开电脑连上网打作文、写日志,然后要写到把今天的灵感都写完才罢休。这时已经快吃饭了,我才写作业,搞到每天11点才睡。妈妈说,要是再这样的话,就不让我打作文了。我害怕妈妈真的不让我打作文了,只好每天中午把作文想好,回家赶紧打完,妈妈才没实现她的“命令”!

演 员我喜欢当演员,你瞧我的偶像里“杨幂”和其他人都是做演员的(除了梁静茹)。不只是崇拜,我还真的很适合当演员!这可不是我瞎说的,这是我的家人都这样说的。你瞧,这样的情景:那天,我因为做错了事被妈妈数落了,我觉得很委屈就哭了。过了几分钟后,电视上突然播了一个搞笑的戏,我立马在一秒内破涕为笑,泪水都缩了进去——哈哈大笑;还有一次,我们周六在超市买了我最喜欢吃的纸杯蛋糕,妈妈说星期一放学给我带来当下午茶。我很高兴,哼着歌儿去上学了。可是到下午的时候,妈妈说纸杯蛋糕忘在家里了。我的心情立刻从100度降到10°,笑容在一秒内消失了,变成了阴沉沉的样子。可是回到家再吃纸杯蛋糕的时候,我的笑容又回到脸上了,妈妈和姐姐连连说我是个当演员的料!

服 装 设 计 师 我不仅喜欢画画,还喜欢设计服装。我也参加过不少小记者的设计比赛,都得了奖。这可是我的功劳啊!每次上街的时候,我都会带一个本子。看到橱窗里有漂亮的款式或部分的时候,我就会用相机拍下了,再在本子上做记录。我用参考的方式学会了自己设计衣服。有一次,评委问我们谁要参加设计比赛。我第一个报了名,在当场大显身手,许多人都用羡慕的眼光望着我。我在网上开始分享这些方式,其实妈妈说的对,应该“日积月累”啊!

歌 手我十分喜欢唱歌。上洗手间也唱歌,洗澡也唱歌,吃饭也唱歌,就连上课也偷偷在心里哼几句。唱歌是我的重要爱好之一呢!我最喜欢柔声歌曲,讨厌那些大喊大叫的歌曲。其实我唱歌也是蛮好听的,我每次都会把自己喜欢的歌的歌词抄下来慢慢练,一个星期后,就会跟歌手唱得差不多了。




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I have a future world in my heart. Its beautiful and spectacular. Now, let me take you there for a tour.

We set out in the shape of a water drop solar car. The biggest advantage of this kind of car is that it will not pollute the environment. Its shape is also very interesting. The front is a transparent frame made of long wooden boards and some glass pieces, and the back is a patterned tail made of hard stone. Almost everyone can drive this kind of car, because it is very easy to operate, as long as you press the start button, the following is controlled by the language.

In the future, animals in the world can communicate with people. If you feel bored, animals will come to talk with you and play with you. Of course, these animals have to be your own pets. In the zoo, the keepers will also give the animals the food they want, take them to the places they want to go, and play the games they want to play.

Next, we come to the childrens palace, which is a 50 story building. Children have their own cabinets and desks here. You can enjoy learning and playing with your classmates. The most interesting thing is the restaurant here. When you want to eat, you have to do a small performance, even if you read some ancient incantations and dance a strange dance. You dont have to cook, and the rich food will show up in front of you. OK, let me take you to have a try now. The delicious food will surely make you salivate.

How wonderful my future world is! How about you think about your future world, maybe better than mine!



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What do you want to be in the futureMaybe a teacher, a policeman or a detective…Everyone has their own opinion. I have read the top seven careers. Now I will introduce four of them for you.

The first one is the banker. Wealth is becoming one of the most important signs of a successful career. But ,in fact, not all the banks are about the money——like Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Song Ge is this corporation’s banker. Song Ge tell us that a banker must have a good knowledge of banking, like how a bank works, how to run a bank and how to keep a good relationship with customers and workmates. So, if you want to be a banker, you must have a professional knowledge and communication skills. It’s very difficult.

The second one is the doctor. There are many teenagers think that doctors are very great. Yes, that’s right. But, what should we do to be a good doctorChen Xuqing who works in the ear-nose-throat department maybe can tell us:‘A good doctor must be responsible, because patients put their health in doctors’ hands , so we should get patients’ trust. And doctors should always study to improve and practical their abilities and skills. ’

The third one is the photographer. Wang Kun is a photographer, and he is working for Beijing Youth Weekly. He likes his job because he thinks it is free, and he can meet different people and experience different lives. He also enjoys his job, and he can find lots of pretty things. The most important thing for a photographer is to get good ideas and to enjoy take pictures’ experience.

The fourth one is the scientist. When we were young, most of us want to be a scientist. WhyIt’s really a great career. Scientists have a lot of knowledge and keep up-to-date on the latest knowledge, or the rest of the world will leave you behind. They should be good at math and science and is very important to learn English. They must be able to perform under pressure and meet deadlines… In fact, scientists are important to the world, they can make our life better and better.

No matter what you want to be in the future, you will get the responsibility and challenges. All career paths need education and training. Now we should work and study hard to realize our dreams. Do it now!

WangYaxuan & Lucy Class 4A



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With the development of science and technology,our lives have changed a lot in the past century。

Many things that wouldn’t happen before have come into reality now。Therefore,our lives will change as well in the future。

Our pace of live will greatly speed up,because we will help many machines to finish our work。Many things can be done autonomously。Therefore,people will have more time for fun。People can travel the outer space freely。

Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the earth。Besides,our environment will be much better than now,because some effective measures are taken to protect the environment。Earth is still a beautiful home for human。







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The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it.——by Johan Wolfgang von Goethe

Have a good plan for the future that can remind us which direction and road shoud be towards in the next step. In this second to the end of 2014 six, I have a short-term plan that has appeared in my mind. It is clear and simple.The specific content of planare as follows.

In a short time, I must have accounting certificate. I have to learn the accountingfrom scratch before I don’t learn about accounting anything. Fortunately, I have an elective course that is accounting. It maybe can help me take the accounting certificate. I need to be patient and diligent efforts to complete the plan.

The second program is the English four levels of tests. The June next year is the English four levels of tests’ time. I think it was the only one chance to take the level Four exam in my life, so I must pass the exam! In the short term plan, I must study hard English even if I dont like it. In order to I can passed band six in college English testin the future as well.

Its not easy to finish the work during these days.But I will forget the pain while I am running on the study road. And finishing my plan for my future.



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My life in the future will be colorful.

I’m going to be a good doctor after I graduate from the university. I believe Ill bring my family health and happiness.In my spare time,Ill stay with my family.Well travel a lot and do lots of sports.Ill also read as many books as I can.Even if the work is busy,I wont give up studying.

I’m sure my dream will come true because of my hard work and the life inthe future will be wonderful.






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