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My dearest Mother,

The mother‘s day is ing and I would like to say "Happy mother‘s day" in

this letter。 I love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me。

This day, I will stay away and can‘t give you my appreciation at home。 I know I

will watch myself, so don‘t worry about me。 I am doing very well on my study。 My

schoolmates and teachers are all very nice。 Though I can‘t be at home, I hope

you have a wonderful mother‘s day。


Your son




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Every parent wants their daughters to learn ballet and piano. My mother

finds me having no talent in ballet, so she chooses to send me to learn piano.

At first, I am not very interested in it, but soon I find practising it every

day makes me feel bored. I want to give up, but the girls around me keep coming

to the class, so I decide to hold on.



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My dear teacher:


Recent work smoothly?

Sitting at the computer desk think: should you write this letter to you, finally, I decided to write.

I thank you for your love to me for a year. When I have a setback, you comfort me; when I encounter difficulties, you help me; when I was successful, you encouraged me. You are usually the most trusted me, what things are at ease let me to do, thank you. Two days ago, I because the distribution value of the week of the task, and you make to resign. Here, I apologize, I hope you can forgive me.

Yesterday, I met with the school a grade four neighbors and good friends, he said: our teacher is particularly good, open Christmas party, buying candy, melon seeds, instant noodles for us to eat. But I said: it is not the best teachers, the best teacher is for the sake of the students, for the sake of the students of the school; and not meet the students needs as the material, we miss song. He listened, lowered his head, it should be ashamed to show it.

Today I want to tell you a word: Thank you, miss song! You are the best teacher in the world

Wish you good health! Work smoothly!



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Dear Mom & Dad,

I love you! I love you so much! I love you with all my heart!

Thank you so much for bringing up! Thank you so much for raising me. I know

how hard you’ve worked during the past years. I can image how many difficulties

and obstacles you’ve conquered. I can imagine all the problems you have faced

and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life better. I can fully

understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child. You’ve been very

patient with me. You’ve encouraged me and you’ve helped me. You’ve tried your

hardest to give me the best things in life. You’ve made a lot of sacrifices and

many difficult choices. I also know that you have great expectations of me. You

want me to be very successful and happy. You want me to be the best person I can

be. You want me to do great things with my life. You want me to make the world a

better place. I know you have so many so many hopes and dreams for my


Your Daughter



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When I grow up, Im going to do what I want to do. Im going to move

somewhere interesting. Paris sounds like a city that I could that enjoy. There

are lots of art exhibitions there. I want to be an artist . So how am I going to

do it? First, Imgoing to find a part-time job for a year or tow and save some

money. Then Im going to be a student at an art school in Paris.



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Dear President,


I am an ordinary student in the school, I have lived in the school for more

than five years, our school is a beautiful big garden, is the teachers,

classmates common home. Here, I can smell the fresh air every day, I feel happy

for I can study in such an environment. However, I found that some students are

destroying our "home". Look at the plastic bags of bread "dancing" in the

hallway. However, none of the students passing by will pick it up. In order to

provide a better environment for the school, I would like to make the following


1. Tell the students about environmental protection with the red scarf

broadcast and publicity column.

2. Set up an environmental protection team and invite students to

participate voluntarily. Students from the environmental protection team will go

to the corridors of each floor for inspection at regular times every day. If you

see a student throw it, give appropriate criticism. And give rewards to those

who find out.

3. Call on students to make a handwritten newspaper about environmental

protection to enhance their awareness of environmental protection.

4. Set up a "green mobile red flag" rating column. Let the students from

the environmental protection team go to each class at 2:30 p.m. every day to

check the health situation and urge the students to pay attention to health.

The above is my suggestion, I hope you can take it and make our school a

more beautiful big garden.

Your students:__



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1. 妈妈,我想对你说我爱你。感谢您给了我生命以及让生命有价值。你的皱纹是我成长的经历。妈妈,我是您最杰出的作品。妈妈,谢谢!

2. 母爱如水,长流不息;母爱如树,挚伞呵护;母爱如屋,默默庇护;母爱如灯,照亮前程。母亲节里,感恩母爱,祝福母亲,快乐幸福!

3. 烛光虽不炙热,但它却柔和。亲情虽不刻骨铭心,但它却深厚。母爱点滴记心头,心中每一份感动,化作一句祝福:妈妈,祝您节日快乐!

4. 母亲,是你用点点滴滴的爱抚养我长大,未来的日子只求你能健康、快乐,我会花更多一点的时间陪伴在你身边,让幸福的感觉在你心间!

5. 妈妈,最近好吗?不要再劳累了,也不要总是把我挂。我在外面一切都好,您就放心吧!今天是母亲节,妈妈祝福您健康长寿,平安幸福。

6. 妈,节日愉快!我最近比较忙,但也会抽时间回家看您的,您要注意保重身体!妈妈,不论您在哪儿,那里就是我们最快乐和向往的地方。

7. 洗衣做饭操持家务,终日不歇身影忙碌,默默无闻怨言从不,为儿为女生活朴素,值此母亲佳节来临,儿女送上真挚祝福:妈妈,节日快乐!

8. 母亲的教诲让你长大不坏,母亲的照料让你生活不赖,母亲的呵护让你现在很乖,母亲的宠爱会陪你到未来!母亲节啦,想跟妈妈说些什么呢?

9. 母亲的爱像大海一样宽广,母亲的心像阳光一样温暖,谁不感激母亲的恩情,短信祝福赶紧行动,今日母亲节,祝愿妈妈身体健康,永远快乐。

10. 小时候,母爱掩藏在可口的饭菜里;长大后,母爱幻化做殷殷叮嘱;现在,母爱盛开在如菊花般绽放的皱纹里。女儿眼中美丽的妈妈,我爱你!

11. 天空是母亲的微笑;海水是母亲的亲切;大地是母亲的暖和;黄河是母亲的孩子!今天我不能没有这样的母亲,现在微笑给您:祝母亲节快乐!

12. 母亲:长满老茧的双手有我快乐的童年;斑白的双鬓有我成长的足迹!用心感受温情,用爱传递感激,转发这张许愿的贴纸,为母亲的健康快乐

13. 是你把我带来这个世界,用关心为我浇水;用关怀为我施肥;用关爱为我修枝。今天,我这颗小苗已经成长为大树,我要对您说:母亲,谢谢您!

14. 有没有一次,在佛前祈愿,不为爱情,不为事业,也不为友谊,而是专诚为妈妈。母亲节快到了,到佛前为亲爱的妈妈祈个福吧,祝她健康平安。

15. 亲情在这世间,总是让生活充溢着一份份平平常常但却恒久的温暖,亲情是贯穿生命始终的。为此,我们祝福天底下每一位母亲——母亲节快乐!

16. 时光流逝,妈妈,您的皱纹也日渐增多,但妈妈您可知道,您在我的心里永远美丽漂亮。母亲节到了,祝您节日快乐,祝您永远年轻、永远漂亮!

17. 您长满老茧的双手有我快乐的童年;斑白的双鬓有我成长的足迹!亲爱的母亲,你是我唯一的牵挂!母亲节来临之际,恭祝您事事顺心!身体健康!

18. 收一缕清风,为妈妈带去轻松;采一缕阳光,为妈妈送去芬芳;掬一捧清水,为妈妈消去疲惫;发一条短信,为妈妈奉上祝福。祝妈妈母亲节快乐!

19. 不曾表达的情怀,愿能以康乃馨的美丽诉说。不曾记起的挂念,愿能以灿烂的笑容来陈述。在这个温暖而充满爱的日子里,祝福所有的母亲节日快乐!

20. 值此母亲节之际,发布情感公告:问候祝福是首要任务,电话短信是关键,鲜花礼物可借鉴,真心感谢做甜点,给母亲献上节日美餐!祝你合家幸福!

21. 你的泪,流在她眼里;你的笑,漾在她唇边;你的话,刻在她心上。母亲总是用生命呵护着儿女,母亲节到了,别忘了对她说:谢谢,我爱您,妈妈!

22. 你的笑容,如花绽放,发现原来妈妈的笑容才是世界上最美丽的,妈妈,我想说你的美丽在孩子心里是永存的,希望你天天都快乐幸福,祝节日快乐。

23. 现在回想起来,过去我的任性该是多么像一把寒剑,让我心爱的母亲你一次又一次为我落泪。如果一声道歉可以让母亲快乐,我甘愿让道歉说上千遍。

24. 世上只有妈妈好,有妈孩子像块宝,跟紧妈妈腰包,零花钱少不了。世上只有妈妈好,有妈孩子像块宝,投进妈妈怀抱,幸福享不了。祝母亲节快乐!

25. 五月,鲜花为你绽放;五月,歌声为你飞扬。博大精深地母爱啊,万千言语也讴歌不尽!让我们折千只纸鹤,许万种心愿,祈祝天下母亲们节日快乐!

26. 萱草生堂阶,游子行天涯。慈母依堂前,不见萱草花。在这个特别的日子里,我想对妈妈您说声:妈妈节日快乐!愿妈妈在今后的日子里更加健康快乐!

27. 妈妈,我长大了!祝您母亲节快乐!并不是只有在母亲节这天才要“特别”去关心母亲,365天里,每一天都是母亲节。希望母亲能天天快乐,日日幸福!

28. 无穷的快乐藏在妈妈心中那小小的一隅,被妈妈温柔的手臂拥抱,其甜美胜过一切。在这属于您的节日里,送上最深厚的祝愿,愿您一直健康,永远快乐。

29. 有她的牵挂你不会感到寂寞,有她的叮咛你会倍感温暖,有她的守候再遥远的距离也会瞬间拉近,她有一个伟大的名字,母亲!母亲节别忘了给母亲祝福!

30. 是母亲为我们撑起晴朗的天空;是母亲教我们做人的道理;是母亲替我们擦拭眼角的泪水。没有母亲,就没有我们的一切,祝福天下所有的母亲健康平安!

31. 千山万水挡不住我对您千丝万缕的思念,千呼万唤难以表达我对您的千恩万谢,千言万语无法描绘您的千辛万苦。今天,只能轻轻地对您说:母亲节快乐!

32. 辛苦与劳碌,您抗在肩头,安逸和温暖,全部留给了我;白发与皱纹,您写满一身,青春与年华,来自您的培育。母亲节到了,轻声问候您:妈妈,辛苦了!

33. 您对我,大方而慷慨,对自己,却百般节俭,舍不得吃好吃的穿好看的。而今我已长大,能把自己照顾,能把妈妈报答,母亲节,愿您健康长寿,快乐无忧!

34. 这是人生最华丽的嬗变,这是生命最耀眼的灿烂。经过幸福的阵痛,你从此多了一份刻骨的牵挂,甜蜜而温暖。母亲节,愿初为人母的你快乐不变美丽不减!

35. 母爱,我想用鲜花诉说,诉说我对母亲的感恩;母爱,我想用拥抱表达,表达我与母亲的血肉相连;母爱,我想用烛光祝福,祝福母亲健健康康,平平安安!

36. 有许多话藏在口里,有许多情藏在心里,有许多感动藏在平日里,母亲节了,让我把它们曝光,亲爱的老妈,感谢您,祝你节日快乐,幸福健康,开心每天!

37. 一直以为我很强,却从未给过肩膀,一直以为我很壮,却从未给过胸膛,一直以为我很孝,却从未给过依靠,想说:妈妈我很好,愿您一切都好!节日快乐!

38. 今天是一个伟大的日子,是一个比过年更重要的日子,是一个比国庆节更神圣的日子,是一个比中秋节更值得铭记的日子,它就是母亲节。妈妈,节日快乐!

39. 母亲是身上的被,没有她会感到寒冷;母亲是菜中的盐,没有她生活就失去了味道;母亲节到了,采一朵最美的康乃馨,对母亲说出爱的话,妈妈,我爱你!

40. 幼年时母亲是一日三餐,青年时母亲是夜航的灯塔,中年时母亲是漂泊的港湾,年老时,母亲是树叶的根基,妈妈,你是我心里的一个字,家!祝母亲节快乐。

41. 今天母亲节,再羞涩也要勇于表达,再遥远也要打个电话,再健忘也要祝福爸妈,再忙碌也要尽量回家,再劳累也要送束鲜花,这条短信再偷懒也要记得转发!

42. 无论我是草是宝,您都待孩儿很好。辛苦劳累,魂牵梦绕,挂心孩儿寒饥暖饱;无微不至,不求回报,只图孩儿平安到老。永远爱您,妈妈,祝您母亲节快乐。

43. 再远的路,您陪着我不会累;再难的事情,您鼓励我勇往直前;再舒适的生活,缺了您还是空虚。母亲节到了,妈妈,您是我永远的牵挂,一定要照顾好自己!

44. 弱柔的肩膀,担起家庭的重任;勤劳的双手,托起生活的重量;憔悴的背影,诠释无私的付出;深情的关切,塞满游子的行囊。母亲节,祝天下母亲幸福安康!

45. 为什么不好意思对妈妈说我爱你?谁说爱与爱只能在恋人中之间传递?在这个日子里,在康乃馨的簇拥下,把多年的养育之恩汇成一句话:“妈妈,我爱你。”

46. 妈妈,您是一棵大树,春天给我温暖,夏天为我遮阳,秋天育我成熟,冬天拥我入梦,母亲节到,愿母亲天天心情好,青春永不老,事事都顺利,吉祥又如意。

47. 养儿方知育儿难,母亲是子女的一片天;养儿方知父母恩,儿女会报答您的一片心;养儿方知家中暖,我要让母亲幸福无限!妈妈您辛苦了,祝您母亲节愉快!

48. 没有你的呵护,就没有我的成长;没有你的关爱,就没有我的欢笑;没有你的奉献,就没有我的幸福;无论我走多远,都走不出你的目光;祝妈妈母亲节快乐!。

49. 无穷的快乐藏在妈妈心中那小小的一隅里,被妈妈亲爱的手臂拥抱着,其甜美胜过一切。在这属于您的节日里,送上最深厚的祝愿,愿您一直健康,永远快乐。

50. 看着母亲一丝一丝的白发,一条一条渐渐加深的皱纹,多年含辛茹苦哺育我成人的母亲,在这属于您的节日里请接受我对您最深切的祝愿:节日快乐,永远年轻!



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There are four seasons in the year. spring, summer, fall, and winter,but i

like winter best.in winter we can play skiing, play skatting, and bit snow.i and

my friend mary, make snowman.i am very happy.winter is very beautiful. so i like

winter best. i hope people like winter best.



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I have been to the Sigou .It was a very beautiful place,my family went

there last week ,we have cooked there,the foods were so delicious that i ate a

lots.We all had a happy time. Then,we have walked around,we have saw a lot of

stones,they have different sizes,we took the pictures,and i think they were so

beautiful. So,i also want to go to the Hainan when i finish study,because there

is sea,i love sea ,i want to go there by plane,so i will study hard now.



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dear (bosss name),

i am convinced that i could make an impact and add value as a (job title)

in your department。 as we reviewed my background, i hope that you came to a

similar conclusion。 it was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with

you。 i thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next


again, you can reach me (when) (call time) at (telephone), or you may leave

a message on my answering machine, and i will return your call promptly。





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晚上一家人吃过饭妈妈在收拾碗筷时我对妈妈说:“妈妈我来吧”。我快速的收拾完了碗筷,直奔厨房而去,我把那些残羹给倒掉,然后把碗筷都放在了锅里,一遍一遍的仔细清洗没个完我都认真的擦拭了几遍,把碗都擦的明亮明亮的,我拿起了筷子在手里搓放了些洗洁精用水冲了一下,然后我把碗筷 规规矩矩的放在了它们的位置上。妈妈走过来说:“干得不错”。我说:“还行吧”妈妈笑了笑。





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I like rabbits. They are cute and beautiful. Their eyes are red and their

tails are short. They like eating carrots and vegetables . I have one at home .

It is in a small cage. I often play with it when I am free? , but it does not

listen to me . It looks unhappy . I think it doesn’t like living in the small

cage . I think I will take it out to the field tomorrow. I will open the cage

and let it run and jump in the open air freely.



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Dear Xiao Lin,

I have had a busy holiday these winter because I will take part in the entrance examination this September.

I almost buried myself in the books every day. I had to go over every required subject and did a lot of exercises. I worked very hard, more than 10 hours a day. When I was tired I watched TV for a while and listened to music, but I never went to the cinema or theater. I had to refuse several invitations from my relatives and classmates. I only called them to greet them on the eve of the Spring Festival. How I wish there were no examinations at all, but of course it is impossible.From joozone.com.

I will try my best to get better results and go to were no examinations at all, but of course it is impossible. I will try my best to get better results and go to Qing Hua University, which I have been longing for. How is your vacation? Best wishes to you and your family!


Wu Qi



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Dear teacher,


On the occasion of Christmas is approaching, I would like to send you the

most sincere greetings!

I will all kinds of respect and deep wishes woven into the text, with my

piety - bow to you! I silently pray, pray that this thin piece of writing paper

is a boat, with affectionate eyes, sailing into your dream bay, guard your

fatigue, comfort you lend...

Teacher, your hard work! Whenever you figure flashing in the night under

the window lattice, I remember, remember the sacred and ancient division,

remember what an amazing ChengChu exclamation topic...

824. Teacher, I love you for you, for you are sharp in writing style in the

little room; In the quiet of night, with candle burning, you sit in the book

city; You too much hard work and grievance, you too little too little to obtain

and complain...

Ah, your cold and unrestrained, bearing the secular, bearing the

indifference, silently compose a high and vigorous life! Teacher, in your

students bid farewell to the campus that day, in your haoshoupaui that day, your

soul will be comforted, will laugh proud forever!

Teacher, I respect you! The ancients said, "The state will prosper, and

your teacher will be rewarded." China cant take off without you sowing fang Zhi

Xin, science and education to revitalize the country, cant leave you paving the

road and building stones! Look up todays Chinese, respect for teachers and

education, has become a trend. I am excited and excited! I wish every Chinese

respect teacher!

So dead! Several years of cold window, I cant remember how much I have

listened to your teachings! Often recall the old friendship between teachers and

students, often see the teacher todays face, I have a surge of excitement,

gratitude wanfen! "Who made the heart-inch grass, reported in the apartments?

Teacher, please once again accept my sincere blessing and infinite gratitude to

you! Best wishes to your teacher

Good health, happy holidays!

Your students:














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Live with thankfulness

Do you know Thanksgiving Day? Do you know why human thankGod?

Thanksgivingfalls on the fourth Thursday of November, a different date everyyear. The President must proclaim that date as the officialcelebration.

Thanksgivingis a time for tradition and sharing. Even if they live far away,family members gather for a reunion at the house of an olderrelative. All give thanks together for the good things that theyhave.

In thisspirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offera traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. Onmost tables throughout the United States, foods eaten at the firstthanksgiving have become traditional.

What shouldwe thank?



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Thank you for inviting me to take part in your school about English gramer

problem. I am free these days and i wrote a book called . i would go and i hope

you schools teachers and students can give me some value advice.i will arrive

at 6thand stay to 8th June 2011.



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We are supposed to express our gratitude to others on Thanksgiving Day.

However, we should feel gratitude every day.

God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful

heart. Be grateful to others is a way to show your love. In our daily life, we

often receive help from our parents, friends, colleagues and strangers. Perhaps

it is a little thing, pick up the pen you drop, lift a heavy box for you or

offer you a seat in the bus. We should be thankful to them for whatever they

have done. The more love you give, the more love you receive.

A sense of gratitude can acknowledging our interdependent existence. You

will be ready to help others if you have a thankful heart. Therefore, a thankful

heart is like a magnet. Not only will we attract more things to be grateful for,

but also we will attract gratitude from others. “give thanks alittle and you

will find a lot.”

Gratitude is heaven itself. A sense of gratitude and indebtedness to others

is and important wellspring of a generous and virtuous life. We now fall into a

busy life, neglecting to be grateful for details, the beauty of nature, the

comforts of modern living ,the love of parents and so on. People can notice

these details and realize the friendship, love and happiness in our life with a

grateful heart.

Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. Be thankful

for whatever you have, give and receive. Happy Thanksgiving today and every




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The Yan family in the distance:

Hello, its New Year again. How are you doing?

Our school has carried out club activities. I signed up for a small host

club. Learned a lot of knowledge, know how to maintain the state of the stage.

Today is December 25th, our school held a club performance. I was joined by Liu

Zhengyan, Lin Qinbaiken and Zhang Ruyu. Lin Qinbaiken held the team flag, which

I made with a piece of yellow cloth. Liu Zhengyan, Lin Qinqiang you must

remember, is the first grade with you behind the small minions. Xi Xi, Zhang

Ruyu you must also recognize! Last time we quarreled, it was Chang Ruyu, the

peacemaker, who pulled us apart

What impressed me most about the club activity was the bookmark and flower

made by ZS Creative Workshop. The bookmark was rolled up with paper, pasted with

white glue, and then formed a circle to become a flower

The flower is made with filar socks, but lifelike! When we go in, see these

flowers, the first reaction is: good beautiful real flowers! It was only when

chang, out of breath, stopped to tell us it was a lie that we realized. Ha ha!

Thats funny!

When can you come back and see us again, Yan family? We all miss you and

look forward to your return.

I wish you the best

Happy New Year!

Your forever friend: Yu Jiayu



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Im Li Xin. Haiyan wrote a letter to his friend asking him not to write for

a long time, but I still miss him very much, because we are good friends. You

went to Yanan a few weeks ago and stayed there for a few days.

You visited ancient tombs, pagoda mountain, scenic spots, and climbed

mountains. According to many photos, Haiyan picked up pebbles and happily told

his friend Haiyan that my English teacher was very good, but She was ill for two

weeks, and a teacher took her place. Cui Cuis teachers were very young, but

they had a good class.

They also had to participate in the teaching game with us. I will study

harder. I believe that relying on hard work, I will get excellent results and

reply quickly.


