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高考英语满分作文 Note 便条

Dear Alice.

I wonder if you eould lend me your Chinese-English dictionary. I will return it three days later. Now I am translating an important Chinese article into English. However, I often meet some Chinese words which I dont know how to say in English. So I have to turn to the Chinese-English dietionary for help from time to time. But mine is lost. I will take good care of your dictionary. I will definitely not damage it. Thank you very much!






May 15th

Dear Alice,

Would you please lend me your Chinese-English dictionary? I will give it back three days later. Now I am translating an important Chinese article into English. In the article I often find Chinese words which I cannot translate into English, so I often need a Chinese-English dictionary But I

myself have no one. I will cherish your dictionary very much and promise not to damage it. Thanks a lot!




公共演讲的好处 Benefits of Public Speaking

Public speaking is bothinteresting and challenging. It is interesting because it asks you to come to abetter understanding of human nature and human communication. It is challengingbecause it asks you to take a risk, to put yourself in a situation where youcan succeed or fail in your effort to make a difference. As you go further,however, you will find more benefits of public speaking go beyond learning howto express yourself orally. The process of your speaking improves suchpractical skills as the following:


1. Organizational Skills


The ability to organize ideas isa skill you will employ before you ever write a speech. As you practice, youwill also discover that the organizational skills are so essential in composingspeeches because it requires your skills of outlining, planning, organizing andpresenting your ideas logically.


2. Writing Skills


Many of the skills you use tocompose good speeches are the same as those you need to write well. Thepractice you gain preparing speeches will improve your ability to express yourideas on paper. You will learn how to get your audience’s attention, how toorganize your ideas clearly, and how to find more evidences to support your ideas.These skills will be beneficial to your writing.


3. Critical Thinking


As we know, it’s important to guidestudents to think and to analyze. Public speaking skills and related listeningskills provide valuable tools for the critical analysis of ideas. By studyingthe use of supportive materials and persuasive strategies, you’ll learn how tofind an argument’s weak points and learn to ask questions, which needs greatcritical thinking.


4. Research Skills


Often, when students are asked toprepare a report, they go to the library or search the Internet to look for thereference books or articles they need. You will get into contact with a varietyof research materials and select something most valuable to you.


5. Listening Skills


Speaking and listening go hand inhand. Whenever someone gives a speech, there is an audience to listen to it. Bylearning good speaking techniques, you’ll prepare speeches within audience’sunderstanding. You will also learn how to listen to other speakers in order tohear all the key points.


6. Strain Capacity


Giving a speech to a group ofpeople involves a great deal of risk. However, it is true that by learning howto give a speech in front of a group, your self-confidence will grow, which helpsyou to confident enough to communicate with others and adapt to differentsituations. To a large extent, success in life depends on your ability to adaptto your environment and feel good about yourself.


高考英语满分作文 :对人们大量捕杀动物的看法 A large number of people to kill animals

As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction. Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit., which, of course, results in a sharp decrease in the number of animals. So it is high time for us to take quick action to protect them. First of all, it’s quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal protection. Only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of responsibility. People will surely take it for granted to have the duty to prevent any killing of wild animals. So a national publicity campaign should be launched, thus giving animals a good living environment. In addition, the government should pass some laws to forbid any hunting of rare animals. We don’t expect anything harmful to wild life to happen again.


If everyone is involved in the protection of wild life, we’re sure man will be a good friend of animals rather than their enemy.


高考英语作文的范文:时间的价值The Value Of Time

I always think there is not enough time. For example, I have just taken a three-day holiday. But when I look back, I just feel that it’s only one day. There goes a proverb, “Time is money”. Now I want to say, time is more precious than money, because when money is spent, we can earn some more again. However, when time is gone or lost, never will it return.

Time goes without being noticed. The time for our study and work is usually limited. So I think we must make full use of our time. But it’s a pity that I am always not aware of the importance of time until it’s too late.

So I think, I should get into the good habit of saving time because wasting time is equal to wasting one’s life. Do not put off what can be done today till tomorrow!




奥运英语作文北京奥运第一枚金牌属于谁呢?Who is the first gold medal in Beijing Olympic Games?


The suspense over who will win the first Olympic medal and in which event is really a interesting thing. Chinese officials are determined to make sure China, as the host country, wins the first gold of the Games. The womens 10m air rifle - which includes two Chinese medal favorites - has its final scheduled at 10:30 am on Aug 9 and should end about 20 minutes later.


If all goes as planned, either reigning gold medalist shooter Du Li or world champion Zhao Yinghui will raise 2008s first gold at the Beijing Shooting Range.


But if Du and Zhao are too far behind in points going into the final, the rumor says, organizers will delay the last ten shots of the final while the weightlifting final goes on as planned so China can secure the gold.


I think the first gold medal must belong to we Chinese, let wait this moment together.


爱心俱乐部 Love club

Dear Chairperson, I am a girl student from Class 3, Grade 2. Id like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club. I’m 15 years old. I’m strong and healthy. I work hard at my lessons. My favourite subjects are geography and science. I like helping others. I’m generous. I’m willing to share things with my friends. I love sports. I’m interested in playing volleyball. Last year, I often gave my seat to someone in need on the bus. I often helped my classmates solve problems. I donated my pocket money to Project Hope. I want to join the club to help more people. And I also want to make more friends. Ill be pleased if Im accepted. Im looking forward to your answer. Yours Wang Fang





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1. 明确写作目的和叙述的中心思想,段落叙述始终围绕着主题而展开,避免空间的叙述和与主题无关的内容。

2. 一篇好叙述文需要直接或间接表达以下六个问题,即:when?该事发生的时间, where?该事发生的地点,who?人物角色是谁,what?发生的是什么事,why?该事发生的原因,以及how?事件的结果是如何造成的等等。

3. 一篇记叙文,无论长短如何都应该是一个完全独立的事实,因此,在下笔时必须明确:该从何处开始叙述,该在何处结束叙述,以及应该提供何种事实才能使叙述完整。

4. 写作顺序可以采用“顺叙”、“倒叙”和“穿插叙述”的方法,但初学者最好采用“顺叙”的方法进行训练,以情节发生时间的先后为序。












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In November 11, 1918, the first World War lasted for 4 years in Britain, America, France and other countries and the victory of Germany, Austria and other countries come to an end in failure. 1919 January, winning xiediguo held in the Palace of Versailles in Paris peace conference. The Republic of China as a victorious nation to attend the meeting. The representative of China at the proposed abolition of privileges in China and foreign countries, cancel twenty-one legitimate demands were rejected. Japan has decided to take over the meeting in Germanys privileges in china. To humiliate the country and forfeit its sovereignty of this treaty, the representative of the Republic of China was prepared to recognize the signature. When the news came out, the country burning, burning with indignation. The student led five four patriotic movement like a volcano began.


The afternoon of May 4th, more than 3000 students in Beijing shouting at them in front of the Tiananmen demonstrations,: "I also Qingdao" "Shandong," refused to withdraw the right "in Paris and will sign", "the abolition of the twenty-one", "boycott Japanese goods," "would rather die, not for your guns", "defend our sovereignty, punish traitor" and other slogans, and for the punishment of traffic chief Cao Rulin, President of monetary Bureau Lu Zongyu, Minister Zhang Zongxiang, calls for action, fight against imperialist aggression, defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty Chinese. This campaign workers and all sectors of the solidarity and support, Shanghai, Nanjing and other places of the workers have held strikes and demonstrations. In the country under the pressure of the people, the government was forced to release the arrested students, and others recall Cao Rulins position, and ordered the Paris representatives attending the meeting refused to sign the peace treaty.


In order to inherit and carry forward the "five four" youth movement Chinese glorious revolutionary tradition, in 1939, the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region of the Northwest China Youth Federation provides for the May 4th Youth day. In 1949 December, the Central Peoples government officially announced the provisions.



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Dear Mr. Shan

Hello! The Spring Festival is coming. I sincerely wish you a happy new year

and smooth work!

I have been getting along with you for four years. When I first came into

this campus, I was still a little girl. You taught me how to learn and how to be

a person. I remember that I got the first full mark in the Chinese test in grade

one. Your encouraging words and affirmative eyes have made me unforgettable.

Since then, I have determined to be a good student with both good character and


Mr. Shan, I know that my handwriting is not good. Every time I see you

annotate "write carefully" at the end of your homework, I feel very ashamed.

This winter vacation, I set a goal for myself to practice calligraphy for an

hour every day. Do you know what? I have written the words in the fourth grade

Chinese textbook three times and practiced each word 12 times, so as not to let

you worry about my words any more.

Single teacher, I quietly tell you that I like you very much. It is you who

have taught me rich knowledge, you have taught me the truth of being a man, it

is you who have cultivated my positive and enterprising character, and you have

given me a pair of powerful wings to let me roam in the world of knowledge!

Single teacher, you have worked hard for us. You should pay more attention

to your body and drink more water, which is good for your voice. Id like to

express my highest respect to you! I can only repay you with excellent results -

teacher, you have worked hard!

I wish you a happy New Year!

Your students



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大书法郑板桥的书法造诣很深,独树一帜,很有风格,但在成名前他曾用了几十年的时间去揣摩、探索前代书法名家的字帖。功夫用得很深,虽无甚突破,仍练笔不止,以至睡觉时竟入神地在妻子的背上写来写去。其妻问道:"你在干什么?"郑板桥回答:"在练字。""练什么字?"其妻怒道:"你有你的体,我有我的体,你老是在别人体上缠什么?"真是言者无心,听者有意,"一言惊醒梦中人"。郑板桥听后恍然大悟。 从此,抛开别人的碑帖,脱颖而出,独创了自己的风格——板桥体。


它使得匹克林十几年的努力付诸东流。在天文学家洛韦尔预言在海王星外有一颗尚未发现的行星后,匹克林用望远镜拍照观察了十几年,却一无所获。直到冥王星被发现后,他才恍然记起自己拍的照片上有这个点,只是当时他记得镜头上有粒灰尘,正在如今冥王星的位置上。 就是这粒灰尘,让第一张冥王星的照片静静躺了11年,也让匹克林错过了发现冥王星的机会。 同是一粒灰尘,却让弗莱明发明了青霉素。在他之前,很多人都注意到了霉菌抑制葡萄球菌现象,可是都没有能继续深入研究下去。他在培育菌种时,飘来一粒灰尘,落到了培养皿中,结果受到污染的霉菌周围清澈透明,葡萄球菌繁殖区域的黄颜色消失了……原来在灰尘中生成了青霉菌。就这样,弗莱明发明了抗菌新药——青霉素。



还有类似的故事: 《庄子》中有这样一则寓言:朱平曼喜好剑法,总想练就一身独步天下的绝技。他听说有个叫支离益的人善长屠龙之术,便赶去拜支离益为师,立志将这种人间稀有、世上少见的剑法学到手。他苦学苦练了三年,倾家荡产也在所不惜。终于他的屠龙剑术已达到炉火纯青的地步,便辞别了老师,开始仗剑闯荡江湖,希望杀尽天下害龙,显姓扬名。然而他四处寻觅却找不到一条龙的影子。其所谓的一身绝技,最终也没有任何用武之地。




阿基米德是古希腊数学家、力学家。在他75岁的时候,一天正蹲在地上看他画的几何图形,残暴的罗马士兵闯进来,拔出了利剑。阿基米德坦然说:"等一下杀我的头,给我一会儿工夫,让我把几条定理证完,不能给后人留下不完整的定理呵!"可是罗马士兵的剑已经砍下,阿基米德大叫:"我还没完成--"便离开了人世。 瑞典化学家诺贝尔,经无数次失败后,终于成功地发明了黄色炸药。在进行最后一次火药制作实验时,火药爆炸了。他从爆炸的火与硝烟中跑出来,全身多处都流着鲜血,而他却高兴地大呼:"我成功了!" 居里夫人成年累月在实验室里与镭、钍、铀等放射性元素打交道。由于长期受到放射性物质的照射,居里夫人后来患了恶性贫血而死。她所发现的放射性元素镭,曾用来治疗癌症,医好了许多病人,而她自己却死在镭的手中。



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1.破釜沉舟 cut off all means of retreat;burn one‘s own way of retreat and be determined to fight to the end

2.瑞雪兆丰年 A timely snow promises a good harvest.

3.比上不足比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst.

4.笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow make an early start.

5.不眠之夜 whe night

6.不以物喜不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses

7.不遗余力 spare no effort; go all out; do ones best

8.不打不成交 No discord, no concord.

9.拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul

10.辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new

11.大事化小小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all

12.大开眼界 open ones eyes; broaden ones horizon; be an eye-opener

13.国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace

14.过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little

15.功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits.

16.好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more

17.好事不出门恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.

18.和气生财 Harmony brings wealth.

19.活到老学到老 One is never too old to learn.

20.既往不咎 let bygones be bygones

21.金无足赤人无完人 Gold cant be pure and man cant be perfect.

22.金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home.

23.脚踏实地 be down-to-earth

24.脚踩两只船 sit on the fence

25.君子之交淡如水 the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal; a hedge between keeps friendship green

26.老生常谈陈词滥调 cut and dried, cliché

27.礼尚往来 Courtesy calls for reciprocity.

28.留得青山在不怕没柴烧 Where there is life, there is hope.

29.马到成功 achieve immediate victory; win instant success

30.名利双收 gain in both fame and wealth

31.茅塞顿开 be suddenly enlightened

32.没有规矩不成方圆 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. 33.每逢佳节倍思亲 On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of ones dear ones far away.It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most.

34.谋事在人成事在天 The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven. Man proposes, God disposes.

35.弄巧成拙 be too smart by half; Cunning outwits itself



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The benefit of volunteering

As we all know, volunteering has a meaningful and positive impact on the community you serve and the people you help. In the meanwhile, it can have many benefits for you, too. In my opinion, there are two reasons to

volunteer: feel good about yourself while helping others; build your portfolio.

On one hand, volunteering makes you feel good about yourself on a purely selfish level. There are few things more satisfying than helping people. Hammering nails on a new home while the owner beams with pride right next to you is an amazing feeling. Walking or running to raise funds for a cause close to your heart helps to give you a sense of purpose and helps you realize just how lucky you are. As a volunteer, you will gain new perspective, for it’s so easy for us all to get a little too wrapped up in our own lives. On the other hand, from a professional standpoint, volunteering is a great way to add to your portfolio. From press releases to design pieces, from public speaking to fundraising,

you will have the opportunity to build your portfolio. This is especially beneficial for students or young professionals, although all of us should continually work on building our portfolios.

Apart from the benefits of building up your confidence and making your portfolio better, there are probably many other benefits you will find in your volunteer work. So it is time for you to participate in more volunteer work to help others as well as help yourselves.




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To realize the value of one year:要想知道一年的价值

Ask a student who has failed a final exam.就去问期末考试不及格的同学

To realize the value of one month: 要想知道一个月的价值

Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby. 就去问生那早产儿的母亲

To realize the value of one week: 要想知道一周的价值

Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper. 就去问问周报的编辑

To realize the value of one hour: 要想知道一小时的价值

Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. 就去问等待相会的恋人

To realize the value of one minute: 要想知道一分钟的价值

Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane. 那就去问问误了火车汽车或飞机的人

To realize the value of one second: 要想知道一秒的价值

Ask a person who has survived an accident. 就去问大难不死的人

To realaize the value of one millisecond: 要想知道一毫秒的价值

Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics. 就去问问奥运会获得银牌的人

Time waits for no one.时间不等人

Treasure every moment you have.你拥有的每一分每一秒都要珍惜


Occasionally, life can be undeniably, impossibly difficult. We are faced with challenges and events that can seem overwhelming, life-destroying to the point where it may be hard to decide whether to keep going. But you always have a choice. Jessica Heslop shares her powerful, inspiring journey from the worst times in her life to the new life she has created for herself:


In 2012 I had the worst year of my life.


I worked in a finance job that I hated and I lived in a concrete jungle city with little greenery. I occupied my time with meaningless relationships and spent copious quantities of money on superficialities. I was searching for happiness and had no idea where to find it.


Then I fell ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and became virtually bed bound. I had to quit my job and subsequently was left with no income. I lived with my boyfriend of then only 3 months who financially supported me and our relationship was put under great pressure. I eventually regained my physical health, but not long after that I got a call from my family at home to say that my father’s cancer had fiercely progressed and that he had been admitted to a hospice.


I left the city and I went home to be with him.


He died 6 months later.


My father was a complete inspiration to me. He was always so strong that, for a minute after he drew his last breath, I honestly thought he would come back to life. I couldn’t believe I would never again cuddle into his big warm chest and feel safe no matter what.


The grief that followed was intense for all of us 5 children and our mother, but we had each other.


But my oldest sister at that time complained of a bad back. It got so bad after 2 months that she too was admitted to hospital.


They discovered that she had highly advanced cancer in her bones and that there was nothing that they could do.


She died 1 month later.


I could never put into words the loss of my sister in my life.


She was a walking, talking angel and my favourite person in the whole world. If someone could have asked me the worst thing that could ever happen, it would have been losing her.


She was my soul-mate and I never thought I would journey this lifetime without her.


The Moment Of Deliberate Choice


The shock and extreme heart break brought me to my knees. The pain was so great and my world just looked desolate. I had no real home, no money, no job, and no friends that cared. Not one person had even sent me a sympathy card for my loss.


I made an attempt of my own life and I ended up in hospital.


I remember lying in the hospital bed, looking up at the ceiling and seeing my sister’s beautiful face. She stayed with me all night long.


I realised during that night that I had a choice. I could choose to end my life or I could choose to live it.


I looked in my sister’s eyes and I made a decision not to go with her just yet. That I would stay and complete my journey here.


I also made the decision that, I wouldn’t just live any life. I would live the life that I absolutely LOVE and nothing less.


In that moment, the clarity that descended around me was like a light shining in a dark room for the first time. As if the earth’s plates had shifted under my feet and everything suddenly looked real for the first time.



We often close ourselves off when traumatic events happen in our lives; instead of letting the world soften us, we let it drive us deeper into ourselves. We try to deflect the hurt and pain by pretending it doesn’t exist, but although we can try this all we want, in the end, we can’t hide from ourselves. We need to learn to open our hearts to the potentials of life and let the world soften us.


Whenever we start to let our fears and seriousness get the best of us, we should take a step back and re-evaluate our behavior. The items listed below are six ways you can open your heart more fully and completely.


1. Breathe into pain


Whenever a painful situation arises in your life, try to embrace it instead of running away or trying to mask the hurt. When the sadness strikes, take a deep breath and lean into it. When we run away from sadness that’s unfolding in our lives, it gets stronger and more real. We take an emotion that’s fleeting and make it a solid event, instead of something that passes through us.


By utilizing our breath we soften our experiences. If we dam them up, our lives will stagnate, but when we keep them flowing, we allow more newness and greater experiences to blossom.


2. Embrace the uncomfortable


We all know what that twinge of anxiety feels like. We know how fear feels in our bodies: the tension in our necks, the tightness in our stomachs, etc. We can practice leaning into these feelings of discomfort and let them show us where we need to go.


The initial impulse is to run away — to try and suppress these feelings by not acknowledging them. When we do this, we close ourselves off to the parts of our lives that we need to experience most. The next time you have this feeling of being truly uncomfortable, do yourself a favor and lean into the feeling. Act in spite of the fear.


3. Ask your heart what it wants


We’re often confused at the next step to take, making pros and cons lists until our eyes bleed and our brains are sore. Instead of always taking this approach, what if we engaged a new part of ourselves that isn’t usually involved in the decision making process?


I know we’ve all felt decisions or actions that we had to take simply due to our “gut” impulses: when asked, we can’t explain the reasons behind doing so — just a deep knowing that it had to get done. This instinct is the part of ourselves we’re approaching for answers.


To start this process, take few deep breaths then ask, “Heart, what decision should I make here? What action feels the most right?”


See what comes up, then engage and evaluate the outcome.



In this life, what did you miss?


The wife asked the husband when she was 25. Despondently, the husband replied: I missed a new job opportunity.


When she was 35, the husband angrily told her that he had just missed the bus.


At 45, the husband sadly said: I missed the oppotunity seeing my closed relative before his last breath.


At 55, the husband said disappointingly: I missed a good chance to retire.


At 65, the husband hurriedly replied: I missed a dental appointment.


At 75, the wife did not ask the husband anymore, the husband was kneeling in front of the very sick wife. Remembering the question the wife used to ask him, this time he asked the wife the same question. The wife, with a smile and peaceful look, replied: In this life, I did not miss having you!


The husband was full of tears. He always thought that they could be together forever. He was always busy with work and trifles. So much so he had never been thoughtful to his wife. The husband hugged the wife tightly and said: Over 50 years, how I had allowed myself to miss your deep love for me.


In the busy city life, there are many people who are always busy with work. These people revolve their lives around their jobs, these people sacrifice all their times and health to meet the social expectations. They are unwilling to spend times on health care. They miss the opportunity to be with their children in their growing up. They neglect the loved ones who care for them, and also their health.


Nobody knows what is going to happen one year from now.


Life is not permanent, so always live in the now. Express your gratitude to your loved ones in words. Show your care with actions. Treat everyday as the last episode of life. In this way, when you are gone, you loved ones would have nothing to feel sorry about.


美文赏析:去经历去体验 做最好最真实的自己

Truly happy and successful people get that way by becoming the best, most genuine version of themselves they can be. Not on the outside--on the inside. Its not about a brand, a reputation, a persona. Its about reality. Who you really are.


Sounds simple, I know. It is a simple concept. The problem is, its very hard to do, it takes a lot of work, and it can take a lifetime to figure it out.


Nothing worth doing in life is ever easy. If you want to do great work, its going to take a lot of hard work to do it. And youre going to have to break out of your comfort zone and take some chances that will scare the crap out of you.


But you know, I cant think of a better way to spend your life. I mean, whats life for if not finding yourself and trying to become the best, most genuine version of you that you can be?


Thats what Steve Jobs meant when he said this at a Stanford University commencement speech:


Your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life. Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice.


You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.


The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you havent found it yet, keep looking. Dont settle.


Now, lets for a moment be realistic about this. Insightful as that advice may be, it sounds a little too amorphous and challenging to resonate with todays quick-fix culture. These days, if you cant tell people exactly what to do and how to do it, it falls on deaf ears.


Not only that, but what Jobs was talking about, what Im talking about, requires focus and discipline, two things that are very hard to come by these days. Why? Because, focus and discipline are hard. Its so much easier to give in to distraction and instant gratification. Easy and addictive.

不仅如此,乔布斯的讲话和我要说的话都需要集中和自制——这两个品质在当今社会非常难能可贵。何以见得?因为集中和自制都不容易做到。人们很容易分散注意力、寻求即时快 感——舒服且容易上瘾。

To give you a little incentive to take on the challenge, to embark on the road to self-discovery, here are three huge benefits from working to become the best, most genuine version of yourself.


It will make you happy. Getting to know yourself will make you feel more comfortable in your own skin. It will reduce your stress and anxiety. It will make you a better spouse, a better parent, a better friend. It will make you a better person. Those are all pretty good reasons, if you ask me.


Besides, you really wont achieve anything significant in life until you know the real you. Not your brand, your LinkedIn profile, how you come across, or what anyone thinks of you. The genuine you. Theres one simple reason why you shouldnt try to be something youre not, and its that you cant. The real you will come out anyway. So forget your personal brand and start spending time on figuring out who you really are and trying to become the best version of that you can be.



Love Is Not Like Merchandise


A reader in Florida, apparently bruised by some personal experience, writes in to complain, "If I steal a nickels worth of merchandise, I am a thief and punished; but if I steal the love of anothers wife, I am free."

佛罗里达州的一位读者显然是在个人经历上受过创伤, 他写信来抱怨道: “如果我偷走了五分钱的商品, 我就是个贼, 要受到惩罚, 但是如果我偷走了他人 妻子的爱情, 我没事儿。”

This is a prevalent misconception in many peoples minds---that love, like merchandise, can be "stolen". Numerous states, in fact, have enacted laws allowing damages for "alienation of affections".

这是许多人心目中普遍存在的一种错误观念——爱情, 像商品一样, 可以 “偷走”。实际上,许多州都颁布法令,允许索取“情感转让”赔偿金。

But love is not a commodity; the real thing cannot be bought, sold, traded or stolen. It is an act of the will, a turning of the emotions, a change in the climate of the personality.


When a husband or wife is "stolen" by another person, that husband or wife was already ripe for the stealing, was already predisposed toward a new partner. The "love bandit" was only taking what was waiting to be taken, what wanted to be taken.


We tend to treat persons like goods. We even speak of the children "belonging" to their parents. But nobody "belongs" to anyone else. Each person belongs to himself, and to God. Children are entrusted to their parents, and if their parents do not treat them properly, the state has a right to remove them from their parents trusteeship.


Most of us, when young, had the experience of a sweetheart being taken from us by somebody more attractive and more appealing. At the time, we may have resented this intruder---but as we grew older, we recognized that the sweetheart had never been ours to begin with. It was not the intruder that "caused" the break, but the lack of a real relationship.


On the surface, many marriages seem to break up because of a "third party". This is, however, a psychological illusion. The other woman or the other man merely serves as a pretext for dissolving a marriage that had already lost its essential integrity.


Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than the bitterness of spurned love, the vengeful feeling that someone else has "come between" oneself and a beloved. This is always a distortion of reality, for people are not the captives or victims of others---they are free agents, working out their own destinies for good or for ill.


But the rejected lover or mate cannot afford to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from him--- and so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper. He calls him a hypnotist or a thief or a home-breaker. In the vast majority of cases, however, when a home is broken, the breaking has begun long before any "third party" has appeared on the scene.





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Tomorrow is mothers day. I want to give my mother a surprise.

I thought I wanted to make a breakfast for my mother. I got up early in the

second day, bought a stick in the early market, and returned home to give my

mother a few dishes and rice porridge. When my mother woke up, he said, "good

smell, who is cooking today?" Its so fragrant. " "Happy mother mothers day,"

Mama laughed and said, "my daughter grows up and will be considerate of my

parents." I laughed and I couldnt wait for my mother to taste the food I


At the entrance of my mother, she frowned and then cried again. I was

anxious to say, "Mom, is it hard to eat my food, mom, you dont cry, Im sorry,"

mother said, "its delicious, mom is moving, happy crying." I put my heart down

and ate it. I just threw it out of my mouth and said, "this is what people eat.

Some are too sweet, some too salty, "mother said," this dish is the most

delicious meal I have ever eaten in my life. "I held my mother and said," Mom,

no matter what happened, I still love you. "

Mothers embrace is our harbor of refuge. There is a mothers place to have a

family. I wish all mothers in the world happy holidays!







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车祸(An Accident)

My uncle will never forget what happened to him yesterday.

In the evening, he was invited to an inn. He enjoyed his dinner with his friends, drinking a lot of beers. As a result, he got drunk.He insisted on driving home after the meal, although his friends tried to persuade him not to do so.A few minutes later, he was winding his way on the street. And then his car ran into a tall tree. Fortunately, he was still alive, though seriously injured. The police came to the spot, and he was taken to the hospital. Naturally, he had to stay in the hospital for several days.Even worse, his driving license was revoked. How he regretted what he had done!




[高考英语作文:车祸(An Accident)



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Though there are no exact figures for the ecotourism segment, a government-sponsored push for rural tourism usually involving staying with farmers has become popular in China in recent years.


上面的报道中,ecotourism就是近几年经常被提及的一种旅游形式生态旅游,其实就是ecological和tourism两个词结合而成的,类似的用法还有eco city,eco-farming等。另外,这里还提到了rural tourism 乡村旅游,算是ecotourism的一个初步形式吧。其他常见的旅游形式还有:package tour,DIY tour,group/organized tour,medical tour等。

1.Environmental protection in the places embodying cultural, historical and natural relics will be promoted. Integrated planning and management of tourism will give priority to the development of ecological tourism and improvement of forest parks and scenic resorts.加强有关文化遗产和自然遗产的环境保护工作,加强旅游业统一规划管理,开展生态旅游,强化森林公园和风景名胜区建设。

2.A variety of tourism products designed around sightseeing, conferences and contests, vacations, business trips, academic studies, cultural explorations, technology, sports, ecological tours, and traditional customs shall all be improved.完善观光旅游、会奖旅游、度假旅游、商务旅游、修学旅游、文化旅游、科技旅游、体育旅游、生态旅游、民俗旅游等旅游产品。



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二、“赤脚哥” 戚新峰











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2016年全国各地高考英语书面表达范文汇总9套 新课标I卷

假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教MS Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format)。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。


Dear Ms Jenkins,

Im Li Hua from your English writing class last term. Im writing to ask for your help. Im applying for a part-time job at a foreign company in my city during the summer vacation, and I have just completed my application letter and resume. However, I am not quite sure of the language and the format Ive used. I know you have a very busy schedule, but Id be very grateful if you could take some time to go through them and make necessary changes. Please find my application letter and resume in the attachment.

Thank you for your kindness!


Li Hua


Dear Ms Jenkins,

I am Li Hua, I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to do me a favor.

In order to get some practical experience, I am planning to take a part-time job in a foreign capital company. I have already finished my job application and personal resume. But this is the first time that I have written an application and the personals resume, so I don’t even know if there are something to pay attention to. So, I’m writing you the letter , hoping you can give me some help. I will be very grateful if you can help me.

Looking forward to your reply. And I’d be really thankful.


Li Hua


假定你是李华,你校摄影俱乐部(photography club)将举办国际中学摄影展。请给你的英国朋友Peter写封信。请他提供作品。信的内容包括:



3.投稿cfemail="39dd9a8350574d554951564d564a51564e795e544a5a51565655175a565417">[email protected]




Dear Peter,

Our school photography club is going to hold an International High School Student Photography Show. The theme of the show is environmental protection. It will start from June 15th and last three weeks. Any students who is interested in welcome to participate.

I know you take good pictures and youve always wanted to do something for environmental protection. I remember you showed me some photos on that theme the last time you visited our school. This is surely a good chance for more people to see them. If you want to join, youcan send your photos to [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.











Dear Bob,

I’m sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon. I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon. I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble.

Shall we go on Saturday morningWe can set out early so that we’ll have more time to read and select books. If it’s convenient for you, let’s meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I should be available any time after school next week.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua




1. 该人物是谁;

2. 该人物的主要贡献;

3. 该人物对你的影响。


1. 词数不少于50;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jim,

It’s great to hear from you. I feel proud to know your interest in Chinese history. As for my favorite figure in Chinese history, it must be Wei Yuan, a great thinker in the late Qing Dynasty. He, in his book, Haiguo Tuzhi(Maps and Records of the World), introduced modern technologies and ideas to China. That opened our eyes to the world. In fact, he inspires me to major in English in college and to be a bridge between China and the world.

Interested in knowing moreI can find you some books! Just let me know.



Li Hua

第二节 ( 20 分)

假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华。你班同学参加了学校的“地球日”系列活动。请按照以下四幅图的先后顺序,以“Actions for a Greener Earth”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件,介绍活动的全过程。



Earth Day

Actions for a Greener Earth

A week before Earth Day, posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth.

Our class came up with the idea to make better use of used materials. We brought to our classroom worn-out clothes, pieces of cardboard and empty plastic bottles, and turned those into dolls, handbags, issue boxes and small vases. That weekend, we went to a nearby neighborhood and gave them away to the people there. Everyone was very happy with those unexpected gifts, especially little kids and elderly people. We did so well that we were invited to share our idea and experience with all the students of our school.

We are very proud of ourselves and believe we can do more for a better world.


Directions: Write an English composition in 120–150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.




One Possible Version 1(上海新东方)

A recent survey has been conducted on whether parents feel honored about their children in Zhonghua School. What is symbolically depicted in the bar chart above is that 80% parents regard their children as pride, while, to our surprise, only 60 in every hundred students hold the same viewpoint.

Such a striking contrast is there between the two perspectives that it reveals a common phenomenon. Parents and children hold different attitudes towards the issue. From where I am standing, two reasons are responsible for the finding.

First and foremost, with the increasingly fierce competition, teenagers are prone to suffering from the sense of inferiority. What additionally frustrates the children is peer pressure from parents. Chances are that the adults are inclined to gossip and compare with other friends about the academic performance of their children.

Apart from it, a lack of communication between parents and children is also a key factor contributing to the difference. Proud as parents feel of their children, they



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I live in a city, since I was small, I witnessed all thethings happened in this city.


Now, in my eyes, after so many years, the city haschanged so much.First, the transportation hasbecome fluent.


Many years ago, there were less bus stations, peoplealways needed to changed their lines by many cars.


But now, almost all the places can be reached by bus, people dont need to change the line.


Second, the buildings are enlarging, this reflects the citys economy develops fast.


Indeed, I can go to many newly built public places to have fun, some are for children, some arefor the old,


all of these are good for peoples communication. The citys change reflects people keep pacewith time.





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假如有一批澳大利亚中学生在京旅游,住在北京饭店,请用英语为他们拟一个参观颐和园口头通知, 内容要点如下:

1.参观时间: 五月四日,星期三

2.颐和园简介: 它是中国最大的保存最完好的皇家园林, 风景优美, 甚是迷人, 有山有水, 有皇家建筑和画廊。

3.活动安排: 上午自由参观, 中午在快餐馆吃午饭, 下午5:30返回宾馆。

4.集合时间: 星期三早上6:10, 汽车6:30开, 行驶45分钟。

5.集合地点: 宾馆大门口。

要求: 不要逐条翻译, 词数100词左右 。

One possible version:

May I have your attention?

We will visit the summer Palace on Wednesday, May 4. The Summer Palace is the largest well-kept royal park in China. In the park there is water and man-piled hills. There are some royal buildings and a gallery, too. I am sure you will be struck by its beautiful scenery. In the morning we will be free to visit the different places of the Palace and then we will have lunch in the fast-food restaurant. We will get back to the hotel at half five. Please gather at the hotel gate at 6:10 on Wednesday morning. The buses will start at 6:30. It will take us about 45 minutes to get there. Please be on time. Thank you.





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Learning English

How to learn English well?Maybe a mass of students cannot get rid of it.When it comes to Learning English,remembering words is one of the most important things to do.But remembering words is not a good business,it can take much time to do.And when you remember them,you may forget after several days.If you want to remember them for a long time,you should do it by imagination.As you remember a word,you can make a sentence to describe it.Then it can leave in your mind for a long time,even forever.

Spoken English is also important.It can be improved by reading aloud.If you read frequently,your Spoken English cannot be much bad.

Believe in yourself,you can learn English well.

